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Jeff Dunham - Achmed The Dead Terrorist
Jeff And Peanut
Jeff Dunham, Peanut & Jose FULL!
Jeff And Walter
Jeff Dunham & Walter FULL!
Jeff And Achmed
Jeff Dunham Achmed the dead terrorist
Jeff And Bubba Jay
Jeff Dunham & Bubba Jay FULL!
Jeff Dunham And Peanut
Jeff Dunham So Funny
Jefferson Has Torn Acl In Right Knee
Jeff Gordon Joins Dale Jr
In driving in the National Guard team with the # 24 car as Dupont/National Guard car Hot Comments!
Jeff Gordon Fires Entire Pit Crew
NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon has announced he has taken advantage of a new "Stimulus Package" program to employ inner-city youth by firing his professional pit crew, and replacing them with ex-gangbangers. The decision to hire the boys was inspired by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from street gangs were able to remove a set of wheels from a car in less than 6 seconds -- even without proper equipment. Gordon's existing pit crew could only do it in 8 seconds, even with the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of high tech machinery. The scheme was hailed as an "excellent and bold move" by Gordon's management team, as most races are won or lost in the pits. At the crew's first practice session, not only was the inexperienced crew able to change all 4 wheels in under 6 seconds, but within 12 seconds they had changed the paint scheme, altered the VIN number, and sold the car to Dale Earnhardt Jr. for 10 cases of Bud, a bag of weed, and photos of Jeff Gord
Jeff...he Owns Me.
I GOT OWNED!!! Kiss Me Im #!@faced - Dropkick Murphys This wonderful man just bought me in an auction. It's part of the deal that I pimp him out, but honestly..I would have done it anyway. He's just that awesome. Don't believe me? Go check him out for yourself and see. He deserves every rate/fan/add/bling that he gets. Why not go do at least one of those for me? Oh! While you're at it.....send him a Pint of fuInness...I'm sure he'd love it! Just click the picture below!!! Drunk1™@ fubar
Hi my name is Jeffrey. im 17. i live in kreamer, pa. my b-day is 10-10-91. i like girls who are straight, lesbein, and bisexual.
Jeff Foxworthy On Minnesota
Jeff Foxworthy on Minnesota If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through l8 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Minnesota. If you're proud that your state makes the national news 96 nights Each year because International Falls is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Minnesota. If you have ever refused to buy something because it's "too spendy", you might live in Minnesota. If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Minnesota. If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Minnesota. If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his forehead, you might live in Minnesota. If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in Minnesota. If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in Minnesota. If you know how to say Wayzata, Mahtomedi, Edina and
Jefferson 200 Years Ago!
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
Jeff Is The Bestest!!!
Muy husband Jeff is the BESTEST!!!  Today he brought me home some Lillies, muy favorite flower.  He is muy world, muy everything.  I love him so..... much and always will.  He is muy rock and muy safe place.  Jeff I love you baby!!!   With ALL muy heart and soul. You are the best thing that has happened to me and our family.  I hope you know just how special you really are.  Thanks for busting your ass and workning 2 jobs to support our wonderful family. Your hard work does not go unnoticed!! Muahz rawk and are the BESTEST!!!  ~ Shelly (Wifey)
Jeffrey Says Porcupines Are Pickery
Our son after I’d changed him for bed came from the bathroom last night saw my wife Martha reading “My P Book” (we have a whole series on the different letters of the alphabet and the words they begin) to Sarah and they’d gotten two-thirds of the way through.  The main character, Little P, was collecting animals and foods that started with the letter “p” and Jeffrey pointed to a porcupine and said that porcupines are “pickery”.  One of those teachable and laughable moments for the four of us; he was probably trying to say “prickly” because I know he’s heard me say it.  After Martha was done, Jeffrey and I read “The Cat in the Hat” (I was surprised he remember where the book was, in our computer desk) and it’s Dr. Seuss, it’s hard for me to NOT act the story out and do the voices, even if Martha does complain about the “overacting” giving her an earache. But my dear sweet wife has been
Jeffrey Robert And The Silver Skates
Martha didn’t get to see what Sarah and Jeffrey made yesterday at Main Street Books’ Story Time with Celia. And my wife complains that they’re rambunctious? Well, there were three just older kids than them there who had them beat for sheer whining … after we got home from church where I taught four first graders from the story of Jonah (more on that in a minute) and began to sort through four bags of clothes for Sarah that we got free from the great-niece of another church member, the kids at Story Time got to make snowmen out of marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and raisins. Good to eat too … I had the rest of Jeffrey’s after he got the raisins!   Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult, after Sarah and Jeffrey took a nap yesterday I brought them for we were invited to go ice-skating with their cousins (my nieces) Breanna and Josceline on an outdoor ice rink at their future alma mater Longfellow Elementary. (Martha REALLY hates this about where we
J-e-f-f-r-e-y And The Big Miracle Flag
So culminated the proudest moment of Mom and Dad for the week in regard to our son who will be turning three!  It came as a surprise to me before we put him and sister Sarah to bed Thursday night when Martha asked him to spell his name, and he did it!  We’ve shown that off, and I know Jeffrey who joined me for a haircut yesterday (much needed after two months) is proud of that too for he sees us beam with excitement.  They just need to work out that excess energy of theirs; so far they haven’t hit others as we’ve taken no more toys away, but their napping – oh how we who work out of the house envy kids that – needs to be an everyday thing.  It was fun watching them at McDonald’s Play Place after the breakfast I treated them to just being kids and wanting me to hold them (Sarah) or put them on my shoulders (Jeffrey).  I promise to savor every moment of that.   Sarah finished Bible school at Bethany yesterday and we got to see the T-shirt she’d
He wanted me to talk about here goes. I was also told it had to be kind words. I can do at least one of those things. I'll talk about him. As for the kind words, I don't know....I'm sure some of them will be kind words. Jeff is the first person on here that I've actually went out of state to see. It didn't hurt that my father lives close to where he did, but yeah. Anyway, I went down to North Carolina to visit a friend that I'd just made. It was great.  My cousin and I drove down there about 3 or 4 years ago. Seemed like it took forever. We ended up getting a hotel about 5 minutes from  his apartment. The next morning he showed up at the room at about 10am. Too fucking sweet too, the fucker had flowers for me and cars for my boys. My first thought? "OMG, he's so sexy". He had great hair and perfect teeth. I was a little too into looks at that point. But he ended up being a really great guy all around too.  He did however try to get me drunk. It didn't work. I have never dran
Jefrf Gordon Website Get More at Get More at
}}{{jefree Star}}{{
Jeg Elskir Du Tygg Leketey!
Mood: depressed, sick, itchy and tired Location: Aunt Sharon's In pawtucket Listening to: My mom, aunt sharon, and wally play cribbage Status: clothed, scrubs from work on bottom, and grey T-shirt Title: events of the weekend + more... ;) Dear Journal, I miss belial, my tygg leketey! its norwegian for something. Figure it out! lol Weekend was interesting. -Thursday: Worked from 630 am to 230 pm. then took bus to mandy and heather's. Kittie was there. :) took 1/2 naked porno like pics for fun lol Kittie was director and producer, as well as photographer. As well as Noel. -Friday: Talked to belial for the 1st time since he went to iraq.
Jeg Er Ikke Mennesklig
Kan sies som en hedersbetegnelse. Jeg er ingenting er ingen typisk heder. Men Ingen? Tja. Vi må kontakte Bowie igjen ettersom han er en ekspert på 5 kollonisme og det engelske språket i en sær symbiose. Etter å ha gitt sangen The Word (King påstår at ordet er Mum forresten) til Lennon hadde Bowie etter egen mening reddet Beatles fra koblingen til Kennedy-mordet. Men Bowie samarbeidet også nært med jødene. Noe som ga Dylan ideen til Ballad Of A Thin Man. Noe som var en heder inntil mennesker som likte å drikke øl ikke helt forsto hederen. Hunter S Thompson skrev en sint artikkel om menn som ønsket å være kvinner i 1967, med et bilde av Twiggy som ledsager. Og Twiggy var antagelig en av årsakene til Tin Man tittelen, noe som førte til Bowies angrep på sin kamerat på Song To Bob Dylan. Sinnet mot Thompson ga Bowie styrke til å tre frem i rampelyset i 1969 med Space Oddity. Derfor er Life On Mars også en sang til Thompson. En felles ensomhet antagelig. Og McCartneys tilnærming til Bowie
Jeg Hater Herman Wildenvey
Vi vet at Jens Bjørneboe var pedofil. Og han har litterært mot til å fortelle om hendelsen, selv om han beskriver en liten pike. Ikke en liten gutt som var tilfelle. Han er dessuten den eneste norske forfatteren som beskriver bestialitet, om enn som et bi-tema i Bestialitetens Historie. Bortsett fra Agnar Mykle som har skrevet en novelle om kjærlighetsforholdet mellom en gutt og ei ku... Se for deg tre fyrer i "Det Mørke Hjørnet", puben Gravesen i Christiania, tidlig 1900-tall. Svein Elvestad, Olaf Bull og Herman Wildenvey. Som en farsfigur for alle tre har vi geniet og melankonikeren Nils Kjær. Vi kan se ham som bindeleddet fra den gamle klanen av Christiania Bohemen og han har ingen annen rolle enn på holde selskapet sammen. Han har inngående kjennskap i bl.a Nietzsche, Rosseau, Kierkegaard etc. Han behersket gresk og latin og leser tysk, fransk og italiensk. Du kan se ham som den snille faren som prøver å muntre opp sønnene idet han vet verden kommer til å gå til helvete.
Jeg Tror Jeg Har Funnet En Plausibel Forklaring På Mysteriet
Kleopatra ble invadert av eller besøkt av Ceasar og Anthony i Egypt. Det førte til at Kleopatra kunne gripe makten ved å gjøre noen trekk som muliggjorde at hun kom unna et problematisk forhold til sin lillebror som hun måtte bekjempet før hun kunne overta. Vi må huske på at Ceasar var en eldre mann og overhode ikke interessert i Kleopatra som kvinne. Han benyttet Anthony som elskovs stand-in og giftet seg pro-forma med Kleopatra. Den eneste mulige årsaken til at Kleopatra deretter så lett kunne drepe lillebroren sin var at hun hadde tilbudt ham til Ceasar som en godgjørelse for deres manglende forhold. Eller at Ceasar hadde tiltvunget seg det. Forholdet mellom Ceasar og Octavian peker mot et homofilt forhold mellom dem. Da Kleopatra siden drar til Rom kan derfor to mulige scenarioer ha skjedd: Enten at hun hadde framtvunget et selvmord eller at hun hadde fortalt hva som hadde skjedd, noe som igjen førte til at han ble myrdet. Hun hadde da i en periode levd i et håpl
Jehovas Witnesses
I found out if you put an ad in the paper for buying never know what the hell will show up to your door. I put an ad in the paper for buying old model cars. I have had alot of calls all week long. This one guy calls tells me he has models to sell. He rides several miles on a bicycle to get here. So I deal with this guy and at the end of the deal...he pulls out the leaflet things and begins to start preaching! OH NO! Dammit where my Ozzy T shirt with Speak Of The Devil on the front of it!! I was trying to be nice....wasnt working. DAMMIT! Now What? Ok its time to let this guy know I dont go for this shit. I tell him I am Baptist. Well that almost worked...the bible bombing continues...Finally I get all kinds of rude and told him to hit the fuckin road! Beware of what you advertise never know what you will get.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Today i got a visit from our neighborhood pests. Who the hell do these people think they are? They think they can just come and knock on my door at the ass crack of dawn and annoy the shit out of me. Where is the racial profile for these people? Seriously, someone needs to take care of these zealots asap.
Jek Porkins
I found this page on the internet.  It made me laugh. Porkins at Hall Of Magnificent Bastards
The Jekyll-hyde Theory - Resurrected
He is one hell of a mysterious person, whom, from the perspective of a normal individual, appears to be another face in the yearbook of an elite school who had won numerous academic awards. He wears glasses. He doesn’t play football. He was rarely seen amongst the popular crowd. Teachers seemed to like him a lot, I mean, those teachers who thought they knew enough about him to actually judge. His peers thought he was just another docile version of DJ Qualls (in The Road Trip). A timid idiot he was, always got picked during lunch and was a Linkin Park’s enthusiast. A geek. A dork. A loser. However you want to pigeonhole him as. In class, he is adored by every lecturer; always the one solving theoretical problems and asking the most unthinkable questions. Give him a test and out of sheer luck, he would get the highest marks. Probably it is (or obviously) because his proficiency in English is way better than even some of the lecturers (take note that I actually highlighted the word som
Jekyll-and-hyde Personality
Jekyll & Hyde?
So yeah, this weekend Chris was telling me about this shot she took that had the aforementioned name and told me what it consisted of... me being me... i put it together last night. ONE shot basically shot me down for a good hour. My sister called me cause she likes talking to me when I'm hammered. That was some P O T E N T shit, but after an hour I was sober again. She said she would do this shot for my bday if it didn't make me puke, and it didn't. So now she and ruby are stuck doing this for my bday. Prepare Ruby.... you're gonna wanna heave! Although I didn't think it tasted all that nasty.
Jekyll & Hyde Issues...
Women are truly a complex specimen...  There is no questioning that, yet still countless men and women try to figure out what their friends and lovers want.  Occassionally they are fortunate enough to figure out the right things or one might be so lucky as to have a friend or lover that thinks along the same line as they do. While I could never insinuate that I am a perfect guy or that I have all the answers, I believe that I am "cursed" with the Nice Guy label.   I am a nice guy -- it is simply part of my persona and personality and I don't know any other way of being.  If a friend or family member needs my help in any way that I am able to provide it, I will do that.  If I cannot personally help, I will help them possibly find a solution that will aid them through others or other means.  This is who I am, simply stated.   What really appears to perplex me is the "Jekyll & Hyde" mentality that many women have when it comes to men...  These women say they want a "nice guy" -- some
Jeleniz Martini Bar Date Has Changed!
The show in mattoon has been moved forward one week....we will have the same people ....same time...same place...just may 10th instead of may 17th.....hope to see ya'll come out and have fun! Tim
Jeleniz May Cancel
If you were thinking about going to the show in mattoon, you need to call the bar and reserve tickets or go buy tickets now...if the show doesn't sell its not happening Tim
Jeleniz Is Cancelled, I Was Not The Organizer!
unfortunately, the show in mattoon is cancelled.....please contact me if you know of a place in mattoon that would be a better venue for a comedy show there and I'll contact them myself....I was not the organizer for this thing, thats all I am going to say about it.
Is it wrong for someone to get jelious over a few pics? I think maybe i will accept it...
Jello Shots
3 packages of Jello containing sugar 2 1/2 cups vodka 3 1/3 cups water Bring the water to a boil and remove from heat. Slowly stir in the Jello until dissolved. Wait 3 minutes, then stir in the vodka. Pour into individual shot-size cups and freeze.
Jelly Bean
You Are a Cinnamon Jelly Bean Sassy and bold, your behavior is often shocking - even to those who know you well. And while you're too hot to handle, people still are addicted to you. What Flavor Jelly Bean Are You?
Jelly's Life
for those of you that dont know me,my name is jillian.i was boen to richard and denice moore on april 24.1979.they are both of oklahoma and attended schools there.also attended northern oklahoma college at the enid campus (go jets). i met my husband beau in 1996(wow 9 years ago .) beau has two kids from previws relationships.kai-loni was born novermber 9,1990 and tony was born febrcary 10,1992.beau and i had our first child on january 18,1999.her name is desarae thas is next year we desided that the time in our life was right to get married and we did so on august 18,2000. we had our next child on november 29,2002. his name is saige .as most of you know beau work for walmart and we courrently live in . we are on the western slop and only about an hour from, which is a big ski commuity here.i dont know wif this means anything to anyone but this is a brief history of my life thank you for taking the time to read it
I first met Georgia about a year ago, when I was moving in my new condo in West Palm Beach. She was tan, trim, big busted for a petite lady and the divorced mother of two children. She was very out going, with a steady stream of questions, local information, and the latest gossip going around the complex. Over the next few months, I became a regular visitor, dropping by Georgia's apartment after work and on Saturday mornings. She never seemed to mind, and occasionally she would drop by my place if she hadn't seen me for a day or two. I never thought much about her, sexually that is, as she never mentioned a boyfriend and appeared to never date or even go out with the "girls". She was fun to be with, but I just figured that she would rather give her time to her childrenthan be hanging out in some bar or whatever. She never mentioned sex, except to joke about never wanting it anymore, or being "no mans land" was better than putting up with a "man" hanging around wanting it all
Jelly Beans
Have you heard the story of the jelly beans? Little jelly beans Tell a story true. A tale of our Father's love That's just for me and you. GREEN is for the new spring grass. YELLOW is for the sun above. BROWN is for the soft earth where People sat hearing of HIS love. PURPLE'S for the robe he wore RED is for that precious wine. BLACK is for the sins He washed From your soul and mine. BLUE'S for the sadness of HIS friends and family, and is for the glory of the Day HE rose for you and me. Now that you've heard the story You know what each color means. The story of our Father's love As told by jelly beans. So when you see jelly beans on this Easter season, stop and remember, Jesus is the reason!
Jelly And Mz Mic And My Other Good Friends...
I will stay because of you guys. xoxoxoxo more tomorrow.... poof
Jelly Time
Jelly Beans Contest!!!!
okay here are the people in my contest this will start tomorrow @ 2:00 pm my time..and will run for comment bomb your friend or your self there are know rules..just no bitch or crying about this and that i dont want to hear lets have a good time and some fun...from jellybean (repost of original by '·ï¡÷¡ï· JÊ££¥ ßÊÁÑ·ï¡÷¡ï·' on '2007-01-25 10:00:24')
Jellybeans B-day Yall Show Her Sum Love
Heres a Vid for you! Jellyhead! So what if your jeans are torn They've been torn since Bros were cool I wanted you for a little while You got it wrong by a million miles Big deal what a thrill what a let down Kissing in your car When I should have been out I want the Prodigy really loud I want it all right now Chorus: Over and over I feel it Boyfriend you're alone You must be out of your mind Jellyhead, you've really blown it In the slow lane Never change the way that I feel Go home never know never be real Cause not one thing you said was true I'm gonna find somebody new Make up break up always the same Get out what about you and me Say i've been hanging around you too long When summer comes I'm gone Chorus * 2 I wanna be flying in the clear sky I wanna be diving in the blue I gotta be out in the evening Jellyhead without you Without you
Jellyfish Bad Day!!!!! (i Luv My Job)
> If you don't laugh out loud after you read this you are in a coma! >This is even funnier when you realize it's real! Next time you have a bad >day at work think of this guy. Rob is a commercial saturation diver for >Global Divers in Louisiana. He performs underwater repairs on offshore >drilling rigs. Below is an email he sent to his sister. She then sent it to >radio station 103.2 on FM dial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was sponsoring a >worst job experience contest. Needless to say she won! > > Hi Sue, > > Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. > > Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling >down lately at work, so I thought I would share my! dilemma with you to >make you realize it's not so bad after all. Before I can tell you what >happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. > > As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a suit >to the o
Jelly-bean Studded Meringue Nests
Jelly-Bean Studded Meringue Nests Description Make these nests the day before and scoop the sorbet just before serving. Ingredients 6 egg whites Pinch of salt 1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1 1/2 cups sugar 4 ounces assorted Jelly Belly jelly beans (cotton candy, berry blue, lemon drop, island punch, lemon lime) Mango sorbet or sherbet Preparation Preheat oven to 170°F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Using round cookie cutter or small can, trace the outline of a 4-inch circle, for 8 to 10 circles. Set aside. In clean, dry mixing bowl of electric mixer, beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. With mixer running, add almond extract and gradually add sugar. Beat until stiff and glossy. Spoon meringue about 3/4 cup at a time onto parchment-lined baking sheet, using tracing lines as guides for size. With large spoon make indentation in each meringue mound to form nests. Gently press jelly beans i
Jelly Fish Kind Of Day
Jelly Fish Kind of Day Are YOU having a "jellyfish" kind of day? If you don't laugh out loud after you read this you are in a coma! This is even funnier when you realize it's real! Next time you have a bad day at work ... Think of this guy, Rob a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana. He performs underwater repairs on Offshore drilling rigs. Below is an E-mail he sent to his sister. She then sent it to radio station 103.2 on FM dial in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, who was Sponsoring a worst job experience contest. Needless to say, she won. Hi, Just another note from your bottom-dwelling brother. Last week I had a bad day at the office. I know you've been feeling down lately at work, so I thought I would share my dilemma with you to make you realize it's not so bad after all. Before I can tell you what happened to me, I first must bore you with a few technicalities of my job. As you know, my office lies at the bottom of the sea. I wear a s
I'm eating a jello cup without a spoon. why am I telling you this?
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - A woman is suing the pharmacy that sold her a popular contraceptive jelly - because she ate the stuff on toast and got pregnant anyway. And, incredibly, many legal experts are saying she's got an excellent chance of collecting! "The woman is a complete idiot," said one attorney who asked that we not use his name. "How bright can you be if you think eating a vaginal gel will prevent conception? "But certain aspects of the case involve truth in labeling and false advertising issues. She may not collect but she'll make a lot of noise and trouble. People are down on lawyers anyway. They think we waste time and money on frivolous lawsuits. This isn't going to help our public relations any." A spokesman for the unnamed mom-and-pop drugstore says he's shocked and angry that such a case could ever be taken seriously. "All she has to do is open the box and read the directions," says the spokesman. "Next thing you know someone will come after us because they could
Jello Shots
3 packages of Jello containing sugar 2 1/2 cups vodka 3 1/3 cups water Bring the water to a boil and remove from heat. Slowly stir in the Jello until dissolved. Wait 3 minutes, then stir in the vodka. Pour into individual shot-size cups and freeze.
Jelly Bean
You Are a Margarita Jelly Bean Wildly optimistic and jovial, you know how to get through anything with flair. You have a certain "je ne sais quoi" that makes you an alluring companion. What Flavor Jelly Bean Are You?
Jelly Beans
A little kid was sitting on the top of a flight of stairs and his Mum was watching him. The kid had a bag of jelly beans. He put one in his mouth, ate it, grabbed the cat and bit it. Then dropped down to the next step, put another jelly bean in his mouth,ate it, bit the cat again and dropped down to the next step.His mum, wondered what he was doing and went up and asked him. He replied: "I'm playing Trucker," said the kid, "Poppin Pills, Eating P***y and Movin'on."
Jellyfish Safety Pin Jewelry
Jellyfish Beaded Safety Pin Use this free Jellyfish pattern to make beaded safety pin jewelry. Materials Needed: * 14 - 1 1/16 inch Safety Pins * 1 - 2 inch Safety Pin * Seed Beads (see picture below for colors needed) Instructions: Follow this pattern and the basic directions on the safety pin jewelry page to complete this project. Each number column represents a pin; for example, your first pin will have 10 light blue beads on it. Your second pin will have 2 light blue beads, 3 pink beads, 4 light blue beads, and 1 pink bead on it. When you thread these beaded pins onto your larger pin, start with pin number 1.
Jelly Bean Prayer
The Jelly Bean Prayer Red is for the blood He gave, Green is for the grass He made, Yellow is for the sun so bright, Orange is for the edge of night. Black is for the sins that were made White is for the grace He gave, Purple is for the hour of sorrow, Pink is for the new tomorrow. Give a bag full of jelly beans, Colorful and sweet, Tell them it's a Prayer.... It's a promise.. It's an Easter Treat!
Jello Shots
YUMMY! 1 package lime jell-o 1 cup boiling water 1 cup tequila There are lots of variations but this my fav. Also during the summer months check out the special flavors of jell-o.
Jelly Bellys
I bought myself some Jelly Bellys.  I love em.  I was just grabbing them out of the bag at random, and I bit into one that had a taste similar to Jager.  Ah I can't wait for the party ;)  I had to savor that Jelly Belly lol  Call me crazy, but I've never eaten a jelly bean that made me want to
Jello Puddin With A Plastic Spoon.
I wish my cat Kenya would hurry up and have her kitties. I want something small and fluffy to say" AWES how cute!!"too. Today started off on a flattering note. I dropped my midgets off at school and proceeded to the gas station. Normally I pump my own gas if grizzle bear is not in attendance but,this mornin I was still sporting my jammies but threw on a scarf and hoodie for good measures. I went thru the full service lane and was greeted with a "good mornin darlin whatcha be needin?"told him the amount with a smirk and a swift blow of my bangs outta my eyes and sat there waiting patiently..tappin my foot to Bitter sweet Smyphony. Upon his return he asked if that was all,I stated that would be it followed by wishes for a good day.He says thanks then continues to tell me "ahh and you were my fourth gorgous lady so far" I blinked,blushed ,giggled and sunk into my scarf ..thanked him kindly and sat there for a moment.   Now my husband tells me all the time that I am beautiful,in
Jellyfish Nebula
Jelly Bean Android 4.1: Disponible En Code Source
juillet 11 , 2012 offrit des informations de produit chinois Jelly Bean Android 4.1 10.1 pouce: disponible en code source. Google continue sa philosophie d'offrir le code de son système d'exploitation ouvert aux développeurs de travailler librement. Disponibilité de sa nouvelle version, la 4.1 Jelly Bean, de sorte que chacun peut utiliser, améliorer et si l'on ose l'appliquer à nos appareils mobiles. Les fabricants peuvent également l'utiliser pour l'installer dès que possible à différents terminaux. Le code source ouvert permet à Google de continuer à développer son petit empire Android, mais les avantages à tous les utilisateurs en se cachant le travail de nombreux développeurs. Disponible pour les développeurs le code source de la nouvelle version d'Android, le bonbon 4.1. Bonnes nouvelles pour tous les utilisateurs et les différents fabricants de commencer à travailler dès que possible pour l'inclusion dans les différents dispositifs. Google vous permet d
Well, what a week! Not much to say except it really really sucks. I am jealous of time a certain someone spends with others. I know jealousy is terrible and I shouldn't do it. Funny thing, I was never jealous when I was married, but he destroyed my self-confidence over 11 years I have never been a jealous person and I hate the way it makes me feel. I feel whiney, bitchy and I don't even want to be around myself so can't figure out why I would want to make the people I care about suffer. I know I will get in trouble for not talking to this person, but I have a hard time communicating my feelings, most of the time it is just easier to bury them under myself. Besides how do you tell someone u care about u r jealous, when u shouldn't be in the first place. I just think if he knows what a problem I am he will leave me. Oh well, guess I just got to learn to get it under control or something. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help
Jelousy is an ugly thing it makes people say horrid things they say things that make you mad, and then try to make you feel sad When someone gives you something they cant they treat you like shit because of it. Why is it that when something good comes your way someone tryes to crush the happiness that came to you that day? You try so hard to help others out but get kicked in the teeth by someone that says they care about you. How much jelousy can one person take. With out having to break?
Jelousy The Green Eyed Monster!
You Are 73% Jealous You're a pretty jealous person, and you've started to let it really effect your life. While it's natural to feel a little envious of what people have, it's never healthy to take it to these extremes. Focus on what you've got going on. And improve on the things you don't like. Being truly happy with yourself is the only way to chase out the green eyed monster! How Jealous Are You?
I sit here alone in the dark. Heartbreak rules my emotions. Sadness takes me over. On waves of pain, I am to embark No soothing will console me, No, "I'm sorry" will help. Nothing can help me, I guess, this just has to be. A life is wasted, The loss is overwhelming. I try to hide my sorrow, Again, I am tested. Your smile is no more, Your wonderful laugh is missed. The joy you brought, vanished. It hurts to the core. I will miss you, my friend, You were taken so early. I will always smile, Thinking of you, Jem. ~~ A tribute to a wonderful friend taken from us much too soon~~ Darla
  Hélène Je m'appelle Hélène Je suis une fille comme les autres Hélène J'ai mes jois, mes peines Elle au font ma vie Comme la votre Je voudrais trouver l'amour Simplement trouver l'amour Hélène Je m'appelle Hélène Je suis une fille comme les autres Hélène Si mes nuits sont plaine du rêve, du poèm Je n'ai rien d'autre Je voudrais trouver l'amour Simplement trouver l'amour Et même Si j'ai ma photo dans tout les journeaux chaque semaine Personne ne m'attend le soir quand je rentre tard Personne n'a fait battre mon coeur lorsque sétaigne la projecteur Hélène Je m'appelle Hélène Je suis une fille comme les autres Je voudrais trouver l'amour Simplement trouver l'amour Et même Quand à la télé Vous me regardez Sourire et chater Personne ne m'attend le soir quand je rentre tard Personne n'a fait battre mon coeur lorsque sétaigne la projecteur Hélène Je m'appelle Hélène Je suis une fille comme les autres Hélène Et tout de mes peines Trouverent l'oubli UN jour ou l'autre Quand je trouver
Jen Housley-Horn Go to that site. Click a few buttons you think describe me. You can put your name if you want, but if you dont want anyone to know who you are, dont write anything in that box! Simple!
Jen is on air atCome Rawk out!
Hey, you guys have read the few blogs I've had about Jen, we are trying to make this work but I just go this from her, She has this and it's destroying me inside.You guys please leave me lots of love on this cause I am so fucking scared right now.{Below} Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a break down of Acid in your blood stream that slowly poisons your blood. Caused by not enough insulin in the body. It can lead to diabetic coma, and then death if not dealt with, and they are trying to deal with it but so far failing.  
Jena Six.... They Need Your Help
The Jena 6 Media Story
So, this morning, all there is on the idiot box is stories and coverage of the morons flocking to support the “Jena 6”. Yes, I said morons. Why? Because, they are listening to the media who are the ones that are escalating this event so that there is a story (of their own making) to cover. Please, read on. Ok, let me say this loud and clear, I am white and I am not a racist. So, why aren’t I supporting the “Jena 6”? Let’s look at this in the short and simple version. Last year a group of kids (#1) sat under a tree where another group of kids (#2) usually hung out. The other group of kids (#2) didn’t like it so they hung up what many described as “hangman’s nooses”. The first group of kids (#1) didn’t like that so they beat the living crap out of another kid. Do we see any disparity here? Ok, let’s take it a step at a time; Last year a group of kids sat under a tree where another group of kids usually hung out. There is no crime here, even if they knew the first
The Jena 6?
Rev. Al Sharpton is a piece of shit. I dont care about his race or what he's fucking standing for. He wants all blacks to get away with anything they can. The Jena 6 (6 black kids) beat a white kid to where his face was swollen and bloodied along with he was knocked unconsious and to Sharpton, thinks they should get away with it. I dont care what color these kids are. They need to be made paid for the attempted murder chargest that were first brought upon them. Instead, the damned charges were reduced to battery for all but one of them 6. Yeah, this white kid who was beaten can say it was a racial thing, but if he did, we whites would get even more of the shit end of the deal. But hell, if 6 white kids would beat some black kid, it would be a total racist situation. I hate all races after reading all this bullshit and especially Sharpton because he's filled with bullshit up the brim. Hate my opinion or not, I couldnt give a FUCK! Im not racist but if you wanna take it li
The Jena 6... Another Bitching Blog
I really HATE all of the white, black, latino, purple, yellow, blue whatever fucking color skinned people who are rallying for these 6 black kids to get off with beating a white classmate. Again, like I said yesterday, Rev. Al Sharpton and lets just add in Jesse Jackson, because they're both for black rights no matter what they did and if they did commit a crime, are both PIECES OF SHIT. Easy enough right? I watched and saw hundreds and thousands of people marching for these 6 kids rights. YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID if you think that beating ANYONE unconcious no matter what their color is, is RIGHT! If YOU are one of these people who think these 6 kids did NOTHING wrong, then I think YOU need to be made infertile! I dont think YOUR STUPIDITY should be PASSED ON! Even if this white kid went and attacked one of the 6 kids, the other 5 are STILL GUILTY! There was NO REASON for a fight to be 6 on 1. If ANYONE thinks thats alright, YOU'RE A FUCKING COWARD! If I could, I'd b
Jena, Louisiana: The True Story By Stacey M. Chapman, A Resident Of Jena
Friday, September 21, 2007 Jena, Louisiana: the True Story This was written by Stacey M. Chapman, a resident of Jena. Population 3500, Jena is located northeast of Alexandria, Louisiana, and is the seat of LaSalle Parish. It's some 50 miles west of Natchez, Mississippi, where I grew up. I'm not even sure how to start this post... . I decided that it was time that there was a dose of the facts. Once upon a time, a school assembly was held to discuss dress codes at Jena High School. An assembly was held for the boys, and one for the girls, as the dress codes do have some differences. As a joke during the boys' assembly, a black boy, who is known to always joke around, asked the principal, "Can we sit under the tree?" There are no boundaries as to where anyone can or cannot sit at the school. That tree was a twig when I went there. It grows right smack in the middle of the school square. Kids tend to congregate in areas with their friends. Kids congregate under the tree, on the
Jena 6
I need to get my feelings on this out. I'm sure you have all heard about the Jena 6. the 6 black boys thata were originally accused of attempted murder. Bullshit? yes. racist? definately. there is far too much happening here to just turn a blind eye to it. don't get me wrong yes the 6 black boys should be punished for the beating. but comeon attempted murder? had the media not picked this up these boys would be spending a large portion of their lives in prison. this is distressing because of the fact that one of the black students was jumped at a party by several white students. the white kids got off scott free, not even a slap on the wrist. how is this fair? how is this not racist?
The Jena 6
Hey Friends, I am writing this to ask to U to HELP me to STOP THE HATE, U can help by signing to the online petition to help the Jena 6 students, By sigining u are helping the future of YOUR CHILDREN AND MINE, Please help because this is 2007 and we should be helping each other not trying to bring others down. So again I ask PLEASE HELP TO STOP THE HATE! Thanks, Emily
The Jena 6
" The Case of the Jena 6 Last fall, when two Black high school students sat under the "white" tree on their campus, white students responded by hanging nooses from the tree. When Black students protested the light punishment for the students who hung the nooses, District Attorney Reed Walters came to the school and told the students he could "take [their] lives away with a stroke of [his] pen." Racial tension continued to mount in Jena, and the District Attorney did nothing in response to several egregious cases of violence and threats against black students. But when a white student--who had been a vocal supporter of the students who hung the nooses--taunted a black student, allegedly called several black students "nigger", and was beaten up by black students, six black students were charged with second-degree attempted murder. Last month, the first young man to be tried, Mychal Bell, was convicted. He faces up to 22 years in prison for a school fight." Seriously these children do
Jena Six
The case of Jena Six in central Louisiana: Whole news story can be found at Black high school students were charged with attempted murder for a schoolyard fight because they beat a white kid after finding a noose hanging from a tree. Did they see this kid hanging the noose? I think they would have beat him right then and there if they had and not waited till the next day!! Whos to say this kid hung the fuckin noose? And is that anyway to respond to a noose hangin from a tree--fuck no!! They should have made a complaint with the school board and local police department. Now theyre crying that the system is being to rough on them because theyre charged with attempted murder!! But Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come to theyre rescue--wont they??? If the KKK came to a white kids rescue I guess that would be racist----FUCK YOU!! I hope this black kid rots in prison.
The Jena 6
Ok, is anyone tired of hearing about this ridiculous Jena 6 bullshit. Just a few minutes ago I was watching a news show with some guy whining about how racism still exists. Well of course it does. Only thing is, apparently to the residents of Jena and the bandwagoners across the country, it's considered racist to hang a noose in a tree, but it's not considered racist for a 6 on 1 pile-on of blacks on a white kid that had nothing to do with the hanging of the noose. Oh, but it's racist to charge these animals with attempted murder, and in all honesty 6 people beating on one could result in death, it happens everyday in 1 on 1 beatings I'm sure. I'm just so sick and tired of the double standard that society has become way too accepting of.
Jen And Nicole Cont'd
It was the silence that woke me. We hadn't turned on the the fans when we'd started playing, so once rested the silence in the room became unbearable. My eyes opened slowly, and as my mind shook off the sense dulling effects of sleep I began to notice things. I noticed Jen, spooned against my back, arm draped over me, her head nuzzled into the space where the back of my neck meets my shoulder. As she's not generally a cuddler in her sleep i found it to be a pleasant surprise. The other thing I noticed, also a pleasant surprise, was the woman I was holding in my arms. Nicole was facing me, her arms pinned between us, her palms resting on my chest. My cheek was resting against her forehead, and as I squinted I could just make out her features by the dim red light of my bedside clock. The three of us were covered in the thick green comforter Jen and I had gotten when we married. Surely it was her doing, she can't stand to sleep uncovered. I lifted my head slightly to see the time, it was
Jen And Nicole Cont'd
By the time we were all ready and out the door our culinary opportunities consisted of Denny’s or…Denny’s. We chose the former. Jen and Nicole sat on the same side of the booth, opposite me, and each held one of my hands. The waitress gave us a few raised eyebrows, but in the end apparently decided to keep any questions to herself. Dinner was eaten quickly and we were soon back in the car and all but racing home. There was no trail of discarded clothing stretching from the front door to the bed, but the pile at the foot of the bed grew fast and tall. I had Nicole on her back and was kissing her deeply and slowly as Jen pulled the last of her clothes off. My right hand roamed up and down her body as the left worked its way into her hair. I glanced down to take in her naked form, and saw Jen slowly kissing her way up Nicole’s leg. Jen’s hand slid up Nicole’s inside thigh, tracing a path she followed unerringly with her lips and tongue. Nicole gasped a
Jen And Tom
Jen stood in front of the mirror applying the rest of her make up. She looked in the full length mirror and fixed her shirt making it wrinkle free. She tugged at her skirt so that to is wrinkle free. She put her glasses on and slid her high heels on, ready for another day of work. She grabs her keys and purse and heads out the door. Driving the half hour commute to work stopping to pick up coffee. Jen arrived at the office juggling her coffee, purse, laptop, and cellphone and attempting to open the door. A man came around the corner whom was in a hurry and runs right into her. Jens coffee spilled all over her and him and she landed on the ground. " I am so sorry, here let me help you up." the man said to jen Jen reached up with one hand and he helped pull her to her feet.She bends down to pick up her laptop and purse. Her cellphone lay near the door in 2 broken pieces. "Thanks for helping me. I'v never seen you around here. Are you new?" Jen asked the man "Yes i am, my name is To
Do you have feelings of inadeqacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? If you answered yes to any of these questions ask your Doctor or pharmacist about Jenatalia...."> Jenatalia is the safe natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Jenatalia can help ease you out of your shyness and will let you tell the world that you are ready and willing to do just about anything! You will notice the benefits of Jenatalia almost immediatly and with a regiment of regular dosage you can overcome almost any obstacle that keeps your from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwarness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had . Stop hiding and start living with Jenatalia Jenatalia may not be for everyone Women who are pregnant or nursing should not try Jenatalia. Howev
Jen And Tom Part 2
    As Jen drove down the road she thought to herself. "My god...what did i just do...."She continued driving until she saw her driveway and pulled in. She collected her things and got out of the car. She opened her front door and switched on the light to light the darkened house. She climbed up the stairs and took her clothes off, and climbed into the shower.     Jen scrubbed her body, thinking of Toms rough touch and how much it turned her on. Before she could think about it she was sliding a finger in between the lips of her pussy and sliding it all around. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as she slid her finger into her pussy. As she slid her finger in and out of her pussy she moaned louder and louder. After bringing herself to orgasm she cleaned up in the shower and got into her pajamas and climbed into bed and closed her eyes.     Jen was woken the next morning by her cat meowing in her face. She got up and stretched, slowly going down the stairs trying to wake up. Jen sat a
Jenatalia Would Love This Guy!!!
->Eric Maste...: at least my blog readers will have a laugh out of this->Eric Maste...: not usually :)Eric Maste...: do you get annoyed easly->Eric Maste...: it annoys the shit out of meEric Maste...: just wondering is all does it bother you that i asked->Eric Maste...: why are you doing any of this?? what grown man asks a stranger to kick them in the balls?!Eric Maste...: why do you think im doing that?Eric Maste...: omg that would leave a mark->Eric Maste...: are we done now? do you have enough jacking off material?->Eric Maste...: right now? at this precise moment? I'd kick you so hard your great grand kids could feel itEric Maste...: how hard would u kcik me if given the chance->Eric Maste...: no and no.Eric Maste...: have you ever kicked a guy there before either by accident or on purpose->Eric Maste...: I've never claimed to be nice->Eric Maste...: well is there a point to this?Eric Maste...: lol thats not very nice->Eric Maste...: if it was you, I'd do it for freeEric Maste...:
Je N'ai Cependant Choisir Jusqu'à Un Ordonez Maillot Magglio Authentique D'un Tj Maxx Pour 20 $ Après Une
"Mike quand avez-vous effectuer pour MSU", "Étiez-vous le waterboy et si on vous a donné un maillot" et ainsi de suite. Dans le cas où vous avez un particulier font déjà ce que je fais et que vous partez dans votre placard. Cela ressemble toujours à une superbe idée pour un cadeau ou pour vous-même, mais ne le fera pas Assurez-vous que le lecteur même joue maintenant pour l'équipe sur le maillot:!maillots football, Cela ressemble à un clair un seul mais vous seriez probablement surpris. Dès que chaque lendemain d'être échangé ou signé pour un nouveau groupe de la marque un maillot des joueurs présentera-vous à la réduction des boutiques de vêtements de finition pour moins de la moitié sur l'étiquette de prix de vente conseillé typique. Soyez donc prudent si vous êtes un acheteur impulsif et voyez un maillot d'un joueur que vous aimez pour pas cher. (Comprendre pourquoi il est vraiment à la vente) Je n'ai cependant choisir jusqu'à un Ordonez maillot Magglio authentique d'u
Je Ne Regrette Rien...
Je ne regrette rien... I do not regret anything. I do not regret the sun, or the moon, and I do not regret the scent of your perfume, that still lingers on my pillow, as an aromatic reminder that you've gone. I don't regret the tears shed in the storms, hidden only by a thousand rain drops, and I don't regret the pains in my heart. I do not regret anything, because you were worth it. To have spent one perfect moment with you is worth the million years of hurt destined to follow.
Je Ne Regrette Rien...
Je ne regrette rien... I do not regret anything. I do not regret the sun, or the moon, and I do not regret the scent of your perfume, that still lingers on my pillow, as an aromatic reminder that you've gone. I don't regret the tears shed in the storms, hidden only by a thousand rain drops, and I don't regret the pains in my heart. I do not regret anything, because you were worth it. To have spent one perfect moment with you is worth the million years of hurt destined to follow.
Je Ne Regret Rien
Je Ne Regrette Rien -cassia Eller
>@ fubar Come show this California hot tie some love She is a sweet heart And she has a kick ass lounge So check it out Mistress Get on Your knees and beg aka ‘Jenesa‘@ fubar NOW GO GIVE HER SOME LOVE NOW DAMN IT. This Pimpout Brought to you By: Blue Dragon (Member Of TheSpankers)@ fubar
Jenesa's First Happy Hour
It's Her First Happy Hour So Please Make sure your onIts" this Friday at 8 pm (fuBar time)Show her lot's of love and bomb her ass!Make sure you fan/ Rate/ and Add her sexy selfit will be the best thing you ever did!Jenesa Kiss of Death@ fubarShow her lot's of love and bomb her ass!Make sure you fan/ Rate/ and Add her sexy selfit will be the best thing you ever did!This pimp out was made byBlue Dragon@ fubar
Jenesa's First Happy Hour
  It's Her First Happy Hour So Please Make sure your onIts" this Friday at 8 pm (fuBar time)Show her lot's of love and bomb her ass!Make sure you fan/ Rate/ and Add her sexy selfit will be the best thing you ever did!Jenesa Kiss of Death@ fubar   Show her lot's of love and bomb her ass!Make sure you fan/ Rate/ and Add her sexy selfit will be the best thing you ever did!This pimp out was made byBlue Dragon@ fubar  
Jen (h.l.k.)
Miss Jen ("Huggable Lovable Kissable Jen") died? Didn't know her except for brief exchanges of happy words, but thought well of her. Wasn't aware that she'd died, though?!?...
Jenifer Lopez
Waiting For Tonight Video - Jennifer Lopez lyricsJennifer Lopez Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureFree Layouts
Jen Is Bored ;) And Because Jim Won't Read It On Facebook
1) Are you in a complicated relationship?Only when I make it that way.2) Do you hate more than 3 people?nope, just one4) How many houses have you lived in?75) Favorite candy bar?Snickers6) Have you ever tripped someone?Not on purpose...I think...7) Least favorite school subject?Math!8) How many pairs of shoes do you own?Jim says too many9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD?No!10) Have you ever thrown up in public?do frat parties count?11) Name one thing that is always on your mind:him
Jen Is Losing Her Mind..
Jen: remember how i said I waned to live in the city? grahamryan97236: you dont wanna live in the city now? Jen: I have been rethinking my living in the city... grahamryan97236: We may have to live in the city just to save money for awhile Jen: if said zombie apocolypse ACUALLY HAPPENS...we would be fucked... grahamryan97236: ARE YOU KIDDING ME /facepalm Jen: LOL Jen: not kidding... grahamryan97236: i love you babe.. but sometimes i wonder..  Jen: you know what, if you read this it gets you thinking  grahamryan97236: wanna know what gets me thinking? science.. ZOMBIES AREN"T POSSIBLE Jen: the cdc has posted a what to do in the event of a zombie attack... grahamryan97236: Yea, well it was a slow week for them and they had to look busy Jen: /ded Jen: well Jen: when I am bitten by a zombie because we lived in the city make sure you put a bullet in my head I don't wanna be a zombie.  grahamryan97236: yes dear.. grahamryan97236: I am now going to go blog this.. Jen: ROFL
Goin' out in a few. Freaks go to Jenks! Meet me on the dance floor. Buy me a shot & pour it down my throat. peace
Jenkem.... The New Drug On The Street Ya Sis!!!!
BrokenSky@ CherryTAP
Jen Lancaster Owns My Heart (in A Satirical Sense)
I will marry Jen Lancaster. Except I totally don't expect her to commit adultry. She'll just have to divorce his ass, or we'll just all get married! I think I could be married to Fletch. I'll be the other part of Jen that Fletch hasn't quite gotten yet. :] So what? I'm a lesbian. Tyra Banks will thank me in the long run.
Jenlove Needs Help Leveling!!!
Hey Everyone.. Again!  :) JenLove, Level 34 Angel, needs help to level.  She needs 14 more Secret Admirers.  If you could please, stop by her page and click on that Secret Admirer link and send her msg or sb letting her know, I know she would appreciate all the help.  This is one of her requirements to get to Level 35.  I would also appreciate anything you can do to help her.   THank you and here is her link to her profile!
You Are Jennifer Aniston Girl next door with a free spirit. You're low key and naturally sexy. Sweet and approachable, people are attracted to your upbeat attitude. And even when life doesn't go your way, you always eventually turn things around. Are You More Like Jennifer or Angelina?
Jenna Jameson Calendar
Jenna Jameson Calendar click the pic to see more of her
Jenna Jameson Calendar
Jenna Jameson Calendar click the pic to see more of her mmmmm yummy :)
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
!!! Jenny's Survey For Gabe !!!
~ Have you ever been stung by a bee? Yes and it sucks, thank god they die after they sting u once lol :P :D... ~ How BIG is your bed? Big enough for me and whoever I have over ;), or maybe 2 someones depending on how lucky I am lol... ~ Who is the last person you hugged? Jessie
Jennifer Anniston-why She's My Favorite Celebrity Figure
Ten reasons why Jennifer Anniston is all woman 1.She doesn't think she's a sex symbol. 'I don't know what it means to be a sex symbol,' says L'Oreals lady of the lock, demurely. 'When I see myself on a magazine cover I don't see it as me, but as someone painted, fluffed, puffed and done up.' 2.She can out lad the lads. Despite her portrayal as spoiled little rich girl Rachel Green in Friends, in real life she's a cigar-smoking tomboy who loves playing poker and going camping with the guys. 'Once Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry arrived for a party at Jennifer's house and were shocked to see their demure female co-stars - led by Jennifer - in the middle of a hot round of five-card stud,' said one 'source.' 'Jennifer greeted Matt and Matthew by puffing on a cigar and saying: 'Hope you suckers brought a lot of money, because I'm going to clean you out!' 3.She loves a quiet night in. Rather than enjoying being pictured leaving celebrity dos, our Jen is happier at home eating pizz
Jennie And My Bday!
Ok so i already posted 3 blogs sayin it was my bday or ALMOST my bday.. So YAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY..Jennie is on her way Over!! Yay!! I havent hung out with her in sooo long!..We are gunna go shopping then go to the bar tonight I
hey everyone im jennifer from alabama.. im new at this cherry thing but anyways im 22 2 months pregnant,single and bored.. if u want a new friend hit me up or wanna know more
Jennifer Tilly...
Anyone else watching the Pro-Am Poker tournament on ESPN right now? Jennifer Tilly is fucking HOT!!
Jenny Mccarthy Strips This Time
Jennifer Knapp - Undo Me
Jennifer Knapp - Undo Me Lyrics Papa I think I messed up againWas it something I did? Was it something I said? I don't mean to do you wrong it's just this way of human nature!Sister I know I let you down. I can tell by the fact you're never comin around. You don't have to say a thing..I can tell by your eyes exactly what you mean That it's time to get down on my knees and pray.Lord undo me Put away this flesh and boneTil you own this spirit threw me.Lord undo me. Mama I know I made you cry But I never meant to hurt you I never meant to lie.While the world shook it's head in shameI let you take the blame.Brother I know you labored so hard to pleaseBut I cut you down and I left you on your kneesWell I know it must be Time To get down on my knees and pray.Lord undo mePut away this flesh and boneTil you own this spirit threw me.Lord undo me.... I am wanting, needing, guilty & greedy.Unrighteous, unholy undo me.Abba father you must wonder whyMore times than Peter I have
Get Your Sexy Name
Jenny (867-5309)
I really wanted to add this song to my cherrytap page but I couldnt find one that would auto start so y'all are stuck listening to Jenny On the Block... Sorry! ~*~MAUH~*~ ~*~Jennie~*~ Jenny, Jenny Who can I turn to? You give me something I can hold on to I know you think I'm like the others before I saw your name and number on the wall Jenny, I got your number I'm gonna make you mine Jenny, dont change your Number 867-5309 867-5309 867-5309 867-5309 Jenny, Jenny Your the girl for me You dont know me but you make me so happy I tried to call you before but I lost my nerve I tried in my imagination but I was disturbed Jenny, I got your number I'm gonna make you mine Jenny, dont change your Number 867-5309 867-5309 867-5309 867-5309 I got it, I got it, I got your number on the wall I got it, I got it, for a good time, for a good time call Jenny I got your number I'm gonna make you mine Jenny, dont change your Number 867-5309 867-5309 867-5309
Jennifer Aniston Topless At The Beach
Music Video:JENNIFER ANISTON TOPLESS AT THE BEACH (by Funny Videos)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Jenna Jamison And The Firefighter, Lol
Sexy Naughty Graphics by LUCKY Bastard
Jenna Jamison!
Sexy Naughty Graphics by
Jenn Needs Help!
Go show some love!!!!!!!
Jennifer's Body
Jennifer Aniston
Sure every one saw this
Jenny 867-5309
Jenny Craig Didn't Work...
Get more at Get more at Get more at
867-5309 Jenny I Got Your Number......
LINCOLN, R.I. - One-hit wonder Tommy Tutone made the phone number 867-5309 famous in the bandfs 1982 hit single, which uses the digits over and over in its catchy refrain. Now, a Rhode Island company and a national firm are battling over the right to use the number, which doesnft reach the gJennyh that Tutone sings about, but could find callers a decent plumber. Two years ago, Gem Plumbing & Heating of Lincoln, R.I., trademarked the phone number in the early 1980s hit, which reached No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Gem acquired the number in Rhode Island when its original owner, Brown University, gave up 867-5309 after growing weary of the constant prank calls. Story continues below « -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- advertisement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gemfs number works in the 401 area code in Rhode Island and the 617 area code in southern Massachusett
Jennifer Pena
Jennifer Hudson About JENNIFER HUDSON Growing up on the south side of Chicago IL, Jennifer started singing in the church choir at the age of seven. For Jennifer, emoting inspirational gospel is the cornerstone of her beginnings as a talented singer, "the church is my favorite place to sing. My first solo was "Must Jesus Bare The Cross Alone." She attributes her vocal ability to her dear late maternal grandmother, Julia Kate Hudson, who was an avid churchgoer and also sang in the choir. Throughout grammar and high school, Jennifer cultivated & showcased her talent by participating in a host of local talent shows and musicals. During this time she also performed at various clubs, weddings and benefits in Chicago and surrounding areas In the Fall of 2002 Jennifer successfully auditioned for one of the Disney Cruise ships and landed her first major role as "Calliope", the head muse on the "Disney Wonder" line the ran from February 2003 through August of 2003
Well, im a miss seeing u everday, u will always be in my thoughts, sad seeing u go at such a young age, i will always remember you, love you peanut.
Jennifer Needs Your Help
Hi everyone, I am here to tell you that my friend Jennifer is in her first contest. She loves to help people out in contest. She is so sweet and super nice to everyone. I hope you can help her out as much as possible. If you guys can't take comment bombing please just take a second to go rate her and leave a few comments. this is the link to her contest href="" target=_blank> PS I love you all so much!!!
Jennifer Needs Our Help(please Lets Help Her Win This Contest)
My friend Jennifer is in a tough contest that ends on Friday, if you have not gone to rate and comment her contest please do so. Every little bit helps. Here is the photo link. Thanks guys she is an awesome girl and deserves to win her first contest.
Very interesting!! Do you think this describes me?!? J: is really sweet E: can kick your ASS N: easy to fall in love with N: easy to fall in love with I: loves to laugh and smile F: loves people wild and crazy adore you E: can kick your ASS R: has a nice butt A: Hottie L: very good kisser L: very good kisser Y: Easy to fall in love with N: Easy to fall in love with See if your letters describe you!! A: Hottie B: Amazing kisser C: good kisser D: has gorgeous eyes E: can kick your ASS F: loves people wild and crazy adore you G: very outgoing H: fricken hot I: loves to laugh and smile J: is really sweet K: crazy L: very good kisser M: Makes dating fun N: easy to fall in love with O: has one of the best personalities ever P: popular with all types of people Q: a animal lover R: has a nice butt S: makes people laugh T: Smile to die for U: is very sure of them self V: not judgmental W: very broad minded X: never let people tell you wha
Jennifer Ellison Faker
omfgg heres another FUBAR Fakerrrrrrr this stupid bitch is using Jennifer Ellison Pics and sayin they are her,for those of you that do not know who Jennifer Ellison is,She was in UK TV SOAP BROOKSIDE,So please go check out this fake bitch here on fubar do a google search for Jennifer Ellison you will get all the info you need
Jennifer Ellison Faker Update
i did a google search n heres the google link for a jennifer ellison gallery n heres the faker that is usin jennifers pixs
Jennifer Ellison Faker Update 2
Well guys this fake bitch is deleting everybody's comments that has told her shes a FAKE.lmaooooo i left her some but she deleted my comments and blocked me from posting comments on her photos...lmaoo But anyway there is a guy who is supposed to be her fubar hubby and i left him a message to tell him she is a fake,but everybody is still saying she is sexy lmaoooo but the fact is them pix are not this girl they are Jennifer Ellison so please ppl go check this fake bitch out and everybody FROM THE UK should know who Jennifer Ellison is,If not go fine jennifer on google
Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love( Just Knowing Someone Loves You Will Help You Hold On)
Jenna will be back Wednesday,she is doing alot better.Just to let a few who knows what's going on.
Jenny... For You
Untitled…Unknown Time stands still. And I close my eyes to see. Stuck with this chill The only one here is me. I can feel the rain. As it drops upon my face’ It etches thoughts in my brain. It takes its embrace. Thunder hits. It never misses a beat. It’s a constant blitz. It doesn't retreat. Lightning clashes The sky turns an ecstatic blue. The world crashes. And I'm stuck thinking of you. Then it hits me. The storm isn't outside. It’s my own marquee. And it won’t subside, You’re stuck in my mind. Rendering it impossible to think, My vision goes blind. And my brain floods with ink. It’s your love. That consumes my brain. It’s your love. That drives me insane You bring me up. And push down. Throw my heart. All around I throw my friends away. Just for an hour. When All I want is a single day It’s too bad only you have the power I can’t help but cry. When I think of our love so true Even though you leave me high and dry I can
Jennifer Stevens..........
There i was, minding my own, when who pipes up, jenny poppin butty stevens........ ->poppin butty: whats your stance on 3rd world dept relief ? ->poppin butty: not really poppin butty: hey there, i saw you floating on the top of fubar, u bored like me? wanna chat with a pretty cute girl from the USA? my yahoo ID is is jennifer_stevens23 see my problem is, Cooters "bait" photo lured this poor girl in (I have my doubts if it's a girl anyway, but that's not the point) what kinda girl sees Cooters picture and thinks, hey he looks like a nice guy to talk to ? debt* typo, it had been a hard day o.k. !
Sexy New Years Comments & Graphics today is the new year yeaaaaa ,well i want every one to know im healing.i lost one of my best friends this week .so this is to her ,, jenny you rest in peace,ill love you my friend for ever,you have been in my life for a long time,i know your looking down on me right now saying ,i love you .and i miss you .you will be very miss"t.i will do everything in my power to help with the kid's,i know as they can be a handfull,you rest jenny it was a long road for you,im going to be very sad till i see you again ,one day we will see each other and we can be together .i love you with all my heart HAPPY NEW YEAR JENNY ,LOVE ME, BECKIE,DONNY,BRUCE,HEATHER,STEVEN,JESS,ZACHARY.MASON,JESS ,THERESA AND ROB,,,WE LOVE YOU MOM FROM JACK AND KATIE,HUGS AND KISS'S OXOXOXXO
Jennifer Is Only 9k Away.
She needs a good spanking! Jenniferfuwife of matt.4312084~~club rate spankers~~@ fubar
Jennifer Is Only 7k Away.
And needs a good spanking. Jennifer~~greeter/promotor@house of pain@ fubar
Jennifer Is Just 8k Away.
And she really wants to be a Rockstar. Jennifer~~greeter/promotor@house of pain@ fubar
Let’s Get Her to Godmother!!!!! Only 694,543 to go. Jenn is always helping everyone so lets return the love. And make her GODMOTHER .... Let’s make her the next one on fubar. ~*Huggable*Lovable*Kissable*Jen*~Fu Wife 2 "Goofball" *DSC* Fu Owned by "Photobug"
Better than me, better than me, you think you're better than me I held your hand when you needed me, but you were better than me I soothed your soul when you needed it, but you were better than me I calmed your fears when you had them, but you were better than me I sat with you when you were alone, but you were better than me I visited you out in the boondocks, but you were better than me I brought you gifts and company, but you were better than me We drank a million cups of tea, but you were better than me I followed you to England, but you were better than me I tried to share your pain, but you were better than me I wanted to comfort you, but you were better than me I thought of you as my sister, but you were better than me I gave you what was in my soul, but you were better than me I prayed for you and loved you, but you were better than me I hope you find another friend, one that is better than me.
Jenna's Gettin Her License Today Maybe
So yes I'm taking my drivers test today. I have been driving for 5 1/2 months and I feel like I can handle it now.... but I'm so nervous and excited at the same time..... UHG!!! want to get it over with already I hope I do good enough to pass I feel like I can....
Jennie Garth Zipping Back To 90210?
Jennie Garth may be heading for the hills—the Beverly Hills. Buzz is mounting that the erstwhile Kelly Taylor may be the first West Beverly High alum to return to the old ZIP code after Garth abruptly pulled out of a CBS comedy pilot that went into production this week. Last month it was announced that the former Beverly Hills, 90210 fixture had joined the cast of My Best Friend's Girl as a woman who begins to date her ex-husband's best friend. The gig didn't last long as, per the Hollywood Reporter, Garth and the producers mutually agreed to part ways shortly after completing Monday's table read. No official reason was given for the amicable split, but Garth has recently been dealing with the death of her father, who passed away after she had been cast in the project. Canadian actress Kristin Booth has since replaced Garth, and with her schedule now free and clear, she is definitely available for the 90210 spinoff. Last month it was announced that the CW was developing
Come check out this hottie! She is the sweetest woman! Rate/fan/add her! You won't regret it! Oh and when u get there! Check out her blogs! Very "interesting"
Jenna Jameson Strips To Kill!!
Jenny Mccarthy Gets A Little Dirty! Uncensored
Jennifer Santiago
Jennifer Santiago Biography Hometown: New York, NY Born: New York, NY Fighter Info Height: 5' 2" Weight Div: 128 Lb Age: 24 P. Fighting Style: Boxing Fight records: 12 wins, 1 loss Date Result Opponent Method Score 5/3/08 Win Munah Holland - New Jersey Decision 15 - 11 3/28/08 Win Kelli Cofer - Miami Decision 18 - 9 3/28/08 Win Jessica Bednark - Miami Decision 15 - 10 12/1/07 Win Munah Holland - New Jersey Decision 15 - 9 12/1/07 Loss Munah Holland - New Jersey Decision 8 - 15 11/10/06 Win Erin Cantrell - Philadelphia Decision 18 - 9 11/10/06 Win Virginia Baker - Philadelphia Decision 17 - 8 6/24/06 Win Marisol Vidal-Ortiz - New England Decision 14 - 11 6/24/06 Win Marisol Vidal-Ortiz - New England Decision 15 - 11 1/21/06 Win Kornelija Numic - Miam
(repost of original by 'Jennie Head Greeter/ promoter@ Lace ur Leather † Manson Family † Sweet Dreams' on '2008-05-25 09:42:50') (repost of original by 'LadyNeptune "Shadow Leveler" Enforcer/Greeter @ Sunset Bay Lounge' on '2008-05-25 13:23:29')
Jennifer Santiago More
Jenna Jameson
Jennicense Needs One Rate!! Ty!
Jennicense Needs One Rate Please!
COME CHECK OUT MY OWNER B_E_A_U_T_I_F_U_L JENN THIS CHICK IS AWESOME Jenn Adams aka 'B_E_A_utiful JENN~Enforcer @ Forbidden Inc.~Sis 2 Viper N Bunny~Bamber N Pimpy's OwN3r'
Jenni's Auction
I always say I'm not gonna do it again, but, I always do. Sooo... Bid on me. Trust me, it's worth it!
Jennifer Aniston Wants To Pullute The Air With Song
Jennifer Aniston has said that she's quit smoking. She hasn't done it for her health or for the sake of our ailing planet, no, she's quitting smoking so that she can sing in a god-awful musical: Jennifer Aniston has given up smoking, because she wants to preserve her voice to sing in a musical. The former Friends star has been inspired by fellow actresses Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, who surprised film fans with their vocal ability in Walk the Line and Moulin Rouge, respectively. She says, ""I have quit the cigs so that I can get my voice in shape."" She probably figures that since she can only do one character and all her movies suck, she may as well try to jazz it up with a change of genre. It may work for her, and it should provide hilarious fodder to mock her with for years to come.
Jenny's Simple Chicken Salad
*Kindly submitted by Beauty and the Mess.* ok, i would like to contribute my chicken salad recipe... my mom always asks for it Jenny's Simple Chicken Salad for the chicken- 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 can chicken broth 1/4 tsp garlic powder pepper I do not add more salt because the broth is enough Poach chicken in broth and spices until done, after it's cooled, chop finely. Should make about 2 cups. Strain and freeze broth for later use if you're like me and you hate to waste. For the Salad- 2 cups chicken 1 cup finely diced celery 1/4 cup FINELY diced red onion about 1 cup of halved Green or Red Grapes ( I like green, mom likes red) about 1/2 - 1 cup of TOASTED pecans (just put the pecans in a dry skillet and toast lightly, be careful because once they get brown they are easily scorched, so watch them) For the Salad Dressing- In a separate bowl combine the following, measurements can be tweaked to suit your taste, this is the combo I like.
Jennifer - A Dom/sub Love Story
Finally, after months of searching, there it was! The ad Jennifer had been searching for finally showed up on Craigslist! She just knew this was the right one for her, she could feel it! Housekeeper with Benefits Wanted: Rubenesque, petite brunette wanted to perform chores around home. You must be submissive and obedient, willing to take instructions without question and willing to accept punishment if you do not perform up to par. I will teach you what I require and you will learn as you go. I am waiting for you to contact me for more information. I expect you to respond promptly. Jennifer was typing a response email almost as soon as she had finished reading the listing. It was so exciting to find the right ad; she couldn't wait for the response. I believe I am the maid that can provide you with all the services you require. My housekeeping skills are impeccable and I am willing to provide additional services that you may so desire. I am new to this, but am a quick study an
Jennifer - A Dom/sub Love Story Ch. 02
It was the Tuesday following Jennifer's first visit to see him. She was up early and in the shower, still trying to shake off the sleep before heading out to work. Soaping herself slowly, her mind was drifting over Saturdays' events again. Her thoughts of the experience were still fresh in her head. The way he manhandled her, tossing her on the footrest, her struggles seemed useless; spanking her smooth white cheeks so harshly, then violating her asshole with reckless abandon; then forcing his cock so deep into her throat, making her gag and almost suffocate; tying her up and leaving her helpless against her wishes. There were at least several counts of sexual assault and aggravated assault to be found should she decide to press charges. Yet somehow time and distance from the brutal assault and suffering have combined to romanticize the memories in Jennifer's mind. She had not yet realized that as these memories replayed in her mind, her hands were caressing the very points of injur
Jennifer Aniston’s Trouble With Her Boyfriend-pr
When Jennifer Aniston's fling with noted lady-killer John Mayer ended this weekend, we were bummed — not because we'd booked seats on the Mayerston bandwagon, but because it's exactly what we expected. Consider the math: two Jolie-Pitt pregnancies, and two allegedly serious and tabloid-friendly Aniston relationships that lasted just long enough to ride out the fervor over her ex-husband's glorious new spawn. If you stop and smell the PR, it reeks. Jennifer is a bona fide star, yet her team seems fixated on proving she attracts beefy boyfriends, instead of projecting the image of a self-confident woman who attracts beefy roles. And frankly, we find that strategy questionable. Granted, Aniston's in a tough spot. Since her marriage to Pitt imploded, she's been the tabloids' favorite lovelorn punching bag, forever yoked to the glittering Brangelina and unfairly — not to mention archaically — doomed to be branded a dried-up crone until she spawns and/or gets hitched. So the suspiciously c
Jennifer Hudson Spotlight
Jenny Lee
Let me start with some background. I live and grew up in a small town just outside of Nashville. The town I lived in as well as Nashville was and is a very religious part of the country. I was raised by a very strict father who would whip you for the smallest infraction. All through my teenage years I would do things my father warned me against just to get a whipping. You see I discovered that while my father warmed my ass the heat would always travel to my pussy. The one thing these whippings did do however was to teach me what was bad and I would after a couple of whipping be so scared to do them that I never would do them again. The list was pretty long by the time I was grown. After college I moved to Nashville and got a loft apartment and started wondering if I dared to do some of the things that I had been taught were wrong. But no matter how much I wanted to I could not bring myself to do it. Now I take great pride in my appearance, my measurements is 37D-24-37, I stand 5'7"
Jenny Beck
TLC Jenny Beck and band perform Shoot him down Jenny Beck and Band, Like Nobody Else Can Do Jenny Beck & Ian Britt at the North Sea Festival
Jennifer Has Less Than 20k...
until she becomes fubar's next FuKing(Queen). She always returns the rates, so please spank her hard. Have a great night. Jennifer~Rate Spanker~Fu Owned by Duckybug@ fubar
The phone rang, and Jennifer jumped. Darlene, her roommate, gave her an annoyed look and picked up the phone. "Hello? Yeah, this is Darlene. Huh? Oh, sure...I have it right here." Flashing Jennifer another annoyed look, she picked up her math assignment sheet and started to read an assignment from it. Jenny hugged her pillow close to her, listening to the phone conversation and trying to take refuge in its relative normalcy. It wasn't him. Thank god it wasn't him. She pressed her cheek into the soft fabric of the pillow, and held it tightly. Her eyes stared to the side, her mind fighting once again to deny what had happened to her before. It seemed like a dream now, but Jennifer knew it had not been a dream. She could not wake up from this nightmare. She heard the click as Darlene hung up, and heard her roommate stand. She didn't look, but she knew the expression that was on Darlene's face; it was Darlene's exasperation look, with her eyebrows jagged and her lips pursed
Jenniffer Rose Vernals
I miss this girl soo much. What happend to her changed my life forever. I will never for get you Jenniffer... Memorial to Jenniffer Rose Vernals, 3/15/81 to 3/30/96 Author: Deborah Coss The original poem "Always," is below, page down.... Rest easy Jenniffer, we will see you on the other side. Jennifer Rose Vernals was abducted from in front of Truebloods store in Ventura, California. Ventura Police listed her officially as, "missing-circumstances unknown." When asked about her case though, they referred to Jenniffer Vernals as a "runaway" and very little official effort was made to locate her. Her remains were found in Torro Canyon, a remote part of Santa Barbara County, California, on April 6, 1996. The case was still open when this memorial was originally posted on the now defunct (Rocking Roman Viritual Memorial). She was a very special person and is survived by her mother, Lois Ann Bowens of Ventura, California. Jenniffer was Lois's only child. Jen
867 Jenny For Wordmaster The New Freak
Jennie Eating
She picks the spoon up into the air All we can seem to do is stare She dips down in an arc so steep Drags it through the the food so deep She scoops some onto the utensil she uses at that time Lifting it to her lips should be a sin and a crime She glances up as her lips slightly part Her face a beautiful work of art The spoon passes between those luscious lips Food passes from the spoon to the tongue as it tips She drags it slowly out of her mouth To restart that deep arc south Over and over we watch with our eyes Waiting for the spoon to go back up on the rise
you walk out of my life like I never mattered to at all,then when my best friend dies you come back around,a month later you have me come and get you cause he is beating you,You tell me how much you love me and want to marry me then just like that you are gone,do not get why you would want to be with someone who beats you and controls everythig you do.I do not understand why you did this to me,I was just about over you and now I have to start over again.The worst part is you wont even talk to me to say anything is that cause you feel bad about what you have done?
**~~*Jenni*~~** .√iolets.'s ToY@ fubar   I know everyone is going for spotlight right now, but she's been quietly collecting. Can you spare her a few. Jenni is a rl friend. ♥
Jenniy Is A Robot!!!!
I'm sorry I'm not emotionless like you. I can't just look the other way like nothing is going on. I worry and I hurt. I can't help that I'm not like you.   Ouch, Mom. Please go on. Let's share some more feelings. Good times. Good times... At 7 a.m., I was on I-10 headed to Livingston. The day had kept its promise...sunlight was peering tentatively through the gray. I had just left behind the morning traffic chaos of Baton Rouge and begun my journey across Basin Bridge--20 miles of bridge over low swampy snake and alligator infested waters (or so I assume from the look). I've been driving for over 7 hours now, but I feel good. Free. Hopeful for a positive day. Then the phone rings. Mom. I was hoping this would be one of those checking on me kind of calls. No...   "Have you heard from your brother?" Considering I've been driving all night and tried getting a few hours sleep before I left, this seems to be a ridiculous question, but I just tell her no and ask why. Apparently, there
Jenn Facts And I Hate Cracka!
Instructions......Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.   1- I hate stupid people. 2- People think I'm mean but, I only think they have thin skin. 3- I have OCD and OCD and OCD and OCD (yeah you get the picture) 4- I get bored easily. 5- I like naps. 6- I like playing Acrochallenge. 7- I like doing random things to random people, just for fun. 8- I enjoy pretending I'm pissing on Cracka's fooking leg because he's always making me do stupid shit, like this blog. *LOL* 9- I eat a lot and never gain weight. 10- I have a twisted and warped sense of humor. I've even grossed out a few people.   Ok.. I'm tagging...   Krazee elguapo shababs and YOU and YOU!   If you don't know
Jennifers Bodies Movie With Megan Fox
Jenny was so happy about the house they had found For once in her life ‘twas the right side of town She unpacked her things with such great ease As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How wonderful it was to have her own room School would be starting, she’d have friends over soon There’d be sleepovers and parties; she was so happy It’s just the way she wanted life to be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the first day of school, everything went great She made new friends and even got a date She thought, “I want to be popular and I’m going to be. Because I just got a date with the star of the team!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be known in this school you had to have a clout And dating this guy would sure help her out There was only on problem stopping her fate Her parents had said she was too young to date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Well I jus
Jenny, Music From The 30s....
there once was a girl named Jenny whose virtues were varied and many accepting that she was inclined always to make up her mind and Jenny points a moral and which you cannot quaral as you will find Jenny made her mind up when she was 3 she herself was going to trim the christmass tree christmass eve she lit the candels tossed the tapers away little Jenny was an orphan on christmass day she lost one dad and mother a sister and a brother but she would make up her mind Jenny made her mind up when she was 12 into forgine languges she would dell but at 17 to vaser is was quite a blow that in 27 languges she couldnt say no Jenny made her mind up at 22 to get herself a husband was the thing to do she got herself all dolled up in her satins and furs and she got herself a husband but he wasnt hers Jenny made her mind up at 39 she would take a trip to the argintine she was only on vacation but the latins agreed Jenny was the one who started the "Good Nahbor Policy" Jen
Her vision came to me,With the stars all a glow.Could she be a dream,By morning I did know. She spoke to me,Her words soft true and kind.An angel from my dreams,This I surely did find. What of me could she want,To her what could I give.I will offer her these two things,She may have them as long as I live. To you this day,I give you my heart and my pen.And hope you'll stay in my life,To give them purpose again.
Jennifer Hudson - If This Isn't Love
I'm calling his phone up just to tell him how muchI really love him 'cause he's everything I wantHe listens to me, cares for me so I truly believeGod sent me an angel from aboveThat's gonna love me for lifeMight as well be perfect only becauseIt's the only way I can describe, soIf this isn't love, tell me what it is'Cause I could be dreaming or just plain crazyIf this isn't love, tell me what it is'Cause I never felt like this babyIf this isn't loveL O V E, what is in me?L O V E, oh, if this isn't loveL O V E, what is in me?L O V E, oh, if this isn't loveI'm selfish 'cause I don't wanna share him with nobodyNot even those people that came before meBut see, I never believedGod would send me an angel up from aboveThat's gonna love me for lifeMight as well be perfect only becauseIt's the only way I can describe, soIf this isn't love, tell me what it is'Cause I could be dreaming or just plain crazyIf this isn't love, tell me what it is'Cause I never felt like this babyIf thi
Jennifer Love Hewitt Decorates Her Vagina
It’s called Vajzzling. What it means is decorating your vagina with crystal, rhinestones, or other glittery stuff. Jennifer Love Hewitt admitted to a national audience on the George Lopez Show that she does decorate her vagina. I’m asking myself why would a woman want to do that? Us guys don’t need anymore encouragement to think about it, believe me. Check it out,2933,591129,00.html BlastFM decorates it programming with a montage of delicious morsels of great sounding music. Listen for yourself
Jenny Block Says Let's Get Naked
Author Jenny Blocks says we all need to get naked more often. It sounds like a good idea. Especially if you have something to do when you are naked. What can you do when you’re naked? I’m sure we all can come up with a few ideas. Jenny has some suggestions for you.,2933,593946,00.html BlastFM streams music to you naked or not 24/7. Now you can get BlastFM on your blackberry. Sign up @
Jenny Block "public Sex...terribly Exciting"
If you are old enough to remember drive in theatres, you know they were make out dens for high school people. Without going into detail that would qualify as public sex. Jenny Block, who has become my one of my favorite sex authors, let’s us know that public sex is a turn on. Jenny goes on to say what makes it exciting. I’m not an exhibitionist but there are many that are. And you know who you are. Check out what Jenny says about public sex,2933,597724,00.html BlastFM feels just fine being in the public eye. Give us a listen 24/7 for a public display of great music
Jenny Block Says Food Is Sexy
One of my favorite sex writers, Jenny Block, is back with sexy food. I never thought food was sexy. But, Jenny says food can be sexy. I usually believe what ever Jenny says. Next time I’m stuffing my face with a burger, I’ll look at before I bit into it to look for its sexy side. Here’s Jenny,2933,598124,00.html BlastFM is your mood creating music station. Hit us up for a grand musical experience 24/7
Jenna 8/16/12
 Porn queen Jenna Jameson pleads guilty to DUI   I wonder what she blew.
I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there so much but at least that means that I still care. Oh! You've think you won because women are expendable to you. You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won. You're alone. I may do a lot of stupid shit but I'm still a lot closer to love than you are.Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's y
A Jen Pimp Out & Thank You!!
I want to thank all of you for helping me level last night, u guys are awesome! Thanks to "LilBamaGirl" she went above and beyond to help me out, ur an amazing woman ((Hugs)) Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it meant alot to me. It was nice seeing my friends and people I never met before, come together and help me out. I have some awesome friends and made some more awesome friends as well. I will return the love, may take awhile but I will come through. Much love 2 u all! xoxox Jen ♥LilBamaGirl♥@ fubar ~~Tizz~~@ fubar _Cappy_@ fubar IONE4U~~~Head Greeter" Guilty Pleasures" LOUNGE@ fubar *~*fu girl Bambi *~* *~*"Carpentress"*~*@ fubar ♥BooBoo...KDM'Z AnGeL Founder of Shadow Levelers@ fubar jfloranine~reppin DSC~in the underground@ fubar Jon@ fubar ~Tracy~ CO-OWNER OF THE BIGSEXY BOMBERS AND PR
Jens Surgery
Jen's surgery is today and we are leaving about 0530-0600. Her surgery is at 1000 but it takes two hours to get to the hospital. I will keep everyone updated through her recovery as well. As you can probablly guess I won't be on to much tomorrow. Those who want to talk and have my number can call me. I will answer my phone if I'm in a place that I can have it. Otherwise if I miss you I'm not being pissy I just can't get to the phone. Love Stace
Jens Surgery
Well her surgery is over and she is in the hospital recovering. She has about 50 sitches all together maybe more. There are about 30 on the outside of her face and many more on the indside. She is eating some soft foods andis able to talk a bit. The first night she had trouble talking as they went through her mouth for the surgery it's self. The doctor said she got all of the tumor out and that all should be fine with little to no chance of it coming back. She will be staying in the hospital a few days to recover. They are giving her morphine for the pain. She had a skin graph done to fill in some of the skin in her cheek. The skin graph I think is causing her more pain then the actual pain from the cheek. She is in good spirits. I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers through all of this. I will be updating more again later.
Jens Peter Jacobsen - Irmelin Rose
Set by Carl Nielsen in 1891 (opus 4 no. 4 - 'Irmelin Rose'; I have a few recordings of this all on the set "The Historic Carl Nielsen Collection, volume 6 - Songs, Choral Works" released by Danacord Records some years back, an unneeded copy of which was sent me by a friend.) The first stanza in Danish: Se, der var engang en konge, mangen skat han kaldte sin Navnet på den allerbedste vidste hver Irmelin, Irmelin Rose, Irmelin Sol, Irmelin alt hvad der er dejligt. (from In English: Once upon a time there was a king many treasures, did he possess. The name of the very best as everyone knew, was Irmelin, Irmelin Rose, Irmelin Sun Irmelin, All that was Lovely. (from the notes to the recording.) (The song itself, all four brief stanzas from very early in the life of a remarkable modern Danish turn-of-the-20th composer, is great. I'm not endorsing what the author's attitude is or seems to be; the refrain
Jens Bbw Fortress come check it out.
Jens Bbw Fortress
If you're a bbw lover please come check out the best lounge on Fubar
Jens Valentine Day Pimpout
Go show all these wonderful people lots of love, they are all very dear to me, cant beat having friends like this, much love to you all xoxoxox Jen Micki"Blue Eyes" {Dirty South Crew}@ fubar HELLCAT OWNER OF UGLY_GUY32 ^SPACE HOTTIE^@ fubar DirtyXBeast [D.S.C.]-[Guilty Pleasures' Manager]-@ fubar ۞WÌ£ÐÇÄŦ۞®ÖWÑÈR ÖҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ.WÌ£ÐÇÄŦ ŦRÄÌÑ,RÄÐÌÖ Ñ £ÖÚÑGÈ@ fubar 'TOM G ĦÈĦßÈR õҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ@ fubar ♥ DAWN ♥ Owned by: INDRADRAGON and Loving it!@ fubar weewee1984nc (co-owner of GP)@ fubar ~!~ BobbyT645~!~ĦÈĦßÈR õҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ. ~!~@ fubar
Jen's Tagging
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I am a certified baseballaholic. 2. I am an ordained clergyman. 3. I puke if i see another person puke...even babies. 4. I am very good at counting cards, but i rarely play poker. 5. I would rather watch the new style of animated movies than any other kind now. 6. I haven't been in a curch in over 11 years. 7. I am almost like a hermit...i only know about 10 ppl in the city i've lived in for 15 years now. 8. I'm very shy in person. 9. I would rather drink water than alcohol now. 10. I am celibate by choice. and now, the moment you've all been waiting for... Mysticmo0d YummyMummy Bella SqWeezie CrazyCatLady
Jens Crew
    Jenn~Deputy Chief 2nd Alarm Hotties~★★ Texas Barbie ★★ Captain 2nd Alarm Hottie ★★ **JinxTyler**Captain~~2nd Alarm Hotties ~Skye~2nd Alarm Hottie ~ Àήğΐɚ∫ΐcΐфῢ§ 2ήď A∫ã®M Hф¶i€ ~Polish Princess~2nd Alarm Hotties~ LiL mIsS aMaNdA 2nd alarm hottie SooSweet38 2nd Alarm Hotties Member~LaCeY~ ~2nd Alarm Hottie~
Jen Update
Well Jen came home yesterday. She is doing ok. Still in a good bit of pain. I believe her spirits are up and she will recover just fine. She should be getting the stitchs out on Wednesday. I will continue to update until she is able to do so herself. If you have any questions or want to know more feel free to ask. Love Stace
Jenupher This Is Your Life
Jenzeits Und Dieszeits
Isn't it amazing that sometimes as you try to sort out things in your life, you seize upon something in your mind's eye for a moment only to then have something like say an email pop up in your inbox. I believe Jung called this serendipity. Such an event happened today. I know that some people will take offense to this next blog on general purpose because they know me too well. However, I must, I feel compelled...ha...if you only knew the origins of that line then you would laugh yourself at why I used it put proverbial pen to paper and tell my great love story. In college, I was not the best student because I lacked focus and attention to detail. My high school days were filled with study and athletics, which resulted in me achieving high marks and athletic awards back then. College, I felt, was my time to learn about life in all its shaded nuances. Who knew that beer bottle bottoms shaded so well? Anyway, I am digressing from my story. Nevertheless, I did all right in col
Do you all watch Jeopardy? For those of you who do something has come to my attention; the time just after the first commercial break where Alex takes time to get to know the contestants a little better, or as I like to call it "What's your stupid ass story?" time. The Jeopardy story, 2 minutes of a contestant’s life that can either be fantastic or completely shameful. You either get a laugh from Alex and the audience or you get that horribly, wonderful condescending chuckle from Alex and a pity murmur from the audience. Occasionally I’ve even heard a truly great story usually one about a trip overseas and an inability to speak the language. These are the stories that get Alex’s true appreciation. You must watch that your story is both interesting and humorous while not being contrite or “braggy”. What’s your Jeopardy story?
3 'jeopardy' Contestants End Up Tied
NEW YORK - All those years of answers and questions, and it's never happened before on "Jeopardy!" What is a three-way tie, Alex? ADVERTISEMENT The three contestants on the venerable game show all finished with $16,000 after each answering the final question correctly in the category, "Women of the 1930s," on Friday's show. They identified Bonnie Parker, of the famed Bonnie and Clyde crime duo, as a woman who, as a waitress, once served one of the men who shot her. "We've had a lot of crazy things happen on `Jeopardy!' but in 23 years I've never seen anything like this before," host Alex Trebek said. The show contacted a mathematician who calculated the odds of such a three-way tie happening — one in 25 million. The three contestants, Jamey Kirby of Gainesville, Fla.; Anders Martinson of Union City, Calif.; and Scott Weiss of Walkersville, Md; were all declared champions and taped a rematch that will air Monday.
Je Pense Trop
Je pensais que j'étais en forme. Que j'étais très fort. Je sais maintenant que j'avais tort.
Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsJer says his nose sniffles guess that aint the nose i was thinkn of
Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith
Jeremy Camp - Walk By Faith lyrics Would i believe you when you would say your hand will guide my every way will i receive the words you say every moment of every day (chorus) well i will walk by faith even when i cannot see well because this broken road prepares your will for me help me to win my endless fears you've been so faithful for all my years with one breath you make me new your grace covers all i do yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya (chorus) well i'm broken- but i still see your face well you've spoken- pouring your words of grace (chorus x2) well hallelujah, hallelu (i will walk by faith) well hallelujah, hallelu (i will walk by faith) i will walk, i will walk, i will walk by faith i will, i will, i will walk by faith
Jeremy< Jeremy< Jeremy!!!!
Well ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that I had a really interesting date tommorrow evening! His name is Jeremy, he's from Kittanning, he is a total sweetheart to talk to, very down to earth, social, but a little shy...and here's the kicker, neither one of us knows what the other looks like and I think it's going to be pretty cool to finally but a face to all the kind words. So wish me luck or rip away all you want....I don't care...
Jeremy...and Me....
I really don't know what's going to happen with me and Jeremy...I mean I'm going out with him again this Saturday, I like him and he's a cutie, but I'm still hung up on someone that I really fucked up with...I wish that I would have had the chance to get face to face with Bobby before I wrecked that. Jeremy treats me like a lady which I appreciate, but I'm not really in for a relationship right now, I mean sooner or later it would be nice to have a relationship again, but I don't know that it will be with Jeremy or any time soon. I want to go out, I want to play the field, I want to have fun and finally I'm getting to the point where I just don't care what anyone says, I'm going to do my thing! But I will tell you, Saturday with Jeremy was very nice, we had dinner at Texas Road House in Butler, he took me for a ride to show me all the big trucks and such at the two coal mining sites he works at, I got to ride in this big truck and no that's not a metaphor for something else you sick an
Jeremy (something A Little Darker)
He was not a rapist. That is what Jeremy told himself everyday since the trial. The last few months had been a blur. Being arrested, the time in the county jail, the courtroom circus, and now, in prison with criminals! He did not belong here. He knew it. Why could everyone else not see that this was not his fault. Even the other people here in prison seemed to think he was a bad person. His first night here, he was raped, fucked in the ass by four very large men. During lunch the second day, he was dragged away, and two more made him suck them off, the second, smashing his fist into his teeth when he was finished, telling Jeremy that it would be better next time with no teeth. Now, laying in the infirmary, blood still trickling from his pain filled mouth, tears running down his cheeks, he began to realize. If he could only go back to that New years eve two years ago..... Jeremy was home this afternoon, like every afternoon during the winter break in school. Lounging in his
Jeremy Elwood
Jeremy Elwood live at the Comedy StoreAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Jeremy Crow Rocks!!!
Jeremy Crow, who is located in my family list, has done it again! This man is an artistic genius! He created this license for Sis and me, and also made it into a skin for our profiles. Please go check him out, if you haven't already done so. You're in for a real treat! Thank you so much, Jeremy! I love my curly haired brother! :-D
Jeremy Crow!
Wow, where do I begin?!! This is not only a man whom I have much respect for but a friend that connected me with other great friends! He somehow manages everyday to bring a smile to everyone's face by either putting a comment on their page, sending them a shout, rating a pic, commenting on a blog, writing a blog or even sending a text to them on their phone! (BTW JC, I don't get those still...hmmm...partially my fault, huh?! ;P) In the beginning after meeting him, I wasn't sure how I fit in with him but soon after, he surely showed me. Just follow this link and you'll figure out quickly where I fit, in Jeremy Crow's world. :) As you can see from following that link, I am called JC's Sweetest Twin for a reason and wear that name proudly and share it with another very sweet friend Laurie of whom I shall introduce to you soon too! :) If you have not met this man, Jeremy Crow, also known as "JC" or "SuperDaddyman", you have already been missing out. Now, don't let his numerous pics o
Jeremiah26 ; 2 -- 7
2 ;Thus sayinth the Lord : stand in the court of the Lords house, and speek to all cities of Judah, Which come to worship in Lord,s House., all the words that I command you to speek to them. Do not deminish A word. 3 ;Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring o them because of evil of their doings. 4 ;You sahll say to them :Thus says the LORD: if you will not listen to me, to walk in my ways, which I have set before you.. 5 ;to heed the words of my servants the Prophets, whom I send to you, both rising up early and sending them(but you have not heeded). 7 ;so the priest , prophets , and the people heard Jesus speeking these words in the house of the Lord. Im trying to get thru to all that if Jesus can say these word then back then and kept all his words; They be true cause I have no doubt.. then these words are same for us as a people today and we should know in our hearts; Jesus will
Jeremiah 14 ; - 18 Verses.
14 ;heal me O Lord and I shall be healed ; Save me and I shall be saved. for you are my praise. 15;In deed he say to me, Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come now! 16 ;As for me I have not hurried away from being a shepard who follolws you, Nor have I desired the woeful day ; You knows what comes out of my lips ; it is right there before You. 17 ; do not be a terrer to me. 18 ;Let them be ashamed who persecute You. But do not let me be put to shame, bring on them the day of doom, And destroy them with double destruction.! This is Jeremiah with the Lord speeking to the Lord..
Jeremiah 19 -- 21verses>..
19 ;O Lord My strenght and My fortress, My refuguge in the day of affliction ; The gentiles shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, Surely Our Father have inhereated lies, Worthless and unprofitable things. 20 ; will a man make gods for himself, Which are no gods? 21 ;There fore I behold, I will this once cause them to know. My hand and my might, And they shall know that , My name is the Lord.
Jeremiah 17 Verses 5 - 10.. I Was Tring To Find Verses For My Friend >>to Comfort Him
5 ;Thus says the Lord ; cursed is the man who trust in man. And makes Flesh his strength, Whos heart departs from the Lord. 6 ;For he shall, shall be like a shrub in the desert. But shall inhabith the parched places in the wildreness. in a salt land which is not inhabited. 7 ;Blessed is the man who Trust in The Lord : And whos hope is in the Lord, 8;For he sall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spred out it,s roots by the river And will not fear when heat comes, but its leaf be green And will not be anxious in year of drought, Nor will ceace yelding fruit. The heart is decietful aboove all things, And despertly wicked, Who can know it? 10; I the Lord search the Heart, I test the mind. To give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings. i typed these verses for my friend God Bless you>> diana
a> THE FUBAR HOUSE PARTY AT HYDAWAY RADIO DJ SH ADYJ DJ Shadyj Only @ Hydaway Radio. THIS DJ GIVES A GOOD TREAT so come in and throw this Dog a BONE! Just click the banner
Jeremiah32 Verses 17&27
Jeremy Scahill On Blackwater And Iraq
Special thanks to Divinity
At home Drawing pictures Of mountain tops With him on top Lemon yellow sun Arms raised in a V Dead lay in pools of maroon below Daddy didn't give attention To the fact that mommy didn't care King Jeremy the wicked Ruled his world Jeremy spoke in class today Jeremy spoke in class today Clearly I remember Pickin' on the boy Seemed a harmless little fuck But we unleashed a lion Gnashed his teeth And bit the recess lady's breast How could I forget He hit me with a surprise left My jaw left hurting Dropped wide open Just like the day Like the day I heard Daddy didn't give affection And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear King Jeremy the wicked Ruled his world Jeremy spoke in class today Jeremy spoke in class today Try to forget this... Try to erase this... From the blackboard.
Jeremy's Temptation
If you don't like either C word while describing male and female genitalia, then don't read this. For the rest of you, here is a taste of my erotica... Jeremy's Temptation There was nothing complicated about it. He had to take her before the infatuation drove him crazy. The vision of her face in the pillows, and the gleam of sweat down her back, her shapely hips gyrating while he mounted her like an animal, repeated itself in his mind. Jeremy stood under the cover of night, transfixed over Nina preparing for bed. Surrounded by the sweetness of lilac bushes, he wondered if her floral scent had anything to do with the purple blooms growing beneath her bedroom window. Closing his eyes, Jeremy recalled the last time he stood behind her, smelling her delicious hair, itching to put his hands on her hips and guide her body against his. He’d wanted to kiss her neck, roam his hands over her stomach and breasts, while his cock stirred against her back. His thoughts began to consum
imikimi - Customize Your World
Jeremy Again....
Murder suspect caught One suspect still at large; family, friends pay tribute to slain guitarist Danie M. Huffman Johnny Preston Reed, 37, was caught and arrested Thursday morning around 1 a.m. by Kaufman County Sheriff’s Department. Guy Evan Graves, 35, is still at large. The men are wanted for the murder of Jeremy Ryan Sisk, 24, of Weatherford. Family members said Sisk died Tuesday morning while running to his brother’s aid. Police found the get-away Chevrolet pickup abandoned Thursday on West Lake Drive in Weatherford. Police said they have received information that Graves is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, adding he is armed and dangerous. Friends, family and fans continue to mourn the loss of Sisk. Sisk, who was originally said to have been shot in the face, was actually shot in the shoulder after he tried to save his brother from his killers. Sisk’s mother, Debra Sisk, said the medical examiner’s office confirmed the findin
Jeremy We Miss You Rockstar!!
The funeral for Jeremy Ryan Sisk was held Monday at Annetta Cemetery. A public wake was held following the service at Cherry Park, where hundreds attended to pay last respects to the heavy metal band Skard Soul guitarist, who was murdered Oct. 21. More than 300 vehicles were parked at the graveside service with a procession more than two miles long. imikimi - Customize Your World
Jeremiah 17 : A Reminder To Myself And To Anyone Who Desires Godliness.
5 This is what the LORD says:        "Cursed is the one who trusts in man,        who depends on flesh for his strength        and whose heart turns away from the LORD.  6 He will be like a bush in the wastelands;        he will not see prosperity when it comes.        He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,        in a salt land where no one lives.  7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,        whose confidence is in him.  8 He will be like a tree planted by the water        that sends out its roots by the stream.        It does not fear when heat comes;        its leaves are always green.        It has no worries in a year of drought        and never fails to bear fruit." 9 The heart is deceitful above all things        and beyond cure.        Who can understand it?  10 "I the LORD search the heart        and examine the mind,        to reward a man according to his conduct,        according to what his deeds deserve."      
Jeremy Lin's No. 17 Jersey Is Nba's Top Seller
    Jeremy Lin, the first American-born NBA player of Asian heritage, is getting rock star level attention among Chinese basketball longchamp handbags fans. The New York Knicks sudden star has seen his Twitter following explode to more than 200,000 as of Monday morning, but that doesn't tell half the story. Lin has picked up longchamp outlet nearly 850,000 followers on a Chinese version of Twitter known as the Weibo microblog, according to cheap longchamp Agence France-Presse. That's impressive, but his followers on China Tencent and Sina microblogs are more than 1.5 million, with more than three-quarters of them coming since Lin dropped 38 points on Kobe Bryant's Los Angeles Lakers. China's state television CCTV has changed longchamp sale its NBA broadcast schedule to include more Knicks games this week. Although NBA commissioner David Stern is appreciative of Lin's popularity, he's not ready to compare the Knicks sensation longchamp bags to Yao Ming. "I don’t think another
Jeremy Lin 19 +11 Asik Large Double-double Rocket Escapement Magic
The Star of the field: Jeremy Lin 19 +11 Section III Magic chase 62-74, the Rockets usher in a period of the war relatively most test rocket is how to deal with it? Books Hao contain the opponent defensive focus continuous high level pass Asik, who twice cheap nba jerseys dunk; book ho also reflect their own firepower, launched into the basket to score after consecutive red threes, that wave 11 -0 the offensive directly determine the trend of the game. The single third book Hao scored 10 points. Not Harden Parsons' case, the overall book ho pass two sets of skills and attack the basket open, this is the core of the role.Game review: the perfect start Rockets lead the way to capture the magicHo opening book that help Smith dunk the rocket inside hand wind very Shun constantly cut points Hao book after the opening red basket help Garcia launched into threes, the Rockets played 21-6 wonderful start. Smith, with nba jerseys Asik first section both scored 10 points, the rocket was leading t
Jericho And Fozzy On Tna Impact! This Thursday Plus Other Tna News
CHRIS JERICHO AND FOZZY TO APPEAR ON "iMPACT!" BEFORE "BOUND FOR GLORY" See the national television debut of "Enemy" from Fozzy On Thursday, October 19, on TNA "iMPACT!" on SpikeTV at 11pm ET, Chris Jericho and his band "Fozzy" will be featured in a music video for the song "Enemy" from their "All That Remains" album. The national television debut of the video will feature Jericho and Fozzy along with the stars of TNA Wrestling just days before the "Bound For Glory" Pay-Per-View extravaganza on Sunday, October 22 live from Detroit, Michigan. TNA Wrestling directors David Sahadi and Kevin Sullivan, who have worked with Jericho in the past, will be producing the music video for the "iMPACT!" broadcast. "This is simply awesome," Sahadi told "I have always had tremendous admiration for Chris Jericho as a professional and as a person. He's one of the coolest guys I know." Don't forget - TNA Wrestling's "iMPACT!" goes primetime on Thursday, November 16
jerilynn@ CherryTAP
Jerica Faye
Jerica Faye was born on Jan 15th 2009 @ 9:20 pm she weighed 5 pounds and 12 ounces and was 18 inches long she is doing good an gaining weight fast thanks to all left comments on her new pics. hugs & kisses Pink & Jerica
Jerk Off
Use to be a bunch of assholes that lived in this part of the building here, but we systematically removed them like you would any kind of termite or roach Someone told me once that there's a right and wrong, and that punishment would come to those who dare to cross the line. But it must not be true for jerk-offs like you. Maybe it takes longer to catch a total asshole. but I'm tired of waiting. Maybe it's just bullshit and I should play GOD, and shoot you myself. Because I'm tired of waiting. Consequences dictate our course of action and it doesn't matter what's right. It's only wrong if you get caught. If consequences dictate my course of action I should play GOD and shoot you myself. I'm very tired of waiting. I should kick you, beat you, fuck you, and then shoot you in your fucking head.
Jerk Off
15 minute soup. cook up some garlic and onion in alittle olive oil and butter ... add a packet of 90 minute rice .. add some chicken brooth. Cook till hot .. add in carrot, sald, pepper, chilli oil, honey, chicken and enough chicken broth to completly cover... stir and boil .. for some damn good sweet and spicy soup ... ... Nobody else was gonna make it for me.
lyrics - jerk-off Someone told me once that there's a right and wrong, and that punishment would come to those who dare to cross the line. But it must not be true for jerk-offs like you. Maybe it takes longer to catch a total asshole. but I'm tired of waiting. Maybe it's just bullshit and I should play GOD, and shoot you myself.* Because I'm tired of waiting. Consequences dictate our course of action and it doesn't matter what's right. It's only wrong if you get caught. If consequences dictate my course of action I should play GOD and shoot you myself.* I'm very tired of waiting. I should kick you, beat you, fuck you, and then shoot you in your fucking head.*
Jerk-just What You Need
Don't believe in love, don't believe in hate Don't believe in destiny or in fate Don't believe in the future, don't believe in the past 'Cause I know that nothing lasts Take a look inside [CH] I can't take that mask away It changes every day And everything you want from me I will take I feel the way you need I'm struggling to breathe As simple as it seems, it's just what you need Take a look inside Don't believe in the drugs, I don't believe in this place Don't believe that it's ending, don't believe your face Don't believe that it's easy, don't pretend that it's hard Don't believe that you loved me, don't believe who you are (don't believe who you are) [CH] Don't believe in you, don't believe in me I don't believe in love, I don't believe in fuck [CH] ---------------
Jerk-i Hate People Like That
Don't you want me? I like you more if you could save me But I forget the reason why you think I should care It's not my problem! I'll call you when I want some But I forget the reason why you think I should care [CH] I hate people like that 'cause people like that treat you like that... when you got something! I hate people like that 'cause people like that treat you like that... when they want something It's like you're psycho! I tried to talk about it but no You wouldn't listen when I said it all gets better It's time to let it go! You're only breathing 'cause I say so And I can tell you that it still won't get much better I hate people like that 'cause people like that treat you like that... when they want something I hate people like that 'cause people like that treat you like that... when you got something! I hate people like that when people like that treat you like that you've got to put your fist in (you got to put your fist in) And now you're froz
Jerks, Users, And Asshole
Jerky Boys: Frank Rizzo
Jerky Boys: Stfu
Jerky Boys: My Freind I'll Kill You
----SODA JERKS DO NOT COUNT---- Hello all my cherries,...ever had a bad day? days that exist of annoying people,stupidity,drama queens,X-boyfriends and especailly them,Well,guess what??? You do not have to take it anymore,Good News,It is Dump Your Signifigant Jerk day,...If you can find it within you. PEACE.
Jerk And Yes You Know Who U Are :)
As I lay me down to sleep, I hope you rot in hell, you creep. My life was fine before you came, Why are you so fucking lame? Your hair is stupid, Your memory stinks, Whenever we talk my intelligence shrinks. Your ranting is too much to bare, When will you realize I don't care? As I lay me down to rest, My sanity is put to the test. You go on and on, Like the Energizer bunny. You are so annoying, It's not even funny. People say your stupidity is a cute little quirk, But I see you for what you really are. And that is... a jerk.
Jerk Off.....
On 4/21/2007, "bulldogfire" wrote: > >hey can you help me out. can i look at a pic of you naked while i jerk off? Ya see typical jerk...No offense to some of the men out there but this is what spoils it for most
Jerk Alerts
1st off... If anyone gets offended by this blog. Get Bent! I'm not angry or scorned. That's not why I made this blog. If there were not a need and a reason to have such a thing I wouldn't have created it. This is not about slamming people for the hell of it just because they pissed you off a little. There are tons of nice people in this world but for each one there is a JerkWad! That one person boy or girl that thinks they can get away with it all or believes the internet is just a playground to anonymously hurt people for their own gain. So with that said... **************************** I think the Amber Alert thing on FU-Bar is great. But they should also create the Jerk Alert. For people that con others or screw you over online or otherwise. That way everyone would know who the bastard was that did you wrong. Pay FU-Bar $100 to deem someone a Jerk and watch their name turn a flashing bold and bright irritating orange. There could be Mumm Jerk
Why do people have to "pretend" to be someone they aren't? Say what you mean and MEAN what you SAY. Don't play stupid games with other's feelings & emotions. If I screw up then I say it outloud and believe me I do from time to time. If you can't be real, honest, kind and caring then stay the hell away because I dont have time for the petty crap and games. Life itself is so short and I spent too much of mine in a bad situation. NO MORE I have my days ahead to go through and I DO intend to make them great ones. Either get ON the bus WITH me or clear out. Your choice.
Jerk Off
he had the nerve to rate my picture a 6 what the fuck is up with the downrating haters? bigjeeper@ CherryTAP
i just have to say some guys on here are a gonna leave it at that
by Bile. Want to take the pain away, Today after school, Tie me to the table in your basement, It'll be so cool. I have nothing in my mind, And I'm a big fucking waste of time, Please show me the way, I've thought about this moment every single day. It's time you brought me down, To remove my constant friend. So cut away my pain, And use my corpse for your little games. Start with something fun like a baseball bat, And beat me hard in the chest. Make slices and incisions everywhere, I think I'll like that the best. Watch my blood start to flow, And videotape my show. Fuck me, I'm your whore, Saw through my bone right to my core. What a viscious final ride, Now I can die with pride. Chop my head right off of me, Hold it up so I can see all the beautiful work you've done to me.
Jerks Who Don't Get Their Own Way
When I first got on here, this was an awesome site. 99.9% of the people were wonderful to talk to and chat with... but there is always that .1% that has to just ruin it for the rest of the people. Why does there always have to be one person in the crowd that has to be a jerk, just because they don't get their own way? I am on here and try to be nice and pleasant to everyone... but then I get treated like crap. I tried to be a friend to a certain person on here, and they know who they are, but they just couldn't relax and be patient with me. They had to push me until I pushed back and they didn't like it. So, now they are choosing to be a real jerk about everything. Again... why does there always have to be one in the group who has to be an ass? Let me know what you think people....
Jerk Chicken With Carribean Rice
Ingredients: * Marinade: * 2 Tbsp lime juice * 2 Tbsp water * 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice * 1/2 tsp nutmeg * 1/2 tsp salt * 2 tsp brown sugar * 1/2 tsp thyme * 3/4 tsp black pepper * 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper * 1/2 tsp garlic chopped * Other ingredients: * 3 skinless boneless chicken breast halves, cut in strips (stir fry size) * * Rice ingredients: * 2 cups hot cooked white rice * 11 oz can Mandarin oranges, drained * 8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained except 1 tbsp liquid * 1/2 cup chopped red or green peppers * 1/4 -1/2 cup coconut * 1/4 -1/2 cup chopped macadamia nuts 1-2 Tbsp chopped onion Method Mix together all marinade ingredients. Pour over cut up chicken and marinate for a few hours. Spice quantities may be altered to your taste preferences. Dump chicken & marinade into skillet, cook chicken through, then cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Cook rice while chicken is
This guy rated my pic a 5 and I visited him and thanked him for it and gave him a 10, was my usual nice guy too...LOL This is the comment he left on my page: "Nothing personal man, I give guys a five and wome a seven or a ten. Have a great day!" Then he blocked me (I think) because all I get now is N/A when I try to look at his thumbnail pic there. the number for him I think is 1048852 and his name yesterday (proly still the same today) was J I'm not trying to start any DRAMA just want you all to watch out for him. HUGZZZ
Jerk Vs. Nice Guy
A wise man once told me, "As a man, you have to die once in order to live." I never fully appreciated his advice, nor did I understand it until I experienced it firsthand. From that time on, I understood the origins of the Jerk vs. Nice Guy battle. You may be asking yourselves, "What in the world is this guy talking about?" Well, I'm referring to the widely known fact that women habitually date men that are jerks while the "nice" guys are often left twiddling their thumbs in solitaire. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Figuratively speaking, in order for a man to enjoy the company of women and be able to seduce them, his inner nice guy must first die through heartache. It is at this point that his inner bad boy surfaces and goes on the prowl. Any man that has experienced true love, only to have his heart crushed by the woman that he thought he would spend his life with, will understand what I am talking about. A man that has never experienced the heartache of bei
Jerk Magnet
You Are Occasionally a Jerk Magnet You've been known to attract real jerky guys from time to time... But the truth is, you know what you're getting into. You can help but love bad boys. Are You a Jerk Magnet?
just not in a good mood at all today and Men are jerks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You decide you finally think you met "The One"..or someone you might just settle down with..everything clicks and things look so bright...then it happens....It's like a disease called "Jerkoffitis". It is a disease I beleive that was rare years ago but now has been surfacing more and more. At this time in my life it seems to be at an epidemic state. I beleive these days there is no cure for this condition. The signs of this disease are as follows: 1. Paying WAY too much attention to you 2. Promising anything you want 3. Calling you princess 4. Saying they want to be with you forever after a very short time 5. Promising to spend time with you but never really pinpointing the time 6. Calling you constantly to find out what you are doing 7. Wanting phone sex and asking very "Unusual" things 8. Say they have money LADIES!! STAY AWAY FROM MEN LIKE THESE AT ALL COSTS!!!! They are full of shit and need a kick in the ass...they ALWAYS dissapear or are married!!!
Jerks In Men's Clothing
Just recently I had two friends, women, relay their latest crappy encounters with jerks pretending to be men. To the guys that may be reading this, let me describe these women. Both are intelligent, both are well versed, both are mothers, and in my humble opinion both quite attractive. Even if they weren't, so what? I listened to what they had to say about the “jerks”, mentally playing devil’s advocate, accounting for the girl-guy losses in communication, I had to conclude, these guys were jerks. Why should men care if there are jerks in the world? Well I can’t speak for every guy on the planet but for me it takes work to be a decent man and sometimes it even hurts. I work damn hard at it, and every time one of these jerks does something really stupid. They piss away all the effort I have put in and all men get taken down a few notches. Without fail, it’s been my experience that somehow, someway, I pay out the freaking nose for all the jerks ahead of me. I can hear someone r
Jerk It Out
Wind me up Put me down Start me off and watch me go I'll be running circles around you sooner than you know A little off center And I'm out of tune Just kicking this can along the avenue But I'm alright Coz it's easy once you know how it's done You can't stop now It's already begun You feel it Running through your bones And you jerk it out And you jerk it out Shut up Hush your mouth Can't you hear you talk too loud No I can't hear nothing cause I got my head up in the clouds I bite off anything that I can chew I'm chasing cars up and down the avenue But that's ok Coz it's easy once you know how it's done You can't stop now It's already begun You feel it Running through your bones So you jerk it out Coz it's easy once you know how it's done You can't stop now It's already begun You feel it Running through your bones And you jerk it out And you jerk it out And you jerk it out And you jerk it out Oh baby don't you know you really gotta je
ya know some of you guys must think us girls are pretty damn stupid. that you can just fuck us over use us and lie to us and we not ever find out. ha bull fucking shit. don't ever under estimate the power or wisdom of a woman. we can kick your sorry ass better than an guy ever can. so don`t plan on using,lying,cheating, or abusing a girl unless you plan on wanting that in return. what goes around comes around. and when it comes back to you its going to be 10 x`s as bad. so the next time you have a girlfriend and want to fuck around on her, make sure i`m not the gf your fucking around on. because things have ways of getting back to someone even if you think you have covered your ass. and a guy like that (you) never gets a second chance nor does he deserve a second chance with what he had. hope it was fucking worth it asshole.
Jerk Wanting To See My Nsfw
Lazyb86: sorry hun, ain't nothing worth that to spend money for. i'm higher class then that ->Lazyb86: ...yes Lazyb86: does it cost money? ->Lazyb86: its like an ad for your page. look to the right of your shoutbox Lazyb86: what is a blast and what does it do? ->Lazyb86: lol... you go to the link on my page that says buy a gift blast Lazyb86: well tell me how and i will, i'm new to this ->Lazyb86: i dunno someone could buy me a new blast
Jerks At The Holidays
Happy Holidays to all!!! I do question why is it that the people you care the most about choose this time of year to show there ass? Is it just my twisted life that some how invites every conceivable scrooge there is on the planet to show up this time of year? These people seem normal and rational all year long but as soon as it gets close to the Turkeys day the Holiday Jerks seem to come out of the wood work and the scary part is they are those nearest and dearest to you... Can one cancel on the Holidays and not look like the jerk because you seem to be the only sane one left?
A Jerks Tangent In My Shoutbox
I dont know where this all came from but he certainly seems angry about it. maybe he needs to get laid. who knows!!! relieve the pressure to his brain maybe... masterfulone: then delete ur profile you moron ->JUICYšluxuriaš: WOW, your real nice masterfulone: I was til u told me u had a bf and all that shit 30 min later and for u to not expect guys to hit on you are u for real? ->JUICYšluxuriaš: says it on my profile that im engaged. take the time to read it next time masterfulone: ur showing ur tits basically on profile pic...uh your name is "juicy" so think about what they think about I mean I get tired of u women crying all the time about this and that ->JUICYšluxuriaš: for one, im not showing my tits, 2, my name is juicy for reasons beyond anything you can comprehend...its not sexual at all. masterfulone: they don't have to read it ok....not a rule...some puters lock up going to a homepage ok with graphics ok and who cares if ur engaged doesn't mean
*jerk Alert & Downrater*
This Guy... Was the biggest ASSHAT so far... lol and that's saying something.. I don't know where these people come from but some of them have a serious attitude problem.....Make sure to block this fu-tard before he does this to you!! He's a downrater and a hater... This is what happend after I told him i didn't give my yahoo screen name right away...If you want to chat w/ me this is the WRONG way to get my After I said that.. which maybe I should have blocked him right after he copped an attitude he rated me a ONE and blocked me.....What a ass! This is the link to his profile: He also has a nother profile under the same name and he's downrating people on that one too...: alot of people come on here to have a good time .... why do some people have to be soo mean?
So I don't know why it is that I seem to attract the worst guys. I went and on a whim met this guy tonight, we were drinking and talking and having a generally good time. Well he decided to try and get fresh with me, feeling me up and tryin to put his hands where I didn't want them. I told him before I went to hang out with him that anything like that was not going to happen. So the fact that he even tried was just blatent disrespect. Well I told him no, and he got up and left the room for a second, and when he came back he layed on his bed for a bit and pretended to pass out. Leaving me to either crash on the couch, get in bed with him and chance something happeneing there, or leaving and WALKING home. Well I high tailed it outta there, didn't matter that I had to walk 6 miles home cuz he was a jackass I just wanted to get myself outta that situation as fast as I could. But really what is it about me that makes guys think that they can treat me like that, I'm human, I have feelings.
i may not have a comp 4 a while caz my bro is a complete faggot so yea
from: JOSH_D- United States subject: you know what thye say received: 03/19/2008 02:07 am replied: no block this member He sent this in mail... a bitch is a bitch is a bitch is a bitch and will always will be a bitch.. hun beauty isnt something you are given.. beauty is in way your attitude is and urs sucks id rather fuck a dog than you seruiously.. u suck big time.. i dont give flying fuck if u were last woman on earth my dick would still not get hot enough for u cause ur a bitch.. period.. now vamoos.....
Jerks On Fubar
Some of you people aren't real. Some of you people are just fake. Some of you have no common sence. Some of you have no morals. Some of you have sence of right and wrong. Some of you have no dignity. Some of you are just plain stupid. Some of you have no clue what this is for. Some of you need your head examined. Some of you people are just rude. And for those people, I hate you all YOU ARE THE WORST THAT HUMANITY HAS TO OFFER! PEOPLE LIKE YOU MAKE ME SICK!
Jerk - Love Your Drugs
Artist: jerk lyrics Song: love your drugs lyrics Jerk Music Videos Jerk - Love Your Drugs (Live @ Channel V) Music Video Ringtones left icon Send "Love Your Drugs" Ringtone to Cell Ringtones right icon Took you down for one more hit, when you gonna stop that shit? 'Till the next time it's OK, slowly watching your decay Just one more time, just one last time Deep inside the living dead, Zombie fucks, retarded head, I know just what you will say, Get the fuck out of my way Why can't you just love me like you love your fucking drugs, You tell me that you hate it but you never get enough Guess it only mattered when, I turn my back on you again For a second I felt fine So I tried to save you one last time Why can't you just love me like you love your fucking drugs, You tell me that you hate it but you never get enough Why can't you just love me like you love your fucking drugs You tell me that you hate it but you never get enough Without you I found
Jerk - Injection Of You
Piss on piss, piss on kiss It's a simple math that on this Spit on spit, take this hit I'll make you a deal, you give and you get My desire, your flesh on fire Put me out; I'm not tired Greed on greed, the more I need Lie to your body, pretend to breed. You're in my blood now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you You're in my blood now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you I feel like a child, naked and wild, Your body's my playground where pure is defiled Sweat on sweat, the more I get, jump in the fire This ain't over yet. I can quit any time I want to You're in my blood, now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you You're in my blood, now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you Burn you down tie me off for an injection of you. of you.
The Jerk
well i was bummed earlier tonight - i found out a friend of mine was no friend at all - and i admit i was very sad i had given him time - a shoulder to cry on - all the stuff a friend does - only to be forgotten like yesterdays trash i dunno why i am suprised - i should be use to the losers - but i really thought he was a decent guy i just wanna say - well fuck you buddy - u are an asshole lol
Piss on piss, piss on kiss It's a simple math that on this Spit on spit, take this hit I'll make you a deal, you give and you get My desire, your flesh on fire Put me out; I'm not tired Greed on greed, the more I need Lie to your body, pretend to breed. You're in my blood now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you You're in my blood now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you I feel like a child, naked and wild, Your body's my playground where pure is defiled Sweat on sweat, the more I get, jump in the fire This ain't over yet. I can quit any time I want to You're in my blood, now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you You're in my blood, now my veins turn blue I get my biggest rush from an injection of you Burn you down tie me off for an injection of you. of you.
When guys are assholes to you. What technically does that mean, that they are gay and wanna pick on girls because its a "war over penis" Is it because they think we like it... guys who think they are cool [dio cane] ARE HOMOS. the end
unknownapx@ fubar ->unknownapx: and your sitting at home all alone because you have no gf and the only way you can get off is by putting food on you and letting the dog get it off you fuck off loser!!!!!! unknownapx: I m sure u having a blast in ur ass just by my words so speaking like this........ ->unknownapx: heep dreaming asshole will never fucking happen unknownapx: so u like to be fucked in ur asss............. ok i m gonna fuck u ass first....... n making u cry......... ->unknownapx: yeah ok in what life asshole keep it up unknownapx: I m gonna fuck u n ur mother both at a time. bitch........ ->unknownapx: unknownapx rated you a '1'! awww did hurt your feelings jacckass you aint fucking me or touching any part of me go fuck yourself unknownapx: I can make all ur hole bloody and make u cry and die........ I m sure u never hv taken like this... I will fuck ur ass bitch... ->unknownapx: i dont care about your small dick fuck off unknownapx: Hey Sexy.........
Jerk Off~
Paul bit the cornered portion of his toast after having first dipped it into the runny yoke of the egg. He preferred his eggs 'sunny-side-up' as opposed to anything else. He had smiled at the waitress as she freshened his coffee, grinning politely, managing the words "Thank you" as she did.Penny, his wife of barely a year sat beside him. She preferred pancakes smothered in rich thick syrup, perhaps overdoing it, but she'd explained that it reminded her of the way his cum sometimes slithered down the side of his shaft when he climaxed. Penny was always comparing things like that, finding eroticism in nearly everything. Just as she was doing now as her hand slowly, quietly, secretly continued stroking his hard erect shaft beneath the table.They hadn't wanted the honeymoon to end. And as such, went on a monthly retreat, usually within a few hours drive, just someplace to get away for the weekend, be together, and explore their secret little fetish.Paul as well as Penny were true 'Masturba
I fucking can't believe all tha stupid ass holes that come out of tha wood works..!!All i did wuz post a mumm to try and find friends... then all tha Fucking Jerks start in with grammer and tha 'way I talk in words... well Fuck u!!!!!!! If u have issues of people you dont even know... keep it too your Fucking self!!...And of course this is too all tha jerks that commented.. negative...
Was having a good day at went by pretty fast until I get a text my husband...ex...roomate..whatever the hell ya call him now. He's all like, "thanks for freeing up my Wednesday". I'm like...what the hell are you bitching about? Aparently Emory found out that him and some of the other nerds been doing D&D night on Tuesdays because they didn't want to game with Emory, Fesha and JP. So they decided to have a private game...a hush hush game on Tuesday nights. Well, Emory found out and I guess he been talking to Rich. So Rich was going on accusing me for saying something to them. Why the hell would I even mention anything about their nerd night? I don't give a shit...I don't care what the hell he does with his life. Why would I want to mess up his cool nerd nights when stuff are already messed up? Then he's like...well I was just guessing, assuming it was you because you are still upset with me and been giving me the silent treatment the last few days. he said I gave him a smirk
Jerk Of The Day
This idiot (who cannot spell by the way) is one crude little boy (even though he says he is 41).  Just because I would not web cam with him (since I dont have a cam) or even call him and listen to him "Cum Hard" over the phone.  Called me a dork.  And I doubt if he knows what it really means and such a mature thing to say for an older man. I blocked him rated his pics a 1 and left him a few choice comments. Just wanted to show you what a real idiot looks like.
Jerk Speak
will add more when i get them; 1. Jasonxx420xx:so u hate me now uh? lol ok thats fine 2. darknesso3~; if you dont want to be friends,its all good.i have plenty more.have a good night.bye 3. Ria: your're a dirty cunt who is just pissed cause she can't get any action. Gotta try to take it from her friends. Pathetic really 4.Passion s Fire just got you shitfaced!!! Passion s Fire also sent you this message: "I'll unblock you when you learn English, or lose 100lbs. I'm nice like that :)" 5. Captroy8: (13hrs ago) Love to have you as a friend *ERROR: This user's permissions don't allow you to view their profile. (this is what i get now) ....... bcuz i don't want to do the cliche  'what are you wearing, are you touching yourself, what would you do if i was there' crap i get this. i find it humorous as not 20 mins earlier he was telling me i was sexy. yes they are always so funny that way =) 8:59pm reply tcb john: hell no 9:01pm reply tcb john: kick your fat ass
This jerk came to my page and in my SB being rude, even after he was told to back off, then i find out he stold a pic of me out of my album and wont delete is. Ladys watch out for this scum!!!!   loverboy">@ fubar                  
I put my faith in you, and you threw it away. I gave you my trust and yet that wasn't enough. You threw my emotions away as if I were nothing a no onje. Did I do something in a past life to deserve being hurt and disappointed? Broken hearted yes. I must learn to stop caring about anyone and anything because everything hurts eventually.
A Jerk
Ladies watch out for a guy on here he promises to buy in to family and send credits than backs out after he lies and accuses you of something you never did. Than he blocks you. If you want to know who please shout box me and I will give you the ugly asses name Ty....   Sincerely, Feisty Sassy 
Jerkoff Hall Of Fame
Fu is supposed to be a community where people help each other out so that everyone can move up...It's not all about who is running what or who can buy what bling for whoever... simple things such as a Rate, a Like or even Fanning someone in return shouldn't be a big deal...all it costs is 3 seconds of a person's time and it benefits both members because there are various achievements that can be gained... Now 99 out of 100 times, its a simple exchange with courtesies exchanged and then maybe a new friend...but there is always that 1 asshole that decides it's his/her job to be the biggest dick they can possibly be without reason...So with that said, I am going to start of collection of the douchebags I come across...Enjoy... 11/2/13 To Desdinova:Fanned/Rated/Liked you...mind fanning me back please?? Desdinova: fuck all the way off one solicited your attention on my page so stop your gay begging To Desdinova: no need to be rude about it...i wasnt in anyway offensive.
Jerm Does Dub!
Jerome Corsi Talks About King George Bush
Jerome Corsi discusses the crimial behavior of the Bush administration and the attempt to seize Dictatorship.
Jerome Rice Aka 'jrice'
Jerome Rice aka 'JRice' Rated my "My Picture" a 3.Anyways, this downrater's links are below View Downrater Block Downrater Leave Comment For Downrater
Jerry's Kids
This year, I have the honor and pleasure of participating in MDA's KTVK Channel 3: Telethon Executive Lock-Up to help "Jerry's Kids®". To reach my goal I need your help! I'd like to include my Lost Cherry family on my list of contributors who are helping me reach my goal. Your donation would help MDA continue the important fight against muscular dystrophy. Check out my web page by clicking on the link below. There you'll find all kinds of information about MDA, and be able to make your tax-deductible donation on-line using your credit card. MDA serves people in our community with neuromuscular disease by providing clinics, support groups, assistance with the purchase and repair of wheelchairs, braces and communication devices, and summer camp for kids. MDA also funds research grants to help find treatments and cures for some 43 neuromuscular diseases that affect people of all ages, right here in our community. I sincerely hope that you'll take the opportunity to support MDA. I
Jerry Springer
So some of you have made some comments about seeing me on Jerry Springer. Most have been supportive or at the least non judgemental about it....but some of you have said some things about it such as me being trashy or that I should have shown my paying members first. Well I just wanted to clarify some things here.... 1) I was not supposed to actually be on the show. No one on Jerry Springer knew that I was there and I was not scheduled to be there. I went with a couple friends to just have fun because he had extra tickets. 2) I was not paid to be on the show 3) I became part of the show because of making a comment about my boobs, of course everyone knows what happens when you make comments on Jerry Springer. 4) My actions on Jerry Springer had nothing to do with my site, it was outside fun, just like when I go to the Ozarks and get beads for showing my boobs. No one had a problem with that, but they had a problem with Jerry Springer, sorry but I was just having fun 5) S
Jerry A. Krantz! (a Must Read)
There's an asshole who got me knocked up who's calling me a whore, and white trash. his name is Jerrold Krantz. I was 17 when he knocked me up and when I was 15 or 16, he sent me pics of his dick. talk about child corruption, which he can get sent to jail for and i'm gonna see to it that he does...cause that's where his dumb ass belongs... He says it's not his...yeah it is... He told me to take his name off of my blog or he'll post my shit everywhere... well he posted my shit everywhere anyway and brought my bf into it. like this colauge that he put on his profile.... I don't want Jerrold anywhere near my son cause he's a bad example... he's trying to make me seem like a whore but look at him... he's hidious, 28 and he's an immature little fuck. and not good in bed either I might add. He's got another Daughter Lacey who's only 4 months older then my son... He denied her too till he got the test... His with the mother of that one who says she wants to leave him but never does cause she'
Jerry Falwell Dead, Finally! I Couldent Be Happyer
Well, now there is one less hate breeding mother fucker in the world! Read the Time magazine report:,8599,1621131,00.html How we'll miss that illuminary, Mr. Falwell, who gave us such bits of wisdom as : "AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals." and "The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews." "God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve." -- Rev Jerry Falwell, blaming civil libertarians, feminists, homosexuals, and abortion rights supporters for the terrorist attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to which Rev Pat Robertson agreed, quoted from John F Harris, "God Gave US 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says," The Washington Post (September 14, 2001) And of course, if you don't agree with him and think just like he does: "If you're not a born-again Christian,
Jerry's Kids Mda Lock Up Please Help!
Being a mother of 2 Healthy kids makes me grateful but not everyone is soooo lucky, some are plagued with terrible medical conditions and we all have a chance to help, so you have a choice move on and don't care or make a diffrence, it's your choice. HELP! I’m going behind bars “for good”! This year, I have the honor and pleasure of (believe it or not) serving time behind bars for “Jerry’s Kids” to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I need your help to raise the dough to bail me out of jail. You can also pay to keep me in! I’d like to include you or your company on my list of contributors who are helping me raise my bail. Your donation would help MDA continue the fight against muscular dystrophy. Check out my web page and donate on-line by clicking on the link below. There you’ll find all kinds of information about MDA. Just follow this link to visit my webpage: MDA
Jerry Jones "gather Your Butt Up."
Who talks like that? Especially to a Mayor. And what does it mean? Fucking moron.
Jerry Garcia At Woodstock 1969
Jerry Will Go To Jail For
Jerry will go to jail for ... Resisting arrest while having sex 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
silvadolla7771: oh silvadolla7771: i have a funny fucking story to tell u noshadesofgrey11: we'got it silvadolla7771: so i told you how the last time dave cheated on me it was with this skanky bitch named tammy right?? silvadolla7771: well, when i kicked him out he and tammy officially got together i guess noshadesofgrey11: i think these are the longest consecutive days i've spent high as an adult silvadolla7771: so when she got out of jail they moved in together noshadesofgrey11: jerry! jerry! jerry!
Jerry Sienfelds 's Recipe For The Perfect Marriage
Jerry Sienfelds 'S RECIPE FOR THE PERFECT MARRIAGE 1. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, have a little beverage, good food and companionship. She goes on Tuesdays, I go on Fridays. 2. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in California and mine is in Texas. 3. I take my wife everywhere..... but she keeps finding her way back. 4. I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. "Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said. So I suggested the kitchen. 5. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. 6. She has an electric blender, electric toaster and electric bread maker. She said "There are too many gadgets and no place to sit down!" So I bought her an electric chair. 7. My wife told me the car wasn't running well because there was water in the carburetor. I asked where the car was; she told me "In the lake." 8. She got a mud pack and looked great f
Jerry Springer//weird Al
Jerry & Myself (by: Dj Bountyhunter)
The Jerry Springer Show
He can't seem to take the word NO to heart. He called me all the time when I lived in NY to go on his show. Considering who he is and what I am I didn't think it was a good thing. LOL Now he finds me in New Orleans. Amazing huh? He would surely taste my whip before the show was over. LOL And again I said no, why would I go on a show I know he is going to try and bastardize my lifestyle on? Now when Howard Stern called I did think about it very hard. Muah All The Goddess
Jerry Garcia Tribute....brett Meisner
Jerry!! Jerry!! Jerry!!
Cyanide & Happiness @
Jerry Wexler
NEW YORK (AP) _ Legendary record producer Jerry Wexler, who helped shape R&B music with influential recordings of Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles and other greats, and later made key recordings with the likes of Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson, has died, says his co-author, David Ritz. He was 91. Ritz, co-author of Wexler's 1993 memoir, "Rhythm and the Blues," said he died at his Sarasota, Fla., home at about 3:45 a.m. Friday. He had been ill for a couple of years with congenital heart disease. Wexler earned his reputation as a music industry giant while a partner at Atlantic Records. Atlantic provided an outlet for the groundbreaking work of African-American performers in the 1950s and '60s. Later, it was a home to rock icons like Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones. He later helped Dylan win his first Grammy by producing his 1979 "Slow Train Coming" album. Under Ertegun and Wexler, Atlantic provided an outlet for the groundbreaking work of Af rican-American performers in the 195
Jerry Reed Going To Be Sadly Missed
CMT News Jerry Reed Brought Country Music to a Wider Audience His Death at Age 71 Is Another Major Loss for Country Music September 2, 2008; Written by Calvin Gilbert Jerry Reed Jerry Reed Jerry Reed starred with Burt Reynolds in several blockbuster movies, recorded three No. 1 country singles, wrote one of Elvis Presley's biggest hits and developed a fingerstyle guitar technique that other musicians are still analyzing to this day. When he died Monday (Sept. 1) at age 71, the entertainment world lost a genuine original who helped take country music and the country lifestyle to a larger mainstream audience. Born Jerry Reed Hubbard on March 20, 1937, in Atlanta, he began playing guitar at age 9 and was just a teenager when he began performing in the Atlanta area on shows featuring Ernest Tubb, Faron Young and others. At age 17, Capitol Records producer Ken Nelson saw him perform and signed him to a recording contract. Although his early records were not successful, he also beca
Jerry Reed Dead At 71
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Jerry Reed, a singer who became a good ol' boy actor in car chase movies like "Smokey and the Bandit," has died of complications from emphysema at 71. His longtime booking agent, Carrie Moore-Reed, no relation to the star, said Reed died early Monday. "He's one of the greatest entertainers in the world. That's the way I feel about him," Moore-Reed said. Sony BMG Nashville Chairman Joe Galante called Reed a larger-than-life personality. "Everything about Jerry was distinctive: his guitar playing, writing, voice and especially his sense of humor," Galante said. "I was honored to have worked with him." Reed's catalog of country chart hits, from 1967 through 1983, were released under the label group's RCA imprint. As a singer in the 1970s and early 1980s, Reed had a string of hits that included "Amos Moses," ''When You're Hot, You're Hot," ''East Bound and Down," ''She Got the Goldmine (I Got the Shaft)" and "The Bird." In the mid-1970s,
Jerry Springer / Or / Leno / Or / Me
and your choice hummm luv ya all peoples be good have fun....
Jerry Springer, Russian Style
So, I'm on this Russian forum, and one of the women is a nurse in Moscow.   She has a patient: a woman with AIDS, that just gave birth to a baby with AIDS. Her husband doesnt know she has AIDS, and it turned out via the paternity test that he is not a father.   funny fact: when hubby and I are goin to Russia next year, he has to take a mandatiry AIDS test to get in :)
Jerry Steinfeld Not Happy With Gaga Or The Mets
Jerry Steinfeld was not joking when he called Lady Gaga a “jerk.” A couple of weeks ago Gaga was at Mets game sitting in the front row and gave the twig to photographers. She was a drunken mess so she was ushered up stairs to Jerry’s box seats which were not in use. When Jerry found about it he was mad because he was not asked first. Jerry has a right to be angry cause he pays for those box seats. Next time Gaga should be kicked out like we would be if we did that. Read on BlastFM is for anyone who loves good music. Listen 24/7 free of charge
Jerry Quarry "the Great White Hope"
Jerry Quarry & Ernie Shavers
Jerry Quarry & Ken Norton
Jerry Haynes (january 31, 1927 – September 26, 2011)
Most of you won't care, and that's fine. But I wanted to say a few words about one of the icons of Dallas, Texas. Jerry Haynes was an icon to those of us who grew up in Dallas. From the time I was 6 til I was 12, I would get up every Saturday morning at 6 AM to watch a show called Peppermint Place, The host, Mr. Peppermint, was NOT like Mr Rogers or Captain Kangaroo = He was a nice man who seemed approachable, with a variety of weird but wonderful friends, including Jingles the Dragon (NOW guess why I liked it! :D ) I never felt like he was boring or scary or anything but fun! Mr. Peppermint was portrayed by Jerry Haynes, father of Butthole Surfers' Gibby Haynes.  His shows were always interesting to me as a kid - as much as H.R. Pufnstuf and the Bugaloos and other kids shows. I would venture to say that he helped my parents raise me. He had a profound effect on my life. Even as a teen, as later an adult, I would occasionally flip over to Peppermint Place, if I was up, to watch, and r
Jersey Girls...where Are You
what happened to the real jersey girls? the kinda girls who will wear tight sweatpants in ur backyard in the summer time, smoke cigarettes and drink beer with you. get high and cuddle with you. with perfectly chipped off nail polish that still looks sexy, big curly jersey hair, and a taste for motley crue, journey, bon jovi, and the boss....where did they all go?
Jersey Friends
This is so true!!! JERSEY FRIENDS OTHER FRIENDS: Never ask for food JERSEY FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. OTHER FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. JERSEY FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad. OTHER FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. JERSEY FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but that shit was fun!" OTHER FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. JERSEY FRIENDS: Cry with you. OTHER FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. JERSEY FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. OTHER FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. JERSEY FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. OTHER FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. JERSEY FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you. OTHER FRIENDS: Would knock on your door. JERSEY FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" OTHER FRIENDS: Are for a while. JERSEY FRIEN
You've been seriously injured at Action Park. You know that the only people who call it "Joisey" are from New York (usually The Bronx) or Texas. You don't think of citrus when people mention "The Oranges." You know that it's called "Great Adventure," not "Six Flags." You've ordered a hard roll with butter for breakfast. You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven. You've eaten at a diner, when you were stoned or drunk, at 3 am. Whenever you park, there's a Camaro within three spots of you. You remember that the "Two Guys" were from Harrison. You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery. At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen, and you know what town Jon Bon Jovi is from. You know what a "jug handle" is. You know that a WaWa is a convenience store. You know that the state isn't all farmland. You know that there are no "beaches" in new Jersey - there's "The Shore," and you know that t
Jersey Ftw
You Know You're From South Jersey When... You don't "go to the beach", you go "down the shore". In your mind you hear "watch out for the tram car please" even in your sleep. You've had arguments over cheesesteak quality. When it snows more than an inch, you call it a blizzard. You know someone named Siprasiut Xayapachan. You've actually found the Echelon Mall. Your uncle is in the mafia. You or your friends have Lyme Disease. You don't understand why there aren't more 24-hour diners elsewhere in the country. You know what a Wawa is, and know the location of at least 15 of them. You know what became of the 13th Leeds child, and claim to have seen him one time while peeing in the woods. One time you were driving in the woods and got stuck in sand. You have an EZ Pass, but you just hold it up. Even though there's a new Wal-Mart in your town, you still go to the Berlin Farmers Market for cheap stuff. Your neighborhood demonstrates co-existence
Jersey Fresh
I just moved from NJ Looking foward to meeting new people Im single
Jersey Girls
========================= Jersey Girls ==================== A love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style, Jersey girls are about attitude; eating pizza, drinking beer, going out, great hair, and enjoying it all. She's got a mouth on her and she says what she means shes got a nice cheerful laugh. Bottom line all of them are sexy as hell
The Jersey Girl
Yeah, the women of the state come in all types, nationalities and make-up brands, but beneath their outward or inner facades, they are some of the most real-to-the-bone women you will find outside of Joan of Arc. Why else would Bruce Springsteen sing, "Nothing matters in the whole wide world, when you are in love with a Jersey girl." She's humble, but ambitious. She's independent, but family-oriented. She likes pizza, beer and lots of mascara, but don't think for a moment she's not sophisticated. She's one of the Garden State's most enduring icons -- a readily identifiable personality, as much a part of America's cultural landscape as that other great Jerseyan, Frank Sinatra. So who is a Jersey Girl? The Girl has a specific character, both in pop culture and in the hearts and minds of Jerseyans. First there are the surface qualities: A love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style. Jersey girls are about attitude
Jer's Favorite Song..
This Song Has Become Something I Listen To Alot Now. Since Tuesday Anywayz...My Best Friend Jer Left For Basic For 4 Months...And He's Been Helpin Me Thru Alot Of Stuff Lately So When I Think Of This Song Or Hear It...It Helps Thru Things...Cuz Of Him.. PLAIN WHITE T'S LYRICS "Hey There Delilah" Hey there Delilah What's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away But girl tonight you look so pretty Yes you do Times Square can't shine as bright as you I swear it's true Hey there Delilah Don't you worry about the distance I'm right there if you get lonely Give this song another listen Close your eyes Listen to my voice it's my disguise I'm by your side Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me What you do to me Hey there Delilah I know times are getting hard But just believe me girl Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar We'll have it good We'll have the life we kne
Jersey Survey
ONLY TAKE IF YOUR FROM JERSEY OR LIVED HERE FOR AT LEAST 10 YRS 1) What's Your First Name? Cheryl 2) List Your Nicknames?: Chicky, Pookie, Minxy.. did I forget any? 3) Every Group Of Friends Has A Hot Spot In A Parking Lot Where Is Yours?: Key City and Quik Chek.. used to be anyways 4) Very Late Night Munchies 24hr White Castle Or 24hr Taco bell?: Neither, 24hr mcdonalds drive through. or better yet.. the diner 5) What's Your Favorite Diner In Jersey?: Key City bitches 6) Your Favorite Food From That Diner?: Chicken fingers and cheese fries with gravy 7) Ever seen FDR? nah 8) Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robins? Drunkin Gonuts.. I mean Dunkin Donuts 9) Best Mall To Go To in Jersey? I'm actually kinda partial to the Cherry Hill and Hamilton Malls 10) Best Beach in jersey? LBI or AC... (I don't go to the shore so often for the actual shore.) 11) The Most Tasty Slice Of Pizza You Ever Tasted Is From?: Hmmmm... right now I'd just do anything
Jersey Survey
1) What's Your First Name? Jenn 2) List Your Nicknames?: princess, and jenner but only nanny gets to call me the latter 3) Every Group Of Friends Has A Hot Spot In A Parking Lot Where Is Yours?: Key City and Quik Chek.. used to be anyways 4) Very Late Night Munchies 24hr White Castle Or 24hr Taco bell?: the 24hr diner, key city 5) What's Your Favorite Diner In Jersey?: Key City bitches 6) Your Favorite Food From That Diner?: Chicken fingers and cheese fries with gravy 7) Ever seen FDR? nope 8) Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robins? Drunkin donuts 9) Best Mall To Go To in Jersey? cherry hill 10) Best Beach in jersey? seaside or ac 11) The Most Tasty Slice Of Pizza You Ever Tasted Is From?: nicolosis in my home town 12) You Hear The Town Woodbridge What Is The First Thing(s) You think of? Mall 13) You Hear The Town Sea Bright What Is The First Thing(s) You think of? never heard of it 14) You Hear The Town Long Branch What Is The Fir
Jersey Girls Cant Pump Gas Lol
Jersey Jump Off 2007
Tonight at work was quite possibly the worst concert we've ever had. It was called the "Sports Jersey Jump Off 2007". I guess people were supposed to wear thier sports jersey's and what not while they had rappers perform on stage. Dumb concept, I know. The main attractions were Fat Joe and MC Breed, they both played for a half hour each. Joe's performance was decent, he did a tribute to the late Big Pun and even performed "I don't wanna be a playa". The worst thing about the show was there might've been only 50 people who actually paid and came to see the show. In a 3-4,000 seat venue, that's pretty awful. Fat Joe even made mention of it when he came out to perform. There were more performers there then paid patrons. Ouch. Early in the show I got into it with some guy who resembled Emmanuel Lewis, apparently he's a rapper in some group called the Cardi Boys. Apparently thier schtick is that everyone in the group wears Cartiers. Big effin whoop, I have two Cartiers doe
Jersey Girl
Got no time for the cornerboys Down on the street makin' all that noise Don't want no whores on eight avenue 'Cause tonight I'm gonna be with you Tonight I'm gonna take that ride Across the river to the Jersey side Take my baby to the carnival And I'll take her on all the rides Down the shore everythings allright You with your baby on a saturday night Don't you know all my dreams come true When I'm walkin' down the streets with you Sing sha la la la la Sha la la la la la Sha la la la la la I'm in love with a Jersey Girl You know she thrills me with all her charms When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms My little angel gives me everything I know someday she'll wear my ring So don't bother me 'cause I've got no time I'm on my way to see that girl of mine Nothing matters in this hole wide world When you're in love with a Jersey girl and I call your name I can't sleep at night
Jersey Devil Prt 1
The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. The following text will show there is evidence to support the existence of an animal or supernatural bring known as the Jersey Devil. The evidence consists of the stories of the Jersey Devil's origin, the sightings of it, and finally, the theories on it. There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. One of the most popular legends says a Mrs. Shrouds of Leeds Point, NJ made a wish that if she ever had another child, she want it to be a devil. Her next child was born misshapen and deformed. She
Jersey Devil Prt 2
On the 19th the Jersey Devil made his longest appearance of the week. At 2:30 am, Mr & Mrs. Nelson Evans of Gloucester were awakened by a strange noise. They watched the devil from their window for 10 minutes. Mr. Evans described the creature they saw: It was about three feet and half high, with a head like a collie dog and a face like a horse. It had a long neck, wings about two feet long, and its back legs were like those of a crane, and it had horse's hooves. It walked on its back legs and held up two short front legs with paws on them. It didn't use the front legs at all while we were watching. My wife and I were scared, I tell you, but I managed to open the window and say, 'Shoo', and it turned around barked at me, and flew away. Tuesday afternoon 2 professional hunters tracked the devil for 20 miles in Gloucester. The trail jumped 5 foot fences and went under 8 inch spaces. The hoof prints were found in more parts of South Jersey. A group of observers in Camden, NJ,
Jersey Devil 3
Around 1961, 2 couples were parked in a car in the Pine Barrens. They heard a loud screeching noise outside. Suddenly the roof of the car was smashed in. They fled the scene, but returned later. Again they heard the loud screech. They saw a creature flying along the trees, taking out huge chinks of bark as it went along. There have been other sightings since 1909, such as the Invasion of Gibbsboro in 1951. The people there saw the devil over a 2 day period. In 1966, a farm was raided and 31 ducks, 3 geese, 4 cats, and 2 dogs were killed. One of the dogs was a large german Shepard which had it's throat ripped out. In 1981, a young couple spotted the devil at Atsion Lake in Atlantic County. In 1987, in Vineland an aggressive german Shepard was found torn apart and the body gnawed upon. the body was located 25 feet from the chain which had been hooked to him. Around the body were strange tracks that no one could identify. The sightings and prints are the most substantial evide
Jersey Shore
blue days and pink and purple nights i love the summer short little spring dress bouncing as she walks blond hair flipped in a convertible belly button has a ring in it it winks in the sun too much perfume and not enough brains i love dark make up on pale goth skin this ones eyes are crying like Dawn short shorts and long dark hair big girls in small underwear...
Well, here I am in south jersey - been here since September helping my best friend near AC. That's about all....:-) just wanted everyone to know I'm not in Texas for now.
Jersey Thus Far
I just feel like blowing steam and I am 90% sure since this post has nothing to do with photoshopping for fubar people it won't be read so perrrffeccttt. I am going to be living in New Jersey now for almost 3 months and I would like to make a list of things that have happened to me, things I've learned, and other miscellaneous tidbits of knowledge, I hope this proves entertaining for you because I can assure you it's amusing me. 1) I am more attracted to Jersey girls v.s. New York girls. I'm not sure why Jersey catches the stereotype of women with caked on makeup and material needs but so far this is far from the case. I haven't really encountered a girl who wouldn't interact with someone because of their social stature which obviously doesn't speak for all Jersey girls but so far the ratio is much better than Long Island. 2) "Yield" in Jersey must translate into something like "Gun through this circle at tops speeds with the biggest vehicle you can possibly afford to own." Wh
Jersey Has Been Stalking Me
How can i stalk someone ,id know,nevermet or even seen,,further more i cant stalk a fake person ,,that is not real and has 5 different personalities
Jersey Shore Nickname Generator
Your Jersey Shore nickname is: A-Tan Click Here   Remember...
Jersey Shore Cast Protests Obama's Tanning Tax
Now this is what I call a good show. Snooki from “Jersey Shore“, the reality program, is protesting Obama’s tanning tax. It’s about time TV people started talking about all these taxes Obama and his regime are throwing on the backs of the people. Besides, I thought Obama liked people of color? Doesn’t tanning turn your skin into a darker color? I guess Obama doesn’t like people of color after all. Check out the photos of Jersey Shore and how they are protesting. BlastFM doesn’t tax its listeners. BlastFM entertains you. BlastFM is not just another radio station, it’s a musical experience.
Jersey "hot New" Artist: $money$mink$ Next To Blow!!!
Jersey "hot New" Artist: $money$mink$ 9862-755-3909)
(" THE - DROP ") "BIGGEST INDEPENDENT ARTIST DROPPING OUTTA JERSEY                                    ...SINCE... "QUEEN LATIFAH"                           "RED MAN" "NAUGHTY BY NATURE"                           "THE ARTICFACT'S" "THE OUTSIDER'S"                            & MANY MORE!!!    " NOW " LOOKING TO BE SIGNED WITH                  "CRAZY MATERIAL"          JERSEY "HOT NEW" ARTIST:                  $MONEY$MINK$       ...(  "FOR BOOKING" )...                              ...("SHOW DATES")...       ...(CD'S PURCHASES & ECT. )...               (862-755-3909)     A.O.F. ALL OUT FAMILY         ENTERTAINMENT DREAMMAKER MANAGEMENT LLC.
Jersey Knit The North Face Outlet Online
Will be. Jersey knit The North Face Outlet Online North Face jackets resist stains and are easy to clean. They also rarely require ironing. They have a little bit of a smoother look and feel than cotton North Faces, making them a good choice wash and wear. Cotton and jersey knit North Face jackets are both great choices for breathability in warm weather. Most silk blends are combined with polyester and cotton. Silk blended fabrics have Cheap North Face Coats minimal shrinkage, resist fading and have a really soft and smooth feel. Silk blends are popular for their ironed appearance and extremely soft, cashmere touch. These North Face jackets are wonderful choices for work or times when you want to be comfortable but still have a polished appearance. Sport knit North Face jackets are the most lightweight North Face jackets on the market. They are also available The north face denali Gore Tex Jacket - men's in a mid-weight style for added warmth. The sport knit fabric is made up
Jersey "hot New" Artist $money$mink$ $ma$he$ G-unit Lloyd Banks "shock The World" Instru
Jersey "hot New" Artist: $money$mink$
Jersey "hot New" Artist: $money$mink$
Jersey Hottest Artist: $money$mink$
Jersey. . "we Are Being Smart
ORLANDO, Fla. Elite Golden Tate Jersey . -- Magic centre Dwight Howard will sit out Orlandos home game Friday night against Atlanta because of back spasms. Orlando coach Stan Van Gundy made the announcement at the teams morning shoot around, adding that backup point guard Chris Duhon is also still questionable after missing the past two games with a suspension and sore foot, respectively. Howard, who has missed three of the Magics past five games, is in Los Angeles seeking a second opinion on his injured back. Van Gundy says Howard was in pain following the teams practice Thursday and the coach isnt optimistic hell be ready to play at Cleveland Sunday or against Philadelphia on Monday. The Magic entered Friday tied for fifth place in the Eastern Conference with Atlanta, though the Hawks hold the head-to-head tiebreaker. Elite K.J. Wright Jersey .S. Open on Thursday, but two-time champion Venus Williams was sent packing. Venus, participating in the U.S. open for a 14th time, was bounced
Jersey . Intermountain Medical
WINDSOR, England - Italian kayaker Josefa Idem became the first woman to compete in eight Olympic Games — and marked the occasion Tuesday by upstaging a host of younger rivals to qualify for the flagship 500-metre K-1 final. Julio Jones White Jersey . The 47-year-old Idem, whose first Summer Games were back in 1984 at Los Angeles when she competed for Germany, won the third semifinal to stay on course for a second Olympic gold — after Sydney 12 years ago. But there was disappointment for another veteran champion Katrin Wagner-Augustin, of Germany, who placed fourth in the same semifinal to miss out on Thursdays final. Wagner-Augustin has won Olympic golds over 500m in the double and four, but never as an individual. Danuta Kozak of Hungary was the quickest qualifier by nearly a second. Emilie Fournel of Lachine, Que., finished sixth in her semifinal and failed to move on to the final. "I came out really aggressively and unfortunately it was a really long race," said Fournel
wholesale nba jerseys Lakers being squeezed out of the first eight western Grand Army mess they did not have any capital can be squandered, only doing all competitiveness in order to blaze a new trail, but Nash and Bryant (microblogging) injuries make them difficult. Lakers need Howard to help the team out of the quagmire, "Warcraft" has 12 consecutive double-doubles, the personal status is indeed impressive. miami heat jersey Howard the last two away to war king performance is not good, the two ball a total of 12 points and 13 rebounds a game which and his Cousins ??challenge we have to face, can be described as arduous task. Lakers in the first half performed better tactical ball to Howard, Gasol and Bryant fed the ball continuously for Warcraft "Howard nor teammates down the first section 4 to get 8 points. LakersNation the reporter Gary - Lee admitted that the Lakers in Twitter is to be such a hit, every time the ball to Howard, so as to win.
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Jerusalem And The Nations
"Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee." It's unfortunate that the book of Zechariah due to its placement at the end of the Old Testament between Haggai and Malachi is referred to as one of the "minor prophets". The "major" and "minor" designations don't refer to the books or the prophets' importance -- all of them delivered messages God gave them -- but rather their size. However, Zechariah ties with Amos, another "minor prophet" book, for number of chapters and is actually longer than Daniel at twelve chapters. The cutoff line between major and minor is the end of Daniel, leaving twelve "minor prophets". Before delving into today's SOCS Bible study on Zechariah 14, a little background on the man himself is in order (particularly if like me you haven't read too much in this book). He was one of the returnees from the Babylonian captivity (he's mentioned in Ezra 5:1, 6:14, and Nehemiah 12:16) in the last third of the sixth centu
Jerusalem (from 'milton')
JERUSALEM (from 'Milton') by: William Blake (1757-1827) AND did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Among these dark Satanic Mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold! Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold! Bring me my chariot of fire! I will not cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, Till we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land.
Jerusalem Wall
'Massive' ancient wall uncovered in Jerusalem   JERUSALEM (CNN) -- An archaeological dig in Jerusalem has turned up a 3,700-year-old wall that is the largest and oldest of its kind found in the region, experts say. The wall is built of enormous boulders, confounding archaeologists as to how ancient peoples built it. Standing 8 meters (26 feet) high, the wall of huge cut stones is a marvel to archaeologists. "To build straight walls up 8 meters ... I don't know how to do it today without mechanical equipment," said the excavation's director, Ronny Reich. "I don't think that any engineer today without electrical power [could] do it." Archaeologist Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority added, "You see all the big boulders -- all the boulders are 4 to 5 tons." The discovered section is 24 meters (79 feet) long. "However, it is thought the fortification is much longer because it continues west beyond the part that was exposed," the Israel Antiquities Authori
Jerusalem Denies Agreeing To Attend Binding Iaea Confab
Israel has not changed its position on the matter of a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East, and has not been asked to a conference on the matter, sources from Israel's Atomic Energy Commission told Haaretz yesterday. The sources were responding to a report by the Associated Press that Israel and Arab countries had agreed in principle to accept an invitation from the International Atomic Energy Agency to attend a conference to discuss the matter. Israel's position for the past 11 years has been that it is willing in principle to hold a non-binding discussion, without decisions or negotiations, intended to "learn from the experience of others including in the area of confidence building relevant to the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone," sacs louis vuitton as the IAEA decision from 2000 states. However, the position of the Arab countries has so far been that such a meeting must be a binding forum in which decisions are made and negotiations held under the auspices of t
Jerusalem's First Light Rail Line Draws Big Crowds
Excited crowds filled the streets of Jerusalem on Friday as hundreds of people rose early to try out the Holy City's first-ever light rail system which finally opened its doors to the public. The system has been five years in the making and beset by countless delays, creating havoc on the roads and with the city's bus system. But on Friday the long-awaited opening arrived, with people flocking to the track for a ride. At Mount Herzl in southwest Jerusalem, around 30 people stepped onto the train, which quickly set off and sailed smoothly down the road towards the city centre. It's an exciting start to the weekend for one old woman and her grandson. "We are going to the market. I am very excited," gucci outlet beams 14-year-old Maor Biton sitting next to his elderly grandmother, both of them smiling broadly. "It's very special," she grins. "My grandson has been driving me crazy for months to ride on the train." Inside the carriages, which were built by France's Alstom, the interior is p
Jessie King
In Victorian Edinburgh, women who became pregnant out of wedlock were socially excluded (but never the man who got them pregnant in the first place...). Abortion was illegal. Backstreet abortions were life endangering, but it was that or abandon your child (and possibly hang for it if caught) - or pay a baby farmer to raise it for you. Edinburgh's most famous baby farmer was Jessie King. Jessie lived in Canonmills with her partner Michael Pearson. She had charge of several children at this point, including one named Alexander Gunn. Alexander seemed to be being well cared for, until one day he simply disappeared. Jessie and Michael moved to Cheyne Street, in Stockbridge, throwing anyone who might have been trying to trace Alexander off the scent. Shortly after that a baby girl in Jessie's care also disappeared. Another baby disappeared as well. In Stockbridge one day some boys were playing, and they discovered the strangled corpse of a male infant. Jessie was questi
JESSICA J is for Jolly E is for Earthy S is for Sparkling S is for Savvy I is for Intelligent C is for Caring A is for Amazing What Does Your Name Mean?
Jessica Simpson
Jessica and two of her friends robbed a bank one day. The cops began to chase them as soon as they left the driveway. Jessica pulled in to an abanded farm house in hopes of escaping the cops. The three friends went in differnt directions to find there hiding spots. One friend went to the chicken coop, another went to the cow pasture, and Jessica went to the potatoe field. The cops walk in to the chicken coop and say whats that? The girl goes bauk, bauk, bauk. The cop says oh its just a chicken. The cop then goes into the cow pasture and says whats that? The girl goes moo, moo, moo. The cop replies oh thats just a cow. Lastly, the cop goes to the potatoe feild and says whats that? Jessica goes potatoe, potatoe, potatoe. The cop arrests her and says do you have any finale words before we put you behind bars? She says yes, I still have been able to find the wings on a buffalo.
Jessiah Jameson
From: Pray Jessiah Comes Home Date: Dec 1 2006 5:28 PM So. I don't even know where to begin. This is hard to write. So many positive thoughts and prayers were said but I am afraid the outcome isn't good. Those that live in Clarksville probably already have the news if they watched today. Jessiah was found in the river. I don't have words. It simply doesn't make sense. I guess there is closure to a certain extent but I can't help but cry. We lost a husband to my sister, a father to his son, a son to his mother, a grandchild to all his grandparents, a cousin, a friend, a family member. Forever we will remember Jessiah in our hearts. Keep praying this is a very very very hard time for Erin, Tracy and the rest of the family and friends. If you live in Clarksville the memorial service will be on Wednesday of this coming week. I don't know time yet though so look in the paper or I will try and find out. There are no words. Just prayers for strength and understanding. Thank you all for
Jesse Jackson Meets His Match
The author is black and absolutely brilliant. Dear Jesse Jackson Posted: September 19, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern Dear Rev. Jackson: I read with interest your Sept. 12, 2006, article "Goodwill, unity, money have been squandered since Sept. 11," which appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times. I do not object, as such, to your poisonous screed directed at President Bush. I object to the substance that so freely flows from your mouth and that can best be likened unto that which is consistent with encopresis albeit in your case, the malady can hardly be defined as involuntary. You purport yourself to be a minister a reverend a so-called man of God but a minister is a servant and a reverend is a member of the clergy, which means said individual is to be obedient unto the God he serves. If one serves the "god" of chaos, deceit, lies, whore-mongering, dysfunction, greed and resentment then perhaps within ecclesiastical environs it can be said you serve well. Apart from same being the case
Jesse James
Our lil boy, Jesse James, was born Nov. 18, 2006.. He weighed 4lbs 8oz. Blonde hair and blue eyes.. We are very proud parents of two very beautiful lil boys now.. Big brother Damon and new born Jesse.. Mommie and daddy love you guys..
Jessie Need Over 400 More Votes LOOK WHO IS WINNING
Jessica Simpson Viedo - These Boots' Were Made For Walkin !
Hosted by eSnips
The Jessica Affair: Part 1
Originally Published, 10/23/06 ***** Disclaimer: This was written to someone that thought she could "put me in my place". While she didn't succeed, I will definitely put her in hers. She reads my stuff so I know that whatever part of my message she may have missed earlier, she'll get. This is a rare side of me. Normally, I'm a cheeky smartass, someone fun to be around. BUT I am noone's bitch, punk or whatever word you want to use. You don't walk on me. I walk on you. I let alot of things go during my day, but this isn't going to be one of them. ********** I think its time you and I got a couple things straight. Don't let the shitty evening job fool you, girl. When you fuck with me you lose. Now alot of the people in here haven't seen this side of me, so it might be a little bit of a shock. I'm going to set aside my thoughtfulness, introspection and outlook for the next few paragraphs. Read at your own risk. First of all, don't act like I don't fuck with you. I
The Jessica Affair: Part 2
Originally Published, 11/29/06 As many of you noticed, a couple weeks ago I wrote about someone named Jessica that I had gotten into an argument at one of my four jobs with. I received several remarks about my tone, and inquiries into what this woman had actually done to get me so upset. In fact, I was blatantly mean and called her out to the furthest extent without physically pushing her down to the ground (which, I repeat, I've never done). I knew she regularly read my stuff and by placing it there I could avoid yet another argument at work but still get my point across clearly and, well, viciously. I meant what I said, with no qualifications. I can handle teasing, and even mean-spirited fun at my expense. However, I heard what I considered to be her stating that she was going to put her hands on me and that was it for me. Well, she read it. She has also responded. I am publishing her response and my reaction as a matter of giving her equal time. Alot of people r
Jess Comp
Jesse Girl *rick Springfield*
Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes
Jesse Duplantis Preaching Schedule
Longmont CO March 25 at 10am New Creation World Outreach Church 737 Bross St 303-776-4225 Grand Junction CO Faith Heights Church Week of Glory 600 28 ¼ Rd 970-245-3755 Albany GA March 27 at 7pm Victory Taberncale 3250 Sylvester Rd 229-435-0900 Grapevine TX March 30 at 9am The Potter's House For men only Gaylord Texan Resort 1501 Gaylord Trail 214-331-0954 1:25 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove Jesse Duplantis Preaching Schedule (March 17 -20) Category: Religion and Philosophy Bath England March at 7 pm Bath City Church Ja Forum Buildings St James Parade +44 (0) 1255 463556 Warminster England March 18 at 10:30am Foundation Christian Fellowship Assembly Rooms off Sambourne Road +44 (0) 1985 217613 London England March 1
Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to the top of his head. In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem. The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Jesse, and told him to drink it all. Jesse drank the concoction and replied, "God, that tasted like bull shit!" The doctor replied, "It was, Jesse. You were a quart low."
Jessica Rabbit
Jessica's Law
Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly reporting tonight from Los Angeles. Thank you for watching us. Everyday Californians have had enough: they want Jessica's Law. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo" and the reason we're out here. We're going to get this done. After years of frustration, more than 600,000 Californians have signed a petition demanding Jessica's Law be put on the ballot next November. And so it will be. The Democrat-controlled state legislature will not pass Jessica's Law. And a current state law doesn't mandate strict penalties for child predators at all and is chaotic to boot. So the folks here in the nation's largest state are going to do it themselves. And "Talking Points" thinks that's just great. But The Los Angeles Times and most of the other liberal California media disagree. Their main objection is that the new initiative, if passed, would make it very hard for convicted sexual predators to live in some places because they could not reside with
Jesse's Story
Jesse walked along the shore. Been years since she been to the shore of New Jersey. It was as beautiful as she remembered, and missed. It was dusk and it was quiet. She had runaway so to speak. Life was beginning to suffocate her. So much she missed. She was lonely, busy in a life full of people, yet she was no where. She found herself wondering alot lately if she was a woman or a robot. Hell she didnt even feel sexy anymore. So she had left. Just took off no notice to anyone. Not that anyone in her so called life would care, she laughed. She walked, listening to the ocean. Beautiful and peaceful it was. It always brought her a peace that nothing else seemed to be able to bring. She stopped and listened. It was faint, but it was there. Someone else was on the beach playing music. A very solemn, lonely tune. Fitting, she thought to herself, as she headed in the direction she thought the music came from, occasionally scanning the distance for the mystery musician. She spotted him a
Jesssi Malay
~~jesse Needs Money To Fight For You~~
Jessie's Love Poem
When I was young I never needed anyone And makin love was just for fun Those days are gone Livin alone I think of all the friends Ive known But when I dial the telephone Nobodys home All by myself Dont wanna be All by myself anymore All by myself Dont wanna live All by myself anymore Hard to be sure Some times I feel so insecure And love so distant and obscure Remains the cure All by myself Dont wanna be All by myself anymore All by myself Dont wanna live All by myself anymore
Jesse Jackson /braves
BRAVES' GM MEETS WITH RAINBOW COALITION Atlanta Braves general manager John Schuerholz, assistant GM Frank Wren and three other team officials met with some members of Reverend Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition on Monday. The meeting was initiated by the organization which is perturbed over the fact that the Braves currently have just one African American on their roster (LF Willie Harris). Harris is hitting .444 over his last seven games with eight hits and three stolen bases. The lack of African Americans in the majors has been a popular topic this season, and probably came to a head with Jackie Robinson's 60th anniversary of breaking the color barrier and the social split towards Barry Bonds and his alleged steroid use. There are less than 10 percent of African Americans at the major league level now with most youngsters being drawn to basketball and football. Joe Beasley, the Southern Regional Director for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Dexter Clinkscale, the di
Jessa's New One
Come Meet Jessa only @ brutal Radio FUCK THE REST! JOIN THE BEST!!!!! (CLICK THE BANNER TO CHECK IT OUT!!)
Jesse's Dance
Jesse's Dance You said once , the tragedy of a dreamer is they always see the beauty just before dawn.. Alas that is true as you and I always met to watch the sun rise on the river.. Darling dreamer mysterious southern gent, how I miss our converse.. Your amazing smile as we danced at dawn in the land of sun.. When we met you were so kind not wanting to intrude, you came tapped me on the sholder, as the wind whipped through my hair.. So polite, so kind asking me to dance a waltz divine. The tragedy is, I found out while I was away you died.. No more mornings at dawn personified.. I remember you said Shadow, I am not a kind man.. How alone in the darkness you did stand.. I saw through the exterior, into the debths of your soul, Where beauty and honor still did grow.. Softness and grace,and honor still had shown on your face. Now at dawn at the park alone I do sit.. Having an emotional poetic fit.. How I do miss your grace, the
I am 23 years old, i have two wonderful children that i love more than life itself. They make me happy even on my worse day. I dont know what i would do without them. I work for a sercurity company and am engaged to my honey nick. we are like every other coupe we fight more often than not but we love each other dearly. Well I will make another blog in a few days. Hit me up. Jess
Jessa's New Bully
Jessa's Goodbye
Dj Hotness AKa Jessa Is doing her last show, So come say your good byes!! (CLICK THE BANNER TO CHECK IT OUT!!)
Jessa Is Leaveing Us
Dj Hotness AKa Jessa Is doing her last show, So come say your good byes!! (CLICK THE BANNER TO CHECK IT OUT!!) (repost of original by 'Dj Hottness †Insanity† Owner of I C' on '2007-06-08 14:11:52') (repost of original by 'Captain Switchblade, Jessas Yang' on '2007-06-08 14:15:19') (repost of original by 'Dj
Jessie Davis.
Jessie Davis. I've been following the story of Jessie Davis, the missing pregnant woman from right here, white bread, Stark County, Ohio. The focus of the investigation seems to be the wife of the father of her unborn baby. Worse yet, he's a cop. He says his wife, Kelly, knew all about his relationship with Jessie. She knew about the kids. (Doesn't this remind you of Scott Peterson saying "Laci was OK with it" when talking about his tryst with Amber Frey? Here's the backgroud from the AP: Nine months pregnant, Jesse disappeared from her home, leaving her 2-year-old son behind. She is due to give birth in two weeks. So far police have named no suspects and specifically said that Bobby L. Cutts Jr. is not a suspect. Now Stark County sheriff's deputies, two FBI agents and state agents spent two hours searching the home of police officer Bobby L. Cutts Jr. in a bid to determine what happened to Jessie Marie Davis. The search came five hours after Stark County Sheriff's
Jessie Davis.
Jessie Davis. I've been following the story of Jessie Davis, the missing pregnant woman from right here, white bread, Stark County, Ohio. The focus of the investigation seems to be the wife of the father of her unborn baby. Worse yet, he's a cop. He says his wife, Kelly, knew all about his relationship with Jessie. She knew about the kids. (Doesn't this remind you of Scott Peterson saying "Laci was OK with it" when talking about his tryst with Amber Frey? Here's the backgroud from the AP: Nine months pregnant, Jesse disappeared from her home, leaving her 2-year-old son behind. She is due to give birth in two weeks. So far police have named no suspects and specifically said that Bobby L. Cutts Jr. is not a suspect. Now Stark County sheriff's deputies, two FBI agents and state agents spent two hours searching the home of police officer Bobby L. Cutts Jr. in a bid to determine what happened to Jessie Marie Davis. The search came five hours after Stark County Sheriff's
Jesse Jackson Has A Heart-attack And Dies
One day in the future, Jesse Jackson has a heart-attack and dies. He immediately goes to hell, where the devil is waiting for him. "I don't know what to do here," says the devil. "You are on my list, but I have no room for you. You definitely have to stay here, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I've got a couple of folks here who weren't quite as bad as you. I'll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I'll even let YOU decide who leaves." Jesse thought that sounded pretty good, so the devil opened the door to the first room. In it was Ted Kennedy and a large pool of water. Ted kept diving in, and surfacing, empty handed. Over, and over, and over he dove in and surfaced with nothing...Such was his fate in hell. "No," Jesse said. "I don't think so. I'm not a good swimmer, and I don't think I could do that all day long." The devil led him to the door of the next room. In it was Al Gore with a sledgehammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing
Jessica Davis And Her Baby
She's there for me when I need her A very good friend I hope she know I'll be there for her till the very end Someone I can talk to when I'm feeling sad knowing that shes there for me makes me very glad Even thought she lives far away, I know she'll always care All her thoughts and feelings I hope she knows she can share She talks to me and helps me when I'm feeling depressed Helping me release these sad feelings that I some how supress And if I could catch a falling star I'd do it just for her and share with her its beauty on the days she feels blue Thank you for being there for me till the very end But most of all thank you for being my very best friend
Jessica The Pet Hippo - Jessica the Pet Hippo
Jessi Malay With Scrappy
Jessi Malay New Pictures
Jessi Malay's New Website
Here is Jessi Malay's new website For now it is mostly the same as her website but there will be newer features added within time. you can even blog on her new website.
Jessa's Train!
Welcome to a Jessa Train.. This is a list of a few pplz That I love very much..I made Chasteens Bully into a sticky but her coding took everyone to only one person.. SO im redoing it.. ans she will be in it too.!! Please for give me for the size of pplz in this.. but if you didnt make the train list. dont hate me but you should really Add the followin pplz Lotus~advent child~'s@ fubar Just Daniel@ fubar PumaJoe@ Fubar Unique Dream ™@ Fubar Dj Brutally Bane Made is a sticky So make sure you Show him love too!@ Fubar
a> Attention!! Hydaway Radio has Brought Back The owner J£§§Å »§t¡t¢µ« Øwñê® Øf HÿÐåWàý ®ãСø "~I Back to the Streams. she is busting em up tonight.. come in n show her your ♥ ♥!!!!!! a>
Jesse Jackson
Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.
Jesse Owens And Three Words
So last night we had our first LYO meeting for the year (that is, our church year, which begins in September) as well as our first confirmation orientation meeting for the parents of our seventh through ninth graders. Other than the thirty-six kids in their first, second, or third years of confirmation, we had six older ones with us in our first meeting which was more of a "get to know you" session. Donna, one of the three co-youth directors we've got this year, started the game where one person would shake another's hand and they'd say "Hi, I'm (their name)." After they each introduced themselves, they'd move to another person and when they said hi they'd give the name of the person they just spoke to. A person won the game when they met the person who had their own name. How many of the forty-two youth will remember who each other is, especially if they don't all go to the same school . . . hey, you've got me! Our next icebreaker game was basically about getting into a circle a
Walking together under sapphire skies, my darling Jessica has love in her eyes. Our lips joined in passionate bliss, it feels like forever, that one special kiss. We never hold back, just set our hearts free, I hope she knows what she means to me. Holding her close, I smile and say: "Our precious love, Jessica, is here to stay."
Attention!! Jessa Is on air! ohh yeah come in and show her some love So click the pics and come in and say hi!! Today!
Jessa's Newest
a> THE FUBAR HOUSE PARTY AT HYDAWAY RADIO DJ STITCH DJ Stitch Only @ Hydaway Radio. so come in and say hi!! Just click the banner " />
Those of you that have chatted with me know that I am a very busy woman. I am a mother of a teenage daughter, I have a boyfriend, I have three classes this semester, work 20hrs a week at the school, 25 hrs a week at the video store, and I have five beautiful beagles. And damn it if you haven't seen their pictures yet you better get your ass over there to see them!!! Anyway,I have Daisey, the mother to Emma,Ziggy,and Jesse and then there's Cooter. They are all my favorites for different reasons. Being a Sagittarius and having the need to be needed, the desire to help and fix and love everything and everyone...I have succeeded in outdoing myself. Jesse is a sweet boy, the pups are all almost 16 months old. Jesse is kissy and lovey.....and then BAMMM he turns into Cujo!! Why? Because of me. I provide them with the best of everything, love , toys, blanket, top of the line name it they get it. They all get individual attention from me too. Yes believe it or not I do have t
Jesse's New Home
Well yesterday I had a total meltdown over what's been happenin' in my house with my dogs. I felt like I needed to find a new home for Jesse to alleviate some stress from my family, from him as well as the other dogs. I really don't need my sweet boy turning into Cujo because his sister is in heat. He is such a good boy under normal circumstances. So one of the girls I go to school with , her grandfather ....who is 86 years old love beagles and still hunts. So that's where he went. He lives right accross the street so i can see him but I think I'm debating on leaving him alone for a while so he gets used to the idea of being there. I hope it all works out. He has always treated all his other dogs well and they live to be old and die of old age....not abuse. So Just keep good thoughts for Jesse, that he transitions well into his new environment.
running my hand along her thigh nibbling at her ear, she writhes in my arms, as endorphins flood my mind. stolen kisses, complete darkness, finding each other by feel, knowing where the other is in our hearts. completing one another, filling the voids. existing to love loving to exist.

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