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"ryjaan’s" Yahoo! Profile
Basics Yahoo! ID: Ryjaan Real Name: Jinya Location: Iowa Age: 21 Marital Status: Single And Looking Gender: Female Occupation: Student More About Me Hobbies: Reading, writing, school. Stargazing. Anything else cool? Latest News: I won a million dollars... In a dream. Drat! Favorite Quote "Why is it you want your dreams to be reality and reality to be a dream? ~Sarah, my best friend." Links Create your own home page at GeoCities! Home Page: No home page specified Cool Link: No cool link specified
Ryl Check out this game site!! Great game to play. I am not a big gamer and I love it!!!
Rymez That Did Not Make The Cut
This is from "Desarteagle To Your Mindstate". It did not make the cut. I philosophize because Rap & Hip Hop can immortalize. Recognize, see through lies. When thay arise. Be wise, think before you verbalize. Realize, thay can use words to ostracize. Utilize the mind, strategies, revise. Freestyle exercise, display skills, improvise. Sound federalize, An Emcee I specialize. In surprising, neutralizing. Rappers that are plagiarizing. There will be no eulogizing of intellectual writing. For those who are trapped, I'm fighting. Imagine if we all struck like lighting...Bluebonic
Ryonna's Birthday Today
today is ryonna's birthday and she just turned five! she is so excited as well as i for her. this is a special time for her. you only turn five once.
Ryot On Air!!
DJ Ryot is On Air in Centerfolds.........she is RAWKIN away and would love to have ya hang out with her!!! Oh and show her some love too here she is: ™Ryot Gyrl™ ~DJ For Centerfolds ~ 2nd Alarm Hottie**@ fubar and here is where to find her to RAWK out with here......
This here don't make no sense: "Comment? In one word: Gorgeous" Seems to me that's 5 words.
The Rythem Of A Meaningful Heart...
The rythem of a meaningful heart, Is not thump, thump, thump, boop, But it is love and care and respect, It is nurishment and determination. The rythem of a meaningful heart, Does not flow to a certain beat, It flows to the beat of questions, It flows to the beat of answers. The rythem of a meaningful heart, Will not betray and destroy, But will incourage and direct, It will follow and lead at the same time. The rythem of a meaningful heart, cannot harm you or anyone you love, It will love you and anyone you love, It will also try to always stay your friend. Forever. done by christine .
I've realized that people only get put as a 10 on this site...either that or nothing. I think that's pretty cool. Makes me feel like a 10 and that all my friends are too! :)
hey ppl! im working tonite...leave me lots of love!! rate me 10's everywhere u can!! love ya!
Ok all that helped me with this contest and commented me i also need 10s 1 10 is = to 10 commts i thought i was in 3rd working to 2nd but with 10s im still in 4th come on people if u commented no 10s i need 10s if so then just commnts if u havent done eithe do both plz 10s help thanks all rain . xxoxooxx
Hey all i got some extra 11's i have too use up who wants a 11 let me know first come first serve:)
Yes I know boring topic but still.. I've been working on 1099's for work for the last few MONTHS. You know wanted to get them out on time if not early. So I FINALLY go them all done and sent out today. Granted the figures were computer generated, printed, and we used out machine to fold/stuff them, but I have over 20hrs of Overtime last week to finish up corrections, calling vendors for w9's, auditing, and trying to explain to vendors that we weren't trying to steal their identity just trying to follow the law and report what needed to be reported.... So anyways. I get a call from my brother. He never calls or responds to my calls/text's for that matter unless he wants/needs something. This time his other sister, we are not related at all, needs help with 1099's. She needs to know how to fill the F*ing things out. My reactions in this order.... * Why the Fuck does she need to fill out 1099's she isn't in accounting. * Why the FUCK is it MY responsibility to help her with these
The S
Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw Before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw!
The 80's
I don't know about everyone else but I miss the 80's. The 80's was a fun time for me. I graduated Forestville Sr High in '84 and joined the Army four days later. The music was the best and is still played in my truck's CD player every time I ride. My two teenage kids hate riding with me. They can't believe their dad use to be a breakdancer....yes, I was a breakdancer. I'd kill myself now trying to do any of that. I know, sounds lame but I was having a good time. I even owned a couple of pair of parachute pants. Y'all remember those? The Army sent me to Germany for my first two years. I was in the Infantry and when I graduated Basic and AIT, I had $8,000 in my pocket. Don't have anything to show for it but I can tell some great stories. I stayed drunk for most of those two years. I've been to the real Octoberfest in Munich, I can always remember getting there but can never remember leaving. Dancing on top of the fest tables with the Germans, and the liter mugs of be
The 70's
Those Born 1930-1979! TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank
To All The Sexy Cherries who voted 11's for me...U ROCK....thanks so very much xoxoxoxoxox cheeky
yes im hving a bitch again... this site is beginning to pis me off....i know its the net and all so ppl on here are just net friends but geeze..i seem to be the only person on here that cant even make frikkin net friends on this site. i go around to ppl on my list and leave comments...i try to help ppl in contests, i read most bullitens and i repost them...what do i get in return? NOTHiNG... the only time anyone talks to me is to hit on me and act as though im someone special...until someone better comes along...then they barely talk to me again...and ppl wonder why the frik i put up walls and dont let ppl in.... this site used to be fun but now its the most boring place i can think of being..
I have 91 11's... any beautiful females interested in getting 'em? shout at me!
Funny how every time I get a bunch of 1s posted by cowards afraid t show their faces, all I have to to ss look at my most recent visitors and there is a bunch of big dark black faces on there..... typical. Now this isn't racism, its just simple extrapolation - cognitive function. (that means putting 2 and 2 together for you assholes who are doing it...and we know who you be.) Dumbasses.
20 ????'s
***fill out your own answers*** 1. Anal or oral? depends 2. Chocolate or whip Cream? cream 3. Ice or feathers? ice works wonders on females so ice 4. Two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl? girls 5. Movie porn or live porn? lboth 6. What do you wear to bed ? boxer 7. Love making or hard fucking? both 8. Do you shave? my beard yea 9. Spit or swallow? thats a female trait 10. Do you masturbate ? 4sho 11. Whats your turn on ? a woman playin with herself or a lesbian porn 12. Whats your favorite position ? doggy style 13. Do you belive in no glove no love ? DEPENDS 14. Where would you really love to have sex ? on a airplane 15. How long can you go ? (and be honest) AS LONG AS NECESSARY 16. Bondage or soft & gentle ? bondage i dont think so 17. Have you ever had sex in public ? yup 18. Do you touch yourself and get turned on ? 4sho 19. Is there anyone on your mind you want to have sex with ? she no who she is..., get with me
The 90s
Remember the time..... WOW ..... i never realized how much i missed the 90's until now! Before the Internet & text messaging. Before Sidekicks & iPods. Before MIKE JONESSS Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX. Before the 5 hours of homework you put off every night. WHEN LIGHT UP SNEAKERS WERE KOOL When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs. When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing. When we recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie. When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans. When MTV played music videos When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever. When you looked forward to watching TGIF on TV Way back...... Tag. Get Over Here!!!! means something to you. Hide-n-Go Seek in the dark. Red Light, Green Light. Heads Up 7 Up. Playing Kickball & Dodgeball even Wallball. Hopskotch. Slip-n-Slides. Tree Houses. Hula Hoops. Reading R.L. Stine's Goose Bumps. The annoying
The 80s
Toys of the 80's Q: Did you own a Light Brite? A: still do Q: Played with Strawberry Short Cake dolls? A: ya huh Q: Played with GI-Joe dolls? A: set my brothers on fire... Q: Have a He-man or She-Ra toy? A: no huh Q: Own a slinky? A: still do! Q: Had a Jem doll? A: yes! *sings* jeeeem is truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous jem is my name no one else is the same...JEM! Q: What about a Cabbage patch kid? A: yuppers...still have it too Q: Own a big wheel? A: no huh but i used to steal mah brothers... Q: Traded Garbage Pail Kids? A: hell yeah Q: Had a Popple? A: a few Q: Had a Pound Puppy? A: i stole my brothers Q: Had an Easy Bake oven? A: hell no...but moms bought mah kid one... Cartoons of the 80's: Did you watch the following cartoons? Q: Thundercats? A: blech Q: Jem and the Holograms? A: yuppers Q: G.I. Joe? A: blech Q: Rainbow Brite? A: yup Q: Care Bears? A: *vomits* i HATED the care bears Q: He-man
the next person who shout boxes me will get the rest of my 11's!... and if you also like to you can rate my photos 10's :) but that's up to you.. just IM me on shoutbox for the 11's :) I think I have 69 11's!
I have 80 11's... the next person to shout box me will get 'em :) .. u can also rate all of my stuff if you haven't already! that would be so awesome! u will get the 11's either way... James aka beaver
1. What do you say most when you're trying not to curse? darn or crap or shoot 2. Do You Own An Ipod? nah 3. What Person On Your Top 8 Do You Talk To The Most? Greg, cuz hes my cousin and my best friend... i can tell him everything and hes like my big brother 4. What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set To? 6 am 5. Do You Want To Fall In Love? I sur edo 7. Would You Rather Take The Picture Or Be In The Picture? i like photography, but i also like to be a part of the picture 8. What Was The Last Movie You Watched? Stand By Me 9. Do Any Of Your Friends Have Children? Yes 10. Has Anyone Ever Called You Lazy? Noone but myself 11. Do You Ever Take Medication To Help You Fall Asleep? Nope 12. What Cd Is Currently In Your Cd Player? a burned one 13. Do You Prefer Regular Or Chocolate Milk? chocolate 14. Has Anyone Told You A Secret This Week? you betcha 15. When Was The Last Time You Had Starbucks? um...let me think....yeah its been awhile 16.
40 ?'s
40 of the MOST Spontaneous Questions Ever, BE HONEST 1. Where were you an hour ago? Walmart 2. Who will be your next kiss? Steve 3. What kind of deodorant do you use? Dove 4. Are you wearing socks right now? nope 5. When was the last time you went out of the state? 2 days ago !!! 6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? nope 7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water 8. What are you wearing right now? Tank top and capris 9. What was your last purchase? i bought groceries 10. Last food you ate? Salad 11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Steve 12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? YES 13. Do you have a pet? yes 14. What's the last sporting event you watched? baseball 15. How much sex have you had in the past week? umm ... last week was about 3 times, its hard when ur bf lives 3 hours away, but that won't be for Long ;) 16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would
Im ready to cry. My whole body is sore and tired. I got all the way home from work, and not 10 minutes later, they called and said I had to come back for a staff meeting. Fuckers could have told me that we were having a meeting BEFORE i fuckin left.Someone make my day better :(
Get this.... My dad's 13th grandchild had his 13th great grandchild on Friday the 13th!! Cool huh?!
Anyone in need of some 11's i have 100 would like if you could return some 11's my way
93 11's
I have 93 11's left...1st person to comment gets them!
" S "
Sabbat- Any one of eight Wiccan solar festivals, marked by the 4 solstices and equinoxes, as well as 4 dates inbetween them. They are (Celtic style names, others exist) Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, and Samhain. Salamander- The traditional term for a Fire Elemental. Samhain- The November-Eve ritual better known as Hallowe'en. It is a Gaelic word, the name of the month of November, and is pronounced *SOW'en* (the first syllable to rhyme with *now*). Scourge- A ritual whip symbolizing firmness, in balance with the Wand which symbolizes mercy. Most ritual scourges are quite harmless, made for example with silk thongs. Scrying- Any form of divination which involves gazing at or into something, such as a crystal ball or black mirror, to observe psychically-perceived images. Shade- The spirit of a being which refuses to leave the physical plane. Shamanism- The religion of the ancient peoples of northern Europe and Asia, generally characteris
1500's The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s: Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May,and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor.Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water.The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children.Last of all the babies.By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water.. Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and
GUESS THEY CAN'T ALL BE 10s'. Blogging is a hit or miss game.However,I sure do thank all who visit my blogs.A fun way to get some dander up,make new friends and voice opinions. I try to make my blogs THOUGHT PROVOKING,giving the bloggers and blog readers something to ponder.The brain is the most important muscle we have, and if we do not excersise the brain it becomes addle.
11's date: 2007-08-23 20:32:52 got 47 left to give out whoever wants some with some picture comments let me know, but make sure u comment and rate back ASAP
(If you're under the age of shouldnt even read this) and if you do, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the 90's just wont cut it. You're a 90's kid if: You can finish this [ice ice _ _ _ _ ] You remember watching: -Doug -Ren & Stimpy -Pinky and the Brain -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! -Rockos modern Life. -Gargoils -Looney Toons You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" You just cant resist finishing this . . . "iiiiiin west philidelphia born and raised . . ." You remember: -LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE!!! -Step by Step -Family Matters!!! -Dinosaurs -Boy Meets World!!!! -Wild and Crazy Kids You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at scho
Sorry my 10's are gone, I'll rate more tomorrow, after school.
35 ?'s
These are supposedly 35 questions that no one would EVER think to ask. 1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought? I look like crap 2. When's the next time you will have sex? today probly 3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"? suck 4. Favorite planet? Saturn 5. Who is the 4th person on your missed calls list? Jamie 6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? don't have one 7. What shirt are you wearing? pink nighty 8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago? takein a shower 9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? bare feet 10. Bright or Dark Rooms? dark 11. What do you think about the person who posted this survey? Amanda...she's me main bish! lmao 12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep in? the comfy one 13. What were you doing at exactly midnight last night? havein' a night cap 14. What was your last text message you received on your phone? no cell 15. How do you li
100 11's
43 11's
Good morning everyone, I have 43 11's left .. First person to shout me good morning gets all 43... Its that easy shout me saying good morning be #1 and get all 43 of my 11's
i have 71 11's to trade can u handle the trade
Create Your Glitter Text Create Your Glitter Text I got my name in lights with RANK DRIVER POINTS BEHIND STARTS POLES WINS TOP 5 TOP 10 WINNINGS 1 -- Jeff Gordon 6055 Leader 32 7 6 20 26 6,531,280 - 2 -- Jimmie Johnson 6002 -53 32 3 7 17 20 6,455,630 - 3 -- Clint Bowyer 5940 -115 32 2 1 5 16 3,831,570 - 4 -- Tony Stewart 5806 -249 32 0 3 10 22 5,835,280-
The 1990's
If you were born before 1995, then this survey should be easy for you to fill out! Which spice girl did you like? baby? Backstreet Boys or N*Sync? nsync Did you watch S Club 7??? noppers What was your favorite, Sandlot or Little Rascals? little rascals Did you ever have light up sneakers?.. of course Cinderella or Snow White? cinderella What was your favorite holiday? christmas Did you ever try to stay up on Christmas just so you could see santa? yes and i saw my parents draggin my new tv down the hall You ever watch Bill Nye the Science Guy? yea..they used im in science class What grade did you like the best? the ones i took naps in Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers? ninja turtles lol What Ninja Turtle were you? i wasnt a turtle lol Did you ever own a Chinese jump rope? um what What was your favorite thing to eat? pizza What was your favorite color? blue Did you prefer, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego or Where’s Waldo?
The 1990's
If you were born before 1995, then this survey should be easy for you to fill out! Which spice girl did you like? baby? Backstreet Boys or N*Sync? nsync Did you watch S Club 7??? noppers What was your favorite, Sandlot or Little Rascals? little rascals Did you ever have light up sneakers?.. of course Cinderella or Snow White? cinderella What was your favorite holiday? christmas Did you ever try to stay up on Christmas just so you could see santa? yes and i saw my parents draggin my new tv down the hall You ever watch Bill Nye the Science Guy? yea..they used im in science class What grade did you like the best? the ones i took naps in Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers? ninja turtles lol What Ninja Turtle were you? i wasnt a turtle lol Did you ever own a Chinese jump rope? um what What was your favorite thing to eat? pizza What was your favorite color? blue Did you prefer, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego or Where’s Waldo?
The 90's....
Just wanted to remind people of the good ole days. You're a 90's kid if: You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" You remember when Kurt Cobain, Tu Pac, River Phoenix, and Selena died. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House" You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school. You remember reading "Goosebumps" You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off" You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf. You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school. You danced to "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, Females: had a new motto, Males: got a whole lot gay-er. (so tell me what you want, what you really really want.) You remember the craze, then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.
So I was talking to my friend hg tonight, and she tells me ‘brb’ Now when I’m usually instant messaging with anyone that is a very normal occurance, cuz conversations usually go into the wee hours of the night. I have to stay on my normal schedule on my nights off. Well the significane of hg telling me ‘brb’ is why I’m writing this blog. Now what you need to know about hg is that she is a phone sex operator. So when we are having our conversations about our lives she is at home working. So when she says ‘brb’ that means she just got a call, a client if you will. I guess its just funny to me cuz I don’t think about it for the most part. You know? And every once in a while my lightbulb in my head will go off and I’m like oh yeah… she’s off talking dirty to someone. Its funny to me cuz of how regular she is. Yeah I’m a dork. So what? :P HarleyGypsy: brb michael barela: lol k michael barela: so omg i just realized something... i am talking to another girl and she does insur
ok all here is the deal i got a little over a week left on my vip so here is what i am proposing i will each day i have left on it choose one of my friends to use all 100 of my 11s on... i will only choose from those of my friends that actually show love so if you want your chances of having 100 11s used on you in one day then you know what to do. now please remember for me to do this you musy have a total of at least 99 photos, stash items, blogs etc.... so comeone by and show some luv and get well rewarded luv u guys
6 ?'s
YOU CAN ASK ME SIX QUESTIONS 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. __________________________________________________ No matter how random, revealing, rude, or pointless __________________________________________________ I promise to answer them 100% truthfully... maybe __________________________________________________ All questions are COMPLETELY confidential __________________________________________________ [[[Repost this to see what others ask you...]]] as "6 questions?" __________________________________________________ IF YOU DON'T THEN YOU'RE SCARED OF WHAT PEOPLE MAY ASK
The 90's
If you're under the age of shouldn't even read this and if you do, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the 90's just wont cut it. You're a 90's kid if: You remember watching: -Doug -Ren & Stimpy -Pinky and the Brain -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! -Rockos modern Life. -Animaniacs -Gargoyles You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" You just cant resist finishing this . . . "Iiiiiiin west Philadelphia born and raised . . ." You remember: -LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE!!! -Step by Step -Family Matters!!! -Dinosaurs -Boy Meets World!!!! -Wild and Crazy Kids -Hey Dude -Clarissa Explains It All -My So Called Life You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. You remember reading "Goosebumps" You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.
The 70's
I dont give a damn what anyone says, the 70's had the best damn music. The shit they make nowadays dont compare to what we had back then. Led zepplin, pink floyd, jimmi hendrix. Not to mention stuff like elo, fleetwood mac, steelydan and early ac dc. The stuff just said how u felt n made u feel good. This whinney crap n rap is just plian fucking awful, its not music. Anytime u feel like u wanna hear music that makes ya just plian happy or stirs yer emtions, listen to of of he the stuff from back then. This garbage today its just depressing junk. So here ya go , smile n enjoy........
The "7"s
7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die watch a shuttle launch or rocket launch on site create the lifestyle family I crave have all my debt paid up to date (credit card etc) travel some of this country of ours get a NEW car improve my overall self live in a better hood 7 Things I Can Do cook build computers write create take decent pictures read people fairly well make someone smile in bad times 7 Things I Can't Do bring world peace do much in car repair other than change tires and the oil and plugs play poker argue lift weights (use to but injured myself years ago from not warming up properly) not say anything when i feel strongly about something knit lol 7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposite Sex eyes smile lips hair sense of humor intelligence respect 7 Things I Say Most Often jackhole lol i love you i hear that are you fuckin' kiddin' me!!?? you may not until i say 7 Things I Fear The Most bees falling in love losing love pain
Ok everyone..I was listening to a radio show the other morning... they were talking about the best 80's songs... Now some of the ones i was hearing..i swear i do NOT remember from the 80's n I lived it!!!...So what im asking you to do is just out of my own curiosity....... Name 1 80's song that you just know one of those ones you just had to listen to all the time..or it came on the radio and you just had to blast it so no one in the car with you could hear when it was over!!! Thankyou
ok people i have 84 11's left for the day the best offer wins them so hit me up the offer ends at 12 01 tonight
My VIP expires in 2 days, and I haven't decided if I'm going to renew it or not yet. If you'd like to trade 11's today or tomorrow give me a shout or a private message. Thanks
10 & 11's ...
The site made it where we can Re rate all our friends... My issue is that my Vip runs out in a few days and there is no way I can re rate everyone an 11 before that happens... I've had a VIP for over a year and there are some personal reasons why I can't renew my VIP, like feeding my kids. So please don't take offense if I rate you a 10. If I had the ability to rate everyone an 11 I would. Thanks for understanding judy
This is a(n) (un)formal thank you to all those that have and will rate me an 11. I can not barely express how much it means to me for you to waste yer 11 on me. THANK YOU. PAUL
i have 100 11s anyone want to buy them?
Hi all auto 11's are on for 24 hours please help me get to Disciple would really appreciate any help..15 K Fu for each of my 4 Super slow rate folders PM me when done Our new mantra Rate 1-2-3 repeat Uggggg Click my pic below and rate away level up !!!!!!!Thank you again Jason Exec asst of Addictive ,Enforcer for the Fu-Luv Bomb sqaud@ fubar
I won in a Auction 700- 11 rates, I only have 300 pics so therefore I am doing an Auction on the other 400 11's. Would you be interested in bidding for them? If so, click on this pic & Bid away.... *Auction will end on Sat. 31st @ 2pm fubar time*
Ever wonder what it would be like to have all the answers? To be able to say I know, never say I think, never assume, Never be in doubt. I’ve wished for that feeling, I’ve sought answers. But with every answer comes another question, greater than the last. I’m starting to realize, just now in fact, the answers aren’t really what I am hoping to find. It’s the questions that keep me going, a certain beauty in not knowing. To know it all might be a bore, no mystery, nothing to explore. I think though perhaps, I’ve found my question, the one I’ve sought. Without knowing, while looking for answers, it has come to me. A mystery so great, filled with intrigue, wonderment I want to dive in I want to explore, I want to work on this mystery forever. Never finding all the answers Hoping to never come to an end
...... :-s
NEWS RELEASE convenient... Not like they can do anything when it doesnt detect a heartbeat but I guess the idea is good. Im grr'ing for personal reasons. DAVID ORAZIETTI, MPP ************************* Orazietti announces life-saving defibulators now operational in Sault Ste. Marie McGuinty government’s unprecedented investment helping community residents at risk of cardiac arrest SAULT STE. MARIE - Eight automated external cardiac defibrillators (AEDs) have now been installed in public facilities throughout Sault Ste. Marie, David Orazietti, MPP announced today along with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario in advance of an AED demonstration and a mass CPR training session at the John Rhodes Community Centre beginning at 7 p.m. tonight.......
New job  yes iam still sailing but this time in the gulf of mexico.I hate starting over. but the money is more then before  I'll be on the global orion  she is vanuatu flag  with us crew.. I don't under stand it all yet frist I'll go to school (sms) one the things will be lerning  how escape out of a helacopter  up side down in the water...then on the 16th I go to the ship...  with a smile $$$$$$  for 28 on 28 off ...Fair winds and following seas
Considering I bought myself autos sometime in the past, I'm thinking I should actually use them this week.   Anyone who could throw me a few rates, it would be appreciated.   Thank you in advance, in case I forget to thank you after :p
200 ???s
200: My middle name is: plain199: I was born in: a hospital room198: I am really: a martian197: My cell phone company is: ripping me off196: My eye color is: hazel green195: My shoe size is: 7194: My ring size is: unknown193: My height is: 5'6’’192: I am allergic to: morons191: My 1st car was: crashed into a Mt side190: My 1st job was: where I met my ex husband189: Last book I read: long and it dragged out188: My bed is: in the bedroom187: My pet: is furry186: My best friend: is a butthead185: My favorite shampoo is: in the shower184: AIM name: is MIA183: Piggy Banks are: supposed to full of coins182: In my pockets: stuff181: On my calendar: days and dates180: Marriage is: a crazy institution179: Sponge Bob can: kiss my ass178: My mom: is the meanest person on Earth177: The last three cd's I bought were: bought a lonnnnnng time ago176: Last YouTube video watched: was in a mumm recently175: How many cousins do you have? 4174: Do you have any siblings: yep173: Are your parent
Today as the sun rose,Her vision was deep in my eyes.Even through all the mist,Just like a clear blue sky. Each day she shines more,And gets deeper in my mind.Will she feel the same way,If not a way I must find. She deserves more than me,But for her I wish to make her mine,And maybe soon one special day,In her eyes to I will also shine.
Here it's been cold,Raining all day.But my mind,Has been miles away. Will it come back?I don't think so.It knows it's path,Where it wants to go.   As far away,From my heart it can get.My heart hurts,Won't give it one minutes rest.   I hope someday,My thoughts will come back to me.But for now,Your all my heart can see.
The 70's
Holding a hand out While blazing thru A hand out to anyone Who gets the road
The 80's.................
YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE 80'S IF:You know what a "burnout" is.You know what "Sike" means.You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off".You know that another name for a keyboard is a "Synthesizer".You can name at least half of the members of the elite "Brat Pack".You know who Tina Yothers is.You wanted to be a Goonie.You felt ashamed when Rob Lowe got in trouble for sex with minors and videotaping it, because you liked him.You know who Max Headroom is.You ever wore flourescent, neon if you will, clothing.You could breakdance, or wish you could.You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.You Believed that "By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power"Partying "like it's 1999" seemed SO far away.You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.You wanted to be on StarSearch.You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.You wore a banana clip at some point during your youth, or knew someone who did.You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on it's
nba jerseysJust the end of the regular season, it was in predicting the final destination of the championship season, many people are optimistic about the Heat once again defending. According to professional analysis of basketball data website The Power Rank NBA (microblogging) in the current issue of the championship which the forecast, the Heat also topped the list.Heat win probability of 39.6% of this data, the Thunder, followed by 30.6%. Spurs at 17.1% probability in third place, the Knicks came in fourth, the New York team to win a probability of 4.8%. Grizzlies, Pacers and Clippers breakdown 5,6,7, their probability of winning were 3.0%, 2.1% and 1.4% respectively. cheap nba jerseysThe Warriors and rocket probability of winning is less than 1%, which the Warriors win probability is 0.7%, compared with 0.3% in the rocket. The Bulls, the Nets win probability with 0.2%, while the Hawks and the Celtics this season, the probability of winning is 0, which means that these
I resently joined thise site i am loving it i hope i meet friends like i do on a regular basis.I am frim South Africa the coolest place to be dam is a blast to be part of that country a comment that most South Africans say is in America they make movies and in SA we act then live.LOOK IN MY PHOTOS to see why  
i hate love guys think they can just get you hope up then tell you that they are confused and neve meant to hurt you that is total bullshit... i guess love isn't for everyone
Sa Aking Asawa
ako ay pag-ibig sa iyo magpakailanman! ito ay nangangahulugan na gumawa ng aking mga araw na kumpleto kung ako makita mo! i love you so much, it hurts! Miss ko sa inyo kaya much, kaya kong sigaw ng isang ilog! ako magkulang sa hold ka masyado, wala na hihinto ako mula sa pagkuha ng doon sa lalong madaling i am able! Ako isipin wala mas mahusay kaysa sa hawak mo sa aking mga armas at nagsasabi kung magkano ang i love you at kung maganda ka! Ako captivated sa pamamagitan ng iyong pag-ibig!
Saban Takes Alabama Job
Wow crazy things so far this early in 2007 if you're a sports fan. Boise State beats Oklahoma and now Nick Saban decides to leave the safe confines of the NFL to go back to college coaching. Let's start with the positives for Saban going to Alabama. Big payday and an 8 year contract means he can put his hand prints all over this program for years to come. Supposedly he missed teaching the "kids" too. He gets complete control of a program again. Negatives, this move shows that Saban doesn't care about putting down roots anywhere. 'Bama fans contract or no contract you better be prepared if in 4 or 5 years if he doesn't have the program going he might bolt. NFL teams in the future will be leary if Saban comes knocking on the door for future jobs. Saban is also going to find out how much interference 'Bama alums and boosters can interfere with a program. They weren't suspend and fined by the NCAA for putting an extra pudding cup in their kids' lunches. Wonder what the Do
This is my dog Sabatian...He has been deemed a vicious dog and only has until the 18th to live if I can not appeal what the court has done..before you jump to he is not vicious...just very playful..he grabbed a little girls pant leg trying to play and it got her leg so the dog pound of course quaretined him but even after all of that the court still would not listen to the other kids that were there...This has truely turned my world upside down...trying to explain to my grand-daughter where he is and my children asking me what I'm going to has broken my heart...I can't seem to figure out how to appeal...time is running out...and no one in the court system will even give me a hint..
Sabatoge A
Someone is often silent until another shows up around me. Already sabatoged a relationship and will again. Hoorah! No Stint. My mind was made up on recent event's. Ain't sticking around for all to do whatever? Weight gain is two pounds over night and the swelling is in the ankles, feet, and toes. Means fluid is everywhere, from my Heart to other organs. Annette, it wasn't because I gave up recently. I gave up long time ago. Way before you ever made Earth. Yes, I'm a member of something and there is unfinnshed business to take care of. TEMPLER ON GUARDE  
Sabby And Alisha
Sabby Again
The Sabbat
Two clans stand in open rebellion to the Masquerade. Supported by renegade antitribu from the Camarilla clans, they are collectively known as the Sabbat. They seek freedom from the rules of the Camarilla, and they strive to reduce mankind to the status of cattle. The centuries long-war between these two sects has escalated -- perhaps beyond control. The anthem of the Sabbat is total Kindred freedom. It is this philosophy that makes them deadly guerrilla warriors and a shockingly disorganized sect. One Sabbat pack is seldom aware of the agenda of another. Lasombra Tzimisce Unlike the Camarilla kindred, they are not bound to the whims of a single sire. Sabbat vampires undergo blood rites that make them fiercely loyal to their sect. Sometimes this rabid devotion is all that keeps them together
The Sabbath : God,s Day Of Rest>> And Ours Too.>>>
this Morn: Saturday The sabbath God ,s day of Rest God says to keep It Holy < Rest > But He didnt say we cant help or do good deeds for others. Jesus even healed the sick on a Sabbath ; So I try to help or listen or give Gods words to those needing to hear them . I try to help and commfort them in need . ty all diana hugs..
Sabbat Candle Colors
SABBAT CANDLE COLOURS: Samhain : Black, orange Yule : Red, green & white Imbolg : Red, pink & brown. Eostara : Green, yellow & gold Beltaine : Dark green Litha : Green, blue Lughnasadh : Yellow, orange Mabon : Orange, brown & yellow
I is offski. To a new office. The problem is it is open plan and we have proper IT and all those other problems that nsfw was invented for, so I might not be about much. Bummer. Or woo hoo, I don't know. :-( is there one of these for crying? (b) no I lubs you all and hopes to be mumming some time soon nearer to home, ie in my bedroom where I can mumm naked and not worry about sexual harrassment issues. xxx
Sabercats Going To New Orleans
I just read the Sabercats web site and found that they won last night and are on their way to the Arena Bowl in New Orleans. Oh Yesssssssssssssssssss! I wish I could have seen the game. We will be stopping in Santa Clara while in the bay area and visit the 49ers training camp to watch them practice before their pre-season games. I love my football. Either NFL or AFL.
Sabine's Notebook And Just Something About The Word "nuclear"
This Sunday was the last day in Minot that Dairy Queen would be open until spring. Beginning at eleven in the morning until both stores (yes, I said BOTH) ran out of their stock of whatever they had, anyone could go in and buy boxes of treats and premade cakes. After Sunday School got out, I took Mary, Sarah, and Jeffrey to the south Dairy Queen store which is right next to the day care where Martha works (Martha couldn't come with us because she was singing at out second morning service) and Mary went in for two boxes of Buster Bars, two boxes of Dilly Bars, and a chocolate Blizzard cake! You think Dairy Queen Blizzards by themselves are rich? Whoa . . . The second book (ISBN 0811801802) of Nick Bantock's Griffin & Sabine series, "Sabine's Notebook", picks up with the postcard artist from London and the stamp designer from the South Pacific always one step ahead of each other. First acquainted through postcards and letters and eventually falling in love, Sabine who claims to b
200 ?'s About Me!
There are some questions missing for some reason, but this one is kind of fun. 200: My name is: - Manda 199: I was born in: - Belleville, NJ 198. I am a: - sweet girl 197. My eye color is: - brown 196. My hair color is - i'm a brunette baby 195. My shoe size is: - 9 194. My ring size is: - 9 193. My Favorite Color is: - blue 192. My height is: - 5'4 barely 191. I'm allergic to: - pollen, catd 190. I live in: - Union City 189. Last book read is: - My Lovely Bones 188. My bed time is: - whenever 187. First Screen name: - hottieprincessxoxo1989.. i was 13 give me a break 186. Current Screen name: - MamiLocaSoFly 185. Messenger mostly used: - Aim/MSN 184. Name of first boyfriend/girlfriend: - my hubby's name is Julio 183. Longest relationship: - 2 years & for eternity 182. Currently taken: - yeah
Sabotage - Beastie Boys
?'s About Me
1.)Q. Can you cook? 1.)A. Yes !! 2.)Q. What was your dream growing up 2.)A. To be a mom 3.)Q. What talent do you wish you had 3.)A. That i could draw or sing 4.)Q. If I bought you a drink what would it be 4.)A. Long Island Ice Tea 5.)Q. Favorite vegetable 5.)A. Mmmmm I have many ! 6.)Q. What was the last book you read 6.)A. Abide with Me 7.)Q. What zodiac sign are you 7.A. Libra 8.)Q. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings 8.)A. Just my ears are pierced! 9.)Q. Worst Habit 9.)A. None I am an Angel .... 10.)Q. If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride 10.)A. Depends on what you were offering me for giving you the ride... 11.)Q. What is your favorite sport 11.)A. None sports are gay. 12.)Q. Negative or Optimistic attitude 12.)A. Optimistic 13.)Q. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me 13.)A. mmmmm... how long are we gonna be stuck ? 14.)Q. Worst thing to ever happen to you 14.)A. My daddy died :( 15.)Q
I can't stand it i know you planned it But i'm gonna set it straight, this watergate I can't stand rockin' when i'm in here Because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear So while you sit back and wonder why I got this fuckin' thorn in my sideo H my, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin' You'll shut me down with a push of your button? But i'm out, and i'm gone I'll tell you now i keep it on and on 'cause what you see you might not get And we can't bet so don't you get souped yet You're schmeing on a thing that's a mirage I'm trying to tell you now it's sabotage Why; our backs are now against the wall Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage I can't stand it, i know you planned it But i'm gonna set it straight this watergate I can't stand rockin' when i'm in this place Because I feel disgrace because you're all in my face But make no mistakes a
?'s About Guys Im Sure To Each Their Own
Do men like women to be the dominant ones in bed and out of bed or do they want all domination. Because it seems to me like if you let a man always take over he might think you're weak minded. Well lets see some answers.
yep, im sabotaging my life again.   what the fuck is wrong with me?
Sabpab - Another Mac Os Backdoor Trojan Discovered
Sabpab - Another Mac os Backdoor Trojan Discovered Posted by THN Reporter On 4/15/2012 07:36:00 AM Security firm Sophos has discovered more malware for the Mac OS X platform called Sabpab. It uses the same Java vulnerability as Flashback to install itself as a “drive-by download.” Users of older versions of Java now have still more malware to worry about. It also doesn't require any user interaction to infect a system either just like Flashback all that needs to happen is for you to visit an infected webpage. Sabpab, according to Sophos, installs a backdoor that allows the hackers to capture screen snapshots, upload or download files and execute commands on infected Macs remotely. The Trojan creates the files /Users//Library/Preferences/ /Users//Library/LaunchAgents/ Encrypted logs are sent back to the control server, so the hackers can monitor activity. Although
Sabrina Sabrok
Sabres Top All Pro Teams In What They Give To Fans
Sabres top all pro teams in what they give to fans ESPN ranks 122 sports franchises By Gene Warner Updated: 03/27/07 3:54 PM Sabres owner B. Thomas Golisano likes that fans think they're getting a bargain. It will be another 2½ months before any team skates around a National Hockey League rink, hoisting the Stanley Cup in triumph. But the Buffalo Sabres already can claim they’re No. 1 — in an ESPN The Magazine ranking of all 122 major professional sports franchises. Called the Ultimate Standings, the listing ranks pro franchises on how well they pay back their fans for all the time, money and emotion fans invest in their teams. “The Sabres score big in our fifth survey of how pro teams pay back their fans — and teach the rest of sports a lesson on stoking the faithful’s fire,” states the sub-headline of the story, being published Wednesday. That lofty ranking comes just four years after the team was mired in bankruptcy, with both its ownership and
Sabres Still Have Something To Play For
Daniel Briere and the Buffalo Sabres look to end the season on a high note against the Philadelphia Flyers this Sunday on NBC. The Buffalo Sabres have been so good this season it seems almost like they clinched a playoff berth months ago. They’ve already clinched the Eastern Conference crown and the Northeast Division title, but there is still one more order of business the Sabres want to take care of before the Stanley Cup Playoffs start. They are still in the hunt for the top position in the entire NHL, jockeying with the Detroit Red Wings atop the league standings with a Presidents' Trophy and home-ice advantage throughout the playoffs still up for grabs. “Well, I think it's a great goal,” Sabres coach Lindy Ruff has said of winning the Presidents’ Trophy. “Is it important? In the big scheme of things, it's not what we're after. I think we're on our way to try to win the Cup. If the Presidents' Trophy gets in the way, I'm OK with that. It's not something that we focus on.
Sabres Wait For Enemy
By Tim Graham and John Vogl NEWS SPORTS REPORTERS Updated: 04/08/07 9:50 AM WASHINGTON — It’s down to Teddy or Toronto. The Buffalo Sabres, who were the first team to clinch an NHL playoff spot, have to wait until today — the final day of the regular season — to find out who they will meet in the first round. The candidates are the New York Islanders and coach Ted Nolan, who must beat the New Jersey Devils this afternoon to earn the spot, or the archrival Maple Leafs. Toronto’s third-period comeback Saturday night against Montreal capped a gunslinging, 6-5 affair. The victory eliminated the Canadiens and gave possession of the final playoff spot to the Leafs, whose regular season is over. They will hold onto the No. 8 seed if the Devils beat the Islanders; New Jersey is locked into the second spot, so it has little incentive to win. “We knew it was probably going to come down to the last day or the night before, so there’s not a lot of difference,” said Sabres coach L
Sabres Have Edge In Fort Erie
Sabres have edge in Fort Erie Patriotism favors Ottawa Senators, but Buffalo is very close to home FORT ERIE, Ont. — Their capital is Ottawa. They live in the land of the maple leaf, “Hockey Night in Canada” and Don Cherry. And when it comes to patriotism, they’re intensely loyal to their “home and native land.” But Fort Erie residents also live in Buffalo’s backyard, only a figurative slap shot from HSBC Arena. Most of them are inundated by Buffalo media reports of the Sabres. Some have bled Sabres blue and gold for almost 37 years. So where is Fort Erie leaning in the Eastern Conference finals, in the battle between the Sabres and Ottawa Senators? That depends on whom you ask. The Sabres seem to have the edge — some say a huge edge — but there clearly is plenty of support for the “last Canadian team standing.” “Go Ottawa, anybody but Buffalo,” Fort Erie resident Christine Carty said Tuesday. “I like
Sabres House Party
Click to join NHLFA_Sabres Reposted from the Sabres MySpace Bulletin Message ------------------------------------- From: Sabres Date: May 10, 2007 6:29 PM The Buffalo Sabres will be hosting a "House Party" at HSBC Arena for all of their remaining away games in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Admission and parking are both free, but fans are asked to make a donation to the Sabres Foundation upon entering the arena. Starting next Monday (May 14) when the team hits the road for Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals in Ottawa, Sabres fans are invited down to HSBC Arena to experience "a game without a game." Fans will be able to watch the game on the Jumbotron and two 12' by 9' video monitors that will be set up on the ice, while listening to the synched-up radio coverage of Sabres broadcasters Rick Jeanneret and Jim Lorentz. The arena will operate just like a regular home game, including full game presentation, Sabretooth and an anthem singer prior to puckdrop. All a
Sabres-penguins In The Ralph A Go
Sabres-Penguins in The Ralph a go NBC will televise New Year’s Day Ice Bowl By Tim Graham NEWS SPORTS REPORTER Updated: 08/25/07 6:25 AM Over the past two seasons, the Buffalo Sabres have grown in importance so much their games have become about more than mere hockey. They’re community events. On New Year’s Day, the party is going to get a whole lot bigger. The much-talked-about outdoor game between the Sabres and Pittsburgh Penguins in Ralph Wilson Stadium finally is a go for 1 p.m. Jan. 1, multiple sources have told The Buffalo News. The game will be nationally televised by NBC. Sources close to the Sabres claimed the Ice Bowl event was in jeopardy of being scrapped because financing construction and maintenance of an outdoor hockey rink was difficult, but a deal apparently came together this week. The NHL is expected to make an official announcement Sept. 10 in Buffalo. NHL spokesman Frank B
Sabrina~the Bounty Hunter~
I will do what I can to make my title the right one! I am greatful that my great friend Jon thought that I would be a great addition to the family! Thanks jon for having such great faith in me and for being an awesome friend and family member!
Sabres Beat Kings
So last night was Birthday Pt. 1. I got a ticket for the sabres vs. the Kings. To me it looked like the kings out played us, but we won and in the end Ryan Miller had 40 saves and a shut out and was the 1st star of the game. Here is a slide show of the pictures I took. Sabres Vs. Kings Dec 19 2008 So then After the game I got to wrap Christmas gifts as I watched the winter Dew Tour. I also got to see The Pam Anderson roast uncensored and tonight Is Jeff Foxworthy. I also watched a movie I haven't seen in a long time "no country for old men" it was a pretty good movie.
Sabres Game Last Night
was the first sabres game i been to in 7 years. i have a good friend back in ny , have known him 25 + years. his oldest son now plays for the sabres and scored the first goal of the game last night. he also instigated 3 fights and was the hardest skater on the ice last night i saw him before the game and talked with him for a while they lost 3-2 but was a good game $9 for a raft beer is obscene though that all, hope anyone that reads this has a good day
I am Sabrina 21 years old , l am very Friendly, Soft, Sexy, Funny, Girl with a Beautiful tight body, lovely skin and long hair. I am currently studying and need to finance my studies so why not try to do that with something l love Sex. I offer the following companion and escort services: *Friendly Escort for Hotel Room Fun. *Dinner Date, and City Tour Guide services. *Erotic and Relaxation style full body and body-to-body oil massage *Trip planning, Travel tips, Organizing hotel, Sight Seeing. *Short term, overnight and longer term services. I only practice safe sex, l love to please, so expect an intimate, Caring, Playful and Sexy Experience. Feel free to email ( to discuss your trip and how i may be of service. LA is wonderful with many great people, amazing food, nightlife, beaches and sights, So whether you contact me or not i wish you a great time! Kisses from Sabrinastar xxx
Sabre Swimming During The Storm 07/20/09 Monsoon Season
Sabrine Maui Shows Her Pink Snatch
Real Live Farm Sex!
Sabrina Real Life Gf To Chris
So Apparently Some looser chick Decides to pimp smack me and tell me it wasn't for me and thats she sorry, now all of a sudden she's smacked me 5 different times within two minutes, updating her status message about me and apparently needs her husband back to get her laid so she stops acting like a Tramp on Fubar. Sabrina Re...: OOPS MY BAD DIDNT MEAN TO SMACK YOU..OOPS   cancel Chat 8:49am more To Sabrina Re...: wtf   cancel Chat 8:51am reply Sabrina Re...: SO YOUR NEW AND NOW YOU KNOW WHAT WTF MEANS..YOU ARE ILLITERATE APPARENTLY DEAR   cancel Chat
Sabre Dancing...
Sabu Vs Cactus Jack (mick Foley) - Ecw 1995
Sabu V.s Abyss - Tna Turning Point 2005 - Barbwire Massacare
Sabu Vs Abyss Barbwire Match
HE MADE A SACRIFICE He made a sacrafice On the cross where He laid. The work of His beauty Stunned in dismay. He looked down apon us, His soul very tired, A gentle smile Was all that was required To mend the bleeding, Hurt, Needing. He looked down apon us With love and care. For his children He will always be there. He floated softly In vast skies of gray Because He made a sacrafice On the cross where He laid
Saccharin And Riboflavin
Do you have any alcohol bottles in your room? Nope. Mini-fridge around the corner though.   Last person to text you?   Stacy. No i don't want to see Iron Man 2 with you.     Do you think you like anyone?   I think too much as it is.     Who's the biggest whore you know? Scott from work. Goes through girlfriends like I go through vodka bottles.     Do you prefer to be friends with boys or girls? There are very few guys I can stand to be around.      Ever been so drunk someone else had to carry you? Nope.     Had sex in a movie theater?   I've asked, but no.           Has any one of your friends ever seen you cry?   I don't cry. Do you hate anyone? John Madden. I kind of hate Dr. Phil sometimes.   Do you straighten your hair often? Lol. Genetics keeps flipping it up.   Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Not at all, I prob have more in common with Jason than anyone else.       Want someone back in your life?   Watching th
3's A Charm? Sigh Who Took My Damn Coffee!!!!????
Have you ever been out with friends you’re talking, having a great time? Then suddenly you say something and the reply wasn't what you thought it was going to be.  Upset and a bit on the defensives side crap spills out of your mouth. As you quickly wish your mouth would for once check with you before speaking. (But damnnit to hell) It does not. I mean isn't that what we are taught growing up...Mom says "Think before you Speak" then none of that would have happened. The list of people to include yourself could go on forever, have said that very line knowing that they too at some point have said the same thing. So we have a few different oops or foot in mouth so many clever sayings for the simple fact that "You my dear Fucked Up". So my question is how does one fix it? This is where I ask for your help, because my way seems to add fuel to the fire so to speak.    If you think about it we have all at some point or time said..."wow?! Did I really say that"? And some of us are found
sachet\sa-SHEY\  noun; 1.A small bag, case, or pad containing perfuming powder or the like, placed among handkerchiefs, etc., to impart a pleasant scent. 2.Also, sachet powder, the powder contained in such a case.
Sữa Chua Trị Tàn Nhang Hiệu Quả
Sữa chua từ lâu đã được biết đến là một “thần dược” làm đẹp với tác dụng chẳng kém những mỹ phẩm đắt tiền mà chi phí lại cực rẻ. Nếu những vết tàn nhang xuất hiện trên gương mặt đang khiến cho bạn cảm thấy mất tự tin thì sữa chua là một cách trị tàn nhang hiệu quả dành cho bạn. Sữa chua chứa rất nhiều vi khuẩn có lợi, có khả năng tiết ra chất kháng sinh tự nhiên giúp cho da được tái tạo một cách nhanh chóng. Hơn nữa axit lactic trong sữa chua có tác dụng giúp làn da mềm mại, căng mịn và làm se lỗ chân lông. Ngoài ra, sữa chua còn có tác dụng ng&#
ass fuck pig nuts shit
Sack Lunch
Sack Lunch The Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. 'Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five b
Sack Lunches
got this in an email and thought i would share it Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. ' Chicago - to Great Lakes Base We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago , and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for ju
Sack Lunches
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. ' Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to Chicag
Sack Lunches
I received this today and JUST had to Post.....Remember folks, we have hundred's and thousands of Men and Women fighting for OUR freedom...OUR RIGHT to Vote , or not to Vote, and For whom we Vote. If ever given the opportunity, Thank our Soldiers as they return , then them BEFORE they go ,and lets Pray EACH and EVERY night , to the one's that Gave their lives, so we can live to see- as well as give our children a better tomorrow. From MY family to your's GOD BLESS AMERICA --Penny Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. ' Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks f
The Sack Lunches
The Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. 'Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get
The Sack Lunches
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. ' Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago , and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to Chicago
The Sack Lunches (i Love This)
The Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. ' Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait
Sack Lunchs
The Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. "I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap," I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. "Where are you headed?" I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. "Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq ." After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. "No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get t
Sack Lunch
The Sack LunchesI put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat downin my assigned seat.  It was going to be a long flight.'I'm glad I have a good book to read.  Perhaps I willget a short nap,' I thought.Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down theaisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surroundingme.  I decided to start a conversation..  'Where areyou headed?'  I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.'Petawawa.  We'll be there for two weeks for specialtraining, and then we're being deployed to  Afghanistan   After flying for about an hour, an announcement was madethat sack lunches were available for five dollars.  Itwould be several hours before we reached the east, and Iquickly decided a lunch would help pass the time.As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask hisbuddy if he planned to buy lunch.   'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sacklunch.  Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks.  I'llwait till we get to base'His friend agreed.I looked a
Sack Lunches
The Sack LunchesI put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation... 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Afghanistan.After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time.As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to base'His friend agreed.I looked
The Sack Lunches
The Sack Lunches                                I put my carry-on in the luggageCompartment and sat down in myAssigned seat.  It was going to be aLong flight.. 'I'm glad I have aGood book to read Perhaps I will getA short nap,' I thought.                                Just before take-off, a line ofSoldiers came down the aisle andFilled all the vacant seats, totallySurrounding me.  I decided toStart a conversation.'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.                                'Petawawa. We'll be there for twoWeeks for 20 special training, and thenWe're being deployed to Afghanistan                                After flying for about an hour, anAnnouncement was made that sackLunches were available for fiveDollars.  It would be several hoursBefore we reached the east, and IQuickly decided a lunch would helpPass the time..                                As I reached for my wallet, IOverheard soldier ask his buddy if hePlanned to buy lunch.'No, that see
"sack Tapping" New Teen Game
This is the first I’ve heard of “sack tapping.” Apparently, young men in school are punching each other in the groin. A Minnesota teenager had one of his testicles removed because of this new game. Is there nothing young people won’t do?,2933,593680,00.html BlastFM is a great diversion from the day to day routine of being punched. It’s here for you 24/7. Tune in BlastFM for a musical experience second to none!
Sack Lunch
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle andfilled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided tostart a conversation.'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and thenwe're being deployed to Afghanistan ..'After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sacklunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hoursbefore we reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would helppass the time...As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if heplanned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just asack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks.. I'll wait till weget to base.'His friend agreed.I
Sacking Up: Moving On (unedited)
my love, when we grow old ill miss seeing the lines form on that perfect face. Ill miss the moments when hair greys, eyes sag, and that perfect skin drys out. Most of all Ill miss the fact that everyone youve ever hurt wont be there to enjoy the laugh either. hey golden girl the world is yours till what you use to make it, makes it leave you lonely. maybe when the world that revolves around you stops and all the passengers get off, youll feel a small bit of what i feel. Doupt it, but hopefuly insecurity adds reality, and all that powder you cake on cant catch a grip and cakes on all the deep folds and makes you whole. I wish nothing but the best for you and yours that  you bought with the last bit of love you tricked out of the the last sap years ago. i wish you long life to enjoy it alone and feel 10 times what youve made others feel, but i know your old now and not much longer to go. See after the fall I'm a better man. I learned the dramatics in you bating a lash is only good till
Sac Louis Vuitton M51186 Toile Monogram Stresa Pm
New York HAS Some catching up to do.About a month ago, the Purse Blog team Attended the launch Kayne West Shoe at Louis Vuitton Bal Harbour. We Did not leave with a new pair of sneakers, I left goal was crushing new handbag. One of our favorite SA's at LV (The Entire staff at LV Bal Harbour is amazing) Showed me That I Adored new clutch. louis vuitton pas cher Commissioned Several animal sculptures from her Entirely made out of Louis Vuitton handbags and accessories to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Louis Vuitton collection SLG Expertise. What Achilleos WAS Able to do with leather goods is amazing (not to mention amazingly adorable), and we've got more pictures of her creatures, has more video of the building process, the after the introduction of a new jump. The Louis Vuitton Speedy is always reason for celebration Among handbag fiends, and we think this Particular That Will Be bag of wide interest. The Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandoulia ¨ re is similar to the monogra
Sac Louis Vuitton M45715 Toile Monogram Boetie Pm
Yep, that 'Happened.As far as bags go, the show started ... dreadfully. Most of 'em Appeared To Be Made of dip-dyed cotton canvas in candy colors are coordinating with fluffy appendages streaming off the back, Which Were Sometimes bigger than the bag for itself. After a dozen looks, I Thought I Was in for a very unpleasant show.After a little while goal, things started to look decidedly better. She subsequently adopted Interpretation her first child, Maddox, from Cambodia has orphanage.The consoling or capture shows Jolie sitting in a traditional wooden boat in the province louis vuitton pas cher of Siem Reap, ALONGSIDE her vintage Louis Vuitton Holdall Alto, a bag She has owned for Many Years. For Those of Us Who Will not Be making the trip to see the the display in person, we've got some great pictures of the handbags and travel parts of the hand have featured exhibit, the after the jump.Every year, consulting firm Millward Brown Optimor Takes stock of the global luxury i
The practice of cutting a hole in the pockets of trousers so that a person can masturbate (usually in public).
I drive down a highway Cars everywhere Today at work my mind wandered to my lady wondering why I was so lucky I have a child named jenny She was just born My lady is still in the hospital pretty well worn On my way there this is the first I will see of my baby I hear she is beautiful and I will watch her grow 1 more mile and I will be there I look to my left I see a car with children screaming Looks like they cannot slow down One looks in my eyes I can see her passion for life A truck coming straight out them I swerve to the left to knock them out of the way Now I am the target With no chance to move I say to my god Take care of my wife and my baby too In one swift motion I sacrificed my life For the lives of 4 children WIth my faith bound on them living I gave god a chance to have another angel in heaven
there are times in your life when you have to sacrifice all the things that you have!!! the laughter, tear and even the love that you have to that special person even if it hurts you so much. you think that why did it have to happened to you when you didn't do anything to hurt other person's feelings. you end up thinking that maybe God have some reasons why he gave you that trials, that you have to be strong and to face the fact that hurts you so much, but then again all that thing will not count if you think of the things you've shared together, all the happiness that you felt when you were with her or with him.that love isn't count how many wrong or error that he or she gave you, what matters is that once in your life you've feel his or her love to you. but then again fight the feelings of hurt that you feel inside. maybe that is sacrifice for me.
Sacred Secrets Release
Monday, September 4th, 2006 The day has finally dawned for the relase of Sacred Secrets! Visit An excerpt for your enjoyment: The tantalizing aroma of coffee lures me forward toward what I thought was another window to the great outdoors, but no, it is an interior window that opens the kitchen to additional light from the wall of windows in the great room. Black granite and gleaming stainless steel greet me. I have never been in a gourmet’s kitchen, but I assume that this is what one looks like. I am impressed. I have found Mecca. I would fall prostrate but I wouldn’t know which alter to bow before first. I pour a cup and inhale, my mind clearing of its spice overdose. The mug is taken from my hand with a hearty “thank you” and I stagger from the loss of promised caffeine. He pivots and walks away, leaving me shaken that I did not hear him approach. How can one man be so quiet? I am glad I was caught with a cup of coffee and not sno
The Sacred Path Of The Warrior By Chogyam Trungpa
A while back I got to my friends house in Surrey, she had a book lying out called The Sacred Path of the Warrior, I picked up and had finished it by Wednesday evening (I dont sleep much), although I have never been into buddhism much or any other religion it was interesting to say the least. I remember in October 2004 I was at a Leadership Calling gathering and Meg Wheatley was there and she told us of Shambala and the way of the Shambala Warrior. Some bits of the book really did mean quite a bit but being a rancid tart myself and quite rough around the edges I have an issue with the word Joy, dont know why but it just makes me cringe when I hear it. The word Joy was used quite a lot in the book, also about discipline, never been much good at that either. But was I did like was finding about the Four Dignities, especially the one of Outrageousness, that did make me chuckle Meek “The four dignities” are introduced as a path and a process, which describe a warrior's maturing and widen
Sacred Peace
It's there in the very long distance ahead You try and see it through those dark brown eyes We can only anticipate as to when it'll be given It seems to bubble blood at the very thought Minds grow weak to a sad thought of a near future or past Eyes start to see what isn't really there Miles and miles of open paths to be forgotten in smoke The thoughts of it ending doom to say it's just begun A beginning you'll be begging for it to end You stand alone and confused waiting for the chains to break free A freeness you could only beg for an end An end that is only a dream of reality........ ~Always Someone's Angel~
Sacrifice (v4v Haiku)
Rain falling down. Cry. Masks. Sparks don't bloom for me now. Freedom. Heartbroken. Written By: Mahala Anne Campbell
Sacred Woods And The Lore Of Trees
ALDER (Alnus spp.) This tree is a water lover. The oily water resistant wood has been used extensively for underwater foundations and pilings in Venice and elsewhere. It is used in dairy vessels and the branches in making whistles. It is associated with Bran, as He used His body as a bridge to span dangerous waters. It is used in the construction of bridges. Bran's Head was oracular. Alder indicates protection and oracular powers. APPLE* (Malus spp.) A dense, fine-grained, rosy-coloured wood with a slightly sweet smell. The Apple is the earliest cultivated tree. It is associated with choice. At Somerset, an auction was held for single acre plots on two pieces of common land. Plots were marked and matching marks made on the fruit. The apples were then placed in a bag and commoners were allocated land by the distribution of the fruit. All the acres of land were similar, as many times today choices must be made between similar and equally attractive things. Regardless, the choice
Sacred Submission
Utterly in love and burning with desire, I am completely naked, a prisoner of passion. You have stripped my soul of all its hunger, twisting my body in the most desirable fashion. You murmur soft endearments into my ear, pressing your kisses against my skin, your tongue stroking in gentle circles, tasting my lips, then probing within. Your touch so light with the promise of more. God! Please love me and never depart. Touch me this way, always and forever, spiraling up into the ecstasy of my heart. This sweet, frightening, and beautiful wonder. You slide faster, deeper, surer into my life. Bodies exploding with heat and joy, wave after wave. You are my husband, and I am your wife. My love, you drive out all logical thought; and I surrender, exhausted, giving all to you. I belong to you, completely, in every way. My heart, mind, body and soul ... all belong to you. This sacred submission, I cannot escape you. You are the key to my ecstasy and desire. There
The Sacrament
* Sacred *
I am so game to teach you all and learn all from you as I am you and you are me and I am another yourself - IN LAK'ECH (GUATAMALAN MAYAN) XA TA XA XA TA AMAC - ONLY MAY THERE BE PEACE IN YOUR PRESENCE. (YUCATUC MAYAN) I am game for you to teach me all you preach in unspoken language, love, light musical and speech... thought, that which cannot be sold or bought and learn from you all which you taught, and saught... the whole lot. I love you always in all ways Karina Peel the way the first veils of life's illusion, I'll hold your hand each step of the way, love you by night and day, show you how to play, catch you when you fall and care for you to be okay, it's free, you won't have to pay a dime for this rhyme or us to spend time sublime. I'll be your muse and mime. Shall we peil away the first veil? It begins in light and love As is below so is above.... Love you my white dove... Your inner being we shall be freeing For all you to know,
A Sacred Four-directions Harvest Table
A Sacred Four-Directions Harvest Table - How To Adapted from The Cherokee Herbal, by J.T. Garrett (Inner Traditions, 2003). Many of us wish to rediscover the long-lost sacred roots of many of our feast-table traditions. Because this Thanksgiving holiday is rooted in the generosity of the Native people, I offer you these simple, beautiful ideas for decorating the table with the Four Directions, as understood by the Cherokee Plant Medicine teachings and traditions. In this way, we honor indigenous ways of balance and respect for the earth. 1. Identify the four directions in your dining room. Which side of your table faces east? 2. Choose objects and colors that relate to the energies of each direction. We include some ideas and a list of plants that have traditional correspondences to each direction; choose one or two as meaningful additions to your holiday table. Please be cautious with the plant materials around small children or animals: they are not intended to be inges
Sacred Divinity
In peaceful silence she lies there and sleeps Dreaming of secrets conceiled in the deeps Of our long forgotten history. Those who are devoted to her know that she keeps In her pure soul the key To our identity. I will guard your ancient dreams Protect my lovely sleeping beauty. I will give my life and love For my Sacred Divinity. Now the wintersun paints her in shining gold. Smiling she wakes up and asks me to hold Her gentle hand in mine. Her graceful white body trembles in the cold. She knows today the forces will aline - Forces hating the divine. I will save you from their blind And unreflecting treachery. I will guard your soul and life My Sacred Divinity. I will always stand by your side, Save you from their tyranny. Or I will die for my love, My Sacred Divinity. Hear the storm blowing, see the skies darkening, On marketplaces and in churches crowds of them are gathering! Here they come marching, betraying and lying, To take our love, and our
* Sacred Love *
Love is sacred - I am mentally, physically, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically attracted to a complete, mind / body / soul connection. I appreciate both physical and emotional intimacy and give of myself with all the love in my heart - straight from my heart chakra - unified as is above so is below. I am drawn to many things - I love planting soft kisses, cuddling, spooning, romantic, unbridled passion, intelligent, deep, meaningful conversations, this collective embraces both the mind, soul and body as one. The sacred teaching shared with another is tantric in nature, and truly profound, deep and resonant. My energies are both grounded as well as passionately ignited in a fire that breathes life into a partnership shared between two equals - who are whole: both as a mirror reflection unto each other and unto ourselves- we are but truly connected with one another, as I am you and you are me. I am positive, realistic, idealist (without attachment to expectations). I h
The Sacred Rac
an indian anthropologist, chandra thapar, made a study of foreign cultures which had customs similar to those of his native land. One culture in particular fascinated him because it reveres one animal as sacred, much as in india reveres the cow. The things he discovered might interest you. the tribe dr thapar studies id called the asu and is found on the american continent north of the tarahumara of mexico. though it seems to be a highly developed society of its tyoe, it has as overwhelming preoccupation with the care and feeding of the rac- an animal much like a bull in size, strength and temperment. in the asu tribe, it is almost a sociable obligation to own at least one if not more racs. anyone notpossessing at least one is held in low esteem by the community because he is too poor to maintain ine of these beasts properly. some members of the tribe to display their wealth and social prestige even own herds of racs. Unfortunately the rac breed is not very healthy and usua
* Sacred Chalice * Of The Crystal Palace *
You are the the grail, Set your spirit free as you set sail You are the golden fleece The flame that burns for love and peace You are the philosopher's stone Worldbridger of Known and Unknown - what truth has shown Blessed with the powers of alchemical transmutation turning baser materials into gold -- The spirit of all that is embodied in your essence of being cannot be bought or sold Be bold, in the celestial fold, you enfold the powers to alchemize all you've learned, saught and been told. You are the cornucopia, a Synaesthesia - the essence of all fantasia The paradox of emptiness and harvest, embodied in all seasons and directions, north, south, east and west You are the still place that lies open and fallow, receiving the gifts. Freeing you from the gaps and bridging your consciousness through the rifts You are the gift of the beginner's mind in the fullness of union Returning to balance, in our communion, Y
Sacrificial Lamb
MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB (it was a sacrificial lamb) IT'S FLEECE WAS WHITE AS SNOW (meant to regain her innocence) AND EVERYWHERE THAT MARY WENT (mary got around and around) THE LAMB WAS SURE TO GO (taunting mary with the words slut.whore.dirty) IT FOLLOWED HER TO SCHOOL ONE DAY (making mary cry with shame) WHICH WAS AGAINST THE RULES (girls like mary arent allowed lambs) IT MADE THE CHILDREN LAUGH AND PLAY (look at mary on miss muffits tuffit) TO SEE A LAMB AT SCHOOL (mary should leave her dirty secret at home) AND SO THE TEACHER TURNED IT OUT (no inappropriate touching you dirty slut) BUT IT STILL LINGERED NEAR (marys secret is never far from reach) AND WAITED PATIENTLY ABOUT (it knows what mary wants) TILL MARY DID APPEAR (mary has to scratch that itch frequently) WHY DOES THE LAMB LOVE MARY SO? (doesnt everyone love girls like mary) THE EAGER CHILDREN CRY (my turn next i get the next ride) WHY MARY LOVES THE LAMB YOU KNOW (dirty little slut loves the itch
Sacrifice The sacrifice of love we give, Takes less and yet gives more; An everlasting hand of love, The heart an open door. The willingness to give of self; To lay down your own life; To touch another persons heart, In loving sacrifice. The chance that God has given you, To reach another soul; Forever changed by kindness, A life your love made whole. For life is but a circle, Each life part of the chain; Each link is joined by sacrifice, That causes man to change. To turn and reach a hand of love, To touch another's life; Will cause the circle to be whole, In loving sacrifice.
Sacred Reich-who's To Blame
a mumm about music making kids commit suicide made me think of this song Jonny can you hear me turn that music down You're making too much noise I mean it do it now all that stuff is evil Ozzy, Judas Priest there's backwards messages in that stuff that leads you to the beast Jonny don't you hear me open up that door I've been calling you for hours I won't say it anymore just wait until your dad gets home and sees what you have done kicked out of school you've got no job you're a useless delinquent bum oh my god it's Jonny hanging by his neck all those metal albums have led him to his death Now it's time for parents to open ears and listen maybe it's too late to see what you've been missing music is no cause of death it's you that suffocates if you had opened your eyes and ears you'd see just who's to blame Who's to be responsible for a life that's gone off track who's the one who must be there to see i
One nation under God is a fraud They took him out of public places They hide him from court cases But when elections are in our faces They shove God down our throats to get the votes to get the notariaty evil comes in all varieties like society and politicians We yearn for sobriety while they drunken us with false visions They keep us distanced from the truth they keep us distracted from our youth busy bees can't stop to see the disease, the infestation, the final destination that is not of our own free choice that is not from our inner voice the voices smothered under what we're taught to speak what we're bred to believe, what we're forced to see baa baa black sheep have you any soul? they've buried it deep beneath your wool. Black like the night the absence of light like the hollows, the shadows which harbor your fright F or U nlawful C arnal K nowledge we're taught to abore otherwise be labled as a whore embracing who we are without fear of retribut
The pain I feel right now, is more than I can bare, The rejection and the loneliness, at my heart they start to tear. However if this heart is empty, I`ll find some way to give, For that`s just the incentive I need now, to teach me how to live. I FEEL SO COLD AND TORN INSIDE, like a piece of me is gone, Is every destination a doorway to another, or could this choice be wrong? I still look back on broken dreams, as tears begin to flow, And deep inside I feel forever, your love I`ll always know. But your happiness means most to me, no matter what the cost, Even if in the end it`s me, who must realize I have lost. So, as my life continues, and I accept you`re just a friend, In my heart I know you love me, or so I can pretend. While all the pains may linger, and refuse to let me go, You hold a place within my heart, so I must be sure you know. You say this decision hurts you, more than i
The Sacred Seven Prayers~
The Sacred Seven Prayers O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness. O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquility every sound is beautiful. Temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake. O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in your right hand the years of our lives and in your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the hopes of each day and the hopes of each year. O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts, whose fragrance speaks
The Sacred Seven Prayers
The Sacred Seven Prayers O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness. O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquility every sound is beautiful. Temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake. O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in your right hand the years of our lives and in your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the hopes of each day and the hopes of each year. O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts, whose fragrance speaks
Sacrafice: Is It Possible?
In life sacrafice is part of our daily routine. Should I have this or that OR should I sacrafice those two entirely and have this later? We may not realize it but sacraficing things are necessary if we want to follow something or be with someone. One thing that I dont understand is why somepeople choose to not sacrafice their security and leave their comfort zone and just follow what their heart tells them. If I sound like a hippie...too bad. Im not a hippie, but Im mostly talking about relationships. Ive watched couples and talked to them and ive realized that in someway or another one or both had to sacrafice something to be with the one that they love. They really didnt regret their decision because they said that it was something that they wanted to do in order to be happy with that other person. Another thing is that people become so engrained in their surroundings and dont venture out and try to find something different. Its scary I know that because Im scared of it. Home
Sacred Fruit
Take, my beloved, this fig – fruit of my delights Gently divide it open, marvel at ruby secrets inside Fruit of my delights reveals the Seat of Gaia Marvel at ruby secrets inside - the honeyed bliss of sustenance Revealed Seat of Gaia! Press your lips upon the honeyed bliss of sustenance - seductive velvet succulence Press your lips upon and suckle on its sweetness, seductive velvet succulence that entices for more Suckle on its sweetness, and I will sip its golden drops that entice for more from your nectared lips Gently divide it open, and taste, my beloved, this fig –
Sacred Fruit
Take, my beloved, this fig – fruit of my delights Gently divide it open, marvel at ruby secrets inside Fruit of my delights reveals the Seat of Gaia Marvel at ruby secrets inside - the honeyed bliss of sustenance Revealed Seat of Gaia! Press your lips upon the honeyed bliss of sustenance - seductive velvet succulence Press your lips upon and suckle on its sweetness, seductive velvet succulence that entices for more Suckle on its sweetness, and I will sip its golden drops that entice for more from your nectared lips Gently divide it open, and taste, my beloved, this fig –
The Sacred Shellmound Walkers
The Sacred Shellmound Walkers by Francisco Da Costa Saturday Mar 31st, 2007 6:28 AM All over the Bay Area for thousands of years stood the Sacred Shellmounds. Sacred Burial Grounds of the Ohlone people. Kudos to Wounded Knee, Corina Gould, Morning Star, Perry Matlock, many others who have continued to visit these Sacred Sites in pilgrimage over which the Ohlone have Patrimonial Jurisdiction. San Bruno Mountain very close to San Francisco is the largest intact Shellmound. Now, once again a developer wants to build homes in and around the Shellmound. It is the year 2007 and over sixty percent of Native Americans the First People of San Francisco included are not respected by this Nation are genuine citizens and owners of this land we call - California. Every California Tribe should be on the Federal Register - this after all is their land. This land was stolen from them - every square inch. There are 18 treaties signed by the United States government between various Native Am
The Sacred Shellmound Walkers
The Sacred Shellmound Walkers by Francisco Da Costa Saturday Mar 31st, 2007 6:28 AM All over the Bay Area for thousands of years stood the Sacred Shellmounds. Sacred Burial Grounds of the Ohlone people. Kudos to Wounded Knee, Corina Gould, Morning Star, Perry Matlock, many others who have continued to visit these Sacred Sites in pilgrimage over which the Ohlone have Patrimonial Jurisdiction. San Bruno Mountain very close to San Francisco is the largest intact Shellmound. Now, once again a developer wants to build homes in and around the Shellmound. It is the year 2007 and over sixty percent of Native Americans the First People of San Francisco included are not respected by this Nation are genuine citizens and owners of this land we call - California. Every California Tribe should be on the Federal Register - this after all is their land. This land was stolen from them - every square inch. There are 18 treaties signed by the United States government between various Native Am
Sacred Spirit
Sacred Rose
The person who did this was Jack Benny.... You have to read this it is absolutely beautiful...... Each year he sent her roses, And the note would always say, I love you even more this year, Than last year on this day. My love for you will always grow, With every passing year." She knew this was the last time That the roses would appear. She thought, he ordered roses In advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know, That he would pass away. He always liked to do things early, Way before the time. Then, if he got too busy, Everything would work out fine. She trimmed the stems and Placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside The portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, In her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, And the roses sitting there. A year went by, and it was To live without her mate. With loneliness and soli
They say that time changes things But you actually have to change them yourself And that change must come from within During this time I have taken to look inside myself to see what the answers were I've finally realized that the important thing is this I have to be to able to sacrifice what I am for the sake of what I will become
Sacred Sperm
I was stumbling and came across (no pun intended) this site, about the sacred use of sperm:tag: NSFW, sperm, religion-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!Join me at
Sacramento Gas Price Average Is About $3.30
CAMARILLO, Calif. - Gasoline prices have surged to a record nationwide average of $3.07 per gallon, nearly 20 cents higher than two weeks earlier, oil industry analyst Trilby Lundberg said Sunday. The previous record was $3.03 per gallon on Aug. 11, 2006. But despite inventory fears that have sent prices higher, there are signs that the rising prices at the pump may be peaking. Just two weeks ago, the U.S. average for a gallon of regular gas was $2.87, but the Lundberg Survey of 7,000 stations nationwide on Friday showed an increase of about 19.5 cents to $3.07. That's up 88.4 cents since Jan. 19, Lundberg said. The nationwide average for mid-grade gasoline was $3.18 and premium was $3.28. The nation's lowest average pump price was $2.80 per gallon in Charleston, S.C., while the highest was $3.49 in San Francisco. The recent increases are due mostly to refinery problems, Lundberg said, noting there have been at least a dozen additional partial shutdowns in the U.S. and i
Sacrificing. Today I will preach on sacrificing. Since when does it say that you must sacrifice God the father for a job? This has been a hot topic of mine for the past few years. Since I had taken the position as assistant manager for my job, I was promised that it would not interfere with church and when my son comes to visit me for my every other weekend visit. Well of course this has not been the case for me. Who do you think you are when you deny me Christ the king, knowing that church and visiting with my son are the most important things in my life? Who gave you that power and authority to deny me from going to my heavenly father's home?? You being a church person yourself SHOULD know these things how important it is for a person that is a servant of the almighty God to go to his home to stay connected with him. "you knew the deal" you say, but where are these so called promises you made? The holy spirit told me this today because I was in great spiritual grief becaus
I see a tear...running down your face A song in your head...amazing grace Feelings that haven't stirred for years As you embrace the love... lose fears You thought I stopped loving you Didn't think that i would see it through Never knew you were the world to me Now I hope through my eyes you'll see.. So please don't cry for me I'll be here where you can't see And don't forget me cause I'm gone Cause I'll still be here In this song You didn't know how i felt inside Watching all my fear come to life My heart stopped and so did time Then I realized The Blood... Was Mine. ...J copyright..2007 Justice Sherrick..
Sacrifice...or Love
Don't get all guilty if you read this; it's not meant to do that to you. Just think of this...right now, at this very moment, a Soldier, Marine, Airman, Sailor, or other servicemember is working on your behalf. He/She is on point, looking out for the next jihadist who would like nothing more than to see you dead because you're an American. They may have been reminded that today was Memorial Day, but I lay odds they didn't pay much attention to it. I can guarantee that a group of young men and women are doing rough things in the hope that you won't have to suffer in the future. People are risking their lives for you right now. I wouldn't call that me, that's love. Can you imagine that! Total strangers love you so much, they are putting themselves in harm's way to make sure you won't have to experience pain! And thousands have already given their lives for YOU! Thousands of American men and women...and thousands of Brits, Canadians, Australians...they have di
Sacred Orgasm
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold -- All acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Of all the suppressions of tyrannies throughout the world and its history, the one limiting natural sexuality is the most heinous and profound -- for it is in the sexual orgasm that one has the potential to access the myriad of nested layers of multidimensional realities that exist all around us. (6/22/06) Susan Ferguson has addressed the sacred orgasm concept in her guise as the voice of Inanna. While her site is (as of this writing) not currently functional, her thoughts have continued and are portrayed in part below. Perhaps the most noteworthy concept noted by Inanna (aka Susan) is one's state of consciousness during the sexual experience. If one is into pain and bondage, power over their partner, cruelty and vindictiveness, or simple selfishness; then sure enough the experience will activate all the negative and lousy emotions we so often associate with lousy
Sacrafice peace turns to the mourninng cries of the souls, screaming torture that he has stole whispers in the night of the sacrafice pain and fear is what u can feel the everlasting devouring as he rips into the skin let the sacrifice begin he holds his head up high blood dripping from his deathly eyes what seemed like heaven is now but hell roting skin fear the smell severed bodies lie within his naked soul, forming the madness that we cant control, we cry out our sorrow and hope that tommorrow life may bring some hope our last chance in heaven, forgive our forsaken sins as we fall to your feet we bg of thee we plea to the god of love please take us above to your paradise we cannot be his parasites anymore feeding upon the blood of man, holding our memories in our hand we prey to thee we prey to he who brings our redemption
(intro) And he took the wine up gave thanks and praise then said... "take, drink, this for this is my blood which shall be given unto you, do this in memory of me." after that he took the bread, broke it and said...." "devour of my flesh!!" we try to hide for glooms our pride behind facade a mask to fool our minds weighed down beyond compare but dont despair well all end up in hell see the missionaries bowing to a cross see the roman legions laughing in remorse call to only demons and thow shalt seek heaven seek unholy pleasures and thow shalt be demon two thousand fold the souls are lost within the tempest of all our rots now to time the heavens burning down to earth we sing a dirge for lycans vampires and magus the chill... something still never beconed for the moment to kill such thrill... breaking will never wanting more but always will "father why have you forsaken me?" "because god sits at the right hand" he never liste
Sacred Moon’s Light By Stone Bryson
Full moon ascending... horizon’s dark spice, spring breeze is stirring and shifting the blinds. The motion of airflow… dances ‘cross skin, rekindles a fire that once lived within. As dusk blurs to nightfall… in a stark raven’s sky, redemption’s discovered… with the sacred moon’s light. A candle is burning… incense adrift, an azure flame dancing by the wind’s subtle shift. A life of confusion… of doubt and of pain, begins to dissolve on the nocturnal plane. The depth of the moment… is captured in flight, an owl’s pass is shadowed… by the sacred moon’s light. The essence of silver… alight with its spark, feeling renewal in the wisp of the dark. The air moves with purpose… alive yet unseen, driving out demons by the force of Between. A night-hawk perched proudly… silhouette in the night, the royalty of freedom… in the sacred moon’s light
Rememberin their sacrifice Thinkin of soldiers that died Thoughts of bullets rippin through souls Takin innocent lives Laws have been bent to the max Life use to come in clear Bush keeps pissin people off C’mon, how long before we disappear? Who’s got the nuts to jump To aim, pull the trigger and run? Their should be a line backed up for miles After all the shit this stupid fucker has done C’mon Wipe away those tears If you’re rollin with me You show no fear We dress in black Hidin in the shadows As we plan the attack So if you ever cross our path You better join up Or you’re gonna feel my wrath
Sacrificing hours, Sacrificing heart, Sacrificing herself for love of a new start. Sacrificing todays, Sacrificing time, Sacrificing tongue for love of endless rhyme. Sacrificing somedays, Sacrificing soul, Sacrificing sanity for love of the whole. Sacrificing present, Sacrificing past, Sacrificing prophecy for love of he who'll last. Sacrificing moments, Sacrificing me, Sacrificing memories for love of what could be
Sacramento. Tomorrow. Listen Up, Peeps!
So, tomorrow is Second Saturday here in Downtown Sacramento. So this means that all you lovely local people need to come out and have a good time! Support your downtown art galleries and amazing local artists, and say hi to yours truly! Both of our galleries will be open with severely extended hours, so goddamnit, come out tomorrow!! If you don't know where K Street Gallery (mine) and Smith Gallery (our flagship gallery) are located, well, just msg me and I'll hook up the details. See you tomorrow!!
"Under a morality of sacrifice, the first value you sacrifice is morality; the next is self-esteem. When need is the standard, every man is both victim and parasite. As a victim, he must labor to fill the needs of others, leaving himself in the position of a parasite whose needs must be filled by others. He cannot approach his fellow men except in one of two disgraceful roles: he is both a beggar and a sucker. "You fear the man who has a dollar less than you, that dollar is rightfully his, he makes you feel like a moral defrauder. You hate the man who has a dollar more than you, that dollar is rightfully yours, he makes you feel that you are morally defrauded. The man below is a source of your guilt, the man above is a source of your frustration. You do not know what to surrender or demand, when to give and when to grab, what pleasure in life is rightfully yours and what debt is still unpaid to others--you struggle to evade, as 'theory,' the knowledge that by the moral standard you'
Sacred Pipe
Sacrifices For Marriage
A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman's face was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin. However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his ass. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and they requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter. After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman's new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty! One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, "Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. How can I possibly repay you?" "My darling," he replied, "I get all t
Sacrificial Lamb
The Sacrament By Him
"The Sacrament" I hear you breathe so far from me I feel your touch so close and real And I know My church is not of silver and gold, It's glory lies beyond judgement of souls The commandments are of consolation and warmth You know our sacred dream won't fail The sanctuary tender and so frail The sacrament of love The sacrament of warmth is true The sacrament is you I hear you weep so far from me I taste your tears like you're next to me And I know My weak prayers are not enough to heal Oh the ancient wounds so deep and so dear The revelation is of hatred and fear You know our sacred dream won't fail The sanctuary tender and so frail The sacrament of love The sacrament of warmth is true The sacrament is you The sacrament is you The sacrament is you The sacrament is you The sacrament is you You know our sacred dream won't fail The sanctuary tender and so frail The sacrament of love The sacrament of warmth is true The sacrament is you You kno
Sacred Joys
As one I will meet the sum of my own memories Inner seeking silence And know that I am just a shell outside I too have sacred joys inside of me This fear, I fight comforting silent side So free through flight comforting silence Infinity within my consciousness An ever expanding sphere Immortal spark ignites Spreads by the air of bliss Embracing warmth that heals No fear nor fight comforting silence So free through flight comforting silent side
Sacred Joys
As one I will meet the sum of my own memories Inner seeking silence And know that I am just a shell outside I too have sacred joys inside of me This fear, I fight comforting silent side So free through flight comforting silence Infinity within my consciousness An ever expanding sphere Immortal spark ignites Spreads by the air of bliss Embracing warmth that heals No fear nor fight comforting silence So free through flight comforting silent side
Sacred Joys
As one I will meet the sum of my own memories Inner seeking silence And know that I am just a shell outside I too have sacred joys inside of me This fear, I fight comforting silent side So free through flight comforting silence Infinity within my consciousness An ever expanding sphere Immortal spark ignites Spreads by the air of bliss Embracing warmth that heals No fear nor fight comforting silence So free through flight comforting silent side
Sacred Meditation
this is for all you out there who get the 11 - 11 call...wake up bros and sis :)
Sacrificial Memories (2001)
Sacrificial Memories and suicidal dreams a moment stolen a heart full of dreams a memory of enchantment of days gone past a shadowed stain a preacher's tongue is cast Evangelistic Havens a christened bloodied gown sincere subtle viriginity a simple crested crown lack of faux forgiveness an evil cry below uniformed madness and a unified goal angered simple peasantry a gleaming sacred kiss shadowed indulgent arrogance and silent tears are missed
Sacred Wonders
Evening approaches as the young man sits and feels the nearing night. Many thoughts race through his mind. What will this night bring? Will it be filled with fear? He sits by the fire ponders what vision Great Spirit may have in store for him. As he looks around he notices that the sequoia shadows, cast from the firelight, resemble the ancient ones. A sense that he is surrounded comes over him, as if the eyes of the shadows were upon him. He reflects on his long walk to this Sacred land, and remembers what he has been told: "Feel the night, for it will speak to you of many things and brings wisdom." Lifting his eyes from the small fire, he is amazed at the beauty of Grandmother Moon. She is cloaked in orange, and seems so large this night. As he watches her rise from the east, he remembers his Grandfather telling him that greatness rises from there. He recalls the story of the creation, when Grandmother Spider wove the silver strands that connect all living things, and how he too
Sacred Animals
The Horse (so'-qui-li) Mighty horse...power to run Across the open plains, Or to bring the vision of the shields Dancing in purple dream rain... The horse was a marvel to the Indian and came to be regarded as sacred. It had a mysterious or sacred character. The Indian often times referred to the horse as the big dog or the sacred dog. The ceremonial importance of horses is strong in many cultures. In the Navajo Enemy Way ceremony, which is used to rid someone who has come in contact with the enemy of the evil, horses transport the sacred staff that carries the evil away from the person. Horses are the focus of many Plains ceremonies as well. ------------------------------------------------- The Buffalo (ya'-n'-s-si' or yansi) The buffalo or bison is considered by many tribes to be a symbol of adundance for it was the meat of the buffalo that fed the people, the hides that provided clothing and shelter, the bones and sinew provided tools o
And the priest shall burn all on the altar to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord - Leviticus 1:9 God accepts human sacrifices 2 Sam 21:8,9,14/ Gen 22:2/ Judg 11:30-32,34,38,39
Sacred Place
NuttinButtSexxy Flawless to the taste flawless in every way, My Chest has no air from the sight of your glowing powdered face, Let me press my lips against your ivory Skin repeat bites I will quench my thirst from your juices with in, My Mouth is wide open to suckle from from the pleasure dripping form your Juice muscles, A clinch around my waist my face you push down to your sacred Place, I lye sleep In your drowning pool flawless juices you from what you produce, Your flawless to my taste flawless in every way, you don't have to ask me to drink from your flawless sacred place, CPR 2007 James Landry,
Sacred Hearts
I sit here feeling the disease running rampant through my body. I feel the anguish, torment, and disdain coursing through me, I feel the bitterness, fear, and resentment burning in my veins. I was so fearful of losing you that I kept pushing you further and further away as I told you I wanted you closer to me. You always said that you never wanted to hurt me or break my heart and I used that to stab my own heart and desires while blaming you for my self-issued torment. I took you for granted and blamed you for it. Anytime you told me you cared for me or loved me I would look for a different meaning behind it, I could never accept it as truth without adding a cryptic message of loathing to it. Every other relationship I have had has been a failure stemming from my hatred of your pure love. I sit here and feel this disease coursing through my veins, destroying any and all hope of love from my body. I feel it numbing my emotions and turning all my feelings to coa
The Sacred Fruit
The Sacred Fruit Category: Love poems The sacred fruit of your soul was lost Taken unrightfully, stolen It hurt immensely You shared the holiness with others To rid the raunch treachery Then met a man who treated you horribly Abused you, hit you, took control of you I came and pleased you Treated you well, made you happy Shared our thoughts Entered each others minds We talked about memories Things we had Things we want What we need We laughed Cried Smiled The love we had The love we have I want to be with you till the end I want to give you my fruit And share my wine by Gary R. Hess I do really need this Sacred Fruit
Sacred Place By James Landry~ Awesome!
Sacred Place, Flawless to the taste flawless in every way, My Chest has no air from the sight of your glowing powdered face, Let me press my lips against your ivory Skin repeat bites I will quench my thirst from your juices with in, My Mouth is wide open to suckle from from the pleasure dripping form your Juice muscles, A clinch around my waist my face you push down to your sacred Place, I lye sleep In your drowning pool flawless juices you from what you produce, Your flawless to my taste flawless in every way, you don't have to ask me to drink from your flawless sacred place, CPR 2007 James Landry,
Sacrifice Me
Sacrifice Me By: Salty Dog I feel the swaying ocean From the bottom of the sea The waves above passing over me And every now and then I start feeling small Started strong just to trip and fall One day when you need a friend People come and go Sometimes you fly so high Just to sink so low But if things get heavy I won't let you drown When you're led astray I'll always be around So many things that you let go Was just a price for what you need to know But baby don't hold on to what can't be saved Just remember what you get is what you gave Now I watched you slowly take your life away Like an offering to the gods you pray But keep your own mind, things will always change Just take some time to dry off from the rain You can sacrifice me, you can sacrifice me You can sacrifice me, you can sacrifice me Sacrifice me Today I tell you leave the past behind Search for yourself cause you're the hardest thing to find Through the long, long lonely
These feelings I suppress The pain deep in my chest All the emotions I collect Only to be let out in a wreck I somehow manage to supply Everyone with a single lie One that says I enjoy The life that begins to annoy Hiding all I really feel Trying my best to conceal What I know to be true Though I'd never tell you Keeping silent and sliding past Running from life, finishing last I do all I can to make you smile But it fades away after a short while I try to perceive What it means to believe Trying to make you feel What for me isn't real I cannot deny it anymore I despise how I feel, that's for sure But I'll live with the pain in my chest If it means you'll get all the best Life has so many mysteries to find But not one should ever bind You to a world of love and hate One that you couldn't anticipate Therefore, be happy at my expense If it means I'll make a difference But don't pity me for I can deal with such pain And it wont drive me insane
Coldest crushing waves hottest sun on summer days i'd take it all for you fiercest windstorm storms rage in the worst form endure it all to meet your gaze walk the distance that divides us now and whisper i love you's til no more breath comes out loves not worth if if you can't sacrifice and loves not worth it if it only brings tears to your eyes
Sacred Truth
The gods wanted to preserve the most sacred gift of all, the truth, so they decided to hide it. First they hid it atop the highest tree, but an eagle may swoop down and carry it off, never to be seen again. So, they decided to hide it under the biggest rock, but that was not good either... worms may devour this sacred gift. Then the gods thought of hiding the truth far into the jungle, but monkeys may find it and play with it and twist it until it's unrecognizable. Finally, the gods thought of the perfect place to hide the truth -- deep in the heart of man. There, truth would be safe forever, because man would never look there.
*A friend did a mumm and got me thinking. But first is what he said below... "As humans when it comes to the people we love(family and friends) and the ones we are in love with(gf/bf/husband/wife) we make sacrifices that could benefit us for things that benefit them. So what if whats being sacrificed is something that can make you happy? Something you know will bring happiness to your life but problem is someone you love(family or friend) has that. Lets say you make the sacrifice but everytime you see them happy, you are happy for them but sad as well because you feel it would do the same for you. You want it but cant have it without hurting the relationship you have with that person. Burning the bridge. Of course in life nothing is black and white, its all grey area. So depending on situations you may act differently. So which of these you believe more in, at times it can be both but which means more to you? Sacrificing your happiness for someone you love because you
Sacred Day!!
Today is Bob Marley's Birthday!! Blessings IN the name of the Most High! Jah! Rastafari!! His spirit and wisdom are as alive today as they ever were! He is a prophet and a leader for all the sufferahs of this world. His voice is that of love, revolution, compassion and might! Most people know him for songs such as "One Love", "Buffalo Soldier" and "Could You Be Loved", but his vision is much more vast than the box that people try and put him in. Even as his songs of beauty and hope blast from the speakers of sufferahs around the world to this day, he was also a spokesman for rebellion and revolution!! Whether intentional or not. To right the perpetual wrongs of all those that wield their perverted power in the fields of politics and organized religion, just to name a few. His strength can be found, still to this day in the most remote regions of the world. Anywhere there is injustice and suffering... there is the spirit of Robert Nesta Marley! On a personal level, I tap tha
Sacred North
Certain directions have always been considered more sacred than others. The altar is placed in the North in Wiccan Traditions, or in the centre, facing North. In Wicca, North is traditionally considered the home of the Gods, and therefore the most sacred direction. It is a reflection of the influence on Wicca by our European ancestors. The Pole Star in the North was considered especially sacred in the mythology of the German and Norse peoples. North was also the direction of the Spiral Castle of the Celtic Goddess Arianrhod, Caer Arianhrod, where the heros of the Celts dwelt after death. North is the direction through which the Sun passes at night at which the Moon's influence is strongest in relation to the Sun. The North, therefore, represents the deepest part of the unconscious mind. The difference int he altar orientation of the Wiccan religion between the Christian religion relfects their Dionysian and Apollonian teachings; the religion of the night versus the reli
Sacred Ties
Sacred touches, I'll never feel again. Sacred love, I'll never be able to cherish. Sacred pictures of you, I'll never have. Sacred Moments in time, I'll never be able to know. Sacred memories, will never have you in them. Sacred feelings, you will never know mine. Sacred thoughts, are the thoughts about you. Sacred dreams, are what I have about you. Sacred fantasies, are what I have about you. Sacred happiness, I know I'll never have with you. Sacred ties, is what I'll never have with the one I love. Written by.. Megz
Webster defines sacrifice only comes when, one gives of themselves everything for a greater purpose or resolve. I knew sacrifice, but more as an everyday word in my simple life. Struggle, hardships and circumstance always stood in line waiting for their ounce of flesh. I remember, before this tale I am about to tell, a time when the word sacrifice was thrown at me by preacher and deacon alike. Stories about days past and different ages of man. In these days a look or deed could cost you. Punishments such as loss of eyes, limbs and life. These things meant little to me, and I could care not for whatever punishment I had to endure. I was born into the house of regard a slave for the Master of Devonshire, and to him I owe my life, for it was either being sold or beheaded, and I thought I had a nice looking neck. Servitude was a life of sacrifice, but the day I saw her I knew that I had been wrong. I would never speak to the Mistress of the Manor, but dreams of her would haunt my nightmare
Sacred Union
Souls entwined, Over distance and time; Crying out Longing to find Sacred fulfillment Of body, soul, and mind; My angel of light, You will forever shine. Copyright 2007 Missy Harrell
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is the energy centre that controls your passions, your sexual needs, the abundance that you allow into your life for fulfillment of your desires. It also controls the bodies' organs like your lower sexual organs, your bladder, bowel and lower intestine. This centre is where you fund your creativity on the physical level. When functioning positively, it creates a sense of well-being that is your ability to feel good about yourself. When this Chakra is aligned and balanced, your emotions are stable and you are able to express your true feelings to others without fear or exaggeration. When you learn about your personal expression you become more self confident, in yourself and your dealings with others. When functioning properly - you become open, expressive, creative and spontaneous. When negative and not functioning positively, you may have a low self esteem and may think that you are ugly and that you have nothing worth giving to others. You could ha
The Sacred Gifts Of Mother Earth By Jana Mashonee
Sacrifices of my own devices Will it take my life? Be the cause of my strife? Tomorrow, will I still be alive just trying to survive or will I take a dive I guess it all depends on if I can make amends with all these sacrifices of my own devices.
Sacred Symphony
What exhilirates me most is not in what you do to me (be it either with your hands, body, or mouth) but the exaggeration and eagerness, in which you perform silently upon my body, like a beloved instrument in which the chorus starts off as a dance of courtship that lures me in sweetly and gently to eager seduction and full fledged concerto where drums are sounding and my senses are jumbled notes upon which to stimulate my legs into spreading farther and my hips thrusting more urgently to the beat of our passion and to the joy of feeling beautiful beneath sacred symphony.
Sacred Fire
Sacred Spirit
Sacred Moments Of Needed Bliss
I stand at the window bathed in darkness watching the rain as it falls, each drop caressing the ground. The only light comes from the randomly scattered lghtening in the distance. Sometimes i wonder if the wheather is mocking me and playing on my emotions as lately it always seem to fit. I laugh out loud to that thought and then quickly cover my mouth before remembering im all alone and nobody can hear me. I laugh louder almost uncontrollably at what one might think if they walked in and seen me standing at a window laughing alone and its as if in that moment it hit me...i am alone. Nobody is going to come thru my door and nobody is going to see me and my own lonliness overtakes me and just as suddenly as it began the laughing stopped only to be replaced with something else..need. Its almost confusing how one can go from one extreme reaction to another in a matter of thinking. I took a deep breath and decided maybe a warm bath a few bubbles would cheer me up and take my mind off yet an
I'm moving back to Reno soon. something I swore I'd never do. But my daughter needs me more than I've ever realized. The woman I love pointed this out to me. She even broke up with me, I think, to remove anyone else I might put ahead of my daughter. My daughter has always been in my heart. No one can ever change that. Just because I'm absent doesn't mean that I love her any less. I'm moving back to Reno again and putting myself at risk all for my daughter. There are people there who want me dead and a vice there that I haven't been able to defeat. I do this for the love of my little girl. Sometimes we have to take losses and die a little bit for those we love most.
Sacrifice By S.j. Bolton
Plot Summary: In this masterful debut that starts off as a mystery and becomes much more, Tora Hamilton is an outsider at her new home on the rocky, wind-swept Shetland Islands, a hundred miles from the northeastern tip of Scotland. Though her husband grew up here, it’s the first time he’s been back in twenty years. Digging in the peat on their new property, Tora unearths a human body, at first glance a centuries-old bog body, interesting but not uncommon. But realizing that the body is in fact much newer, that the woman’s heart has been cut out and that she was killed within a few days of bearing a child, Tora, herself an obstetrician, becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her—even when the police, her colleagues and eventually her husband warn her against getting involved. Reading town records and researching local lore, Tora discovers a disturbing link to ancient Shetland legend and uncovers a collection of deep, dark secrets---the kind of secrets worth killing for.
Sacred Ancestors...
look to your family, wether they showed it or not...close your eyes and call to the ones who r ur ancestors and u do not know their names... u will b suprised at what u will find
Sacred Animals
If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. As winter descends, two kindred spirits- Wolf and Raven prevail, ever wise, sly, playful, hardy... mythical creatures, sacred to the native peoples...
Sacramento Southern Railroad Car Dept./old Sac Rr Museum
Sacramento Southern Railroad Car Dept. from John Chandler on Vimeo.
Sacramento, Pa Hang Gliding
Sacramento, PA Hang Gliding from DanTuck on Vimeo. Quick launch and landing at the Sac
Sacramento Airport B-17, B-24, & B-25 Warbirds
Sacramento Airport B-17, B-24, & B-25 Warbirds from TopFlightTV on Vimeo. - The Sacramento McClellan Airport hosted the Collings Foundation 2008 Wings of Freedom tour stop at the California Capital city in early June.
Sacramento Graffiti
(((((((sacred Geometry)))))))
Sacred geometry is an ancient system of design and building based upon the harmonic relationship between man, nature and the universe. Virtually ignored by modern architects and designers, it was central to most ancient societies. The practice concerns a worldview of pattern recognition, producing religious patterns and structures involving space, time and form. By working with such forms, insight can come regarding the nature of all. It often involves mathematics. beta-math Pythagoras realized the importance of this, and also showed how such harmonies work also with music. Hence, sacred geometry is a holistic practice. Even in ancient cave art, it is now known that pictures were drawn at ideal places for sound amplification. These principles seem to have been instinctual in ancient times, but science is also discovering such harmonies. Indeed, it has led some to wonder at the incredible coincidences of exact balance that led to the universe in the first place. Sacred design
The Sacred Rac
Read the findings and pm me if you figure out what it really means. An Indian anthropologist, Chandra Thapar, made a study of foreign cultures which had customs similar to those of his native land. One culture in particular fascinated him because it reveres one animal as sacred, much as the people in India revere the cow. The tribe Dr. Thapar studied is called the Asu and is found on the North American continent north of the Tarahumara of Mexico. Though it seems to be a highly developed society of its type, it has an overwhelming preoccupation with the care and feeding of the rac - an animal much like a bull in size, strength and temperament. In the Asu tribe, it is almost a social obligation to own at least one if not more racs. Anyone not possessing at least one is held in low esteem by the community because he is too poor to maintain one of the beasts properly. Some members of the tribe, to display their wealth and prestige, even own herds of racs. Unfortunately the rac breed
SACRIFICE Put her on the altar, tie her down secure She will soon die, her soul is still pure Her body is trembling it's filled with fear She'll lose the life which she holds dear The dagger is ready to do it's evil deed On her decayed corpse I will feed Tie her legs and arms ready to read the rite Now I feel the force of satan's might Under baphomet she is bleeding fast With the corpse indulge in a bloodbath Pray to the master that this will suffice Split her skull for this altar sacrifice Tears on her cheek, sweat on her brow It's time to die I will kill her now Death has come to deliver her fate We don't do it for love we do it for hate
Sacred Gratitude
I had visitation, while I prayed last night From the spirit I was seeking-out to invite I wanted to thank him for his passionate creation As well, as guarantee him his absolute salvation You were taken prematurely, life is not always fair Disbelief breeds loneliness, darkness, despair Treasuring forever your candid faith in me Dedicated fulfillment of your heroic noble plea My gratitude is sacred, unsure that I deserve The marvel you created, forever I will serve Demonstrate my loyalty, protecting with my life Release her from her prison, revere her as my wife Put to sleep your anguish, my sincerity is true My devotion to your Baby Girl is every bit like you Inconsolable grieving has paid tribute to your soul Our partnership will guide her to your fundamental goal No more pain and suffering, apprehension I will banish The healing of her soul, will allow her grief to Vanish In time, we will convene, all of us as one Until that day I want to say I Love you
Sacred Past
Dark thoughts spring forth unbidden, lightly kissed by the iridescent moonlight. Like light shrouded in darkness, I come to you. In your instinctual reverie you know me like the night knows the dawn, the child it births each morn. Dusk descends, you shiver, your body responding to the inner stirrings of awareness. My eyes meet yours as they have done so sweetly many times before. Locked, you gaze deep beneath my silvery-blue irises, seeing lifetimes and archaic civilizations rush by as you unearth the bitter familiarity. Souls intermingle. Fiery passion seizes your body like lightning immersed in a rapturous tempest. With a past that winds like chains around your heart, a solitary tear traces a river of pain down the gentle sloping of your cheek. You hear the rhythmic susurration of my heartbeat…deafening, consuming, terrifying in its divine monstrosity. Seized by rapture and fear, understanding and naïveté, you utter the raspy entrails of the ancient pass
3s A Crowd
Threesomes Share Now, here's what you're supposed to do...and please do not spoil the fun. Start a new note, delete my answers and put in your own. Tag your friends and tell them to tag you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about each other. Three Names I go by 1. Krissy 2. Kris 3. Sweet Girl Three Jobs I have had in my life 1. Counselor 2. Correspondence Specialist 3. Housing/Advocacy Coordinator Three Places I have lived 1. Florida 2. South Carolina 3. DC Three TV Shows that I watch 1. Gossip Girl 2. One Tree Hill 3. Jeopardy! Three places I have been 1. Le Musee d'Orsay 2. the top of that last hill on Splash Mountain at Disney World 3. a blanket on the top of "the hill" at Peterkin, looking at the stars Three people that e-mail me regularly 1. My mom 2. My other mom 3. My Matts Three of my favorite foods 1. any kinda casserole 2. filet mignon w/bernaise sauce 3. pasta with butter and parmesan cheese (wha
Charles DuBois: The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Elaine Heffner: Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order to be persons. Liberation was meant to expand women's opportunities, not to limit them. The self-esteem that has been found in new pursuits can also be found in mothering. Eric Hoffer: The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbor as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant toward others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves. Friedrich Nietzsche: About sacrifice and the offering of sacrifices, sacrificial animals think quite differently from those who look on: but they have never been allowed to have their say. Friedrich
Sacramental Maiden
Sacramental Maiden On dewey breast doest wisdom lie; Psyche freed our hearts bid flyFruit of Sidhe O' magick's snareour souls delight when chance we dareMeaty flesh of maiden's fareourselves we lost when bodies pairThoughts released and tongues be bound When Goddess gift at first we foundAbandon now your will to be this sacred flesh has set us free
I'm broken, cut, and bleeding,On the inside of my heart.All because of what you doneIt really tore me apart.I try to move on ,I try to get on with my life,But it seems no matter what I do, I think of you,And it makes me want to cry.What you did was very wrong,It shocked me in the worst possible way.You being the person you were never would have done the things you did,Or would have said the things you did say.It seems so unbelievable,That you could betray me like this.I trusted you so much,You gave me so much happiness and bliss.My cuts will heal eventually,They will turn into ugly scars.All except a few that were left by you,And they will stay forever on my heart.
I don't mind giving it all up,sacrificing all i know.Leaving everything behind mefor the unknown.Two souls torn apart in another life.Seperated by death, then reborn again.Many miles apart were their heartswondering the earth in search for one another.She found me by luck of the drawHappyness reined when her voicecollided with my ears.Who was to know that we'd be seperated again.Through the vastness of space came a dead star.Falling to earth, shattering our bond.My heart crushedShe was lured in my what the star had to say.I waited around for my love,to come back again one day.Years passed, but i never gave up hopeMy love still a flickering flame inside my heart.I waited and waited in dismay.Not something i normally do,but i prayed and prayed.The god like creature that i call hopeanswered my prayers and lifted the smokefrom my loves eyes, allowing her to see what kind of manthat man had to be.8 years now from the time we first metI waited patiently, that's all i could do.Now my time has
The Sacred Chao
THE SACRED CHAO is the key to illumination. Devised by the Apostle Hung Mung in ancient China, it was modified and popularized by the Taoists and is sometimes called the YIN-YANG. The Sacred Chao is not the Yin-Yang of the Taoists.It is the HODGE-PODGE of the Erisians. And, instead of a Podge spot on the Hodge side, it has a PENTAGON which symbolizes the ANERISTIC PRINCIPLE, and instead of a Hodge spot on the Podge side, it depicts the GOLDEN APPLE OF DISCORDIA to symbolize the ERISTIC PRINCIPLE. The Sacred Chao symbolizes absolutely everything anyone need ever know about absolutely anything, and more! It even symbolizes everything not worth knowing, depicted by the empty space surrounding the Hodge-Podge.     HERE FOLLOWS SOME PSYCHO-METAPHYSICS. If you are not hot for philosophy, best just to skip it. The Aneristic Principle is that of APPARENT ORDER; the Eristic Principle is that of APPARENT DISORDER. Both
I'm standing hereAt work, on a slow dayWishing I could call youJust to say HeyI love you and I miss youI wish I could visitI can't get to where you areYou're just too far awayThe kids say they talk to you every dayBut I can never find the words to sayI want SO bad to be mad at youBut I love you too much for thatI understand that you were tryingTo make the world a better placeBut baby it hurts so much to knowThe cost of Freedom was YOUR lifeBefore it was always someone elseSomeone else's son, father, sister or brotherNow that cost has hit homeAnd the price rings trueI guess I just want you to knowThat I'm proud of youAnd hope that you are happier nowI also want you to know thatI'll always Love, Cherish, and missMy Proud, Dedicated, Military WIFE!© 2009 by G.R.Kuder
Sacred Tat2
  "Hello Juan," she says. He didn't recognize her voice at first; it had changed slightly since they'd last talked. "Randi?" He says into the receiver. "How've you been Juan?" She asks. "Not bad," he says, "How about you? What have you been up to?" "Oh lots of things," she stammers, "Always keeping myself busy." "Yeah, I'm sure," he says. "It's been too long since we talked Randi." "Yes it has," she replies & there is a long silence between them. "So, I wondered if I could come in & get another piece done this evening?" She asks finally. "I'm going to need a couple hours to get some other things finished. Is 6pm alright? Or would you rather do it another day?" She shakes her head, "No, it has to be done today, I don't know that there would be another time." "Ok, 6 it is then." "Thank You," she says softly, pausing to take a deep breath, "I think this will be the last piece though Juan." He opened his mouth but couldn't think what to say. She was just a customer, it always ended sooner
Sacred (older Work, But One Worth Sharing)
Mateus felt the cold steel bite into his flesh, belching up mouthfuls of blood as his hurt burst. His dying body fell from his horse and sprawled itself across the ground. The long reign of the dreaded "Black Rider" was at an end. The world went dark around him and he began to feel the searing fires of Hell batheing his body in eternal damnation. Down he plunged past the grips of Faustian legend and lore, past Divine Comedy, and into true torment. He was naked now, returned to the shameful state that ushered him into the world of men. His long blond hair hung loosely in his face. After what seemed like an eternity of falling his descent finally slowed and he was upon Golgotha, the place of the skulls. All the strength left him, and he was made to neal. He raised his heavy head and his blue eyes gazed upon a throne made from souls of the damned. And sitting upon that throne was a man, or so it seemed at first. He didn't seem to hold his shape, fading in and out of frame. Hi
Sacrifice For Affection
Crumpled on the bathroom floor,Her body hugs the bowl,Agony in her appearance,Angry that she lost control.Her fingers pinch her stomach,Measuring imperfection,Determined to change herself,Unable to handle her reflection.Believing that she was huge.(Unable to see she's not)Conviced she wasn't good enough,From comments she never forgot.Memories became her torture,Holding her to the commode,Pushing her past the line,Callous to the tears that flowed.Everyday in the bathroom,Willing to pay the price,So desperate to be thin,She became the sacrifice.Slave to the perfect image,She measured her worth by size...Persuaded she was fatAnd disgusting in his eyes.Certain he thought her grossOblivious that she was wrong.She died desiring his love.....Unaware she'd had it all along. 
3's A Crowd
Dear Ninja, Is it really O.K. If it happens in a 3 way? I always thought a 3 way was 2 girls and 1 guy no matter what. I mean technically 1 girl and 2+ guys is a gang bang right? These modern sex practices have me so confused especially when I myself get do not get any practice! ~ Confused Dear Confused. A 3-some is just that. 3 people engaged in a sex act. 2 girls 1 guy is usually the preference of most men. It can indeed be 2 men, and it's not gay if there is no penetration man to man. Although, I do think 2 peens in the same hole would be in that gray area of just might be a little too awkward if anyone else heard about it. So just keep your swords separate. A gangbang is 3 or more guys and 1 girl, or 3 or more girls and 1 guy. Option #2 would be a lot more fun for the guy. Something seems a little strange to me about how a guy could just sit there holding his peen waiting for his turn to get a little of the sloppy seconds, or thirds, or fourths. I guess the people who are i
Sacred Weekend Bliss!
~Magickal Graphics~
The Sacred Tree
The Sacred Tree"For all the people of the earth, the Creator has planted a Sacred Tree under which they all may gather, and there find healing, power, wisdom and security. The roots of this tree spread deep into the body of Mother Earth. Its branches reach upward like hands praying to Father Sky. The fruits of this tree are the good things the Creator has given to the people: teachings that show the path to love, compassion, generosity, patience, wisdom, justice, courage, respect, humility and many other wonderful gifts.The ancient ones taught us that the life of the Tree is the life of the people. If the people wander far away from the protective shadow of the Tree, if they forget to seek the nourishment of its fruit, or if they should turn against the tree and attempt to destroy it, great sorrow will fall upon the people. Many will become sick at heart. The people will lose their power. They will cease to dream dreams and see visions. They w ill become unable to tell the truth and
Sacrifice Bunt And Scored
When it comes to goaltending, Mike Smith and Braden Holtby have certainly had their share of headlines leading the Phoenix Coyotes and Washington Capitals in goal. Adrian Peterson Pink Jersey . Holtby, just 22 and third on the goalie depth chart to start the season, drew dramatic Dryden-esque comparisons with his playoff performance. Smith, who was placed on re-entry waivers by GM Steve Yzerman and the Tampa Bay Lightning just last year, has been instrumental in getting the Coyotes in the Western Conference Final. That said, you would think that Yzerman might be wanting Smith back on his side in the near future - not as the starting goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning, but perhaps as a No. 1 netminder for Canada at the Sochi Olympics. And at 22, does Holtby deserve some consideration? With less than two years to go before the Games, he may enter the discussion with other Canadian backstoppers like Carey Price, Cam Ward and Olympic holdovers Marc-Andre Fleury and Roberto Luongo. So heres
Sacrifice Fly In The Seventh As The
ST. Brian Orakpo Jersey . LOUIS -- Chris Carpenter is set to make his 2012 debut just in time for the St. Louis Cardinals, who could use an ace up their sleeve to boost their pursuit of the second NL wild card. Carpenter was 4-0 in the post-season last fall but hasnt pitched since winning Game 7 of the World Series against the Texas Rangers. He returns less than two months after undergoing surgery to relieve a nerve ailment that caused numbness up and down the right side of his body. "I worked my butt off to try to get back," Carpenter said. "And it worked out." The 37-year-old Carpenter, who won the NL Cy Young Award in 2005, will make his first start of the season Friday against the Cubs at Wrigley Field. The former 20-game winner points out hes no stranger to late-season pressure, so he doesnt mind the idea of parachuting into the intensity of a stretch run. Health permitting, he could get three key starts before the regular season ends. "Ive pitched in games that matter," Carpenter
Sacramento Airport Does About Face On Kicking Out Tsa
Intense lobbying from pro TSA unions influences board Steve WatsonInfowars.comJan 9, 2013   After pledging to evict the TSA last Summer, Sacramento International Airport has done a strange 180 turn around, announcing that it will stick with using the federal agency for security at the airport. Last July, the airport was set to become the third largest in the country to ditch the TSA and hire private security, after Congress passed legislation earlier in the year, opening the door for the widely loathed federal agency to be marginalized from aviation security altogether. Officials at the airport announced that they would drop the TSA and replace all security screeners with private contractors, following approval to opt out of the TSA program from the federal government. At the time Airport Director Hardy Acree told reporters that he believed private screeners would do a better job than federal employees. “I think there is going to be a higher level of customer service”
Sacs Lancel Peuple Britannique Imagine Doivent Over Vie De Retraite âges
nufactured p. DALY. m. ea 1827, Ta pépinière the dimanche, on your environnant les Lancel Sacs à main durant les omcea, ]E comprendrai cette control iégaie, Et je!every)Sserat à l'au- torité ctviie )E soin pour!the latest régler. Mais quand by vient amr- mer que the mariage est not contrat essentieUement civil, Quand around déclare cual l'ensemble des udéies ne spourt justiciab!'au- torit6 ecclésiastique qu'au tribunal nufactured )your vente privée lancel powerfuld up cieteste de Pape le droit prendre titre d'évoqué universet, Quand of arouse à ia désobéissance aox cenciles généracx reçus france, Et qui prescrivent la tenue régu- lière des conçues provinciaux, sont-Ce ià des objets qui tiennent à l. a,chicago concentration légale? Quoi p grossières erreurs sur le dogme et are generally train, ~enéràte environnant les t'Egiise seraipublicationst transformées certains Je ne sais quelle disci- pline légale, Et nn évoque devrait!Es respecter et l'ensemble des laisser passer wi
Sacto Musicians - Recording Studio Suggestions, Comments, And Other Stuff!!
My band is getting ready to record a 2-3 song ep, basically for booking purposes only. We want it to sound tight, full, and if it's good enough, we'll use it for public promotion as well. But we basically want to be able to hand a booking agent a CD of decent quality and not pay an arm and a leg for it. I know there's a handful of studios in the $25/hour range in the area, but the question is... Which ones suck, which ones don't? If you have any suggestions or comments for us, please send 'em along! Thanks so much for the help in advance guys. :D
Sacto Area Peoples!! We're Playing In Fair Oaks This Thursday!!
Hey everyone, if you're in the greater Sacramento area, and want to have something fun to do this Thursday, come out to The Vent in Fair Oaks (corner of Fair Oaks and Madison) for a kickass rock show, cheap beers, and one of the most amazingly hot (and sweet) bartenders I've ever met. Oh, and cheap beers, too. :D Add our band's Google Calendar to yours, or track it in Outlook, iCal, Thunderbird, etc! The Vent is at the corner of Fair Oaks & Madison, just a bit behind the Carl's Jr on the corner. If you need further directions, let me know. And for updates and random stuff, follow me on Twitter: See you there! You can insert this piece of Flash joy onto your websites by copying and pasting this code into your website, myspace, blog, etc, and we'll love you forever if you do!
Sacto Peeps: Low Flyer At The Boardwalk--details!
So after our May 8th Thursday show was bumped so that Ludo could play, we got thrown a Saturday show on May 10th! How freakin' awesome is that? Well, at this point we still don't know what's going on slot-wise, whether we will be opening (wouldn't be surprised, we're the new guys around town), or headlining as the flyer below illustrates (flyer was made by the photographer/assistant for Montana/Sith Entertainment, who booked the show). But either way, doors open at 7:30p, show starts at 8p, so frickin' BE THERE! It'll be good times for all! Tix are $10 in advance, and I believe they might be $12 at the door.
Sacto Peeps: We're Playing A Free Show Tonight!
Low Flyer is rocking faces at The Vent tonight! Corner of Fair Oaks & Madison in Fair Oaks! Show starts at 9pm and we're opening, so get there early and freakin' hang out!!! :D
Loneliness... It's gettin' to me now It's festering in my head Causing me to lose control. Emptiness... It's closing in on me Consuming my heart With it's darkness. Sadness... Is filling my soul Eating away at my Hardening emotions. Time... Just keeps mocking me Each tick reminding me Of my unrelenting fate. 2/13/06
kinda sad today my car is in the shop for the umpteenth time.. and my fishie died...
I had a sudden bout of sadness/depression at work today, and I'm unsure of its exact origin(s). Luckily I was alone at the time, because my eyes welled up for awhile. I had to blink furiously to clear them. I still haven't completely shaken it from my system.
im miserable.
I know it's lame. But it hurts so much. I just need to write about it. I think it just might help. Everyday that goes by I cry. It's getting harder and harder to hold back my tears. What can I say. I'm lonely. So call me lame. What do you want me to do. It's sad to wait until i'm alone just to cry. Why do I feel so ashamed. I just don't know what to do anymore. Acting is very hard and fighting these tears are even more of a challenge. This sucks.
Whoever needed you Well I did Whoever wanted you Well I did Who said she loved you More than anything And be true Well I did Yes I did Oh how I did Who laid up many nights Crying for you Well I did Oh how I did Who was the fool To give so much to you Well I did Yes I did Oh how I did Who said she loved you More than anything And be true Well I did Yes I did Oh how I did If anyone on earth Could make me happy Baby you could And if we had a chance And who would wait forever Honey you know I would Who said she loved you More than anything And be true Well I did Yes I did Oh how I did Who said she loved you More than anything And be true Well I did Yes I did Oh how I did Lonely days, lonely nights Missing you, with all my might Wanting you To hold me tight Lonely days, lonely nights When you're gone This old house, it gets lonely And talkin' to myself Ain't company And nothin' seems to stop The tears from fallin' F
i hate feeling like this. it has been 17 days now. i am on a ride that i cant get off of. and i want to tear my hair out. i want to sit in a corner and cry. instead i smile and pretend like there is nothing wrong. i have been told that i should talk about it. talk about what? how can i explain what i am feeling? i dont have the words. too many people depend on my sanity. i feel lost and helpless. but those are just words. i cant get out what it is really like inside. emotional claustrophobia. the walls close in and i see dark, scary things behind my eyes. but i smile and pop another xanax. maybe i am just supposed to be nuts. how the hell should i know. this isnt my plan. oh well.
No BODY LOVES ME ... I'm so sad :(
today i did something and i really hope it was the right thing .........and im not sure it was i should have wanted it more...........i seem to loose everything that means anything to me but sometimes where a lil tierd of fighting aginst ourselves how can you be friends with me and be so disrespectful to my feelings is what i wanna know know why because you arent my friend! seems as if u say sorry i love you both it fixes stuff well fuck no it dont you are married does that mean u are gonna share with hubby better ask B dont think he swings that way but hey after careful thought i wont let u win u really have nothing to offer and i already have him! yes u wanna be my friend no u wont and u dont you just wanna know how close we are and its sad sad sad honey! well lets see im stuck in dial up hell and i fuckin hate it my dsl will be on soon and i will be damn glad of it! on the plus side my computer seems to runnin great ........ gonna go see godsmack and breaking be
:( Sad
today is a sad day. alot of peoples spouses, fiances, and friends left today for iraq. God Bless the Troops and bring them home safely.
Rain on my face, cold and stinging, driven hard by the wind. Gales of wind blowing, tossing me as a plaything, pulling the heat from my body as I walk, chilling me. Dark clouds overhead, billowing high above, angry thunderheads building in intensity as the storm rages. The landscape barren and dark, trees lifeless, the only sound the howling of the wind as I trudge forward. And I'm a long way from home….. Soaked to the core, every step on my journey requiring all my effort, each step a test of will, desperately battling the inertia drawing me down. All I want to do is sleep. The cold numbing, hands and feet feel so distant. Shivering I pull my clothes tighter against me, a tiny refuge, hunched over, leaning into the wind as I trudge forward. And I'm a long way from home….. In the distance thunder booms, jolting me from my thoughts. Lightning flashes, bright purple against the dark, startling, the flash briefly lighting my surroundings. Blinkin
pouts cause no one was willing to send hyr a new toy to play with... even if she took some pics playing with it
This is for my son who died on 8-15-05 at 8:37pm Music Video:WHO YOU'D BE TODAY (by Kenny Chesney)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
I had a scary nightmare and now i can't sleep and no one's with me or online making me feel better or safe....I know that's lame.
Ok,I 've never actually written a blog before,and I'm basically just doing it because I well I really don't know why.I just got off the phon with my mom,She and my Daughter had just gotton back from the Dr's where my daughter has undergone more testing(yes my mom has custody of my daughter long story,please don't judge me on that,it really the best place for her)(and it's a long story that expands my lifetime)back to the subject,My daughter has previously been diagnosed as having ADHD,no big deal right plenty of people with ADHD go on to live productive lives,and then on top of that was diagnosed with mild autism.Oh she's going to be 12 in Dec,Developmentaly she act's like she's 5-6 yrs old.Is in the "6th grd",but doing 2nd grd work.She is in a special school,will never attend normal school again...She is now diagnosed as being Mentaly Retarded,not developmentaly disabled...for the rest of her life she will need adult supervision,no proms no drivers licsense and it's breaking my heart.
what a sad thing we calll life.i try to avoid probblems but yet people whom i had probblems with at 17 still hunt me down n wanna know were i live n wanna kick my ass.why cant thy just give up.i moved on why dont thy.
well i just got new when i came home. i found out my grandpa had a major heartattack. he is the only grandpa i have left. plus i just went to a funeral on 8th of dec. so all this within a week is just drivin me to b very depressed kuz i hate it when ppl close to me die.
I Am EXTREMELY Heartbroken right now. This Always Happens To Me. I finally felt like i belonged to a "group of people" but i was so wrong. I Am No Longer Part Of The SK Family For Reasons Im Not Going To Say. I Will Still Stick To The Confidentiality (yeah i know i didnt spell that right.) part of things. I Will Truly Miss (blank) Most Of All (you know who you are). He Took My Mind Off Things When Nothing Else Could. He Made Me Smile Like No One Else Could. And In The End He Made Me Cry Like No One Else Could. I don't see a point of me being on CT anymore. Im going to think about it for a few days. And I want to say goodbye to "him"...And let him know i don't hate him or think any less of him. We've had more good times then bad. So Goodbye To You.
It's funny how you can tell yourself over and over again that you know something and in the flash of a second, the honk of a horn, everything you know and believed crumbles. aadyeniel left today... and as I said to some yesterday, i know it's not for the last time. But i look around the house and her pressence is no longer here. L'il miss is walking around looking for her... meowing at the empty room that was, for awhile, and in truth always will be, Jhen's. Beth sent her off with a home made doily.. something to bring wit her to her new home, and i sent her with a shirt i bought for myself but never fit into.. a shirt i hoped to someday but it seemed to fit her so much better, and i do not just mean in size. It screamed out her name. I wish for her the best. I know i will see my friend again. I know i will hug her again. I just wish it was now and not later to those whom i have been all but ignoring the past week, please know that on top of workin 8 12 hour days
Our family dog has a tumor. We go on Tuesday to figure out if it is cancerous or not. Yes it may be a pet but people get attached you know. So, please keep mawww in our thoughts. THanks!
(Excuse me for dont rate or fan any of my fans and/or friends. I feel so sad because I miss my dad so much. When I feel better I try to return al the favors.) I close my eyes And imagine you're here Did it all seem so hopeless Given the chance I would ask Forgive me I didn't do a thing to make you stay I didn't say a word to make you stay If I would have known Could I have tried to make it easier But I didn't do a thing Or say a word One word And I don't know why you're gone, now you're gone No beautiful goodbye You will never leave my mind And it turns out to be so much different than our dreams Now you're, you're a star in heaven My thoughts unsaid Stuck in my head And it all feels so useless Never forget to give all I have Forgive me I couldn't do a thing to make you stay And I couldn't say a word to make you stay If I could have known Could I have tried to make it easier But I couldn't do a thing Or say a word One word And I don't know why y
the subject line said it all i'm just plain sad tonight i got nothing else to say.goodnight.
I feel like I have lost a part of myself because of a barrier that I have noticed that was formed between me and the person I care the most about. I hope I am just over thinking things and such. I would hate to be right about yet another relationship. I love him with everything I am and I never want to lose him. He completes me....... Xena
My friend hung herself last night. I am so depressed about it. I just don't know what to think.
The two people I trusted most have been playing a game. One discourages me while the other incourages me. With thier words they have reduced me to sad tears. WHo do I believe? Just when I thought someone really cared and may even wanted me I see its not so. I have lost hope of being happy. My life is just living for my kids. NOthign for me. I can't trust my heart no more. I care to much and hurt to easy. Friendship is onething but don't DON"T throw love into it unless you really mean it. MAny men think they can throw friendship into the picture hoping to get more and it isn't love they are looking for, oh no they want hot! wet! SEX!!!! I sit in my dark world, tears I try fight keep falling. Why can't I be happy? When will these tears stop? I want more and yet I know I can't have it. I am incouraged but once i take a step I am pushed back two. I am tired of this game. I could have made your dreams come true. Eager to please. Eager to touch! Like the crow
i am not doing to good today. so i thought i would do a blog. so over the weekend i when out with 2 of my friends and we got in a car accident. one of my friends died. i am ok very sore so is my friend ashly i feel so bad. why did she have to go like that. why did she died .all we got was sore broring. lil. cuts. why did she have to died???
So today i go to dinner at my parents house like i do ever sunday just about me and my brother are just about to leave and my parents drop a bombshell Their getting divorced needles to say im now really pissed and i dont have a mom and dad anymore so mom and dad thanks...
Today is officially SAD, aka Single Awareness Day, let it be heard! Valentines Day is nothing more than commercialism you don't need a special day to say "I love you" to someone. :)
i found this poem kinda funny... Sad is Stupid I'm sorry you're sad 'I'm not sad. Don't use that word. Sad is stupid.' ... cos when you're sad you're always angry and push me away 'Of course I'm angry. I'm pissed off I'm allowed to be angry.' so I guess I'd better leave you alone - and not show I mind - till you're happy again 'Happy? I'm never happy. Happy is dumb and stupid! ' Alison Cassidy
I broke my ankle :( For real ♥ It hurts like a mother fucker. ♥ So yeah no work for 6 weeks. :( And i don't like crutches so this is gonna be a fun expierence. :( Rate my blog please! It hurts :(
Omfg. It hurts. Anthony can't get any sleep because im miserable, seriously miserable, it hurts like fucking hell. The pain killers aren't working. ♥ :( It hurts -cry- And anthony is so sad looking. I feel so bad. :( =( I hope you all are doing better than i am -sad face- ♥ ♥ ♥ Rate my blog please :(
As soft winds sweep away the days I look back on life through a haze. Remember playgrounds, parks and friends, In childlike gaze that never ends. The laughter in a game of catch, Shall memory ever attach... To innocence in youthful eyes, Catching the ball to Dad's surprise. I recall my first bike, first wreck, Who picked me up, said, "What the heck?" Convinced me to give one more try, While, knees skinned, I forgot to cry. Just the joy knowing he was there, Making him proud my only care. There was nothing I couldn't do, My heart held fast that to be true. Though teenage years were kind of rough, I sure wasn't too big or tough. You taught me to defend what's right And never back down from a fight. So I learned the hard way to stand, Still, with each lump, I found your hand. Drawing from you an inner strength, And stubborn pride of equal length. But there the line of fate was drawn, As though I blinked and you were gone. I found myself facing the sun, Not
well i must say i dont feel my self latley . latley i have been feeling depressed and sad i dont normaly say how i feel becuase most people whom know me personaly know iam always the strong one who is a rock when others need to talk iam always there to listen but that hasnt been the case latley i must say i really hate feeling like this .
i think no one cares i wouldnt even dare it seems everyone else just has a better life( better life) i lived long without the love in my life now all i can do is , all that i can say is No one cares about me, No one cares, cant you see? Im just a lonely girl, yeah living in this horrible world this is the worst nightmare I ever had But no one knows, no one knows, how sad It seems to me that i will never learn I don't do very good in school and i'm not very good at following rules i do not have that many friends and for her its the end i always lies i just wants to die now all i can do is, all that i can say is No one cares about me, No one cares, cant you see? Im just a lonely girl, yeah living in this horrible world this is the worst nightmare I ever had But no one knows, no one knows, how sad now everything is so hard to realize i just a girl of smaller size i want to be cool like the girls at school i am worried everyday of my life
I dont know why but ive felt really upset all day. Well i do have an idea why but i really dont want to talk about it..I just feel alone.
A friend of mine's hubby passed away today. Her name is Karen. She's on my friends list. Please keep her in your prayers. I love you Karen. RIP CHARLIE!!!
Sad :(
everyone keep my boyfriend and his fam in your thoughts and prayers they lost his grandmother last night but she passed peacefully. i do believe she was in her late 80's if i'm not mistaken. but i'm due in six weeks and he wanted a picture of the baby and his grandmother together and sadly she passed before that could happen. thanks, sexymom07 aka charlotte
Sad :(
my aunty rang last night to say she has mouth cancer & she going in for major surgery next week & im scared :(
So I have not been on in a while and I want to appologize to my friends. My husbands Grandfather passed away so i have been spending alot of time with family but as soon as I get everything back in order I will be back...:)
i had a argument with someone i love and im sad someone cheer me up....sometimes i cant figure out how i can be such a bitch but then agin if your provoked i geuss u feel the need but still makes u feel like shit!! im not that ugly(not beautiful but ill do) surly i shouldnt have to be jelouse all the time and i am its stupid ....well i geuss im done whinning for the night.....xoxox mesha
So I was really excited cause I was supposed to have a date and he is a really nice guy. Well I was supposed to email him and let him know plans and I stupidly copied down his email wrong. Now I dont know what to do cause I cant get a hold of him any other way. I just wanna cry I was so excited and I thought that it was going well and now I cant get a hold of him. I am so ticked off at me for copying it down wrong. To make matters worse I got in trouble last nite so I had to deal with that. Anyway I am not sure what to do I know all I wanna freaking do is cry and cry some more. Anyway that is all I have to rant about I am hoping that he decides to call me instead. Laterz.
Whats a guy to do when he is so sad he cant even cry? When motivation to succeed with life and love dies. I just want you to love me again like you once had. I hope you shall find the strength and determinatin to set things right. Before your gone. I fear I will disappear into a haze. Where getting out of bed is a chore. I dont want to cry when I look at our kids. I dont want to cry as you drive away. As I look through photos of memories we share I wonder what will be when your gone.
i was sad when it happened i didn't believe it why it's sad to see someone die for people to split up to go their different ways after so many years i cried when it happened it was so sad you could tell it was coming when they moved apart i was sad i could tell it was probably for the best than why did it hurt so much when it happened i was hurt i was sad by Melissa Dumler
It's pretty sad when the most exciting part of your day is making dinner. Man I have no life lol
Well I am sitting here crying. My dear friend Matt (nick name Dice) passed away. god that sounds like it was old age or something. he died... He was in his early 30's and he died! He had a stroke. What is this world about? His wife was pregnant. It was his first baby. Of all the things Dice wanted to be being a dad was his dream. And it is tearing my heart to shreds... just thinking of the poor baby growing up not ever knowing the father that his dad woulda been. I mean there are dead beat dads out there still roaming the earth... My sons father being one of them But not Dice... He would have been there... for his baby... and now he is gone. WE HAVE A PAGE ON FACEBOOK FOR HIM HIS MOTHER WROTE Linda Sobczak wrote 3 hours ago Matthew is my beloved son, to all who knew him and love him as much as I do, I thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. You have touch my heart with your kindness. Life can never be the same without him in it. He left too soon. Matt was my bab
She was only five This is what happened When she was alive... Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is My life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest, "You deserve to die You worthless pest!" T
Ok - Just thought I would tell ya why I am sad. Many many years ago, when I was much younger (not that I am EVEN old...) I became friends with a lady by the name of Connie. Connie became friends with my family, we use to run around together, hang out, talk, ya know all the friend stuff. Well Connie had crohnes disease which is a disease where your body fights off food and nutrition. This disease treats food and stuff like a disease, so naturally you get really sick. Connie has had her ups and downs with the disease which is expected. However, recently she became really sick. Her family took her to Cleveland to a specialty center, but it was too late. This morning I got a call informing me that Connie had passed. This is a woman that fought so hard and lived life to the fullest. She was not old, or tired. The disease just progressed to the point that doctors could not do anything further to help her. I am sad because I miss my friend. It seems almost surreal, I can ha
When I got home from work this morning my mom told me that after I get some sleep, she needed me to take her to the ER. So, I lay down and sleep until about 11 am. I take her to the ER, go to the McDonald's drive-thru, come back to the hospital and Alex and I eat in the car in front of the hospital. I got Alex out of his carseat and put him up front with me. We have the windows rolled down because for one thing, it's a beautiful day and another, have you noticed gas prices lately? Anyway, I'm looking down into the Happy Meal bag when I hear a woman scream nearby. When I look up, her husband is going down and he hit the pavement hard. EMTs and nurses come out of the hospital and start really working on him. I wanted to go comfort the wife but all the commotion freaked Alex out so I stayed in the car with him. After they took the man into the ER and we finish eating we go in to check on mom. The poor guy died and the family members that had gathered in the ER said that he was already de
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100 mph down the road on a motorcycle... Girl: Slow down, I'm scared. Guy: No, this is fun. Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him) Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me. In the paper the next day the headline read: Motorcycle crashes into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes weren't working, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, and then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die. If u love any one this much...let them know...before it's too late...
I needed you so bad yeah i needed you like no one ever had but you turned away and let me go i guess i never knew to make me believe to make me believe everytime i see you online i want to scream you were my life my only dream now my heart aches as i sit on my own my wrists are cut and my scars have grown you thought that it was just a game but you forgot that i feel pain life is pointless now you've gone im dead inside, i waited too long i wanted my own fairytale ending i wish that you'd stop to keep silent i'll drown you in the tears i cried my love was always true, i never lied
Sad :(
Well its that time. Jamie (my hubby) will be deploying this week to Iraq. He will be gone for 15 long months. Its heart breaking cause we will miss him so much. And I know he will miss being with us as well. Our daughter and I have been through one year without him already. When he was doing his tour of Korea. So Im used to him being gone, but this time I have more to worry about. I know the threat of North Korea attacking was there at all times. Most of the time though they just like to play like they want to do stuff and ruffle feathers. The bad guys in Iraq dont give a shit! And do what they say they are going to do and kill everyday. Greatfully, I know he has the other soldiers backing him up and covering for him. Just as I know he will be doing the same for them. The best part is they all have God with them. We care for every soldier, because when you become a member of the military you get to be part of one huge family. So please everyone pray for all of our soldiers that are the
I am sad because I'm not with you. I am sad because I love you and this wait is killing me. I am sad because letting you go when we are on the phone hurts me. I am sad because I want to feel you sleeping next to me. I am sad because I want to be with you more than I want anything else. I am sad because I have to wait so long to feel your kiss. All these reasones are why I am sad. Baby I love you more then life itself.
I think I did too much thinking today.... has left me sad and feeling alone. Its one of those days that makes me want to run away from everything
Isn't it sad that I have to live my sex life vicariously through listening to my neighbors fuck upstairs each night? Isn't it sad that i can't find a real man who wants to be by my side each night and love me for ME and not love me one day and not the next, or someone who is afraid of a real loving true lasting relationship? I mean dam, I know I'm not perfect, but I do have a lot of love to give to the right person, but why are men afraid of me, or intimidated? What is it about me that makes me "a nice person" but not "good enough to love"? I just don't get it, but I guess I will resign to living my sex life out through the neighbors least someone is being loved tonight.
Sad 2
So here I lay in my bed sad cause I fucked up sad cause I messed up sad cause I screwed up. Had a fight with the woman that means everything to me over something stupid and she's pissed with me. Sad cause I feel so stupid sad cause this hurts so much. I know things will get better but for now it feels like the worst feeling I've ever felt. Only one thing will make it better and I don't know when or if that will happen. Sad cause I'm not sure sad cause it was my fault cas cause I fucked up big time. Baby if you read this before we talk again I love you and I'm so sorry, I hope you will forgive me cause I love you.
I can't believe this still goes on in our world. Caution this video is violent. Do not watch if you cant handle violence. video here
=/ Sad =/
I haven't talked to my best friend in a few days and it suck. We usually talk everyday about our fucked up situations. So we pretty much keep each other sane. But yeah she is having a rough time and I said the wrong thing and she hasn't talked to me in a few days. This girl is awesome and I wouldn't want to lose her friendship over me saying something stupid or the wrong thing rather. So yeah if you read this blog come talk to me.
Sad 2
I'm sad now cause I want you so bad I'm sad now cause I can't be with you I'm sad now cause I need you I'm sad now cause I have to sleep alone I'm sad now cause we're not together. Rachael I love you more than anyone or anything your my love my life my everything and I can't wait till your in my arms.
i have reached my limit for pics for my level.... so i will have to wait till i level up to post more.... sad ~K~
It is seriously sad when someone asks for help and you give them all the help they need, but when they ask for help in return they are blown off like a bad habbit. We all call ourselves friends and show it in no way. There are certain ones I will help, but from now on no one needs to ask cause I will plainly tell you to kiss my ass.
When my friends hurt, I hurt, no matter how well I know them or not. To all my friends that actually read this, I want you to know that I am always here if you need to talk. I love you all. xoxo
MY COUSINS MY SPACE BLOG!!!!! Well I don't know what to think Matts going back to Iraq. It really sucks actually, I wonder if this thing will ever end. I don't know how these wives deal with living the military life for 20 yrs. Not me I can't stand it for the 3yrs hes been in. It's really scary thinking your husband could be killed at any time. To all of the people hating on the military do you think they enjoy going there. Well I can tell you they don't want to leave there wives and children and go to that god forsaken place either. They go for a bunch of ungrateful people to try to make the world we live in better. If you were in our shoes you would see how hard it actually is. Having to move around all the time and saying goodbye everytime you turn around to not know if you'll see them again at all. All I can say is that all these men and woman are very brave cuz I know I couldn't do it.Please just show respect no matter what your opinion is
MY COUSINS MY SPACE BLOG Well I don't know what to think Matts going back to Iraq. It really sucks actually, I wonder if this thing will ever end. I don't know how these wives deal with living the military life for 20 yrs. Not me I can't stand it for the 3yrs hes been in. It's really scary thinking your husband could be killed at any time. To all of the people hating on the military do you think they enjoy going there. Well I can tell you they don't want to leave there wives and children and go to that god forsaken place either. They go for a bunch of ungrateful people to try to make the world we live in better. If you were in our shoes you would see how hard it actually is. Having to move around all the time and saying goodbye everytime you turn around to not know if you'll see them again at all. All I can say is that all these men and woman are very brave cuz I know I couldn't do it.Please just show respect no matter what your opinion is of th
Walking in my nighty; rubbing my eyes My fathers sitting on the sofa with his friend He pats the seat in the middle; i sit Shivering so cold; a quilt he lends "Jessy you love me don't you" a smile; his Their breathe spirts weep "Daddy you know i do; what is it?" He smiles at his friend; his hand creeps His friend takes my hand; looks me in the eyes Daddys creeping up my nightie; cold hands I try to pull his hand away; their grip is strong! They look at one another; nod; something planned I feel my palms sweat; Daddys under my knickers "Daddy im going to bed! Night" Pulling again But there grip is to strong for weak me I look at both; and ask, who are these men? His fingers going up me; pulling away His friend leans forward; a kiss? Why? His toungue moving mine; my eyes squint Lean back and away; "Why are you doing this?" No answer, i feel the pain inside me; him Chucks the quilt on the floor; me to I try and scamper away, but im not fast "O Daddy please,
I recently met a man who had lost the one and only true love of his life. He’s a very nice old man who when you meet him seems to be the happy go lucky type. But, you see him there sitting all alone, watching TV or rocking on his front porch and you think. Once this man was a young vibrant person all full of spit and vinegar and now he’s down to watching his stories on TV, and rocking his remaining days away in an old rocking chair on his front porch. His kids are all grown with lives of their own, hardly ever stopping by to see him. You wonder, how many days go by that this poor soul doesn’t utter a word out loud. He’s the candy wrapper of life, discarded by those who should love him most. Yet his still sharp mind hold a library full of information dating back to the early part of the 20th century, what stories this man could recount, what experiences he has had and all the things that could be learned form him if only there was a student or two. To those younger he seems a burden som
y am i so sad every day
Well..I woke up this morning, hoping I would have gotten a litle more help than I did on this contest.(Thank you for those of you that did help..MUAH..Love you forever!!!) I guess the friends and family that I have are not truly what I expected. I wasn't asking for all the time in the world, but a comment or two would have been nice...:( Or a "hey I don't do those, but good luck" Anyway...what an eye opener..:) If anyone has a change of the pic and comment..thanks
just having one o my days were my heart is breaking and i cant quiet explain it cause i dont know how to rite the words down. but rite now i am feeling deeper pain than i have ever felt
www.commentbaby.comFREE IMAGE HOSTING
im sad no body wants to talk to me i don't know why i didn't do anything wrong my shoutbox is open and still nobody wantsto talk im on yahoo you can add me but never mind you guys don't care good night im thinking of deleting my account
“It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” ~Henry Rollins
i am thinkin about leavin the site for awhile personal reasons.... i have had a blast here but its time to go i dont feel like i need to be here anymore its just i will be here for a few more days and then u all
my office manager couldn't remember the name of a movie so she tells one of the shipping guys, "Ask Persia she knows everything!" Sadly I knew the answer. :D
there was a big fire here in greenville on sunday. i've been watching the local news & keeping up on the story all week since it happened in the town where i live & i also discovered that i knew the girl that was involved....i mean i knew her when i was younger. her name is christy & her family lived down the street from me when i was about 9 until i was about 12. her younger brother elijah was in my class. they moved away when i was in 6th grade. i had no idea she even lived around here. & it sucks i had to find out this way--her 3 children were killed in the fire. it's really sad....especially now that it's been confirmed that the fire was set on purpose. i grabbed my camera & recorded the news broadcast about it (that's why the volume is so low & the picture is shaky) i just wanted to write about it & maybe if someone local sees this they can help out the family or something. there's places where you can make donations all over town.(information is at the end of the first video) it'
Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend Was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents Unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is My life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrust the blade Righ
SAD SAD SAD The things that we do in the name of love are truly atrocious at times....especially when children are put in the middle. I have a child with my ex and we struggle to keep the peace in order to make sure OUR daughter has both her parents available to her. Don't get me wrong there is absolutely NO LOVE LOST between my ex and I....and we can have some pretty hellacious arguments...and often do. When it comes down to it we are both there for her. She has the opportunity to know both sides of her family and to gain and grow from those experiences. When I hear about parents who deny access to another parent I have to wonder what the hell? Can you imagine your life without your father or mother? I know that would be inconceivable for me. How can that possibly be the in best interest of the child? Seriously, if that parent isn't out commiting murder or carjacking laid down and created something both should bear the responsibility and
My ex is leaving for Arizona tomarrow. I feel sad. I know I broke up with him and all, but I can't help feeling this way, ya know. We are still friends and joke around and junk. I am going to miss him, but I know that this is the best thing for him to do right now. He has nothing here but his kids. His brother is in AZ and I know he will be happier there. I am just so sad feeling tho. Is it wrong for me to feel that way even though we are not togeather anymore? We were togeather for three years, and I still do care about him. The funny thing is, I dont want to be with him, but I really don't want him to leave either. Crazy, isn't it. I just don't know how I am suppossed to feel. This sucks
One of my best friends is leaving Fubar. He is such a great guy. He has been there for me since day one. He is the creator of that amazing morp of mine. so go tell him how sad I will be and show him some love... Leaving
It's amazing that 90% of the people who say they are close to you dont even remeber your bday. I never ask for much, never ask for much, but for all i do at least say SOMETHING. ~Tony
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
A week ago today my cat died. Today i woke up feeling sick, my sinuses are draining and it sucks. Not only that but this single life is killing me. I gave up hope that Rodney and I will ever get back together, thats too far gone. I had hoped for someone with someone but it seems thats fizzled out since my trip to Pittsburg and my telling him of my romantic and my big mouth. I'm sick of being single, what happened to the times when a big girl was sexy and the skinny girls were ugly...guess that times over and the big girls like me are destined to be single...
I miss my best friend and well maybe he will see this and say hey.
found one of our kittens outside dead this morning..didnt even get a chance to take a pic of her...*sigh*...will miss you smokey...
Far Away from it all You and Me With Noone else around A Brand new start is all we need All we need to mend these hearts Back to the beginning Be Still Let it Go Before we lost hope When we still touched And love wasn't So Hard Be still I already know Foolish one With a Smile You Don't Have To Be Brave Everytime we fall down But We're Falling from Grace I'll Gladly Climb over your walls If You'll meet Me halfway Slow, Slow it Down Why do we run We're Missing so much Babe Just lay in my arms awhile Be still We should've known Foolish one with a smile You don't have to be Brave I'll gladly climb over your walls If you meet me halfway Everytime we fall But We're Falling From Grace Here's My Hand and my Heart It's yours to take.
So I know that I'm quiting work here soon but I'm still sad to find out when a good co-worker is quiting. I acually surprised myself that I was sad about my boss leaving, I'm all for him finding a better job and all. I've been at this company and gone through 4 managers, 5 supervisors and several leads. Maybe I'm selling myself short for what I can do or maybe I'm holding out for that perfect job. Who the fuck cares.. I read a comic today "hagar the horrible", he says the world is so much easier when you come to turms with three little words - "No one cares". My daughter is teething and I'm sad about that because she is growing up so fast. I want her to stay small and cute forever. But then I know my mom wished the same for me and now she's my bestfriend. So I guess I have to let her grow up partly because there's no stopping it and because I know one day we will have a good relationship too. I'm upset that our wonderful nation (USA) is going the wrong way. Every once in a while a
Dry yours eyes and think of a way to fake a smile again Broken down and beaten once more by those you thought you trusted Sad lil girl wild eyes and crazy dreams, committed the worst sin She said she loved them and lied once more hid the pain she keeps inside Emotions run on razor blades these days, the only release she allows Cut the skin to let it all out, drain the feeling till shes left numb
Ever have one of those days? We all have. Well today was mine. Get up this morning and my retarded cat broke on of the only things that I had left of my mom. On top of that today is the 4 year anniversary of her death so the 2 things together just didn't set well. Then I am at work and my ex calls to tell me that my 11 year old daughter broke her ankle at school playing volleyball. What next???
So recently I had reconnected with a friend that I hadn't talked to in months. I was so excited & happy but sadly it just isn't going to work out. As hard as I tried; his mood swings are just awful. Tonight was the last straw. I'd post our conversation from yahoo but there's no reason to I guess. I'm sure he's posted a nice blog blasting me & if you're on his friends list; please don't share it with me. I feel bad for him. His demons are just too much for me to take but despite his treatment of me; I wish him nothing but the best. So Jay, I hope some day your life is all it should be, your hatred & anger towards those that want to be your friend & those that aren't your friend dissolves & you find yourself at peace & happy. ~*~XOXO~*~Lizzy
This is a sad week for me. I alway have a hard time this time of year. Thirteen years ago my dad died on Thanksgiving Day. I find it hard to pass this week in any sort of happiness. I'm supposed to be thankful for the blessings in my life... but it seems a week that I always find myself blue no matter how focused I try to be on the holiday preparations and family. Everyone else is starting their Christmas shopping, bustling around and being productive, and I always find myself in such a funk that I can't get out of my own way. I am always most thankful when Thanksiving is over and November is behind me, and I can move on to the celebration of Christmas. But right now I am just caught in my sadness. My mom will be arriving in a few hours to stay until the holiday... and of course she'll be getting on my case because the thinks I am depressed. I think I just have the normal ups and downs that anybody has. Just not entirely happy with the way my life is going just now.
on this day, Nov. 23, 2007, my friends house burnt down, she was only able to save 3 of her dogs, she was home alone, but she's okay. they think it was cause by her ex-boyfriend who(while they were together) tried to kill her several times, he also happens to be my cuzins cuzin, he's not my cuzin. he better hope that i dont find him on monday if he's still in town, i dont care if he's stronger than me, i will kick his dumb mutha fukin ass all the way bak to freakin jail. she already didnt have much, but now b/c of him, she has nuthin but her 3 dogs.
When you care about someone so much it hurts you know that you are in love, you worry about them when you don't hear from them...i am going through that right now and really hopping that my man is ok, i haven't heard from him since wensday morning and he was suppose to be home today but again no word from him...damn do i miss just being able to talk to him and here him say i love you and i miss you this really wondering if there is anyone else out there that is feeling the same way that i am right now..hopefully i will hear from him soon anyway i just had to write a little and get it off of my chest for my friends that have been there i love ya and miss you guys to, to the man that has my heart completely i love you and miss you so very much...hugs and kisses
this is probaly off the wall and wondering why im postin something like this anything.Today well tonight a guy on yahoo not saying any names.Has upset me to no point. I ask myself questions: 1)Why me? 2)Does he care if he hurtin me? 3)what did i do to desevre to be talk to like this? 4)Why should Keep people happy for if im not happy? Questions run thought my mind all the time.but ,he really set them off..
Red eyes just keep my heart beating Your secret's safe with me Just drive, I've broken our mirror So our past won't look so tempting I never thought it'd feel this good to quit Failure tastes so sweet I'm not afraid anymore, forgive me I'll swing here, I'll hang from this rope Just at least until they've found me Stay close dear, the note on the floor says I wish that you were here At this point I'm not concerned
This breaks my heart....These were made for you to use as support to the mother!!December 4th, 2007, Jessica Sherwood had to do something no mother should ever have to do.At 2:29 pm Jessica made a very tough, but the right decision to take her little 3 month old daughter off life support.In memory of little London Marie, i thought id start a little forward..Jessica had a message that i want every one to know..This is what jessica said:IF NE ONE HAS KIDS MAKE SURE U KEEP THEM WIT U THE WHOLE TIME DNT GIVE THEM TO NE ONE THAT U DNT TRUST..... TRUST ME I THOUGHT I TRUSTED JOSH..... BUT NOW AS OF 12-4-07 AT 2:29AM SHE IS GONE.... MY ONE AND ONLY BABY....... AND HE IS GUNNA PAY FOR EVER EVEN IF HE GETS OUTTA JAIL SCOTT FREE HE WILL BE DEAD NO MATTER WAT......... TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND THAT KNO LONDON I AM VERY ANGRY AND UPSET I LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE MY BABY GIRL.... SHE DIED ON HER 3MONTH BDAY........SHE HAD 6 FRACTURED RIBS..... BOTH OF HER LEGS WERE FRACTURED.... AND HER BRAIN WAS SO DA
Boy: Baby, we need to talk. Girl: Ricardo, what do u mean? Boy: Something has come up... Girl: What? What's wrong? Is it bad? Boy: I don't want to hurt you, baby. Girl: *Thinks* Oh my God, I hope he doesnt break up with me... I love him so much. Boy: Baby, are you there?? Girl: Yeah, I'm here. What is so important?? Boy: I'm not sure if I should say it.. Girl: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me. Boy: I'm leaving... Girl: Baby, what are u talking about?? I don't want you to leave me, I love you. Boy: Not like that, I mean I'm moving far away. Girl: Why? All of your famliy lives over here. Boy: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away. Girl: I can't believe this. [FATHER: (Picks up the other phone, interrupts & yells furiously ERICA!, what did I tell you about talking to boys?!!!... Get off the damn phone!! (And hangs up).] Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad. Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I dont want you t
Why is that when your by yourself for a long enough time you start to think about things? And then you start to analize it and then by the end your sad because of what you've figured out. I hate that! Of course I could be like this because I am in way lake of sleep. Which is why I'm probably not as upbeat as I usually am. If reading this brought you down, I'm sorry! But keep an eye out for later blogs. I'm sure there will be many smiles to be had
A single mom I know,was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005.She had to spend time away from her kids ,while having chemo done.She hoped and prayed for the cancer to be gone .But 2 days ago she finds out it's back.As a sinlge mom ,who has always struggled and fought to keep her kids safe.She now feels so alone inside.And I guess her fight is not over yet.She hasnt told her kids ,where x-mas is just around the bend .But really ,when does a person say they can't fight anymore? God what a nice christmas present hey!(THIS IS THE THING ,THIS STORY IT TRUE CAUSE IT'S BOUT ME!)
A Sad 2007
Wow! The last couple years of my life has been a series of ups and downs...MAJOR ups and downs. I lost 3 brothers, my parents, and most recently, the love of my life. It's almost Christmas and I have no family, barely any money right now, no job, and the woman that I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with left me and won't talk to me. LOL...As I write this, I have my two ferrets running around my bedroom playing and it's making me laugh. Shelly, my cat, is following them around and making sure they stay out of trouble (I guess). They usually only run free in the bathroom, but I decided "What the hell"...and they are having a blast. My animals is all I have right now. And they miss Lisa too. Shelly is constantly coming to me crying and looking for her. She cuddles up to me at night when I sleep. They are all I have. I'm sorry if this is too depressing, but writing these blogs is one of the only things I have to keep me sane and sober. The only thing I want for Chri
WENT TO A PARTY MOM - DO NOT DELETE (read all the way to the bottom and sign your name) I went to a party, And remembered what you said You told me not to drink, Mom, so I had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would, that I didn't drink and drive, though some friends said I should. I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right. The party finally ended, and the kids drove out of sight. I got into my car, Sure to get home in one piece. I never knew what was coming, Mom, something I expected least. Now I'm lying on the pavement, And I hear the policeman say, the kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mom, his voice seems far away. My own blood's all around me, As I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, this girl is going to die. I'm sure the guy had no idea, While he was flying high. Because he chose to drink and drive, now I would have to die. So why do people do it, Mom Knowing that it ruins lives? And now
Things will never be the same Your smiling face reminds me Of all the times we shared. Hugs and kisses often remembered, The times when we both cared. I remember those days, when you held me in your arms. Things will never be the same. Tender kisses in the dark, walking hand in hand through empty parks, those days are gone, only memories remain. Things will never be the same The long nights afterward, while I cried myself to sleep, I reflected on those times when it was you and me, and now that it's all over I'm still trying to forget your name, Things will never be the same.
A Fine Frenzy- Almost Lover Your fingertips across my skin The palm trees swaying in the wind Images You sang me Spanish lullabies The sweetest sadness in your eyes Clever trick Well, I never want to see you unhappy I thought you'd want the same for me [Chorus] Goodbye, my almost lover Goodbye, my hopeless dream I'm trying not to think about you Can't you just let me be? So long, my luckless romance My back is turned on you Should've known you'd bring me heartache Almost lovers always do We walked along a crowded street You took my hand and danced with me Images And when you left, you kissed my lips You told me you would never, never forget These images No Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy I thought you'd want the same for me [Chorus] Goodbye, my almost lover Goodbye, my hopeless dream I'm trying not to think about you Can't you just let me be? So long, my luckless romance My back is turned on you Should've known you'd bring me
Month One Mommy I am only 4 inches long but i have all my organs. Ilove the sound of your voice. the sound of your heartbeat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definetly tell I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home. Its so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy My hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine. but I will have alot of it. Ispend a lot of time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and strech my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too. Month Five You went to the doctor today mommy he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. Iam a baby mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mom
It is a sad sad world when people can not take the time to read a mum it is in time of need you find out whom your true friends are! I sit here watching people buy girls VIP's.. HH.. Fublings..Blast and all for what sexier pictures then everyone else gets to see? yet when it is time to trully be able to make a difference everyone acts as though they have suddenly forgotten how to read... it makes my heart ache knowing you people care more about lust and sexual gratification than you do to even read a blog or a mum or a bulletin asking for your help... self centered much? When did it become the fashion to look like an idiot just because you show compassion? how the hell did i miss that step? Im going to be going through my friends list and cutting it from about 1600 to maybe 5 by the time i am done i do not want to even be aqainted with people who care more about sex and lust then they do helping someone out that deserves it! Also DONT LEAVE ANY COMMENTS ON HERE ALL COMMENTS WILL BE DEL
I come to you as a sad °°«MîñX»°° today. We all know the drama that has been surrounding the Hotties, and the recent split of the group to Shell's Dream Girlz. I made a decision that I thought was right for me and joined with Shell to help her form the new group. It was not an easy decision to make because I feared that because of this I would lose friends, either direction i chose. And I was right. Since this transition I've been hit up on all sides, being forced to defend my position and decision. And that's just it, it was my decision, not anyone else's. And now, to maintain the few of you that I have left on both sides, it is my decision to quit all groups and affilliations. All of you I have met through the Hotties and become close with I love dearly and would never hold any of this against you. I will not risk losing those friendships because of a nick in my name. I am tired of the drama and the bs, and I am sorry. I have always just been me, and I've always be
I'mleaving much as I love it....there is a certain female that has others stalking my profile..just to see what some guy she likes leaves me....very sad and childhish.....i love all my friends....and take it easy..all of you
sitting here wondering why i am a man i am not soppose to cry but yet i am i am so alone no one here two call my own whats wrong with me what the fuck will i ever get out of this rutt i dont no what else two do i guess being alone is my tatto stuck on me for the rest of my life so i will allways cry and its becouse dreams lie i thought of you when i closd my eyes allmost every night i see you in mind you dont love me but i love you so what is it i can do two fall out of love with you when i sleep you will be mine but when i wake you will be gone it happens all thr time
this angel is sad today and angel donot know why . angel ask god to take her back , she feel hurt and love and care and gave it all to everyone and never ask thing back . but she lost her wings and she want them back. and now she know how it feel to be human and the angel donot like it one bit.
I'm ronery and freezing :( WTF, I'm supposed to be sleeping :(
Dio made me sad!! *hugs* Feeling shitty today.... pissed at life.... gawd. I'm thinking i need a break from this place.
I have not got my credit card anymore so can't get vip back *cry*
Today is May 2nd and I'm still single. Nothing new there. Where do I begin today's angry rant... My exes parents bought him a truck, I paid for the first month, they told him he was NOT to leave this county with it. The payment is due tomorrow and they are gona press charges against him, for takin the truck out of the county. Grand Theift. Now you see I'm all stressed out and puffed up cause I don't want him to go to jail. I don't want him back either. Keepin' me tore up isn't fair and thats all he ever does!
um well this is the hardest thing to say but hear goes i wont be on fubar anymore so plz dont be mad if u got me on yahoo ill be on there but no more fubar.
a taste of lonliness I remember that voice. I miss how we would smile mornings after sex. Yesterday, I sat at the window, wet with rain and fog and winter, and tasted salt on my cheek.
I found out today that Tippy, my baby girl, has cancer. I will meet with the oncologist to discuss possible treatment and prognosis. If there is no prognosis with a quality of life after the treatment, then I will have to have her put down. So if I am not around or available for a bit, this is why. Your prayers for her would be greatly appreciated. thank you When God Created Kitty Cats: When God created kitty cats, He had no recipe; He knew He wanted something sweet, As sweet as sweet could be. He started out with sugar, Adding just a trace of spice; Then stirred in drops of morning dew, To keep them fresh and nice. He thought cats should be soft to pet, Thus He gave them coats of fur; So they could show they were content, He taught them how to purr. He made for them long tails to wave, While strutting down the walk; Then trained them in meow-ology, So they could do cat-talk. He made them into acrobats, And gave them grace
center> wish good things would come to me and soon. i mean im bot to loose everything that i got my car my insurance for my car. im tired i know im posthing the same things over and over but i hate it im so in the whole and need money and cant get a job i have tried no one calls me or if they call me they dont hire me wish i could get somethign good for once and not all this bullshit that i have been getting wish it give me a freakin break for once.
if i keep holding out will the light shine through, under this broken roof it,s only rain that i feel, ......i,ve been wishing out the days oh oh oh come back.....i have been planning out all that i would say to you, since you slipped away,know that i still remain true,...i,ve been wishing out the days, please say that if you hadnt gone now, i wouldn,t have lost you another way,from wherever you are oh oh oh come back.......... and these days they linger on, and in the night i,ve been waiting for the real possibility that i may meet you in my dreams, i go to sleep.....if i don,t fall apart will my memory stay clear, so you had to go, and i had to remain here,but the strangest thing to date so far away and yet you feel so close, and i,m not gonna question it any other way, there must be an open door for you come back............and the days they linger on, and every night i am waiting for the real possibility that i may meet you in my dreams, sometimes your ther
Why did he say that... the same thing my mother said... "I am leaving to start a new life." again without me.
Well I am sad cuz I just broke up a wonderful girl and no longer in marriage and now I am single so that about it nothing new this time of the year and hope everything having a good time thru the summer!!!...
what the hell is wrong with people?
Daddy's Poem Her hair was up in a pony tail, her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, and she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.. But the little girl went to school eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees a dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet. Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats One by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed. At last the teacher called
Well today my mom told me she couldn't hold it in anymore. Yup that's when she told me my cat Cleo was killed 3 weeks ago. Cleo was an outside cat so I never questioned why she never came in, but she always came around at night to sit with me on the porch, or to just lay around. Blah, this really sucks.
This time last year she cried three times looked at me and shut her eyes for the last time. We had nineteen years together and in that time we shared so much fun and so much laughter. I respected her and she respected me in her very own special way. She nestled under my chin each and every night and I shared my warmth with her. I fed her and cared for her as best as I was able to and loved her dearly. I miss my friend so much and it was a sad day that I lost my cat.....yes MY CAT!! were a friend....sleep well..!!
I was just watching Ellen and DOGTOWN was on there with one of Michael Vick's dogs. The pitbull is so beautiful, but they said how she came to them with no teeth, that they would use her as a sparring dog for the dogs moving up in the ranks. They also said she had been overly bred and had serious handler issues. That stuff just makes me soooo sick to my stomach! Dogtown took in a lot of his dogs, going to the website, actually made me cry. check it out,its amazing! I used to breed registered pitbulls, I used to catch hell cuz I had never touched my dogs. I had to put my male down 2 years ago :( Just makes me sad...
So its that time of the year again, Christmas! And once again I am all alone for it. Cant see my kids, my family doesn’t want me, and no woman will have me. Came home from work on Monday after a very cold nite and found my water lines were frozen and broken. Well I finally got all that fixed and am in debt for 120.00 dollars!! I get in my nice warm bed at 6pm, 12 hrs after I got off of work. Got woke up by the pain of my illness, I am out of pain pills until tomorrow, on top of all that went to the local comic book shop which a “friend” of mine owns, and get reminded of how much I am unwanted. Him and his employee where talking about all the gifts they bought for people. There I stand knowing I wasn’t on that list, I don’t get anything x-mas or my b-day, haven’t in about 7 yrs. Of course this has made me very depressed, so much so I just don’t want to be here anymore, I so want to go home and just end it all! But I wont, that would make to many people happy. But I just cant help to th
well i have been feeling down alot these past few days y well because..... been feeling out of place and unwanted by ppl that love or say they do..... i know for most ppl feeling wanted or loved is being cuddled or making love will for me its both and more and well one of those i got denide (sorry cant spell all that will will crying) just cause nature gave me something does not me to stop i know some of you would not understand what i mean but what i mean is hurtting me so much i see that ppl i love see me differently today right now i feel like i should be died or dieing to have these ppl seee hurtting and im really showing how much and no one can see it i status, me not wanting to be held, or touched but nope they just play it off. all i want is to be happy, loved, cared for, and wanted i really dont know if any of those i have from anyone i feel im being lied to every day and every word that comes i dont know if its just cause i keep los
my favourite stripper has moved to Noumea for 3 months to work there. I miss her.
Random highlights of my new life: Every morning I pray my daughter will let me nap...never happens. I planned to do at least a half hour of Wii Fit everyday...Yeah, the balance board makes me feel bad about myself so I haven't gotten on it in 3 days. I had tried tanning so I could get some color and it would help my vitamin D level go up, I couldn't sit still long enough to get much color at all. I went to a baseball game just to get out of the house last night. I abhor baseball. I just went for over priced beer and nachos. The company wasn't too bad either. Although I'm quite sure we sat in front of the boys from The Big Bang Theory and they were rather entertaining. I hate animated pigs.  "I like to move it, move it" has become the new anthem for everything done around here...clean up time, we sing it...shower time, we sing it... I'm gonna start making lanyards.
:( Sad
One night a guy & a girl weredriving home from the movies. Theboy sensed there wassomething wrong because of the painfulsilence they shared between themthat night. The girl then asked the boy to pull overbecause she wanted to talk. She told him that herfeelings had changed & that it was time to move on.A silent tear slid down his cheek as heslowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding downthat very same street. He swervedright into the drivers seat, killing the boy.Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, shepulled it out & read it."Without your love, I would die."
This is just me having a really bad day, and needing to put my thoughts down. You don't have to read it. . .it's likely nothing relevant to you. . .   Well, we all went up to St. Louis today to see my Grandma at Barnes. She's not doing so great. She's in renal failure, is fighting a bad infection, can't talk, on a ventilator, dialysis. . . and they're taking her off life support on Tuesday. So it's only a matter of time. . . I don't know how to deal with this. . .I don't know if I can handle another death in my life. This f'ing sucks. And my little girl will never get to know her great Grandma. . .never remember how sweet and giving and loving she was. And then I get get home from seeing my grandmother lying in a hospital bed with 10 tubes coming out of her, looking like a bag of bones, not even able to move or talk, and you know what Josh does? Yells about me not having his work clothes washed and calls me dumb and worthless. What a great ending to an already wonderful day, huh?
I feel like I'm just sad all the time. I don't know why, but that's just the way it seems. I guess maybe its like a friend says I have too much on my plate. I don't know how to eliminate any of the things though. My kids are the most important things in my life. I love them more than anything and love being able to take care of them. Sometimes though I want someone to just take care of me. I'm tired of all the wolves in sheep's clothing. You can spout all this words, but you can never seem to back them up. I'm a simple girl. I don't think I ask too much from a guy I'm with, but I guess maybe I do. All I ask is just show me you care. If you love me, just pay attention to me. And above all I just want to be held sometimes. Guess it's just too difficult for some people though. Am I just not worthy enough of this? Is something wrong with me? Or is it just that I'm the worthless whore/bitch that I've been told I am my whole life? I don't know anymore. I'm ready to give up
Dispite worrying about our financial situation,  I have been down and in tears over my middle son. Hes 22, years old and is I guess gonna be married some year.  And his wife to be doesnt care about us and doesnt like us for what ever reason. I think this has a real affect on why he doesnt come over to see us for a visit. He comes over only to  drop something off for his older bro or he wants something.  He promises his dad to take him places and never shows up and when we call to see whats up..he never answers . Its sad you know that your own son would be embarrassed by his family and not wanting to come around. His soon to be wife's family are fakes meaning they want to be the upper crust pretend they are into money and shit. But truth beknowen they are not.  They are worse off t hen we are.   And were actually thinking of moving into a trailer home. I am not damming trailer homes some are beautiful in side and some of the parks you can stay at all year round are awesome. An
Hey every1, 1st I want to say thanks so much for the luv! You all rock!! Sadly I'm still Mobile n haven't been able to get on a computer in about a month between school n home life. So plse don't think I'm being rude by not commenting or rating just this phone only gives me so much access to the site. But I luvs ya all for being sweethearts n soon as I get on a computer I promis to return the luv! Ill bee posting new pics as well cus a lot of time had passed since if been on my page n lots has changed in my life. I gots a man that loves me n a new look lol... Well I gots to head of to bed got school in morning, ptec never rests lmao! Hugs to all! *Babyharkend*

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