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Update 2 My Last 2 Blogs
come on guys help us out ... any help u can give will be appericated ... tyvm to all who come by
Update Before A Break...
I know…I don’t log on here near as much as I used to. There are a dozen reasons for that, the top two being work and now school. In my goal to get my CJ degree I’ve managed to nab a 4.0 GPA for the first session. My next one starts tomorrow. Wish me luck! It’s gonna be hectic. On top of all that….my birthday is Saturday. Weird, neh? There are some events that I’m going to attend because I swear they were thinking of me when they planned them (who else in Nashville wants a Masquerade Ball more than me?). But all in all this should be a good birthday. I hope. High school reunion is next month. I’m still undecided about it. I’ll probably get the ticket and go anyway but still…’ll probably be filled with people I didn’t like then and won’t like now. Not to mention I swear that nearly everyone I knew then is now married with kids. I mean, great for them but I’m afraid I’ll feel out of place. I don’t even know if people will recognize me. I’ve gotten a tad bit taller, I don’t
So life is annoying. dad moved out, David moved in been a month now. he would like to marry me. xander had his shots. He did great bless his little heart. Im moving again!!! My comp is down.
Update On My Cell....
Okay so those of you who text me realize my phone isnt excepting text messages. My dad shut off texting on my phone cuz i cant afford a high phone bill right now. So the phone still works texting doesnt....
Update On Keko
Helen said his surgery went well today, they snaked a catheter up his leg to the heart and did the balloon expansion on the obstructed valve. She said it'd take a few days to see if it was successful, and if it wasn't then he'd get the shunt. Keko will be in the hossy till at least the beginning of next week.
Update On My Thyroid
I went to the endocronologist today and found out i have a hyperactive thyroid and for those who don't know what that means is it produces to much hormone and i have huge nodules surrounding it which i still haven't had a biopsy on yet. Right now they gave me medication to shrink it and will eventually do surgery to remove it.
Just an update....Yesterday they put me on midrin , naproxen 375 mg , skelaxin 800 mg nad lipitor..along with the 2 insulins , januvia, metformin, and altace.....My blood sugars are off the charts along with blood pressure and cholestorol....the dr says i have to get shit in order n lower all of this or my heart wont last 6 there y'all go....I will be seein a surgeoub @ 9:15 Monday morning about the knot under my arm..My Dr doesnt wanna play around with it she wants it removed n then we will know more on what that is.... so thats about all i can tell u .. All the meds are making me sick i spent most pf last night throwin up everyting but my liver...But I am alive and I will be better soon. I wont be spending a lot of time online but ill stop by when i feel like it and let everyone know whats up n try n show some love! Have a great Rest of the week and have a kickin weekend!! ~*~HUGS N KISSES~*~ TB
Update For All
ok friends heres the latest news with back is still fuckin hurting bad!!! Nick came over earlier and rubbed it felt alot better after he did so but its not hurtin bad again....just want ya'll to know i took a muscle relaxer and the last time i took it knocked me out for 3days!!! if it does that again ill be back on after i re-gain my self composure :P....also when nick was here me him and the roomie played (new album up of it)and WOW nick shook and convulsisved like i have NEVER seen him do before today!!! wow wow wow was really wild seeing him get into it ke he did today anyways peace all loves to all
Apparently, my poor little girl has a very mild case of whiplash. On Monday, my mom was rear ended, and had not even realized she had been hit. My mom has a more severe case of whiplash than my daughter. Both are seeking treatment. PEOPLE NEED TO PAY CLOSER ATTENTION WHEN THEY DRIVE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! She will be ok, but I'm still an unhappy momma, but then again who would be in my shoes?!
An Update On My Sister
Well as alot of you know my sister has had asthma for many years now. She has had alot of problems with bronchitis and pneumonia through out the years and has been seeing a family physician . The doctor has had her on steriods and medicine to help stop the attacks and to slow down the sickness, the problem is she was never refered to a pulmonary specialist. As of this past Friday she went to Lake Point Medical Center in Rowlett and they released her says she had bronchitis , once again they put her on the Z pack with is a form of antibotics and gave her more steriods. She is now Back in the hospital as of Tuesday because she could not breath at all. She has been in the ICU under special care to bring her oxygen level back up .She was on a ventilator and is now on pure oxygen. She was diagnosed with having Emphysema. She has been a smoker off and on for many years and it has taken its toll on her and her lungs. She was told today that it is her choice to either stay away from smoke and
Update (21 And A Half Weeks)
We know the gender and have a name picked as well as a birthing method. So everything is basically set up. All we gotta do now is wait. We even have the babys doctor picked and what BC Im going on. It's a boy! and we're naming him Corbin Sage (I let Kevin pick the name). They have upped my due date from Jan 5 to Jan 2 and Im measuring 3-4 weeks larger then I should be (my last visit I should have been measuring 20cm which is right at the navel [I was 20 wks and 2 days]. Well, I was measuring at 23.5 basically 6 months...1 cm/wk). So my doctor thinks I may either: go 1-2 weeks early or have a lot of pre-term false labor If Corbin only comes 2 weeks early, I'll still be allowed to do water birth (it's supposedly an easier transition for the baby cause the water he's in now is the same temp. as the water I'll be sitting in). They still have to run the gestational diabetes test and 2 other tests (they found pre-cancerous cells on my 1st exam and wanna re-do that next month) a
Well I have been here since 8/11/07 and I still don't know any more than I did. Guess I don't get on enough to get into what is going on. But be patient ....... I will get Thanks to those who helped me get started. Muahhhhhhh
An Update....
It looks like the contest is going to be fun... I have 13 contestants so far, and ready for this? Most of my contestants are well known mummers!!! Thats right, this should be very interesting!!!! I will send all contestants notice a little bit before I open the folder.... I need at least 2 more people so if anyone knows someone who should enter, please send them to my page!!! I might give a sneak peek of the contestants before the contest...
Update Again
ok well the doctor called me himself today to tell me i had 3 tumors. 2 on the right side of the thyroid and 1 on the left. He wants me to wait six weeks for a biopsy LOL. omg that's crazy
Updating Profile
OK, I did it, I updated my profile. Now I started this almost 2-3 hours ago. You would think it's just and update on how a person is and adding a few things .... well let me fill you in on the adventure that I just went through ~thanks to the powers that be~ For every post to update you have to put in the little code ... well you put in the code and hit submit like a good little FUBARIAN then the communist bouncer moves in for his code ... you then put in his code ... guess what ... all the codes you put in ... GONE ... the commi bastige took it, then you start over. STUPID AZZ ....(insert words here) I'm a sum what smart individual .... everyone has there moments. So I had to figure this much out, so the bouncer wouldn't take my stuff, ~OPEN A FILE~ in word or notepad, something ... paste everything there. Get it in the order you want and then copy and paste into the section your working on. Cause if the bouncer comes back and you put in that code you will loose everything but
The Update
Well things are going good. Me and her broke up...Her loss....Saw an old friends at work today..We are going out this weekend, catch up on everything. Met a girl at work..Can't wait til work..See her again..Wal-Mart isnt a bad place to work. There are nice ppl there. Second job is staring soon. I am going next week or so to go look at a 99 ranger to get. Looking at getting a house..Things are starting to look up finally after years of waiting. I'm not getting shit on by life anymore.
So the Dr came in and seen mom this evening and said (this came from her and she gets a little confused from all the pain meds) something about an ulcer on a bone that was causing all the trouble and that it had healed it self. I dont know how they got all that from an ultra sound, but that is what she said. Her cancer Dr will be in to see her in the morning and then my sister will call me and tell me whats going on. But they told her she would probably be going home (nursing home) tomorrow. So thank you all for your prayers, they are much appreciated. Much love Good night
Updates For 8/27/07
Military Support Pages on Cherry Tap U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy Canadian Armed Forces Personnel Support Pages Support Our Troops HERO SUPPORT Capt. Jack SparrowArmy (97-01)Brother-in-Lawis in ArmyDeployed to IraqVisit his PTSD BlOG ~ Echo Angel ~ Check out herWhen A Soldier Comes Home...21 Pic Salute!! Ok, I know this update took me a long time. I'm sorry for that! But I have some health problems, mainly Serious Mirgraines, to deal with. If you sent me a message to add you & you don't see yourself, You might be in the almost 30 messages I still have to go through. If you want to make sure, please send me another message or wait till t
Update Again
ok, as if anyone reads this....but to get my mind clear every now and then I have to write it all down. We are now about 2 weeks away from moving, we hope. the kids are so excited!! Even our little one who is 4 and has never had a room to himself is telling everyone about his new room! but anyway, back to packing....I am down to just the every day things we need now. the pictures all came down a little bit ago so now the walls are bare....we really need to move now! The kitchen stuff (extra bowls and plates and things) will be going in boxes later after supper. We are set so as soon as we sign the contracts.....I'll keep you all posted (if anyone is keeping up) ~~smooches~~
Update On Wolfeagle's Military Thank You Blog
Military Support Pages on Cherry Tap U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy Canadian Armed Forces Personnel Support Pages Support Our Troops HERO SUPPORT Capt. Jack SparrowArmy (97-01)Brother-in-Lawis in ArmyDeployed to IraqVisit his PTSD BlOG ~ Echo Angel ~ Check out herWhen A Soldier Comes Home...21 Pic Salute!! Ok, I know this update took me a long time. I'm sorry for that! But I have some health problems, mainly Serious Mirgraines, to deal with. If you sent me a message to add you & you don't see yourself, You might be in the almost 30 messages I still have to go through. If you want to make sure, please send me another message or wait till t
Update Fyi
The surgery is scheduled for Sept 10, 2007 @ 10:30 am. Just wanted to let anyone who was concerned know... TB
Updated Profile
ive updated some info in my About me section take a few moments to read it thanks
Just wanted you all to know that I am alive and well, but don't have the internet right now. I will try to check in again soon and hopefully be able to stay longer. Talk to you all soon.
Update On Previous Blog...........
My appointment for the Cardiologist is tomorrow at 2:45...the activity monitor will have to stay on for 3wks instead of 2wks...thats kinda odd..they want to get all the information that they can within this 3wk thats all for now..I will have more once the appointment comes and you guys!:-)
Update On My Mom
Well she went to the specialist today and sadly it is a tumor. She goes the 13th of September for surgery. Because it is so close to her ear and jaw there are critical nerves there that 30 percent of people who have surgery there have some permanant facial paralysis. So please will all of you keep her in your prayer!! Thank you all for your prayers so far!!!
Well tomorrow august 31 at 9 am my daughter finally gets her day in court againt the sob that had her targeted for his sick pleasure. I know if is going to be so frikkin stressful to even be in the same building as him, so hopefully the Judge will let me and my daughter testify in His chambers......but anyhow will post a blog tomorrow to let you all know how it went. Please keep my daughter in your thoughts and prayers during this trying time for her, thank you all very much.
An Update, An Apology, An Excuse
Bush calls Wiccan widow in Nevada FERNLEY, Nev. (AP) - President Bush called a Fernley military widow on Thursday and apologized for her not being invited to a private meeting earlier this week in Reno, when he met briefly with the families of fallen Nevada soldiers. The president's phone call to Roberta Stewart came a day after White House and military officials said her exclusion from Tuesday's meeting was an oversight and not an intentional snub because of her Wiccan faith. "I am happy that I was able to speak with him and hope that now I can truly move forward and close this chapter," Stewart told the Lahontan Valley News. In a written statement issued by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Stewart said Bush "apologized for the exclusion and the error that was made. He said he admired me for my spirit and thanked me for accepting his apology and said that he hoped he would have the opportunity to someday meet me. With regards to her faith, Bush tol
So today I decided to update my profile! Please go read it and tell me what you think!! Thanks, Mysti Love you all~
Update Contest Starts Tommorrow
I have decided since alot have vip already i will allow winner to choose vip or 7 day blast. hope more ladies join its comment left buy people you have leave them. Bingo
Update On Jim
Hi... this is Teri (Jim's daughter) My Dad had his surgery and skin graph today around 10 am. and came home around 2 pm. It seems it was a success!!! they had originally said he'd be in the hospital a few days but they called to tell me to come get him. So... he is all bandaged and swollen and medicated and missing his computer badly. so If you have his number give him a call. Im sure he'd love to talk to you. He is very alert and fine considering he's on pain pills! lol thank you for all your prayers and I'm sure he will be checking his messages sometime this week. Teri
Okay so Wednesday morning my ex and I got into a big fight and he kicked me out. I have only been in Arizona for little over a month now. And thankfully I made a friend cuz if I hadnt I would be on the streets right now. I flew all the way over here from Tennessee to be with someone who I love and thought loved me. I gave up a good job and was close to getting my car. But I was to stupid to realize that I was screwing myself over. Then he pulls this shit. He has a severe drinking problem and to top it off hes a angry drunk. I finally took up for myself and because I did I got kicked out. Im hoping to go back to Tennessee next Sunday. If I had the money I would leave sooner than that. Cuz theres just to many bad memories to stay in Arizona. But thats my update for now...
Update On The Rant...
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I got my problem sorted out today within 25 minutes. All I had to do and tell them I was very close to canceling my service because of how I was treated last night! I wasn't sure how the best way to approach everything today so I asked some people who know more about the inner workings of Sprint and they told me to call "customer service" and tell the automated system cancel. This brings you to a group of people who will process the cancelation, but will first do everything they can to get you to stay with Sprint. The woman I spoke with was very helpful and when she had to pass me along to someone else, she stayed on the line. He tried at one point to transfer me along but she stopped him and told him he did not have to do that. Who ever was charging me is now blocked and I received my money back. I are a happy Chicky. Unfortunately I just signed a new two year contract recently, but I will be thinking twice before re upping again. One thing I did learn is Sprint offe
i now have a keyboard that works so shout away lol
Updates On Bree And Myself
Hi again, I know it has been awhile since I updated you all on how things are going. For Bree, she is finally out of the hospital and the cancer is down to one small spot in her left chest area. They are doing chemo for one more week. Then they will do a CT to check how it is and if it is not in remission they will operate to remove it. Her spirits are very high and she is finally getting back to a normal life. She just recently went to a skating party for a friend. But I found out afterward she wasnt supposed to go "Doctors Orders". So the doctor did get a little upset with my ex over the whole deal, and to be honest so did I. But on the same token I am glad she was able to go out with her friends and have fun. As for me well things are going down hill for me again. I am having complications with my stomach from where I was shot in Iraq back in 2004. The docotors at Bethesda have me scheduled for a whole new round of testing to begin next week. . I have been in and out of th
Update On Julie
This morning (9/1) I recieved a text saying that Julie's lungs had started to fill up with fluid and they put her on some sort of heart machine. Not a good outlook. But then this afternoon we recieved word that Julie had had open heart surgery and a second surgery (don't know what the second was for) and that she had pulled through both of them and her vitals were good. Please keep praying for Julie and her family. It truly means a lot to everyone involved, thank you all so so much.
The friends that matter at this point have made me rethink things...I won't be leaving just yet...i know I must be fickle about arguments that i have with people but i'm a very emotional person with lots of things going on in my life that the "little stuff" between friends is too much to handle sometimes. And for those that need to know what i mean by alot of my plate, i'm not a monster i won't bite just So for now, I'm still here, i didn't leave. Thanks you to those that helped me realize that i can't forsake all my friends for a certian few. j3nn
ok as i sit here i just got home it is 4 am and i am just wanting to update everyone on what is going on with me well right now i am extremely happy i met a guy his name is rick he is 28 and a sweet heart he is a guy that in the long run weather he wants to admit it or not he is proving to me all guys are not the same which is wonderful. here is the think i am trying to guard my heart i dont want to get hurt anytime soon. in the long run i want this to all work out i want to be with him for some time. and for most of you you are thinking is she crazy well here is how my last couple days have gone saturday was suppose to be the first time we hung out he was going to come to work have lunch and what not well he ended up having soemthing he needed to do and i was ok with that so he said he would come get me from work that is cool so i get off and check my messages and he had cold feet he could not do it well for me that is fine i dont give up the first time well he already was headed h
An Update And Where I Have Been
I am sorry all i had to take a break from the site for a while. some of you might have still seen me lurking but not for any length of time. I apologize to the family that i havent been as active as i should have been. I have had issues with the finalization of court for my baby and the visitations. I really wish we didnt have to put the baby through all this he is going to be so scared from this in the long run. He just turned 18 months old on the friday that just passed he ism getting so big. My older 2 boys start back to school on Wednessday morning and i have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything ready. I have one in his last year of middle school and one going into 3rd grade. my partner lost her job due to medical reasons and well we hace been struggling a bit but things are starting to look up a bit more i have a job interview tomorrow afternoon and i hope it get it. We were helping a friend of ours out since her husband had passed last
Update On Stacy
For anyone on here who is a friend of Stacy I want to let you all know that she is doing better now. She has been taken out of the ICU and is expected to come of the ventilator sometime this week. If there are any of you who are not familiar with what has happened let me give a brief description. She was coming home to pack her stuff after work last week when she was hit by another car. Her vehicle was flipped and rolled into the ditch beside the road. No one is sure how long she had laid there because the other driver left the scene. Luckily this happened on a St Rt and cars do frequent the road even at 1 am. When she was found she was taken to Galion Community Hospital where they made sure she was stable and then they flew her to Grant. She has two collapsed lungs, a fractured pelvis, a broken wrist, and a shattered femur. She should be taken out of the drug induced coma today sometime and then taken off the vent this week. We are still in a wait and see situation as of
Update On Mary - Not Good News
This is my friend you for whom you have been bombing. PLEASE read the note from her daughter!!!! Just a short and sad update on my Mom. This morning at 5 am my mother slipped into a coma. The dr's are doing everything they can for her. For those of you that do care please keep her close in your heart and prayers. Talk to her in your mind!!!!!!!!!!!! Let her know how much we all love her and want her back. I have a friend who entered a contest and was taken to the hospital on Friday. She has been battling cancer for 11 years and has been fighting the good fight. None of us know when she might be home again and I think it would be such a wonderful gesture if we could help her win the contest. I wouldn't ask any of you to do this if she was able to do it on her own, but she isn't! At this point, she is trailing by almost 10,000 comments. The contest ends on Sept. 8. If you would be able to help and even ask some of your friends to help, I would be MOST grateful. Thank you in adva
So.... I just got back from Texas today. It's nice to be home and see my grandma and cats and all that but I am missing my Ross like crazy. Alot happened over the last week and a half. To make a long story short I went out to Texas to visit a friend from Fubar and ended up falling in love with him instead and am heading back out there to live in 2-4 weeks. I am rather tired and don't like these bloggy things anyways so iffen anyone wants details that do not already know them, you know how to contact me. :P ♥ Samme
Update On Dream Catcher (mary)
Please read Christina's update on her mother (Mary - Dream Catcher)! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their love and support for my mom. As of 3 pm this afternoon nothing has changed, she is still in the coma, once again thank you so much for the love, support and prayers Love Christina
Update On My Week Of Hell!!
Ok, so the drunk came into my house to goto the bathroom after i let him in! He slept inside after my kids went to school. I took a half day off and came home to watch over the drunk and make sure he was ok. I wasn't enableing him, just looking out for his safety. I had him call a few rehab clinics to get a bed and it took about 5 hours of him falling asleep and calling to finally find one. One catch though, it won't be available till tomorrow morning at 9am. So i have to drive him about 45 mins. to the place. Hopefully this time it will help?! He has been in about 20 diff. times throughout his life and having him here makes my life unmanageable which is why i went to AA to do the 12 steps in the first place. So after tomorrow i will work on my sanity and get back to working on myself. U can't fix anybody who isn't ready in their heart to be fixed. Lesson of a lifetime! We learn from our mistakes. Learn from urs! My only advice! Say a prayer for me and for my friend! Thank-u!
After some discussion I have been talked into having a Contest... So I will be opening a Contest this SUNDAY starting at 6pm Eastern. The name of this contest will be Best Looking Guy; Winning prize has yet to be determine but will be announced before Sunday. So if you would like to enter or know of someone that would, feel free to pass this along. Also I would appricate if you stop by and Rate/Comment on the contest I currently am in. If you have already rated I am so thankful and you are more then welcome to comment some more =)
Update Again
well all is going well with rick and I had a good week hung out at traci's a couple nights spent the night together wednesday was good we went shopping for pants for me that was cool and what not he got a place wednesday in lavista which is cool better then iowa so yeah um lets see what else is happening i work tonight he is moving in to his place kinda today beyond that not to much going on tomrrow i work in the morning and then tomorrow night we have forrest's and brandons bday dinner then they are having a party after um saturday i dont know what we are doing maybe just spend time together i am thinking maybe we should go bowling we will see what he thinks anyway. beyond that monday we went to my aunts house for dinner my dad did not come cuz the drain over flowed so yeah but rick really wants to get my dads apporoval he wants to ask my dad if he can date me in a couple weeks and i told him that my dad is stuck in his ways but he can try we will see what happeneds well anyway i am o
Update To My About Me!
So i've changed my about me a little bit on my site. Check it out! Seems that I get asked alot what i'm looking for in a guy. I'm not actually looking, although they seem to keep finding me. LOL So here goes. Age wise i've always dated older men, although i'm not opposed to dating a man a "few years younger". Looks for one aren't an issue with me. I learned long ago that some of the best looking men are jack asses. I'm all about personality. I love a great sense of humor, honesty & sincerity. Family men are the best. I love a man that can be himself either staying in or going out for the night. I'm an affectionate person so of course they would have to be as well. Hand holding and a reassuring kiss to let you know they care. I'm not into huge displays of public affection. There's a time and place for that. I like a man that is an aggressor yet doesn't mind a female being one as well on occasion. Overall I want someone that is down to earth and enjoys the si
Update On Cardiologist......
Well I was suppose to have an appointment today to go back..they called and resceduled it for Tuesday Sept.11....I will have to have the monitor put back on, and I will have to wear it for 30days/1 month....they have found a murmor and they think that there is a small hole in the right lower side of my heart. They said wearing the monitor for 30days will, give them more information and then the next step is to have an Angiogram(not sure how to spell it and I am not Webster). So I guess now its go to the appointment and wear the stupid thing again for a month...and then go back and see what the deal that is the Hugs all! MUAHZ!:-/
i dont think ill be on here much anymore, its just not much fun too much drama, and too many liars i am on myspace if anyone wants to add me, i dont go on much but im there once in a while or msn messenger ill be logged on here a lot but wont be paying much attention so if you want to be added, let me know your myspace i.d.
Update On My Giveaway
Update 9/7/07
Hey everyone! I know that I had said a couple weeks ago that I was going to try and be online a little more well...things are just absolutely crazy in my life right now. I know you all have heard the saying about NOT going into or doing business with family...that is so true! My husband and my dad went in together to buy a business back in April. Things were going great until a couple weeks ago. My dad and hubby had some disagreements and all and now my dad is no longer working with hubby. Needless to say, I am like in middle of it but I can't take sides. I mean i love both of them and don't want to lose either one of them, but that junk is between them...doesn't involve me at all. Seems that my dad wants to fuss and agrue at me about things and when he just hurts me and my feelings and he won't go and just talk with my hubby..he has to take out his frustration on me! Then my parents have been having problems for years now but it got worse a couple days ago and of
Well I have not been able to update before now because things got very bad after we thought they were getting better. They took her off the ventilator and she was breathing well for a long time, at least 5 or 6 hours. She started to cough after that and stopped breathing altogether. Her heart stopped beating and she was not trying to fight. The doctors fought and got her revived. She has been back on the ventilator since then. Her family is going to move her down to a hospital in Florida possibly as early as next week. No one is sure if she has had any permanent brain damage from her time without oxygen. As a matter of fact no one knows now if she will ever wake up again. She has shown no signs of life in a week now. The person who hit her was found on Monday, thanks to paint scrapping on her car that was found. It turns out it was a juvenile who hit her who was out joyriding in his parents car while they were sleeping. At this time he is being held in Marion a
I don't usually like to post my personal business on the internet, but thought I would give everyone an update since I havent been online or out much...... Sunday,September 9th, it will be the 2 months, since I broke my tib/fib bones in my left leg. Three hours into the first day of our vacation. My boyfriend, myself, and his three kids. While at the pool with the kids, I slipped and fell in a pool that was new to this campground this year. This was a serious injury, the doctor said that the only thing that could have made it worse, is if the bones had actually broke through my skin. Pics of my x-rays are available in my pics, if anyone would like to see what I am going through. I spared everyone the gross pics. I have a metal rod through my tib, a metal plate on my fib, numerous pins & screws, and a very large open wound that had to be graphed from my upper thigh. So I have quite a few lovely scars. And the tattoos on my ankle have been ruined. But thats the least of my worries. D
Update + Major New Sponsor
I can't go too much into details at the moment, but I can say that another company on a major level has accepted Raven's Eggs & Kegs Show and will "Boost Your Day With Energy" that's the only thing I can say at this moment. Logic folks will kind of catch on to what im talking about, but 2 major sponsors are now with the growing Raven's Eggs & Kegs Radio show. Also Sept 22nd, Raven will be taking his show live to L.A Rock Radio and broadcast to over 500,000 listeners. More info on everything can be found out on the eggs and kegs radio website in a few days. Thank you everyone who visited the website, I hit over 1000 in just 3 weeks, Also I have T-Shirts now thanks to The Alley Chicago woth the logo on the back of the shirts. They will be given away on future shows. I thought I'd give a few of you Fubar folks a update since I been away from this site. I will be on time to time to talk to you guys. -Raven
i think i may have found a car. not positive yet. but i swear if i get it and it breaks within 2 weeks im gonna scream hold on i did that last time. i am moving a lot of stuff into the new house tomorrow because my parents have been really awesome. i have almost everything i need now. things are really starting to work out
Some of you might be curious to know. Saturday morning my cousin Ryan was killed in Baghdad. He had called home the weekend before and said something was not right that he knew that it was just to much. First two of his sergeants were killed. He died in gun fire combat. I prayed that he was not scared but I know that he was. I have been crying for so long that my eyeball sockets hurt. I am asking that everyone please pray for the family for strength and for peace. May god now take your soul and rid you of the pain that is living on earth.
Update For The Rwc (rugby World Cup)
This month is when the Southern Hemisphere sides (Australian Wallabies, New Zealand All Blacks, South African Boks) get their chance to take back the Webb Ellis Trophy - The Rugby World Cup. A little history lesson about the RWC: Named after the Rugby Schoolboy who picked up a football and ran with it. The tournament pits the world's rugby teams against each other. Those teams come from different areas of the world with their own competitions. For the North the tournaments are 6 Nations (England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and Wales), The Churchill Cup (Canada, US and 2nd XV sides from the 6 Nations when they tour N America); Southern Hemisphere teams play in the tri-nations (Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa). There are also the South Sea Islands (the feeders to the All Blacks!) which include: Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga. The tournament so far has only thrown up one surprise and that was when England won in 2003. Otherwise it has gone pretty much the way one wou
well everyone I healed up well i return to work on monday the 17
Update On My Dad
Well here's the lastest on my dad.. which is not good .He fell two Fridays ago and we took him to our local hospital they took X-rays and said he was fine just some bruising ... said to follow up at his next VA appt.. well we did. This Friday Sept the 7 we took him to the Va and they examined him he had been retaining fluid and a lot of it I mean he looked like a giraffe with elephants feet ..well they admitted him for premature congested heart failure..(fluid on the heart and lungs) While he was there they decided to run a CT scan on this abdomen and chest well here comes the fall part they called me yesterday and said he had 4 broke ribs and a fractured pelvis..OMG I'm pissed..and they have told us he is now a non weight bearing patient which means wheel chair patient for a while the can't do surgery because the bones are still in place.. the ribs well the just have to heal on there own ..okay then today the cancer docs called me and they say mind you dad has Stage 4 lung cancer th
Well, I wasn't able to go see my cousin but heard that everything's fine right now. That's all I know but thanks to everyone for your concern.
Update On Me!
went to the doctor today and the doctor isnt going to put me in the hospitol just yet but he wants me to see a heart specialist soon for some more tests!!I am still having a lot of problems breathing and feel very week and sick!!I wanted to thank everyone who sent nice comments and bowls of soup ect!!It really made me feel some one out there does reall care about me!!Feeling sick and week has made me kind of down in the dumps but all the nice comments and gifts are really helping!!plz dont give up on me..I am a tough ole bird lol!!thanks again everyone!!edwin
Update On Carla
I Spoke to her today. She wants everyone to know that she misses them and will hopefully be back online within a couple of weeks. She is doing fine but misses all her friends on FUBAR! Thanks for your time. Tracy
Up Date?
Tired, but that is what is expected after you worked all night. Well, after a quick second of thought, i have added some new content to the page. The bugz thing is a couple of pics i setup for someone who works at Yale, I went to HighSchool with. Yes, I went to school with people who got real hard working jobs, or just high paying ones. Well, this guy had a some what black VW. I use that term because from a distance it looked black. When you got up close how ever, the multiple layers of colors had the effect of looking at wet black tar, with a drop of oil in it. Now that was back in 1990, and before he totaled it. Few years later, he got himself a brand New VW bug. From reports it was black, i just hope he learned to drive wile someone else's mouth was full.
I just spoke with Mina a few minutes ago. She is in immense pain and the doctor won't give her any pain medication. She is supposed to be released tomorrow but I don't think that is going to happen. She is supposed to be up and about but she can't even get out of bed. She really needs your prayers and support.
** Update **
Hey guys.... just figured id update you a lil... I moved into a different town and the only time i get to check my shit is when i come back to my parents house... i go and get some surgery done this friday * 9*21*07 * thats really bout all... so hope you guys had a good summer i kno mine was ight ..... LondaLynn
Update On Me Daddy And Out Come So Far
well my dad was diagnosed with cancer last christmas did radiation and everything else and recently we came to find this month that he is fighting it for the second time, he will know more this week but outlook not that great. doc says will prob need surgery, one of two hopefully the least seriouse one, the seriouse one he has to b cut from outside in and clear out the cancer on his tongue in back of throat which he will probobly lose his voice forever as well as have to b fed through a tube for rest of life, as well as have tissue taken from arm to fill where carved. second one same with carved only least likely to lose his voice or have to b fed through tube....JUST THOUGHT WOULD UPDATE THOSE OF U WHO READ MY BLOGS.
Update On My Dr Appt
For those of you that care, although I dont think there are I went to the Dr today. I have to have gall bladder surgery, yep they are taken it out, but before they can do it I have to have an EKG and a stress test done. I have to have Cardiac Clearance before they can proceed. Yes Im a little nervous, its cause of a combination of things...first im overweight, my blood pressure goes up and down plus I have chest pains every once in a while. The Dr says he would rather me go see this other Dr and get it cleared thru him first just to be safe. If I pass the test then they will schedule the surgery if not then I guess they will do something. Anyway thats an update for now.
Update About My Son!!!!please Read
I want to thank all who have offered a kidney to my son..I have tryed to get all information out to all that ask but is very hard to keep up so if I missed you I am sorry...I am posting the information to the transplant unit here so please if you wish to donate use it as I need to be with my son...They will be better at answering all questions you may have as this is a first time for me also. Never dreamed when I had my children something may go wrong but it did and now all I can do is try my best to find my son a kidney...My son seen his doctor today and she is having him admitted back to the hospital tomorrow and then transfered to UCSF..Am not sure and wont know until tomorrow but I was told she is thinking about going ahead and having the doctors to start dialisis...He needs to have it started 1 month pryer to transplant...God bless all of youi that have tryed and to all of you that will find it in your heart to try and give my son the gift of life... Please if you are a possibl
Hey everyone. I am so sorry that I have not been able to be in contact with anyone lately. There are issues right now that I am taking care of and hopefully soon I will be back up and running. Right now I am back in Wilkes Barre for a few days I recieved a phone call last night in regards to my father. He is not doing well at all. His kidneys have shut down he is no longer eating. They sent a priest in yesterday evening to read his last rights. So it is only a matter of time. Thank you to everyone who continues to keep my family and I in their thoughts and prayers. It helps knowing that there are people out there who care. I miss you all and hope that things are well. Hugs and luvs to all of you. Missy
Update On Gift Of Life Needed! More Information!
I want to thank all who have offered a kidney to my son..I have tryed to get all information out to all that ask but is very hard to keep up so if I missed you I am sorry...I am posting the information to the transplant unit here so please if you wish to donate use it as I need to be with my son...They will be better at answering all questions you may have as this is a first time for me also. Never dreamed when I had my children something may go wrong but it did and now all I can do is try my best to find my son a kidney...My son seen his doctor today and she is having him admitted back to the hospital tomorrow and then transfered to UCSF..Am not sure and wont know until tomorrow but I was told she is thinking about going ahead and having the doctors to start dialisis...He needs to have it started 1 month pryer to transplant...God bless all of youi that have tryed and to all of you that will find it in your heart to try and give my son the gift of life... Please if you are a possibl
Just to let everyone know who prayed for my aunt. She is doing alot better. She is home from the hospital on bed rest. Ty everyone Misty
Update #2
Again for those of you who have been asking, let me bore you with the details of an update on my leg. I am sorry I haven't responded to all emails....but here we go. I have been doing my follow up visits with my family doctor as scheduled. They have now put me on Avinza, which is slow release morphine to try and manage the pain or shut me up one. This is added to the vicodin and valium. So, if I should happen to say something totally out of the ordinary, let's go ahead and blame the drugs. It's makes me completely loopy, but it's not touching the pain. Yesterday was my 2nd wound care visit where they did another skin removal surgery. Another terrible, painful day. They said my leg was worse this week than it was last week. So my question to them was, "well, what are you doing wrong, cause I've done everything you've told me to do." Of course I got no answer. On the 25th of this month, my family doctor is sending me to a vascular surgeon. The allergic reaction from the tatt
Hey everyone I decided to let go of the modeling thing. It just takes too much time and I don't have that time to spare. My focus is now on my kids and becoming a Director with my company I work for which is Mary Kay. I look forward to being a mentor for my team members and helping others feel great about themselves. I am going places in my life and it is not in the modeling world.....I would rather be a model for my kids
Up Dates
hi all i have up dated my profile and added new pic so please rate them and give me some love thank you xoxox
Hi everyone! hope everyone is well... i'm doing great..been workin graveyard, but i get paid more to do it lol just wares on me lol feel free to send me messages, comments and rate my pics..i always reply..or try to rather lol wanting to get new friends on my myspace page too..feel free to check me out there: *hugs* miss chatting with you all.. catch ya later lots of love ~cin
i am only tring to be fair in this contest and as i am the one watching over this please email me and not ask me in the shout box im not paying attion to that but anymore questioning this contest i'll get back to u as i can but if you dont like how im doing this drop out but let me know if u are
hey yall i sent you a comment to ur pics on ur rankings so far i'll do it again in the am
Updated For Everyone
Well everyone can we say a lesson learned I do know that I was taking this relationship w michele a bit fast considering she got out of her relationship 2 months back and yes I did say say i have cared about her for 5 months yes she a fucking brat and yes in the heat of the moment you say shit you dont mean and think stuff you shouldnt so what we need to work on is the communcation yes fuck face this means you and if you dont agree I will tell them your real name so cheers to that and thank you to everyone who emailed or instant messaged me and spoke w me all day Hugs to all and ty again
Update On What's Happening With Me
Hey all!!! I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me. I came back to make some changes and if you notice alot of my pictures/albums are gone. I quit stripping in August and Gary has been taking care of me. I'm moving this Sat in with him and then will be looking for a different line of work. I will not be here often because a chapter in my book of life has been closed and since I've fallen in love it's time for me to move on to better things in my life and create a new chapter!!! I won't forget all of you and you all will be a memory of good times I had on (at the time Cherry Tap) Fubar (which I think is a gay name). I'm not closing my account and will try to check in at least once a week. I've been hanging out on and having a great time playing their games!!! (user name Prtyeyes) If you want to say hello, you can e-mail me at For those of you that are single, I hope that you too will find true love like I have. It's a wonderful
Update # 3
Well, today was supposed to be my day off from doctor visits for my leg. But around lunch time, I started feeling really bad and running a temperature of 102. I called and they told me to come on in just to be safe. So, since I can't drive right now, I call my best friend and she takes me over and I end up spending most of the day at the hospital. My leg is very infected and cellulitis has set it. GRRRR. Plus I have dehydrated, so I had to get 2 bags of fluids. As usual, my doctor thought I should be admitted and I begged to come home. I can do basically the same thing here that they can do there and be more comfortable. So after much begging, she decides I can come home with the agreement if my temperature goes up, I will agree to being admitted. I got three shots of antibiotic in the ass. They took more blood, and gave me another shot for pain. SO yayyy for more bruises to add to the ones they gave me Monday. I guess it's pain no gain. All I can say is I shoul
Update To Piedaddy Gets Bitten
To Recap The happening: " Yes even though Im in the computer biz and I help so many people avoid infections and spyware I was just a victim of being ripped off on the internet. Luckily I was up late chatting when I noticed a Email pop on my Yahoo that said my account login information enclosed. I go to read the email and it said 29.99 Euros were deducted from my Paypal account. Sure enough 2 seconds later I get a paypal notice that a transaction took place. Still being wary I didnt click any links in the email and I hand-typed and checked my account. Sure enough the motherfockers took every last penny in my Paypal. If it weren't for the fact the Credit card I used was expired and the bank account was closed that was attached to this paypal account I could have been wiped out. If you have a paypal account always make sure you check your transaction history, and any additions of emails you don't own. Keeping a low credit limit card there is also advisable as well a
hey yall who ever went and deleted comments of the pics consider ur self warned one more bullsith and its closed and ill give gift as i c fir for ppl creating
Update On My Brothers Accident
sorry i havent ben on too much but family matters has taken precedence it has been the hardest time of my life for a long time recently when i got the phone call to say my brother had been in a serious accident i felt like my world had collapsed now - less than 2 weeks later he may be coming home the transition is unbelievable i've lost track of the times my emotions have got the better of me and i have just cried and cried and now for something completely amazing..... he will come away from this with a broken foot and some cuts and bruises the boy is such a fighter i tip my hat to him in total admiration at his determination to recover my little brother ! he's still the luckiest bastard i know........
Updated: Just Some Thoughts
UpDated: Het guys I finally updated my blog, leaving the original just adding to it. Ok, I recieved alot of agreements with it, and like three sugestions, one was open communication, and i did already have it in there. So I will just elaberate on it. Communication is great, open communication is the key. If you can not talk to your partner about something then hoe can you love them. Lets just say this; you can have sex with then, look at them in their most valnerable, weak state, but not be able to talk to them. You can say the three most endoring presious world on earth to the, but can not tell them what is on your mind. Now ladies, this does not mean yell or talk down to them, i know men are hard headed, but it is possable to sit down and talk, most of the time. No not all men, but i think if done right and before it is too late, it can be done. Now, lets continue to add. This is the first and most important thing to say, although i knew it, i forgot to include it. I look back
So just an update, my blood test confirms it I am indeed pregnant and I couldnt be happier!
Update(please Read And Share Me)(expired)
So like it's 2189 to 409 and yes i am the under dogg well come see me anytime... SO BOMBS AWAY...
An Update
I have decided to stay on tap which is now fubar. I'm not going to be on much though because me and my baby are going through some rough times. Hopefully soon we will have it all took care of though. Love ya all. Hugs Trista
So I figured I'd update everyone on what's been going on with me some may not like what i say or disapprove of what i'm about to say but such is my life and I am happy regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. About 3 months ago i got in touch with my cousin whom i have never met or spoke to in all of my 28 yrs of living. His mother was adopted when she was younger after being in foster homes and moved away to Texas. Growing up I knew of her and my cousins but never had the chance to meet or talk to any of them. About 2 1/2 yrs ago I got in touch with my aunt and we communicated online then lost touch till 3 months ago. Then i started talking to my cousin Danny he's been in and out of trouble in Texas and basically the only way for him to stay outta trouble was to move away. I offered that to him mainly cuz i had never met him and wanted the chance to get to know him. We talked every day pretty much all day long quite a few times falling asleep on the phone with each other. We
Update On Glo
She went to her doctor today and got her ct results.They found a mass in her stomach and dont know what it is or what it is from.She has to get further testing done wendsday and maybe go to the ER before then since they said it could be bleeding in her stomach from the wreck.Thats all we know right now we will keep you posted.
Well what can I say. Life is pretty ok for me right now. School's going great I've been taking appointments since the begining of September. So if you live near Omaha, and are in need of some hair assistance lol. Let me know. Come check me out! I love building my clientel and meeting new people. Let's see...what else...Oh yea I've completely given up on relationships at this point. You can only be hurt/screwed over/walked on SO many times before you open your eyes and say "Hmmm something about this isn't right". And I've reached that point. I deserve a hell of a lot better than that, and I've come to the relization that it's not impossible to wait until someone who actually deserves me and all of my awesomeness comes around. ;) Anywho. Besides being super busy with school, I've been staying busy doing the volunteer firefighting and rescue thing. I love it. I have a blast with my department members. A few weeks ago I went to my first structure fire, and got to do a lot. It was such an a
Update # Ass
Mary is not happy right now. I'm sitting in the torture chamber (wound care center), letting them do their thing. Which is remove the top layer of skin. Well today, I couldn't get my normal lala shots, because they were unsure of what procedure the vascular surgeon/doctor was going to do. I did take my slow release morphine which was releasing way too slow for this shit. Anyway, as they were finishing up, my cell phone rings. So, I ask one of the nurses to answer it. Imagine this.....The vascular surgeon was calling to postpone my appointment until Thursday. The nurse wouldn't even give me the phone. My blood pressure was already 212/150 from the pain and she knew if I got on the phone something was gonna explode. So anyway, here I am, back at home, in more pain that I left with....waiting yet again to try to see a doctor that can hopefully give me some relief. Hope y'all have a wonderful day! Mary
Up Date On Alleged Dog Abuser Captured Also Noon news..Please watch the clip on the main page. (Where the play button is). Scroll down to: Juan Daniels Arrested for Dog Beating/Burning
Update(please Read And Share Me)update(expired)
So like it's 3120 to 724 and yes i am the under dogg well come see me anytime... SO BOMBS AWAY...
Well we went to Roswell on Monday.....the good news is that Mandi does not have cancer....they will be watching her closely for a while because of her having the HPV virus.....They want to see her again in 4 months just to keep an eye on things... Now for the even better news....I'm going to be a grandma.....while at Roswell, they determined that Mandi is expecting....This will be my first grandbaby and I couldn't be happier...... Thank you to all of you who supported me through this whole ordeal..... Lots of Love
Update 1
so far my vacation is doin good jus been workin alot since i been here and havin fun when i can.. florida is great.. ill update this a few more times with more detail when i get a lil more time
Update Sept 07
Well not much going on the same old thing here in iraq. was going to be hoe in two weeks for leave but got bumped. mad about it yes I am but thats the army for you. Been keeping my head down had a few close calls and lost some freinds not all of them died most just got sent home injured. To all my freinds out there if you dont hear from me in a while I am sorry but sometimes I get busy and cant get online. got to go lots of love to all
Updated 9/28/2007
PLEASE just take a moment of your time to read this. These ANIMALS are being TORTURED and SLAUGHTERED every year Between October and March. Some are on the ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST. Do you CARE ENOUGH to sign a petition against it?? Dolphins ARE VERY SMART they are in the 2nd or 3rd Position on Intelligence rating,Right at the top with Primates and Humans. Humans take the #1 Spot. If were so Intelligent WHY would we allow this to CONTINUE and lose an entire species? They are NOT FISH ...They Are MAMMALS. Please Go watch this Video Link First and check out this study and then watch the Videos below and see what is happening to these animals. Here is the Story...Not as Graphic as the next Video but Very Informative. The Next Video is VERY GRAPHIC. If you dont want to watch at least please listen to what is happening and click on the link below and please go add your name to the petitition to let the Japanese Govern
So, I know I haven't been on as much as I was in the past. I've kind of tried to cut my online time down a bit. I needed to find a happy medium between family, Nick, my art, and the numerous other things that seem to want my attention :) I haven't forgotten about any of dear friends...I miss ya and that's why I've been trying to leave ya comments at least twice a day. Now, things are going much better on this end...though I'm only on 3 days a week at work, that's how my doc wanted it--wanted me starting off slow and not jumping back into a full 4 days. Usually the days off are spent cleaning and trying to organize stuff that has needed organizing for quite some time. Oh yes, until I get my VIP back...which hopefully will be artwork can only be seen at my deviant art site PUNKY'S DEVIATIONS because it seems I can't upload anymore photos here until I reaquire my VIP...boy that month off sure caused me a royal pain in the Oh yes, if
Just a couple more weeks and I'll be back regularly. It's been a while and I miss all my friends and fam, but things are good for me once again and I am in a happy place. See you all soon Peace and love
Update Vrsn Of The Ex Files
After dating someone for two and a half years, you learn more about them. Aaron always seemed perfect to me. Born in March 1982, he stands five feet and ten inches tall with brown eyes and black, curly hair. Weighing 175 pounds, he is athletically built. He always fit just right in my arms. Over time, things changed. We had a son and moved in together. That’s when Aaron changed. After two years together, I finally saw three quirks that drove me up the wall. He was a perfectionist, extremely messy and a procrastinator. It makes me wonder how we stayed together for so long. I use to think Aaron was absolute. He could do no wrong in my eyes. Now I see plenty of things that make me take a step back and really look. For example, I never knew it could take a man an hour to get ready to go to Wal-Mart. That hour includes a lengthy, boiling hot shower, fixing his hair, and going through numerous outfits. I never understood why he fixed his hair. He always wore a beanie everywhere he went.
Update From Cardiologist........
Well had the appointment this morning..there is good news and there is bad news...the good news is they are going to put me on some medication for about a see if they can control the irregular beats...I will be on the medication for about a month...if this medication doesnt work they are going to have to operate and put in a defibulator...the defibulator will control the beats and make them regular...I will go back to the Dr for an appointment on October 30th to see if the meds are working, they will do another EKG...if the medicine fails to do what it needs to do, then I will go and have the operation. Just wanted to give everyone and update..Hope everyone is having an Awesome all you guys!Muahz!:-)
Update To Venting
I am still so lost. Right now I am feeling numb. Almost like heartbreak....I dont understand anything although I am trying. Seems like since last night around 9 till now I have been breaking down crying. I was sitting here thinking in the past, seems like any relationship I have been in on my birthday seems to turn to shit. I dont want this relationship to turn bad. But I am scared that I am not that strong. Back and forth and time apart like this is too difficult on me. My ticket back to the states isnt till November 29. Sure there is 2 months, but this is going to be so difficult. I know I am probably not making too much sense, my mind is wondering in a million places seems like I cant concentrate on much today. I am thinking about trying to put my walls back up, but how do you build walls when you live with that person. I dont want to block him out, I love him way too much. I just want to block the pain of thinking that I cant go through this again. Last time leaving for three month
Update From Last Nite
i was woke up at 8 am this morning and told i have to be out ASAP. i am so ready to jus lie down curl up and die
hey guys i am writting this to give you all updates about the baby. I went to the dr on tuesday and the baby has a strong heart beat and is moving alot. it hurts when the baby hurts but that is to be expected they tell me. My back is the one that is going to suffer the most at the end but it will be worth it i guess. in case you all did not know i have a torn disc in my back they can not fix it. I am told that if they try to fix it it may paralise me so i said just leave it i will do other things to deal with the pain. but back to the baby. the ultra sound tecnation said that she was 98% sure it was going to be a girl so we picked out the name HAILIE ISABELLE HICKS.
Myself and a group of other soldiers are trying to buy a satellite internet system so that we can have consistent contact with friends and family back home. It's been difficult so far to find business who sell it over here. That is until yesterday when I made contacts with several companies. Now it's just a matter of determining which company we want to go with. Some seem more reputable than others, but are more expensive. The price you pay for trust I guess. Weather continues to cool off a little here. This morning it even felt chilly outside. For those of you who are thinking of sending me care packages, I've been trying to bulk up, so powdered protein drinks would be nice :) I've already increased my max bench press by 20% :D Take care everyone!
Update On Leg # Idk
Yesterday was my appointment with the vascular surgeon. He has decided that I need to see a plastic surgeon to put some artificial skin over the area. My answer to him....not gonna happen. Why would you put artificial skin over an area that you can't stop infection in? Two doctors have already said that nothing is going to grow there until they can figure out what the actual problem is. Anyway, I am taking matters into my own hands. Now waiting for phone calls from 3 different doctors. I mean somebody has got to do something. I spent all day yesterday crying and am feeling myself slipping deeper and deeper into this depression thing. This is not the life I normally live and it is driving me insane. I have tried everything the doctors have told me to try plus some and right now I am basically at my wits end. I am apologizing to you now because I am not myself. I am not very talkative and I do go off the bitch end quiet quickly, but I am in a level of pain right now that I
in case you didnt read my other blogs, the last one was a weird dream i had and also once again if you have myspace, and you would like to add me
Update - Good News!
My dad is fine. He ended up with a quadruple bypass on his heart. He is doing very well. I won't be on a lot over the weekend as my daughter is home for a visit. I'll also be going back and forth to the hospital the next 4 days or so. I'll try to check in now and then.
Update On My Nipples Lmao
so i got them done eariler today and holy shit! was that painful but they look so hot i cant wait till they heal!!
Update For My Friends And Family
This is just an update to my family and friends.......My computer is not working do to some conflict when I tried to install my digital camera on it....So I wantd all my friends to know for the next few days I am using my brothers slower p.c......I am having it taken in on MOnday and I should have it back sometime this week....I just wanted to say please bare with me, and I will come by your pages soon, and show the FUBAR love........Thankyou all for your love, patience and support. hugggzzz & smiles, Leah
Updated.. Last One
a> THE FUBAR HOUSE PARTY AT HYDAWAY RADIO DJ STITCH DJ Stitch Only @ Hydaway Radio. so come in and say hi!! Just click the banner
if you have myspace and want to add me my new lounge bored with nothing to do is open in case you want to join my arm is healing, its pretty ugly but healing i forgot what else i wanted to say lol
Not much going on. I went to see Bucky earlier this month at the House of Blues. The HOB did not allow cameras, so no concert shots. I did get one pic at the meet and greet and a few outside after the show. My new job is going great. I have been running my own store since July and it is going well. I am getting lots of compliments from my company about the improvement in my store's condition since I took over. My daughter started 3rd grade and is reading on a 5th grade level and doing exceptionally well in all subjects. My son started 9th grade and is doing much better than last year. We are so proud of both of them. Anyway, that's all for now.
An Update.
Well. This semester has been off to a crappy start- honestly. I'm only passing 1 class currently. That's not good at all. If I fail this semester - I'm taking next semester off. I'm so fucking burned out right now that my motivation to finish school is waning. Sorry I haven't been around - I've been trying to hold school together. I miss you all. Take care - and I'll see you around. Hopefully. ♥
Update To My Life
Okay today October 1,2007 is just a quick update... Chris and I are still together trying to work things out but we are no longer engaged. Our kids are doing great Jacob started Kindergarten and the girls are starting to crawl Allison is pulling herself up and doing well...Alana has 2 teeth and is just now starting to get onto her knees. Hope all is well with everyone else! HUGS!
Update Fyi
Just for those who don't know...I am without a laptop for the time bein so I'm mobile online and can't respond to shouts. I'm not ignorin anyone :). I can leave comments but if u got yahoo msgr u can hit me up there at lisalaw271978 or u can email me which goes directly to my phone at I feel useless without bein able to show my love to u all and to my true friends here but children break things at times and my laptop was the target this time around. Love u all.
Update On Me..!!!!!!
Hi everyone just wanted to give ya'll a quick update on me.... lol... Again didnt want any of you to feel I was ignoring you ..... I been out of the hospital for 6 days.. after the loooooooong 12 days I was just in for.. ugh!!! Things seem to have gotten worse with me. been going ot the hospital like every other day now.. Just waiting to get the o.k. to ship me down to Boston... I believe I will be at TUFTS Medical center in Boston where they will be doing a blodd transfusion... I could be up In Boston Docs said possible up tp 2-3 weeks.... :UGH!!!!! Not looking forward to that.... Still in lots of chronic body pain and stomach pain losing more wait... couldnt even hold a hot chocolate down... lol... Go figure... But just wanted to keep everyone updayed.. my fatigue level is at its all time worse.... I have no energy at all with this worst flare up I am having .... But I pray it will get better.... Please keep me in thought and mind... :) luv you all!!!! :-D :-)
Update Bombing
thank you all for your help the vip you all helped me get is going to our home page keep up the great work XOXO~ peach~ ALSO THIS IS THE MAIN ONE WE ARE BOMBING RIGHT NOW SO TRY TO KEEP BOMBERS THERE REMIND EACH OTHER AND WORK AS A TEAM ~PEACH~ -------------------- King is just getting started..needs 14,500 to get his VIP ---------------------------- mp3 music | Fergie MP3s
well at 5 tonight my brother-in-law brought puppy in to see the vet, and right away I started to cry but the I went in with him and together we waited for the vet to come in. She came in and after talking to her we decided to run some more test (most blood work) afterwards we found out that puppy did in fact suffer from a stroke HOWEVER some of the blood work looked promising. So after talking it with the vet and deciding that perhaps a little more time and some new medicine would be worth a try. But my brother-in-law stated if she isnt any better within the next week he is going to put her down reguardless. So just to let everyone know puppy has got a second chance for about a week!
hey all! hope everyone else is having a good time, i am! my life is going the way i want it so far, hope it keeps up! my friend on here got me into some new music and at first i was like i dunno but now shes got me hooked lol! heres a list of some of the bands shes got me into: Lacuna Coil Within Temptation The Used Tigers Army Echoes of Enerity just to name a few lol, i just got within temptation's cd today and loved it! next i am going to get the used, now i will go so plz comment and rate please thank you!
Update On John Force
John remains in Dallas hospital while Ashley awaits team decision Compiled and written by the staff and Force Racing P.R.10/2/2007 Latest medical updates on 14-time NHRA champ John Force, who suffered serious injuries in a crash Sept. 23 at Texas Motorplex.Tuesday, Oct. 2, 10 a.m. CT: John Force's stay in the Dallas area might be longer than originally planned as the 14-time champion is now considering staying at Baylor University Medical Center throughout his rehabilitation process. Meanwhile, Force's race team is scrambling to upgrade the chassis' used by remaining drivers Robert Hight and Ashley Force in time for this weekend's race in Richmond, Va. Force has been in discussions with his doctors and family members to determine the best course of action for his ongoing recovery from his scary, high-speed accident nine days ago at the Texas Motorplex. Force suffered a broken left ankle, a severe laceration to his right knee, a dislocated left wrist, and a bevy of inj
Update On Me
Well hello friendly readers! Well, it's been a long time since I've last wrote one of these blogs. The last time I had been pondering on one of lifes MANY questions. Still, I have no answers to it. But, the good news is I have wiped my hands clean of what I call the "Problem People". And am glad to say my life IS easier! But, to update those who HAVE missed me. I have been away for nearly four months healing from surgery. I had nose work done and it had made me looking like I was assulted with a bat. But, am doing well now, and am also glad to inform all of you I can FINALLY breathe! But, I am now in a new place in the living and in my spot in life as well! But, to tell you the truth I am feeling extemely happy for tossing away the garbage that was making my life dull. But, in doing so I will never forget what I had to face in order to be here so to speak. To those who are reading know who you are and I'm pleased to say...I'm happier with you GONE and out of my li
Update On My Sis Mina
Hey everyone, Just want to give you all an update on our dear friend Mina. She went to the doctor on Monday and she needs just a little more bed rest and will be back on line very soon so don't forget her!!! Her page is in the process of being rebuilt. So ignore pics that are being uploaded if you've already rated them. I want to thank all of you for keeping the comments coming and the gifts and the well wishes. She loves you all and will be back in full force soon!!!!! I love my sis!!! Mindy/Mina Bloody Kisses
An Update On The Move
We are in Illinos now and doing good. We are hoping to get up on our feet very soon and be self suficante. Any way, we hope everyone is doing good and let me know what's going on. *Hugs* Trista
Updates And A Friday Full Of Danza Jokes
Updates and a Friday full of Danza Jokes 5:21pm Friday October 5th 2007 The day has been a hot one here in Ohio, I was planning out this Blog all day today, and it has literally taken me Hours just to sit down and get this wrote out. Trust m this is a sad scenario due to there not really being much on my plate to do today. I guess technically my day today started early this morning, or Late last night, Depends if you are one of those Glass is half empty or Half full type person. I kicked back and checked out my newest DVD, "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer". I have to go on record and state that my friend Obi Webb was right, this one was better than the first, and Kids, I tell you, I Loved the First one. Eventually I did make my way to the land of the R.E.M. (Rapid eye Movement not the Band) I awoke this morning to a call from the Ex-Wife (Jennifer) with a further update on her father (Mike Market). To those who have been following this trage
So, it has been awhile since I have done this. Broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years, we are still friends though which is cool. Still playing ball, now indoor. The rent to my place was getting crazy so moved out, so was looking to get out. A friend introduced me to her friend who needed a roommate. I have now moved. She is a cool chick, another volleyball player and have been pretty much partying. Thats where I have been. Sorry to those who have been wondering where I have been.
For those of you who actually check this. I am still not online. A lot has been going on in my life as of late, not the least of which was my mother passing away. I'm not sure when I'll manage to come back online for any real length of time. Just know I haven't forgotten anyone, I've just got a full plate. Hopefully things are going well for the rest of you :)
yes i know alot of you have been leaving me comments my wireless card went out of my laptop and the pc on this boat sucks its a dell and is slow as hell we rely on a cingular wireless card to get signal and when im down on the lower mississippi like this trip we dont have good signal (just ask becky ) the phone service sucks .
740$ scratch thanks to some drunken idiot that thought it would be funny to key my truck. my kids thank you for taking money that could have been used for them.
ok we still dont much more then we did we r thinkin of gettin a second opinion tomorrow , they said if its still swollen in a week they will start test , but it gets bigger every day and now is red and brusied looking ..i wish i had more to tell u all and thank u all for the prayers me nad my sisters appericate it all
ok we still dont much more then we did we r thinkin of gettin a second opinion tomorrow , they said if its still swollen in a week they will start test , but it gets bigger every day and now is red and brusied looking ..i wish i had more to tell u all and thank u all for the prayers me nad my sisters appericate it all
Update On Renate
I received this a couple of days ago from Sabrina, Renate's daughter as posted to her Yahoo groups ... Hello my dears!!! Just a short update to let you all know that mom made it through her operation very well!!!!!!!!11 We just came back about 2 hours ago:) She is still tired but she already had appetite and wanted to have some cake for dinner! LOL She is sooo relieved that the op was a good one and that the tumour is out of her body now and of course that the pain is gone:) I`d like to say a HUGE thank you to all of you! I have no words for what all your support and thoughts and prayers mean to me and my family! I sooo appreciate all of you! you are all fabulous! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for doing this for my mom I wish you all a fantastic evening my friends! I love you all so much! Much love and lots of smiles Sabrina From Renate, husband Dieter and Sabrina as well as myself and all her friends ... we thank you so very, very much for
Update On Two Of Our Angels....
Update On My Mom....................
Well if you read my last blog you know that my mom has been sick for going on 2 wks now, well she went for a chest X-ray yesterday and went to the doctor this morning...the mass is still on her right lung..the antibiotics and decongestants didnt work, the doctor seems to think that it is the beginning stages of lung cancer...she goes for a CT on her chest in the for now this is all I know. I am going with her in the morning to get the CT....The doctor is about 75%-80% sure that it is the beginning stages of lung cancer...all we can do now is see how has gone and will go...and find out the treatment processes...So just keep her in your prayers...and hope all goes well..Love you guys!:-(
ok still not sure of whats going on with kayliegh, we r tryin to get the money to take her to the childerns hospital,bc we r tried of being put off here bc we have a state medicalcard plus on top of it her grandma had a heartattack today, shes doing ok but the stress is getting to us all thanks for all ur prayers and support.. much love to u all
Update On Me (in Case Anyone Cares...)
First off, I'm majorly sorry about any and all unreturned messages. I rarely come to this site anymore, and even when I do it's set up so terribly I can't even click half the things anymore. Some of you know about the family situation, which is still an ongoing thing. I've been pretty sick lately and I'm just focusing on getting better right now and trying to not spread myself so thin. To steal from Peter Pan, I'm trying to sew my shadow back onto myself. In happier news, I'm seeing Rilo Kiley on the 13th, yaaay! So in closing, thanks for the messages (and birthday greetings!) I hope you ace people are doing well. Happy October!
Update On My Resolutions
ok here is an update on how my resolutions are going so far. Ok lets see... "1. Quit smoking cigarettes for good. (okay okay... this one should be relatively easy. As long as my friends don't offer me any when I am hanging out and I just gave my last pack to a friend who needed them.)" still smoke free... I told my boyfriend I was quitting smoking before we started dating and now he will not let me have any cigarettes. So still smoke free. "2. Get in shape. (from my pictures I know I look like a skinny girl, but I am not toned like I used to be. So I am not getting in shape to lose weight, but in fact to tone up.) I have been going to the gym once a week. I feel that my muscles are getting stronger. I think I may start incorporating a stretching routine on days I can't hit the gym. or in the morning before I go to work. "3. Pay off credit card debt. (I have a bad shopping habit...*hides bags from the mall trip today*, but I can't help it. It is addicting.)"
well as u all may already know my sister is going through some hard tiems right now and needs all our support as she has just lost her father im asking for u all to go show her your deepest prayers and love Final update in my blog RIP John Keegan 10-10-07~Spicy Angel ~Big Girls Don't Cry@ fubar
check out the new profile! - rate if you havent!
Hey guys I figured Id give you an update on how things are going. Ive been doing pretty good just getting used to the fact that Grandma Jane isnt here anymore with us physically. I heard the song I can Only Imagine on the radio the other day and started to cry because I automatically pictured Grandma Jane meeting Jesus in Heaven. Mom rushed the other morning thinking she had to go and take care of Grandma Jane and My sis got up early thinking she had to take her to her doctors appointment, its still going to take time for all of us to realize thats shes with her new family now. Its going to be tough for a while but I know we will get through it. Im basically just working at Labinal still and am enjoying it for the most part. Im still going to Crossroads Baptist Church here in Pryor and having been in a few weeks with stuff going on but Im going this Sunday I need to be fed spiritually and I miss the worship as well. Im now working out and have a membership through my company with the r
******* HAPPY HOUR GIVEAWAY / CONTEST PLUS MORE / ALL OUT WAR ******* Im going to be hosting yet another contest: The Rules: WE ONLY NEED 3 MORE PEOPLE TILL CONTEST STARTS This is a comment bombing contest ****FYI: Absolutely NO blasting or scripting. (these are the easiest to pick out and will be monitored. Violators will be disqualified without notice)**** SELF-BOMBING IS ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED A minimum of 20 entries will be needed (No NSFW pics) The first to 80,000 comments wins a Happy Hour After the Happy Hour is won that contestant will be removed and the remaining contestants will battle for the next prize The next to reach 55,000 comments will receive a 30-day blast If there is more than one over 55,000 then the one with the most over 55,000 will take home the 30-day blast The others over 55,000 will take the next prize down (1-month VIP OR 7-day Blast) which of those only 2 exist The minimum for either of the 2 7-day blasts requires 45,0
My son called this morning he is okay!!!!! Just want to say a big thank you to everyone who prayed for him, it helped keep me going all day.
well everything went well yesterday, they found a few things that shouldnt be there, took tissue to look at, they said that if I do not hear anything by next week then everything went fine. I do have to left but those have to wait till I am all healed up from this one. So when I know more I will let you all know. Thank you. ~COPE~
Update On Watz Goin On
hey ya'll ...haven't been around much but just to let ya know been going another round with the docs. doing spinal epi's to try and gain some sort of relief from constant far ain't cutting it lol. start on some water therapy tomorrow also yaaaaaaaahhh . hope something good comes from all this bs but not having an overwhelming spurt of faith in any of it . well thats it in a nutshell ....hope you all are doing well and i'll be in and out as i can..... later ya'll
Up Date
i had the op on monday the 15th had a spinal block was awake thru the op pretty wierd feeling was told the knee was chewed up pretty bad and the next op will be the big one a total knee replacement so i will find out abt the next week when i see the dr post op so will keep u posted abt that one well i must rest now the knee is giving me a bit of pain atm so i seem to be resting heaps bye for now
Update On Cousin John
he has 2 ribs that are unbroken, the rest are. his sturm (sp) is broken as well... he is in a medicated coma. I can't see him till he is out of the ICU, or i'll have a break down. it won't be for a long time. he doesn't know what has happened, so for all he knows Barbra is just laying in bed with him. no one is allowed to talk about what happened.
so, i'm tired, bored and out of weed, i have money, yet no weed. what is this world coming to? i'mma go scrape a pipe and hope for the best. assalamaleka(sp) and praise be to allah. there's your update.
Updated News
Well....been a longass time since been on cherrytap, or Fubar as its now called. Anyhow. A lot has happend, and for the sake of a long story wont go into great detail. Was arrested. ended up with probation for 3 years. Found a Master, who serve faithfully, and under His service. Just waiting on His return ( from Iraq) to place his collar on me. Though that doesn't mean He doesn't own me, i am His completly and couldn't be happier for it. So...think thats all in a nutshell. Wanna know more..just ask pup.
Update, October 19
Mmmm, sorry folks I haven't been around much. I've been busy with stuff lately, trying to find a job and all, so I really haven't spent much time putzing around here like usual. (Okay, that sounds really lame, but that's the best I can offer up.) I am, however, going to clean out some of my photos in the next few days...I thought I'd give fair warning, if anyone's really that interested in them. Anything with two or fewer comments will pretty much be up for consideration for removal. If you wanna copy them or save 'em or rip 'em or whatever, knock yourselves out! Anyway, I hope you're all ("y'all," to my Texan friends,) having a good time here, keep chillin'!
Update On Dad 4 Any Who Give A Rip....
Dad has lung cancer that has spread to bones and several other places (He is 61 years old)...It can't be cured, they can only treat the pain with meds and radiation then give him chemo to stop it from spreading more. We are going to need God's help so any of you who can spare a minute to say a prayer that God's will be done I would appreciate it...if you could also ask for some pain relief for my dad (Darwin) that would be appreciated as well. He is being admitted to the hospital for further tests and IV pain medicines right now.... So please know that I do appreciate all my friends but I can't be here a lot right now....Thank you in advance for your prayers and good wishes....Love u all Laurie
well everyone as of 730pm eastern i have been doing good thanks to everyone that has helped out this far on link #1 i have 4317 comments, on link #2, i have 1325 comments, so the total towards the grand total of 140,000 for the package i am aiming for is: 5642 :D only 134,358 to go in 15.5 weeks keep up the good work everyone i appreciate it link # 1 link #2 so come on and help me out and bring me closer to winning the package, you know your all dying to see a cat up there sponsoring a happy hour :D
Update On Laci! Great News! Keep The Prayers Coming!!
When I saw Laci today it was amazing! She was so happy to see me and I loved holding her! Gosh have I missed her in the 24 hours she has been away. Thursday when the Doc examined her, she just had a tiny bit of feeling in her left leg.. outer toe. Today when he checked again.. He squeezed her little toes and she yanked away and turned and looked at him! I was so happy to see that!! She is getting some feeling back! I am to do some physical therapy exercises with her every day and continue to give her medication, and with any luck... my babygirl just may walk again. I know it will take time.. it won't happen over night. But her vet and I are hopeful that it could happen. I am very thankful she was so spunky today, just like herself.. only her back legs & bladder aren't working well but getting the feeling back is WONDERFUL news! It will take alot of hard work & patience but I will take good care of my girl. I can't wait to bring her home! I uploaded 4 new pics of our visit today,
Update Since I Haven't Been On Much
I received an email asking where I have been. It came from the fubar staff so I know that not many people on here miss me. I have been busy with real life. Spending time with my son and learning how to laugh again. Working on my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Going out on a couple of dates from time to time. And looking for a job that I can be happy with. I finally found a job. Customer Service Rep at Musician's Friend. I start training Monday and am looking forward to it very much. I finally found a job that allows me to work with one of my true passions: music! I want to take this as far as I can! I may not be on here very much but if you send me a message, I will get it. I will respond whenever I come back so don't think I have forgotten you. Hope everyone is doing well. Catch ya all on the flip side!
Well, everything is getting back to normal in our life. Bob did his steroids to stop his attack and now starts meds (shots) every other day for what could be the rest of his life. We're strong and I know no man whos stronger than him so Im sure everything will be ok. I wanna thank all my girls who have been there for us thru this all. Having someone to talk to has really made this easier. I love you all and a big MUAH!!! to every last one of you.
Update 2
Well test results came back all of them, everything looks fine exept my hormon level is way off, making my body thinking its prego, lol, and my overies are the size of golf balls. so I now have to go to a ob-gyn next week. I want a new body, lol, just kidding. at least I feel better. I let you know what the new doc say's.
Update On Last Fu Standing
I got enough users already so i am posting the Last Fu standing now. There are 2 places you can cast your vote...Here or on the Fu-Friends Website Good luck everyone.  & 
Update On Fires
Here I am in Rancho Santa Fe in San Diego County with my friend, Ellen, that I've known since 6 years old... the fires got worse during the night, the winds picked up much worse and quicker than they anticipated, and now whole communities are evacuating all around us. We have been on phones for 2 hours (it's now 6am) calling friends and family to see what we can do. Ellen and her husband Bill are packed up with important things to take, and Im here to help with them and neighbors...this fire might be worse than the one 4 years aggo, right to the week that burned so much of Los Angeles down to San Diego. We can hardly breathe even inside with the smoke being blown this way. Winds have been gusting up to 100 mph in areas and at times pushing flames across highways and such. Not sure how Im getting back up to Anaheim an hour north of here later on today. But I'm here with friends and helping, that's the important thing to me.
Update For 10/22
i was busy much of the day all for nothing as it seems but here are todays standings for yours truely link #1 has 7662 and #2 has 3666 for a total of 11328 thanks everyone for helping and keep up the awesome job, don't be shy and drop by either one :D link #1 link #2
I am changing the way people can vote on Last Fu standing. This will let you vote 3 people instead of 1. If you wanna change your vote(s) at the bottom of the poll you can change it. Give me a few min to have it updated.
Updated Contest List As Of 10/23/07
CURRENT FAMILY CONTESTS Ashley - Salute Contest Ends Oct. 31 Wraithking Contest begins Oct.17 Ends Oct. 31 Evil Angel - Members as Kids Contest Ends Oct. 31 ">tx paintball man - needs 50K in comments in 8 weeks for a HH PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CONTEST GUIDELINES AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. IF YOU ARE IN A CONTEST AND IT IS NOT ON HERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
Update For 10/23
well a week has gone bu and so far so good, keep up the good work everyone link 1 has 8616 comments while link 2 has 4300 :D awesome job everyone we have now a total of 12916 i think by this time tomorrow we will be 10% there :D. keep up the awesome work everyone, this kitteh is proud of you all that are helping. here are the links again #1 #2
Thanks to all those who expressed support during my financial hour of need. I think I may have averted the crisis... if I'm lucky. Because no one helped, all my NSFW pics will be set to private. and don't ask me to rate anything or comment bomb. Have a nice day.
It is over....... I appreciate your help.... and it was fun. I did talk to some I hadn't much before. I also realized I will not do this again. It takes too much time! Steak@ fubar He came by several times to help me with my contest! Thanks a bunch!! ®!!!§ÑÎPËR!!!©**FUBAR HUBBY& R/L B/F TO** ~♥Night~Vixen♥~@ fubar txmom of 5~Sweet Peach Bombers~~Club Far~~Conferedrate Bombers and a Fusista's@ fubar Johnnie Chimpo@ fubar JENN@ fubar ~AradiaDawn~This Is the Story of a Girl...~@ fubar PlayRoy©@ fubar he made the pic I used in the contest and voted some as well! Fireant %Club Fantasia Dancer%@ fubar she came by and voted some while in her own contest... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~And I need some music!!! It might make you dance... or make ya smile... lol
Updates On My Cleaning Of List Here
I will be cleaning up my friends list.. to start off with I am removing all friends.. I will be going to my fans list and readding friends from there. If you are my fan you will be getting a friend request and at that time i will make sure i have you fanned and rated has well. I know this may piss a few of you off but hey this is my page do what you gotta do.. to those of you that stay thanks and lots of love. keep in mind i have 15,000+ fans it may be a few days before you see my request in your box again but you will get it if your on my fan list Update for today.. Wednesday~~~~~ Im out of Friend requests for the day. I will pick back up where i left off tomorrow. going to do some cleaning in my stash now. thanks for being understanding of my cleaning today. kisses
Update For 10/24
here are todays results link #1 has 9346 comments and link #2 has 4820 for a total of 14166 we have reached the 10% point keep up the awesome work everyone :D right now as it stands we have raised $28.32 twards my package :D here are the links again #1 #2
Update On Just Shizzle
They moved him to a nursing home rehab center so he can take the rest of his antibiotics. He's supposed to be coming home next Thursday if not sooner depending on how much more they make him mad. He sends his love and asks for everyone to keep him in their prayers. For those who don't know Just Shizzle here's the link for his page and make sure to leave lots of love. †ℑUST♥SHIZZLE†@FUBAR*TRISTAS*NIZZLE ¤11thDIMENTION¤¯♥CHARMED VISIONS SECURITY♥(F.a.R)♥(ŠIK)♥(n.W.o)♥@ fubar Hugs Trista
Update On My Cleaning Of List Here
I will be cleaning up my friends list.. to start off with I am removing all friends.. I will be going to my fans list and readding friends from there. If you are my fan you will be getting a friend request and at that time i will make sure i have you fanned and rated has well. I know this may piss a few of you off but hey this is my page do what you gotta do.. to those of you that stay thanks and lots of love. keep in mind i have 15,000+ fans it may be a few days before you see my request in your box again but you will get it if your on my fan list Update for today.. Wednesday~~~~~ Im out of Friend requests for the day. I will pick back up where i left off tomorrow. going to do some cleaning in my stash now. thanks for being understanding of my cleaning today. kisses Thursday update~~~~ today I got thru to fan# 14041 in that area. I did start at the end yesterday with readding. I will start again tomorrow
Update For 10/25
todays results are as follows #1 has 11022 and #2 has 5112 for a total of 16134. keep up the awesome work everyone, i am thinking of doing a daily prize thing, something like the amount of daily comments + a gift not sure yet on what should the stats be, so for right now drop 500 comments and get 500 fubucks anyone??? here are the links again good job everyone :D #1 #2
Update On Niece
On Wed. Oct. 24, Rachiel was taken to the hospital because she was getting sick and running a fever. The Dr. decided to keep her because of the risk of stroke. On Fri. Oct. 26, the Dr. thought it best that she begin to induce Rachiel. Early Sat. morning, 2:34am to be exact, little Eva was born. She weighs less than 2lbs 13oz, and is 16 1/4in long, she came into this world trying, but just didn't have the strength and passed 42 min later. Pictures and video were taken, of course, but i'm sure that most of them will not be seen by anyone other than Rachiel, her mother, and other very close friends and family. As of 9am, Oct. 27, Rachiel was still holding little Eva, and probably will until the hospital staff has to take her away. It's always hard to lose someone, and Rachiel will need all the love and support she can get from her family and friends. Me and my family thank everyone for your thoughts during this very trying time. I'm not a religious person, but I know that someo
Update Time
Ok i realized i had forgoten to mention this in my last post (brain fart) The school im going to is an exlerated program which means each phase or class is three weeks.Haveing cleared that up i just finished my first class which was basic automotive engines which you have to take no matter what your going for.I did really well i didnt get the SOC award i wanted i missed it by a hair but thats ok i have plenty of coures left in which to do it.My next class is truck brakes IE. Air Brakes this class makes me a wee bit edgey as i have never messed with are brakes but i know ill be fine i mean come on it has to deal with the auto world and i am a major gear head lol.On the baby front everyone has been wondering whats going on well heather is at 1 centameter so it has begun but the way things look he will more than likely be a hallowen baby which is fine ill keep everyone posted as best i can. laterz for now
For those who may have noticed Last Fu standing wasn't updated lastnight. It was updated this morning. The following player was eliminated this morning: FEMALE VUDOO @ 0.00% I would like to thank you for playing and hope you had a good time. We are now on week 2 and it's getting pretty close with a couple players, lets see what the end of week 2 will look. I have also made a couple changes to the site in general. Players can now leave comments for other players. People can leave comments on the hotlist page. For those who haven't requested a spot to be on the Hot board can now submit their request directly from the main page. Ok players, get all your peeps in voting for you. Good luck to all members in round 2. The website is down cause they're working on the servers. Bastards, i'll post another blog when it's up again.
my sierra - boogie her temps finally down some she still wont eat but she is drinking more today ... she is back to smiling some i want to thank u all for ur prayers for her i truely believe in the power of prayer to heal love u all and ill be back sometime tonight i have company comming and im excited :D
If ya read my last blog.. here is the update lol Shane's surgery on his ears went well! About 15 toal minutes to remove the cyst and replace both ear tubes. He even spent the night at my Moms that night and was tryin to ride his bike! And for my youngest... The doctor did give us a diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome. Is that good?? Maybe so.... He also wrote that it was beneficial for him to have a IEP at school. Will that help? I hope so . Things are still goin busy and strong here.. I am still not ignoring anyone.. please dont forget me! I didnt forget you all. xo
Well what can I say...............DAMN I'm so freaking tired from working as much as I have been!! Hell the Supervisors love me at work, I started there on the 8th and worked 5 straight days, then was off 3 and came in fer one day overtime and worked 6 12 hour nights in a row and was off 2 days then worked 5 more in a row and now off 2 and going back in tomorrow night fer another 5 in a row!! And I aint supposed to work but 3 days (Well nights) one week and 4 the next but I have put in fer so much overtime it aint even funny!! I really need to slow down and stop working so much but the money is so good and the work is easy but nerve racking when the machines wont stay running and you ae constantly having to work on them!! I have been getting bitched at by everybody I know!! Cause I'm working so much and during the week I only get 5 hours sleep if lucky because of having to take my youngen to school and pick him up. And I don't have time fer shit! EVER!! I basically sleep and work and
Well they're home for now, but Kieran's head is right there. She goes for an ultrasound at 2:30 ET. This will determine what is going to happen. So please keep them in your prayers. Thank you
Update On Baby Kaleb From His Mothers Blog On Myspace
Monday, October 29, 2007 My Miracle Kaleb is changing so much everyday! I look at pictures of him in the hospital and he looks like a little baby. It's like I just woke up one day and he is a little boy. He doesn't look like a baby anymore. Being able to see this makes me so thankful... He is such a miracle. We have great news! Kaleb is going to getting Hyperbaric Chamber Treatments three times a week. PRAISE GOD! All treatments are thanks to Harch Hyperbarics. This chamber regenerates cell growth and can stimulate nerve cells. This is usually very expensive and most health insurances will not cover it. Each patient will have different results to the treatments. Some patients show little results and some show AMAZING RESULTS! I know that Kaleb will benefit from this! HE WILL SHOW AMAZING RESULTS! I have faith in him! We are so thankful and excited for this! Kaleb is becoming quite the talker! He loves to talk. I put a new video up of him t
An Update.
+ phil and i broke up, hopefully it's temporary. + I'm done crying. all it does it make me hurt more. I'm gonna buck it up. + Whatever happens with us, happens. at least he'll always be my friend. +I'm still not looking to date/do anything with anyone, sorry boys. + I"M ROCKING OUT WITH KALA AND ENGLISH TONIGHT! WHOO! WILD CRACK ORGIES FTW! xD lol just kidding. but expect tons of pics, english is looking mighty sexy today.
Update On My Radio Show
OK yall heres the updated stuff for my radio show Me and Big Bob will be doing a monday show and a wednesday show 9pm till 11pm Mondays will be metal called metal madness and wednesdays will be our oldies show titled Rock around the jukebox were we play 50s and 60s you can get to listen to our show if you go to and click listen live
well i talked to my mom. she's doin alright. they won't let her eat. she's stuck chewin on ice chips. she has to have her gal bladder out an they're gonna do a probe to find out where the bleeding is coming from. when i find out more i will be sure to post a blog for everyone who cares :D ty all!
Updated Family List
Founder of The Order Of The Dragon Leveling Crew@ fubar Angel of Seduction***Crew Leader of The Order of the Dragon***@ fubar DJ Crimson Regret~Abyss Lounge~~Order Of The Dragon Leveling Crew~@ fubar (~:{tempt®e$$}:~)of The Order Of The Dragon Leveling Crew@ fubar Ranees_Baby~Order of The Dragon Leveling Crew~@ fubar King Of Kings Member Of The SCF Bombers@ fubar
Update 11-01-07 Dad
So, Dad's pain is some better and he is now home....we got a second opinion today at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas...pretty much confirmed what the first doctors said....which was that the cancer my dad has can not be cured...they can lessen his pain and give him more time with chemo but it can't be cured.... How long he has depends on how well he responds to the chemo....But they feel like he should respond pretty well to it since the radiation is shrinking the size of the tumors... So PLEASE say a prayer or two that God's will be done in this matter hopefully to cure this cancer, but if not, to make it a painless as possible.... Thanks all....Love 2 my friends.
Update On My Son
Well so far so good.. the mass isn't growing and will be keeping a close eye on it with another MRI in a few months.. I'll keep ya updated.. thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers..
Ok I know I haven't been on here hardly at all lately. And finally it's for a good reason. My wife and I have been back together for a month now and I've been busy with my family. I want to thank all of you that were there for me during my rough stretch. I truly do appreciate everything my friends have done for me over the last few months. I haven't forgotten any of you but I had to make my marriage my top priority.
Updates Galore!!
Hey kiddies... hows it goin?? things here are rockin right along... I'm settling in at and the Show and Noize Network is havin mucho bunches of fun working with The VM Underground, PamPam (WFLMRadio), as well as AJ over at I've been mucho busy with tryin to work on the show and WBRK at the same time so this past weekend I was able to bust ass and was finally able to polish off some rough edhes as far as the show and station were concerned. I haven't really had the time to fix some of the websites since I left WRR.. they were abit outdated but I was finally able to get to not only updating the Rambunctious Noize Radio Show myspace page but I was also able to updated everything on myspace for both WBRK and The Rambunctious Noize. I also updated WBRK's homepage and website. I gave it abit of a make over. Now I am pleased with what it finally has shaped upto be. I added a new streaming server to take the place of as of N
well mom is home. she's doing good. she has to have her gal bladder out in 3 weeks. she's on a low fat diet. but other than that she's doin awsome. you guys rock for prayin for her thank you so much :D
Update On My Yahoo Id
Okies.. looks like yahell actually came through this time! They sent me a password reset message this morning, so anyone that already has my yahoo ID, it's all good once again! WOOHOOO!!! *hugs*
Just wanted to give a heads up to participants in the Last fu standing. Elimination #2 will be Wednesday November 7 @ 6:30PM. For those who aren't aware as to why it wasn't lastnight, i've extended it by an extra few days cause the site was down. Cast your votes
An Update On My Mother,s Condition
Updated 11-06-07
Please Remember to update me who you see allowing confederate bombers to bomb in their contest. Below are members that have allowed Confederate Bombers to Bomb or have been caught cheating by playing favrotisim. Please Boycott these members below by Removing from your list and Un Fanning... 1. Rubias Rockin 2. DarkReflections
An Update And A Personal Thank You On Chelle Aka Amnesia And The Passing Of Her Father...
......for anyone wanting an update, her personal message to all of you, as well as an address to send anything to in regards to the passing of Chelle aka Amnesia the bouncer's father, please click the link below. Click here.. Also, here is the link to her profile, please stop by if you haven't already.. A m N e S i A@ fubar The level of support and encouragement everyone has shown throughout this extremley tough time for her and her family is greatly appreciated. I extend a personal thank you to everyone for their reposts, gifts, comments, well wishes and sticky bulletins. It shows that there truly are great people that care and are genuine on this site. Once again I thank you and please repost. -- Johnnydevil.
Updated Contest List And Newest Members As Of 11/6/07
Update On The Hubby
Update About My Son!!!!please Read
Doctors just came in and told my son they will be transferring him to San Fransco hospital...Dont know why or what her reason is but think that they may be getting ready to do something...Please pray that whatever it is it works as his potassium is not stabilizing...They were talking about starting dialisis...All I know is we need all the prayer we can get from all that finds it in there heart to reach out for a stranger...God Bless You All...KNIGHTSKITTY
Update On Boogie
ok i thought my boogie monster was slowly gettin better but now she is relapsing and getting sicker , her temp is went up and she is vommiting now ... i am takin her to been seen i will update all that care later today when i know more love to all my friends who have been there and held my hand and head up though this all
Just lettin everyone know I am still here but i dont have internet right now so i will be on when i can hope everyone is doin good i love ya'll and miss ya'll i start a new job monday so i will be back as soon as i can Much Love
Update 11/9/07
Just wanted to let everyone know that have fully recovered from the Bells Palsy. It was a very uncomfortable experience to say the least. Thanks to those who read the blog and sent well wishes!!
Update On Life
ok now where should i start tonight??? first lets talk bout my lil angel. Heaven is now 16 months old and god has she gotten big. She has such a personality for being a lil girl. and is very indepenedent. she has to feed herself, brush her own teeth and help us get her dressed. and she has to help us do everything no matter what it is she wants to help. would definitely have to say she is a grandpas girl and that daddy is almost nothing to her. she has a really weak immune system but im still tryin to figure all that out. but yeah shes gettin really big! next work...still workin at the hardware store. pay sucks and the managers drive me nuts but im hanging in there. got some really good friends who know i work there so they come in once in a while just to shoot the shit with me. made some pretty good friends from there as well. been there almost like five months now and nothing much has really changed there. now i will update you on the guys...bubba and rob. bubba a
Update On Recovery
Nurse was here today. I'm running a 100.5 temp plus my blood thinner levels are too high, so no blood thinner until Wed night and then only a 1/2 dose. Nothing more strenuous than passive therapy. So even though taking away one med I've had to add tylenol to my pharmacy. Therapist won't be here now until Wed afternoon and nurse will be back Thurs. to see how the redness in my knee is . So a few extra prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!! Love you guys
Update On Meh!
I want my chocolate now..someone bring me my chocolate!!! Things are getting harder for Rhi bee because of Stevens soon deployment. Whats cute tho she is singing in the tub..LOL! Making up her own songs..LOL! Tomorrow morning I am going to see my Reproductive Specialist aka Infertility Specialist! I have to drive over and hour to get there..not fun! But hopefully they fix me and Steven so we can finally have or baby after almost 8yrs of not being pregnant and that doesn't include the 9 months before that! Anyways I am cold..I am reading crap again on people blogs..I's going to go in hiding again till it all stops! Peace Out Peoples!
Up Date On My 12 Yr Old
Well my son has been sick for 2 days now, fever sore throat, bad hacking cough and now sick tummy and diareah. Took him to the doc and he was tested for strep...ugh, and tosulitis...gross, well he has both aparently and they gave him all kinds of meds and put him on amoxicilian. so hopefully he'll start feeling better and can go back to school. love and huggs, i'll leave my fubar up but if ya don't get an answer it means i'm taking care of my to all.
Update On Knee
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am doing soooooooooooooo much better today. I can lift leg, bend knee etc. pain was tolerable so lol i almost forgot to take pain meds but got reminded when i took temp and it was already up to 99.3. Will post more after nurse is here on Thurs
Update On Accident
Well guess what? The little coon fucker got out of paying for the damages. His insurance company says that he is still claiming that his light was GREEN. Oh fucking well.......LET THE LITTLE FUCKER HIT ME AGAIN!! next time I will have a witness and I will sure in the fuck will claim to be injured. Estimated damages on my blazer? $1200.00 that is from our insurance company. Now this is going to get ya.......Coon fucker took his shit car to a body shop and they told him that there was $80,000.00 worth of damages done by me.....YEA FUCKING RIGHT!! hell that shit car aint worth it. Anyway. Just letting ya'll know what is going on. Now the hubby is afraid that Coon Fuckers parents are going to sue us for something....LET THEM TRY!!
Update :(
For those of you that have close to my heart and that care enough ro read this I regret to inform you that I will be leaving the fu for 3 weeks as of Nov 19. Many of you know that I had a blood transfusion a little while ago, well my last radiation treatment was yesterday and the word from my dr is that I will have to continue the radiation and have another blood transfusion as my levels are dropping again. Just know that I will be thinking of you all and praying that you will all be well. God willing I will be bak to torment you somemore another day. If anyone is intersted in updates my daughter is in my family on here Mini Dream Catcher, she can keep you posted as well if you have my msn or yahoo I will be able to check my emails once a week while I am in the hospital. Keep smile my dear friends and know that you have brought much joy and sunshine into my life. I feel I've lost a thousand years, just living day by day. I'm hidden behind the pain and tears, my sorrow guides th
I just want to take a few minutes and explain where I've been, and why I haven't been commenting ! I was in a 3 car accident last Friday and been in quite a bit of pain. I messed up my knee, neck , back ... and blood in my eye ! I sign on once in a while to check messages, but I never turn my PC off so even though it might show me online... doesn't neccassarily mean I'm around , as I lay around alot with my leg propped up ! Mom was with me and she has several injuries as well.. so it's really been rough !! Keep us in your prayers ! XOXO Love ya's all ~
Update On The Move Part 2!!
Well.. I got a job offer from Pinnacle health... and i have a second interview at Hershey Medical Center.. about a kick ass job!! So im excited either way!! I still have not found an apt I might be Yikes!! hah.. will keep you guys posted!
Well...its been a week today since my boyfriend of 2 years has moved out. (if you dont know what happened read my 2 prior blogs titled comming to a end and continued)...Its been kinda nice having time to myself but it gets pretty fucking lonely. I dont have to many real life friends due to the fact that my ex wouldnt let me go out without him and most of my friends didnt like him so when we DID go out together they wouldnt come. I've been having really fucked up dreams about my ex and the chick he left me for. Id walk into my apt and the bitch would be sitting on my bed so i'd knock her out and tell her to get the hell out of my house. I've had these dreams 5 days out of the last 7. Is that normal?...I guess i do miss him. 2 years is a pretty long time for me. going to be moving home with my mom is january *YIPPY*..blahh...So i can get back on my feet again..That asshole really messed me up good!..Im rediculously far in debt (im taking him to court btw...he might be able
Update On Knee
Well I guess I should do an update since I forgot after the nurse was here on Thursday. My knee is doing much better. My fever broke and my blood level of the blood thinner is within normal limits. Now if only I could remove the stress from my life I just might heal even faster.
well guys it has been a week now and i have been having contractions. they are stopping them due to the fact they found a infection. yea for me. they are telling me that when the infection is gone they will not stop the contractions. i am 1ctr diolated and 50% effaced. She will be at least 4 weeks eairly. but i can deal with that. jake only has 4 weeks as of tuesday. 30 days he is so excited and can not wait to come home. we all miss him.
Update On Knee
Weeeeeeeeee good news no longer have to use cane or wear the stocking that prevents blood clots cause i'm doing so well :) staples come out Wed.
Updates About Me
I have been waiting all summer to find out if the school I am attending was going to let me into the program again and finally a couple of weeks ago got the word that I was in. I took a dosage calc test and missed 2 questions so now I have to take it again, can't miss any questions. I have 2 weeks to complete a whole bunch of stuff before I am guaranteed the spot but I know I can get through it, it involves going to the school into the lab and videotaping certain tasks and doing others live infront of the instructors. You would think after 10 years of being a nurse that this would be easy stuff but let me tell you, they are very picky about the material in your video and when you are performing tasks infront of them. After this level there are only 2 left so with any luck I will be an RN by May of '09.
so ive been away for the last week on courses ... i now have a diploma certificate in massage aromatherapy cosmetic tanning and indian head massage ... heading back up there tomorow and will be back sunday with diploma certificates in nail art nail extensions manicure/ pedicure facials and bodywraps .... dont mind saying or sounding big headed but im well poud of me for finally getting my finger out my butt and doing something with my life.. lol.... so oncei get back i have plenty work to do to get my assesments sorted to get my nvq's and then im proper qualified to start up my salon !!! yay !! all exciting wish me luck xxx
Update 11/23/07
Well it is Thanksgiving day and my daughter London is in the hospital in Iowa City again. She has an infection in her wound and stress induced diabetes. They have her on IV antibiotics and insulin. On Monday she will be having surgery on her hip again. They will be excising the wound and folding the skin that they can stretch over it and then in a week or so they will do a skin graft over what they can't cover. She will be in the hospital for a while and I am not sure of any other details but I am grateful that they are finally doing something about her wound. It has been a year and a half since the accident and she was getting to the point where she wanted to give up. Now, there is some hope that they will get it healed so she can finally have her knee surgery. Her knee has gotten worse and locks up on her sometimes where she can't bend it at all. I have to manually manipulate her knee so she can bend it when it freezes up on her. So, hopefully they will get it fixed soon after the
Update 11 /23
Ok Had the surgery Monday and at home recouping now all should be fine thanks for all the Love it ment alot My new look ~Ancient1~ xxx SoberBy StaindBest Video Codes
An Update
dear everbody thank you all for all your prayers and keep sending them he is home and the doctors said his kidney just didn't feel large but lumpy and alots of them and he has been on iv drip for while was he was there and today he came home snice the iv drip stop working and he wasn't eating there and they thought the best wuold be to put him down there but we rather have him die at home but the thing is since he has been home he has eaten turkey and chicken and turkey again which makes me think he was too stress out to eat there and he got enough iv drip that it stop working and i keep praying and i wuold do anything for him and give up the wii for him
Updated Lost Member
Founder of The Order Of The Dragon Leveling Crew@ fubar (~:{tempt®e$$}:~)of The Order Of The Dragon Leveling Crew@ fubar DansGurl "Order Of The Dragon"@ fubar † DJ Crimson Dragons †~*ETERNAL DARKNESS*~~Order of the Dragon Leveling Crew~r/l husband and wife te@ fubar
Update For All
Dark Greetings, Yes I know I have been MIA for a good while as you can tell by the last post before this one. Well things have gotten hectic, first off my daughter has started Kindergarten & I have been volunteering at her school alot. The volunteering will last another month cause after five years of being an full time at home mom I am now rejoining the work force & I have been hired by the Board of ED so Next Monday I have an appointment for fingerprinting & TB Shot then on the 13th I have to be at the Board of Ed at 8am for a 3 1/2 hour orientation then get my ID card & Certificate to take to the schools for employment. So with that much of my online activities have changed. I have also been learning how to use PSP 9 using online tutorials plus my normal religious routines so yeah I have been swamped & with the holidays here I am drowning. I will probably have to drop out of my PSP yahoogroups once I start work cause the e-mails that one receives in those groups can be
hey just to let yall know im in the hospital for a week or so i had sugery last night if u need any thing get ahold of my wife he link is on my page thanks
Hello everyone, I have been incredibly busy with the album! I hope that everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday, and I look forward to hearing from you! -Kazy
jus wanted to update every1 that i had to have to have surgery on a bad staph infection and im recoverin and doin a lil better..tryin to get all the rest and stuff i need to to get better so i can get bk on here and be with yall.. keep all the love commin its helpin too
just so people know i have not been online much as im sure you can tell. ive been really busy. drop me a line if you've been rating me and i have not been rating back honestly i have not been on and i would love to return all the love. For those who may be concerned for me please don't be. Im quite happy, and ali and i are doing well. Love you all and i hope that things are going well for everyone else.
Update On Contest
Update: Due to lack of interest: The contest is now over, Being I'm stopping the presses With the absence of a 500,000fu winner I'll be conducting a new contest to give away the last remaining prize. More on that give away in the up coming days, the winners of the other give aways are listed below: Also just to refresh those who missed/forgot what contest I refer to -see below also- Click here to PLAY the game! Rules: There's Three (Fubar gifts) boxs: 1 'Big Pimp'n' 1 'Party Time' 1 'not telling you everything - fu!' You get only 5 guesses (one guess per comment) You must at least make 5 guesses (to be able to win) Guess any of the Gifts correctly and win THAT Gift! Guess ALL THREE gifts correctly, You are entered into the $500,000 'fu-Bucks' Drawing Guess TWO correctly and receive a chance at a 'TICKER' Again, you are allow only FIVE guesses and that's the minimum too! After someone HAS guessed the all thr
Awwww someone must love me!
Updated Contest List And Newest Members As Of 11/26/07
CURRENT FAMILY CONTESTS Evil Angel - needs 75K in comments for a VIP - No time limit Crysis - Contest ends Nov. 30 HonieLynn - Contest ends Dec 24 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CONTEST GUIDELINES AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. IF YOU ARE IN A CONTEST AND IT IS NOT ON HERE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Announcing our newest members! Please welcome them to the family and show them some love! Lori-Brunette Babe (Wife of - ScOoTeR) ~Demon Crew~@ fubar Crysis ~Beautifull Brown Eyed Baby Gurl~*Demon Crew *
ok my baby is feeling better thank god and thank u all who prayed for her we found out our dads next heart surgery is gonna be on the 4th so keep him in ur prayers and if u have time stop by his page n wish him well doc@ fubar thank u all and my god keep u all safe,healthy n happy
Update 11/27/07
I spent the day at the hospital with London yesterday and they did her surgery about 1pm. Things didn't go as planned as there was still too much infection in the wound to do it as they wanted. So, right now we are back to where we were in January. They are saying that they are keeping her there for a few days to get the infection under control and then they are going to do what they originally planned. London has developed stress induced diabetes and they are treating that also. My understanding is that her body has developed it because of this chronic wound. It should resolve itself once the wound is healed. I miss having her at home with me so very much. What a wonderful vibrant young lady she has become in spite of her adversities. I had my youngest with me yesterday and it was a joy to have her with me to talk and share with. What a blessing it was to be able to spend the day with her talking about her hopes and dreams. I am maintaining a positive outlook and will continue to. It
Update Down To 367pounds!!!
i am 367pounds i am trying to get down and under 300 pounds befor july 2008 when my mom passed away i give up on myself and didnt give a shi.t what happyin to me well right now i see the light and i am happy right now i feel like i use to and i beleave in myself again i know i am 367pounds right now and along ways away but i am going to be down to 300 pounds by july because i have to be here for my little dog tracy my family my friend mostly for my dad i dont want to lose him ,my sister debbie dianna my best friend my best girl val who i love with all my heart and soul i have a lot to live for and i will never give up on myself again i love you all even if you do hate me or love me...
Update On The Homefront~~re: My Child
Well for the most part the worst of the Child Custody, visitation ordeal is over. It actually went real well. For the last 3 1/2 yrs. I have taken care of my daughter with no help from her father. Well the Dept. of Child Support Services finally caught up to him and nipped him in the bud. Well of course things got ugly and when my daughters father started demanding time with her well, after 3 years it just wasn't going to happen. SHe went through alot of trauma, behavior and emotional issues which is NOW stablized after my non stop effort with help from get her there. So needless to say...he has agreed to what I presented to the mediation, meaning he will go with what the therapist and Psychologist recommends as in a re-unification program and will stick to it no matter how long it takes. He will have to start with letters first, short supervised phone calls, then if that works out without disrupting my daughter then he may start having supervised visitations. I will rem
well things today went good besides finding out that the infection is in my blood stream an they are putting a picc line in me and hopefuly goin home tomorrow but got to wait and see,, the surgan also said its alll lookin good and goin to let it heal like it is and not go bk in... well im goin on almost a yr and its not healed
Update On My Back
I went to the Dr. again today, and he has ordered at least 12 weeks of treatment. At the end of treatment i will undergo more x rays and possibly an MRI. This is because he suspects a bulging or herniated disk. If this turns out to be what is going on I will have to undergo back surgery. He also feels that I may need to have a medically necessary cosmetic surgery as well, but will now more after the treatment that I am to do. So there is back in a nutshell..LOL... I'm in good spirits and am feeling a little better, still having some pain and spasms, but nothin I can't handle. I will begin my treatment tomorrow, and will possibly be going 2 -3 times a week for treatment. (he feels that many times a week is necessary *eye roll* I guess I have to) I know that there is not other way around this, but I still don't like the idea of needing this much treatment, but I will do what I need to so that I'm in better health for myself and my son! So for those that care....t
Updated Page
To all my Family, Friends and Fans, i updated my page a little so feel free to come on by and check it out!! Also if You haven't please sign my guestbook!! Show me some love while Your at it please!!! All love will be returned!!!
Update On My Daughter
Last night I wrote a blog about my daughter being sick. Well thankfully she is ok, she just has the flu. She still has to watch her liver, but she will be fine. I want to thank some very special people who pulled me through last night. My sis liberty girl no matter what ur always there for me. I was crying my eyes out and u still talked me through it. I love ya girl, I couldnt get through anything without u. My best friend trina and sheribaby, u know me best and u still helped me through it. Now to some new special friends, the members of the People's Lounge. I have only been a member for a few days, but I feel like im part of something there. You were concerned for me and my daughter, and just concentrated on me and helping me feel better. You didnt have to do that but you did, I appreciate that more than you know. Sparks57, Angeleyes, heart, soveliss, Ju, you have welcomed me and im so happy for that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. Now for
Update 2
I have a headache so freaking bad. I am going to my first real OB appointment. I changed my insurance so I would have to be seen by the effing ARMY. They screwed me over on Weds when I went and so there for I am being seen off base at a real OB clinic!! I refuse to have my child on an ARMY base and I refuse to have my child surrounded by idiots who dont give a damn if you are sitting there for over an hour and finally tell me I am not being seen today even tho I was early enough and everything else, and then tell me I was only being seen for medication. Which can be taking care of by my reg doc or at my OB appointment. Then tell me I wont be seen till Jan for my first OB appointment. MIND YOU..I HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!!!! They are fucking idiots! I have heard so many damn stories about Ft. Carsons OB clinic it's unreal! So yeah I am going at 9:30am my time to fill out papers and whatever else and hopefully get measured and such. But I am going to go take meds.
Updates! We Know You Love Em
Item one - Pictures - Since sunday, there have been 4 albums added. One is thanksgiving, one is a neo (club) album (think: girls kissing), one is my family at the ocean... and the last is copies of all the comments that i've made in the past couple months. Granted the comments aren't as sexy as the ones you can get from other sites, but please if you want to use them, take them, make me feel pretty lol Blogs: nothing much aside from promotions Mumms: plenty of mumms, feel free to read back through the expireds to see what i've been contemplating lately, as well as the upcoming contest. Stash - ok i'm a fuckin slacker Last but SOOOO FUCKING NOT LEAST: The lounge... I would encourage ALL of you that wish to talk to me to join this lounge. i am the owner of it and i will be inside the lounge whenever i'm online... i'd love for you to meet my other friends, i love them all for a reason, and you should too! Click the banner for the lounge! Please stop in and sub
Update To Me
I just wanted to fill everyone in on what has been going on with me since I posted the me Blog. I had a total hysterectomy on November 20th - Not to much to say but right now I am in a lot of pain and hopefully soon all the pain will be over and done with. I haven't got much to say except OUCH! HAHA just have to look at the positives of a surgery like this and not let the negatives get you down. God has blessed me with 4 beautiful children and I now know that was all I was supposed to have. So I should be on a little more now but only in small time frames - sitting up kills me! Thank you for reading this blog it shows you actually want to know about ME!!!
Well since I have not been on here in forever... Though I would let you all know what I have been up to... Well lets see I am divorced now after being separated for 2 years I went and became a CNA and I am The Mother of 2 wonderful children a 3 and a 4 year old and life is GREAT ... Cant wait for christmas .... Hope Every one has a great holiday angela
Update On My Life
Update On Giveaway
hey everybody...well i havent had many people helping out with this but here is the update. I need to get 10,000 comments to get my VIP and I have only gotten 2,022. Please come help out. If you need help leveling or just want rates...let me know when your in bombing and I will come to your page and rate whatever is you want me to rate. If you are close to leveling, I will rate everything on your page and my boyfriend will as well. Here is the link again. Just click on the pic and bomb away.
Update On Accident Recovery
Well folks nothing with me is easy I guess. I went to the doctor the other day and I am NOT healing as I should be, so new cast was put on, tighter as all get out this time. My return to work date pushed back another 9 days and well the cast is making the road rash/crush injury hurt and burn. Oh and yes I will be needing physical therapy once the bone is healed because apparently when a car drags your arm across the ground and pins said arm underneath it for about 30 minutes it tend to damage the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Good news is my skin is coming off nicely and nice new skin growing underneath, plus I will prolly be reminded of this glorious event with a huge ugly scar. I know, I know it could be worse...I could be dead, I could have lost the arm, or a worse paralyzed vegetable. So dont get me wrong I do look at the bright side. Lets go to the mental aspect of this incident. Thankfully the nightmares have stopped, however the flashbacks linger like th
Update 12/3/07 On My Daughter London
London had the surgery to correct the wound today. It went better than expected!! They were able to clean out the scar tissue and the old nasty stuff then they pulled down the tissue and were able to close it completely. They did however find a hernia in her abdomen and they took care of that at the same time. The surgery was scheduled for 2 hours but took almost 3 hours. I was so pleased when they finally came out and told me that it went so well. London is happy with it and in spite of extreme pain is in good spirits. She will NOT have to have the skin grafts that they thought she would need. There is a drain in her to help it drain and heal quicker. She will probably be coming home in a day or two. it will be so good to get her back here again. Thank you all for your support, thoughts, prayers and well wishes. I do so believe in the power of positive thinking! You all rock!! Hugs and Junk Vanessa ~purpledragonlady~ member IKC@ fubar
Update On Sara!!!
sarah is opening her eyes and moving her fingers and responding to voices they are taking the tubes out in two hours. princessfubar81@ fubar
Update On Life
and hello to everyone... :) its hard to believe we've been here in this house for two weeks already... we dont have much unpacked as of yet, still getting the interior painted. My mums moving down to melbourne at the end of the month, so we're trying to get the major parts done before she's here... we're also in the process of getting a dog, I've finally caved into mikes demands lol.. plus a lady at work has to find a home for her golden lab because her son is allergic to it.. so that means this weekend is going to be spent putting the back gate back up.. and checking the fence for holes... but it will be worth it :) will be interesting to see how the cats take having a dog :) but anyway, I need to go get ready for work.. I'll try get some pictures posted when I have them... toodles :D
Update On My New Life
Dear Reader, If you're reading this, it means you want to know how I've been doing lately, I presume. Well, a lot has happened. I finally left my mom's house...first time for me. The boys and I moved out on November 3rd, 2007 and left for Wildomar, CA. God, I was so nervous. Still am, because it is all a bit fresh for me. I moved with my boyfriend Chuck to a temporary location. I am finally going to express my feelings on everything that has happened since that third day of November. The only way I can describe how I feel about leaving my mom is...WITHDRAWAL. I miss her. I get sad because she always kept me close to her, which I wish she didn't do because it makes it hard on me now, as an adult. I miss waking up to see her face. She's getting older, and sicker. Sometimes, I feel I've betrayed her by leaving. But, I had to begin my own, separate life from her, as we all do. Leaving the nest, basically. I try to call everyday. It can be hard, but we're hanging in there.
Today is my 6th day on my new eating lifestyle for the 6 days so far i have had to eat: FOr lunch -Turkey slices on wheat bread with fat free lactaid free cheeese (im lactose intolerant), or -chicken slices with the cheese on wheat bread Breakfast -Cheerios with lowfat milk w hard boiled egg taking out the yellow part and water 0r Just cheerios which is good lol Dinner various - time i had turkey w/ cheese on wheat -then ive had boiled chicken with brocolli -then macaroni salad with small square spam n corn with salad on the side.... Its exhausting but as i go along im getting used 2 it oh n between meals I have a snack that consist of apples, yogurts n lowfat popcorn All I drink is milk once a day n drink water all day.....Sigh so far so good N im going to see a nutritionist to teach me how 2 prepare healthy meals on my own for less money n if im outside how 2 pick the healthies thing no matter where i am wish me luck love u all
12/05/07 ~update~
Hi y'all =) I just wanted to let everyone know that I am gone for a week in Phoenix, AZ. I may or maynot be online. Just know I will be back and thanks everyone for the sweet ass emails, letter, gifts ect. They make me feel really good! Love, ~me~
Update On My Health 12/05/2007
hello guys how are you all ? i'm alive hahaha well where do i start it hasn't been a good week here i had to go to the cancer dr this week i don't have cancer that the good thing but there is a problem i have I.T.P ( immune thrombocytopenic purpura )which is a blood disease it won't let my blood clot right so i have to watch out i don't get cut because i will bleed to death i have to watch out for brain bleeds i call the dr because of black and blues and a rash and they did some blood work and found this it was the platelet was off big time but the other counts was really good so they put me on some meds i have to go back on the 12th to get more blood work to check to see if it working but it was kinda my fault i stop taking one of my meds for the thyroids but not one dr told me this would happen but like dad said we all learn from our mistakes but this is not one i wish i did have to go threw this could take 6 months or the rest of my life so like i always do is take one day at a time
Well I been doing great here in Salt Lake City for thouse of you Back in Y-Town!!! I been working and going to school well doing my school packets at work I well Graduate some time next year this has been a long time waiting an its finaly starting to come true. I am seeing some one but he lives out of town and not to sure how seriouce he is taking this relashion ship and all. So we well see where it goes I wish it wold be some one here in town I feel too lonley I miss having a warm body to lay next to that don't bark and wlak aroun on 4 legs lol. Its been 6 months seance I have had some one by me!!! So if starting to get to me if ya know what I mean LOL. I finaly joined a Bar here in town its called the Cell Block so we will see what that well bring I really need to get out and meet people out side of the Home lol work is bring new people into my life too so thats a good thing. I work has a security officer for At System Security at Wells Fargo working the night shift once again LOL. S
Update On Me
hey all well whats there to say? i dont have custody of connor yet. gotta go back on feb. 12th :( i swear this is bout to get the best of me. everything and anything is going wrong. my health right now isnt so hot and the stress of all this is killin me. i just wish things could be 100% better but they arent. to those who have either tried to get up with me dont worry im fine will be eventually. to those on my lists also i love ya all and please continue to pray and keep me in your thoughts. ill keep ya all posted as developements unfurl. love your friend or whatever i may be to you, mikey
to all my friends, sorry for not being on or helping rate all of you.U see i have been dealing with a lot lately.Ok here goes I found out i have cancer so i have been going thru radiation for a bout 3 weeks and it makes me really tired and ill so i apologize to all of you now.. but the good thing is i had an ultra sound tuesday and the tumer is shrinking just a little but its a start. i have 3 really great friends that have been with me from the start of this i never would have made it this far without them cheering me on and just being supportive. So to all of you i love you with all my heart.and thank you for being there for me.and especially bill i will always watch your back like u have mine.I love you baby
hey all! hope everyone is doing good, me not so good, things arent going so well 4 me, cause someone either did or threaten to call CPS on me, it sucks but once again i'll get through it. but other than that its been alright. thinking of going to the gym and start working out, and i'm going 2 start looking for a P/T job after christmas season. zacky is doing really well, and i got his christmas shopping done! thank god lol. anyways hope everyone has a good night :D
Update 12/07/07
Well as many of you know in the begining of the year my wife and i suffered a miscarriage. Well after man months of recovering and trying again we have found out that Snuggles is pregnant again. please cross your fingers and keep us in your thoughts. I will keep this section updated as often as i can with any new information that i get.
Update On My Every Day Life
So like I have been doing serious thinking and Im not so sure about how my relationship is going.I mean I am ready for comittment but not so much living together.I feel safe at a distance.Im not exactly sure why that is just something ive always done since I lost my boyfriend.I have always ran from comittment and here I am actually in a relationship of 8 months.But im not as happy as i thought I would be.We are wayyyy too different and ive been trying to make it work but its just not going as i planned.Tonight i told her dont ask me to marry her because I would freak out.I also explained to her that I think we should have waited on moving in together because I think it would have been best.But whats done is done right.I know that I am hurting her by pushing her away but if I dont love her the way she loves me I am not going to make myself miserable trying to make myself love her. Im not going to do it just to make her happy.I think in the long run it would end up making me hate her.I
Update 12/8/07 On My Daughter London
I went and picked up London from the hospital the other day. She is doing wonderfully. I was shocked when I saw the actual wound that she has from the surgery. It is about 18 inches long and goes from the middle of her abdomen along her hip horizontally all the way to her back. They put in 37 staples and probably about that many stitches. She can't move much or very well but that will get better with time. It is good to have her home. Again I thank all those for you support, prayers and thoughts during her recovery. What a blessing you have all been for me and my daughters. I know I have said it before but thank you thank you thank you. A few weeks and she will be having her stitches out, actually the day after Christmas. I may not have any money to get my family gifts for Christmas with all the trips to the hospital but I am sure that this will be a very special Christmas for us regardless. Because my daughter has hope again and I have both my girls at home with me. Family together fo
Update I Guess
ok i guess i should update anyone who hasnt heard i had my son conner thomas on 11/15/07 he was 8 pounds .04 oz and 19 inches he is now as of his last apointment 8 pounds 14 oz and 20 1/2 inches hes geting another check up on thursday he is healthy and happy and unforently i had to have a c section but im healing well the outside is healed just waiting on the inner to heal thats about it tata for now ill post pics later
So now Daemon is 15 months old, I am 20 and I am still having hubby issues. I guess some things don't change. I am now working part-time at a finance company making collection calls. I know I know. I am the person everyone hates. Well, I feel bad about calling people for their money but I am paid to do it. I am getting so sick of people telling me how I am a bad person. I am a nice collector. I am nice and polite. Well, that is it for now. A short update.
Update Again
Nathan came home from the hospital Friday evening. My daughter called me to make sure it was ok to leave him sleeping all wrapped up in a swaddling blanket. I laughed and said he probably prefers it that way! She called again last night saying she was having baby issues. I asked her what was wrong. She told me Nathan was hungry but wasn't drinking the formula and was just spitting out what he did get in his mouth. I told her he wasn't really hungry yet and to give him 20 minutes and try again. She had done the whole diaper routine so he wasn't in a messy diaper. He was just fussing. I told her that she would learn what each cry/fuss was really about soon and then she wouldn't be so worried that he wasn't eating when she thought he should. I wish I could be a fly on her wall watching her take care of her little one.
Update On Kaden
Well he seems completely better except for a little runny nose. Hes back to a table climbing yelling and screaming normal pooping 16 month old.. His new thing is to pinch womens tits and make a honk honk sound .. hes a mess... lets see what else do I have to say.. It may show that I am online :: DSL :: ( no jokes lol) or I may message you one second and be gone the next.. If you have children then you already understand how it is. If you do not.. then be prepared when you do.. you hardly have anytime for yourself but do not worry it is totally worth it. and hes calling so I will be back later to edit this.. xo
Well everyone I am in a mood today and its not a bad mood or anything just indiffrent for me. Everyone reads my blogs and more then likely thinks that I am some negative bitch so I figgured that I would tell a bit more about myself in here and not on my pro, just to see who acually reads these things. So future ref if you ask me any subject that I am about to tap on in here I wont respond to you over it. I am a sweet and loving person much to popular demand. I have a tendacy to be sarcastic but that is my way of not wanting to show feelings. I hate to show ppl the way that I feel about anything that has a impact on me. I try to remain humble and well I am a avid Christian. Yes thats right I believe in the man above! I am always there for anyone that truely needs me and am known to go way out of my way to help others. I just need to see that they want to help themselfs first. If you want to know my soft spots they are with my children, they are my life. Everything that I do in my
HERE ARE SOME LINKS FOR SOME OF THE MOST RECENT UP DATES ON ALLYSSA. SHE ALSO OPENED HER EYES ON THE 4TH OF DEC AND SEEMS TO BE DOING A LOT BETTER. Dec 6th surgery went well she is out and doing good. Tomarrow they will be taking the skin from her scalp and using it on her face. So keep the prayers coming, they seem to be working. Dec 7th she had her face surgery went well today but she is still sleeping 11:36pm. Dec 7th 10:30am Allyssa just came out of surgery and did very well again. She has her own skin on her face and a few of her fingers. Dr. Warner was telling me that her fingers for the most part are healing and that we might only loose a few finger tips. Her breathing is doing better and they are getting very few plugs out now. Dec 9th 12:30 pm Allyssa ran a high fever last nig
Update Part 2
I Lost over 30 pounds now and 3 dress size. I well be adding more pic when I can.
When I got home from work today, I found out that the fubar ppl updated the bar tab thing.........and my first thought this facebook? I mean the reason I don't really use facebook is because I really hate that it keeps track of EVERYTHING your friends are doing, with the exception of taking a shit or picking their noses! I think I'm about fed up with this site anyway, this was just one more I think I'm gonna delete my profile in few days. It makes me sad because I met some really cool people on here, but If they are pushing that hard for ppl to buy VIP's then screw them. Vip's should be optional! ok now I feel better!! LOL
Up Date On My X Ray >> A Nodule Found On My Lung>>
Dr. office; called ; now tonight i have to go get ct scan done . a nodule was found on my left midsection of my lung.. God be with me > Hugs diana
Update 2
Music Video: DENIAL -Sevendust hey everyone hows it going? hope good..its almost christmas time and i can't wait for it to be over! got into some new new fav band is sevendust, this song is one of my favs. things are going really good, and better so hope everyone has a good night Brian, Zack and Bella
this is an update on the test i just had run. we are currently playing the waiting game. we have been told it takes from 5 to 10 days to get the results. i have a doctor appt. schedualed for the 21st to get the test results. if at any time between now and then things change I will let everyone know. thanks for all your prayers and support. hugs and kisses, patricia
Update 12/12/07
hello all I just got back and we have good news and bad news the count came up 21 thousand from Monday it was on Monday 9 thousand and today 30 thousand I know you problem scratching your head hahaha wondering what I'm talking about it the platelet we are working with but they need to come up more I have to watch out for high sugar now to I get off the med's I have a ct scan on the DEC. 18th and I go back to see her on the DEC. 21th for yet more blood and to find out what happen with the ct scan I will let you all know what is going on when I know I will try to keep you all up to date when I hear anything love stephy
hello all.if it seems like im lurkin around your page then dont worry im not stalkin just makin sure i rated & fanned u is all.if i forgot to rate & fan u plz let me know & dont forget to rate & fan me while your at it.i alwayz return the favor.ty & have good day all :) ~Dre@meR~ as if u didnt know (b)
Update On Me
HEY EVERYONE!!!! MY SCAN CAME BACK CLEAR!!!! HAHAHA!!! WHAT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!! I am DONE with Chemo!!! YEAH ME! YEAH US!!!! I have a hernia so I will need surgery to repair that but it is an overnight biggie!!!! What a blessing this year has been and a growing experience! I feel so blessed to have my friends and family, and all the prayers that we have recieved... ....The blessings i have received are immeasurable...and this email would get quite long if I tried to mention all of them......But thank you to everyone that were parts of and contributed to them, and thank you for your family can finally be more normal now than we have been in 6 months!! I will continue to get CAT Scans ever three months for the next two years...then they will spread out a little more for the years that follow until I am at 1 or 2 per year. Again Thank You all for everything!!!
Update Of ?!?!?!?!?!?!
ok....sooo yeah this is an update of the last blog..... got to work fine.... had to pull over on the highway twice cause my car was acting that badly.... well after work.... i got out early because of the pending snow storm i brought it to the garage.... the ride there was FUN! sort of;.... my car should deffinately had not been on the road..... well.... got there and doug took my car in and came out.... his first words out of his mouth was... im amazed your tire didnt just fall off.... apparently you could push the wheel with one finger and it would just sway back and fourth..... it started out as a small problem.... then that problem completely took out my axle...wonderful.... my breaks were gone and i need 4 new tires... but i am now at my dads for the night and hopefully will have my car back fixed in the mornin
Since I was last on here, in July. I have had alot of things go on. I am married now. I am almost done with school. ANNND I finally got a JOB! haha yay me!
well my party was moved to today and I am about to leave to a $100 a person dinner. I posted this blog earlier thinking that a woman might like to be treated to a really nice dinner, nice conversation at a really fancy resturant downtown, but guess not many people like really fancy places. I don't like to go to them all the time, but admit that I enjoy wearing a suit, and going to a really fancy place sometimes makes you feel nice. I'm really nervous and excited at the same time. My boss showed me the menu she picked and there's going to be steak, wine fancy desserts all paid for by the company, I don't think I've ever been to a place this fancy she had to book the resturant several months back because its so popular. Thats ok though I wouldn't want anyone I would take to feel uncomfortable or out of place. I guess I'll have to be more careful of the people I've met and dated in the past, many people I've meet or dated couldn't fit-in in a "black dress" setting. I just have to be mo
I thought things were going good at work and was really looking foward to going to 1st shift in Jan but that just changed.We had some mangement changes at work and now I'm NOT going to 1st shift.They decided to change their minds ...nice,think they can explain that to my kids.I haven't got the heart to tell them but I'm going to have to and I know they're going to be upset.Time to find a new job because I think it's time to get out.
Updated Fu Engagement!
I'm having a FU wedding with my Real Life girlfriend! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Come Celebrate With Us!! What Love Has Joined Together You are formally invited to celebrate the Fu Union of Munkee FU & Now with ez 2 use disposable applicator! as we both say "I DO" The wedding will be held: Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 9pm CST in Centerfolds lounge
Update 1
Just wanted to let those of you who are keeping track know that the tentative due date for the new arrival is july 25.
Well, just heard from the doctor and the yolk sack that is missing from my baby is what makes up the central nervous system and brain for the baby... meaning i would lose it in a few months or have a stillborn. So this friday i am going into the hospital to have it removed. then i can concentrate on the other things that are going on in my body, oh goody... thanks to all my friends and please keep me in your prayers, i really think it is helping :) love to all, suzy
Updateing My Status
As I mentioned a short time ago...due to unforseen circumstances I will not be on and able to say my hellos to all my friends ( who I miss dearly). Hope everyone is doing great and are ready for the holidays. Workin hard on getting back as soon as possible.Every so often I am able to come on here and try to say hi to some... mostly only night time. Did Anyone Ever Tell You How Important You Make Others Feel Somebody out here is Smiling About Love that is so Real Did Anyone Ever Tell You that Many Times When They were Sad Your E-mail (and chats) made Them Smile a bit In Fact It made Them Glad For the Time You Spend Sending Things And Sharing whatever You Find There are No Words to Thank You But Somebody, Thinks You're Fine Did Anyone Ever Tell You Just How Much They Love You Well, My Dearest Friend Today I am Telling You I HOPE I GET THIS BACK I believe that without a special friend you are missing out on a lot!!! But don't just send it back, send it on to
Update! Update! Update! :p
Hi y'all! An update on the progress of my heart transplant... Well, the last update was in July. Lots has happened since then. I received FANTABULOUS news in October! I was so excited that I didn't want to share it! I wanted to hold it close to my heart (no pun intended) and keep it for myself a while. The news: I've been moved from Zone 2 to Zone 7 (see what the zones are at the bottom)! YIPPPEEEE!!! So what does that mean? It means that I will continue to take the medicine and follow the strict diet for the rest of my life. I was told that this means I will NOT have to have a heart transplantation! WOOT! WOOT! Of course, if my heart worsens or my condition changes (for the worse) then I will be moved back to the top of the waiting list...but I'm only thinking positive thoughts...believing that nothing will change for the worse. My heart has responded remarkably well to the drugs and therapy! It's incredible how quickly I bounced back...seems like the brink of death! Te
Update 12/21/2007
Update On My Mom By My Sister
December 21, 2007 at 10:58 AM EST 12/21/07 10:35 am Sorry I did not get a chance to update everyone last night but I was so exhausted emotionally when I got home that I couldn’t think to write clearly. GOD stopped by Greenville Memorial Hospital in Greenville SC yesterday about 5:15pm. Here’s how it all happened (this is for you Brodie from “Monk”)….. I arrived at the ICU unit about 4pm and sitting there waiting for me was my Dad (the greatest man I know) and sitting beside him was my Uncle Phil (moms Brother whom she is in the picture with on this site). That was exhilarating to see him. A nurse came to up about 5 minutes later & said Mom was in the surgery area and they would let us know something later. The waiting room had several families in there but there was one family in particular that seemed to have more and more members showing up. Then about 4:45 that family got the word that their precious loved one had passed away. I may not have known them but just thinking that
ok well the new year brings change they say and so it is payed and i can move in the 28th of i will at least be housed by new the mean time i am going to leave the hostle im in to go spend xmas with a friend from work.
Well I had to spend the night in the hospital, I came home Wednesday night. I was so ready to come home. But I started thinking maybe it might have been better to have stayed cause Wednesday night about 10 o clock I started getting really sick. I have been in so much pain the last few days its unbelievable. I have a high tolerance for pain but this has had me in tears, but the good news is im feeling a lot better today. Thank all of you for the get well wishes, I love all my fufriends and i have missed everyone. I figured I would get on here this morning and give everyone an update on how Im doing. Im about to go back to bed and get some more rest, hopefully Ill be back tonight...if not just so all of you know you are in my thoughts. Hugs, Love and Kisses
Update On David
His mom said I had to wait to get him until 8:00. His call had been around 1:00. I was supposed to wait for their call. When no call came I called. She won't let him come tonight now. They were not even going to call me and tell me. If I cause trouble I know she will not let me have him tommorrow either... all I can do is bite my tongue. This is why I am so sad when I take him home.
Updated Christmas Stash
YO, just added some christmas stuff 2 my stash ..... CHECK IT OUT & enjoy
Update: Recovery Since Accident
Well as some of you now already I was to get my cast off on 12/21 and go back to work on 12/24. If all went as planned that is. Well x-rays showed that the new cast did little to help the healing process and that the only other course of action is surgery. What they are needing to do now is attach a metal (most likely titanium) plate to the bone in order for it to heal properly. This will most likely stay in for the rest of my life and is the best chance for me to heal. But first my road rash has to heal so there is no risk of infection. So now I am in a splint and not a cast. How do I feel about all this? Relieved actually. I feel that this is the only solution that will finally put an end to this crappy saga. I want my life back to where it was so bad, and I believe it will be that way once the surgery is performed and I should be back to work 2 week later. So just one more month and I am living my normal life again, I can handle that. My only problem now is, do
Update On Knee
Well its been 52 days since my surgery and my therapist is extremely pleased with my progress. My goal is to be able to bend my knee the same as my left knee which is 140 degrees. Today on my own I was able to bend my knee 130 degrees. Last Wednesday when I had therapy with help from the therapist I was able to bend my knee to 116 degrees laying on my stomach and today without help was able to do that on my own :). Hopefully that means only a few weeks more therapy left
From Now On All New Pics Will Be Uploaded To This Page Sarge's Bad Girls all profile links will be on both profiles and in a blog on both pages as well
An Update-part 7
Hello, It is drawing on the end of 2007 and almost 2008. I'm proud the report that I still have not been in the hospital. I'd also like to say that if I'm still healthy that will make for a complete year that have been healthy do keep up those prayers for me. Thanks
Update 12/28/2007
hello all I went to the Dr today and the counts came up again which is a good thing it came up 26 thousands more which is up to 86 thousands but the total that has came up is so far is 77 thousands it has came up they are hoping that in a couple more weeks that we can start taking me off the med's but I'm not holding my breathe I feel like the Michelin tire guy( the big white guy) or the marshmallow guy from ghostbuster I have gain a total 13 lbs in 4 weeks and I found out it all fluid and will hope goes away once I'm off the med's but the next appointment is 01/07/2008 and there keeping and eye on the sugar to because it could get high sugar with this but cross your fingers this doesn't this has been a real wake -up call for me and I'm doing the best I can with it I get really snappy at the kids and everyone but this will go away thank you !!!! I don't know how much more I can take but I will write again and let you know what comes from the next appointment happy new years all be sa
Updated King List
Hi All! I just wanted to let you know what's going on with me. If you didn't read my earlier blog titled *Yawn*, this might not make sense to you. Check it out if you want to. My problem started getting better on it's own on Christmas day. I was so relieved! Until this morning.....ugh. It started up again and is worse than before. I still can't get in to see the doc until January 7, but I will be calling every day to see if they have any cancellations. Meanwhile, I'm trying my best to rest and take it easy. Kinda hard with 3 other people to take care of. LOL Anyway, I'm probably not going to be on here much for the next week. I'll try to answer your messages when I see them. I hope all of you have a safe and wonderful New Year! Remember New Year's Eve is amateur night for drinkers. Please be very careful!! FEEDINGTHEDESIRE.COM.COM Hugs and Kisses to all of you! I miss you! Laurie
Updated King List
Hey everyone! Hope you guys are doing good i started my new job today..i'm a shoe associate at i wont be around as much as i usually am...feel free to send me messages, coments ect ect i'll be sure to get back to you. hope to chat soon! much love ~cin
So for those of you on here who have been wondering where i have been i figured i'd drop a quick update to close out two dub seven. Brandy is still here hence why i haven't been in the mumms or even online too much. I got myself an xbox 360 and halo 3 which is mega-tits sweeeeeeet. Thirdly i broke my wrist and potentially my hand yesterday which makes typing fucking difficult. Anyhoot i hope all of you have a safe and happy new year and get fucked up and have fun tonight. Happy New Year! And if you have xbox and want to play online hit me up with your gamertag.
Update To Happy New Year Blog
I now have pictures of the house before any kind of work has been done in my photo albums under house photos...
Update On Knee
Went to Dr. yesterday and was told I only need one more visit in 6 weeks that I'm doing awesome. Said I needed no more than 3 weeks of therapy :D. Can't wait for this to be all over with
Update 1-04-08
Hi All! Today marks a whole month of pain and complete exhaustion. I'm not going to turn this into a pity blog. I just want to share what is on my mind. At this point, I'm worried sick. My symptoms could be caused by any number of things...including a bleeding growth, screwed up hormones, or even the c-word. My body is so worn out from the physical symptoms that it is causing mental exhaustion too. I'm trying my best to keep my chin up and think positively, but it is getting pretty rough to do. I am a DES baby. I'm not sure what it stands for, but it was a drug given to pregnant women who had a history of miscarriages. It was supposed to help the mother carry her baby to term. My mother had 3 miscarriages before becoming pregnant with me, so they gave her this DES drug for 3 months. I was born one month early. DES was banned in the US by the FDA one month after I was born. It was found to cause major damage to the reproductive organs of the fetus in utero...male a
I will not be around much for awhile but to my real friends thanks for the support and to the others I finally woke up and turned my back cause I can not take it anymore. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Update On Fu Proposals!
Post all your proposals as blog comments so we both can check them out!!
Just to let my friends know... I'm moving the rest of my stuff to the other apartment. I'll be staying there over the weekend once all my furniture gets moved which will be in about... 4 hours or so. But I wont have internet or phone until Monday. And yea I know I have not been on alot lately. I've been really really really busy between work, school, and the kids and moving and all that.
Updated List Of Contestants In The Fu Bucks Contest
The contest starts on saturday January 5th at 6 PM , central time , and ends on January 15th at 6 PM . Below is a list of all the contestants . When the contest opens just click on their picture to get to their contest page . Good luck to all and have fun . (repost of original by '* lisasweet *' on '2008-01-04 07:03:29') (repost of original by '~ Cherie ~Witchesbrew ~ KAGE'S WIFEY & R/L OLE LADY ~ 2 C&' on '2008-01-04 07:28:18') (repost of original by '
Update On Queen Contest!
Just a note to inform everyone including contestants and bombers. A picture was reported nfw to fubar and it was replace with a new picture. Please to let everyone know will be watching for any form of cheating thru the duration of the contest! Wish every one good luck........................! CONTEST ON THE 30TH FOR THE SEXIEST QUEEN ON FABUR!@ fubar
Well guys, I'm back :D I disappeared for a little while, but I couldnt leave my wonderful fuFriends for too long :p The most recent news is that I'm 2months pregnant with my third, and just broke up with the father. Too much drama, I couldn't take it, I didn't deserve it. I kept giving him more chances to straighten out and well...Nothing came out of it. I can't be with someone who I can't trust and who has gone back on his word too many times. I'm done expecting change and not seeing anything. Now while I'm not perfect and have done some pretty stupid shit too.....I'm pregnant now, and I have to take care of myself for the baby's sake. And being utterly depressed and irritated all the time, fighting and bitching and wanting to slit my wrists just didn't seem right with me. So, I left. And that's it. What's done is done. Can't change the past. Time to move on. And on that I go...getting ready to walk down a road as a single mom-to-be, try to be sta
Up Date
Updatin My Friend/and Family List
Update Monday Afternoon
Bad news from the doc. He's not sure what is causing it, but he did mention the three options I listed in an earlier blog. I have to make appointments for a battery of tests and a surgery. I'm so frustrated and disgusted with this that I feel like saying, "yank it all out". I don't need it anyway. LOL I have no health insurance because I can't afford it. This is going to be interesting trying to pay off this bill! I'm off to the chiropractor to have my back adjusted. I've been needing it done for a while. Joe calls me his waddling penquin because I walk that way from the pain. If it's not one thing, it's another! There's not much more to tell until I have the tests done. I do appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Special thanks to Joey, Rhonda, Debbie, and Cathy for their love and support! I love you guys! xoxoxo Laurie
Update 01/07/2008
hello all well this week wasn't too bad but there was a little set back this week instand of the counts going up they came down the counts was 86 thousands but this week the counts are 63 thousands and i only gain 2 pounds this week hahahaha i glad for that i feel like a cow feeling a little depressed this week because of this but will put the head up a little higher this week to i see the dr next week i'm getting tried of going to the dr and being pick with a needle every week you would swear i am a junky with the marks on my arm but i'm not its getting harder to get blood out of my arms they keep running away because they don't like this as i know i have to do this but i don't want to i made a stop this week and had a talk with and old wise man and woman on my way back from the dr and told them i have had enough and to make me better so i could enjoy life so lets see if it works ........ well the next appointment is 01/14/2008 i will let you all know what happens then take care and e
well guys my surgery is scheduled for 6 am running scared now.i feel all alone tho its not a good feeling let me tell you.its like my friends have better things to do than be with me even tho i have always been there for them im terrified.i nevedr realized how much i was till now.. but im used to being let down. so its no big deal anymore. well i needed to vent wish me luck tomorrow guys.and pray they get all this friggin cancer out of me. bye
Ok let me just say that this is not because of any one person, but rather to just clear the air! I am not cold bitter person nor am I so miserable that I just stay depressed all the time. Yes, there have been somethings that I have been dealing with that haven't made me to happy but other than that, I am a happy person for the most part. I apologize if that is the way you see me due to my poems, but if you can only see me the way I described above, then you don't know me at all. I have been writing for quite a long time, yes I will be the first to admit that some of the later ones have been kind of down, but contrary to what some might believe, the things that I write comes from the heart but not all of what I write has a thing to do with myself, but it comes out for others around me. I am a great friend to those that I hold close, when they hurt, I hurt. So with this all being said, I want to wish you a great day/night which ever it might be for you. Thanks for taking th
Update: 1/8/08
Hey everyone, I am sure that my true friends have noticed that I haven't been around much. Well I was taking care of my grandmother and Sunday night she passed away. While she is no longer suffering and in pain, this doesn't really make it any easier to deal with. I am sad that she is gone, but that sadness is laced with a bit of relief that she is no longer suffering. I should be around a bit more after this week and please know that I have missed you all. I hope you have all had a good new year beginning and my love to all of you!! Love Jen
Update On Appointment
well my appointment was friday, and it hurt like hell, she said i'll get my results back today (tuesday) and im now just anxiously waiting..... i'll update once i have the results.
Update On My Pissed Offness Last Night
Well, sooo, ok, like, I was whining and bitching, and was gonna just go to bed, because, god... i was so freaking mad. And he called me, after like, two hours... and, that didn't do much good really... so we hung up... then I was going to go to sleep and was like, "ummmm" duh... my work clothes were at his house.... Sp i had no fucking choice but to get my ass back up, get dressed and go over there. SO, i called him and told him... so we sat on the phone and started talking about everything... and i'm just like, duuude... although, yeah, the whole reason i was upset in the first place was a total misunderstanding, i was still pissed cuz he sat there and didn't talk to me for two hours... and after talking about everything, i understand why, but at the same time, i kinda dont get it... I mean, like, men think weird... I'm not the type of person to get pissed off about someone telling me something... and like all men, he was scared to tell me something and so instead, he just ignored me.
Updates & Changes...
...hey everyone. Just a quick update...well, I've been mad quiet latley and well, partly recovery from my amazing New Year's jaunt with Ms Chelle Chelle, and then having to work like crazy since I've been back...blah.. ..but anyways, back to the issue @ hand... ...people looking for the blow ups and fakes will still find them here, and after a week or so I'll also be adding them to the two new blogs I have called Fubar Fakes Exposed and Classic Fubar Blow Ups. Seems like alot of people have a hard time finding something when I'm referring to it out there on the boards or in messages, so I'll just make it easier for everyone to come back to to reference by posting them there also after the inital shock and drama wave ...anyways, on the future docket will be the issue of the mass resets, people still supporting kiddie watchers, cheaters and such, a ton of fakes running wild here on fu (aka the Stilletto Girls and well, you know who ..more of the same real
Update On My Daughter
Well she ended up back at the emergency room on the 8th. She had a fever of 102.9 and her breathing was bad. They took more blood and xrayed her chest. She now has to be on a breathing machine with the albuterol. She has to go back to Childrens Hospital next week to check where her stitches are and back to her doctors office to check how her breathing is going. So I will update more later! Thanks to all who have been there for me and my family!*HUGS AND KISSES*
Update On "tommyrotica"
Update On The Soul Train................ Now Has 42 New Passengers And Still Taking Tickets For The S O U L Train Ride!
Updated Mumm Policy
Please do not email asking why your MuMM was deleted. If it did not fall into the guideline below and was deleted, please read the last paragraph closely. Once a month we will turn all of the people who have lost their MuMMs back on. Until then you are able to make friend MuMMs. Please read: MUMM Guidelines MUMM stands for Make Up My Mind. It is designed to be a platform to allow you to pose a question that has an A and B option. MUMMs are NOT designed to promote yourself or anyone else, gain points, advertise an event or commercialized product, or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm against any group or individual. MUMMs must also NOT contain inappropriate conduct, phone numbers and contact information, nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter, nor can it provide links to adult websites. Any use of PHOTOS or VIDEOS posted in the MUMMs must be appropriate and relevant to that MUMM, or the MUMM will be deleted. MuMM comments must not contain NSFW
Up Date On The Soul Train Passengers 57 Total, Seats , Seats Open To You!
Update On The Last Blog
The results have not come in yet when they do I will let everyone know about them.
Update On My Niece
I talked to my brother-in-law earlier and Kylie is doing well today, so far no seizures today. Thank you to all who have been praying and thank you for your continued prayers, please continue to pray and have your friends/family pray as well. We still don't know why she's been having them, and are praying they can find out soon, we're also praying that the medicine continues to work this time and not have to raise the dose again or change medicine again. I have two photos of her in a folder if you have not seen them yet feel free to check them out, one is from my daughter's birthday the other is from this past Sunday of her at the hospital. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my darling niece.
Update On Bryson's Head
Well I finally looked at it more closely last night. I haven't been able to before because I didn't think I could stomach it. I'm a nervous wreck from it. And he knows it. He teases me and went outside and sat on the very desk he fell off of and hit his head on, looked at me with a big grin and asked, "Mom does this scare you?". Yeah real funny. He runs in the hallway, "mom am I scaring you yet?" I know most of you, if not all of you are laughing right now. But, you didn't see the gaping hole I saw. I'm not exaggerating. Wish I was. Anyways, it's healing PERFECT!! It turned out that it wasn't a straight line cut, it's jagged but...the skin healed back closed perfectly. No wrinkles in it at all. He's down to just a band aid and it hasn't even been a week yet! He was able to get it wet last night and he layed in the bathtub for awhile after saying "mom I can finally do this again" and stuck the back of his head under water. He's a water kid so it almost killed him to not be able to pla
Well we just got back from the specialist today and they have told use this...the mass in her abdomen looks to be 50/50 on ovarian cancer. Bad news is even if it isn't at the rate it is growing it makes them think it is cancer and right now it is the size of a small watermelon, and if not removed she has 4-6 months to live before basically starving to death. If they do the surgery she has a 25% survival rate, which basically means there is a slim chance she won't die during surgery. That is what we know so far.
Update On My Dog
Well lets start by saying I'm pissed and upset ... My dog Roscoe passed away through the night not from the infection or the mange but from the wrong dosage given by the vet they told us to give Roscoe 1 ml of the Ivermectim daily ..Well we started his meds on Friday and he was a happy puppy all wk he was doing so much better walking around eating and almost back to normal except the no hair and scabs part. Well by Sunday he wasn't moving or eating Monday I was forcing water with a syringe in his mouth. I called the vet and they said we are so sorry but we mis dosed him he should have only received 1/2 ml ..if you can bring him in we can give him an IV but thats it..WTF ... so instead I kept him home and babied him and gave him warmth water and love .. I wasn't about to take him back to people who put him on his death bed ... I know some vets help But ours didn't in this vase they cause the wrong dosage and than didn't want to do anything to help ... He went in to toxicity around 11 y
Updated Mumm Information Jan 11 -08
subject: Updated MuMM Policy post date: 2008-01-11 10:06:29 This information is from an update through Blog via Scrapper: Many of you email me day in and day out about your MuMMs. I could spend all day turning back on MuMMs only for you to abuse them and loose them in an hour. Everyone MuMMs are a privilege. If you get them turned off, you are still able to make Friends MuMMs. Please read: MUMM Guidelines MUMM stands for Make Up My Mind. It is designed to be a platform to allow you to pose a question that has an A and B option. MUMMs are NOT designed to promote yourself or anyone else, gain points, advertise an event or commercialized product, or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm against any group or individual. MUMMs must also NOT contain inappropriate conduct, phone numbers and contact information, nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter, nor can it provide links to adult websites. Any use of PHOTOS or VIDEOS posted in the MUMMs must be ap
Well as you can see by my pics I have a handsome grandson!!!!!!!!! Been workin alot lately so I don't have much time to spend on the computer but I try when I can. I am happy to say on Valentine's day we will have a new addition to ou family .....Kailey Lee Noble!!! My close friend Tina is gonna be a Grandma!!!!! It will be happy and sad at the same time since on 11-26-07 hr husband was killed in a car accident and didn't even get to know he was gonna be a grandpa.....but Kailey will have lots of love from all of us.....She will be MEANIE the 3RD as her Momma calls me meanie and she is my mini meanie LOL so I will happily be having a granddaughter just because our families are that close :) Today is the baby shower so I will post a few pics when I get back. Allan is doing well he is now 10lbs 4oz and 22 inches long.....he babbled to me on the phone today when I was talking to my daughter.....SO ADORABLE.....I can't wait for them to move down here so I can have him all the time LOL
Update On Me
i did have heart attack but i will be fine ty for caring
Updated Rules....
LEVELING LOVERS This family is for fun, its not a demanding family, shout at another member to see if they can help, if they cant then go to the next it is a big deal. There is something else I want to I need help in the family so I need some staff so if anyone want to help please let me know. HAVE FUN (that is a must) Harrassment is a definite no-no whether it is a family member or another family it will not be tolerated what so ever... Respect Everyone. We're all humans on the outside, therefore we have feelings, everyone- deserves respect. Treat each wolf as you would liked to be treated. Our goal is to help all our fellow members level up. Please, be sure to welcome all new members! We just ask that you rate them with 10’s or 11’s and maybe leave a nice comment welcoming them. Everyone will have a badge made for them. Also, please be sure to check my blogs often for any updates!
~update)about Punks Contest..?
Bald Punk Has A Contest Starting The 20th AND I EXPECT FULL SUPPORT OUT OF EVERY FAMILY MEMBER That is online.Please Contact me if that seems to be a problem,it's not like im asking you to quit your job let your kids play in rushuor traffic all I want us is to act like a family like we did when it was 1st founded...(DAMN)we didn't loose a contest but a lot of bullshit started and everything went to shit anbd everybody quit reading blogs reposting bullys WTF are we a family or not if we are gonna be a family let's damn well act like one ......... Get The Contest details from punk on his contest Thank's for listening to me Punk is in a contest, Hottest Bald Guy, Is He? if you think so go drop a bunch of comments on him!
Update On Punk Show Love
Bald Punk Has A Contest Starting The 20th AND I EXPECT FULL SUPPORT OUT OF EVERY FAMILY MEMBER That is online.Please Contact me if that seems to be a problem,it's not like im asking you to quit your job let your kids play in rushuor traffic all I want us is to act like a family like we did when it was 1st founded...(DAMN)we didn't loose a contest but a lot of bullshit started and everything went to shit anbd everybody quit reading blogs reposting bullys WTF are we a family or not if we are gonna be a family let's damn well act like one ......... Get The Contest details from punk on his contest Thank's for listening to me Punk is in a contest, Hottest Bald Guy, Is He? if you think so go drop a bunch of comments on him!
Update On My Darling Niece Who's In The Hospital
Well for those who have been reading my latest blogs for updates on my life you know that my darling little niece Kylie who is four months old is in the children's hospital up in St. Paul. She has been diagnosed with epilepsy. She has been there for about two weeks now and is unfortunately getting worse rather than better. They will put her on a medicine she'll do better for a day or two and then the seizures will start right back up. I just got home from spending the weekend up there again and I cried most of the way home. Saturday her she took a turn for the worse and the seizures just kept getting stronger and longer and taking more and more out of her. They switched her medication again today but I had to come home because I couldn't afford to continue staying up there. I feel so utterly hopeless because there is nothing I can do but pray for God to heal her. I try so hard to be there for her and my sister but my sister and I are a LOT alike we don't feel comfortable accepting help
An Update To Everyone!
I guess some of you might have been wondering where I have been and what I have been up to lately. Well let me tell you it has not been all that great in my life lately. Just 4 days after X stepfather brutally attacked my sister (the one in the photos with me) and left her for dead. She was not found until 7 hrs later. Me and my fiance found her laying in a puddle of blood. Blood splattered on the walls! It was not a pretty scene! He attacked her while she slept! Grabbed her by her throat and startled her awake and told her if she screamed he would slit her throat. He proceeded to pound her face and then slashed her face in 4 different locations. She was bad as can be. Her life is never going to be the same again! Shes on the mend now! And he was caught as well. He slashed his throat as the police closed in on him but he lives but did major damage to himself (which was not good enough as far as I am concerned)...Hes in jail and facing 31 + years if found guilty on all acco
Update On Big Pappa Pimp Out Was 1,270,063 Wow! Thanks Youto All That Help Ladies Out!
*update* Please Read...
I recently fell down some stairs in my home and broke my ankle. Since, I have been in a drug induced state from pain meds I have been taking daily. I just wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten my friends. I'm just resting and not online much. In fact this is the first time in over a week I have been on Fubar. I hope to be back soon. Miss you all! OXOX Suzie
Update From Jan. 19
Hi Everyone it's me again Lillianna, I am doing good today mommy was here yesterday with my sister Sheila. I was looking at Sheila and held her hand while mommy held me. I was so comfy listening to her heart beat and her breath. I fussed a little because the cpap won't let me move like I want to. Mommy got a call she did NOT want to get. I have a slight bleed on the other side of my brain now, it could be that they just didn't see it before. But the worst part is that I have some swelling starting, which means there is a blockage. The Dr told mommy there is nothing they can or will do at this point that they are just going to watch it. They have this lady coming to see me from Occupational Therapy now.She is supposed to help asses if I am behind in any development I am suppsosed to be at right now. But mommy can tell you I move my head all around to get it where I want it. I know when my mommy is walking in and I start to fuss, it seems to make her move faster to get to me. I Lov
1/22/07 Updated Soul Train Passengers!
Update - Jan. 21
Hi Everyone! Mommy has been busy trying to get things ready for when I come home and I guess no news is good news right. Well Saturday night when the nurse weighed me I was 3 lbs 2 oz. And doing good still having my spells, then on Sunday night Mommy was there when I was weighed again and I was 3 lbs 4oz, still having a few spells but I self corrected as the nurse said.I didn't really feel like being touched so I fussed at mommy a little but I also smiled alot at her when she talked to me. Today mommy came to see me again like she always does and I couldn't wait for her to touch me and talk to me. I stretched and yawned and smiled at her she would talk to me and I would smile even bigger. I have a strawberry birth mark on my belly and all the nurses and mommy were talking about it and I giggled a tiny bit but they heard me and mommy was almost crying but she said it was tears of joy. I smiled at her again. She stayed along time today I guess daddy was home with Stephen and Samantha.N
Update 01/23/2008
hello all I just got back from the Dr's and it all gooooood !!!!! this week the counts last time I went was 60 thousands well today they went up to 137 thousands so we are coming down off the med's by 10 mg a visit to watch out that they don't drop to much or to fast I also gain 2 more pounds so now everyone can call me fat ass hahahaha but watch out because I can't wait to start losing this weight now and go back to my weight I go back on the 30th of this month now I have to go every week to make sure it all good i'm soooo excited this week to know that his may be almost over and we are on the down side of this but will have to watch it for the rest of my life it all good today
OK Kylie has been without a seizure for 24 hours now, the medicine they are giving her is not a cure and they can't give it to her for long because it has serious side effects when taken long term. But it is giving her little body a chance to rest. Also they are going to be doing a spinal tap today or tomorrow to do more testing to try to find out what is causing her to have seizures in the first place. My friend Sarah some of you may know about but some may not. She recently had a liver transplant because of cancer and has been having complications off and on, well she is back in the hospital again fighting for her life. The doctors said with as many complications as she has been having she only has about a 30% chance of pull through this and that is if she doesn't slip into a coma so please add her to your pray list as well. My issue that was caused by my psychotic whore of an ex roommate seems to be taken care of *knocks on wood* hopefully she don't pull anymore stupid @$$ st
Update On Stupid - Jan 24 2008
Jan 23 2008 Ya know there are a few so called screenshots floating around.... Now let me clarify the stupidity of one of the most vindictive Women of Fubar, Now most of you know my X-FUBAR wife and how talented she is in photoshops and I even give myself credit in being pretty good. Now This Vindictive piece of trash thinks people are actualy dumb enough to buy the screenshots she photoshopped and is passing around? Why do you think I havent passed or posted the ones I have ? Because like you Im that fuckin good at photoshops and i know they would be questioned. Now the question is am I sick ? Yes I am and i have clarified that. Am I limited on time ? Yes NOW let me clarify further....... I am still married to a woman that lives in Arkansas at this time, and lacey and i came up with the plan that she would show she had came here and was still here. and we also involved my son in sending her ( The soon to be X )info that I was deader than shit, This was done on Yahoo and
Well as some may know im still in Ga and been here since july 2007 and still not find job not for lack of trying i have been looking so much and no one is hiring much .I still have no clue where i want to live for now im with my parents but that needs change soon but no job kinda hard .so alot of thing the same her im still unsure what to do .so any advice would be usefui sorta dont want to stay in such small town but two of my kids are in or going to be in high school next u they dont want to leave there friends but some of my friends have said my kids will not be happy ifim not happy im going to get going maybe things will have changed some when i write again like i said any advice will be very welcomed thanks
My friend is alive and recovering from the accident. I am so happy and overjoyed that she pulled through. Thank you all for your support!!
Update On My Last Blog
WEll things have changed a little, im still nmot sure whats fully going on. Were hanging out alot more and the feels are starting to come back. The dad of the child wants NOthing to do with the child. Pisses me off ALOT. SO i have some decisions coming up as ive talked with her on everything. so its step up and act as a farther best i can doing whatever i can or just be friends. I now the friends wont work out at this point where still far to in love to ever keep it just at that. so its kinda in the air at the moment, but im really thinking of the dad one. granted im not rdy money wise or prolly mature wise. i do care and love her. Any one got any dieas?
Update - Jan. 26
This is from Lilli's CarePage Good Morning everyone, I am sorry I haven't updated in a few days alot has been going on. I gained all the way to 3lbs 10oz.! I ended up needing another blood transfusion and then the Dr gave me some medicine because I was swelling on my face and feet. Probably all over but mommy was concerned about what she could see. So anyway I lost some fluid weight I am actually 3lbs. 8 1/2 oz. I am eating 16 cc over 4 hours then I eat again in 6 hours. It seems to help my tummy. Through all this mommy got another call from the Dr.(she gets scared every time they call her she said) But this time it was good news!!!! It seems that my last cranial ultrasound showed that the ventricals in my brain were decreasing in size and the blood clot is also decreasing. There is no new evidence that the bleed is getting bigger so the neurologist thinks it has stopped and that part is on a upward turn! But I am having more spells again right after my transfusion I didn't hardly
Update - Jan. 27
This is taken from Lilli's CarePage Mommy called and checked on me today and so far I have had NO spells. They adjusted my feeding tube and that might help with my reflux.I am eating 7cc a hour over 4 hours, then they let my tummy rest for two hours. So far that is good because I have no residual food left in my tummy. I am 3 lbs 11 oz. and just sitting here waiting on mommy. The nurse said she had been getting bad migraines( what are those?) so that is why she couldn't come yesterday. I sure miss her when she isn't here! The new cranial scan will be read on tuesday or wednesday and they will check my caffiene levels on tuesday they might need to adjust that because I am growing so fast. Yesterday was my birthday and mommy said she has a surprise for me. I think I like the present thing.I hope my daddy comes today too, I miss him but mommy says he works alot so she can take care of all of us. I am lucky to have a brother and sisters. Some of the babies in here don't have any and I t
Updated Profile
Just thought I would let all of you know I have updated my profile. :D
Update On Hitler (my Ex)
OK...this some funny shit...After being away from dumbass and having to put up with his shit, it's all paid off. As some of you may remember, I left him because he traded my TV for cocaine. Well, he got caught with almost an 8-ball saturday night! HA HA!!! Serves him right!!!! He went to jail, but was released on a $20,000 bond...he'so has messed up his life and I'm glad not to be part of it anymore.....
life is getting better work is picking up again over the last 2 + years you can see a big diffrence in my hometown granted N.O. is still a long way from being the same but we are trying to get it back togeither
Updates & Wallpapers
My chainsaw chips are now onsale and can be purchased at this link Buy your chainsaw chip collectible I will also have a giveaway for your very own collectible as well! Also, there's a couple of new updates and wallpapaer on my official website, so go and check it out Updates & New wallpaper
Update - Jan. 30
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage Good Morning! Well on Monday my mommy came and so did my Grandma!!! I was happy to see her again (and mommy too)! She took pictures and mommy said she sent them out to many of you. I have been doing good , they have started to increase how much food I get and are doing it a little at a time. Yesterday when my mommy was here the nurse practitioner Paula told her the results of my cranial ultrasound done on monday. And it was GREAT news!!!! The bleeding has completely stopped and there is NO maore swelling! They have actually downgraded my bleed to a grade 2 from a grade 3. That was really good news too! Mommy called this morning and I am 3 lbs 13 oz. Alomost the weight I could go home but I still have a few things I need to work on first. But then when mommy called first thing this morning she found out that I was moved to another pod. Which means I am getting better. I will miss my nurses but I am sure they will come to see me again. Then m
i caught him red handed with that bitch last night and now he calls me a little bit ago and says he thought he was over me until he saw me, oh god give me a fucking break...
i caught him red handed with that bitch last night and now he calls me a little bit ago and says he thought he was over me until he saw me, oh god give me a fucking break...
Updated Mumm Policy 31 Jan 08
*****STRAIGHT FROM SCRAPPER'S BLOG***** Many of you email me day in and day out about your MuMMs. I could spend all day turning back on MuMMs only for you to abuse them and loose them in an hour. Everyone MuMMs are a privilege. If you get them turned off, you are still able to make Friends MuMMs. Once a month we will turn everyone back on. If you have lost your everyone mumms, you will have to be patient and wait until that day. I will not respond to any email about MuMMs. Please read: MUMM Guidelines MUMM stands for Make Up My Mind. It is designed to be a platform to allow you to pose a question that has an A and B option. MUMMs are NOT designed to promote yourself or anyone else, gain points, advertise an event or commercialized product, or promote racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm against any group or individual. MUMMs must also NOT contain inappropriate conduct, phone numbers and contact information, nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter, nor can it p
Update On My Life
today is febuary 1st and i have been with my girlfriend nichole for almost 6 months now and i have been loving everyday of it every minute we spend together is the besat minute i could ask for and i can not beleave she loves me as much as i love her and i hope that one day we will be married and living happly forever and ever we talk of childeren and names for them we have names they maybe werid but we like then and i am sure by the time we have them that werid names will not really be a matter So as i sit here with 7 days left till are six month i thinkthat i have finaly earned something for all my suffering and all the pain that has been throwen down on me and now my life is getting better so i am happy at least till my next entry have a great life ~ Lost In The Dark ~
Update On Things...
O.K.! So I have been M.I.A for like the past 6 months or so. Well alot has been going on actually. I've been working my ass off mostly! lol But Brandon and I got married on January 23rd and we ventured into florida for the weekend which also happened to be my birthday too (YaY! go me!) lol at any rate, shit has been a little crazy around my way and I haven't forgotten ANY of my fubar friends! Love You guys/gals lots!! I hope to check in more often. Lots o' Love, Lissa
Update 2-1-08
This is taken from Lilli's CarePage. I have been a busy little girl the past couple of days!! I got taken off of my high flow cannula the same day they moved me. I have been breathing on my own, Mommy and the nurses say I am doing great. Then today the nurse gave me a bath and took my iv out. Boy does it feel better. She said I am holding my feeds good and my tummy is staying small. I smiled really big for mommy today and she said I look like her cousin Alvis when he smiles. He must have a great smile cause Dawson's mommy said it lit up the room! Nothing much to report excet I am 4 lbs 1 oz as of Thursday night. I don't know why they won't give me a bottle yet but the Dr said soon. They have to wean me off the tube feeding to make sure my tummy is ok. I want a bottle now this binkie they give me doesn't fell my tummy up. Mommy has been spending alot of time here cause I am awake more during the day now. She said I have beautiful eyes and I am filing out. Dawson's mommy said I look s
Update 2-2-08
Hello again! I know I just updated earlier but I have some exciting news! I got moved up stairs to the step down unit in NICU! I am considered a feeder and grower now! I did lose some weight but if I don't go potty before they weigh me I seem to do that I am 3 lbs 13 almost 14 oz. My big brother said I will be coming home on Valentine's Day! Mommy says he is positive about that and making it known he is right. So she said she is going to make it a game a start taking bets for him . He sounds like he is going to be fun. The Dr have to do rounds still today so I will probably have more news for you later (if I am not too tired) or tomorrow. Thank you all for your help and support and please pray for my friends in here. Love, Lillianna a.k.a Lily
Update To Yay! apparently TJ surrendered himself at the police headquarters in Center City in Philly..that's only a half hour away from me...that is some scary shit...he came all this way and then turns himself in???
Update On The Smoothest Ride In The Sky! The Soul Plane Now Has 21 On Board!
well ive been talkin to my friend again...the one who lives in NC and he told me he is thinking bout goin back into the army. I really dont know what to think. I mean I love our soldiers more than anything but can I handle being with one again. Like he isnt sure if he is gonna do it yet or not but wanted to know what I thought about it. I told him I would support him in anything he decided to do. Was that the right thing to tell him knowing its gonna drive me outta my mind? He was in the special forces and wants to go back, I want him to do waht makes him happy. And something tells me he isnt the kind of guy who would hurt me like my other soldiers have. So idk but thats whats goin on now
Ok so I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Needless to say a lot has happened. I am single again(more or less at this point), I want to move to another state ASAP, my health isn't doing great, and my car still isn't fixed yet. Over the past few months I have done a lot of thinking and contemplating about life, love and who I am. More or less have come to realize that I am a very reactive person. That when I am treated with love, respect and loyalty, I return it. But when the opposite happens I return that. Yes, I know that we all are human and prone to faults, including me(must of all). I am my own worst enemy when it comes to beating oneself up for failing or becoming a hypocrite. I have grown over this past two years by leaps and bounds. That I think some are jealous of my progress. I also have realized that jealousy is in everyone to a certain degree. I was at one point a very much the jealous green eyed monster everyone knows. I
Update Update On My Health Lol
Just another one I guess. Well guys. Im goin back to work tomorrow. I am feeling better. I still have headaches but dont complain about them cause theres no point. ummm. lets see. I was back in the hospital again I was there for my birthday i was in for a while it sucked. I thought I was having yet another damn stroke. I lost the feeling from the left toes to the top of the left side of my head again. scary feeling lemme tell ya. But I managed to get through it again. They gave me some meds to make the feeling come back very strong ones. When I arrived at the hospital they gave me morphine for the pain. Oh yeah that stuff makes me see pink everything even elephants go figure huh. Then the started me on Dulaton or something like that its 10 times stronger then morphine believe it or not ummm I didnt know who I was put it that way they pushed it every 3 hours that one was to keep me comfortable cause I had this huge headache and lemme tell you my head felt like it was gonna fall off.
Update On Dog Scandal
Texas Mayor Resigns Amid Pet Dog Scandal Feb 2, 2:28 PM (ET) ALICE, Texas (AP) - A small-town mayor accused of secretly keeping her neighbor's dog after telling them the pet died has resigned, and a judge is set to decide custody of the Shih Tzu. Grace Saenz-Lopez apologized Friday to Alice residents and said she believed her actions were in the dog's best interest. "I am sorry for the division that the events of these last few weeks have caused," Saenz-Lopez wrote in her resignation letter. "It was never my intention to bring any negative exposure to our city." A custody hearing Monday is expected to decide who gets Puddles, who Saenz-Lopez renamed "Panchito" after taking the dog last summer. A neighboring family accuses Saenz-Lopez of refusing to return the dog after leaving it in her care while they went on vacation. A day after her neighbors left, Saenz-Lopez called to tell them Puddles had died. Three months later, a relative of the neighbors saw the pet at a
Update 2/7/08
Hey Everyone people keep asking about this and i am tired of repeating myself so hey blog it! As of last week I was seen at the spinal clinic they did a series of x-rays called strech x-rays where they take films of your spine in different postions. However, they found more problems with my spine is not aligned correctly. And the spinal Steonsis is more complex then we had imagined. And with the syotic nerves in my legs being pinched my pain is out of control. After my Mri next week we are going to try the spinal Injections again, and if that doesn't work we will resort to surgery, which i am scared to death about because of all the stories i have been told about. Working is out of the question now my doctor has me on high doses of medication & Limited steps. Do not give me any sympthony on this spinal steonsis can effect anyone at anytime. this is just to let my friends know what's going on. David is still in the desert and will not be back for another week. so bare with me
Update 2-7-08
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage. I am just a busy little girl I haven't had time to update all of you. I started eating from my bottle on Tuesday at first just 16 cc's once every 12 hours. Yesterday they decided since I did such a good job with that that I could have 36 cc's 3 times a day. I have done very well with that except a very little spit up while burping. So today I might go on eating every 3 hours. Hopefully with out this tube soon it is really making it hard to keep my food down. I got to have a few days with the top of my isolette up but I had a little bit of a hard time keeping my temp at a normal level. So they closed it yesterday . I lost a little bit of weight I am now 4 lbs. 1 oz. Mommy said daddy finally direct donated blood for me and my Dr is waiting for it to come before she gives me my 3rd blood transfusion . I need it this time because I am anemic and can't produce blood on my own fast enough yet. But the way things are looking I will be home soon. My Dr
Sorry I haven't been on here much, been in Tennessee. She made it through the surgery fine. They had trouble with her blood pressure at first but now it is up. She has developed pneumonia, but they have been giving her some really good anti-biotic drugs and and it to where she will be able to come home Monday. This is good because now I don't have to worry about driving down there in case something was to happen. I appreciate everyone's support through all of this. I hope that everyone has a great day and just want to say thanks.
My daughter had her sonograms today the baby looks good 4 pounds 1 ounce so far. Her first due date was March 30th now today they are saying April 4th. The abdominal sonogram looked at her kidneys,pancrease,liver and gall bladder. The only thing i do know at this point is she does not have gall stones. We have to wait to hear from the Doctor for the rest of the report. So until then she is still delaing with issues.
So I had to reformat my hard drive (SUCKED MAJOR ASS). I still dont have internet, just borrowing dad's computer for a few mins. I'm waiting on having an ethernet cable made. One long enough to reach my computer from the router. I could buy one but they are HELLA expensive at the store so Im having a friend of mine make one for me. I will be back on as soon as I can. I miss you all
Update On My Lil Brother
My brother Brian died at 850am 10 Feb. A gunshot wound to the head but it seems he may not have been the one to pull the trigger..We are waiting on the DA to give us his thoughts but regardless of how the gun went off he is heart is aching right now to see my father and youngest brother are beside themselves in grief as the boys were all very close. Please continue to keep sending the love....I wait until I am back to the hotel to cry so as to not add to the water works here. so it's just been hard Update- The death was deemed self inflicted but it was conveyed by his gf that he thought the safty was one and was upset and had been drinking. He put the gun to his head not expecting it to go off obviously...
Update....... Again
So I finally got my ethernet cable on order and as soon as I get it here I'll be ready to go , and back online. Hope everyone had a good V-day..... I got stood up (go figure, story of my life) annnnyway...... Im only here for a few again, then Im gone as Im tired tonight and will be in bed soon. If your reading these blogs , come say hi, I will say hi back as soon as I can. I still miss fubar (how sad is that , lol). Hopefully this cable will get here sooner than later....... I feel like the jeopardy theme has been running for 2 weeks straight now lol. Laters Taters Matty
Updating My Profile
I am looking to update my profile. I also am looking to make changes and add thing's. I welcome any suggestion's
Update On My Niece
Ok I'm seriously tired so I'm going to try to keep this short. They released Kylie from the hospital today, I'm happy she's home but at the same time it worries me. She is still having a LOT of seizures and having to be give emergency medication anywhere to every other day sometimes everyday and on days like today twice a day. The emergency medication is $100 dollars for TWO doses. Not to mention they haven't even been able to get the money together for the monitors to monitor her at night so someone isn't having to stay awake watching her 24/7. Please keep up the prayers especially now that they are back home for the seizures to at LEAST not be so many. And that the doctors will soon find a better way to control them so she won't be having 20-50 a day. Thank you everyone for your prayers for my darling niece who for those of you that don't know just turned 5 months old on the 11th.
Update On The Farm
Good morning! 2/16/2008 09:30am I know, it looked like I fell from the globe. It’s been busy here – and then some. When we arrived, naturally we had boxes up the waazoo, and although that has slowed down, we still have some yet to do, once I get a place prepared. The first thing I needed to do was to rebuild the down stairs bathroom – all the way to the ground – literally. We were able to keep the tub, one cabinet, the commode and the counter top ( A really nice one!) but everything else floor, walls, ceiling, fixtures – had to go. The gutter over the thing had not been cleaned in ages, a leak had developed, and everything rotted right out. It’s spiffy now though! The house is nearly finished – the heat has all been installed upstairs, and after trying several things in that massive old fire place, we have settled on a very old very WONDERFUL looking gas stove. The chimney needs lining before it can be used as a fireplace again, and since it h
well i am so sorry i have not been on in like forever but i could not help it i have been in and out of the hospital about 5 months ago i had a slight heart attack and noone knew why i had one all blood tests came back fine and even my heart cath they said it was one of those freak things but im back i just get tired really easily now hugs and nips Larina
An Update.
Now I'm even more fucking pissed off, so yes, you guessed it right, I fucking hate people even more now. How come I've been doing this shit for fucking three years now, and I still have to go into hospitals, doctors offices, and deal with receptionists over the fucking phone who automatically I don't know what the fuck I'm possibly talking about, when they themselves, don't even fucking KNOW what schizencephaly is. So you're fucking telling me, I have to sit here and fucking explain to these cock suckers whats wrong with my daughter in the first place, and they have the fucking audacity to assume to assume that every Tom, Dick, and fucking Jane that walk into their office don't know what they're talking about? Especially me, when I have to fucking explain to the DOCTOR what my daughters diagnoses, but they turn around and still treat me like a fucking retard? Fuck off. Its no fucking secret we're just another god damn pay check to these people and they could give a shit if we live or
Update 2-12-08
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage Gey time flies in here. Well I am now getting the bottle or mommy 6 times a day and I eat 8 times a day. So 2 of my feeds are still through the tube but that will probably change tomorrow again.I have just spent these past couple of days hanging out learning to regulate my own temp. and eating. On Monday when Mommy came and was feeding me my physical therapist came and told mommy how to hold me and burp me. She said I am really stressed especially when mommy can't spend alot of time with me on certain days. But I haven't had one of my spells since the 9th. Well not really.(hehe) So anyway mommy is learning these new things with me. Everyone needs to make slow steady movements when taking care of me or I stress out and tense my little body. I have a tendency to pull my head back and to the side slightly so we are working on that now too. I had a consult with my new GI dr. and she ordered a bunch of tests. She put me on phenobarbatol for my Gallbla
Update 2-14-08
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage Hi everyone it's Vicky this time, As I sit here updating this page for Lillianna she is getting a highda scan done. I am nervous because they inject dye into her tiny little body. Yesterday was a very trying day. She kept desatting all day and we thought it might be from her reflux but she wasn't handling it well at all. We tried inclining her bed more,putting more blankets under her head. Nothing seemed to help only when I held her while standing up with her little head on my chest did she have great vitals. Well then at five p.m feeding I nursed her and about 10 minutes later she let out this sound like she was throwing up and it was a mucus ball. Then her stats seemed to even back out. I watched her for about 20 minutes very carefully but she did well. According to the nurse she had a good night. But we have had to reduce the amount of times she gets to nipple feed ( bottle or breast) back down to four times a day. Waiting on all her labs an
Update 2-15-08
Today the dr got my test results from my highda scan and there is no bile in the wrong places. They are still waittng on some of my labs to come back in. I have been eating my food when the nurses have the patients to deal with me mommy said. All this time she has been saying she wanted top hear me cry then when I do start to cry( yesterday) because I want to be fed she tells me oh it's ok baby don't cry. I wish she would make up her mind. I nursed today again a full feed. Mommy must be out of milk to send cause she keeps coming in and nursing me for most of my nipple feeds. She looked really tired today and started crying again. She told me I am doing good tho and she just wants me home. I over heard her talking to my Nurse Practitioner today saying she didn't know how much longer she could go on like this that it is really wearing her down. So tell mommy that I will be home soon I am getting stronger everyday and I am growing . All my tests will be fine and she shouldn't worry about
Update 2-17-08
Good Morning, I have had a good couple of days. I finally went poopie and I filled my diaper. Ms Joy said it was massive and said mommy would be happy. I am starting to know when it is time to eat now my little tummy starts to tell me. I don't like that feeling and sometimes they just give me the binkie and it isn't the same. But some how my belly gets full anyway. Some more of my friends went home and new ones moved in , but their mommies are there alot like my mommy is , so now she has some more people to talk to and eat with when they have to leave the room for the Drs to do rounds or when the nurses trade who is taking care of us. I have had 3 bradies since last night. I want my mommy to come like she does when my brother and sisters are at school! She is here most of the day on those days and even comes some of the nights. I am hopoing to be put on more bottles Monday. We found out that when I take my feeds by bottle or breast for 3 days then I will be able to come home. As lo
Update On The Mike Thing
mike said hi to me today when i went to go hunt down the municipal office (if you say wat, i dont know wat i'll do! everyone has looked at me funny for sayin municipal!). i was walkin from the ATM at the CUB, so i was walkin past servo which is where he was coming from. he was across the street and i hear "hey ace!" i whipped around and i saw him waving at me. "hey mike!" and i expected more so i talked more. "how are you?" (we're shoutin across the street) "i'm fine, you?" "sick...wat are you going to do?" "work" "ok, i have to pay a ticket" end of conversation. it was something. i ate wit nicole tonight at pizza house and we discussed it. i told her wat was going on and i keep stressing to everyone that mike is only a friend to me, nothing more. plus i dont wanna hurt kat. but everyone i've talked to says he likes me and i like him as a friend. i like hanging out wit him and just being friends. nicole says everything will be better when he graduates and i say prolly.
Update And Sick Just Great!!
well i haven't been on here very much cause i had 3 weeks off well on and off.. and now i'm back again cause the girls mom's boyfriend is back working again he was laid off for three weeks.. i'm back to watching chase again he is 2 now and his daddy got a job finally... now i'm back to making money again yay for me.. monday i was on much cause i really bad migraine so i just laid around and going back and fouth to the bathroom.. when i get them they make me really sick. now today i was feeling find until i had to come over here and babysitt and now i beleive i'm getting the flu.. which sucks i'm really cold sometimes have a cough my eyes are watery nose is somewhat runny.. my temp keeps going up its 101.2 and going up my body feels like a heater to me.. my roommate and his girlfriend was sick last week and she is somewhat still sick... but i'm going outside tonight at 10pm to see if i can watch the total lunar eclipse tonight.. yeah i'm into that kind of stuff and
Carpe Noctum! I'm still learning my way around the 'bar here...expect more pictures added soon. I installed a playlist, it seems to be working. If anyone can't hear the music, shout me about it. Trying to locate Juggalos and Juggalettes and other 'Goffic' friends. It seems to be alot harder than I thought. I may buy a blast just to get in touch with the rest of the family!
Update 2-24-08
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage Hi everyone, Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you all with an update on how I am doing. But here goes. I have been a busy little girl growing I am up to 4 lbs 11 oz. I am now eating all my food from the bottle or breast and I am sooo glad too! I pulled my feeding tube out myself on friday night and my nurse didn't see a reason to put it back in. I am no longer on phenabarb. they told mommy that was just for my series of highda scan tests. Everything came back good. My stool is back to a normal color. All my labs came back good. One was for my bilirubin and something else, it showed that my gall bladder is still sludgy but that should correct itself. I had my second eye exam and it showed that I have ROP that is eye disease or prematurity. I am only a lew 1 and my eye Dr said that he is comfortable saying it might clear up on it's own. I get another exam tomorrow morning and then we will see what is going on if it is developing to more
Updates On The Contest
Well the contest has been goin on for just about a week now. I have seen you guys workin hard by doin bullys and blogs and think you all are doin an out standin job. Now dont forget come Tue to have everyone come back and rerate the pic again. Theres still 2 weeks left and its still a pretty close call anything can happen! I wish yall the best of luck! Heres an update on the contest as of 2-24-08 at 9:30pm cst Abby.....490 rates Got Ink.....331 rates Summer.....107 rates Hannah Jane..... 89 rates Goddess.....88 rates Al....27 rates Unnhibited34..... 24 rates
for those that know what my life has been like it has only taken a turn for the worst lately the man i thought would treat me so good is sitting in jail for sending me to the emergency room last month and im afraid he will be getting out soon and im stuck here
Update On Auction
ok since i have no members that's joining the auction i'm opening it to everyone that wants in for nothin. there's no cover charge just let me know what pic you want used.
Update On Me, Going To Join A New Gym
well since im bored and no ones talking to me at the moment, i thought id update you all on whats going on with me, since i really havent done any new art for a while...been working ALOT, and i found today they built a golds gym very very close to where i live, so i went there today with the free week pass they sent me, got a good work out in. very nice place accully although i can tell its not fully done yet its still way better then the gym ive belonged to for on saturday on my next day off i plan to go work out and join that gym..i really do need to work out more cuz lets face it im fat lol..well no not really just lost alot of the muscle mass i used to have and thats disapointing to me...sooo gotta get back in shape and become more healthy cuz lets face it my health sucks right now. anyways i think im real need to comment on this but if u wanna thats cool..
Update On Brian's Death
For those of you wondering, Here is the latest information on the Death of my younger brother Brian. It seems last Week (week of Feb 18th) my brother Kevin went to Brian apartment to get a shirt from his gf and lo and behold she had the freakin bullet and casing! So Kevin gave that to our mom who then took that to the Investigator. She then sat this man down and gave him Brian's life story and all the info about how violent his relationship was with his gf. It seems this woman threaten him on more then one occasion she would hurt him if he talked to another woman. The cop said they are making the gf re write her statement and if one word is different from her original statement they will do a polygraph. SO we are not to talk to her now as she is considered a suspect. With a blood alcohol level of 2.74 I don't think he could have done this to himself and anyone that knows him feels that he would never hurt our family like this. God help the wench if she did have something to d
Update - - - Pain In The Neck
As some know, and my primary makes readily obvious. I am having some issues with my neck. Mainly bulging discs, yes I said discs, GET YOUR MIND out of the gutters ladies, as well as some bone spurs. To say it is painful is an understatement. More disconcerting is the fact my left arm is damn near completely numb all the time now. Days are good and bad. Functionality exists until around lunch then all hell breaks loose. I am not one of those who whines and complains, so please do not take it as such. Just take this as a warning. If I should happen to disappear, it is not from discontent or disenchantment but from lack of mobility or from being hospitalized. Until then, I'll be around but the decision is near and is to the point where surgery is on the only recourse.
Update 2-27-08 - Good News!!!!!
This was taken from Lilli's CarePage Well I am now 5 lbs 2 oz. One of the NP told mommy I would come home when I was 5 to 7 days free of bradies that didn't need to be stimulated. But today Nurse Paula came back and so did Dr. Torres and they decided I can go home on friday!!!!!! Mommy was so excited. My ROP (eye thing) is unchanged. I will get another Cranial Scan before I go home and follow up with all my other Drs from home. I am going home on a monitor and mommy and daddy have training on that tomorrow morning. Now mommy said she has to go get my car seat and bassinet and some other things friday morning before they come and get me and my Grandma Norma is picking my brother and sisters up for mommy on friday and not telling them I am coming home so I can surprise them. I can't wait. Mommy said she is going to buy me the prettiest dress she can find for me to wear home and on Easter Sunday. She will she everyone pictures and updates frequently. She told me to behave so I can come
Updated Bulletins So Hott!!
FEEL THE LOVE AND JOIN FU LUV BOMB SQUAD! WE WANT YOU!!! TO JOIN US PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OWNER, THEN YOU HAVE TO FAN, RATE AND ADD ALL CURRENT MEMBERS!!! YOU WILL BE ADDED ONCE THIS IS CONFIRMED. KISSES TO ALL AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!! RULES ARE BASIC AND WILL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED. 1. No Drama Allowed! 2. All must fan, rate and add ALL members. **New Prospects send a note when u add stating Fu Luv Bomb Squad. 3. Must add owner and main page to family. 4. Become member ouf our Lounge. 5. Officers will decide on who to bomb. 6. Any member not actively involved in helping others will be removed from team and will receive no help in any contest or giveaway. 7. Blog will be updated as new members join. Please Check on Owners page daily and repost the new blog onto your profile. 8. A blog will be updated daily , with the member that is currently in a contest. Members MUST read to keep updated. 9.Must be a member of the Squad for 2 weeks before
Update On My Baby Girl Liberti
Updated Fu-luv Bomb Squad Join Us
> > > > > > FEEL THE LOVE AND JOIN FU LUV BOMB SQUAD! WE WANT YOU!!! TO JOIN US PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OWNER, THEN YOU HAVE TO FAN, RATE AND ADD ALL CURRENT MEMBERS!!! YOU WILL BE ADDED ONCE THIS IS CONFIRMED. KISSES TO ALL AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!! RULES ARE BASIC AND WILL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED. 1. No Drama Allowed! 2. All must fan, rate and add ALL members. **New Prospects send a note when u add stating Fu Luv Bomb Squad.. 3. Must add owner to family 4. Officers will decide on who to bomb. 5. Any member not actively involved in helping others will be removed from team and will receive no help in any contest or giveaway. 6. Blog will be updated as new members join. Please Check on Owners page daily and repost the new blog onto your profile. 7. A blog will be updated daily , with the member that is currently in a contest. Members MUST read to keep updated. 8. All rules are subject to change as we grow. the limit on the
Update 1
so i never took the time to fill it out on my profile page but for those of you who actually care i'm putting up this blog to tell you a little about myself. -i don't rate everyone's profile. if i think you're a ten i will but if you have crap taste in music or worship ICP or have nothing in common with me then don't expect a rating. doesn't mean we can't be friends -i hate the radio. fm radio and mtv is garbage to me. the only stuff i listen to is underground -my diet consists mainly of frozen waffles, ramen noodles, and tuna sandwiches. yeah, i'm broke. so what. (makes me wonder why i still weigh 225 lbs) -even though i'm broke i still manage to drink a 40oz of steel reserve almost every night before bed. (maybe that's why) -girls who are too skinny piss me off -juggalos & jugga hos piss me off. f*ck ICP clowns -i have been playing bass guitar since i was 13 years old -i was in a las vegas band called enrot -i did four years in the marine corps and was a part if the invasion
Up Date
My mom had massive heart attacked last night. They we suprise she lived. She in icu right with 50 cong. i just found out tore something in my knee
FEEL THE LOVE AND JOIN FU LUV BOMB SQUAD! WE WANT YOU!!! TO JOIN US PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OWNER, THEN YOU HAVE TO FAN, RATE AND ADD ALL CURRENT MEMBERS!!! YOU WILL BE ADDED ONCE THIS IS CONFIRMED. KISSES TO ALL AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!! RULES ARE BASIC AND WILL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED. 1. No Drama Allowed! 2. All must fan, rate and add ALL members. **New Prospects send a note when u add stating Fu Luv Bomb Squad.. 3. Must add owner to family 4. Become member ouf our Lounge (Blue Orion) 5. Officers will decide on who to bomb. 6. Any member not actively involved in helping others will be removed from team and will receive no help in any contest or giveaway. 7. Blog will be updated as new members join. Please Check on Owners page daily and repost the new blog onto your profile. 8. A blog will be updated daily , with the member that is currently in a contest. Members MUST read to keep updated. 9. All rules are subject to change as we grow. the
Updated Fu-luv Bomb Squad Members
FEEL THE LOVE AND JOIN FU LUV BOMB SQUAD! WE WANT YOU!!! TO JOIN US PLEASE SEND A MESSAGE TO THE OWNER, THEN YOU HAVE TO FAN, RATE AND ADD ALL CURRENT MEMBERS!!! YOU WILL BE ADDED ONCE THIS IS CONFIRMED. KISSES TO ALL AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!! RULES ARE BASIC AND WILL BE ADJUSTED AS NEEDED. 1. No Drama Allowed! 2. All must fan, rate and add ALL members. **New Prospects send a note when u add stating Fu Luv Bomb Squad.. 3. Must add owner to family 4. Officers will decide on who to bomb. 5. Any member not actively involved in helping others will be removed from team and will receive no help in any contest or giveaway. 6. Blog will be updated as new members join. Please Check on Owners page daily and repost the new blog onto your profile. 7. A blog will be updated daily , with the member that is currently in a contest. Members MUST read to keep updated. 8. All rules are subject to change as we grow. the limit on the amount of contests you can enter

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