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Whats Going On....
I'll tell ya what's going on lol...My kids sperm donor is a jerk and had the DSL turned off...I've been on strike at home since, and he's ready to break lol...I should be back online in the next couple weeks, I miss everyone so much...The only way I'm able to get online is when I take my son to basketball and I pick up the wifi at the local motel parking lot...I wanted you all to know why I haven't been returning comments, is cuz my time on here is very limited and when I get back online I will let ya know...Love ya my bishes, Tina
Battle Of The Sexes Auction
come own some free for a month...if you dont bid rate pic please..highest bidder gets special gift at end of auction :-P follow link to auction XOXOXOXOXOX
Pin Pals
I've got a good friend who's currently incarcerated in the Montgomery County Jail and time there fuckin' sucks! I was locked up with him for the past 6 months so I know what it's like not to get mail ... So if theres any females out there who would be willing to write him to possibly help pass his time a little more quickly please let me know and I'll give you his information ... Thanks
why do i love animals more then people becuse people are greedy they care only for them selfs alot of them do and only very few of them that dont animals are not shallow like people are animals well always be there and they love you for who you are not what you can give them or be for them people on the other hand seem to think you have to either change for them or you have to offer them something for them to like you animals would never lie to you and you wont have to worried about heartache either with people you do they are not clingy like people are dont get me wrong i love a clingy person but too much is bad i love animals alot i hate to see them dead on a street or a highway probably one of the reason why i never try to be a vet i dont think my heart could take it so i hope i awrser your ? well now iam going to take my shower bye 4 now
The Paths We Trod
The paths we trod We often wonder about the paths we didn't take, those other choices we didn't have to make. But what of the paths that we daily use, are they the paths we'd prefer to choose? After all it doesn't matter where these paths all end, for in time we become dust like all our friends. Listen for the music, look for the beauty of your way, life is caught in the moments that leap from day to day.
I Was A Soldier
I Was A Soldier " By Colonel Daniel K. Cedusky, AUS, Retired I was a Soldier: That's the way it is, that's what we were.are. We put it, simply, without any swagger, without any brag, in those four plain words. We speak them softly, just to ourselves. Others may have forgotten They are a manifesto to mankind; speak those four words anywhere in the world -- yes, anywhere -- and many who hear will recognize their meaning. They are a pledge. A pledge that stems from a document which said: "I solemnly Swear”, “to protect and defend” and goes on from there, and from a Flag called "Old Glory". Listen, and you can hear the voices echoing through them, words that sprang white-hot from bloody lips, shouts of “medic”, whispers of “Oh God!”, forceful words of “Follow Me”. If you can’t hear them, you weren’t, if you can you were. "Don't give up the ship! Fight her till she dies... Damn the torpedoes! Go ahead! . . . Do you want to live forever? . . . Don't cheer, boys; the poor
A Soldier Died Today
A SOLDIER DIED TODAY He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion, Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he had fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one. And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors His tales became a joke, All his Legion buddies listened For they knew whereof he spoke. But we'll hear his tales no longer, For old Bill has passed away, And the world's a little poorer For a soldier died today. He will not be mourned by many, Just his children and his wife. For he lived an ordinary And quite uneventful life. Held a job and raised a family, Quietly going on his way; And the world won't note his passing, though a Soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great. Papers tell their whole life stories From the time that
R.i.p Ginnie & Ashley
On November 15,2006 two friends of our family,16 yr.old Ginnie & her 15 yr.old sister Ashley were in an automobile accident on their way to school that morning. Ginnie, who was driving was killed instantly when the front right wheel of her car went off the road and she over corrected,sending her vehicle spinning across the other lane,through a ditch and into a tree.Ashley died a week later. It`s strange that it`s so near the anniversary of their deaths when I was on Myspace last night looking through recent pics my son Shane had uploaded and then began looking through his old pics and found these comments made by Ginnie & Ashley about a month and a half before they were killed. There was nothing on Ashley`s Myspace page,but I took this screen shot of Ginnie`s to show the last log in was actually the day she died. I still feel saddened at losing them and just wanted to share this with someone.
A "head" Poem
Penis breath a lovers dread its what you get when you give head, Unpleasant as it tends to be be grateful that he doesn't pee. Its times like that,you wonder why you even bothered reaching for his fly. But its too late,you can't be a tease. Accept the facts,get on your knees , You know you have a job to do, so open wide ,and shove it through. Lick the tips,then take it all. Don't drag your teeth,you might hear him baul, Slide up and down and use your tongue. Feel the precum start to run Your jaws ache,your neck numb Just when you can't take anymore, you hear your lovers mighty roar. And when he hits the really high note, you feel it oozing down your throat. Sticky,salty,fishy stuff,Okay already thats enough! Lets switch,you say before you gag. And what a sweet revenge,you're on the rag
Love Sucks
I hate how men swear they love you, yet as soon as things get rough they move on in less than an hour..I know he and I have had our problems, and I admit alot of it was me, but not all of it. How did it all go so wrong? How did it end up like this? Can it ever get better? Can we get past this?
The Breeze Of Insanity
A New Auction To Start Soon
I have been asked to hold another auction. The start date is yet to be determined. This auction will only run for 1 week. No late entries will be accepted once the auction has started. If you are interested in going up for auction, please private message me with a link to a picture you would like to use and your offerings. Please also note due to past issues with an auction, if you do not plan on honoring your offerings please do not join. This is suppose to be fun and a way to make some new friends and not stress the winners or the auctionees out.
Whats Up
my niece was born on the 13th...she's absolutely friggin adorable! also wanted to say sorry to all in my family about not being able to catch up with ya....miss you all, and i'm lovin' the love placed in my inbox...lifts my thanks! Max
Protect Your Kids
Please pass on even if you do not have kids in school. Parents should know about this killer drug.This is a new drug known as STRAWBERRY QUICK there is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that we all need to be aware of.There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry pop rocks it also smells like strawberry and it is being handed out to kids in school yards. They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick.Kids are injesting this thinking it is candy and being sent to the hosiptal in serious condition. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape and orange.Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers and not any candy that looks like this not even from a friend. PLEASE KEEP THIS GOING FOR THE SAFETY FOR OUR CHILDREN.......
If people say that they like you for who you are, then why don't they keep their words and accept you instead of turning their backs on you? If people say that they'll call you later, why won't they keep their words and call back? If you show someone love and give them attention, why won't they show love back instead of blowing you off? Why do we ignore people that care about us and care about the people that ignore us? Why do women go for the the guys who treats them like crap instead of the nice guys that treat them right? Why do people always want to be fake with you instead of being true friends? Why do people wanna judge and label you before they get to know you and see the real person? Why do people wanna ignore the people who show them respect and pay attention to the people who wont show you anything at all? If they said that they care about you, why don't they always show it to you? If they say that they love you and never leave your side, do they re
Personal Matters~
Well went to the Dr about my shoulder.. Had a steroid shot in my left shoulder, felt like heaven the first day, after that has felt like hell... Dr ordered a MRI of my left shoulder and most likely will have to endure shoulder surgery to either clean the area up bone fragments and such, or complete repair of any muscle damage... So for now Im on heavy doses of Vicodin, my god I have to much of that and I get a major headache its like I cant win, major shoulder-arm pain or a headache....
Call Me Now Im Waiting I Wanta Turn You On Baby
Hell To The Yeah!!!
This is my giveaway, any help is appreciated!
What Men Really Want
So every guy claims to want a hot chick who cooks, cleans and is interesting. They rag on thier friends for that ugly chick they dated back in the day or laugh at him for turning into a pussy once he gets into a relationship. I've always thought the guys that were hoping for the epitome of the Jimmy Soul song 'Never make a pretty woman your wife' were rare, I mean how many plain, insecure, stupid women could there possibly be out there. I mean we've all seen guys check out the hot chick that walks by him and thought that was the type of girl that they all want, the really hot one that everyone else will be jealous of but I've really started wondering just how accurate that perception really is. I've alway been proud of my appearance, thinking that being a cute brunette chick was an advantage and that my independance, fiery spirit and fun loving demeanor were things that guys appreciated however, after a few recent experiences I've started to reconsider. I'm the type of chick who la
First Blog Entry Of My Newly Single Life
Ok so I'm a little slow on what sites I should be a member I just signed up to this and I'm not sure what to expect or if it's what I'm looking for but we'll see? Basically I jsut got out of a few year relationship and I'm NOT looking for another at the moment..kinda just looking for some fun ;) A good night without the akwardness in the morning, do you get what I mean? Anyways..a little about me..I can drink ANY girl under the table. Don't believe me? Try me. Umm..I work a lot and I'm a hard worker but I party even harder. I'm honest..sometimes too honest. I'm horny..and yes I have naked pics but not sure if I can put them on here? Anyways you can always stalk me on flirt2meet .com and see them if you're feeling dirty ;) Get at me if you want to know more...I'm bored.
this is mean but really funny i think this is the comment i was reading like i said its mean but funny as hell too OMG watching her eat is disgusting and embarrassing to watch. I'm sorry, she's like writhing and bouncing around in her chair for food. Good Lord lmao.
4 Mah Friends
"My Portrait of a Friend" I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers. I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories. But I can be there now when you need me to care. I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall. Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; Yet I can share in your laughter. Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask. I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me. I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you. I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, But I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself. I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, But I can cry with
Where Are Vegas Lesbians
I have been on several Vegas sites where women advertise for mature women seeking friendship and more. When speaking to some I find most are only looking for a threesome with them and the boyfiend or husband. The last thing I need is another male in my life.... I had one and the only thing I wanted from him was him to feterlize my eggs and which he did twice so after that I got rid of him like a bad habit. Lived a happy life with my female partner and raisid our children together till GOD felt it was time for her to return to the heavens. Do I miss her sure I do but, remember the happiness when talking to our children and now the kids being adults say mom you need to find that love again. And I have been looking but again where are the real les's in Vegas I dont need a bi one that wants just a jump in the sheets hell I have toys to cure that need. Id like a true lesbian be young or my age era that would enjoy not only sexual company but a long term friendship are there anyone like tha
well let me tell you all about me i am a loveing and careing preson i like to have fun and work my ass off for my family i like to have fun but dont get to do that much but that will chaneg some day i like to go horse back rideing and stuff but that comes affter my kids i have 3 boys that r the world to me and then ther is my husbend but i love him to we r a happy family and like to get a head in life but that will take time but i hope that you all like my page and hope that i get to meet a lot of friends have fun all and let me no what you are thinking ok .
The Deconstruction Of Nsfw
This came to me in a dream: I think Fubar's Not Safe For Work policy is completely unfounded. Their site states that this is a "MySpace" for adults, yet, they insist on giving power to the "P.C. fucks and Religious Right" by giving them the opportunity to report things that "offend" them as NSFW. Well, here comes flawless logic! Everything on this site is Not Safe For Work. If one is working, then, they should not be spending time on a company computer browsing a social network website. Socializing, is to be done on one's own time. If one is using the site while working, then, indeed they have too much down time. It need not be explained by the likes of me that the job market is flooded and that if one has the time to browse and play on the internet, they can easily be replaced by splitting their duties amongst other staff or just plain replaced. In closing...I would like to state for the record that I am here to offend certain types. If things I say and do indeed "offend" you, w
Things I Learned From My Mother( And Can't Forget )
MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME TIME TRAVEL "if you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME LOGIC "Because I said so that's why" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME IRONY "Keep crying and I will give you some thing to cry about!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ABOUT OSMOSIS "Shut your mouth and eat your supper!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ABOUT CONTORTIONISM "Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME STAMINA "You'll sit there till all that spinach's gone!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ANTICIPATION "Just wait till we get home!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME MY HERITAGE "Close that door. Do you think you were born in a barn?" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME WISDOM "When you get to my age you'll understand!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ABOUT HYPOCRISY "If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!" MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME OPTHAMALOGY "If you don't stop crossing your eyes they're going to get stuck that way!"
show her some love she is going in for surgery and would love to be a godmomma when she get to come home!! MisBehaven,R/L/W 2 RoadDog,Fu Angel, Mngr @ Toxic Underground, Sarges Bad Girls,RR@ fubar ~*This Bully Has Been Lovingly, And Respectfully Brought To you by*~ $Ðj ßåßý ߺý${ Ð.$.Ç} º.G.ÞîmÞ ºƒ †h€ Þu$$¥Çå† Þlå¥må†èsOwned by ~CynzDreams ~&Naughty by Nature@ fubar
Script Compliance Award
last week i received an email at work saying i had won the " script compliance award". the prize is a box with candy, and popcorn and a $7 gift card for harkins movies. i won the award for actually doing my job. not only did i win but so did 9 others. out of almost a thousand people at the place that i work, i got picked. ha ha losers. and not only did i win that but... i was offered a different position, and not just one position but 2. am i gonna take it? i just have to wait and see. one of them i dont want because its a lot of stress and i will have to change locations and both of them is a schedule change. so no thanks. one of them is a supervisor position called " help q". everyone calls them to assist with calls. hell, dont rely on me. and the other is D.M.E. which means " durable medical equipment". i will be working in claims. hell fuck that. and dude schedule change equals a NO. i have a child and she is top priority.
The Morning After Reality
The Morning After Reality Can someone in all honesty fall in love with someone and know in there heart and in there mind that it will never happen. Can two souls be so alike.. being in total synchronicity with one another ..knowing that just a single kiss could ruin this. Why do complications of the heart always fog the better of ones judgment .. is it the lack or reason or thought .. can love have purpose other then just the common thread that we all see it as .. Why can loving someone have such larger meaning and devotion yet cant. What is truly love.. a thought or a concept of what happiness is. When does happiness become love, just the simple questions one never thinks yet alone asks ..
4mil Fubux Auction
Are you saving for the SpotLight? Or know someone who is? Well right now, I'm auctioning off 4 MILLION fubux. Well I have plenty that I was saving and gave up on! lol. Plus my birthday is in a few days, and I'd like to try to use whatever I get around then! -read on- Auction will last for ONE week. Starting at 8am fubar time on the 15th. Auction ends on the 22nd at 8am as well. -click here- Only CASH$$ bids are accepted. -please no drama- ******PLEASE REPOST***** Fubux auction brought to you by: suckface™ aka staceyfbaby.
On Vacation
Hey u all im sorry i didnt say goodbye when i left but i needed time t get my life straight an it is now as of sept 24 2008 i am divorced an gettingon with my life so hope we can start back where we left off on here its good to be back an i sure missed every1 on here talk soon bye
Making Love To You
A touch of skin soft and slippery, With the hint of hint of sweat. We fought our resistance beneath the cool sheets, As the wind flowed from the window above us. Eyes met briefly and begged for the chance, To abandon all of our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips, Probing gently as if drawing sex, From a deep well of longing and need. Then heated tongues met in the midst, Of hot and quickening breath. And greedily we drank the wine of our lusts. Then intoxicated with those spirits, Our clothes found resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, Until there were no hiding places, For the two glistening and wanting bodies. Hunger revealed in this hot moment. Then skin meshed with skin, As the floor became the stage. You moved atop of me easily, And lowered yourself gently. Kissing me as I was filled with you. As a gasp broke the kiss, Your hands stroked the stray strands, Away from my forehead, then became entangled. Our slow rhythm gave way, To urgen
Chapter 1 More To Cum.....
As you get in from work you walk up to the front door I open it anticipating you. I wrap my arms around you and kiss you, you can smell dinner in the oven. I lead you to the bathroom slowly undress you and watch you climb in to the hot bath already waiting for you . I gently slip in with you and massage your scalp, asking you how your day was. Kiss you then lightly massage your temples run my fingers down your jaw lean forward and nibble on your ear saying “ after dinner I got a surprise for you” I slowly bath you trailing my fingers ever so softly over your whole body. We get out and dry off wrapped in our towels I serve you your dinner then go to our room. You come in after you have finished eating. I am wearing a short baby pink skirt with a white tank top and 6 inch white high heels. I push you in to the chair I set up in the middle of the room. I straddle you grinding slowly against you each time you try and touch me I push your hands away. I stand up Look you deep i
Bitter Sweet Harmonies
self indulging on bittersweet harmonies addicted to pleasure but in the face of pain i writhe with no claim of the sensation that never does better it is clear all that i cherish will not perish the strong blood between my lover and i emotion plays its game and bitter sweet harmonies stand next to last but i beg it will happen fast my mind is steadily becoming perplexed
Oh How I Crave You
Questions The night the outside came in It was like the me with out the e Could hear your screams of pain The darkness spread over me Why did you promise me the light? But put me in darkness I believed you I followed you I loved you Right in to the worming hole Still your blue eyes haunt Tainting my soul Making my life hell I dig under the fence Trying to make sense But the razors of truth Only make me bleed You have left me As free as a caged bird Gagging on the ashes of technology Why was I a game to you? I gave you all of me And you took me with you In to that deep grave of yours Your death left me alone In a cold dark world I can hear you laugh At night when I cry You said it in your letter You left for me My anguish had pleased you My tears feed you My fears made you happy While you said those three Unforgettable words Now I am left with only one fear The fear of love The coldness of your heart Has sunk deep in to my bones I he
My Deepest Fears
Deep Inside I feel the pain Seems like only I know its name Hatred beyond hates Blackened heart darkened mind Life with out love Is the life that is mine? Can I find love that is true? Or am I cursed to this darkness Try as I might My mind dies slowly It to the darkest realms When I am through Will I find me? Or a product of society These minions of hate Show me That life is done But I want To see the light My heart is cold But I crave the fire The fire of love I see it deep inside people But where is it in me Deeply I search But all I find is fears So am I afraid to love Or am I afraid to be loved?
Ready For You
Take my hand and lead the way; tell me all you want to say. Whisper softly in my ear, all those things I want to hear. Kiss my lips and touch my skin; bring out passions deep within. Pull me close and hold me near; take away my pain and fear. In the darkness of the night, be my beacon, shine your light. In the brightness of the sun, show me that you are the one. Give me wings so I can fly; for I can soar when you're nearby. Enter my heart, break down the wall, it's time for me to watch it fall. I've been a prisoner, can't you see? Break my chains and set me free. Strip me of my armor tight; you'll find I won't put up a fight. Release my soul held deep within . . . I'm ready now, let love begin.
Question Of Life
Deep inside I feel the pain seems only I know its name hatred beyond hate blackened heart darkened mind life without love is the life of mine can I find a love that's true Or am I for ever damned to the darkness of hate try as I might my mind slowly dies in to the darkest realms of chaos when my life is through will I find me? Or will I find a product of society?
Losing You
That night the outside came in I can still hear your silent screams it was like the me with out the e Part of me missing part of me gone your poison deep within my soul your words ripped my heart tortured my mind tainted my flesh You promised me heaven brought me hell your blue eyes dazzled your words entranced stumbling in to the darkness to your trap I fell back in to the worming holes here alone and afraid you have left me as free as a caged bird Gagging on the ashes of technology
Mind In A Box
And I will never see the truth This is not a matter of my youth I do not need anybody else Bonds would put my mind into cells And I will never know I was wrong Never listen to those truly strong I do not fear anything that's not me Ignorance is the ultimate key But I wouldn't want to live like this forever But change myself? Never never! The very thought sends shivers down my spine I'm sure everything everything will be fine I am the one who cries out at night For somebody to change my very core Not sure why I live in endless fright Doomed to love only myself for evermore I am the one who has no real friends Shallow people flocking to my banner Always trying to make easy amends Cherishing my own overbearing manner Life - always fragile I will never change Love - always fleeting I will never change Life - always fragile I will never change Love - always fleeting I will never change But I wouldn't want to live like this forever Maybe I really wa
Loving Someone Afraid Of Commitment
Loving someone afraid of commitment. hoping someday they will see, you love them unconditionally. is it just a dream you don't want to let go? or is loving them what they need? afraid to let go of the one you need. holding them for a moment seems like fantasy. how do you tell what you feel? how do you show you are for real? how do you hold back the tears? how do you hide your fears? loving someone afraid of commitment can't give up can't fall to your fears love them unconditionally they will dry your tears
The Puzzle
Like the pieces of a puzzle Thing can just come together From the realm of chaos They can fit one another It is one grand design Painting a pretty picture But not for all time If ones not careful It shatters and fades away Back to the realm of chaos It again falls that way Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle Things can just come together Things can fade away If ones not careful
Whats Happening
Contemplating the animating of my brain I'm feeling like I'm in a place where only strain remains Futuristic and artistic are the words I hear shutting down all around everything near is fear feeling the wind across my grin its all coming to an end if I stray till the day can I still pray? douse the flames with sugar and spice living in pain this perfect paradise who's turn to play? roll the dice....
Straining eyes mourn, searching for hope. Aching ears strain to hear a calming melody. A craving tongue moistens to taste innocence. Flaring nostrils quiver, chasing after a faint aroma. Burning flesh begs for a cooling touch. Cut off, an island of malcontent, wrestling with demons and grasping for doves, where is strength? Ragged holes and bitter pits strewn across the path, where is grace? Cruel hands move in slow circles, but no time passes internally. Mother nature's leaves wilt and die, replaced with tender buds and yet nothing grows inside. Cursed fallow heart, polluted with lies, bears no fruit for happiness.
Price Of A Tiresome Letter
Random words on a blank sheet of paper spilling soulful mystries upon a tablet of deceipt and lies notes of a song in my heart onto a letter of hate and betrayal expressing my love! to one who cares nothing of me envy and hate tears us apart wind takes you away with this letter you carry my soul written down to expose or to cherish is beyond my pride playing with emotions as a cat plays with a mouse to torture or to cure the ailment of my disease your love is the only cure
Master Of Puppets
master of puppets spin round and round you use us as slaves almost like clowns we feel no feelings we have no taste but this game we are playing is more that a race im beginning to feel to think on my own but all i am feeling is that i am owned that i am a puppet and you are a master when we work together our lives go much faster
Ode To A Lifetime....
I know in my heart this love is forever your body your soul I will cherish and treasure, Like a best friend and sometimes as a lover I can hope and I can try that no one ever will discover, My passion for you is the blossom of a flower bursting with beauty and color whilst awaiting your eminent power, Welcome to my bottomless heart for this empty soul of mine is filled with love and happiness could only be withdrawn as a fine, The choreographed movements of our melodramatic lives to retrieve our blessed love the rest of the world strives.
Sad Song Of The Heart
Not pleasing to my mind now the hurt surges through to forget that dream to swallow not chew the crop of my whole life the one who started to fall to be with you was that all? your beautiful profile and smell when you pass something I can't have forever at last emotions deep within me tell me true love can't be true but the circle of my life says my heart will wait for you needing this feeling is something I cannot bare but knowing you exist tells me how much I care.
Who Matters
There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your........ 'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.' A sharp tongue can cut my own throat. If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep. Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important. The best vitamin for making friends..... B1. The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts. The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge. One thing I can give and still my word. If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished. One thing I can't recycle is wasted time. Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do. My mind is like a functions only when open. The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too lat
A Toast To Women
here's a toast to women so pure and divine who bloom once a month and bear every nine But are the only creatures this side of hell who can take juice from nuts without breaking the shell lol sadly i cant take credit much as id love too thnx hunni sure do love this one :D
My Midget
Ticked Off
So, last night I posted a bulletin, and guess what? Due to people who are uncaring because it had NOTHING to do with Fubar, I deleted it. It shocked me to see that noone really cares about what goes on outside of this site. Makes me wonder why I am even on here anymore.'s a short view of what my bulletin was about. And not one freakin person could repost it, and I only had one person read it. Sad really. Sorry it had nothing to do with leveling, or helping others on here. It was about helping REAL LIFE people. For those of you who actually got to know, know what I do for a living. Those of you who don't, I work at a facility that specializes in Alzheimers and Dementia. It's like a nursing home but not. We help keep their brains active by brainstorming, all the activities we do help them to keep what memories they do have for as long as we can. It is a very hard job, yet very rewarding to me. It's my passion. get to what I was talking about in my B
The Squirrel From Hell
I "comment", therefore I am. I’m not going into how I feel or what makes me tick. (Maybe these stories might give you an idea about that, although I hope not) But I will tell the story that people keep bugging me to tell again and again. This way, if someone wants to know about it, they can just check here. So, this is the last time I’m telling it. It happened when I was in college (ok most of the stuff that’s happened to me happened in college.) I’m walking home from class, heading to my dorm on a nice bright fall day. The sidewalk is full of students going to and coming from classes. I notice on the side of the sidewalk a very large squirrel (notice I said large). It’s just sitting there watching everyone pass by. Some look at it, others don’t. Where I’m from, when you take a step towards a squirrel they take off running. Not this one. So now I’m walking right up to this large squirrel and it turns its head towards me. I walk next to it
Sweet Sereinty ( My First 2 Month Owner)
Give Away
My 1st Auction..wanna Own Me??
AUCTION STARTS WEDS THE 19TH!! hey all come help me out in my 1st auction...wanna own me?? come bid on me!! muahz sweetness
Lounge 3
One Night With You
treasure the moment and treat you as a lady and explore the full depths of yur sexuality and find what pleases you in every way and make you feel like a woman and lady as i take you like a man should take a woman as beautiful as you are for your needs would suoercede mine and my pleasure would be to experience your passion exploding inyour beautiful eyes as we moved together as one
To Make An Oracle
Auto 11's
just want to know why you get these perverts that want you to give them your yahoo id or email address..well first of all im happily happy with being able to chat in the shoutbox but some pervs think you will cam to cam with them or some stupid crap..well im only here for friends my husband takes care of all my other needs so no need to ask me for my info if i wanted you to have it i would have given it to you..oh and another thing i dont have a cam so dont bother asking..for all the non perverts i hope you all have a great day...
Skulls are all different color. They all have different shapes and they even have different background that looks very cool and great just wish i can find somethings with glitter in it.I do alot of pics on the computer. To get points for and I save it to my accounts to save it to do pics when i need it. Some skulls can grow at night that very cool. They are very cool and some can be spookey. The end
My Angel
Casted into darkness. Thrown out like yesterdays trash. I was. Hated passionately but many. Fear by the rest. With a blackend soul. So dark even pure evil was fearful of it. Hate bottled inside that was unmeasurable. Given up hope. Facing the reality in front of me. Using others like pawns on a chess board to get where I want. Then she appears. An angel. By anyone else's standard a wonderful person. But in my wicked hate filled eyes. She was my new begining. Her eyes capture my soul. Brought it back to life. her smile erased all the hate. Her love that she showed me . Very little at first. Gave me happiness. It grew stronger and stronger each and every moment I spent with her. Yet still not able to feel her touch. Her kiss. Her warmth. Yet just looking at her. Smile so angelic and full of love. Eyes locked on me so inviting. Made the beast become human and whole. Falling for her so puirely. That not matches or rivals. this whole new form of love. Her never knew exsisted. A love he neve
My Love
I see you. When your no where to be seen. I hear you, when your voice is not present. I feel your touch.Yet you've never touched me. I feel you by my side. Yet, your thousands of miles away.You hold me when I lay in bed at night. Eeven tho Im the only one in it. You kiss me. I feel it purely. From a far you are. But our souls and hearts are locked together by destiny. The love so pure. It never has to be questioned. So unconditional, that neither one of us doubt each other. So faithful, the question never asked. Soon to be together. No fear for our future. No concearn if we will make it. A relationship that feels years old. But is only a mere few weeks old. Were no longer You or I. Were us, locked together by dedicated undying love. Unmatched, unchalleneged, never ending. You are my heart. I am yours. We are us. Forever yours for you are my life. I love you april till the day I die and far beyond. For our love is endless and forever immortal.
Web Cam
I am getting a new web camera today and at midnight tonight my time I will have it on.I am thinking about leaving this place but wanted to have a chance to say bye properly,not in words.I don't know if I will delete my account or not but I do know I need a break.To much going on in my life at this particular moment and my time is required else where. Reasoning for midnight is I hope that my roomie will be in bed and will be able to be more free.I would do this in front of him but he is my ex and is very sick and I don't wish to hurt his feelings.So come see me and say hello.
Albuquerque Vets Need Help
the new mexico veterns integration center is a place for veterns who need help to get back on there feet and we are looking to get some halp cause if we dont get this fire system in place this center will be shut down soon. I am asking for any kind of help to keep us open so if anyone out there can help us out here u can look at there website (, and it will explain our mission and what were about, this place has been helping me and my family out for the last few months but now they need our help i am one of the first Iraq vets here but we have vets from all wars, so please any suggestions, or any kind of help will do thank you all for your time
It's time to party and have fun ........ so what's up ?
Reality Check For All
reality check for all Category: Life I want all to understand , 2000+ years ago jesus christ lived as a child to a man .Living among all learning as all,working as all,living as all, from a child to a man .Having FAITH and showing humans the judgement of god and what its always been . Among men with no faith/wrong faith and self-judgement , the cause of the final judgement the holy book speaks of , Maybe and most likly is because men of this world will not stop and do the will of jesus and god ,many have but the book says it all wiether you read it or not or even want to read it Well the will of man is free so what happens is all their call we all know the government is plainly against even the only two laws jesus christ gave us, to love your neighbour as your self to not judge I believe the message of jesus christ Quite clear in all ways ,and simplified i just two SIMPLE laws, LOVE IS SIMPLE But we all know besides earth and all its creation,A mans hands b
My Name
well i got pics but havin a problem postin them thou its gettin me mad
My Number One Food
My number one food i like to eat is pizza with an side of salad chips and i like pasta and sauce and with meatball cover in cheese and some ice cream with careml on it that will taste so good right now. Then i will have some donuts with an glass milk to take it down with it.Then maybe some candyto go with it the end
ughhhhhhhhh!!! i have officially had it with this site!!!! i am sick and tired of fake people making fake accounts and posting fake pictures "claiming" that is it them!!!! i cannot stand the fact that the people on here will continue to vote and rate and bend over backwards just because someone took 5 min to pull pics off the internet and post them to their page. i am sick and tired of seeing these "girls" with not one damn salute picture at all but yet they are all godmother rank!!!!! wtf!!!! i can remember over 2 years ago when i first joined this site to continue to level up past level 10 u need to post a salute how come there are people that are over level 20 with no salute????? so from here on out i am making it a point to not a/r/f anyone who does not have a salute picture!!!! i know i am only one person and i may not make a difference but i have had enough of this and will not add to the stupidity of this site!!!!
Stay with me Don't fall asleep too soon The angels can wait, for a moment Come real close Forget the world outside Tonight we re alone Its finally you and I It wasnt meant to feel like this Not without you Cause when I look at my life How the pieces fall into place It just wouldn t rhyme Without you When I see how my path Seem to end up before your face The state of my heart The place that we are Its written in the stars
I don't know about you but most Cats are strange, I mean they stare at you and mostly move around at night, just like ME! So anyways, check this out:
Coming Home Early
It's Friday!! I came home early because i had caught up on all my work. I pull in the driveway and my wife's car is in there. As well as her friends car. I unlock the door and step in. Upon entering the living room, i hear moaning coming from our bedroom. Not thinking, i get closer and hear it some more. Then i'm thinking "damn, they must be having a lesbian experience." Then it comes, 'oh my god your dick feels so good in me." ((my wife)) I try to open the door but to no suprise, it's locked. I listen some more, and hear her friend saying how good her tongue feel in her pussy. Then i hear the voice of her friends bf saying "i've got one more good hour of fucking you two til your husband gets home." Then i hear my wife say, "i know, and he'll never know that i've fallen in love with you." I left real quick and went to the bar. I came home right at the time i usually get home and only her car was there. but no one was home. i find a note on the fridge with her saying
Level Up
I'm going out uf town to find a new model to take some photos of and to get my own NSFW photos on. if you want to see add , fan , and crush me. you will not be let down.
Very Wise And True
I have had this for some time. I felt that it should be shared. This is by George Carlin shortly after his wife died.... Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate. A Message by George Carlin: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too
The Kitchen
just to show off my new kitchen courtesty of my local district council cos i threatened them hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Auto 11's
Auto 11 bling will be activated today Monday Dec. 8th Starting at 6 PM Eastern time. Show me the love and HELP ME GET TO PROPHET Silverpixi~Club United~LollipopGurlz~ FSC~Owner of Miss Crys {Please read my profile}@ fubar Pimp out Brought to you by Mï¢kï-ßlµê-È¥ê§ ~{Ðïr†¥ §ðµ†h Çrêw}Çð-£ðµñÐêr 𣠆hê £rïêñЧhïþ Çïr¢lê'@ fubar
Book Excerpt
The wind picks up and blows sand and saltwater, hitting my face and making my eyes sting. The air has turned frigid but I barely notice. I am intent on making my way to the end of this little stretch of beach. As I turn back to look to where I started from I see just a hint of light from the flames of the bonfire. I can’t hear much anymore. No words reach me here. Maybe I should stop. Maybe I am far enough away now. I find an old beach log, smoothed out from the elements. I sit and barely feel the cold seeping through my jeans. I am alone, nothing new. I came here to escape and forget. But as I sit here with the waves crashing and the dark approaching. I let it go. All the pent up and repressed emotions I have been holding back finally make their escape and I cry with as much force as the wind around me. The pain is all consuming and feels like it is going to swallow me whole. I am going to drown in it and I don’t care anymore. My life has changed and there is no going back to
Griff Is Home!!
People ask me why I enjoy jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. I will have a humorous list posted as a bumper sticker, if you will, on my MySpace (trying to figure out how to put on my page here) but I will explain more seriously here. The first time I jumped, I just wanted to do something new and exciting for my birthday. During that jump, I immediately decided that I was going to go again. I had so much fun. It wasn't a feeling of uncontrollably falling. There was not a "pit" in my stomach like on a roller coaster. It was a feeling of flying freely in the sky. Yes folks we were flying - or as Woody puts it "falling with style". You are able to move around almost anywhere you want. Then, when that chute first opens, everything is quiet. If you are quiet enough you may even hear God talking to you. Never once did I hear him say that I was crazy for doing what I just did. Now, I have only Tandem Jumped so far. Tandem Jumping is when you have an instructor hooked
Sex....and The Church???
Sex Among Saints: Is It Really Better? Reverend Ed Young/CBS By Mary Kearl Sex -- a sacred connection between you, your partner and God? Reclaiming sex as a holy part of marriage and religion seems to be all the rage among evangelicals and other Christians across the country. The reason? To combat the evils sex has become associated with in the mainstream media -- among them: the high divorce rate, promiscuity and homosexuality. The question: Is bringing the oft-taboo topic of sex to light in a church also causing a bit of controversy in the process? Most recently, the head of Fellowship Church, a Texas-based congregation with 20,000 members, is challenging his married, heterosexual churchgoers to have sex (with their spouses) every day for seven days straight, according to AP reports. Fellowship Church founder and senior Reverend Ed Young will deliver the sermon "Seven Days of Sex," on Sunday November 16, while sitting in bed in front of the Dallas-based chapter of his c
Want To Buy Me
Help Me Out
i like vip i have all stuff that my friends made me and some comments i save and i like to put up more pics. and if u donot want to i understand its kool so some one like to buy me vip plzz ty muah hug n kiss
She's How Old???
This woman should need NO introduction!! But for those of you who are clueless.... Meet Kat1114 AKA "Kathy" This is an amazing and wonderful woman!! Just so happens that Today is her 40th Birthday!!!! Yea I know... She doesn't look a day over 21, Huh? LoL You can't imagine what a kind and generous woman Kat is!! She gave me an unbelievable present on my 30th Birthday!!! I only wish I could give her something just as amazing!!! You will never know what that meant to us!! She recently worked her a$$ off to get me to prophet so lets see if we can get her there soon!! She is on Auto 11's right now so go spank her hard!! Bling her!! It is her birthday afterall!! i would love to see her make it today!!! she sooooo deserves it!!! Kat1114 "OMG I'M 40!!"
Beach To Wheat
OMG it is so fucking cold out here! Last winter I thought I would die longing for the beaches of NC. This year again I am finding myself staying inside. I am so ready for school to start so I have something to focus on!
The Bathtub Test
The Bathtub Test During a visit to the mental asylum, I asked the Director, 'How do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized?' Well,' said the Director, 'we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub.' Oh, I understand,' I said. 'A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup.' No.' said the Director, 'A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?' ARE YOU GOING TO PASS THIS ON, OR DO YOU WANT THE BED NEXT TO MINE?
(1) Is there anyone on your top friends list you would have sex with? yup (2) Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? anytime! (3) Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to have sex? ya (4) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? haha yeah 1time (5) Shower or bath while having sex? both (6) Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? aggressive (7) Do you love someone in your top friends list? no (8) Love or Money? love but money is always nice :D (9) Credit cards or cash? cash- credit cards get me in trouble (10) Have you ever wanted a best friend? i already have (11) Camping or a 5 star hotel? camping is the shit!! (12) Where is the weirdest place you have had sex? in a park on a bench (13) Would you shave your entire body (including your head) NO! I shave everywhere but my head (14) Have you ever been to a strip club? OH YES :D (16) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? NO im too sweet to k
Fubar Shit
This has been on my mind for some time. Everyone can see that I'm in my 40s. Most of Fubar members are in their 20s or 30s, but I have seen a constant degree of insults by the younger people in here especialy when I'm asking for their imput. If it's not regarding my age, its the insulting way they correct my spelling errors, and it's pissing me off. I think there are better ways to talk to someone then to cut them down. If I were a woman in my 40s I would be getting hit on by the same sex crazed boys who find it fun to take their own insecurities out on someone who has already sowen his oats. What the fuck is wrong with my age that gets to you. Do you not think that I should be on here? When your in your 20s its cool to be here and if your in your 40s your a perv or something? At least I don't spend all day hitting on girls. Remember this kids .... one day you'll be 40.
Lol Funny!!!
25 REASONS I OWE MY MOTHER 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE . 'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.' 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. 'You better pray that will come out of the carpet.' 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL . 'If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!' 4. My mother taught me LOGIC. ' Because I said so, that's why.' 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC . 'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me.' 6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. 'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.' 7. My mother taught me IRONY 'Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about.' 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS. 'Shut your mouth and eat your supper.' 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM . 'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!
I just read a friends blog and couldn't comment on it so I decided that I would post my comment here..I have barely been on here in the past few months because of this reason and many others... Yes I have had a few VIP's bought for me but not because of begging or asking for it but just because. I have I think 7 or so blings and I didn't ask for any of them, nor would I... I have never had a Happy Hour nor would I want anyone to buy me one. Its a frivoulous way to spend money! If someone had money like that to burn I have 2 kids that probably aren't gonna have much of a Christmas this year that you are more than welcome to play Santa too! I don't need the kind of friends that I have to BUY!! I have real friends that didn't cost me a damn penny!!!
What Is The Definition Of Love?
What is the definition of Love? Is it having that tingling feeling in your stomach when their name gets brough up or the smile that magically comes acrossed your face when you think about him? Or what about the knowing that he could be your forever and he doesn't want to be with anyone but you. But then why do people use the word "love" so loosely? It's not a game; love. It's an act of passion, an undefinable feeling/emotion. You don't know how to explain it until it happens to you. And even then, it's still complicated to put into words...Only you can feel it but you want others to see it and recognize it's there... So can I honestly sit here and say what I feel/think love is? Of course, cause I won't ever know what love feels like. I'm not meant to fall in love......
thank you all who did rate me but im leaving this place to much drama and either you dont rate enough or not fast enough i got dial up and i try my best to do what i can on here i will miss my true friends i will never forget you God Bless you all
A New Perspective
First I want to say after this blog is posted I will not be on till later tonight. I feel the need to be around people in a real setting. After 15 years working in law enforcement something happened today I had hoped would never happen. I work in a small town government center where nothing ever goes on and I received a call no one wants to get. A fellow officer and a great friend was attacked by an inmate with the intent of taking a life. As I was responded we got the call the inmate had the officer's weapon. As I entered the area the call went out that a shot was fired. I opened the door to find my friend fighting for his life with a gun pointed at him. With our weapons drawn. we attacked the defendant with all that we had. We were able to subdue him without loss of life or any further injuries. Now you may wonder why I write this not for accolades nor way to go's. Not for critics nor harsh comments. I realized someone from above was looking and protecting all that were in
My Birthday Gift
Make photo slide shows at
WoW!!! ~ WoW!!! ~ WoW!!! I’M TRYING TO GET TO PROPHET!!! HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO GET UP TO $156,000 FUBUCKS!!! MY AUTO-11’S ARE ON FOR 24 HOURS FROM 9 PM Eastern Time on Friday, January 23rd until 9 PM Eastern Time on Saturday, January 24th so come spank me hard and luv me up!!! I HAVE TONS OF HAPPY HOUR RATE FOLDERS. RATE THEM FOR A TOTAL OF $78,000 FUBUCKS! BUT..... IF YOU RATE MY FOLDERS DURING ANY HAPPY HOURS WHILE MY AUTO-11 IS RUNNING, I’LL DOUBLE THE FUBUCKS FOR EACH FOLDER! That's a total of $156,000 Fubucks! WoW!!! THIS DOUBLE FUBUCKS OFFER IS ONLY VALID DURING ANY HAPPY HOURS WHILE MY AUTO-11’S ARE RUNNING. SO HURRY UP AND GET YOUR RATES IN DURING EVERY HAPPY HOUR! YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST comment the last pic in each folder that's rated AND ALSO PRIVATE MESSAGE ME WITH THE FOLDER NAMES that were completed. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! If you don't, YOU WILL NOT GET PAID. This Auction bully/blog brought to you by the one and only... Imagine~Dangerou
Here's The Deal
Ok, so, I have bling credits and would love to have an auto 11...Is there anyone out there that would like to trade an auto 11 for an auto 11??? HUH HUH HUH??? If you would, pls let me know so we can trade up...Pls K Thanx :D :-S :-P
Why I Do What I Do
why do people look at others in disgust when they see them walking around because they look a little different? why do people ignore others when no one knows what they need? acknowledging someone is better than just brushing them off. you have some people who need to feel good about themselves. then you have those who want it just because they want the attention. you can pick who wants it for what reason. please stop blowing people off. i know there some people on here like that.
Please Help
Could use some help in getting to the next level Been on this one so long and I like to get leveled please help me Corky1952~Fu~Hubby~To~sweetbaby@ fubar
I'm On The Auction Block
Anyone want to own me? Please stop by and leave a few comments TY VM.
**train** I Am Aware
Go r/f/a all to be added!! re-rate & comment those you already have! Remind everyone that you are aware! Rate this album to be added and receive your fact tag Unbreakable Sweetpeabayba 'T' vitamin de Carrie Firerose VolareDave GnbRebel ♊aGEM4life♊
Barbie Gone Bad
All ya need to know for now :-) 34, single, never married, raised in Atlanta, now live in Memphis, work for FedEx, started an adult dating site CARNALFRIENDS.COM this summer - had to sell it because we didn't know what we were It's still going well and I think I'll try again in the future. I love to hang out with friends, travel, watch my Atlanta Falcons, and just have a good time.
~ nov.s... O Theaza please come to me... please come as my true friend, please come as my sexy lover, please come as my devoted wife! Please come to me My Sweet Goddess please stand by me always and forever! I am fully visible only to your eyes Theaza… only because you think of me and dream of me do I even exist! You are my world and I am your world, and soon we will be together -- living together, working together, shopping together, cooking together, eating together, cleaning together, playing together, dancing together, singing together, smiling together, laughing together, crying together, hugging together, kissing together, making love together, sleeping together and awaking together -- celebrating our family and world together, our simple world lit by beauty, affection, understanding, compassion -- true love!
My Owners
COME AND LEAVE HER A LOT OF LOVE SHE IS MY NEWEST OWNER!! I WANT TO THANK HER FOR GIVING ME A VIP!!! ^tag not made by me^ SHE IS SWEET UNIQUE AND NICE TO GET TO MEET!!! SO CLICK ON HER PICTURE TO UNWRAP THIS SPECIAL XMAS GIFT ♥xmasbaby73♥DEVOTED 2 the MOST HANDSOME and AMAZING man EVER *TAPPINIT*luv him..I Do@ fubar SO PLEASE RATE FAN AND ADD HER AND TELL HER I SENT U!!! ♪P♥♥ĶĨę♫ owned by ♥xmasbaby73@ fubar BROUGHT TO YOU BY: * AngelDawnKris*Master of Desire's Fuwife*@ fubar (repost of original by '* AngelDawnKris*Master of Desire's Fuwife*' on '2008-11-14 19:29:41')
Epitome Of A Woman
take a good look at me tell me what you see the epitome of a woman pure, sensual, beautiful that's me my voice, my charm, my eyes, my smile epitome of a woman brilliant free child my walk, my touch, my grace, my hair the symbol of a woman that's me i'm rare my glow, my look, my love, spirit wild my lips, my hips, my legs shy child Cosmo, Essence and Vanity Fair could search the world forever to catch a glimpse of my stare priceless, untouched, unblemished unraveled temperament like coffee strong yet mild who am I? you ask, listen don't speak the essence of a woman what you crave for my keep a rose, fine wine, ageless that's me front page articles applaud my name my power, my beauty my nature, my fame elegant, eccentric, abstract is my wink my shadow takes photos that make Hollywood think you see, cameras can't capture what can't be tamed my charisma sensuality my soul, my reign still confused, don't worry even open eyes can't see who I am you w
Dragonfly's Hh And Auto 11 On Sunday
Dragonfly Is Hosting a Happy Hour Sunday, November 16 @ 5pm Come and show him some love! Special Happy Hour Offers OFFER ONE: Rate the following 3 folders, send a private message that you have rated these 3 folders and recieve 15k. Folder 1: Diecast & Nascar Collectibles I have Folder 2: Motorcycles Folder 3: Dragons OFFER TWO: Rate all his pictures, leave 5 or more picture comments, send a private message that you have rated everything, and you will receive 30k and a bling.
i am deleting my fubar and i will be giving away all of my fubux so tell me y u deserve them and i will give them away on monday thnx yall
My Diet
Well, so I am a thousand miles away from my husband. He is in New Orleans and I am up in PA. We have been away from each other since the November 1st and it is staring to get to the both of us. Him more than me, but he keeps asking me to send him pics. Well, I am very self concious as it is and now with the whole picture thing, I am very self concious, so I have decided I need very much so to go on a diet. And start exercising. I plan on starting tomorrow. And I hope to lose at least 5lbs before Chad gets here for Thanksgiving. Then I hope to lose at least another 10-15 before Christmas. My goal is to lose 30-40 lbs before I go home for Mardi Gras. I weigh 160 now, which is not that bad, but I want to be 120. So cheer me on...because this is going to be tough! Especially with my sister around baking sweets everyday-she is a sabotoger!
Dark Angel
dark angel is leaving fubar i know she has had alot of drama on here and she is sick some people just tend to forget about real life and friends this pisses me off that she is leaving so be it so am i
I love him so much i wish he would listen to me i alwayz tell him whats best for him and he does say he loves me but i dont really think he acts like it. I want to stay with him he works at our job Wendys but I hate that he is mad at other people at work and at times he takes it out on me. I hope one day he will wise up and know I am alwayz rite and tell him whats best for him. All he thinks about is drinking beer, hanging with his guy friends and smoking weed. I hope that one day he will know I care love and just want him to spend time with me more then his friends. Val Loves Johnny Johnny Loves Val September 24th 2008 thats when we started dating Love, Val Valley xoxoxoxo hugs n kisses
Tea-bagging?!?! What's That?
"Tea bagging" is a slang term for when a person stimulates a man's testicles with her or his mouth. Some people use "tea bagging" to refer to the act of lowering one's scrotum into another person's mouth. Compared to sexual intercourse, oral contact with the testicles is relatively low-risk, safer sex. Most people are likely to do it without protection. However, because some sexually transmitted infections, like herpes or HPV, can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, it is possible that someone might further reduce the risk by using a Glyde® dam or plastic wrap for this kind of oral sex play.
Lawyers Suck..they Dont Ever Return Calls
Lawyers suck! You pay them out the damn ass and they dick ya around! I wouldn't be having this problem if it wasn't for that Georgia ass who hit me n totaled my baby! I miss my blue Impala!
Bling Comment Contest..
I am hosting a bling contest starting Saturday November 15, 2008. 3 ppl have entered. The prize will be a 10 credit bling pack. The three people will be racing against each other. The first one to 6k comments wins. Here is who we have: SO COME COMMENT LIKE HELL...HEHE DJ Chocolate Bunny@ Ç£üb Røck-A-Fëllåz **Owned by ~Tee~ Owner OF THE BBW LOVERS~The Click Club~~Sarg@ fubar
2 Years In The Making.
its nice to wake up today and be able to say that all my driving suspensions are over today!!!! would be nicer to be able to go the DMV and get it back but thats not gonna happen.. i'll give it a week or two for the computers to get updated.. then try and get it back. we shall see.
A Stress Reliever
No, this isn't about me relieving stress. Actually it's about how I minimized my stress levels. It's real simple and it helps a lot, doesn't cost anything, in fact it will probably save you money. People...less of them. After dealing with numerous fuckholes in the last four months or so, I decided to cut people out of my life. I think this started around, oh the beginning of October when I dealt with the last of the fuckholes. I decided if I wasn't worth their time, then why should anyone be worth my time? Ever since then, I've had a huge burden lifted from my shoulders. The burden of actually giving a damn about anyone. I've dealt with my last liar, my last whore, my last hypocrite. When I first moved to Muncie over 5 years ago, I was inexperienced. I went through everything with my eyes closed and in turn I made a lote of mistakes. My eyes were opened about four months ago and then shortly after I started seeing reality. I started seeing what I should have seen all of tho
Auto #3
> > Auto 11's active until Sunday, November 16 @7pm EST!!!! Trying to Oracle and hope to help you level too!
I confuse my self so much. I know what I want to say but when I go to say it, I draw a blank. Shit maybe I'll try this when I'm not retarded.
Cold Day In Hell
it will be a cold day in hell! when i let you MFKRS in my head ,,l,, :D with &hearts and shit
Living Will
Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no quality of life at all. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine. She's such a bitch.
House Sitting
Have you ever needed a place you could slip off to for a while where you could do what you wanted and not be bothered? Walk around naked as the day you were born,, admire your fine body in the full length wall mirrors in the front room, lounge in the oversized bathtub for hours. Well, if you know me and where I live, then its right across the street from my house, come on over and make a reservation and we will party like rock stars! (this is a clothing optional establishment)
hey hey folks would like to hear from you on the snapvine!!! give me a shout please O:DO
Nail In The Fence
NAILS IN THE FENCE There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next < /B>few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. > > He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young b oy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. > > The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, 'You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger,
Auction...own Me And My Moobs
All About Me
Hello all, my name is Mark. I reside in dayton, Ohio. I stand 6' tall and am told that i am a very outgoing person. Looking to meet some new friends from the area who likes to go out and have a good time. Want to more more about me send me a message and a friend request to find out more
Happy Birthday Wonderwoman
***Happy Birthday Wonder Woman*** Stop by and wish her an amazing happy birthday!!!Her auto 11's are on and she's ready for a spanking!!! She is also having a special Birthday Happy Hour @ 9am Fu time!!!! Spank her real hard with lots of Rates! Comments!& all that shiny Cha blinggggggggggggg Bling!!!!! Wonder_Woman is a good Fu-slave 2 T ! Fu-Engaged to Suggadaddy@ fubar Lets get this Birthday Girl to 60 mill in points today!!!! Love on her all day! I know i will!!! Luv ya gyrl! Have an amazing Birthday! ♡Confidence Is What Makes Me Sexy♡Owner Of Burg♡@ fubar In Da Club - 50 Cent
Our Rules As Of Nov.15,2008
As We Just started Our Group 4 Days ago((Nov. 11th)), WE Are Small But Growing Quickly!! We Would Love To Hear From You If You'd Like To Join, We Will Glady Fill You In On How To Do So!! We Are Trying To Make This A Fun Group Not A Rule Laced Group This Is Fubar FFS Not A Nazi Camp :P . We DOnt want to Pick Your Friends Or tell U what You Can And Cant Do!! However In Order To Keep A Group Running You Do Have To Have A Few Or It WILL All FAll Apart! Right Now The Only Rules That We Have Are.. #1..You Must Have A Valid Salute!! #2.. We Ask You To Place This Homepage In Your Family!! Not So That WE Can Perv You But For Respect Purposes.. lol we have no time to be perving ppls NSFW... WE Just Want A Group That Knows LOves Respects and Stcks By one another!! #3.. We Ask That If You Want To Be In Dangerous Curves Or If You Are A Member OF Dangerous Curves PLease Do NOt Join Any Other All Girl Group Or any Group That Claims To Be All Girl.. U can be In ANY Other Fu Group That U want
Help My Friend Out she has auto 11's go show her some love. its much appreciated
Come Join Us Tonight
Crap, messed up my name part. LMAO, geez, this place is makin' me crazy. Didn't this place used to be called Hot Cherries or something like that...years ago?
Having A Great Day
having a great day getting up having coffe smiling all the way getting hyper jabber jabber jabber onkly thing to keep ya happy is to drink that java trying to keep from bieng so sappy a roll in thee hay just to keep ya having that great day
Why Does It Have To Be So Hard To Find A Soulmate?
Since march of 2008 i have been with this girl who at first treated me great. Now all she does is ignore me, wont cuddle, dont want affection, and now keeps telling me to leave and find someone else. So i am currently looking. If your out there please stop by and let me know...
Life Part 4
Just wanted to let you know that i have been in and out of court apperiances on my father and he is now after 12 years in prison for what i would call not long enough 15 months. I don;t know what i will do if when he gets out he finds me but i know that wont be hard. His wife moved from here to wichita and i don't blame her i do although blame her for all the crap i went through she was supossed to be there for me like all moms should. Maybe she thought i was not good enough for her to be there for me i do know that i did the right thing getting him out of here and away from my kids.
Sex Shooter
Apollonia 6 - Sex Shooter talk about a blast from the
The Navy
hello friends just wanted to update everyone on my stepson he recently left on my bday to go to the navy boot camp in great lakes and we found out that instead of 8 weeks he will be gone 16 weeks he wont be here to see his baby brother born but that is ok. i just people to know that we are very proud of him to make a big decision like this on his own he is very smart and he is gonna be going to texas after boot camp for his training i guess he is gonna be a navy cop. so god bless our troops and all the new ones to come and pray for there safety home
Last Night
Last night was pretty cool.I had sworn off video conferencing after I felt men wanted only one thing and for the most part it was true.So last night I opened up my world to say goodbye to some very good friends on here.I was told by some of them or ask why I felt I needed to leave.Its simple like I told them I have so much on my plate right now,but there reply is yes they understood that but I didn't have to leave,to use this place as a release instead of letting people stress me out and fueling fire to my already screwed up life.That made sense to me.I probably will not be on that much anymore but I have decided to check in once and in awhile,leave comments,rate and things like that.I just will not let anyone stress me anymore.If I lose friends well I lose them.I give a 100 percent and if you can't or want give it back fine I don't need you as a friend. I thought last night was going to be a total loss I couldn't get yahoo going with the new web cam but I could on msn,so I scrambled
Bill Of Rights ( Revised )
NEW PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION 'We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.' ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything. ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel,
Warning To All Fubarians!!!
True Blood
HBO has a series called "true blood". I don't know how many have seen it or know what it is about.This is an intro. True blood is a series revolving around the relationship between a vampire (Steven Moyer-Bill Compton) and a young human woman (Anna Paquin-Sookie Stackhouse) that has the ability to hear people's thoughts. This series can be interpreted on different levels. The setting and storyline can be transferred really to any type of setting where understanding and tolerance of those different than ourselves is the subject. It can also just be looked at as a kick ass vampire show. I don't like to pick hidden meanings etc.. apart when I watch things so to me it is just a vampire love story. It's a soft porn, blood filled, who done it type show. Each episode watched to me, makes me want to see what is going to happen next. The music in this show is worth watching at least one by itself. I find myself really liking the show's theme song which is "Bad things- by Jace Ev
Is Anyone Out There ?
Photo and video editing at
Just Me
ok i hate talking about myself but here i go. i was raised by my mom without much help from my dad. he had another family to worry about. i was raised around the gay community since i was 3. i have watched people die of AIDS since before it was called AIDS. i had no friends untill high school. before that i lived in a nice neighborhood and was the only poor fat and smart kid. kids can be very cruel. i suffer from cronic depression that i deal with without medication. i tried to kill myself 4 times before i was 20. i spent most of my youth trying to act like everybody wanted me to. i tried to be a happy-go-lucky kid but i was not bieng true to myself. i started to open up a bit in high school when i met my bff. i have been through abusive relationships because i didnt feel like anyone else would ever say they loved me. i spent 5 years with a man who ignored me except when he wanted sex. but at least he gave me my daughter. she is what keeps me sane in this crazy world. now
Love Will Tear Us Apart Again!
When the routine bites hard And ambitions are low And the resentment rides high But emotions wont grow And were changing our ways, Taking different roads Then love, love will tear us apart again Why is the bedroom so cold Turned away on your side? Is my timing that flawed, Our respect run so dry? Yet theres still this appeal That weve kept through our lives Love, love will tear us apart again Do you cry out in your sleep All my failings expose? Get a taste in my mouth As desperation takes hold Is it something so good Just cant function no more? When love, love will tear us apart again
Me And Max
Hey all portlanders, would anyone like a max buddy on thursdays. I ride from beaverton to dwtne about 5pm. Any takers?
you call me: "redneck" "Hillbilly" "Slaker" "Cracker" "Honkey" "Whitey" "Gringo" "Sage" "White trash" and you think it's OK. But when I call you: BLUE GUM jungle bunny spear chunker coon wet back jiggaboo porch monkey sand nigger rag head towelhead Camel Jockey Gook Spook nigger kike slant eyes or Chink or if i tell you to learn english you call me a racist. -You have the United Negro College Fund. -You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. -You have Cesar Chavez Day. -You have Yom Hashoah -You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi -You have the NAACP. -You have BET. -If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist. -If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist. -If we had white history month... we'd be racist. -If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist. -If we had a college fund that only gave white students know we'd be racist
Why the fuck are all you guys so damn far??? DAMN IT!!!!!!!
ugly/hateful evil things waiting in the shadows for my eyes to close so they can feast upon my soul i try no to sleep but lose the battle slowly they appear in my soul,mind and heart slowly ripping me apart my fears have come to steal my sanity making me tremble as itry to hide no corner or place they don't know the pain so intense as they show me all the things that have done in my life repeatedly every night i see the horrors of my reality so deep and entrenched the evils done to me im so over powered that i start screaming but even that will never wake me again rainmaker 11-08
Show Her Major Love She Can Use It
SWEET, SEXY & SASSY AKA ~COTTON KANDY KISSES~ ( SINFUL PLAYMATE) OWNED BY URBAN SAMAURI!@ fubar if you can i woulkd appreciate it ,she has auto 11's on so help her out. Much love to my friends and family
Beautiful Words
Your words stirred my soul, your words made me ache and pull more of myself out. Your words with such beauty, yet such pain they caused.. your beautiful words made me addicted. Now there are no words, no ache, no pain to share... its the silence now that holds all beauty. Shhh speak no more.
heey im new to this so give me a chance to figure this out! if i don't reply im not being ignorant lol soo il reply when i can work this out haha if anyone has any tips feel free to let me know Danniliscious :]
Fu Party Vegas
hello my friends my husband and i are wondering who would like to come to las vegas to party fubar style we have been looking into hotel packagesand shows and dinners if you want to know more email us thank you
Who Wants To Own Me !!!
Who want's me to be there slave? who wants to have me give gifts rates and tons of love to them. Maybe you i say come on and bid see how great a slave i can be . Go to my auction folder pic to bid on me!!!
If There Is Love Out There Will Someomne Tell Me
where is honest and sweet love.
My Rant For The Day
I swear some people need to have their head examined big time, one of them is not my girlfriend Kate here, she goes to the grocery store up the road to get some canned cat food for our two cats, she was given the money by me since I have the money because she likes to loose the money, well, she comes back home and come to find out, she finds a kitten probably 3 mohths old that some idiots lets out and she finds it outside at the store so she puts it inside her coat and shirt and brings it back here and the cat was cold and it's not even 40 degrees out up here, I swear, I'd like to find the idiot that does that to let a 3 month old kitten out and doesn't take care of it here. If people are going to be that careless and cold to let their cat have kittens and then just let the kittens go free like that, they shouldn't have pets at all, that pisses me off to no end here!
anyone wanna add me on mysapce. i posted one before but can't figure out how 2 get it so i if anyone can tell thanxs. my url fro mysapce is u can send me a friends request
Do I Take Requests!?!?!?
Before requesting songs, making comments, or asking questions to the D.J., Here are a few examples and details as to why our job is hard. Every club DJ has had these experiences in his/her career. DJ's:REPOST because you know it's true. please... CHECK BELOW FOR YOUR REQUEST: 1. PLAY SOMETHING GOOD...SOMETHING WE CAN DANCE TO! The D.J. has to play for more than one, what you may hate may be another's favorite song and EVERYTHING played here can be danced to one way or another. 2.WOULD YOU PLAY SOMETHING WITH A BEAT? BE SERIOUS! We know of NO songs played in a club that don't have some sort of a beat! 3. I DON'T KNOW WHO SINGS IT AND I DON'T KNOW THE NAME OF THE SONG, BUT IT GOES LIKE THIS... Please don't sing for the D.J.! They have to put up with smoke-filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night. Do them a favor and DON'T give them a rendition of your favorite song! 4. EVERYBODY WANTS TO HEAR IT! Oh sure, you polled EVERYONE in the club and
1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing allthe time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit isuncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable,but when it's time to actually sle
Tribute To Our Heroes
Rebelrose Has A What ???
OK Help her out just a rate is all that is needed Brought To You By :
Those 3 Little Words.~play With Me~
You've just orgasmed together,you're lying satiated, panting, sweating,you feel so close,as one,you turn to your partner and say those three little words ....? ? ? Play with me .. Make it as loving, romantic, funny, dirty, wicked as you like. (Which three little words would you say????? )
Our Men And Women
some of you look at a guy or girl with a uniform on and say, oh i support our men and women of the armed service. many folks forget to think of all the fallen service men n women not just for today but yesterday. I truely dont see how any one can forget the ones in the past that fought for our freedom. we have places for vetrans being closed and moved further away from the ones who need the care of that service thats rightfully given to them. i recently had a close friend call me and told me that one of our friends that served in the armed service pasted away. it hurt like losing a family member. i look in the world today and i notice alot of people want to place blame on events that has happens even right down to the tragic even of 9/11. i want to say this if oyu cant support our troops and the man who sends them to protect our freedoms we do have. then i say this for every one of you out there. we send you over there with a gun and ship 5 of our men or women home and let you fight
I Am This Girl
I'm the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you. I'm the girl who likes to be kissed in the park more than inside your bedroom or in an expensive restaurant. I'm the girl who says,"Okay, but you owe me...", not because I actually want something, but because it means I get to spend more time with you. I'm the girl you can take absolutely anywhere and I will have fun because it means I am spending time with you. I'm the girl who is incredibly picky, but when I find someone I like I want to spend the whole night curled up in their arms. I'm the girl who never wants to forget all the sweet little things you do for her. I'm the girl who never gives up hope even when I tell others I have. I'm the girl who once I let you into my heart, there's always a place there with your name on it. And even if we spend time apart, I'm the girl who never forgets you. I'm the girl who loves to end a hug with a k
Poem From Poet
An Open Book Alight the butterfly Upon the branch It opens and closes its wings Open and closes. Visual, regal The monarch of the garden. Each opening of the wings Like the pages of a book Poetry in motion Each verse A colorful rendition Saying read me! Appreciate me! Silently appraise All that I have to say Each opening and closing Articulating that I am I shall be What you see Just take the time to notice And appreciate, Me. Poet
My New Love Brittany
im so in love with you - Babiixjenii and we been hanging out and cuddling to movies late at nite her name is Brittany as she don't have an account here but we've been see alot of eachother lately at eachothers house and going out to the movies am so happy with her as she went through the same thing I did with my ex and we both like the same exact things and alot in common! heres are the pictures of her as I took these the top one I took tonight of her On halloween
Own This Purdy Lil Grl
My Idol Match
This is to the lucky man who might get to keep my heart!!! READ through the list and see if you qualify!! Good Luck!!! [Looks] any color hair any color eyes Somewhat decent clean teeth between height of 4'11 - 6'4 between 120-180 lbs for weight [Personality] loves receiving/giving laughing loves receiving/giving jokes loves receiving/giving compliments in the morning after waking up br> [Education] Must have a full time job and or' going to college full time [Living Arrangements] Either with friends or by yourself... you can live with your children but I don't want one Who is living with they parents [Children] none or proud parent wanting more ;) [Pets] any that you want,,, but I'm not picking up a freaking spider I'm TERRIFIED of them [Habits] If you smoke cigarettes then great but if you don't then you will have to respect me because I do If you do drugs then the only drug you can do is smoke Marijuana and that's it... I'm n
First I would like to say that we shouldnt just limit thanks to this one day but be thankful everyday for everything. I am thankful that I have a job to go to everyday. It might get a little monotonous but it pays the bills. Im thankful for the roof over my and the car that I drive. Im thankful that my kids are healthy and I know they love me unconditionally. Im thankful that my mom is still alive and that I am able to call her anytime. Thankful we have air to breathe and water to drink. Im thankful for friends and family and I dont tell them that enough. Just remember, be thankful for what you have and stop trying to compete with everyone around you. Someone will keep trying to be one up on everyone around them. The little things in life are usually the best, anyway. Much love to all.
Guess What
Your Ideal Sex Position is...Roughdoggy Intense. Submissive... And just a tad bit painful.You don't mind bending over to get porked -As long as you're getting pulled and forked. 'What is your Ideal Sex Position?'at
Happy Hour 11 11 08
Congratulations! Your happy hour was a great success: lots of people gave lots of love.You collected 894,572 bonus points as Happy Hour sponsor. Cheers!223 members leveled up during your happy hour: Goddess 'Fubarlord' (21) kyblueeyes 'Newfu' (1) Dallasbabe~~Head Greeter @ Vampire Haven~~ 'Fubarlord' (21) PAZITRAK 'Fu-ling' (2) rayannah 'Twisted Fu' (6) tinas3769 greeter @ dirty little secrets 'Fu-gee' (16) Heavy T 'Fu-ling' (2) oz333ua 'Fu-ling' (2) redneckoffroad 2001 'Psycho' (8) DJ Bounty ~BADA BING'S HOST & QUEEN'S Quicker Picker Upper & R.W.G~ 'Disciple' (26) Drunkenmonkey 'Fu-ling' (2) Lady Malfoy 'Twisted Fu' (6) rebeling123 'Fu-ling' (2) weeman 'Bad Fu' (13)
A Little About Me
I am married for 8yrs and live in Co. I Love it here but look forward to Moving back to WA in the Future. I am on Fubar looking for old Friends and new. am notoriously flirty but know my limits. I love almost all music and enjoy reading and spending time with friends and Family. my Best advice would be to Hold onto the ones you love and cherish every moment. The people in your life are there for a reason and will leave a lasting imprint on your heart even if they are just passing thru .
What Is Average Puzzy ?!?!
I know, I know not the type of heading you were expecting from me but I heard this today and fell on the floor rolling with laughter. I mean I laughed sooo hard I had tears in my eyes. If you know me well enough you know that I have strange friends. Anywhoo...a great friend of mine calls me today to tell me he had a horrifying sexual experience. So I sit down to brace myself not sure what to expect. He goes on to tell me about an older woman and this sexual encounter. Now months before he shared with me bits and pieces of their lets say, explicit conversations. Which I must admit got me a little ummm (well you know ) So when he said they finally got together last night, I am thinking oh great the condom broke, she's actually a he or whatever it is that happens in an sexual encounter that makes you start out by saying "I had a horrifying sexual experience". This dufus tells me he had "AVERAGE PUZZY". He couldn't explain it me what he actually meant so I was left thinki
Necessary Assholery?
So, I'm just sittin' here at 1 in the morning just minding my own business. Listening to music, watching some videos, checking out peoples profiles, making some new friends - you know the usual boring "got nothin' goin' on" Saturday night bullshit. So, I'm sittin here and this asshole who is on my friends list apparantly - "Slipknotmaggot" , dumbass name I know, sends me a shout. He starts making derogatory comments about my Man and myslef in my NSFW pics. Well, normally I would get upset and freak the fuck out but I was just like "Dude, wtf is your point?" he proceeds to tell me that I'm gross and blah blah blah and I'm like well don't look. And then of course he mentioned something about how I churned his stomach which actually made me chuckle. I was amused that this kid had nothing else to do but to check out some broads dirty pictures - some broad that HE friend requested in the first place - and then talk shit. I suppose he must have not been able to get laid by whatever Juggalett
Aceo's On Ebay
I have placed 10 peices of original collectable art on e-bay, you should go there and search under ACEO Ben, and if you like them feel free to bid on them and own my original hand drawn collectable art.
My Auction Please
My Life
We chase misprinted lies We face the path of time And yet I fight And yet I fight This battle all alone No one to cry to No place to call home Oooh...oooh... Oooh...oooh... My gift of self is raped My privacy is raked And yet I find And yet I find Repeating in my head If I cant be my own Id feel better dead Oooh...oooh... Oooh...oooh...
Do You Have Myspace?well He Has Childhood Leukemia
Please forward this to all your friends and tell them about James and his million friend challenge. Your friends just like you can help a dad keep a promise to his son.To forward this on click reply then copy and paste the code into your bulletin.Thankyou
I can never let him just go. No matter how big of an ass he is to me I take him back. He calls me a cunt and tells me its just another word and I forgive him. He tells me he will never do it again, but thats just another lie and I know it. Third times a charm right? Nope he did it again and told me to go to hell, but "didn't mean it" Why can't I let him out of my life. Why do I keep letting him back in!!!! Why can't I just forget his name, forget who he is and what he meant to me. Forget what I thought he was because he wasnt. I hate hurting him every time I say its done. I hate how he gets so angry and says the things he does. He makes me feel so bad even when we arent together. He makes it hard to even be friends. He insists we were made for eachother, but how can that be so when I dont feel the connection? He can never find time to talk to me and expects me to always find time for him. He can't talk to me during the playoffs because they are more important, but expects me to be at
Why Hate?!?!?!?!
Why do we have people that love to hate on the military? We put our lives on the line eveeryday whether we are deployed or we are trainning for deployment! Dont ever come to me and tell me that I have not given to my country ever! My battles and I will never stop fighting for the American Freedom!!!!!! The Military is here for you American, SO DONT EVER BAD MOUTH US!!!!
My Job
My profession as a cosmetologist, is a fun, fast pace ever changing career. I am in the fashion and beauty industry, some may say I rip people off on their insecurities. But I say with my knowledge, I can make the most insecure person confident, the most depressed, happy. I am a caregiver, I know all my clients problems before anyone else does even though i can not give advice i am a theorpist. and bound to my ethics what they tell me is put in another part of brain and soon forgoten. If I were to say that I love every client that sits in my chair, I would be lying, I get people who think they know more than I do. Or the one that is and never will be happy. But I enjoy them as much as I enjoy the ones I can talk to easily and have an easier connection with. But I am not the stereotype, gum chewing, big haired ditzy blonde, that has all the town gossip. I can't say my fashion sense isn't over the top or that I am not excentric and bubbly cuz that is me has a person. I see the funn
What Will I Get For The 12 Days Of Christmas
The Twelve Days of Christmasfor sapphire jewel:Day #Who?What they got you1stA forty pronged whip for lashing all of your friends2nda confused homeless man bearing a sign that says, 'i'm a slave for you'3rdthe complete works of the Marquis de Sade, on tape4thA signed document releasing their body to you upon their death to do with as you please5thA reverse strip tease6tha pubic hair trimmer7tha gigantic vagina in your yard, drawn in flaming gasoline8tha one-man puppet show using three simultaneous puppets9thA tape of you showering which they filmed without your knowledge10tha small, laminated card stating, 'ALL ACCESS - TO ME!'11th
Sex Acronym
- sheila's Sexy Acronym - is for...Sis for...SpiritedHis for...HeavenlyEis for...EnchantingIis for...IrresistibleLis for...LasciviousAis for...Alluring The Sexy Acronym Generator at
Sexual Personality
Daring, confident, animalistic You like to have a lot of sex and try a lot of things. You are very kinky and have a lot of confidence in yourself. You like to explore all aspects of sexuality because it is something that interests you a lot. Take this quiz at
The Beauty Of A Woman
The beauty of a woman Is not in the clothes she wears, The figure that she carries, Or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman Must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman Is not a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman Is reflected in her soul. It is the caring she lovingly gives, The Passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman with passing years -- only grows and grows
How To Treat A Woman
Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her. Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Pray with her. Pray for her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her. HOW TO TREAT A MAN: Show up naked. Bring chicken wings. Don't block the TV.
You Can Run To Me
When you feel like your world is closing in on you, it seems like all your plans are falling through. When you wonder what tomorrow will bring, you can turn to me. When it seems like everyone is out to get you, nothing seems to go the way you want it to. When darkness fills your heart, you can turn to me. Hold out your hand, and I'll be there for you, there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do. To see you smile, to make you happy, you can turn to me. When giving up seems to be the only thing to do, and uncertainty seems to be the only truth. When you lose your way, you can turn to me. Hold out your hand, and I'll be there for you, there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do. To see you smile, to make you happy, you can turn to me. I'll be there till the end of time, by your side, through rain or shine, you can turn to me. I'm not giving up on you, my love and friendship will always be true. I'd do anything in this world for you, you
A I Wanna Do
Your smile is as sweet, as the words that cross your lips. All I wanna do is hold you tight, and get lost in your kiss. Your eyes tell me secrets, I never want to forget. All I wanna do is hold you tight, and get lost in their depths. Your arms make me feel safe, I have no fear when we're together. All I wanna do is hold you tight, and get lost in you forever. Your love is unconditional, as pure as the snow is white. All I wanna do is hold you tight, and get lost in love like this for the rest of my life
The Darkness Within
I`ve seen the darkness within I`ve seen the darkness that makes you sin I`ve seen the darkness, I know it well I`ve seen the darkness on the road to hell When you’re in the darkness within, there`s no need to fight the darkness is like quicksand, the more you struggle, the more it holds you tight when the darkness surrounds you and you want to take flight the only way to freedom is to look for the light There is a beast in the darkness within and he sits high on a perch while below his children run and jump at you in a lurch they feed off your fears and desires they bask in the flames of your emotional fires The darkness within will devour your fire with all it`s heat and light until it consumes all your hopes and dreams and fight In the darkness within there is no pain, only dullness with every breath because pain would be a sign of life and all you seek now is death You must kill the demon and bid it adieu before it smothers your soul and there is no mor
For A Taste Of You
I need to take you in my strong arms let me hold you oh so close and tight our sighs rising high into the heavens rocking wrapped up in sweet delight You know I'll never ever let you go I yearn to kiss your lush warm lips till we melt blissful in love's wild fire in a dance eternal, joined at the hip I want you to know my heart's pure voice hear me pour out my feelings for you to shout them at the boundless sky so strong, so deep, so clear so true love's feast calls us to this moment no reason needed, for what we do I have a gnawing hunger in my soul always aching for just a taste of you
Random Thoughts
Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Strange yes i know especially considering i do work two full time jobs. Got an email from an ex the other day. In it accusing me of being a lair and unfaithful. How is this possible when i have not had contact with this person in over two years. Yes you heard it two years. I kicked him out. We where only together about three months when i broke it off. I worked during this so called relationship about on average 16 hours a day, he on the other hand sat on his ass 24/7. Granted he did move down here to be with me but one would think he would get out and find a job. No instead he sat at the computer talking to other women, calling others, and not contributing to a relationship. A girl can only take so much. So honestly was i wrong in kicking him out. Granted the only reason i have contacted him in the past is he left some of his shit here and i want it gone. Guess i am stupid for storing it for him. So honestly guys if you read this tell me what you t
Help Me Climb To Number 1 On The Charts!!
Hi everyone!! I am Shawn and my song is currently number 2 on the Pennsylvania/Maryland area Blues Charts! Help me get to number 1 by clicking on the banner and signing up as a fan its free and easy all you have to do is enter your email or click on the banner and listen to my songs!! Thank you, Shawn
Misty And Del. A Naughty Taboo Fantasy Story.
Misty, yes it was her real name, looked at herself in the mirror. At 19 she was all woman. She was brunette with highlights and blue eyed She had soft, perky d cup breasts and pink nipples about the size of silver dollars. Her hips were not narrow, they were slightly wide giving her an hourglass figure, however not so pronounced. Her butt was plump, probably her own favorite part of her own body. It was round and stuck out. She loved her ass. She liked to look in the mirror at her profile figure and rub her nipples and spank herself. All in all she wasn’t skinny and she wasn’t fat. She was healthy. She had a slight bulge to her tummy. She didn’t have a gut just a little tummy. Misty was proud that she wasn’t skinny. She liked her slightly fat but and wide hips. After all, thy matched her breasts. Basically she wore a size 10 dress, that is if she ever wore a dress. As she looked at herself she remembered her first sexual experience with a guy. She had begun masturbating at 13, b
Ramblings Of A Insane Bookworm!
my first blog here. . . . no longer a virgin uh? so i'm trying to get use to being back in college after years being out. . . . feel like the oldest person there even though I'm not. .
Does He Think Of Me!
Does He Think of ME He is always in my mind, Wondering what he is doing, Wondering if he is ok, He is always in my heart, There helping it beat a little faster, Does he think of me, Am I always in his mind, Am I in his heart, There helping it beat a little faster, Will I meet him oneday, See his beautiful face up close, Will I hold him oneday, Will he tell me everything will be ok, Will we laugh and play together, Never wanting it to end, Holding hands in the park, Looking at each other, Looking into each others eyes, Eyes meeting as if in a dream, Does he think of me, Am I in his mind always? by Linda Weaver With Love
Happy Fuversary Twaune!
***Happy FuVersary Twaune!!!*** Stop By and Show him Lots of Mad Love!!! He has been on Fubar for Two Years!!! He is one of my most amazing Friends!!And he has Auto 11's ON!!! Lets help him get a lot closer to Prophet! He deserves it fu's!!! Go spank his page with lots of Rates of his pics & stash!! & dont forget that shiny cha Bling blingggggggggggg!!! Click this link right below to get to his page!Dont forget to let him know I sent ya! Twaune Thå £ast Ðon ™ Fu-Owned by X©ït€M€ * §näke Ëyeš ®ädïð Promoter *@ fubar Twaunes one of the most Sweetest!Caring!Smexi! On Fubar!!
Naughty Application
"!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! Your Name: Age: Location: 1.Favorite position: 2.Do you think I'm cute?. 3.Would you have sex with me? 4.lights on or off? 5.Would you have to be drunk? 6. Would you take a shower with me? 7.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 8.Would you leave after or stay the night? 9.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 10.Condom or skin? 11.Have sex on the first date? 12.Would you kiss me during sex 13.Do you think I would be good in bed /? 14.Would you use me as a booty call? 15.Can I use you as a booty call? 16.Can we take pictures of the act? 17.How long would we have sex? 18.Would you tell your friends about me? 19.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 20. Will you fill this out & send it back to me?" Also < IF YOU HAD ME ALONE, LOCKED UP IN YOUR ROOM FOR A WEEK & I HAD TO DO WHAT EVER YOU WANTED ME TO DO, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH ME? TELL ME IN MY INBOX... CUZ ITS A SECRET
Curse Of Pain
On the 9th of November 2008 CoP had it's 5 Years band anniversary. So we decided to Upload our 2nd CD "Experimental Metal" for everyone as a Free Download. Please Visit our Myspace for Details.
Off Line
going offline as of the 1st week in dec. not sure how long it will be before i can afford to have internet again.. anyone that wants to keep in touch with me can call me, will always have cell phone, 207-659-0062... will miss talking with everyone, love my fu friends...have met some great people, love you all...beth
Own This Sexy Man! Auction Now Open!
jnail for the person that owns me fu owned in name for the month rate all pics and stash during happy hour and rate pics 11 if given a vip make them a personal salute one gift a week of my choice *******if cash bid******** daily comments rate/comment a friend of owners choice once per week promote the lounge of there choice jnail click my pic above to place a bid on me
It's Me!
Who the hell cares? i sure as hell shouldn't anymore, i'm sick to death of being taken for granted. It hurts me, and i'm tired of letting people hurt me. It's all good though. i'm fuckin used to it!!
How To See All Pics
To get to see my NSFW , you must buy me a $20 Bling pack or vip renewal and i will add you to my family. it's as simple as that......but worth it :) I will add more pics, depnding on how generous you are!!!! Bea xoxox
Thank You
YOU ALL ROCK!! Thank you all for helping me to GodMother during my first Happy Hour! A HUGE ROCKIN FOCKIN FU THANK YOU You all are the best friends a girl could have and I have mad love for each of you! My HH was bought to you by the letters S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. (You are the turtle to my snail) hehe: Dakota21220
Count First !!!!!!
i deleted my account on an impulse--from getting upset and i so regret it,never let anyone push you to that point,be smarter walk away and count to 100 then come back and stay away from that indivisual--which is kinda hard or was for me he was or i thought my best friend ever---we lived together for 8 yrs been apart for 2 so i let him upset me on here and i was a level 22 and all my blings and gifts and just everything was gone when i pushed that button,also had a vip till Jan.09 lost it all,and should have to let someone let me do this.wasn't his fault i did it but just walk away and count to 100 before comming back and just avoid that person if you can,too much work too lose it all for am inpulse. Thanks for letting me bore you with my stupidinest...Deb
How I Feel At The Moment
My Job
If it had been presented this way, I don't believe any of us would have done it !!!! POSITION : Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma JOB DESCRIPTION : Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, Often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. RESPONSIBILITIES : The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, th
Dj_wildman For Hire
Dreamt Of Words Unsaid
I dream of words to write at night When I awake theres my pencil in sight, I begin jotting down all the words in my head building them into form to make sense when their read, last night I dreamt of words unsaid for they left me using my imagination instead, Here are some of the words that went flowing about... excited and bliss cant forget miss, pale and skin yes even pin, comfort and caring then there was daring, kiss and thighs oh me oh my, touching and caressing maybe some bed messing, lick and spilt yes there's another word that ryhmes, taste and wet I have a dirty mind I find, hands and tying mmm I am not lying, These are the words thats formed while dreaming there it was my imagination went streaming!
My Auction
ATTENTION ATTENTON WICKED LETTE is holding an all money auction!! **WICKED LETTE** I want you to take me to the hospital This means you can only bid with things money can buy or money itself. Entry fee is 30k paid to me (WICKED LETTE). Message me asap with the pic you want to use and what you are offering.(WICKED LETTE) Mininum bid starting at $5.00 (USD). The auction will end when you get the bid you are satisfied with. I will be in this auction too so dont forget to bid on me! This has been created by: ☆PopSicle Gurl☆™ [[SER•NgC]] ♥Property of KaTman#9825;@ fubar
Excuse Me!!!
My sister feels the need to tell my daughter about some things that happened in my past. These are things she doesn't need to know about unless I tell. I have never had a great relationship with my sister. She is always trying to be better than me. I could care less if she is. She has no right telling my daughter the things she has told her. right now,she had better not show up at my home...I am seriously fucking pissed the fuck off!!!!
I'm A Single Father, Not Looking For Anything, Really. Don't Have Much Of A Life Anymore, Just Work & The Baby (Who Just Turned 3 Months.) His Mother Is Mostly Out Of The Picture, As She Keeps Blowing Off Her Visits With Him, & Spends The Rest Of Her Time Hounding Me Into Giving Her An Off-Schedule Visit. Usually When The Weather's Bad. He's Already Gotten A Cold Once, From My Taking Him To Her Like That. I'm Not Chancing It Again. I'm Just Wanting To Meet New People & Talk To Those Out There Willing To Be Friendly. Don't Get Out Much Anymore Because My Little Issac Comes First.
Help Out Please
=== '~Pastel Princess, ~Owner @ Temptation's Playhouse~ FU Wife and RL g/f to Jnaildriver~' wrote the following at '2008-11-16 12:00:18'.. > > Hun you know so many peeps..can you help promote me for my lounge auction? here is my bully... I sure would appreciate it.. wanna get a good owner and some bling bling! lol... huggles.. > > > > > > > > > > for the person that owns me > > > > fu owned in name for the month > > rate all pics and stash during happy hour and rate pics 11 if given a V.I.P. > > > > personal phone call to me > > > make them a salute > > > one gift a week > > *******if cash bid******** > > make them a nsfw salute for CASH bid winer > > daily comments > > rate/comment a friend of owner's choice > > promote the lounge of their choice > > added to family for access to nsfw while owned > > > > > click my pic above to place a bid on me > > > > > > > > >
The Spirit Of Giving!!!
I remember growing up, being so poor and the envy I always felt towards others during Christmas time. My father was a dead beat dad! child support interfered with his drinking. My mother left alone with four boys, struggled to make ends meet and did a fair job of it. Eight years old riding the bus after winter break was a living hell for me. Kids with new clothes and shoes, my stinky old sneakers would always get covered by my book bag for the whole ride. My jacket always a hand-me-down, was full of holes and the zipper very delicate. Only thing new on me was my sweater, my grand mother new I liked thick sweaters, I could always count on grandma for one of those. The teasing would start on the first day returning to school and would last till mid January. "Jeepers Creepers look at them old sneakers"! I heard it so much in a two week period I would try to match it with music. Kids can be real cruel, and when your the "poor" kid, you become the target of everyone. I even ran away
Some of you kno wats goin on and sum do not. Well I haven't been on much due to a house fire. Im stayin wit friends for the time bein not sure when I will be able to come home :(. I miss talkin to you all and those of you who kno me well enuf kno other ways to reach me. Another thing is I mite not be back on fubar as much as before or even at all.. I will be on time to time to check messages so I hope while im gone you will think of me and send me a hello every now and again :D love ya all xoxo Kells
Mini Profile
My Tattoo
well when i was 19 my father passed away... and well he was my world my fav parent the 1 that kept me in line my whole life... so having him pass away was like having my world collapse on me... i got severely depressed and was trying to drink myself to death... and my close friends all came and pulled me out of it and made me realzie my father never would have wanted me to do this to myself... so its a tribute to both my Father and my closest friends... and was inspired by this song... Korn - "4 U" This shit right here is for you. All your faces I can see. You all think it's about me. I'm about to break. Is this my fate? Am I still damned to a life Of misery and hate. You will never know. What I've done for you. What you all put me through. I'd do it for you. I could have never lived. If it wasn't for you.
Evil Lil Cherrypie 4 Sale
~*~*~*~* Hey Sweetie! My Name Is ♥MizP£Å¥MÅTË ØF ЯÅWK♥ *~* EViL LiL ChErRy PiE *~* TRIPLE KISSES PASTRY Family~*~*~*~*~ I'm Up For Sale @ Triple Kiss Lounge's First Ever "Bake Sale" So Here's What I'm Offering My Bidders: 1. Top Spot In My Friends & Family List For 1 Month 2. SFW Salute 3. Rate ALL Your Pics 4. A Shout Out On My Page 5. A Pimp Out Bully For You 6. (IF you have One in your page) a sexy Voicemail from Me to You! ****Click My Pic To Enter Triple Kiss Lounge & Hang Out With Me!!****
let have a good time..............
why do persons on here hate the new ones....I have been blocked in one room I dont know how many times by the people in there. I am not looking for anything, was just going to rate them. If that is to hard for them then why do they get on. Or are they tring to hide some someone......that I could understand.
The Darkness Never Ending
THE DARKNESS NEVER ENDING By Brandon Hail The darkness never ending creeps on my soul as it kills me I die slowly inside In the darkness I cry then as it creeps to steal my soul like a theif in the night I look up and there is the most beautiful angel ive ever seen and I gasp as the beauty makes me cry The angel reaches out and touches me and kisses away my tears she holds me and carries me out of the darkness into heaven now I am in the light and warmth of a love unknown to me and I fear that it was a dream but now this angel is mine I love you Christy love your husband Brandon
Sexy Green Eyes!
SEXY GREEN EYES HAS 42,000 to HENCHMAN! Sexy Green Eyes ~ Sarge's Bad Girls HIT UP SEXY GREEN EYES AND HELP HER LEVEL! Sexy Green Eyes ~ Sarge's Bad Girls DO IT NOW; YOU KNOW YOU WANNA! Sexy Green Eyes ~ Sarge's Bad Girls
How Do You Let Go?
I'm tell me. How do you let go of someone you love? Do you just forget them and never speak to them again? Do you remain friends and wish them the best? Could you remain their friend? I believe if you truly love someone that in many ways you never let go of the feelings even if you have to let that person go; that is if you can truly love someone unconditionally. I would always want that person to be happy no matter what path they choose in life, or whom they choose it with. I would speak to them anytime they wanted too. I would always be their friend and would hope for them to be mine. I would always be their by their side and support them. Why because when I love someone it is unconditional. I give my whole heart no matter the risk of it getting broken into a million pieces, with the hopes that someone will come along one day, and love all the pieces that are there as much as I would love them.
Pimpout From Ctgirl
This Soldier is New to Fubar… SuperMan24_12_12_83*C ommander of The Justice League*"We The Best!" Just click the Picture!! Please stop by and FAN, RATE and ADD my friend. He also needs help leveling!!! He is a terrific person and a great soldier!!! So come on FUBAR show him some love and he and I will both return the favor!!! PIMPOUT BY Ctgirl™ OWNER OF FU-LUV BOMB SQUAD-OWNED BY PLAYINHARD-R/L Girlfriend of Wills@ fubar Music Playlist at
To All My Friends , Fam, And Fans ,
sorry i have been around for a while i do plan on makeing a come back here hopefully soon . withsome sickness in my family it has been hard . to even come on and say hi to you all. and seeing as i am helping out with the person that is ill . i also have not been look after myself as well ad have had some preety close calls and i am going thu one right now . i got on here today and looked thru my stuff and well i have not had a comment in 4 months ....that is bad because i know it is because i have not hit anyones page with luv in a while . jut know (even though i am DARKNESS) you all re still in my thoughts and my DARK heart.thank you to all my fufriends and fans and family. forever, DARK
hey come join me over here lets have options to chat and enjoy each other company!!! not sayin leave fubar am a fubar member for as long as they are here just something different to look at
Active Notices
As of today MysticFaerie, Obsession and Cindie (me) (per Keith) asked us to try and keep things alive in the Club. (Also since Kate needs her rest per her illness, and shes in all of or prayers. We have thee Best Club on the FU and would love to keep it that way. We realize that real life issues due arise. So we can make a unactive folder for those that have things going on (we don't need details) but that way we don't wonder why some are not active. We still have our level up folder for those that need help. But when we as teams notice that elites are not rating, gifting etc. the members of the week and see other Club Members that are so close to level jump into help that kinda of bothers the status of what this Club stands for. Lets start now, example: earthdaughter was our member of the week, I would like her to go to me, Deb, MysticFaerie and even IslandGirl after her week is up and tell 1 of us who gifted, commented, blinged etc.. her the most so if they are not placed on the
The Game lyrics Tell me exactly what am I supposed to do? Now that I have allowed you to beat me! Do you think that we could play another game? Maybe I can win this time? I kind of like the misery you put me through. Darling, you can trust me completely. If you even try to look the other way, I think that I could kill this time. Rah! Rah! [x2] It doesn't really seem I'm getting through to you. Though I see you weeping so sweetly. I think that you might have to take another taste, a little bit of hell this time. Rah! Rah! Lie to me! Rah! Rah! Lie to me! Is she not right? Is she insane? Will she now run for her life in the battle that ends this day? Is she not right?! Is she insane?! Will she now run for her life now that she LIED TO ME! You always wanted people to remember you. You leave your little mark on society! Don't you know your wish is coming true today? Another victim dies tonight. Rah! Rah! Lie to me! Rah! Rah! Lie to m
That's right im locked up What do I want? I want to stalk your page when I'm online! I want to look at and rate all of your pictures with ELEVENS, but I only have 100 to give to you... *pout* and that's if my VIP holds out I shall endeavor to look at and rate all of your family and friends with TENS, until I run out! Dunno how many of those I have... I want to leave you beautiful comments every day your friends as well, if you'll let me... I want to buy you drinks everyday, especially your favorites! I want to buy you nice gifts that make you smile... some small, some big, some naughty, some nice, but all fun! I need a VIP when mine runs out (sad face which is to be soon) , I don't need FuBucks, I luv shiney things tho 'hint hint' especially FuBlings, and I don't need big Pimpin' Gifts but if you choose to give them I'll make it up to you somehow... I need respect and with that in return is respect if you wish to see my NSFW pics all ya need to do is ask
Would You?
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Whats your sign? 5.Phone Number: 6. Location: 7. Height: 8.Hair (color and style): 9.Piercings/tattoos: HERE COMES THE FUN ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. ...with tongue? 5. Would you enjoy it? 6. Would you ever ask me out? 7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? 11. Would you walk on the beach with me? 12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 13. Do you/have you talked about me? 14. Do you think I'm a good person? 15. Would u take a nap with me? 16. Do you think I'm cute? 17. If you could change anything about me -would you? 18. Would you dance with me? 19. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? What Do You Think Of My...? 1.Personality: 2.Eyes: 3.Face: 4.Hair: W0ULD Y0U... give me your number?_______________ kis
Inactive Members
This is ONLY for Members that have to be away for any reason. Please let us know, doesnt mean we love you any less. But is so we don't worry about you and know that your okay. Thanks again the C,D,M,I Team lol cindie, mystic, island
Check This Place Out
Jerk - Sucked In
Deep inside You every day You do not know, I will not say Your underground Makes me ill If I don't do it no one will The simple plan I have for you Try to guess what I will do I can see What you mean It's always harder than it seems Don't blame yourself For breaking me 'Cause you just went and set me free Then I sat you down And shut your mouth And show you what I always see There is a small Place for you Where all your hopes and dreams come true You move around My world at will Watch out 'cause I'm coming to kill You've been Sucked in Again and again and again and again You've been Sucked in Again and again and again and again You've been Sucked in Again and again and again and again You've been Sucked in Again and again and again, so.. Motherfucker come and play Come on then, come on then Come on then, come on then Motherfucker come and play Come on then, come on then Come on then, come on then Motherfucker come and play You've b
Getting Nakid
If ur on my friends list and u have nekid pics and cant see mine let me know and ill fix it smoke on and have a good day
Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is an ancient system of design and building based upon the harmonic relationship between man, nature and the universe. Virtually ignored by modern architects and designers, it was central to most ancient societies. The practice concerns a worldview of pattern recognition, producing religious patterns and structures involving space, time and form. By working with such forms, insight can come regarding the nature of all. It often involves mathematics. beta-math Pythagoras realized the importance of this, and also showed how such harmonies work also with music. Hence, sacred geometry is a holistic practice. Even in ancient cave art, it is now known that pictures were drawn at ideal places for sound amplification. These principles seem to have been instinctual in ancient times, but science is also discovering such harmonies. Indeed, it has led some to wonder at the incredible coincidences of exact balance that led to the universe in the first place. Sacred design
I once was here But now I'm gone I went away to Smoke some pot I put this here to Prove a point Life ain't shit Without a joint
I've been browsing around fubar and checking out profiles. Some of you have shouted and private messaged me wondering why I didn't rate or comment your profile. I'm sorry. I would have atleast rated if I could, but my account has been blocked from doing rates, comments, shouts, bulletins for several months now. If you want me to rate you then get a petition going and send it to babyJ and scrapper. If they won't listen to me alone maybe they will listen to all of you. Until then, I won't be able to rate or comment ya :( I'm getting lots of mail. I don't reply to everyone. I don't have that much time to spend on here to be able to reply to everyone. So please don't be offended if I didn't reply to you. It's not personal. I just have a busy life outside of fubarland. I don't do the fan thing just because someone became a fan of me. That's not how it works. If I become a fan of you it's because either I connected with you and think you're cool or because I simply think you're attract
Sucking Chest Wound
After having time to sit and think about the past election the only thing I can think to compare it to is this. Watching Mcain losing the election is like watching your favorite college football team losing on saturday but on this occasion you have to deal with the sting of defeat for the next four years instead of until next saturday.
Ok, so I found out that my fiancee, Dj KrazyKillaKlown, has lied to me, and twice just to make me happy. He said that he took one person off of his crush list, and put me on instead. But my page doesnt have any crushes on it, and he's still talking to a bitch in Ohio, when we live in Kentucky. I just moved down here shortly after he did to stay with his family. Well, my first night here the bitch called. I read one of his letters on here to her and he told her that he missed her sexy voice and that the loved her.... And when I confronted her, she told me that I had cheated on him while i was back up in michigan, and that he didnt want to be with me. We have a beautiful two month old daughter and I guess he must not want to be with me, other wise I'd be the number one in everything for him, but I'm not so I guess he doesnt want to be with me but doesnt have the heart to tell me. That or he just wont leave me because of our daughter, Nevaeh. I just dont know what to do......
Venting How I Almost Went To Jail For Attempted Murder Extttt
Ok, the other day my lil sister Jamie got in a fight and kicked some girls but (Destiny). Well the next day Destiny's older sister whos about my age came over and was talking shit to my 12 year old sister (Jamie). So I went down stairs to wher she was (Angel) and called her out told her not to ever fucking disrespet my family, she kept running her mouth so i steped in the house she was in to drag her out, her dad stepped in the way and said "get the fuck out of my house" which i did. Knowing from past expereince that stepping into some ones house can get me in trouble. Angel still kept running her mouth at the same time hiding in the house behind her dad (Doug). The next day I saw her and called her out again saying "what you got nothing to say now huh, bitch" No she didnt till she got buy her dad. Whatever it was all petty shit, so I was gonna let it go. Yesterday she was outside with all the kids where i live, and my daughter was out there to. I didnt think anything of it,
hell my name is billy im 27 i would love to meet new people im very easy goin and im by no means shy so if you have any question just ask dont be afraid to say what you want
I was just a bit underwhelmed with the majority of the matches on this most recent MMA card, but it was more due to a few fluke outcomes and bizarre finishes than to the predictible main event. After all, we knew it was a matter of strength versus skill, with Lesnar's power and size being almost insurmountable. Couture was better on his feet, in the clinch, and on the ground, with the exception of the very end where he met his defeat at a flurry of blows from the ground and pound position. But for a 45 year old Greco Roman wrestler and boxer to beat the giant (Lesnar cuts substantial weight to make 265) would have been a miracle. My real beef was the fact that powerhouse Gabe Gonzaga was relegated to take on some no name jobber, which he destroyed with such impunity that it didn't do anything to restore him back into title contention or reaffirm his elite status. I also thought the Florian/Stevenson fight was over too quickly, but with two of the lightweight greats in the octagon, an
~~{Calling All Ladies !!! Calling All Ladies !!!~~ Have you ever wanted to show JUST what you have??? Well nows your chance to shine!! The Pu$$ycat Playmates and Pimps are putting on a Wet T-Shirt Contest and all are invited to join!! The first 8 ladies to sign up will compete for the bragging rights of Best Wet T-Shirt !! The rules are simple and easy to follow ... If your interested in joining this contest, there is a entry fee. Its not alot and well worth it. All you have to do is send 5,000 fubuxs to the Pu$$ycat Playmates Homepage and add in the message that its your entry fee for the contest. The contest will run for a total of 4 nights. On the last night the Grand Prize Winner will be chosen and announced. Contest nights are as follows .... November 21st @ 3am EST November 22nd @ 3am EST November 28th @ 3am EST November 29th @3am EST ( Contest will be held in the Pink Pu$$ycat Lounge ) On the first night 4 girls will compete with the top 2 m
Is It Wrong That I Like Pictures Of My Own Junk??
Because i've posted pictures of myself, and i really think they look good. Like they look hot. Alot of people on here have to, i wonder if they think the same thing about themselves. I bet that some people do to a certain extent. But still i don't know, it's wierd. Any feedback?
Girl's Night Out!
If you're local we're having a girl's night out on Sunday 11/30/08 in Norwalk.Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you the details. ALWAYS an awesome time with this bunch!! :0)
Questions I Have Not Answers For
Why must I be persecuted on this earth? I have not wronged anyone that I have not accounted for already. Why should I continue to suffer for the past. I have paid the price, yet still the agony remains.
Kitty Cat
Im strange and deranged. Imcute and Im cuddly. Im alone when I want to be and happy when most arent. Im in to drawing and writing and never have nothing to do. Dont piss me off its a bad thing to do. love the cryptic fairy
Meth Monster
read this not a chain letter Lee Current mood: anxious meth monster this is not a chain letter i Lee Johnson wrote this i am sending it to all my friends i would like to hear your comments and then please send it to yours and i would like to hear their comments as well here is my blog url how it all started i dont remember when or where but it ends tonight at midnight when they strap me to that chair the story starts one day when i was home smoking weed a good friend stopped by and offered me some speed it was pretty good i was climbing up the walls next thing i knew it had me by the balls started with a little then it got more and more next thing i knew i was passed out on the floor i stuck the needle in and i pushed it all the way how much was in it, it is hard to say i spent all my money sold off all i owned got up off the floor crawled to the phone called every one i knew no one would
Don't know what's going on Don't know what went wrong Feels like a hundred years I Still can't believe you're gone So I'll stay up all night With these bloodshot eyes While these walls surround me with the story of our life I feel so much better Now that you're gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now That you're gone forever Now things are coming clear And I don't need you here And in this world around me I'm glad you disappeared So I'll stay out all night Get drunk and fuckin' fight Until the morning comes I'll Forget about our life I feel so much better Now that you're gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now That you're gone forever First time you screamed at me I should have made you leave I should have known it could be so much better I hope you're missing me I hope I've made you see That I'm gone forever
The Fantasy Date...... Part One!
She drives over in Leather & Lace Lingerie at his request. Only her Fur Coat hides her excitement underneath! She rolls her toy box toward the door that slowly opens. Without a word spoken, her coat hits the floor, they kiss & he leads her to the couch! He says to her, "Just let me look at you first!" He puts his hand in the small of her back & bends her over, she grabs her leather boots at the ankle. His hands slide down her back, onto her ass, he sighs. He proceeds to touch, lick, kiss & savor EVERY inch of her pulsing passion! With multiple eruptions, she melted at his touch! He leads her to the Bedroom. "On your knees" he commands, as she turns back with a look that says "Take me please!" The music vibrates the bed, he snatches her head back by her hair, and says "Tell me you want me to fuck you!" With a whimper in her voice, she begs "Please FUCK ME NOW!" With every lick & every pet, my body quaked.... With a Naughty Grin, I can't wait to have him FUCK ME AGAIN!
Hope every 1 has a great and safe Thanksgiving ...
Bitescarlet At Ya Hoo
getting over I'd love to hit my head on the wall just to make this stop just because... should hope against faith what must i do to just get over you its been too long and still i wait stupid me stupid brain if i change who I am it doesn't mean Im done what else is there to prove what else is there to feel She already told me all the stories which you share does she know your little secret whose breathing right beside me tugging on my hair? i told you before there was something in me yet you chose to close your eyes you pushed me away decided to hide she came early morn i told you you didnt even call just to ask how she was now you live your happy life and i seem to be stuck yes i know i did my part to cause you pain but wait must she suffer the same faith? just a nudge or a hi would have been okay then again does she have to know she has a dad who was sacred enough
im wonderin whyu the hell i get no meassages on here ...IM SO LONELY AT THIS BAR!!!!!:-{ lol
My Dream...tat
Well here we go its a back peice imagine when christ died after they took him down and the sky got dark then behind the cross flys up a dragon getting ready to grab the arms of the cross with his claws (puase right before he touches) his wings open wide tips almost touching his head cocked and open like hes screaming
Vengence Did you think i wouldn't find him,Wouldn't catch you in a lie? Did you assume that I am stupid,And forget that I would try to unearth your secretsusing the clues from our past? And now i've got your little whore and It's the end at last. He's ugly and he's broken now I've finally got my way. Can you hear him screaming now? What is there left to say? be glad I haven't found you yet Your fate would be the same a painful death in the hands of a lover And only you are to blame. See this river that flows from him? It cleanses him of his sin. And with his last shuddering breath My plans for you begin. First, I think, I'll take your eyes You cannot covet if you can't see. After that will come your fingers that led to your atrocity. A slice here, a tear there Your skin, a monument to my pain. Everything you've lied about starts to flood your brain. Next I take your prized organ,Which caused your flesh to stray And slowly then, so you can feel it,I'll take all future pleasure awa
OK so Im bout to get SILLY then a muthafucka! Why do people say one thing then try to clean it up after you cal them out on how they act? LOL ok I got better questions....n Why do muthafuckas act like they dont know what the word space between you and them mean???? Why do Silly! muthafuckas want to get fresh after you done told them about themselves? How can you call yourself mature and an adult when you act like a damn 5 year old.... oh wait my 5 year old acts better, hell she knows better! How can you say you want all these things in life ::::I.E.: a goood hearted person, someone to treat you right with respect and honesty, someone to love you and cherish you> when your attitude and your childish ass ways pushes everyone you have ever met away? Why is it that all those people have the same shit to say and all treat you like crap? Is it because your attitude is garbage? Is it cause you annoy people? Is it because your too fucking pushy and dont know how to leave shit alone? Or is it b
I have decided to leave the past in the past and start anew. I have lost too much in a weeks time.I lost my aunt a week ago Sunday and my Uncle Saturday night.One would have thought that maybe a little lead way could have been given,Maybe just a little time to get over one before he takes another,but one will deal with whatever life throws at us and life goes on. Going back to the past I realized that no matter how much I may have loved it just cannot be or at least not at this time in my life.We met to soon and it just wasn't time and now it seems impossible almost like a test.Maybe in time when wounds do heal things could be.I thought they had healed and they have for the most part but still anger is there.You just can't start anything with anger or mistrust regardless of whose fault it was. So I have decided to start over and if it comes my way again I will do it right this time and it will come around again make no mistake on that for it is anamcara.I will always love him and
About The Group (a Lil Journal)
Mrs.Samm ~Dangerous Curves~Member Alrighty Ladies We Have Our 1st Birthday Coming Up, And So far Its The Only ONe I see ON The Chart! Mrs. Samms Birthday Is November The 22nd So Lets Show Her Lots Of Love!!!
Today Is A Sad Day
Sometimes in life there comes along a person whose laughter is infectious, whose smile lights up a room, whose words are wise, whose words are at times stupid and infuriating, whose jokes are always funny and whose presence is always known and appreciated. SOmeone who, when they hug you, you fucking know you have been hugged! One of those people was my friend Sean. I remember the very first night I met Sean, years ago, just like it was yesterday and I will never forget it. I had just gotten out of jail and he gave me 15 hits of acid lol I remember our Earth, WInd aned FIre concert experience lol Our yearly Feburary camping excursions...So many fun memories with him - as I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sean and I had our ups and downs, but I always loved him more than anyone will ever know. I always considered him a good friend, a confidante and just an all around supreme duder. It is a solid shock that he is gone. WHen I got the call last night, I didn't really know what to do exc
Blings Fubucks Mega Points
BACK BY DEMAND BACK MY DEMAND TO SAY THANK TO MY FRIENDS. I AM RUNNING ANOTHER AUTO 11, SO MANY HAVE LEVELED ON ME THEY WANT ME TO DO IT AGAIN LOL **RATE ATHON WITH BLINGs N FUBUCKS GIVE AWAY** I HAVE HAD LOTS DO IT 2 & 3 TIMES LOL & AND GET BLINGS EACH TIME WHILE THEY LEVEL UP..LOL I have my Auto 11's activated. Come rate my pics with a 10 and YOU and I will both get 35 points for each rate, and 57 points during Happy Hours. Have fun rating and hope a lot of you level up Happy Hour 11's from VIP's will count 108 and not 57 *JUST A example...600 rates takes about 30 minutes and @ 57 points each, thats 32,400 easy points and matching fubucks,,, what a deal. **Rate Athon with Give Away BLINGS till????:)** *SEXYGIRLBLONDE*#17*GODFATHER*1st,Oracle* FAN/RATE B4 ADD,TY*@ fubar Viva Las VegasBy ZZ TopBest Video Codes
How Important Is A Profile?
How important is your profile on here? I'd like to think it was very important as its an insight into the person your asking to be your friend.... However, I have also observed that alot of people do not read my profile let alone your name and status, mine clearly states that I am no longer joining fu trains, yet today I have yet again denyed someone due to a train. Ok, so I was obviously still attached to the train in mention but after the 7th attempt I got a request saying " this is my 7th attempt are you gonna accept me? this is a condition of being on a train to accept etc ... I replied nicely that I assumed i was still on the list and then the guy accepted my reply but what niggled me was he obviously didnt pay any attention to my profile page or he would have known why i had refused again. So my question is, is there really any point putting anything in the profile page except a pretty profile skin ? .. there thats my monday moan over with enjoy the rest of you

My day today did not get off to one of my better starts – one voice mail message from one of my football mates George which came through at 6:30 and thought I would listen to it in the car and ring from work – the time intrigued me. An SMS came through from George again – it told me that my friend Keith Birch (aka Birchy in the great aussie tradition) passed away overnight in his sleep. I got in my car and headed off to work and pondered when to call George and waited decided to wait until I got to work rather than get lost in the emotion of it all in peak hour traffic (I was really upset with myself for not seeing him again before he died and was planning to do it soon given he had just moved into the home not far from my father’s house). I got in and gave George a call – his contact at the nursing home had told him that Birchy had passed away in his sleep and finally succumbed to the bout of Emphysema that had taken a grip on him in recent years. I told him once I knew I woul
To Love, Or Just Sex
Do women just want sex, or a relationship with me. Women never take me seriously, but will always give up the bunz, wat am i doing wrong?
Weekly Groans And Moans
OK say what you wanna say on this blog If some one takes the time to post comments on your profile - do you think it is right or wrong to delete or deny them, regardless of what you think (as long as they are not severely distasteful)? POLITE NOTICE TO DELETERS - IF YOU DELETE MY COMMENT WHY DONT YOU JUST DELETE ME COS SOONER OR LATER I WILL MORE THAN LIKELY DELETE YOU.
Ok my friends sorry if I am a bitch 2day or just not is my Mothers Anniversary 2day when she passed away sooo just "BEAR" w/me ok thanks.....=(
being sick.. someone wanna come take care of me????
The Phuck Yous Of Fubar
This is should read. The fuck you's of fubar! Fuck You#1 OK PEOPLE STOP POSTING Bulletins saying GOODNIGHTS ON Fubar . ITS NOT LIKE Fubar IS UR FUCKING HUSBAND OR WIFE TO SAY GOOD NIGHT To DUMB ASS. Fuck You #2 To the people who have like 25,000 friends;Are you fucking serious? You're stupid. Go play in traffic.point hoe's Fuck you #3 Don't ever post pictures and say: "OMG, I'm so ugly" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. If you do you're a fucking moron. Fuck you #4 NOBODY cares about threats over the internet, so don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the Special Olympics; Even if you win, you're still retarded. Fuck You #5 Quit crying because you're not on someones 'Top friend or family memeber '. Who cares?!? ITS Fubar !!! If you really cared that much, you would pick up the damn phone! Fuck you #6 Who really cares if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't
Me 3
Recently I wrote about myself in the last couple of's difficult to do in the medium that is Fubar. This is Flash and Sparkle and Dazzle and I'm laying bare bones simple down instead by revealing some of me. Most will not care...some will and I thank those that read my words and even took time to comment. However, that said...please indulge me here. There are some that have NEVER met me, never talked to me on the phone and know me only on this site for the most part and still have the audacity to comment on what I am, who I am, how I have changed..etc..etc. First, and in my defense. YOU haven't ever taken the time to know me and if you come at me with accusations or manipulative comments about 'how I have changed' exactly do you expect me to respond?? Let's see...hmmmm....let's bitch slap the Guido with words not to kind and see what he does. Well, let me save you the trouble...I'm not going to's too short. I have friends that are as loyal to me he
A Harem Of Men
I've come to realize that I will probably need a harem of men to fulfill all the roles in my life. Because can one man really be the end-all everything? Is there one perfect person to be my all? I'm not so sure anymore. So maybe I should stop searching... The Boyfriend. He is the new hope. Every time a new relationship pops up- it would allow me the hope that "this is it! I'm done searching". Falling in love is exciting and brings out the best in everyone. There's so much to learn from each other, so much to explore. He'd provide the perfect setting for a normal relationship- good sex, good chemistry, good adventures... and he'd bring with him the drama that breaks a hopeful heart. The Husband. He's a constant. But he'd be little more than a room mate on the rare occasions that he was actually under the same roof. There would be no sex. Instead it would be a partnership based on parenthood and business. But he would offer security and stability. The Ex Lover. Sex with him w
Unbelievble Contract
I made an agrrement with Anna the shadow leveler to level Me to my current level and a 3 month VIP for some animation that she has on her site... She has indeed helped me level to the current level but has yet to send the 90 day VIP status... I couldnt believe that she would renig on the agreement, I have always had high respect for her.... Funny how people arnt as they seem... saddens me to think shes this way, but I have yet to see the 90 day VIP.... My artwork doesnt take just a few minutes to create, they take time I hold valuable.... its truly a shame....
I'm Back!!!! I Think?
Well, folks. It's been quite a while since I've been on here. To the ones that actually know me, yes. I know it's been too long. I've missed you guys too. To those that don't actually know me, I've missed ya'll too. lol I'm still havin' to do stuff on a friend's comp right now til mine gets fixed (again), but at least I'm able to get on every once in a while. I'll talk to you all soon. May the Goddess guide you in light & in love!
True To One Self
for 25 years i hated my self and thought that iam worthless that i dont deserve any kind of happyness muchless love i push people away alot and always had a problem with making friends eiother becuse i could not talk to them or becuse i just did not want too for the first time in my life i relze its not my fult and to let it go iam going to confront my father and tell him what i think and to forgive him for never being a father just a dead beat who care more for his bike his weed or cigs or for his gf the thing i still cant do is forgive my mother that is going to be the harder she is the one who made me feel this way her and me iam the worset player in this part then even my own mother i was thinking abount it this morning how iam tire of liveing my life like this and want to make a changeiam doing baby steps the road ahead for me is not easy but anything in this life is not we all do it one way or another i ry my head off this morning and fall a sleep doing so the one person who was
My Profile Ratings
i need more profile ratings pleaase help get me better ones thanks
Cool Stuff!
Quote Of The Day
"Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So —if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit."
I'm Making It Big....
So everyone whats a to in a movie with some big actor right well yeah so their filming George Clooney new movie at my college and well I'm in it how odd is that??? Well yeah I get to be a Speical Forces Sergeant...yeah so... other then that I get to pretend to live at Fort Bragg...
Have u ever had 1 of those days when u feel like no one is there, Have u ever wished u could just hear the words I love u and I still care? Have u ever needed someone u miss them so much ur heart cries, Have u ever wanted to trust so much u believed all the simple lies? No words cant describe all these feelings inside my head and heart, But I do know the distance is killing me day by day, hr by hr, every second we are apart. True love is a blessing a gift that 1 should cherish, Pls hold on and appreciate it or someday it will perish. HELLO EVERYONE....THIS IS JUST A LIL PEEK OF HOW IM FEELING AT THE MOMENT! :(
Fallen Angel Love
fallen angel love Current mood: artistic Category: Writing and Poetry [Verse 1] If I could, take a trip, to outer space She would be the one, I will see When I get, to heavens gate She would welcome me with her arms, open wide, and a smile Will shadow me brighter than the sun She hasn't had a fair chance, so I'll give her one Let me tell you who she is, yeah [Chorus] She's a fallen angel, sent from heaven up above She's a fallen angel, waitin for me to love her, yeah (Know that she's) She's a fallen angel, take your judgment off her I know, that she's a fallen angel [Verse 2] You know, I should Help her mend, her broken wings So she can fly again But I don't, wanna lose everything that I've gained Turnin me a selfish man (oh) Cause without em my heart just don't go, no more (no more) I couldn't take the pain, from watchin her fly away So say that you'll stay She's mine [Chorus] She's a fallen angel, (ooh) sent from heaven u
This Is Always Fun.
I like to walk through a mall naked and make fun of all the people wearing clothes. Anybody else?
I like so called "Southern Rock (Rebel Rock)" music. I also enjoy various choice music genres such as rock, folk, 60s & 70s (Classic Rock), blues, zydeco, raggae, country, bluegrass, and jazz (Big Band, swing). My favorite instrument in music to listen to is the guitar. A great lead and rhythm guitarist makes me like the music even more. In fact, just to listen to a great guitarist by themselves is a great pleasure to me. I also like banjo, saxiphone, and piano. My favorite blues guitarists are Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix. My favorite jazz guitarist is Robben Ford. My favorite bluegrass band is Alison Krauss And Union Station. My favorite band of all is Lynyrd Skynyrd. My favorite band in my local area here in Richmond Indiana is Dallas Moore And The Snatch Wranglers. The Sulentic Brothers from South Bend, Indiana is also one of my favorite local bands. My favorite jazz band is Weather Report. Believe it or not I also enjoy "longhaired" (classical) music. My Fav
You are The Devil Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition. Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because
Auto 11's Running All Day
Auto 11 bling on Today MONDAY HELP HER MAKE PROPHET Silverpixi~Club United~LollipopGurlz~BCC~ FSC~Owner of Miss Crys {Please read my profile}@ fubar Pimp out Brought to you by Mï¢kï-ßlµê-È¥ê§ ~{Ðïr†¥ §ðµ†h Çrêw}Çð-£ðµñÐêr 𣠆hê £rïêñЧhïþ Çïr¢lê'@ fubar (repost of original by 'Mï¢kï-ßlµê-È¥ê§ ~{Ðïr†¥ §ðµ†h Çrêw}Çð-£ðµñÐêr 𣠆hê £rïêñЧhïþ Çïr¢lê'' on '2008-11-17 11:20:23')
Tweety's Got Attitude Train
Tweety's Got Attitude...You know the drill Fan/Rate/Add or Re-rate the members. If you are already a friend, just leave a comment that Tweety's Got Attitude or Gotta love Tweety's attitude. Here's what to do... . *****RULES***** 1. RATE THE TWEETY FOLDER (AUTO 11'S WILL BE ON FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS) 2. ONCE YOU HAVE R/F/A EVERYONE & RATED THE TWEETY FOLDER PRIVATE MESSAGE SILVERPIXI TO BE ADDED TO THE TRAIN AND GET YOUR TAG 3. NO DRAMA!!!! IF YOU START DRAMA YOU WILL BE THROWN OFF THE TRAIN 4. HAVE FUN!!!!! AND LET'S MAKE SOME NEW FRIENDS Silverpixi~Club United~LollipopGurlz~ FSC~Owner of Miss Crys {Please read my profile}@ fubar Mï¢kï-ßlµê-È¥ê§ ~{Ðïr†¥ §ðµ†h Çrêw}Çð-£ðµñÐêr 𣠆hê £rïêñЧhïþ Çïr¢lê'@ fubar §ŵ† Çĥ®®¥ þî€*SDMF*Mrs English*GM@Immortal~XXtremeFullThrottleradioMetalHeadMafia@ fubar manly - TGIF!!@
Ppl Who Down Rate Should See What Its Like
this dude down rated a friend of mine gave her 3 then says he rated her 2 to high then rated her 1 down rate this mother fucker
1-800-u-wish Needs 40k In Comments For A 3 Month Vip. Show Some Love!!!
i know you want to own me bid onme own me for a month
Skip Repeat One
Earlier this year, me and a friend went out and filmed a short film. No lines, no budget. There was only a camera, a guy, and a town. We shot this film in two hours, and its the first official short I filmed with the camera I received. The film is called HOME. Its a visual and musical journey through my home town of Cape May, NJ. The music was by a talented musician from Arizona. His name...Elijah Bossenbroek. You can check him out at or HomeUploaded by sogproductionsusa
Something Funny
Don't piss into the wind! It will just make you smell funny!! Or so i have heard.
Obama And The Anti Christ.
The Anti-Christ And Mr. Obama This Week's Feature Article by Jack Kelley Since the election I've been asked a number of times to comment on the likelihood that Mr. Obama could be the anti-Christ. Let me begin by saying that having been elected President he's Mr. Obama now, not just Obama. As for him being the anti-Christ I've discouraged that thought because I don't believe it's time for the anti-Christ to be revealed yet. But apart from that there's no Biblical reason I can find that would absolutely disqualify him. And based on the things we know about the anti-Christ there's a fit in several important places. The anti-Christ will have to burst on the scene quickly and powerfully to accomplish so much in the little time he has, so maybe he'll need a head start. If that's the case, maybe Mr. Obama is on his way to becoming the anti-Christ. Let's find out. We know that the anti-Christ will be a descendant of the people who made up the Roman Empire in Biblical times (Dani
Rebel Lit
To: Readers and aspiring writers. I have completed my first novel, and I am stoked. included is a excerpt, from the story. 1929, when scorching-hot-burning yellow suns light insufferably long days, before blindingly-luminous- cooling moons, wash the tortuous heat away, in shortened nights, not long enough to recover from, the excessive cruelty, exacted by the solar inferno that is mother nature’s privy, to dispense. A surreal reality exists; it is the imagined limitless excess, to a blinded few, but a very real struggle, in an almost inescapable and oppressively-grinding poverty for many.
People = Shit
Why do people = shit?!!!
One Sided Friends
I can understand the majority of people here want you to fan them before they will accept your friend request. No problem. So I made it my norm to rate profiles and fan everyone before I send them a request. It helps newfu's to level quickly and it makes people who have been here forever look better because they have a thousand fans. Getting fanned gives us points to level which everyone wants to do. Now my bitch is that I have fanned over 1400 members to date and have asked my friends to fan me back. Now I may lose some friends after they read this and if I do so be it. For those of you who have fanned me back, I appreciate it and love you all. I try to help as many of my friends as I can. Whether talking to them and cheering them up when they are feeling down, sending gift after gift just to get them to smile, etc. I love the friends I have here. Now I know some of you aren't here all the time when we ask for your help, but for those of you who just choose not to fan those of us th
Obama's National Security Force
Obama's Civilian National Security Force by Michael G. Mickey (11-13-08) WorldNetDaily has been carrying the ball strongly on the questionable plans of the incoming Obama administration to require, yes require, all young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to be part of a proposed national civilian security force Obama and his comrades plan to create for a yet unclear purpose. In July of this year, Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND, wrote a commentary on Obama's proposed 'civilian national security force' wherein he wrote the following, in part: The U.S. Army alone has nearly 500,000 troops. That doesn't count reserves or National Guard. In 2007, the U.S. Defense budget was $439 billion. Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he mean? So far, despite our attempts to find out, the Obama campaign is not talking. At this point all I can do is enlist
Tlc....just A Little Ditty
Candle bright, flames burning Old feelings then, renewed again Heart be strong, heart beware Love is fraigle, please handle with care! ©Melissa A.
My Renditions
What type of art do you like? From CGI to Photography, to just stand still. What is it that captures your eye? I do them all being an artist, so share with me.
The Archer
And He Thought He Had A Chance?
before I start I am not a superficial person really I am not. but some things..... I was at the laundrymat last night trying to get my laundry done and was texting a friend the attendant I have met before and is a little crazy but not the scary crazy kind. she greeted me and I said hello and that was that. then a guy came in and the attendant and him started to talk. this guy was at least a half foot shorter than me and like a quarter my size small guy. well he tried to engage me in conversation. I politely answered his questions in the shortest way possible while I continued to text this friend I like. this guy them starts talking to the attendant then who decided to sit next to me. so I was sandwiched between the two and now they are BOTH trying to engage me in conversation...I continue my back and forth texting and give them as short of answers as possible. when they start talking about all their health problems...I was not really paying attention. when this guy says "well the only
I ain't gonna lie, I'm guilty as hell!!Bid on me
Footprints In The Sand
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it: "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The LORD replied: "My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times
Come To My Place
hello there care to chat me this my addy
I am loving life right now. It is a gift and we should not take it for granted!!!!!
How Do U No?
how do u no wen ur in love? the person i think im in love with is someone that i always think about. everytime see them/talk to them/think about them im smiling wen i think of her my heart races i cant stand the thought of her maybe bein with someone else wat are ur thoughts? have i missed something? if so put it in a comment and ill add it....... tell me am i in love? everyone always says "ull no wen ur in love" how do u no?
Care To Chat Guyz This Is My Addy
Hi! guyz im looking for a frend and maybe a partner someday..... this is my addy tnx for adding me... luv yah!
These Arms
My arms weigh a fraction of my body but I feel they are my strongest part. They hold your hands in the evening and continue to do so, in the dark. They feel your body, your hair.. the small things breath cannot explain It holds my heart in my hand and yours too, to take away your pain Weathered and torn, marked with colors and scars my arms carry these hands, touching that which is real feeling all that can feel They hold on to whats dear My body may weigh much more but without it, my arms have nothing to fear They hold on to you
What Your Er Nurse Is Thinking...
What your ER nurse is really thinking: 1. Don't tell me you have abdominal pain as you eat doritos in my triage booth. 2. If you come to the ER by ambulance, the first thing I will ask you is how you are getting home. No, we don't have people on staff to drive you home, and don't tell me you don't want to "bother" one of your family members at this hour. You had no problem bothering 911 for the back pain you've had for 3 months. 3. You don't get to pick your own IV site. This will irritate me and I will probably miss your IV on purpose and start your site in the place I wanted to initially to prove a point 4. "Butterfly" is not an IV size, this word signals me to put in a larger bore needle. 5. Nausea is not a reason to come to the ER. If you are not in severe pain, are not vomiting or pooping your pants in front of me, your butt goes back to the waiting room. 6. How can you have the worst migraine of your life, but be able to yell at me about the wait after you jus
I Found Treasure At Fubar
I am a songwriter, guitar player and singer. I wrote a song a few years ago, about a man in love with a woman who is only interested in friendship... sounds like some of us here at The Fu :p I have wanted to make a video for the song but I just never had the inspiration.... until I met DeviLiSh DeSiRe (Sandra). I was captured by her beauty, and her true kindness came through even in her photos. I asked her if I could use her Image to create my video, and she was nice enough to allow me to use her beautiful image. I am posting this link to the video, which is hosted on my UTube page. If you watch the video, find the one picture that is used twice, and tell me what it is... sorry, no prize cause I haven't been around long enough to have any FuBucks to give away. But at least you can show your Luv I hope you like the video, and I hope I did justice to the Lovely Lady who trusted me to do her right.
Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Now if you make out with a female you are bi. And if you go all the way with a female you are bi. hmm. What ever happened to experimenting. Oh well I am bi. What is it with men that last a few mins? Just don't care, or is it that they are too excited. hmm. Where are the good men at? So if you wear tight kind of revealing clothes you are sexy or dirty girl. So what is the difference between them? I think they are all sexy. hmm. So if you have sex with a lot of men you are said to be a dirty girl. but men have sex with a lot of women they are studs. hmm. What happened to experienced. That's all for now. Hugs.
Would U??
If We Had Sex....GAME. Don't be scared now, you never know who really wants to do you! (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out). SEND REPLY IN AN EMAIL 1. Would you be in control? 2. Would you whisper in my ear? 3. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? 4. Would you say my name? 5. Would you go down on me? 6. Would you let me give you a hickie? 7. How many rounds would we go? 8. What would you wanna do afterwards? 9. Would you take off all your clothes then take mine off slowly? 10. Would you lick and bite me all over? 11. Would you like to play or get straight to the point? 12. Would you want me to take my time? 13. Would you want me to go fast or slow? 14. Where would you wanna "do it"? 15. Would you be loud or quiet? 16. Would you mind if i liked you? 17. Would you do it today? 18. Would you do it tomorrow? 19. Would you call me in the morning? 20. Are you going to re-post thes
To The World Of Dumbasses
Why is it, when you fall in love with someone isnt it suppose to be they fall in love with you? Well, that is what I thought. I never thought in my whole 29 years that I would find someone that I loved whole hearted with, just to have my heart torn out of my chest and stomped on, not once but twice. Just as an insight, This guy that I fell head over heels for hurt me about 3 years ago, I went though so much with him, we were gonna get married and all bells and whistles. Well the bells and whistles happend but the marriage didnt.. Come to find out before I left him the first time, he was lying to me about what he was doing (if you catch my drift, not cheating something else WORSE) So I left, after about a year later he calls me and tells me that he wanted to make things work, so I told him that I still loved him but I am in a relationship and that he didnt care about me for this long then he can just move on..Well, that realstionship didnt work out, and the one I fell in love with agai
I Guess Im Leaveing
The Haxor
Have you heard of Gary McKinnon? McKinnon is the infamous computer hacker who managed to penetrate US military computer systems in search of classified information about UFOs. He suffers from Aspergers Syndrome with symptoms similar to the character played by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rainman. He is accused wrongly of being a "master computer hacker" and possible terrorist. He stands to be extradited to the USA and could face the rest of his life in prison if they decide to make an example of him. I have been following this story for a while now and feel strongly that he should stand trial in the UK. I suppose I can identify with him, being into computers, inquisitive and prone to doing stupid things in my younger years. That doesn’t make him a dangerous criminal, just an embarrassment to the US government. If enough people make enough noise about this we may be able stop this injustice. If you want to help, visit where you can find out more about his case. T
Final Inspection
FINAL INSPECTION The soldier stood and faced his God Which must always come to pass He hoped his shoes were shining bright Just as brightly as his brass “Step forward now, soldier, How shall I deal with you? Have you turned the other cheek? To my Church have you been true?” The soldier squared his shoulders and said. “No Lord I guess I ain’t Because those of us who carry guns Can’t always be a saint. I’ve had to work most Sundays And at times my talk was tough, But, I never took a thing That wasn’t mine to keep… Though I worked a lot of overtime When the bills got just too steep, And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear, And sometimes, God forgive me, I’ve wept unmanly tears. I know I don’t deserve a place Among the people here, They never wanted me around Except to calm their fears. If you’ve a place for me here, Lord, It needn’t be so grand, I never expected or had too much, But if you don’t I’ll understand.” There was a si
New College Classes
M W F- 10-10:50 AM T- 7-9:55 PM WEB - ONLINE COURSE T R- 4-5:50 PM M W- 1-2:15 PM m- monday t-tuesday w-wednesday r- thursday f-friday
Its Over
well lets see I am finally free i guess you could say. It does hurt to loose that one person in the world that you thought you could never live without. But for me I know I will be better I have had to fight my whole life and i will not give up now cause my lil girl depends on mommy to be stong so I am moving starting a new life with me and her hope you all have a great week
I try with all i have to be the best friend I can be in real life and on fubar. how's come when I need a friend, no one is there?
Autumn Breeze Auction
A Stroll in the Autumn Breeze..... LAST CHANCE TO OWN A PIXI Would you like to Stroll through the Autumn Breeze with a Pixi? Why not come and check out my Autumn Breeze auction it will run until Nov. 28th. SilverPixi Made with much luv by: ¡ï♎¡ï Lucretia ¡ï♎¡ï Wiccan GodMother )O(@ fubar (repost of original by '★♎★ Lucretia ★♎★ Wiccan GodMother )O(' on '2008-11-19 19:34:12')
Lost A Part Of Me... :*(
Sunday night I lost the best person that could have game into my life. last night at about 8:30 I lost my child, I had a miscarriage. It was by far the most worst thing any expecting mother could ever go thru.This baby was my 1st pregnancy. I was told my senior yr by 2 Dr.s that I was unable to produce eggs, and this was a sign to prove them wrong. I produced an egg, and concieved a child of my own. This does not mean I'm going to give up on trying to have a child. This was just natures way of telling me it was either the wrong time, or the wrong father, or both! DAVID WAYNE or KARMA MARIE~GOD REST IN PEACE AND MOMMY LOVES YOU!!! I'M SORRY
there's a skeater on my peater,whack it off,lmfao,ugh im touched,lol,...
I don't understand the point of having the whole rating system on here. You people get retarded pissed off when people give you less than a 10... and auto 11's. What a joke. The point is to be honest or at least do what I do and just not rate the person(which I only do because so many of you cry about it). I see some incredibly grotesque hos up in here with ratings OVER 10... wtf? Are you guys so horny that you will give a girl an 11 just because she shows a little leg that makes me... well... throw up in my mouth a little bit. I just think that so much about this site is fake/lame. And before you ask me why I'm still here then. Well, I do know a couple decent people on here. I just don't understand the rest of you crazy &^
I am a kind loving woman who omly like family, good friends and a lot of laught.... Someday I want to be able4 to finish my book and hopegully it will be a good one
T'is The Truth
Somtimes U Da Windshield-Somtimes U Da Bug. Give'em All a :Smile)))-Hell!!!-Give It All a Shrug. Gimme Sumpin))) &Open Opinions Shall Do. Don't B just a #.
My Montage Of Me And David
Make video montages at
OK I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! AUTO 11s ARE ON AND IM TRYING TO MAKE GODFATHER!!! CLICK BELOW AND DO WHAT YA CAN.... ALL LOVE WILL APPRECIATED AND RETURNED!! Brought To You By : (repost of original by 'OneSexyAssBiotch' on '2008-11-03 14:04:32') (repost of original by '~♥Windy♥~Come on Downraters...come and get me! ~Member of Stiletto Girls~' on '2008-11-17 14:08:11') (repost of original by 'Jimmy B' on '2008-11-17 14:18:49') (repost of original by '~♥Windy♥~Come on Downraters...come and get me! ~Member of Stiletto Girls~' on '2008-11-17 14:22:50')
Stalker App
Send me a PM with the answers and I shall get back to you to let you know if your hired
Tale Of A Dog
Tale of a Dog: Caesar A short story by Brian Reily © 2008 I have met many faces in my journeys through the night. Some good, some bad, most neutral, but of all the characters I have encountered, only one truly stands out in my mind. Unlike the others, he is not of the human race, but rather a great, white beast with shining eyes. Twice now have our paths crossed and twice have we reached an unspoken truce. I could tell you of the terror that filled me the first time I saw his snarling face, but I would have to lie; for never has he bore his fangs, only stood and stared. This monster I have semi-affectionately, semi-begrudgingly, given the name “Caesar”. This creature of the streets has stared me down, and twice now have I stood my ground. He lies in the middle of a cement pad, formerly the foundation of a now long demolished building, surrounded on all sides by his pack. Of the others I can say only a few things. First, they number about ten or twelve, dogs of all sh

All the world is distraught, About a pain the has been brought. Death and war are all around, You can't be conscious of what is found. Love is being dropped at every corner, Those who are left are just the moaners. Sitting and crying for what they have lost, Not even thinking about the cost. Leaving their friends and family behind, Those were the ones that were so kind. Finding the one that you can call yours, Has become such a chore. But when you find them you'll be so glad, For all the pain that you have had, Will be washed away for all to see, Just how happy you can be.
Im new at this just thought id put this out to find friends and maybe more you never no.......
Some Random Shit *_*
Death Comes wicked painful and slow at the hands of malinko. Great malinko in your mind dont look now your life is gone this is all because of you what you got youre self in to. -The Great Malinko Halls of illusions visit yours and see what could of and would of been real but you had to fuck up trhe whole deal. Lets walk the hallway its a long way that takes all day and when you get to the end you'll find a chair see all the blood yea your boy was just here. - Halls of Illuions Jake and Jack and the dark carnival remove your hats or we'll cut off your heads show respect yous amost the dead. Dont like wiggers and richie boys- The amazing jackel brothers Its the boogy woogy man keep your light on for as long as you can and when it cuts off so does your head boogie woogie waits your bed with a knife cut through the bottom little jimmy jimmy opps got em. -Boogie woogie man Angels Dance with the cryptic Fairies -Forgotten Freshness Vol.3 (Just so every one knows Im
Da Man Fo Sho
so i have never loved. in the event that this does happen i will probably give it my all. if you are the fortunate one to tame me i wish you the best of luck. it will not be easy, if you love a challenge i;m the one. Just remember while you can fake an orgasm i can fake an entire relationship! so good luck on getting me to say it. it may never come out!yea. i'm hard headed when it comes to this. you must either have put on a love hex (good luck dont really believe in witch-craft). or #2 you are bearing a ring i put on your finger.
Gone Fishing
Just Thinkin'
I've just had one of them days that totally SUCK!!! My baby had to go back to work and thus begins another freakin' week of not seeing her. Friday ain't too far away, but it feels like forever!! I know...I know....puppy love you say. Just wish it was so it wouldn't hurt so damn much!! It's just lonely with out her. I got my roommates to keep me company. Much love to my Emsie!!! She keeps me pert near! Hit me up sometime if y'all wanna chat.....Loves, Liby Lou
Update/ Venting
Hi, where 2 start? I am officially married. They say that the paper changes a person and it is true, my old man used 2 give it 2 me all the time now i am lucky if i get it once s week. He is the only guy i know that would turn down getting his dick sucked. He doesn't have 2 ask i enjoy giving head half the time i get off from just giving head. Granted when we do have sex it is good i want it maore i thought with marriage i would get more nit less. eanough venting over that. My 2 1/2 year old Kasey thinks he is all grown up. He has started 2 gather tools and go outside under my 73 nova and proceed 2 say he is "fixing hot rod". We have 2 hide all the screwdrivers and battreies in the hose because if it takes batteris and is not working he will take it apart and replace the batteries. He is my little mechanic. He watches a movie once and by the second time watching he is repeating the movie word for word. He is going 2 be my trouble maker. My 14 year old Jeremy is ready 2 gradu
Early Morning, Stoned Pimp
I'm a smoker. No, not the tar and nicotine type of smoker. I'm a marijauna consumer. I love the feel of a nice bud of sticky rolling between my fingers as I prepare it for the bowl. I love the sweet/stale taste it leaves in my mouth. I love tooling on down 8 mile road to Nevada and chiefing on Paul Wall & his fully packed WoodGrain. I love rolling a blunt up amongst friends and getting toasty together. But I mostly love waking up before no one else, turning on my computer and fiddlng around with my various social networking pages and blowing back on my big hitter. That's how I come up with most of my funky ideas for backgrounds. Or write blogs like this. ;] I'm a morning smoker. If I had to choose one time to smoke and then I couldn't smoke any other time at all during the day, it would be in the morning.
The Dance Of Terror
Window panes come crashing down Amidst the tears and pain Vanishing hopes are gone and flew away Up above through twilight Shadows cast across the floor Reflections of the past Trembling thoughts of one Dwelling deep within the soul A mystical sense of reality Captured by the craze All in bewilderment Of the shock in the wave Creatures of the dimness Chattering amongst the green Everything slows in stillness What is this we see?
Inked Angel Lvl Bully
Please Help My Sis Level Inked Angel @ My Sis Inked Angel Needs some Fu-love to help her Level to Henchman 
Twisted Dragon Lvl Bully
Please Help My Big Bro Twisted dragon @ My Big Bro Twisted Dragon Needs some Fu-love to help him Level to Henchman 
Okay, so I have NO clue as to what in the heck I'm doing on this..LOL.. WOW so usually my personal life has always been off limits, but I guess this time, I'm going to make an is it that society dictates how we live our lives? I really don't understand that being I was raised to believe that YOUR life is YOURS to live and not anyone else.I truly believed that up until just recently. I was shown different. It was a true awakening for me as I defy that belief and continue to live for ME and only to be called selfish. Whatever happened to true happiness? True self worth? Morals? Honesty? Where did that go? I don't think I can wrap my brain around how internet can satisfy all of these. Trust me on this, I have tried that. It was a temporary fix. A short term comfort. I guess I'm just old fashioned as to the ways I view life in general. Don't get me wrong, I am open minded to a point, but seriously am I the only one that thinks this?
My Blog
Myspace: BP: My WebSite:
I love being spoiled. My birthday is coming up in about 6 weeks. SO start spoiling me ;)
Own A New Auction
Go bid on me :)
Who has a tattoo or tattoos? Care to share pictures and or tell me what they are of and where? I have a couple end working on a few more ... would love some ideas.
I just wanted to get the day over with and go down to Smokey's for a few cold ones. Sneaking a look at my watch, I saw the time, 16:55. Five minutes to go before the cemetery gates are closed for the day. Full dress was hot in the August sun. Oklahoma summertime was as bad as ever -- the heat and humidity at the same level -- both too high. I saw the car pull into the drive, '69 or '70 model Cadillac Deville, looked factory-new. It pulled into the parking lot at a snail's pace .. An old woman got out so slow I thought she was paralyzed. She had a cane and a sheaf of flowers, about four or five bunches as best I could tell. I couldn't help myself. The thought came unwanted, and left a slightly bitter taste: 'She's going to spend an hour, and for this old soldier... my hip hurts like hell and I'm ready to get out of here right now!' But for this day my duty was to assist anyone coming in. Kevin would lock the 'In' gate and if.... I could just hurry the old biddy along
Need Help!!
I need help getting my business going. Is there anyone how might be interested? Just take a look at this link: I just can't get anyone to look. It's a great idea if people would just look at it, and maybe sign up for it. Thanks
Free- Good Deeds
Hi, all you animal lovers. This is pretty simple... Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (How about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals' for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. PLEASE TELL 10 FRIENDS !!!
Stolen From Peacey ♥ Your result for The Personality Defect Test by Saint_Gasoline ... Hippie You are 43% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 29% Brutal, and 14% Arrogant. You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, humility, and a faint scent of marijuana, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and free love! Immediately following that, you then frolic to the hospital with herpes! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You probably enjoy poetry, especially beatnik ultra-liberal crap about how horrible fascism is, even though your suburbanized, sheltered idea of "fascism" is having to pay two dollars per gallon at the gas pump. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the co
December 26, 1970 - November 16, 2008 Sean “Seabass” Copley, 37, of Indianapolis, passed away on November 16, 2008. Sean was born on December 26, 1970. Sean was dedicated to several local bands over the years. He was a drummer with a passion for music. Sean will be lovingly remembered by his mother, Beverly Sorrell; grandparents, Paul and Jean Griner; and aunts, Karen, Kathy, and Lisa. A Celebration of Life will be held from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at G.H. Herrmann Madison Avenue Funeral Home, 5141 Madison Avenue.
Peer Pressure's A Bitch
So yeah, I folded under the peer pressure AGAIN and entered yet another auction. So click on the picture, rate it and drop a bid. I'll be good to you, I promise ;)
      So who you representin?? r/f/a and show your pride!! Rate this folder for your team tag!! Unbreakable †  
Awaiting Night
Title: Awaiting Night By: detox The cold air And the night sky It's like a drug That gets me high Until this passes And we say goodbye The night fades And slowly dies Daylight comes With thoughts why Thoughts of darkness Thoughts that fly Thoughts of you Thoughts of I So much for darkness So much for night Too bad, This felt so right Lost again Lost from sight Lost again Awaiting night
Another One Bites The Dust
My eulogy for Dave Pitts. Well I guess someone will miss ya, I think the world is better off without ya. So I bet it was drugs or disease. Others have thought suicide. What do you think? You can read the obituary here
Life Is About.......
1.) Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the best antidepressant. 2.) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. 3.) Buy a Tivo (DVR), tape your late night shows & get more sleep. 4.) When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, ’My purpose is to________ today. 5.) Live with the 3 E’s -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy. 6.) Watch more movies, play more games & read more books than you did last year. 7.) Always pray. Always. 8.) Spend more time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of Six. 9.) Dream more while you are awake. 10.) Eat more foods that grow on trees & plants & eat less foods that are manufactured in plants. 11.) Drink green tea & plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salm on, broccoli, almonds & walnuts. 12.) Try to make at least 3 people smile every day. 13.) Clear your clutter from your house, your car, your desk & let new & flowing energy into your life.
Just Some Bullshit. >=]
Ok For Real This Up For Sale!
ok so for real this time, i am in an auction...same one as b4 just dif ppl runnin it now. so..please go check out my page and make a bid if u like what im offering. auction starts tomrrow 11/19 and runs for a week. looking forward to havin u as my new owner! ;) and while ur there, please show the 2 auction runners some mad lovin!! happy bidding!! ♥ßàЪÿLŏvë GF 2 Ðj §ÇÔTTÝ ß♥@ fubar ZoOkS!!~ThE FoReSkIn UnRaVeLeR oF sEcUrItY @ pYrOtEkNiCs~@ fubar
Ahh Sex
Anyone else as honry as me?? must get laid soon or i die!!! just had my 29th b-day and im needing to get laid BAD still a virgin : (
New Rules
Dear Civilians: 'We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance: 1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem - kick their ass. 2. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - kick their ass. 3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull t hem aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their ass. 4. (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing
Your Eyes
When I look at your eyes, I see your true self. I see you're sweet, and caring. I see you're giving and forgiving. I see your love for me. When I look at your eyes I stop myself from crying When I'm alone and think about your eyes I cry. I can't stop thinking that one day I'll never see those eyes again That I'll never see the love or the sweetness Or the love that makes you who you are. One day you'll be gone - gone from me. Gone from this world. No matter what happens, those eyes will one day close And forever rest in peace. But you'll never be completely gone, Because every time I close my eyes, There you will be.
Hello World
Hello to all you people this is my first time blogging and I would like your insight on what would be good topics that people would like to hear about. Please don't keep me waiting! with love and please keep your comments short, clean, and to the point. Peace be with you.
More Pics?
So I am wondering if I should add more pics to my profile? Any suggestions?
Don't get me wrong pregnacy is a wonderful thing there is just the things that you least expect to bother you. I am 26 weeks right now and honestly beside the daily back pain, and pelvic bone crushing I love it. Because it is gonna be a boy he sits low...thus for increasing the pain/pressure in my spine. Wonder if anyone out there knows a few trick to help lower the pain.....Let me know plz.
Obama Voters
Engagment And Wedding Announcment
Ok so heres the deal. Everyone throws these bling packs around like crazy right? Well heres a deal I am starting a bling contest. Rules Give me bling packs right, I know doesnt seem fair I want to buy a fupony seriously but the person who most contributes to the 1000 will get the fu pony so thats 1mil easy points if not more pending on HH and VIP so on. Why not try it out right? So lets get started
If I knew it would be the last time, that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the lord your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time, that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and a kiss and call you back for just one more. If I knew it would be the last time, I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise, I would tape each word and action and play them back throught my days. If I knew it would be the last time, I would spare an extra minute or two to stop and say "I Love You" instead of assuming you know I do. So just in case tomorrow never comes, and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you, and hope we never will forget. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, Young or old alike, and today may be the last chance, you get to hold your loved one tight. So if your waiting for tomorrow, Why not do it today? For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day, that you didn't take that extra time, for a smile, a hug or a k
Is Salein My Jerzy Collection Got All Kinds Of Shit So Look
yeah so i got to sale my collection i got all kinds of shit football baseball basketball got some fitteds to and a few jackets. everything is still new and never worn even still has the tags. here is a few. basketball got the jordens and yes even his white sox got bryant from the sixers got the oneal form the heat got birds and the all star got james anthony erving marbury barkley's got a few gervin lewis webber football both manning brothers favre romo 2 different montana 4 different elways young griese williams d willams staubach aikman campbell 3 different sanders payton dickerson OJ SIMPSON 3 different bo jackson allen mc fassen moss bush faulk bettis taylor lott perry urlacher atwater mills even got the runnbacks of the century qb's of the century chi. bears of the century the pitt. steelers of the century and the miami dolphins of the the centruy baseball got the blue ruth with hat 4 pinstrips number 5 7 44 2 mets pin strip, silver and green for strawberry the gre
Mzbooti2big Fubar User #2153949 Needs 10k In Comments Rates Count As One Comment To Win A Bling Pack
click the pic and help out as much as you can, all love is good love and is appreciated xoxoxoxoxo
Thanks To All Those That Helped
It was my first ever and i enjoyed it was a riot (fun) a huge ty from me to you for all the luv shown and i do really appreciate all the help. I try to get around you all i know some of you may get missed out at times and that im truely sorry for it's nothing personal or deliberate. to each and everyone of you....hugs luv If i can ever help out plz call on me im here to help if i can.
Sister Luv 4 Life
THIS IS FOR MY LOVELY SIS ♥ GIRL I HOPE U KNO HOW MUCH I LUV U...IM SO GLAD I GOT U IN MY LIFE..NEVER WANNA MISS U AGAIN..THANK U FOR EVERYTHIN U DONE FOR ME..I REALLY PRECIATE IT..I HOPE U KNO IM ALWAYS HERE FOR U NO MATTER WHAT..NO ONE CAN BREAK OUR CHAIN..U R MY GIRL..NO U R MY SISTER..NOT BY BLOOD BUT BY HEART...I JUSS WANTED TO TELL U DIS AND I HOPE U LIKE IT... I LOVE U GIRL ♥ She is my sister, not by blood But rather by love When i cry she wipes away the tears When i hide she takes away my fears Always and forever will i love my sister Faithful and loyal she does remain Protecting me from a world of despise Listening to everyone of my cries With arms wide open she nurtures me and keeps away all that is wrong She keeps me on track, never letting me stray To my sugestions she will never say 'nay' Thank you my sister for all that you have done For without you all would be wrong I love you my sister, with all my heart i do The love for m
Birthday Timee
Happy Birthday to me! I will be hosting my Birthday Happy Hour on Tuesday at 8pm Fu-Time. 10pm My time. I will have auto 11's on and will be handing out random blings! ________________________________________ My actual birthday is on Wednesday the 19th, but i couldn't get a good time for me on that day. SO Tuesday at 8pm PST it is. BE THERE ;D auto 11's will be on randomly blinging ________________________________________ I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE ALREADY GIVEN ME SOME BIRTHDAY LOVIN. YOU GUYS MAKE ME SMILE ;D. *PLEASE REPOST* ________________________________________ suckface™@ fubar
Christmas Party Etiquette
You know it's time to go home when... 1. You have absolutely no idea where your shoes are. 2. You mistake a police car from a cab and shout obscenities when it doesn't stop for you. 3. You've just had to get someone to help you pull your pants up in the ladies loo because you tried twice and ended up on the floor on your bum. And it was wet. 4. You keep dancing into people and you've fallen off the podium twice. 5. You've been flashing your boobs at passers by. 6. Creme De Menthe, Advocaat or Grenadine suddenly seem to be viable drink options. 7. You start crying. 8. You can't stop. 9. There are less than three hours before you're due to start work. 10. The urge to take all your clothes off, stand on a table and singing "Relight My Fire" become strangely overwhelming. 11. You've forgotten where you live. 12. You seem to be seeing more of the toilet bowl than the dance floor. 13. You notice that there's vomi
Fu Owned?
Hey great a new option but wait.... not all of us want it if your gonna steal the owned option f4rom other websites how about stealing the whole thing and give users the option to shut it off? oh wow what a novel idea huh? While were at it give us the option to shut the creepy as hell crush option off if i dont know them why the hell would i want them crushing me as far as family adds now whoa wait can u beat me to the punch line (PERMISSION) thats right if your gonna add me to your family shouldnt their be permission granted for it hell i didnt ask that 400 pound chick with the 3rd row of teeth to add me there now did i noooo i dont think so Now everyone knows i love the site (god only knows why) but the users should have the option to be stalked=crushes embarased= family adds humiliated= sold or maybe im wrong why dont u guys tell me! oh and for 1 last fat sonny complaint if im in your family list and u dont talk to me do me a small favor and delete me k thanx
Life, As Told By Nathaniel Jameson Simmons
Life is stated to be simply living. Mabey this is all we get, just one life. The complexity of the universe makes this seem trivial. A useless ten seconds compared to the millions of years the earth has been in existances. How can we live out the day by day simple walk of life with this in mind? Why couldn't we push the envelope a little: do something wild and crazy: something unpredictable? Why not? I sit here in my rough, plastic chair, alone, boared out of my mind as i com to this comclusion. I felt like doing nothing today. Im sorry i didn't do something fun. I'm sorry i decided to be average. I hope no one follows this example. Mabey from now on we should pledge to be different, odd, and spontaneous. Message me if you agree.
Vote for me.. cowboy owner of sexual pleasure fubar user #2229600 needs 10k in comments rates count as 1 comment to win a bling pack....
Are You Fu Owned
What is fu-Owned? fu-Owned is a game where members are bought with fuBucks and considered owned by the buyer. The buyer is gauranteed to hold onto their new purchase for at least 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, others may purchase the member out from under the owner at an increased price, the profit being split at varying percents between the member being purchased, fubar, and the previous owner (if applicable). After 30 days of being owned by the same person, ownership will expire and the member's value will be reset. Every consecutive purchase will result in increased worth of the user being bought. The number of members one can fu-Own will vary depending on what one's user level is on fubar. you can find the link to own someone here Your owner will post here Whoever bids on you, you get half the fubux, btw 8-p WAIT 5 Min for the SERVER to give your money back to you Your Ownage Page Viewing your page Fu Owned Un happy??? To you
Hi All
i need help with designs, i am looking to start working on sleeves but am unsure of designs i would like to ask all artist and tattooists for their help with this i know some wont want custom designs being tattooed by other tattooists, also i know that many artist and tattooists on fubar are in the us where im in Australia, but this is where i need the help have been looking on the net but have not found anything that takes my fancy and my local tattooist wont design anything without booking it in to be done and paying a deposit as i am in two minds do i go half sleeves, 3/4 sleeves or just find a design that i like to put on my upper arms, ok a bit about me i was born in 76 the year of the dragon with an element of fire, i was born in june so this make me a Gemini, i have a dragon on my back which i have pictures, i also have a eagle on my right arm that i want to cover up or it maybe incorporated into it, if you would like to help or know someone who can or be willing to help please
My Playemate$ And Pimp$
imikimi - Customize Your World This goes out to all my Pu$$ycat Playmate$ & Pimp$!! I feel like I have been neglecting my family by not sending out shouts or getting toeveryone with comments. My work schedule is hectic and I am working over nights so I have been trying to catch up on much needed sleep.. Now things ar going to change starting with Shout/Pimpout to my wonderful Pu$$Sycat Family. You all are the greatest bunch of girls and guys, to hit the net..So since I havent shouted you all individually here is one big.... Shout Out and A Lil' Luv imikimi - Customize Your World To my favorite Fubar Fam... And if you guys dont know, then you r being told... Check out this great family of Playmates and Pimps that bring the Flavor to Flav...
Photo Op
Preface; This is just my opinion not to be mistaken on whether I think a person is good or bad on whether they like the game or not. I assure you that I respect the opinions and reasons on both sides. Please keep this in mind if you comment on this blog. I welcome intelligent dialog even if it does not agree with my stated position. I do ask that you consider the points that I raise and evaluate them on their merit and honestly look at the total opinion even if it makes you uncomfortable with your current view of real life. Now that I have said all of that I will tell you that if you feel you must belittle my opinion without offering a intelligent counter argument to the points I propose I can handle that as well. I do understand that some people need to belittle others opinions to make themselves feel better than or more intelligent than other people to function in their lives. I have found that it usually comes from a lack of self confidence in their own opinions. I can respect th
Hi.If anyone reads this,they can rach me @ 27/f/nj Name is Tabatha. Thank Yoyu!
Evil Resident
Hey people I'm new here from nyc and proud to be fat. I use to think fat was an ugly digustion and a fearful word but I grew up. Beening call fat is nice and funny to me. Why? Because it the way its used! I been called a fat ass to fat bit*h and I like it. I dont like the term bbw or plus size let get a new word but fat is cool to me now lol I dont know bbw and mean anything some women I know who are just bw "big women" not the beauty part because they do the same that some skinny girls do putting people down to make themself look good oh yea some of u know what I'm talking about lol we all have a "weigh issue" like america or another countries thinks but I think we should just be ourself and like the word fat because most women are accepted the word bitch from all the myspace tagged and other communities out on the web why fat we get prettier men anyway so if u like bbw and plus size use it because u only live once
Come Join The Fun and See Who's up for Auction!! Oh yea, you won't know who it is your bidding on untill you win!! Click on the pic below to go to our great host's photos... Look for the folder for the Holiday Auction. Ya never know... I just might be in there :) HINT HINT
Why ???
Why does it hurt so much to care about someone? Why do we always seem drawn to the things that we can not have? Why does it seem we want something more,even if we don't need it, just because we are told we can not have it? Why do we sit and waste our time crying when no one cares? Why does life seem to end when we lose someone in our lives? Why can some people say what is on there minds, when others can only listen? Why does anyone get depressed enought to even think of these questions? Have you told someone today that you care about them? Do you know if anyone that you care about cried themselves to sleep last night? Do not take love for granted. Even if you can not give it fully, enjoy when someone gives it freely to you.
Back Pain Update
1st set of meds and physical therapy is almost over and my back feels good for a few hours then it progressively gets worse the days i have PT, tomorrow (wed) i got a DR appt to talk about the next step which is cortezone shots in my back.
Did You Ever Stop To Think? find someone. You talk to that person over and over and over again for months. You talk to that person about all kind of things. That person becomes almost like your AIR to breathe. Every time you sign on to your computer you look for email from that person. Every time the phone rings you hope it is them. When you have a quiet moment in your day you send them a text message just to let them know you are thinking of them. Day to Day becomes the normal thing to talk to them even if it is a quick hello or a 3 hours conversation. You get to the point where you are really comfortable with that person. Maybe even that person is there to help you through a bad time. Everything becomes intertwined with this person. After months they become a part of your life. YOU'RE HOOKED.......!!!! Then it happens. You get the chance to finally MEET the person that you have become so Infatuated with. The person you wake up every morning thinking of. The person you go to bed every night thinking
My Thoughts On God
You know someone told me that they believe in GOD. Ok that is their right. Someone once told me there is no GOD. Ok that is their right. Then I thought about it and I believe that there is A GOD.. maybe not what most people think of as GOD but there is someone that watches out for the people here...OK OK you ask me well then how come children die. How come good people die. How come people have to suffer. I have been thinking alot about this over the last year since my mom was taken from me quite suddenly. WHY?! What am I suppose to do without her? Why did she have to die? Why was I not there when she went? Why is (my) GOD taking her from me and my children? Why did he make it so my daughter had to be the one home with her when it happend? What does it all mean? THEN!! I worked thru most of it and here is what I have come up with. Since (my) GOD is the only one that can give me the answers then he is the one I have to ask. So I did, and here is what I have been told (figativly).
To The Ex Husband
object width="300" height="110">SiNCE YOU BEEN GONE - KELLY CLARKSON Here's the thing We started out friends It was cool, but it was all pretend Yeah, yeah, since you been gone You're dedicated, you took the time Wasn't long 'til I called you mine Yeah, yeah, since you been gone And all you'd ever hear me say Is how I picture me with you That's all you'd ever hear me say But since you been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you, now I get what I want Since you been gone How can I put it, you put me on I even fell for that stupid love song Yeah, yeah, since you been gone How come I'd never hear you say I just wanna be with you Guess you never felt that way But since you been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah, yeah Thanks to you, now I get, I get what I want Since you been gone You had your chance, you blew it Out of sight, out of mind Shut your mouth, I just can't take it Again a
Please dont bid on me for the auction, until they get a setting for it.
- - - - -(1) - - - - - - (2)
Golden Ticket Contest
Please People, I Need 25,000 comment to win this contest, so please help me out, post a blog, a bully, put it in your status, shout box your friends, send them a message, do whatever, but I need to reach 25,000 comments by the 23rd of this month here is the link
Need Lady's 18+ In Or Around The Miami And Miramar Area
Hello, looking for girls 18+ in miami and miramar area for a new webcam site that is to open by Dec.1 2008. plz be real about it. We have in home location where u can stay with other girls or you can work from ur own house. If you are intrested you may message me here or send me an email to more info on request
Appparently my skills to fu-own parallel my relationships with women.......Here today.........Gone today..........
Spotlight Monies For Candi
Candi needs ur monies...... Her bday is Thursday. And she is wanting a birthday spotlight. So here is the thing. she is real close to getting enough monies.... but she still needs some more. We both have auto 11's right now, and if you rate mine, all proceeds will go to her spotlight fund. thank you candi♥ass~probably hates your p3nis~@ fubar

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