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DarkNymph LFH's blog: "Like Achievements"

created on 10/01/2012  |  http://fubar.com/like-achievements/b350594  |  24 followers

Global Mumms

Global MUMMs

These are crucial in my opinion to maximizing your Rockstars but they are also a wonderful tool if you are trying to increase your daily likes each day to get the lazy likes for leveling. The reason they help is that the Global MUMMs scroll down the fSB homepage style with your like button next to it.  So anyone using that page style has easy access to your like button.  They don't have to read your MUMM, they don't have to vote on it, they just need to see your like button!! This is especially useful for newer members because sometimes all they see in their feed is the mumms and your like button.

MUMM stands for "Make up my mind"!  Yes, you need to actually create a real MUMM where people help you decide something.  Don't just say - hey I want you to like me - you will get reported and can lose your MUMM priviledges.  Personally, I prefer to keep them simple.  Some people love to make the MUMM trolls crazy.  That's up to you.  No matter what the Global MUMM, it will help you get likes!! Examples of simple MUMMS - Should I go to Walmart or Target? Should I go pick up dinner or have it delivered? Which month is best to take my vacation? Should I get my new tattoo on my bicep or shoulder blade? Use things in your life to make it believable!!  Something you might actually be trying to decide is always easiest. 

You can create a MUMM by Going up to the top and clicking on

MY -> MUMMS then click on "Create a new mumm" at the top of the page.

In case you don't know how, a Global MUMM is created by unchecking the box that says "For My Friends".  You MUST uncheck the box next to "for my friends" or it won't help  you get likes! If you are concerned your MUMM is NSFW, mark it NSFW, it will still get you likes.  Some people mark every MUMM NSFW so it can't be reported by the haters.  That is up to you.  You are allowed to do 5 Mumms a day. So when you are doing 1 Rockstar, you can do a mumm like every 40 mins.  I would do your last mumm like 30 mins before your Rockstar ends.  If you are doing more than one Rockstar, you should spread your MUMMS out further to cover all your Rockstars.  If you are just trying to increase your daily likes you can do them every couple of hours or however often you check in on Fubar!!

Drawbacks - MUMMs are not for the thin skinned.  The MUMM Trolls love to bash the people that do MUMMs, especially if you are running bling.  If you don't want to enjoy the insults, don't read the MUMM Comments!!!  Sometimes you will get pimp handed to prevent you from doing MUMMs. Luckily you don't see a lot of pimp handers anymore so it's not as big of an issue as it used to be. If you get too many haters, you might need to consider a pimp shield.  One day I was pimp handed 3 times in 2 hours all by one person.  Get 4 people with a vendetta, and you could be blocked from using this tool to help you get these great points!!

One thing I do that helps - I always do a mumm 5 - 10 mins before activating a star or starting a new likenado or new star.  That way you get some likes right off, then people can relike you on the same mumm - it works great!


Other tricks to get more likes include doing your weekly Fubucks Blast, updating your status often, and leaving comments on people's pages that are running Rockstars because if they like you you get 2 likes instead of one!  Don't forget to watch for people running Likenados to like them for the automatic like back!  Good luck!!

Night Rider Achievement

The Night Rider Achievement is to get liked 2500 times running NightStars between Reset (12 AM PST) and 5 AM FuTime (5 AM PST).


I will say right off BONUS BONUS BONUS!!  If there's a like bonus, even 500% for likes, that's a GREAT day to go for the Night Rider.  If there is unlimited 11s that can help considerably as well.  A LIKE bonus should not be confused with the Rockstar Bonus!!  It doesn't matter how high the Rockstar bonus is, it will not entice more people to be online!


What you need and what helps for 2500 likes between Midnight and 5 AM:


You need at least 2 NightStars,  though it is better to plan to have on hand at least 3 NightStars minimum.  Better to plan more than enough than not enough. If you use all the tricks here. the bonus is just right, and make use of everything like an AM HH, then you may be able to get it with just 2 Night Stars. I have seen people on a day with 7500% bomb bonus have to run 6 Night Stars within 5 hours to get the achievement!  So DO NOT underestimate how difficult this achivement is.  I would honestly recommend most people have 5 NightStars or 3 NightStars and 2 Likenados unless there's a HUGE Like Bonus! 


The newest bling to Fu at this time.  This will bring people to your page to like you since it will like them back, and running it can give you huge points if there's a like bonus, an activated bling bonus or a likenado bonus.  It runs for 2 hours and will reset your likes.  Remember for the Night Rider, you must be running Night Stars but you can use this with them to help you get those likes (and maybe earn more points as well)! If you plan to use two Likenados and 3 NightStars I would plan to reset likes every hour.  At Midnight activate a NightStar, 1 AM activate a Likenado, 2 AM activate a NightStar, 3 AM Activate a Likenado, and 4 AM activate a NightStar



You will want your FuBucks blast that you can use each week.  Be sure to submit it between 5-7 PM FuTime (PST) so that it will be active by reset when you decide to go for the achievement.  



Some people choose to wait for a good bonus rather than plan what day to go for the Night Rider in advance.  A good bonus is NOT a Rockstar or Likenado bonus.  You want a Like bonus, or a rate bonus with unlimited 11s.  The unlimited 11s can not be underestimated!!  That will bring more people online than a Rockstar Bonus.  The more people online the more people there are to like you!! If you are waiting for an awesome bonus, make sure you are prepared to stay up burning the midnight oil with very little notice! 


Happy Hour

You can host a HH to help  you get the Night Rider achvievement.  It will help you a lot though it isn't required. A HH can help make it easier. Since the AM HHs can be purchased with FuBucks, they fill up fast, and you have to book the HH a week in advance so you have the global exposure to help but you never know what you will have for a bonus.  If you get an AM HH,  I would recommend getting one at 2 AM or 3 AM FuTime.  You can try to get one right at reset, but there are other tricks you can use between midnight and 1:30 AM FuTime, so honestly I would do the 2 AM or the 3 AM.


Other Bling

Please be aware - you CAN NOT overlap a Rockstar and a Night Star!!!  So DO NOT activate a RockStar less than 4 hours before Midnight PST.  If you can run a boomy and famp or Auto 11s or bombs as well as a your NightStars that can help you make your 2500 likes even easier, and there is the achivement for a Night Star with Boomy and famp.  I'm not sure how much this will help at this time of night get more likes though.  If a huge rate bonus, the boomy might bring some people to your page.  If a huge Bomb bonus running Autos or a bomb may bring people to your page, but honestly not sure it adds enough.  You'd be better off investing in an extra NightStar in my opinion now that you can overlap activating your stars. 

Big Bang

You can use a Big Bang to promote yourself.  It will give you similar exposure as a HH to half of the people on Fubar (you pick famous with Men or Women) putting you up beside the beer mug.  I have seen many use this to help them get their likes!  



You will want to activate your first Night Star at 12 AM FuTime. From there the timing depends on whether you have a HH and how many NightStars you plan to run.  If you are planning to run 3 or 4 or 5 NightStars without an AM HH, I would honestly start one about every hour.  If you have an AM HH at say 2 AM or 3 AM, You may want to start the 1st at reset, the 2nd at 1 AM FuTime, and the 3rd with your HH.  If you are going to try to make it with just 2 Night Stars, I would activate the 1st at Reset and the 2nd around 2 or 2:30 AM FuTime. 


You can save your pimps and mumms and use them between Midnight PST and 1:30 AM PST.  Because of this, it's always a good idea to save your pimps unless you can spare an extra 10 credits to reset!  If it was me, I wouldn't run anything the night before you go for night rider.  But for sure save your MUMMs and make sure you have pimps!!


Yes you will want to use your MUMMs.  You can actually use the 5 from the day before between 12:00 AM FuTime and 1:29 AM FuTime because the mumms and pimps don't reset until 1:30 AM FuTime.  That means BE SURE you don't use your Mumms the day before you are going for your achievement so you will have everything available to you that's possible.  This can really get you great likes from your 1st NightStar or two and then you have your Mumms for the new day you can use as well.



You want to get pimped at least every 30 mins after 1:30 AM FuTime.  You will want to save at least 4 of your pimps from the day before as well because remember you can use those up to 1:29 AM.  If you have been pimped too often during the day, you may want to reset your abilities (costs 10 Credits) for an extra 6 pimps to start out your run and depending how often you are pimped after 1:30 AM you may have to reset again before you get the achievement.  Be careful, if too many people are being helpful they can pimp  you as often as every 10 mins.  Being pimped more often than every 20-30 mins is a waste in my opinion!  That means you may want to put DontPimp in your name or keep it in your status.  But I would plan to have at least 10 credits available so you can reset your abilities if needed and really make the most of your NightStars - better to have them than not need them than need them and not have them!



This blog gives you all the other tricks you need to know to maximize  your likes like updating your status often, ripping videos, voting on songs: http://fubar.com/rockstar-magic/b351136



Here is a very general schedule you can use to get your 2500 NightStar likes.  Talk to me and I can help create one specifically for you with what you have planned as far as HHs or whatever!!  I would only use this schedule if you are NOT also going for 10k or 15k likes.  If you condense everything in the late night hours to get the NightRider it will hurt you if you are going for 10k, 15k, or even 25k likes!


Important things to do as you go for your likes –

Update your status often! Rip Videos. Vote on songs. Like everyone.

Leave Profile comments everywhere – especially on people’s pages that are running bling!! 


12:00 AM Activate (Boomy/Famp first if going for achivement then) NightStar 

12:00 AM Previous day Mumm 1 & Pimp 1

12:20 AM Previous day Pimp 2

12:25 AM Previous day Mumm 2 

12:40 AM Previous day Pimp 3 

12:50 AM Previous day Mumm 3 

12:55 AM Previous day Pimp 4

1:00 AM Activate 2nd NightStar OR a Likenado

 1:05 AM Previous day Pimp 5 

1:10 AM Previous day Mumm 4 

1:25 AM Previous day Mumm 5 

1:28 AM Previous day Pimp 6

1:50 AM Current Day Mumm 1

2:00 AM Activate 3rd NightStar 

2:00 AM Great Time for a HH?

2:00 AM Current Day Pimp 1

2:30 AM Current Day Pimp 2

2:50 AM Current Day Mumm 2

3:00 AM Activate a NightStar or a Likenado

3:00 AM Current Day Pimp 3 

3:20 AM Current Day Mumm 3 

3:30 AM Curent Day Pimp 4 

3:50 AM Current Day Mumm 4 

4:00 AM Activate last NightStar? How close are you?  Do you need another reset?

4:00 AM Current Day Pimp 5  

4:20 AM Current Day Mumm 5

4:40 AM Current Day Pimp 6

There are several options you can consider when going for 5k likes!!  


What you need and what helps for 5000 likes:


You need at least a NightStar and Rockstar, though it is better to plan on at least 2 Rockstars and a NightStars minimum.  Better to plan more than enough than not enough. If you use all the tricks here and make use of everything like an AM HH, then you should be able to get it with a Night Star, and Two Rockstars without killing yourself.  

PLEASE NOTE:  A Likenado can help you get more likes, but I DO NOT recommend using that instead of a Rockstar!!  A Likenado gives you one click per like where a Rockstar or NightStar gives you two likes for every click of your like button!!  You may want to use a LIkenado to boost your likes with your Rockstars, but it is not the best thing to run when you need BIG likes!!



You will want your FuBucks blast that you can use each week.  Be sure to submit it between 8-10 PM FuTime (PST) so that it will be active by reset if you know what day you plan to go for the likes.  If you are waiting for a great bonus, as soon as you see the good bonus be sure to submit the blast.  Very important because you won't have a lot of time before you need to start activating bling!



Some people choose to wait for a good bonus rather than plan what day to go for 5000 likes in advance.  A good bonus is NOT a Rockstar bonus.  You want a Like bonus, or a day with unlimited 11s.  That will bring more people online than a Rockstar Bonus.  The more people online the more people there are to like you!! If you are waiting for an awesome bonus, as soon as they change it, you need to swing into action, Submit your FuBucks Blast ASAP so it can be approved, and activate your First Rockstar by Noon FuTime if possible!! That way if you need a third Rockstar you will have plenty of time to activate it and get your likes out of it before reset!! If you have to push your activation of your first Rockstar back because you are waiting for your blast to be approved, consider a Likenado 2 hours into your second star, rather than a 3rd Rockstar as a just in case scenario.


Happy Hour

You can host a HH to help  you get 5000 likes.  It will help you a lot though it isn't required. A HH can help a lot to make it easier. Usually you have to book a HH a week in advance so you have the global exposure to help but you never know what you will have for a bonus.  If you get an AM HH between Midnight to 2AM, you have that First NightStar I recommend activated.  If you book one between 3 AM and 7 AM I would recommend a second NightStar.  If you can get one 7 AM or later, you can do your first Rockstar when you start your HH.  


Other Bling

If you can run a boomy or Auto 11s as well as a Rockstar that can help you make your 2500 likes even easier.  Just activate the bling an hour prior to activating your Rockstar and get your 1st pimp as soon as it's activated. That will give you a good jump start on likes as well.

Big Bang

You can use a Big Bang to promote yourself.  It will give you similar exposure as a HH to half of the people on Fubar (you pick famous with Men or Women) putting you up beside the beer mug.  I have seen many use this to help them get their likes!


The newest bling to Fu at this time.  This will bring people to your page to like you since it will like them back, and running it can give you huge points if there's an activated bling bonus  or a likenado bonus.  It runs for 2 hours and will reset your likes.  This can be a big point earner,  but it will not generate the big #s for likes by itself like a Rockstar or Night Star because you only get 1  like per click whereas a Night Star and Rockstar give you two likes per click.  But this will  definitely help boost your points and your likes if you decide to run it with your Rockstar.  If I  was planning to run one star and one Likenado, I would activate the Rockstar, then two hours later  activate the Likenado to reset your likes and really boost your points and likes.  However just 1 Star and 1 Likenado is probably not enough to get 5k likes.



Unless you have a HH, I would plan to run your NightStar at 12 AM FuTime and your First Rockstar around Noon FuTime.  If you have other bling to activate that can get you some likes with pimps between stars, but just know with too many pimps you will need to reset your abilities at least once which costs 10 credits. This may be worth it to you!!



Yes you will want to use your MUMMs.  At least 5 if you decide after the bonus change to go for your likes.  You can actually use the 5 from the day before as well between 12:00 AM FuTime and 1:29 AM FuTime because the mumms and pimps don't reset until 1:30 AM FuTime.  This can really get you great likes from your NightStar if you activate it at Midnight FuTime.



You want to get pimped at least every hour while your Rockstars are running.  This may require that you reset your abilities (costs 10 Credits) for an extra 6 pimps, though you should only require one reset for 5k likes.  Be careful, if too many people are being helpful they can pimp  you as often as every 10 mins.  Being pimped more often than every 30 mins is a complete waste in my opinion!  But I would plan to have at least 10 credits available so you can reset your abilities and really make the most of your Rockstars!



This blog gives you all the other tricks you need to know to maximize  your likes: http://fubar.com/rockstar-magic/b351136



Here is a very general schedule you can use to get 5k likes.  All Times are FuTime so please adjust accordingly to your time zone. Talk to me and I can help create one specifically for you with what you have planned as far as HHs or whatever!!


You definitely want an active Blast!!!  Be sure you submit it at like 9-10 PM FuTime the night before so it will hopefully be approved before reset, but you don't want it too early in the day either!!

Important things to do all through the day–

Update your status often! Rip Videos. Vote on songs. Like everyone.

Leave Profile comments everywhere – especially on people’s pages that are running Rockstars or other bling!!  If someone is running a Rockstar and they like you while before or between your Stars, that gives you 2 likes rather than 1!!!


This is a general schedule that most people can use to successfully generate 5k likes despite the bonus, using all the tricks and tips provided using a NightStar,Two Rockstars, and 10 credits to reset your pimps:

12:00 AM Activate NightStar

12:00 AM Previous day Mumm 1 & Pimp

12:20 AM Previous day Mumm 2 & Pimp

12:40 AM Previous day Mumm 3 & Pimp

1:00 AM Previous day Mumm 4 & Pimp

1:25 AM Previous day Mumm 5 & Pimp


You should get 800-1000 likes by this point, if you have worked the feed and followed all these tricks running your NightStar.  This is a good time to catch a nap, but don't stay away too long!!

I DO NOT recommend getting anymore pimps after 1:29 AM until you start  running bling later in the day!  Same with your mumms!! You want to save them so you can get the most out of them.  


Remember between Rockstars, continue doing the following

Update your status often! Rip Videos. Vote on songs. Like everyone. Leave Profile comments everywhere saying "Like me, I need 5k likes today!" Especially on people running Stars!!

11:50 AM Do Mumm #1

12:00 PM Activate Rockstar #2

12:10 PM Get Pimp #1

1:00 PM Get Pimp #2

1:50 PM Do Mumm #2

2:10 PM Get Pimp #3

3:00 PM Get Pimp #4

3:50 PM Do Mumm #3 (by this time, you should have about 3k-3500 likes)

4:00 PM Activate Rockstar #3

4:10 PM Get Pimp #5

5:00 PM Get Pimp #6

5:40 PM Reset Abilities, Get Pimp #7

5:50 PM Do Mumm #4 (by now, you want at least 4k likes.  If not consider a Likenado @ 6PM)

6:00 PM If you're concerned you won't make it, activate a Likenado!

6:00 PM Get Pimp #8

6:30 PM Get Pimp #9

7:00 PM Get Pimp #10

7:20 PM Do Mumm #5 (unless you think you have to do another Rockstar to make it)

7:40 PM Get Pimp #11


You could modify the schedule above and use a schedule such as this if you have an early AM HH for FuBucks.  If you need help creating a schedule specific to you, please feel free to msg me, and I can help you plan out your day!!

6:00 AM Update status and go down the feed and like everyone

6:30 AM Activate Famp,boomy if you have one to run with your HH

6:31 AM Get Pimp #1 (only if you activated a famp and/or boomy)

6:50 AM Do Mumm #1

7:00 AM activate Rockstar #1 – and HH time?

8:00 AM Get Pimp #2

8:45 AM Pimp 3 – Hopefully by now you are at 2500k likes so far

9:15 AM Do Mumm 2

9:45 AM Get Pimp 4

10:30 AM Get Pimp 5 – Hopefully by now you are at 3k+ likes


Remember between Rockstars, continue doing the following

Update your status often! Rip Videos. Vote on songs. Like everyone. Leave Profile comments everywhere saying "Like me, I need 5k likes today!"


3:50 PM Do Mumm #3 (by this time, you should have about 3k-3500 likes)

4:00 PM Activate Rockstar #3

4:10 PM Get Pimp #6

5:00 PM Reset Abilities. Get Pimp #7

5:40 PM Get Pimp #8

5:50 PM Do Mumm #4 (by now, you want at least 4k likes.  If not consider a Likenado @ 6PM)

6:00 PM If you're concerned you won't make it, activate a Likenado!

6:00 PM Get Pimp #9

6:30 PM Get Pimp #10

7:00 PM Get Pimp #11

7:20 PM Do Mumm #5 (unless you think you have to do another Rockstar to make it)

7:40 PM Get Pimp #12

Getting 2500 likes is never easy.  If you are level 51 and trying for that to level I say plan ahead and go for 3k likes while you're at it because you will need it right around the corner when you hit level 56!!


What you need and what helps for 2500 or more likes:

Rockstars or NightStars

 Getting 2500 likes with just one Rockstar is possible with the right bonus, much easier and more economical than using any of the other bling.  You can run NightStars similar to Rockstars, but less people are online at that time of night and it would take at least 2 NightStars and that would be under perfect conditions.  You could use a NightStar at reset and a Rockstar at Prime time and you would probably be able to get 2500 likes easily if you run it right.

Please NOTE!!!  You can not run just one Likenado INSTEAD of a Rockstar.  A Rockstar (or NightStar) will give you two likes for each click of your button, and a Likenado will only give you one, and it lasts half the time.  BE SMART, run STARs!!!!  You can use a Likemado with your star to bring more people to your page and give you big points, but don't run it instead of your Rockstar (or NightStar)


It's a lot more difficult for men than women to get big likes.  Other factors include how many friends you have on Fubar and the bonus.  To go for 3k likes I would plan on at least a Boomy and 2 Rockstars, or a Night Star and 2 Rockstars, or 3 Rockstars.  You definitely want to have more than enough to get there, not have to try again on another day!!



You will want your FuBucks blast that you can use each week.  If you know you plan to go for it on a particular day, be sure to submit it between 8-10 PM FuTime (PST) so that it will be active by reset (hopefully).  If you are waiting for a great bonus, as soon as you see the good bonus be sure to submit the blast.  



It costs 10 credits to reset your abilities.  You can be pimped 6 times a day but if you reach your limit, you can pay 10 credits to reset your ability points, which means you can be pimped 6 more times.  You may want to plan to have at least 10 credits on hand to make sure you can reset your abilities!



Some people choose to wait for a good bonus rather than plan what day to go for their likes in advance.  A good bonus is NOT a Rockstar bonus.  You want a Like bonus, or a rate bonus with unlimited 11s.  That will bring more people online than a Rockstar Bonus.  The more people online the more people there are to like you!!


Happy Hour

You can host a HH to help  you get 2500 likes though it isn't required. A HH can help a lot to make it easier.  Usually you have to book a HH a week in advance so you have the global exposure to help but you never know what you will have for a bonus.  A HH too early will make it difficult to get 2500 likes with just one Rockstar or Night Star, just so you know.  Now that the latest FuBuck HH is at 8 AM I'm not sure that would be late enough to get it with just one Rockstar.  You might consider doing a FuBucks HH and using a NightStar then using a Rockstar later to help you finish up your 2500 likes.


Other Bling

If you can run a boomy as well as a Rockstar (or any other bling including a FuPony or FubixCube) that can help you make your likes even easier.  Just activate the bling prior to activating your Rockstar and get your 1st pimp as soon as it's activated. That will give you a good jump start on likes as well.

Big Bang

You can use a Big Bang to promote yourself.  It will give you similar exposure as a HH putting you up beside the beer mug.  I have seen many use this to help them get their likes!


A Likenado is a good tool but honestly I would never run it by itself.  This will bring people to your page to like you since it will like them back, and running it can give you huge points if there's an activated bling bonus, Rockstar bonus, or a likenado bonus.  It runs for 2 hours and will reset your likes.  This can be a big point earner, but it will not generate the big #s for likes like a Rockstar or Night Star because you only get 1 like per click whereas a Night Star and Rockstar give you two likes per click.  But this will definitely help boost your likes if you decide to run it with your Rockstar or NightStar.  If I was planning to run one Rockstar and one Likenado, I would active the Rockstar, then two hours later activate the Likenado to reset your likes and really boost your points and likes.  



Unless you have a HH, I would plan to run your Rockstar around Prime Time which would be activating your Rockstar around 5 - 6 PM FuTime.  If you have other bling to activate first, perhaps start 4-4:30 FuTime, then an hour or two after start your Rockstar.



Yes you will want to use your MUMMs.  ALL 5 spread through the time you will run your stars and go for your 2500 likes.  Used to be, you could use the 5 from the day before as well between 12:00 AM FuTime and 1:29 AM FuTime because the mumms and pimps didn't reset until 1:30 AM FuTime but they changed that.  


You want to get pimped at least every hour while your Rockstar is running.  You may not have to reset your abilities for one Rockstar and 2500 likes even if  you do a boomy before your Rockstar.  Be careful, if too many people are being helpful they can pimp you as often as every 10 mins.  Being pimped more often than every 30 mins is a complete waste in my opinion.  Now you do have the option to lock your abilities so no one can pimp you without you opening it and I highly recommend using this option!! You may want to have credits on hand to make sure you can get your pimps every hour while your bling is running.    



This blog gives you all the other tricks you need to know to maximize  your likes: http://fubar.com/rockstar-magic/b351136



Below is a schedule you can use to help you get 2500 likes.  If you know what day you plan to do it you can actually start at Fubar reset with mumms and pimps but if you wait for a good bonus you can use the rest of the schedule to help you get there more easily.


11:59 Get Pimped (be sure you save a pimp from the day before!)

12:00 AM Activate NightStar (NOT required but this is when you activate it if you plan to use it)

12:15 AM Previous day Mumm 1  Only if you are running a Night Star

12:40 AM Get Pimp 1

1:20 AM Get Pimp 2 if you're still awake

Remember Before  your Rockstars, continue doing the following to stay in the feed - 

Update your status often! Rip Videos. Vote on songs. Like everyone. Leave Profile comments everywhere

If you waited to pick the day based on bonus, as soon as you decide "I'm going to do this today", submit your blast to be approved!! Then if you have a boomy and two Rockstars you can use the rest of this schedule below:


10:00 AM Activate Boomy

10:30 AM Get Pimp 

12:00 PM Get Pimp 

1:30 PM Get Pimp 


(your goal is at least 500 - 800 likes before your first Rockstar if you can!)

2:00 PM Activate Rockstar

2:30 PM Pimp 

3:30 PM Pimp 

4:00 PM Mumm 2

4:30 PM Pimp You'll have to reset probably

5:20 PM Pimp 

5:50 PM Mumm 3

(Your goal is over 2k likes before you activate your second rockstar)

6:00 PM Activate Rockstar 2

6:20 PM Pimp 

6:50 PM Pimp  

7:20 PM Mumm 4

7:50 PM Pimp  

8:30 PM Pimp  

9:00 PM Mumm 5

9:30 PM Pimp  


If you have a great like bonus and you want to try to do it with just one Rockstar you can use the following schedule:

4:50 PM Mumm 1

5:00 PM Activate Rockstar

5:00 PM Pimp 1

5:30 PM Mumm 2

5:40 PM Pimp 2

6:10 PM Mumm 3

6:25 PM Pimp 3

7:00 PM Pimp 4

7:15 PM Mumm 4

7:40 PM Pimp 5

8:10 PM Mumm 5

8:30 Pimp 6


If you want my advice on you try for your likes to level, let me know!  I've helped a lot of people get there and using my schedule and plan and putting in the time I can help you prepare!!



When they first came out with the achievement for 25K likes, I had a friend ask me - what do you think it would take to get 25K likes?  My response was "Two Days!"


I plan to share the details of what I did to get 25K likes and more recently 15k likes.  In all honesty, you can use all this same information while going for 10k likes as well, but 10k while difficult is not nearly as hard as 15k and 25k! lol  I hope that in sharing this info it will help you plan out IF/WHEN/HOW to get these like achievments for yourself!!  It is EXPENSIVE just FYI so if you are on a budget, you may want to reconsider until you can stock up on a credit sale!! 


What Day?

You need to decide what day of the week you want to go for your likes. If you could know what day there would be a fabulous like bonus then you'd be set cause any day with a 500% bonus for likes would be a great day.  However, you can't know that in advance unless you have BabyJ's ear, so you have to play the odds.  In general, Wed and Fri seem to be the busiest on Fu.  Wed because it's ranking day, and Fri because it's Fri! lol Now if you are only off work on the weekends, then Saturday or Sunday may be your day, because it's MUCH harder to get the likes you need when you can't be ON Fubar for the day. 

I decided to go for it on Wednesday.  The Friday HHs seem to fill up faster than the Wed HHs, so my hope was I'd have a better chance of getting the HHs I wanted on a Wed rather than a Fri.  

Which week? Well there was a Wed that was a pretty lame bonus in my opinion, so I decided I would try it the following week in the hope that a lame bonus this Wed would result in a great Bonus the following Wed.  I got lucky, the Wed I went for it the bonus was 300% for likes so it helped me get the likes I needed.  

Please NOTE - 15k likes is a 24 hour achievement, not a FuDay - so you will do better to start at like 10PM one night and work through the next 24 hours because it will give you an extra like reset!  Or if they start a big like bonus, you could start say at 10 AM and work through the next morning.  A lot has changed now over the way it used to be.  You can run more stars to reset likes and you can run the Likenado to reset likes as well or bring people to your page.  So it might be easier to do, but more expensive.

Happy Hours!!

First order of Business is how many Happy Hours can you afford?  For 25k, I would recommend at least 7 HH so you can have at least one HH for each Rockstar.  Remember when I went for 25k in September of 2012, that was before the Big Bang and before FuBucks HHs!  I personally did 12 HHs at the following times:

Midnight, 1:00 AM, 3:00 AM, 5:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 11:00 PM

Trade the HHs or send a friend you trust credits to send you gift HHs.  It is SO much faster and easier to buy a HH with a gift HH than it is to exchange credits or use your credit card.  This will be important because you will need to be fast to get the prime time slots you want.  

New information as well - you can buy an AM HH between Midnight and 7 AM for FuBucks.  The FuBucks HHs go Quick!!  You will be lucky to get one at all much less more than one during this time frame.  The regular HHs are often easier to get now because they don't come with a cherry bomb anymore - less people are willing to pay 60 credits for a regular HH so it is less stressfull to buy HHs than it used to be for credits.  

If  you are to the point of trying for this I'm sure you know the deets on scheduling HHs.  But just in case you don't, I will include that info here.  You want to purchase your HHs right at reset a week before your 25K (or 15k or 10k) day.  For example, if you are going for HHs on Wed, you want to stay up until reset Wed Night, and schedule the following weeks HHs as quickly as possible right at reset when the new day opens.  


You need to decide what bling you want to run.  


New to Fubar is the Night Star.  It can only be activated between Midnight and 5 AM FuTime.  I would get at least 2 to use for your 10k, 15k, or 25k likes because it will give you an additional like reset in your 24 hour period in case you need it!  If you are doing 10k, do one at Reset and another at 3 AM, then follow with Rockstars.  If you are doing 15k likes, I would do a Rockstar at 9:55 PM the night before, Night Star at 1:55 AM and 4:55 AM, then follow with Rockstars.  An extra chance to be liked is a very good thing!!  And of course with the new rules on activating multiple Stars to reset, you can get a huge # of resets if you are willing to pay to run the bling. Be advised, you cannot activate a Rockstar with a Nightstar activated Nor activate a NightStar until your Rockstar ends at the time of this writing.  


If you get two Night Stars you then need at least 5 Rockstars.  Otherwise get 7 Rockstars, though that's moreexpensive. Yes you can cover 24 hours with 6 Rockstars, but if I were you I'd shift your start time, and give yourself an extra opportunity to have your likes reset.  With everything you are investing, you don't want to miss out on success because you wanted to save 35 credits.  If you're lucky - you can buy your Rockstars on special for 30 credits - watch for them to go on sale!

Auto 11s

Do you want to run Auto 11s? Is it required? Certainly not, but it may help get people to your page if you run them, so I ran them to make sure that I used everything I could to my advantage.  These now last 12 hours - you'll need two if you want to use them.


You don't have to have boomerangs, but I used them, activating a new one every 8 hours (Now they only last 4 hours).  People that are going for rates will come to your page to rate you for the rate back and hit that like button while they are there for the points.  Besides, everyone likes the points for getting rated back an 11.  You will need at least 6 Boomerangs if you decide to run them all day long, maybe even 7 depending on when you start activating everything.


You don't have to have famps, but I would consider this.  One - your family will be promoting the heck out of you (or they should if they are true family) so can use this to give some back to them.  Two - you may have open fam spots that you can sell to help cover the cost of your big likes.  I ran 3 Famps (6 hours each back then) on the day I went for it.  The reason I didn't run 4 is because I wanted to make sure that every time I activated something, a Rockstar was activated last. So with the 6 hour famp - I had a 2 hour delay before I could activate a new famp and new Rockstar.  Famps now last 3 hours rather than 6.  So you can decide how much you want to famp.  Maybe you want to famp a few particular HHs.  Maybe you want to famp the whole time.  That's up to you to decide!!


You used to get bombs with your HHs - unfortunately that is not the case anymore.  You can use bombs to get attention to your page, this may be especially helpful if there's a huge ability bling or bomb bonus.  You just have to decide if you want to run one or more during your "Like" day.  You may want to run some betweeh HHs to get people to your page though of course, you can run a Big Bang now which will get people there as well without the had work of running a cherry bomb.  You may want to run a lot because Fu seems deadly quiet on that day.  You don't have to decide this in advance, just consider your options here so you can remember this is an option.

Big Bangs

Newer to Fubar other than the NightStar is the big bang.  This can give you similar exposure as a HH.  The only difference is when you activate your Big Bang you have to choose whether to be famous with Men or with Women. and both see the HH equally.  Activating a Big Bang will put you right up there by the Beer mumm opposite of the Happy Hour.  Another benefit of the Big Bang - they have to leave you a profile comment.  That forces them to scroll down your page past your status to comment and they can double check your like button.


The newest bling to Fu at this time.  This will bring people to your page to like you since it will like them back, and running it can give you huge points if there's an activated bling bonus or a likenado bonus.  It runs for 2 hours and will reset your likes.  This can be a big point earner, but it will not generate the big #s for likes like a Rockstar or Night Star because you only get 1 like per click whereas a Night Star and Rockstar give you two likes per click.  But this will definitely help boost your likes if you decide to run it with your Rockstar or NightStar. I would use the Likenado to reset your likes for a HH.  When running multiple bling and going for huge likes you might want to do several of these.  Say you activate a Rockstar, then an hour later a Likenado to reset your likes.  You can actually activate another star an hour after that, then a likenado an hour after that and reset your likes every hour if you choose to do so.  Or Activate a Rockstar, then an hour later a Likenado, wait two hours and do another likenado.  Decide what you are willing to spend to get those likes!



I would STAY AWAY from running GodModes while you are going for your 25K likes!  Your Rockstar points will drain that 40 mill points of a GM quick (especially if there is a great like bonus)!  and even if it didn't, the HH bonus will kill the GodMode every time.  So when you run a GM you will end up getting 2 hours out of it, and it will be gone!!  Don't waste 250 credits on a GM while you are going for your 25K likes

Make it Rain

Again, not needed.  This is up to you if you want to increase the amount of FuBucks you get through your day.  I probably wouldn't use a Make it Rain unless you have two HH's back to back because you will have enough on your plate trying to make sure you do everything you want to do when!! 

2x Bling

This will give you more points but it will not help you get more likes or rates.  So this is up to you! Could be activated to help you get an achievement!

Unlimited 11s Bling

This will allow you to rate people 11s if there are not unlimited 11s but if you have a VIP your 11s can always be reset.  I would definitely make sure you are a VIP when going for these huge likes!


Your Profile

You DO NOT want your profile set to friends only when you are going for this!  Also, if you are running Big Bangs you may not want to comment moderate or have comments set to friends only.  It's not fair to the people that come to your page to take advantage of the point boost and then can't get it because of your settings!!

Now we all have a like button under our profile pic, and they have made the like button at the top reactivate each time you reset your likes now, which is great!!  Still, I would minimize what is in your about me when you go for those big like achievements.  If someone has to scroll down 10 times to leave you a comment, the chances are they will not bother.  If you're promoting someone, then add them, but find ways to make it as compact as possible.  A bonus if you have a VIP - people can like you from a tool tip.  That's another reason to be in the feed as much as possible, and invest in a VIP for huge like achievements!!

Homepage Style

I use the fSB Homepage Style.  I like this especially when I am running a Rockstar.  I can see who came to my page to like me, and easily like them back.  It also shows who is online liking other people, making new friends, rating my page, etc, all with a like button next to their name.  Not as comprehensive a feed as you might see on the hotness style, but again, convenient like button and you know they were just online.  Chances are you like them, they will see it in their feed, and come back and like you.

Is using the fSB homepage required? NO - it's what works for me.  Check it out and see what you think. Depending on your settings, you may have nothing on your page with the fSB style so be sure you check it out before the day of!!!

Reset of Likes/Rates/Mumms/Ability Points

Everyone knows at Midnight FuTime the Likes and rates Reset.  Activating a Rockstar or NightStar resets your Likes so people can like you again.  Activating a Likenado will also reset your likes.  Activating a Boomy or Famp or Big Bang will reset your rates so you can be re-rated (they have to activated in the right order and you can maximize your resets greatly). 

Mumms/Ability Reset - most people don't realize that these do not reset until 1:30 FuTime.  That means if you don't do your 5 mumms from the day before - you can do all of them between Midnight and 1:30 AM to help you get likes.  Same with pimps.  If you don't get pimped at all the day before, or you pay to reset your abilities at Midnight, you can have 6 pimps before 1:30 AM FuTime.  Use this trick to help boost those early morning numbers!!!  

If you are going for 15k likes and start at 10 PM FuTime, you have between 10 PM and 1:30 AM for those pimps and mumms.  Spread them out and make them work for you!

Global MUMMs

These are crucial in my opinion to achieving almost any like achievement and maximizing your Rockstars. The reason they help is that the Global MUMMs scroll down the fSB homepage style with your like button next to it.  So anyone using that page style has easy access to your like button.  They don't have to read it, they don't have to vote on it, they don't have to comment, just going down the feed puts your like button out there on countless peoples pages and not just your friends!  This is one way to get likes from people who normally never see your page.  I've seen people saying "vote on my mumm".  I have never seen this help.  I don't know how it might because I've never seen anything in the feed about a mumm vote. Honestly you will be better served leaving profile comments (yes profile NOT status, or do both if you prefer) on peoples pages saying please like me and leaving your like button behind, rather than taking the time to SB and ask them to vote on your mumm.

One trick I've been using that seems to help regarding mumms is to do a mumm 10 mins before you activate a new star.  When you do a mumm you are usually in the feed for about 20-40 mins - so if you do a mumm 10 mins before you activate a new star, people will see you in the feed to like you with the one star, and be able to relike you when you activate the new star because you are still in their feed!

Make up your mind!  Yes, you need to actually create a real MUMM where people help you decide something.  Don't just say - hey I want you to like me - you will get reported and can lose your MUMM priviledges.  Personally, I prefer to keep them simple.  Some people love to make the MUMM trolls crazy.  That's up to you.  No matter what the Global MUMM, it will help you get likes!!

In case you don't know how, a Global MUMM is created by creating a new mumm and UN-CHECK the box that says "For My Friends".  If you are concerned your MUMM is NSFW, mark it NSFW, it will still get you likes.  Some people mark every MUMM NSFW so it can't be reported by the haters.  That is up to you.

Drawbacks - MUMMs are not for the thin skinned.  The MUMM Trolls love to bash the people that do MUMMs, especially if you are running bling.  If you don't want to enjoy the insults, don't read the MUMM Comments!!!  Sometimes you will get pimp handed to prevent you from doing MUMMs.  When you are separating out your MUMMs to cover the entire day - this shouldn't be too much of a problem.  If you get too many haters, you might need to consider a pimp shield.  One day I was pimp handed 3 times in 2 hours all by one person.  Get 4 people with a vendetta, and you could be blocked from using this tool to help you with your achievement!!


Promoted Member - Pimps

Please be aware you can be pimped every 10 mins now, but you still are only allowed 6 pimps before you have to reset your abilities for 10 credits.  I know some people like to get pimped as often as possible.  You have to decide how much you want to spend on ability resets.  When you get pimped, you usually stay in the promoted members box for about 20 to 30 mins.  Personally I would rather not be pimped more than every 30 mins.  I usually stretch mine further than that even.  Something else I do as well - if I'm doing a mumm - I'll stretch the length between pimps a little further since the mumm has me in the feed.  When I'm running a HH, I try to avoid pimps completely.  Perfect for me would be reaching my pimp max before my HH so I reset again right after.  With a Big Bang you may want to get a pimp or two to make sure people see you and stop by your page.  The important thing, unless you have lots of credits to play with and no concern over what your spending is to play smart!

Profile Pics

I would have a few different pics if possible.  Do a different one with each like reset.  Something that people will notice and no realize they liked you before because they think you're someone different, or to let your friends know that you have your new star activated.  This is not a requirement, but it seems to help.

Changing your Name

I know lots of people change their name.  Some people like to change it to show which Rockstar they are on.  RS1 DarkNymph.  Actually, when I run bling I often end up doing something like DontPimpDarkNymph lol otherwise I get so much help froem my amazing friends I get pimped ever 10 mins.  Some people will do something like 25kLikeDarkNymph or 15kLikeDarkNymph.  You have to decide what works for you. 

Friends - the more the merrier

I know there are some people out there that limit how many friends they have.  They don't want too many friends - they want to protect their privacy - they only want people they talk to a lot - they only want people that will rate them every day - whatever.  More friends = More points!  Your feed is mainly made up of your friends!!  The people that see you in the feed are your friends!  So if you have 100 friends, they will see you update your status and can like you.  if 10% of your friends are online, that's only 10 people.  If you have 1000 friends, that would be 100 people.  If you have 10K friends then that's 1000 people!!  So make friends with everyone you can along the way because that's a potential button clicker later on whether it's your Rockstar or a boomy or whatever.  Hey - there are achievements for friends too so I'm of the opinion you can never have too many friends!!


Tips on staying in the Feed to get your button pushed!!

Update your Status

Yes updating your status will help!  While you are running your Rockstar try to update your status every 15 mins or more - each status update will garner you more likes!!


They changed this - you can no longer use this to help.


Load or rip Videos!!!  There are achievements for this as well so ripping videos will help with that in the long run as well.  But if you Rip say 5 videos, those scroll in the fSB feed with your like button next to it for all your friends to see!!  Use it!!  To get to the videos you go to MY -> videos.  You can load your own YouTube links in there or on the right hand side rip videos that others have loaded.  Ripping them is faster while you are running a Rockstar.  I would do this every 15-30 mins as well!!

Voting on Music

You can vote on the individual band songs to get yourself in the feed.  If you are a great multi-tasker, you can use this to keep your name and like button in the feed all day long.  And there's an achievement for voting on 1000 songs as well!

Like People!

Every time you like someone you show up in the feed.  And hey, running a Rockstar you get 5x points for liking people, so like away!

Profile Comments

Leave profile comments to leave your like button behind.  This can be especially good if the person is running a Happy Hour, or running ability bling of their own.  Someone may go to their page and see your button and click it. 


These are new and improved and like-needer friendly! Each blast comes equiped with your like button right there for the clicking.  You should be able to do one 24 hour one each week for $10 Million FuBucks - save it and use it.  You may have a gift one you got from Fubar.  You may want to buy a couple 1 day blasts to run.  When I went for 25k I think I had 4 blasts.  When I did 15k I think I ended up having 3 different blasts out there.  Remember when you create a blast you have to submit it for approval.  So you never know when it might be approved. I've seen it take 6 hours before.  I've also seen it happen in as little as 10 mins.  That's why you may want to stagger submitting your blasts for approval.  Submit one 6 hours before your Like Day starts, a second 2 hours before you plan to start, and another right before you start.  Nothing worse than submitting your blast, and it's 1/4 of the way through your day before it's activated and out there to help you!!


Now people are starting to have banners made to promote themselves (yes I'm one of those people that makes them) and this is great for your friends to promote you in their about me.  And it can't hurt, so definitely worth it if you plan ahead!

I'm sure there is more ideas you can use to help but honestly right now - I can't think of anything.  If you have questions, feel free to ask me.  Feel free to ask people that have gotten their 15k and 25k likes.  And remember, this is just what works for me.  Use anything and everything that you can use to help you succeed - that is all that matters!!


Other Suggestions people have made they said helped them:

FuOwn 100 people because for each person you own you are on their page and others may see you. They even owned most of them for the 10k, just so they owned lots of people.

Send out Drink rounds!! You can do this once each day, and hey might help with an extra like lol 


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