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Life Changes When You Least Excpect
Well its been over three weeks and still feel like im living in a dream. I dont know which way to turn .. For those of you who dont know I lost my long term partner suddenly. She had been well apart from a few what the doctors called minor heart attacks, they only just registered as attacks. Well after the first one Jo was given an angioplasty, a little shunt put inside her heart to unblock w partially closed vein in her heart. Hey she has a heart I had joked to some work mates, i used jokes throught out this period as it was my only way to deal with what was going on. It was only two years ago 15 march we had a little boy together after a very hard pregnancy, we went thru hell but after 4 days he died. We then went thru this second part of hell the questions about if we could have done anything to hace avoided it. For a long time it was just one long numb dream. We then found that Jo was pregnant again this time from the moment of her first scan , which was very ear
Feel Me
Can you feel me as i climb on top??? Can you feel me do you want me to stop??? Can you Feel me as i go up and down, can you feel me as i make that sound??? I know you want it i can see it in your eyes, you want to feel me taste me make me cry... Touch me hold me can you feel me???
Dear _____________
I ___ you. You have a nice ______. You make me _______. You should _______. Someday I will ______. You + me = ________. If I saw you now I'd __________. I want to ________ you. I would build a _______ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _________. We could __________ under the stars. Love, _______________ (P.S. ______________.)
The Great Ones
Since I was in the womb I have loved music. I don't mean I love music in the way everyone uses the word love to express a fondness or interest in something, like saying "OMG I sooo totally love those adorable pink shoes with the buckles!!" or "Dude, I love that radical car with the bodaciously sweet rims!" [ /disgusting valley accent OFF ] I mean a love that runs in every fiber in my being. One that fills me up to overflowing every time I hear a song that moves me from within, until I feel as One with the notes themselves. Yeah. That love. The reason I say "since I was in the womb" is because during her pregnancies with both my brother and myself my mother read to us, talked to us, and yes, played music and sang to us. I'm a firm believer that it helped shape our deep connection to music. It developed and grew with us long after entering this world. I honestly cannot begin to describe just how deep and powerful an aspect of our lives music has been. You have to be one who has ju
Dumb Stuff
Transcendental Powers
I obviously need to get a life.. However, ponder the idea of transcending on anyones psyche. Just think how cool that would be, and how potential dangerous it could be. You could be in the grocery store selecting tomatoes and suddenly you feel, smell, taste and hear your husband/wife, gf/bf or maybe a stranger touching you, talking to you, transcending feelings from them. I could go on and on with different scenarios. However no one else is aware of this being, because it is all in your head, or is it? That would be an awesome super power! How cool would it be to just pop into someones thoughts and communicate..could you imagine sex? This has been a BLOG is a direct affect of sleep depravation, and too much coffee..
Hazel Eyes
Getting Old
The other day a young person asked me how I felt about being old. I was taken aback, for I do not think of myself as old. Upon seeing my reaction, she was immediately embarrassed, but I explained that it was an interesting question, and I would ponder it, and let her know. Old Age, I decided, is a gift. I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body! I sometime despair over my body, the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging butt. And often I am taken aback by that old person that lives in my mirror (who looks like my mother!), but I don't agonize over those things for long. I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become more kind to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I
Yet Another Addition To The Block List..
Uggh...another one... =========================================== Name: "The Unwritten Sentinal Of Subc... (Online) Level: Idol (15) Gender: Male UNITED STATES Buzz: 30% Enter message: Name: "The Unwritten Sentinal Of Subc... (Online) ->Mely: welcome to my block list, make yourself cozy with all the other losers in there ->Mely: lol, you apparently were upset that I wasn't talking to you so you had to "tell" me that you were removing me rather than just removing me...funny how that works.. "The U...: well durr I don' remember...I wanted to be a friend I added you...not you with basically the gist of what you said...I can't know a person who doesn't even try to talk to me...yet has a lot to say when I say I am gonna remove her and tell her she isn't kinda funny how that works... ->Mely: omg, I'm not a decent person? You obviously don't know me.... "The U...: oh I'm sorry stupid me...I thought when
I'm Just A Freak!
Just wanted to wish all my super duper friends a great Thursday eve..:) Luv You All!! Touch the Darkness @
Funny Stuff
Try to think of 4 words that ruin sex ... and keep the chain going Shay - " Get off my daughter '' angel~ " eww whats that smell" Melissa ~ " I can't feel it" Reid ~ "Mom's next door, Dad." Timothy- "That's Not My Vagina." Brandy~~ Is it in yet??? nana ~~ i got a headache Danni~~ Shit the condom broke Tionna ~~ Bring me the tweezers! Brandy -- The kids are here! Angie - Oh no, not again! BRANDI-ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Linda- Forget to take my pill Rhonda- "My husband is back" Honey- "OMG, What a dog!" Jo- "Are you done yet?" Curmudgeon at Law - "Great, I'm stuck again." Chantal- "That's not the hole." Don- "My name isn't George" JeNiLu - "That all you got?" Mara- "Your brother is bigger"- never a good idea, trust me lol X-Stripper - "Ha Ha Ha Ha" Jackie" It is THAT small?" Paul~ "pick the scabs first" Kristen- "I don't feel a thing". (that's dedicated to the ex i never dated, Mike) Roderick- "I think I'm bored." Alex "Thats a wierd rash!" Sam "I'll finish mys
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, "I f I could only see the world, I will marry you." One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her,'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. Life Is a Gift
When A Cop Sleeps!
Sometimes when a cop sleeps, the demons come. The demons bring all the things you want to forget. The demons bring the tears and sweat, the spit and the blood, Oh God the blood. The demons bring the broken bodies from the wrecks the sickening smell of death and the kids...Oh God please, not the kids. Mainly the demons bring the eyes... the hatred and desperation in the eyes of the people you fight, the pleading and pain of the people you try to help, and the quiet and blankness in death of the ones you couldn't. The demons bring sounds too.... the sounds of tires skidding and metal crunching from the wrecks, the gunshots that seem so loud on TV yet so muffled on the street, the screams and crying that all blend together after a while. The demons won't leave... Alcohol and sleeping pills work for a while but they come back. Some have used their own deaths to flee from them, but most of us are scared that in causing our own death.... we'll be with the
New Orleans Saints
By David Lane
Office Humor
1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down. 2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice. 3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that. 4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN". 5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso. 6. In the memo field of all your checks, write " For smuggling diamonds". 7. Finish all your sentences with " In accordance with the prophecy". 8. Don't use any punctuation. 9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk. 10. Order a Diet Water (with a serious face) whenever you go out to eat. 11. Specify that your drive-through order is " To Go". 12. Sing along at the opera. 13. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day at work. 14. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poe
what is love but a passing moment what is love but lust on a hi,when you tell me you love me i know it is a lie, when you tell me you care, do you?? do you even know my name?? do you know that i cry when you say it wrong, do you know i know you lie when you say it wrong??? you dont lust me love me or care, you just want to penatrate me pull on my i know your name do you even damn care??? i know your name, i knew ever stand of your hair, love is not earneed it is not something you find is it something that is learned when you want for it through time!!!! WHAT By Satondra
Back Home From The Hospital!!
Hi everyone well. As you all know I was very sick and got worse... I had to have my father drive me to the hosptital..... I was admitted and in the HOPSITAL for 11 days straight.... They had all kinds of IV's stuck in me filled with strong,, strong Pain narcotics 20 times more potent then Morphine (( called Dilota)).... :-O Also I got serious high doses of Anti Nasuea meds throug my Iv also.... They ran tons of MRIS and cat scans and Scopes down into me throat and belly.... I have a team of 8 differnt doctors plus 2 cardiologist docs on my team.. Because of my bad chest pains I was getting... I had tons of EKGs done also... Fianlly after 11 days in the hospital admitted... They found out I am seriously.. BADLY.... (((((ANEMIC))))..... My blood levels are soo low right now.. The docs have been monitoring it.... Right now when I go back to the hospital in 3 days.. If my blood level is till low and has gotten lower.... They will be doing a ((((( Blood Transfus
When you cry you know i wont die, often times though i will wonder why....why things went so wrong why you passes without your left us here with lots of tears to wonder why and have our fears, did you leave us did we do you wrong, or did you leave because your song had been song??? i look back on you and i wonder and cry why did you leave me without even a good by...I miss you
Taking A Break
Im going to be taking a time out from Fubar for a short while, I will still be checking message but thats it, I wont be around to leave comments etc. If I only had one life I would live it with you If I only had a dollar Id half it with you If I only had one drink I would buy two straws If I had only one meal Id share it with you If I only had a minute left Id spend it with You © Dave Emmerson
What Kind Of Lover Are You
What kind of lover are you?BarbaricYou have a wild, fierce, and strong animal-like nature behind your lovemaking and that makes you very passionate. When you find the "one" you can give your whole heart to, you give that and then some! It's true that most people say there's no love behind that much fire but that's quite the opposite. You love who you're with and have no problem slamming them down on the sheets and showing them the time of their life! For this, your lover will respond back with the same animal nature and that will show you how much they love you back! For you, it's rough all the way and always very heated and intense!!!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Keep On Rockin In The Free World !!!
Just when I thought shit was coming together, someone I rely on goes and lets me down! You see, me and my bass-player have been rehearsing together (drummer-less) for about 8 months or so. We have been (for a while now) looking to put together a 3-piece. Recently an old drummer friend of mine,who I played in a band with for years expressed interest in the project. We got together, talked and he said he was "in". Now it turns out he's just "in the WAY" !! He doesnt return messages or phone calls and is always to busy to rehearse. So there you go, yet another example of how people you rely on will always let you down. Okay maybe not ALWAYS...Im just a little bitter. Ah well.... the search goes on...
15th Sept Cam Nite
Hi there, we hope you liked the party pics from August. Our next lil session will be the 22nd Sept 2007. We have some of our close webcam friends meeting us again for drinks, chat and a lil fun. Last month we did the sushi platter..... this months will be a fruit platter and whipped cream. We will have a masseuse there also to give me a full body warm oil massage. We will post some pics here from the event and of course it will be broadcast on cam for everyone to watch. Wish me luck.... xx Kylie
Another Year Older...
AS I turn a year older, i ralize not how old I'm becoming, but how much time I have left. Last year when I turned 50, I realized that this was only the first half of my life. As I threatened my children to live to 100 just to make their lives miserable, I realize, there's not reason not to live to 100. Not to make their lives miserable but to start enjoying life as it should be. Everyone talks about saving for the "Golden Years", I don't want golden years, I want happy and fun years. We spend too much time reflecting on the the past. We can't change it. Hopefully we have learned from it. Let's move on and enjoy today and each and every day. Live life to the fullest each and every day, love to the fullest today, for tomorrow you may die...
♥ The Greatest Gift ♥
Mum Posted
check out my new mum i need to know what to get for christmas dinner.
I Was Born In Ohio Bitches
Somebody from California apparently wrote the top part, but somebody from OHIO came back and put them on their asses at the bottom. just read all of it! lol CALIFORNIA: - I can wear sandals all year long - I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore" -Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang. - I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and I say them often - I know what real cheese & avocados taste like -Everyone smokes weed and its no big deal -We'll roll up 40 deep when something goes down. -I live next door to Mexicans, but we call them American's! -All the porn you watch is made here, cause we're better and thats how it is - I don't get snowdays off because theres only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear - I know 65 mph really means 100 - When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger and high speed chase cuz we dont fuck aroun
Crazy Day
This has definitely been a weird day here on fubar.... ================================================ fetishfrea...: I have a foot fetish and I was wondering if I may buy a pair of ur socks and a pair of ur sneakers/gym shoes pls?
see it like this i'm 45 year old 5 year divorced now wondering what did i do i try all i can i change alot in 5 year now it all i can do for my other half but stiil girlfriend less why i don't know just tired and alone. that why i'm lonewolfjohn i'm a lonewolf out in this wild world doing all i can so if there a gal out there who as lone as i am come see me we will at less have each other .
To Everyone That Helped Jroxx
now that she won if u could this girl needs r help
I just got back from a whirlwind trip to NYC with a good friend of mine. It was the first time I'd been there, and it's one of the few cities I've never visited so it was about damn time. I was uber-excited about seeing him, he and I go back about 15 years or so, and there's this matter of me saving his life back then... (I'm calling in that debt one day) We went so he could audition for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (missed it by 2 questions, but what the hell, right?). Everyone told me, "oh, it's a great city to visit but you wouldn't want to live there.." BULLSHIT! I would move right into the middle of that madness and love every second of it. I think it fits my ADD. So the hotel was 6 blocks from Times Square, and I spent most of my time staring at everything except what was in front of me. Needless to say, I nearly got cabbed more than a few times. Topped the Empire State Building, played the keyboard from the movie Big in FAO Schwarz, saw Carnegie Hall, MoMA, Carnegie de
So .. anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a very spontaneous person. I get nervous meeting new people in person even though I am quite talkative on the phone and internet... Well.. Last night my son stayed the night with my parents and I hung out with my friend and came home.. well.. I got bored around 3am and there's this guy I have been talking online and on the phone and I agreed to meet up with him... AT 3 EFFIN AM... that definately is not something I usually do.. Kinda dangerous.. I know..but I met him on hotornot and small world because it turned out he dated one of my friends like 9-10 years I guess it was a little safer to meet him?.. well at least that's the excuse I gave myself.. Well anyways.. I had a blast and am really glad I met him.. Hope to see him again soon! enough of my rambles.. =-)
Ok..i Did It!
I just have to say, private nsfw pics suck, so I deleted them all..No more very private folders..Yay! I have decided there will be no more pics like that of me...the ones that are in nsfw now are fairly mild, so that should be good enough. If there is anyone that doesn't want to be a friend because they are gone, feel free to delete me. It was too much of a headache, and I feel much better already..:) Thanks for reading..:)
General Bloggy Goodness
ok, so i stopped driving, moved back to the town i grew up in and, generally, have it ok right now. my now ex-GF was completely full of shit, but i got laid (read old blog!) and since then, well.... this town is a dry well. i think. oh well... plenty of women here, they're just full o' shit. anyways, i have a good job and my comp and internet connection. all i need, yo. clay
Rock On With Ozzy
Best Friends
One of the greatest feelings is to have a Best Friend. Only secondary to that is to introduce two strangers and have them become best friends to each other. Kinda makes me just sit back and smile.
Dont Know
i just wanted to say hi to all my friends and that im sorry i havent been on here but i did miss u all
Climb On The Small Bus Midnight Departure - Read Schedule On Bulliten - Nashville,tn Sept. 07 2007
99 Riders Please Repost Bullitens at least once, Not required but it helps get more people on for the PaRtY Come Jump on Jokers Wild's Small Bus where the only requirement is to have a sense of humor. Unlike Trains and planes this IS A 100% Free Ride. NO RATING REQUIRED NO FANNING REQUIRED NO ADDING REQUIRED NO NEED TO BUY ANYTHING FOR THE DRIVERS You Rate, Add, Comment who you want to and IF you want to THIS BUS RIDE IS ABSOLUTLEY 100% FREE When The Bus is full we will add a second one and another one until we have a small bus convoy ! LOL Note: I will be updating once a day riders on the small bus send a FUBAR E-Mail message and I will get you added on the next bus out Remember Just because you rate someone on this bus is no requirement that they rate you back, This is to see people that may have the same in common with you. There are plenty of Pay Trains if you want points. See the reason behind the Small Bus in my video blog Titled The Small B
** Close **encounters **
.................. and you know who you are.. r u loved now ? GANSTA
Bad Bad Day
Well after my morning nap I was going to start cooking and cleaning as were preparing for a busy weekend I sit down to check email and start some music I start to here some popping and hissing I turn thinking its Rockie (our dog) nope he starts to whine and crowl I then smell it the smell of wires and elect in the air I run to the power box and some thing told me to unplug the broken garbage dispoil and dish washer as I'm doing that I'm dialing 911 as we have an elec fire some here in the kitchen I then grab my wallet, leash, Rockie and bucket of dog food head out side where I tell 911 my address sadly Oahu Fire Department put a bad teast in my mouth as it took them 3 calls before they could get my address right and me screaming at them that my house is unfire or I thougt. Between calls to 911 I'm trying to get in touch of Miles and well his command dropped the ball he didn't get notice of my calls till nearly an hour after the fire department came and told me they can't find the probl
That Kinda Girl
I'm sorry to let you kno, but I am not one of those girls who will get on cam and show all kinds of shit off. Esp. to people I barely kno. Just because I have these pix up, doesnt mean I will... so please stop asking me. Esp. you jerks that are only talking to me BECAUSE of my pix and thats what you want. So, I'm sorry, but if that's all you want... please, just don't bother.
Masturbation Effects
For those of you who may already know I am moving to Mocksville NC. I have been looking online now for about a half hour. My ISP is Compuserve dial up. I cant find any info on this ISP for that area of NC. I have found other ISP'S available there dial up, dsl, etc. Can anyone tell me if Compuserve is available there or not..the Compuserve pages arent help I have tried that a few times now lol. I have also noticed that their are a lot of cheap prices for these ISP'S, probably limited but discovered a lot of them is all lol. I was thinking about PeoplePC instead. Anybody know anything about that? I also want to get the lowest ISP if we decided to go with something other then dial up. Any help would be appreciated.
Rants And Topics
Your title. Hah! You thought I was going to condemn your lifestyle choice didn't you. It's ok, the subject line is a bit misleading. To start, I have no intent on attacking anyone for anything. And the information I'm about to share may be old news to some of you. But I just need to type something, and I love controversial topics. You see, I do not like using the term "lesbian" to describe female homosexuals, even though it is common parlance these days, and even embraced by that community. You see, lesbian is derived from Lesbos, an ancient name for an island near Turkey. I can't remember the exact coordinates, but it's there. Now this island did have a preponderance of rather liberated women, after some civil strife and whatnot. It is also the birthplace of Sappho, a poet who is thought to have written many a poem about the love she shared with other women. Thus why the term became popular. However, it would be more appropriate to name a female homosexual a sapphis
Quotes Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten. It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
10 Tips To Etiquette In Chat Rooms!
Welcome to Gem's guide to chating for nO0bs,geeks and white/black hetro/gay males/females who are generaly far to unatractive in society's eyes due to there actions..... The road ahead is long and tedious and at times cut throat, but if you posess the most basic chat lingo and rules you should be on your way to being accepted by reg's in no time... 1...Upon entering a room you first words should not be... " s m 32 cali ladies press1234 if ur horny " This will automatticly cause you ridicule among the reg's ( a reg is one who frequents a room on a regular basis ) and others in the room. Alternetly the first thing also should not be ... " WHERE ALL DA FAT BITCHES AT " This also will creat a feeling of dislike among chatters 2...Do not randomly ask ppl (people) for their a/s/l we at least expect you to look at out pic ( picture ) and info before you try to talk to us ( yes i am one of the purrdy ppl to ) 3... If one lady/man rejects ur of
Land Of Make Believe...
Wanna play with me?
Once Upon A Time
This is the fairy tale that should have been read to us when we were little: Once upon a time ~~~~~~~~ in a land far away, ~~~~~~~~ a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess ~~~~~~~~ happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle. ~~~~~~~~ The frog hopped into the princess' lap and said: " Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. ~~~~~~~~ One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young prince that I am ~~~~~~~~ and then, my sweet, we can marry ~~~~~~~~ and set up housekeeping in your castle ~~~~~~~~ with my mother, ~~~~~~~~ where you can prepare my meals, ~~~~~~~~ clean my clothe
90`s Kidz
Taste Better! Tesco's Condoms...Every Little Helps! Nike Condoms...Just Do It! Peugeot Condoms...The Ride Of Your Life! New Galaxy Textured Condoms...Why Have Rubber When You Can Have Silk? KFC Condoms...They're Finger Licking Good! Malteser's Condoms.... They Melt In Your Mouth Not In Your Hands! Abbey National Condoms...Because Life Is Complicated Enough! Coca Cola condoms...The Real Thing! Duracell Condoms...You Can Just Keep Going And Going! Pringles Condoms...Once U Pop U Cant Stop! Burger King Condoms...Home Off The Whopper! Goodyear Condoms....For A Long Ride Go Wide! Muller Light Condoms...So Much Pleasure But Wheres The Pain? Flash Condoms...Just Sit Back Relax And Let Flash Do All The Hard Work! Halifords Condoms...We Go The Extra Mile! Andrex Condoms...Soft Strong And Very Long! Renault Condoms...Size Really Does Matter! Carlsberg Condoms...Probably The Best Condom In The World! Pepperami Condoms...Its A Bit Of An Anim
There are angels among us, one for me and one for you. God sent them to watch over us, our whole lives through. I knew that when I met you, I saw a certain spark. you appeared before me, when the world seemed so dark. God must have had me in mind when he gave me a friend like you. He knew I would need advice, and a helping hand or two; Someone to pick me up, when I stumble and fall, when the world seems so horrible and not worth living at all. I have certainly had my days when I needed your hand. I thank God for sending you to me, and for including me in His plan. If you ever need comfort, the way I sometimes do, please think of me, I will always reach out my hand and offer you comfort too. Author Unknown
True Friendship
True friendship isn't seen with the eyes, it is felt with the heart. When there is trust, understanding, loyalty, and sharing. True friendship is a rare feeling, but when it is found It has profound impact on our well-being, strength, and character. True friendship does not need elaborate gifts Or spectacular events in order to be valuable or valued. To ensure long-lasting quality and satisfaction, True friendship only needs a few key ingredients: Undying loyalty, unmatched understanding, unsurpassed trust, Deep and soulful secrets, and endless sharing. These ingredients, mixed with personality and a sense of humor, Can make a friendship last a lifetime! This is just a thank you, my friend, for all the wonderful and colorful Special ingredients You've brought to my life! Author Unknown
Dream Man
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man who's not a creep. One who's handsome, smart and strong, And not afraid to admit when he's wrong. One who thinks before he speaks, And when he says he'll call, doesn't wait six weeks. I pray that he's gainfully employed, And won't lose his cool when he's annoyed. One who pulls out my chair and opens the door, And massages my shoulders and begs to do more. Oh, send me a man who will make love to my mind, And knows what to say when I ask, "How fat is my behind?" One who'll make love till my body's a-twitchin' And bring ME something too, when he goes to the kitchen! A man who will love me for days without end, And never compare me with his old girlfriend. Thank you in advance, and now I'll just wait, For I know you will send him before it's too late!
About Me
Are You An Independent Musician?
Stinkeye Radio is looking for Independent Musicians! Stinkeye Radio supports independent musicians, if you would like your music played on our station feel free to contact us for details on how to get your music on our air waves at
Rember 9/11
LIGHTS ON.....9/11 PLEASE forward this email to everyone in your address book asking them to also forward it. Please join us on 9/11. We have under two weeks to get the word out all across this great land we love and call the United States of America. Let's see how powerful e-mail can be! On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights on during daylight hours. Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by sending this e-mail on to others! REMEMBER! LIGHTS ON.....9/11 Please lets all do this, I know I will
Down Raters
so when sum one downrates u do in turn give them the same rate, a lower one or higher one lol people are so funny lol im honest i never rate ne one less than what they give me what is the proper fubar rules hmmm plz explain sum one lol
Why Do They Think They Know???
Ok so I guess this could be considered a rant or whatever just some shit on my mind and yeah time to get it off. So I got questions for everyone please feel free to answer with your comments and whatever else you feel like saying. Why do people feel they gotta speak on things that they have no fucking idea about?? Why do people gotta be jealous and destructive against things that they envy? Why can't people just happy for one another instead they gotta try and be sneaky and try to put doubts in motherfuckers heads like we just blind and don't see what they are attempting. Anyone that knows me knows I am really not a big internet person. I spent most of my life doing shit that people said I shouldn't and I have usually always handled my issues in my life with a suitable amount of force. I have turned over a new leaf as of late due to my wonderful woman she has helped to change to the man that will be more diplomatic then to just be an aggressor. But things like what I am talking about r
One day your sitting there watching as everything falls in place. The very next moment you look around and friends are gone, lovers are gone, and life has taken everything to the center of hell. I watched in just a matter of moments how a frienship of such a long time was lossed over a miscommunication. How can that be? What was the purpose? Why would you drop something that has alot of value to everyone. Someone who listened, talked to, understood, and mostly shared thoughts ideas and plans with. Its hard to walk away from something that helped you grow and would still help you grow if it was there...
Looking For A Few Good Bombers
Well I've been talking to a few friends and were gonna start our own bombing family and call ourselves the spankers club! Send me a message if your interested or just check out the home page for the ultimate spankers club and leave a message there. Were just a group of people that have become pretty good friends and we would love for you to join us! You dont need to put the title in ur name if you dont want thats up to you. Theres only a few things that i ask though and thats to add the spankers club to your friends list (ive got mine on my family list just easier to find that way) & check the blogs on that page to see who is in a contest or who needs help leveling & do whatever you can to help that person out. We wanna make sure any member that is in a contest gets in first place and stays there!! If your a member and have a friend that needs help send a message with the persons link to the spankers club page and we will get a blog and bulletin set up for that person. If you have any
The Dragon
In the darkness the dragon wakes, to a cold heart the dragon takes. With you by my side the dragon sleeps, on dragon wings, your wishes leap.
Wings In The Wind
Far, far into the distant horizon let's ride forgotten on wings in the wind. Sometime we will surely meet as the charming future Beckons us on. Let's start the journey To a new world, and open the door to a memorable legend
When 2 Shine As 1
In your dreams, magical thoughts… All things are real, unless you dream there not. In your dreams, love is the plot Carried on wings of hope. Each of our souls intertwine when we do. Instantly we see it the time to grow and be it When everything is pinned on a hope. Let rise the dreams of your heart, that innocent youth Careless and kind. Free to roam the breeze in love, only when two brilliantly shine as one.
Beyond The Pain
What lies beyond these days of sorrow? A voice cries out, Awakening the soul of this cold world. Shedding the lonliness of yesterday, i rise once again to face the dawning of a new Era, what is there left for me to believe in now?... as the cries of my soul destroy the darkness, i gase upon a ray of light, guiding the world, and clinging to a dream that will never die.
Did You Ever
Did you ever love someone, yet know, they had no love for you? Did you ever want to cry, yet think, what good would it do? Did you ever gaze into their eyes, and say a silent prayer? Did you ever look real closely, yet see, no love was there? Did you ever see them walking, in the candle light's glow, Thinking, how you love them so, yet, you can never let them know? Please don't fall in love, dear friend, it really doesn't pay, It's not worth the pain and heartache, that it causes every day. Did you ever think of where they are, and wonder if they are being true? One moment, you are walking on the clouds, the next you are sad and blue. Love can be magical, yet can hurt too much, and the price you pay, so high. If I had a choice between love and death, I think I'd choose to die. Please, don't fall in love, dear friend, it will only hurt, before it's through. You see, dear friend, I really know, for I fell in love...with you. ~Goddess_Veronique~
To All My Friends On Fubar
Well I joined fubar because my closest friend Dez told me about the site. If she hadn't I never would of known about it. I must say, I LOVE this site!! At least here I have people that actually talk to me!! Maybe now I can network and make more friends that are not all about using me for one thing or another. So, Dez, thank you so much for the invite to this wonderful site!! I will be sure to pass it on!
Daddy's Poem Her hair was up in a pony tail, Her favorite dress tied with a bow. Today was Daddy's Day at school, And she couldn't wait to go. But her mommy tried to tell her, That she probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, If she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; She knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates Of why he wasn't there today. But still her mother worried, For her to face this day alone. And that was why once again, She tried to keep her daughter home. But the little girl went to school Eager to tell them all. About a dad she never sees A dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, For everyone to meet. Children squirming impatiently, Anxious in their seats One by one the teacher called A student from the class. To introduce their daddy, As seconds slowly passed. At last the teacher called her name, Every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching, For a ma
"check Out This Memeber" Shout And Mail
i'm getting really annoyed at all the mail im getting saying "this is a new member i want you to meet..." Im sure i can find them myself, so whoever you are please stop it! AND THAT INCLUDES YOU BABYJESUS, I love your site but dont pimp it, the magic dies......:)
Come See Us....
Dirty Sex Manovers.....
Spiderman - you're railing a chick from behind and just before you blow your load you pull out and catch it in your hand, the minute she turns around you websling the baby-batter right in her face Angry Dragon, The - Immediately after you blow your load in a girl's mouth, smack the back of her head and make it come out her nose. When she gets up she'll look like an angry dragon. The harder you laugh, the angrier she'll look. Magic. Australian Death Grip - The act of grabbing a woman by the haunches/crotch and staring deeply into her eyes until you're slapped or kissed. A recommended tactic for very crowded bars. Another great opportunity for wagering among friends. The Bronco - Back to reality with this classic. You start by going doggy style and then just when she is really enjoying it, you grab onto her tits as tightly as possible and yell another girl's name. This gives you the feeling of riding a bronco as she tries to buck you off. Dirty Sanchez - While banging a girl
Ok i hate writing these but i need to vent for a minute... What happened to the days where people took pride in their work??? The days where people went to work busted their asses off all day then go home tired and wore out... Leaving they know they did their job well... I know there are still people out there like that... I am one of them afterall... I just don't understand why a lot of people these days just think they can goto work stand there all day only to watch the few good employees to pick up the slack... what is happening to society is a better question... why are the people becoming so lazy??? lol i got tons of answers for that one... It's a sad realization, but there pretty much is no more pride in people... Seems like the only pride people see anymore is the pride they get when they screw someone over for personal gain... It's just a shame to watch what is becoming of people... I guess the movie Idiocracy holds more truth to it then i thought... The next time that you are
Hmmmm Wonder Where My Url To My Blogs Are?
hmmm was wondering why my blogs urls aren't on my main page , I was thinking maybe they are to Naughty to be on here!!! Oh well more to come If u go to the top bar look up the top blogs u will find mine there are still here , With more to come more naughty ones very soon Been one hell of a summer !!! Hope u all enjoy...Redqueenbbw xoox thanks for all the fubar luvin !!!!!
Should you be friends with some one whom tells you that they are gonna be there when you need them.. Or should you break it off due to the fact that the friend stood you up.. knowing that you were needing to go some were for an employment interview. And even when you offer to pay them cash for the time... What would you do. ?? A.) stay friends or B.) go seperate ways
I Know Where You Live. Comment Bomb Her, Now!
Kimmy@ fubar
Woot Im Sexy Again
well ive been workin out for the past 4 months and let me tell u im back to my highschool size when i was all buff and stuff. i blew up to 220lb and relized i had to make a change. well now im 170lb and by the next 2 months i should be 165 solid again im more of soft concreat at the moment lol had to burn the fat then build the lean. ill post pic of befor and after her soon and im sry for not being on so long but hey im workin out...
Duckies Pond
...duke Jone's 1st Blog From Hell ??...
.... hi fubar reader's.... i'm an old school blogger, viewer, and you could say just a perv??.... YES!!...but a perv??... long ago i dreamed walking around with a p.c. the size a pack of smokes !!.... looking & picking up on women and getting laided ??....with this small thing !!....well i have my black~berry and have a lap~top and use them too have sex ??.... yes some of you use for work or games i use my p.c.'s for getting my nuts off and i'm freaking good at it ??....i've live all over the world and these great united states !!.... and there are women all over doing the same ??....i'm not into little girls or kids i'm in to older women and maybe some slutty 27 year-olds or older!!.... i just love it??.....hope too blog and meet some women here and GALS if you are in the L.A. area and want a man too make you hott drop me a e-mail.... love you duke jones.....
Him Tour Dates I'll Be There Will You?!?!?!
Oct. 18 - Sayreville, NJ - Starland Ballroom Oct. 21 - Worcester, MA - The Palladium Oct. 24 - Toronto, ON - The Docks Nightclub and Concert Theatre Oct. 25 - Chicago, IL - Congress Theatre Oct. 26 - St Louis, MO - The Pageant Oct. 27 - Maplewood, MN - Myth Oct. 30 - Omaha, NE - Sokol Auditorium Oct. 31 - Kansas City, MO - Uptown Theater Nov. 02 - Denver, CO - Ogden Theatre Nov. 06 - Calgary, AB - MacEwan Hall Nov. 07 - Edmonton, AB - Edmonton Event Centre Nov. 09 - Vancouver, BC - Croatian Cultural Centre Nov. 10 - Seattle, WA - Showbox Nov. 11 - Portland, OR - McMenamins Crystal Ballroom Nov. 13 - San Francisco, CA - The Warfield Nov. 14 - Los Angeles, CA - Orpheum Theatre Nov. 17 - Las Vegas, NV - The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel Las Vegas Nov. 20 - Dallas, TX - The Palladium Ballroom Nov. 21 - Houston, TX - Warehouse Live Nov. 23 - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Revolution Nov. 24 - Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live Orlando Nov. 25 - Atlanta, GA - The Tabernacle Nov. 28 - Myrtle
You Have A Sexual Iq Of 131
You have a sexual IQ of 131 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
I have 6 tattoos. I wanna know where you all got yours and where on your person.
Words Of Wisdom
Life is short.. Break the rules... Forgive quickly... Kiss slowly... Love truly.... Laugh uncontrollably... Never regret anything that made you smile.. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance....
As We Grow..
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Yes I'm A Newbie
Ok, where do i start? Well this is my second or third day doing the fubar thing. I have a few pals who are on it, so I figured i would try. I am a Married 38 yearold Musician From The Dayton Ohio Area, I will soon be moving to the State of Virgina with my wife and our children. I play in a band called Sizter Machyne. We are opening for Drowning Pool The Exies and 2Cents come September 27th @ The Madison theater in Covington Kentucky. visit or Ladys who hit on me? your all cool, My wife is awesome, she has no jealous by any means, and would more N Likely hit on you also (I'm not kidding) This whole fubar process is really new to me, so forgive me if I don't respond to you all right away or the other whacky stuff that comes with this so far awesome website. Thank you all. Jade Blizzy Boston
Informational Videos
Official Trailer for AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM This is just what in in included in the actual film below this one. FULL VERSION
I Really Need Help Now!!! Please!!!!
I didn't realize it started, but I need help in a VIP contest!! Pretty Pretty Please..otherwise I will lose it..:( Anything you can do ..:) Click the pic and comment the heck out of me..:)
Leveling Juju
There was this drunk who said to the bartender, "I want a woman!" so the bartender gave him directions to a place. The drunk was so messed up that he couldn't remember where the bartender told him to go. So he accidently walks into a Foot Doctor's office. The lady at the counter asks, "Can I help you?" he Drunk says, "Yes, I want some service." So the lady replies, "Go in the other room and put it on the table." So the drunk goes and puts his dick on the table. The lady comes in and says, "That's not a foot!" The drunk replies, "Give it time, lady, Give it time."
Why Marry
I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste. David Bissonette When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Sacha Guitry After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. Hemant Joshi By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.Socrates Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them. Dumas The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want? Sigmund Freud I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. Anonymous "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." Henny Youngman "I
Tony Braxton
You're Makin Me High~ by Toni Braxton I'll always think of you Inside of my private thoughts I can imagine you Touching my private parts With just the thought of you I can't help but touch myself That's why I want you so bad Just one night of moonlight With you there beside me all night Doin' it again and again You know I want you so bad Baby, baby, baby Ooooh, I get so high When I'm around you baby I can touch the sky You make my temperature rise You're making me high Baby, baby, baby, baby Can't get my mind off you I think I might be obsessed The very thought of you Makes me want to get undressed I want to be with you In spite of what my heart says I guess I want you too bad All I want is moonlight With you there beside me All night, doin' it again and again You know I want you so bad Baby, baby, baby Ooooh, I get so high When I'm around you baby I can touch the sky You make my temperature rise Oh boy You're making me high Baby, baby
Its Our Time
let fubar show you the way
Today was a very slow day at work and I had a lot of time to think about things and life. I tend to think a lot anyway but what can you do. So back to the subject at hand, what is happiness? Hopefully I'll get a lot of comments about this and I think I'll get a wide varity of definitions for it. To me happiness is having a geat woman at home that you can't wait to get off work and go home to, even after being maried for 20 years. It's having that job that you get up in the morning and actually look forward to going to. The feel that you have found your place in the world and you doing what you are meant to do in life. Don't get me wrong I am happy in my life but I am lacking happiness. I'm not sure if that majkes any sense but it's all I could think of to explain it. So let's hear it peoplpe what gives you happiness in life? Pass this along to your friends. please.
Attention Whore
LOL ok now this is some funny stuff!!! I think we have all been there... looked at someones profile and not done anything .. ie rate comment etc... well check out this comment I got just cause I didn't do anything for her! LOL check it out!!! LOL How should I respond to this??? I mean she did give me points by leaving me a comment! LMAO
Truth About Dragons
As soon as I am done with my entry I will post it. SO sorry.
Nelly &tim Mcgraw Over Over Again
Fake People
why do certain people use them to get points and upgraded and leave them to find some one else to to do the same thing. if you get married to some one it should mean something .But i see its not feelings its points
For The Girls On Fubar Like Sisters To Me Reba Mcentire 's Song
Dj Moaner
I walk into the room...and there you are..staring at me..your eyes are intense, knowing. I walk towards you and you hold out your take me into your arms, and kiss me...hard and with passion. You pull me close, and I feel your erection against my body. You lead me away from all the people, and into your room...Your lips are soft against my skin, you kiss my neck...and I wake up. It is very frustrating when you know you are getting to something good...and well it stops...hopefully you will come back to me tonite.... Hugs and kisses, Kitty
New Account
just to give everyone a heads up. im going to be creating a new account. my current account has been running into too many errors. let me know if you want the link to the new one. ask via private message and ill send the link in your shoutbox. easy enough.
Hop On The Small Bus - Fast Departure Running From The Law - St Louis, Mo - Sept 08 2007
118 Riders Please Repost Bullitens at least once, Not required but it helps get more people on for the PaRtY Come Jump on Jokers Wild's Small Bus where the only requirement is to have a sense of humor. Unlike Trains and planes this IS A 100% Free Ride. NO RATING REQUIRED NO FANNING REQUIRED NO ADDING REQUIRED NO NEED TO BUY ANYTHING FOR THE DRIVERS You Rate, Add, Comment who you want to and IF you want to THIS BUS RIDE IS ABSOLUTLEY 100% FREE When The Bus is full we will add a second one and another one until we have a small bus convoy ! LOL Note: I will be updating once a day riders on the small bus send a FUBAR E-Mail message and I will get you added on the next bus out Remember Just because you rate someone on this bus is no requirement that they rate you back, This is to see people that may have the same in common with you. There are plenty of Pay Trains if you want points. See the reason behind the Small Bus in my video blog Titled The Small
This Will Make You Laugh
Some People On Fubar Are Seriously Fucked Up
Why in the world would someone want to mumm about haveing sex with a family member. Joke or not, that is fucked up. Some people are just to stupid for words and staight up sick.
Not On Do To Surgery!
Sorry to all my friends and fans and family members out there! Im not ignoring you all or neglecting you! I recently as in Friday August 31 under went and unexpected or actually rather more quickly schedule than expected hysterectomy. I came home on the second which was a Sunday and Im doing good still lots of pain. But Im doing good! Its been exactly one week to day since I had it and every one keeps telling me that Im pushing it because Im back up on my feet and runnin here and there as i usually did picking up my god daughter and playing with her like nothing happened. Though I am very much feeling it to day and kind of regreting it. I guess its relaxation tomorow like my hubby has asked me kindly to do since I came home from the hospital on Sunday (the 2nd). So far he hasnt made me and keeps telling me he dont want to have to make me cause he know im not one to sit still but he will if he has to...LOL He will to! Thats why I love him he takes care of me he was there throu
Hmmm I think this is correct But it could be wrong.
More About Me!
93, I am a Thelemite..would like to meet like minded. I live in C. WI. My interest are BDSM,Music. (rap, oldies.rock,HM,blues,and some clasical. No Jazz! I like reading "Stephen King" ..king is the only Fiction I will read! I always laugh..I hate bad moods and can always look on the bright side. I hate television..with a couple exceptions..Family Guy..Southpark.. Forensic files, Hist channel.etc,Weather Channel, some re-runs of old sitcoms..(seinfield..frasier..will and grace..king of queens..still standing)..oh and I like the comedy channel.. and certain shows on animal planet!! -To be very clear..TV for me is # 2 to music and discussion!!!! I use it to sleep! It is my goal is to push myself to the line before death. I will leave the rest for later.
New Account Link
heres the new link
High Tech
A man walked into a very high-tech restaurant in a fancy hotel. As he waited to be seated, he noticed that the Maitre D' was a robot. The robot clicked to attention and said, "Sir, there is a one hour wait. And I am programmed to converse with you until a table is ready, If you please." Intrigued, the man said, "OK." The robot clicked a couple more times and then asked, Sir, what is your IQ?" The man answered, "Oh, about 164." The robot then proceeded to discuss the theory of relativity, Interstellar space travel, the latest medical breakthroughs, etc. The man was most impressed. The next day he returned, But thought he would try a different tack. The robot again asked, "What is your IQ, sir?" This time the man answered, "Oh, about 100". So the robot started discussing NASCAR racing, the latest basketball Scores, and what to expect the Red Sox to do this weekend. The guy had to try it one more time. So the next day he returned. Again the robo
Fireman Sex
A FIREMAN came home from work one day and told his wife, "You know, we have a wonderful system at the fire station: BELL 1 rings and we all put on our jackets, BELL 2 rings and we all slide down the pole, BELL 3 rings and we're on the fire truck ready to go. "From now on when I say BELL 1, I want you to strip naked. When say BELL 2, I want you to jump in bed. And when I say BELL 3, we are going to make love all night." The next night he came home from work and yelled, " BELL 1!" The wife promptly took all her clothes off. When he yelled "BELL 2!", the wife jumped into bed. When he yelled "BELL 3!", they began making love. After a few minutes the wife yelled "BELL 4!" "What the hell is BELL 4?" asked the husband? "ROLL OUT MORE HOSE," she replied, "YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR THE FIRE.
Sex I.q. Test
You have a sexual IQ of 157 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Finding Nowhere
this a letter from a friend of mines band!! PLEASE help them out and go vote for them!!! they are awesome!!! Guys we have entered a contest called the Best Band in Denver. This could be a huge opportunity for us. We are competing against 200 or so local acts. The way the whole deal works is that all the songs entered can be found on just click the best band in denver link. You will here a bunch of bullshit hardcore and really lame metal acts as well as a few good bands. We happen to be one of the few good bands but need your support. Fans can listen to the music and after registering YOU can vote for who makes it to the Battle. The top 18 acts, thats the 18 bands with the most votes, get to play in a battle of the bands here in denver. WE NEED YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR DOG, EVEN PEOPLE YOU LOATH to help us out. Please help make our dreams a reality, Vote for The Moment by finding nowhere. FN
So I'm taking a fubar survey about auto advertising and part of it asks you to watch a video. The stupid thing wouldn't play!!! So I couldn't continue and I loose out. I haven't been able to complete a survey yet!
Tattoo Contest
a contest just started and i woult luv it if everyone can come and help me out..i wanna at least try to stay in the top of the contest.. so please come and help me thanks ur friend slip
Top 17 Most Fatal Things To Say To A Pregnant Woman.
17. "I finished the Oreo's." 16. "Not to imply anything, but I don't think the kid weighs forty pounds." 15. "Y'know, looking at her, you'd never guess that Pamela Lee had a baby." 14. "I sure hope your thighs aren't gonna stay that flabby forever." 13. "Well, couldn't they induce labor? The 25th is the SuperBowl." 12. "Darned if you ain't about five pounds away from a surprise visit from that Richard Simmons fella." 11. "Fred at the office passed a stone the size of a pea. Boy, that's gotta hurt." 10. "Whoa! For a minute there, I thought I woke up next to Willard Scott!" 9. "I'm jealous. Why can't men experience the joy of childbirth?" 8. "Are your ankles supposed to look like that?" 7. "Get your *own* ice cream." 6. "Geez, you're awfully puffy looking today." 5. "Got milk?" 4. "Maybe we should name the baby after my secretary, Tawney." 3. "Man! That rose tattoo on your hip is the size of Madagascar!" 2. "Retaining water? Yeah, like the Hoo
Its Not About Oil.
If its about oil why didn't we take out Canada or Venezuela? They both have more oil than Iraq and it would be A LOT easier and closer to home.
Thank You All
Just had my first HH and would like to thank all my new friends and fans. I promise I will get around to you all in turn to return all the love I've received. Finally a very special thank you to Shell. You are my rock, my world and my best friend. I love you to bits and sometimes don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you for being you :D Paul xx
Going To Connecticut
Work is sending me to Waterbury, Ct for a few days at the end of Sept. Does anyone know if there is anything to do there in the evenings or am I going to be stuck sitting around the hotel?
Hater Sermon
Book of Haters Chapter 1 Book 1, "And yea and verily I sayeth unto you removeth thine nose from the business of thine neighbor and forsooth and with dispatch findeth some business of thine own.  For it is written that if ye have a mind that is vast in its apprehension then thou shalt pondereth upon concepts and ideas, if thou hast a mind that is middling in its capacity then thou shalt pondereth upon things material, and if thou hast a mind as small in its span and heft as a turnip seed then thou shalt pondereth upon the affairs of others. Be not a hater for the life of a hater is long but their joys are like a persimmon, never sweet and apt to cause the screw face."
A few things: My cousin is 7 weeks pregnant. Her first baby. Congrats girl. I am working all the time. That is why I have no time to leave comments on friends' profiles. In fact I have to work the entire weekend until Tuesday night. I found the wedding dress of my dreams yesterday at David's Bridal. I must get with my mom to see this dress. I know she will absolutely love it. Sorry I can't post the dress. My fiance would see it and not be surprised. Bad luck. One of my friends is waiting for her second baby to be born. I hope I don't miss it, but I might because of work. Congrats to you Rachel. I know you feel bad right now and can't wait to get him out. lol. I am very much in love with my fiance. We have been living together 5 months now. Wow. Finally getting used to that. Wonder if marriage is going to be any different. Hmmm. Maybe/maybe not. Time for bed now folks. Muahhh. Have a great day.
When You Love Someone
How do you know that you love someone? Is it that tight feeling you get in your stomach? Is that need to be with them as much as you can? 10/02/07 To love him with all your heart and know you may never have him? Yet you keep hoping and dreaming of the day you become one.
Warning!!! .................V .IMPT!! If any-one sends you a bulletin titled..."Mom made me delete"....DON'T open it or forward has a keylogger code within the HTML designed to access both yr MS and e-mail passwords. Plz re-post.
Teena's Blog Of Life!
this is my first blog. dont have a whole lot to say. just wanted to start out and say hi to everyone.
Football Game
Last nite my son had a football game. It started @ 7:30, we were ahead 6-0 at the half time. When halftime was all most over they anounce that the game is delayed because of lightening. Yeah, it still hadn't rained which was fantastic, but had been lightening quite a bit. So this was almost 9:30, Tiger says wanna just go home? they are going to call it anyways. I'm like sure .. if they start back up my sister can call us. So we end up bringing my bestest friends daughter home with us because she doesn't like the lightening much and she wanted to see Colton anyways. Sitting here at home dinking around and was thinking geesh I should go to bed, had been watching the radar and didn't think we'd start back up. Well about 20 after 10 my sis calls and says.. the games back on they are on the field warming up. So we headed back up to the school. We won 28-0!! Didn't get to bed till after 12 got up at 5:30am for work and had woke up a couple times in the middle of the nite :/ Needles
New Contest
Stop The Hate
People People!! What is this world coming too? There is so much hate in it it makes me afraid of what it is gonna be like when our kids grow up... What does it matter if you look like budha or Chyna...everyone is beautiful on the inside and that is where it matters most...Most people judge a book by its cover without getting to know the pages in between..and more often than none they miss a very good do me a favor....for no reason at all...Give Someone a Hug today and Wish Them Well..........
Made By Firerose - Beautiful
Friends And Not...
thank you 4 helping me to level
Wtf Am I Doing Wrong?
Ok, so I have written some mumms about my ex husband. Well, I called him again today and well I was kind of a bitch, ok well I was a bitch on his voicemail. Not even 5 min later the phone rings and its him. So I proceed to tell him what I had in mind and it was like his attitude completely was like I was this horrible person that had nothing to do with anyone for years and then i want to walk back into someone's life. That is not even how things went!!! I have wanted and tried to be there, but everytime I start getting close again I get pushed away and it turns into I am this horrible person. I may not have the money, but I do the best I can as a mother to my kids. I am sooooo damn sorry if you and everyone else dont want to see that. I make an effort to talk to MY children too and you cant even call me to let me know what is going on with them. I could call you DAILY and NEVER ONCE hear from you, oh wait I have done that. I dont hear from you until weeks later and then I
Help Needed !!!
have a 99.99% need to get to next level please come rate fan add etc will repay all ;~) thanx
These Guys Rock The Heavy Metal Scene In Cincy
This Public service announcement is brought too u by ur local apothed_in_cincy :P if u like Metal; plz goto this site: and sign guest book; lead singer was a high school buddy; would mean alot too me and tell them Chad sent u; but listen too the 3 songs before u sign. This is thier myspace page 4 different songs show them the kind of FuBar Luv u show everyday
Venting Part 2
Ok so last night I couldn't sleep. There was alot of drama going on and apparently still is. I had to deal with my gf and sister and their sibling arguing on who had something. Apparently my gf or her brother had it. Well I know my gf doesn't have the "thing" because yesterday morning I told her to use the thing instead of our thing and she said she didn't have it, she gave it to her brother to put back apparently. Now if my gf had it I would of made her give it back cus everyday I hear the two sisters bickering about something. If its not one thing its another. So when it got really out of hand I told my gf if she has it she better give it back cus I don't want them constantly arguing. She swore to me she didn't have it so I left to go vent. She came and found me eventually on the porch just sitting and thinking and told me to come inside and everything was fine. Ok so a handful of hours later I go to the store for my gf, I come back and there is more drama apparently. My gf comes and
Now Life Is Really Sucking Big
Well had to renew my welfare yesterday. Reported the 125 that a friends of mine is putting into my account from her navy pay. They are taking the full 125 out of my check. This money is what was allowing me to get close to paying rent still had to borrow a few dollars from friends or home I got enough out of recycling. But no I am going to be short of rent again. So may be looking at an eviction in the near future. Hope something comes up to help but right now my depression is beating my anti-depression medicen.
Moved Out
Why is it that people say one thing and do something completely different. I am tired of all the games and mind games. Why cant someone be honest for petes sake.Is it that hard to that person what kind of person you are looking for ect. I want someone who is honest and very mature. Is that hard to ask for. What happen to all the mature people and decent ones.
If I Ruled The World
1 My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones. 2 My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through. 3 My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of my dungeon. 4 Shooting is not too good for my enemies. 5 The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness. 6 I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them. 7 When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No." 8 After I kidnap the beautiful princess, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in thre
Whats Wrong With This Country
The problem with this country is us. I think alot, probably too much. I believe I have the answer to most of this countries problems. I'd run for office but my past (and sometimes current) exploits would preclude that in our 2 party system. So since I may never get the chance, I've decided to lay out my platform and let some squeeky-clean wasp from New Hampshire take the ball and run with it. 1. The Economy; We're being destroyed by our trade deficit, I think the answer to this one is simple. (and please correct me if I'm wrong.) Tarriffs never work, (tarriffs are taxes you add to the price of something before it arrives to "level" the playing field.) What we need is a simple policy change, if 25% of your goods are sold here, than 25% of your manufacturing will be here. whatever your total sales are to the American market, that's the total of your production that will be based here. 2. Taxes; This idea is not mine, but I believe in it so strongly I've adopted it. A national s
Cowboy - Other
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN RANCH OWNER A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she placed an ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand. Two cowboys applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She thought long and hard about it, and when no one else applied she decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk. He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours every day and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks the two of them worked hard and the ranch was doing very well. Then one day, the rancher's widow said "You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great. You should go into town and kick up your heels." The hired hand readily agreed and went into town on Saturday night. He returned around 2:30 am , and upon entering the room, he found the rancher's widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass
Check This Out
The Mumm I just posted got pulled and I got this: (The one saying I off to Egypt) A mum you have posted has been removed by the 'fubar' admins. This mum was removed because it was either offensive or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) in nature. Please read the Terms Of Service. NSFW CONTENT IS NOT ALLOWED in the public areas of 'fubar'. This mum removal has been recorded and your account will be deleted if it happens again. Anyone know why or how this can happen? You seen the problems one person is having with a staker and they are still on Fubar? I'm confussed.
Hot Or Not
do u think im hot or not yes no
Down Raters .. Reap What You Sow
DOWN RATERS BEWARE … you reap what you sow here … go ahead down rate me all you want … but to belittle salutes and/or pics of support that’s just not right … I don’t ask that you believe as I do … but I was raised that if you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all … oh and please don’t get all pissy when we come to you to show you some luv in return … THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY
Walmart Shoppers
Ok those of you that know me know I hate Walmart. I am politically against there practices concerning censorship of music and movies, and there questionable labor practices, and on top of that the places are a mad house of rednecks and chaos and smell. I generally avoid them like the plauge but around Christmas when ever store is hell I went against my normal practice of never shopping there and stopped in to pick up a couple of Christmas items. I took my daughter with me handed her $40 and sent her on her way to do some shopping of her own while I filled the last of my list. Anyway, she was wearing her Elment A440 shirt. Those of you who know Element know the shirt I am talking about. The front of the shirt in large letters says "FUCK YOUR GOD" on it. I had heard a story from one of the band members that he had been kicked out of a Walmart for wearing this shirt and not sure what Walmart it was but it must be true. My daughter took off on her own and got harrassed by several W
Married Men
i recently came into a situation with so called "single" man that has turned out disasterous. this man professed love for me and was even intending to move in and start a real relationship. i recently receieved a call from his "wife". she has threatened to come kick my ass an cause problems for me. i stopped talking to him a long time ago yet his wifey still calls and threatens me. if yu shout me i will give you his name so you might avoid the same situation.i hint he is from tenn.please let all the women on here know
Heres A Thought!!!
How many of you have had innocent pictures marked as nsfww by some dumbass who has nothing better to do than cause trouble for you????? Like who hasn't seen cleavage or naked women before omfg like some people are really offended by nudity !! Please give me a break we all come into the world and most of us leave it naked!!! So wether people believe it or not we spend alot of time nude get a reality check here people (I) have tits so what!!!
♥to Join Club Far♥
CLUB F.A.R IS NO...DRAMA !!!!!!!!!!!! First for all those who dont know what Club F.A.R. stands for, here it is. "F.=FAN / A.=ADD / R.=RATE (Just the Profile Page)". All Club members "MUST DO ALL 3" to all other members. You must take note of those that do not accept a Friend or Add or do not Rate you and report to one of the Owners, so that we may regulate and check members. We dont want to here that you dont Fan Add or Rate people. If there is another member for whatever reason you have a problem with you must address this to Boricua God~daddy. All current and new Club F.A.R. Members must do or be the following 1. Have the whole name Club F.A.R. some where in their names. We dont discriminate, you may also stay in your other families, but if your other families do not want Club F.A.R. in your name, We will appreciate if you bow out of the family instead of being removed. 2. You must at least be a level 5 3. You must have a SALUTE pic 4. We expect yo
What The Heck?
I'm new to this bar and I keep getting lost because I can't seem to see over all these people thats on the dance floor. You can say I'm really enjoying myself. I just wish I would have made my friends tag along. Thankz for all the free drinks and OMG I have to PEE! Oh one more thing before I race off, you guys are always invited at my small little table near the vibrating speakers. I gotta GO!
First Gay Experience
First gay experience Well my first gay experience happened like this: I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him. Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot f
For all of you who have foot fetishes....check out my ebay posting....
Words of Hate Carved in Stone Never to be taken back A heavy weight Around my neck Another cross to bear Words should never hurt Or so we are to believe But words cut deep And hurt so much Whether giver or receiver be These words will stay with me Till my dying day The words that broke my heart.
If Only
If I only had one life I would live it with you If I only had a dollar Id half it with you If I only had one drink I would buy two straws If I had only one meal Id share it with you If I only had a minute left Id spend it with You
How To Make A Woman Very Happy And It's True
how to make a woman happy, so fucking true Body: How to Make a Woman Happy It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: 1. a friend 2. a companion 3. a lover 4. a brother 5. a father 6. a master 7. a chef 8. an electrician 9. a carpenter 10. a plumber 11. a mechanic 12. a decorator 13. a stylist 14. a sexologist 15. a gynecologist 16. a psychologist 17. a pest exterminator 18. a psychiatrist 19. a healer 20. a good listener 21. an organizer 22. a good father 23. very clean 24. sympathetic 25. athletic 26. warm 27. attentive 28. gallant 29. intelligent 30. funny 31. creative 32. tender 33. strong 34. understanding 35. tolerant 36. prudent 37. ambitious 38. capable 39. courageous 40. determined 41. true 42. dependable 43. passionate 44. compassionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 45. give her compliments regularly 46. love shopping 47. be honest 48. be very rich 49. not stress her out 50. not look at
Everytime We Touch
Everytime We Touch I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch in my dreams. Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why. Without you it's hard to survive. Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly. Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my heart beat so. I can't let you go. Want you in my life. Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry. The good and the bad times, we've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall. Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly. Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my heart
Jokers Wild Short Bus
TAKE A RIDE ON THE SHORT BUSClick the picture to catch the next bus What's UP! Hey everyone! If you like REAL people and want to hang with the coolest around, ask Jokers wild to put you on the next bus out! They are filling up fast!!! After you hop on a bus check out the short bus lounge where once you subscribe to the lounge you can hang with the rest of the helmet wearing HOTTIES... and us window licking guys. In the lounge made for real people by real people you can bullshit, post links to funny shit (Like my stashes *Hint* *Hint*) or post some pictures (Like Fat Sonny's photo shops). It's a fun place to get over the worries and troubles of every day life (with some good music :D) So strap on your helmet and enjoy the ride. There will be random contest for best photoshop, funniest stash video, funniest Joke etc... The prizes can range from a free t-shirt from FUCKING INSANE T-SHIRTS , free paid gold account for the year to My Babe ,blasts etc.. So stop in every day to sa
Gm's Reply To Bill Gates...nice One
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon." In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating: "If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics (and I just love this part, esp 7th point and 10'th point): 1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day. 2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. 3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would sim
The Dinity Memorial Moving Viet Nam Vet Wall.
On Tuesday afternoon a couple hundred bikers from the area escorted into the town the Dinity Viet Nam Vet memorial moving wall. the truck was pimped out to carry the wall place to place for everyone to see the 1/4 scale of the wall in DC.Not everyone can go to DC to see this memorial. The hush was enough to deafen you. On Thursday night it was all up and flowers put in the ground and blessed. I got the first glimpse of it and suddenly my heart dropped. It was 5 to 9 pm. It was dark and all the lights were on. At nine taps started and the tears started and i started to sob. A vet put his hand on my back and pulled me in for a hug... now i don't know this vet but he knew my pain. I walked to the ramp to the wall and stopped and said a prayer before i stepped up on sacred ground.By the time i got to the corner of the wall i was in tears yet again. because in the corner they have the panel that explains that the names etched into stone was in order of when they were killed in action or wh
Thought These Lyrics Are Awesome Written By Page And Plant Called Thank You
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. Kind woman, I give you my all, Kind woman, nothing more. Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by. My love is strong, with you there is no wrong, together we shall go until we die. My, my, my. An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see. And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles, Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one. Happiness, no more be sad, happiness....I'm glad. If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.
there is a member of fubar that tried to steal my man, that is upstatehotlips, ladies beware
Random Bloggings
I haven't posted a blog in a long freaking time, and I was bored so I decided, why the hell not? There really is no point to this. Just something to fill time. It's really freaking hot in my house and that blows. Might as well walk around naked. Not that I am gonna. Although I wouldn't mind, naked is fun. I think the heat is making me delusional. I just might go to sleep instead of forcing myself through this. Although it might be too hot to sleep. Maybe I will try the basement, after all heat rises so it should be cooler there. Umm do something like rate it, comment it or something. No really though, Go rate and comment all my pictures and I would buy you a blast or something, haha.
For Josh
Hey! My online Man: Key boards typing back and fourth confort shared with in our words. Lay me down and hold me tight with in twilight glow with you tonight. Come and be by my side lay with me til moon is high. Whisper soft nothing in my ear even when you call me dear. When you are not on I feel so alone no keyboards typing back and fourth. No confort share with any words. No dreams of lay me down and hold me tight. Moon comes and goes and still no word from you tonight. Then I awake and I guess I see it was just all a dream and you were not even real because if you were I would be typing back and fourth but instead there silence in the twilight glow of me and you tonight I guess no more.
Playlist Code
Heya Folk, Really Just stashing this code here - But LUV Your Luv!!! LOL Eugene
Neo Mastiff
Hello, I just got a neo mastiff a week ago and wanted to see if there are mastiff owners on fubar. Hit me up
Hornyscopes!! AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 Ruling Planet: URANUS. The God of unexpected sexual twists and turns Aquarians make much better friends than lovers, but when a typical Aquarian gets some bang-bang, it's more an intellectual experience than an emotional one. Looks aren't important to Aquarians in a relationship, it's the mind and spirit of a lover that turns Aquarius on.They are very entertaining in bed and are probably the most inventive of all the signs.Mental stimulation is more important to them than physical, which means that pornography gets them hot! Aquarians are impatient and like sex to be fast and satisfying. They are very particular about hygiene and contraception and sleeping around holds little interest for them. FAVE POSITION Mutual masturbation. BEST SEX TOY A Dildo. Whether gay, straight, male or female, Aquarians will have some fun with this. AQUARIUS MALE IN BED He has amazing staying power in the sack. He can keep at it and control hims
My Stories
Sitting on the edge of a cloud, he watched her. He was her guardian, Aubrey, the one sent to watch over her and guide her through life’s journey. She was crying again, her body bleeding and bruised, she soon fell asleep, consumed by her own exhaustion; this was when he could help her the most. The girl’s dreams were beautiful, she had everything a little girl could ever hope for and was always so happy. There was never any pain or sorrow when she was dreaming, they couldn’t hurt her here. As he watched her play in her perfect dreamland his heart ached, he knew that it wouldn’t last, that when she awoke the pain and suffering would set in again. His once majestic wings seemed somewhat withered at the thought of what this girl goes through, but he was at least happy that he could bring her the joy that he did. With the sunrise, the girl got up and fixed the breakfast for her family. He cringed as she was hit for simple mistakes, or simply because they felt like hitting her, bu
Life On The Road
I finally got a promotion with my company after trying for 11 years and I love my new position, but have been on the road almost for 2 months since I started this position in July of this year. The only downside on it is I am by myself and miss my family and wish they could enjoy seeing some of the things I have seen over the last two months. I have driven to Los Angeles twice now and getting ready to make the drive again on Monday, if anyone ever gets the chance to make that drive down I70 from Denver to LA I recommend doing it cause the sites are amazing all the mountains, rivers and valleys you get to see are just incredible. The one thing that impressed me the most was coming into Las Vegas around 10 at night and popping up on top of this ridge and then just seeing the lights of the city as it stretchs across the valley for miles is something to see.
Nsfw Writings And Other
How to Eat Pussy*or Everything You Need to Know About Cunnilingus But You Were Too Busy Picking the Hairs Out of Your Teeth to Ask Eating pussy can be one of the most wonderful things you can do for a woman (or so I read on the cover of Cosmo). It makes her feel appreciated, respected, desirable, and has the potential to give her an orgasm that will shatter glass, raise the dead, even wake you in the next room. Besides, lots of women expect it these days, and men who perform great oral sex are always in demand. If you gain a reputation as an expert, many classy, attractive women, way out of your league, may overlook your other shortcomings. Just kidding, but it gives us an excuse to talk more about vaginas. The vagina is a mystery to most men. It's hidden away. Taken out only for special occasions and then quickly put back into hiding. Like an english muffin, its full of nooks and crannies and tastes best slathered in melted butter. For something so complex you'd think there wou
*Kiss on the stomach-----"lets do it" *Kiss on the Forehead ----"i hope we"re together forever" *Kiss on the Ear ---"I"m horny" *Kiss on the Cheek ---"We"re friends" *Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you" *Kiss on the Neck ---"we belong together" *Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you" *Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you" OR "I want you
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs tell others !!
Holy crap are we obsessed with food? Get out doors and away from your computers folks! Try some freaking vegetables instead of that Big Mac! Seriously, are all of your mirrors broken? It's an epidemic, don't believe me, then go through all the members here on Fubar, and tell me there's not a problem. I think all the fit ones are either in jail or off fighting for oil! Take a walk, it'll do you good, maybe even save your life!
Family Problems!!!
Two men, one American and a Bangladeshi, were sitting in a bar drinking shot after shot.The Indian man said to the American: "You know my parents are forcing me to get married to this so called homely girl from a village whom I haven't even met once. We call this arranged marriage. I don't want to marry a woman whom I don't love... I told them that openly and now have a hell lot of family problems." The American said, talking about love marriages... I'll tell you my story: I married a widow whom I deeply loved and dated for 3 years. "After a couple of years, my father fell in love with my step-daughter and so my father became my son-in-law and I became my father's father-in-law.Legally now my daughter is my mother and my wife my grandmother.More problems occurred when I had a son. My son is my father's brother and so he is my uncle. Situations turned worse when my father had a son.Now my father's son i.e. my brother is my grandson.Ultimately, I have become my own grand father a
Daddy How Was I Born?
"DADDY! HOW WAS I BORN?" Junior asks his dad, His dad, who is a software engineer sighs and replies, "Ah, my son, I guess one day you would have to find out anyway!" "Well, I saw your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on YAHOO. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, but it was too late to hit the delete button." "Six weeks later your mom sent me an instant message saying that her operating system was showing signs of unauthorized program activity from a self extracting file which had implanted itself in her BIOS." Then nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared and said: 'You've Got Mail'!
Extreme Metal
Does anyone know of any lounges that play only extreme metal. I\'ve been in a few rooms that claim they play metal, but its all mainstream stuff. I have no problems with mainstream metal, i like some of it. But my favorite is and always will be DeathBlackGrindThrashDoomHardcoreIndustrial and hybrids of them. Any advice anybody could offer would be most helpful. Thanks!
HERE ARE SOME CLOSE FRIENDS THAT HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME SINCE DAY ONE AND GOOD FRIENDS ARE HARD TO COME BY BUT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS THEY ARE ALWAYS THERE! ♥MÂЯ¥JÂÑΞ™♥ Ï.β.Ï.Ç.♥ ÇΘΘĶÏЄ™@ fubar ~Blondie~Slave 2 $r Whi+e Knigh+~D S C~@ fubar ~~$Badassbiatch$~1~DSC~@ fubar Melissa aka Sexy Diva ~ Plz sign my Guestbook~@ fubar ~♥Lethal Brat~{Dirty South Crew}~I.B.IC~♥Playboy Bunny~M.W.C♥~@ fubar ACIRE@ fubar Mystêfyï~I.B.I.C~♥D.S.C.~FB wife to ♥Jim~S.B.A.B.~@ fubar THIS PIMP OUT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: $DJ Baby Boy$ { DIRTY SOUTH CREW} ~GIT-R-DONE REBEL FAMILY BOMBSQUAD~@ fubar fubar
Nfl, Nba
BEST NFL CHOOSE 5 TEAMS AFC AND 5 TEAMS CHOOSE 5 AFC TEAMS 1.Baltimore Ravens 2.Cincinnati Bengals 3.Cleveland Browns 4.Pittsburgh Steelers 5.Houston Texans 6.Indianapolis Colts 7.Jacksonville Jaguars 8.Tennessee Titans 9.Buffalo Bills 10.Miami Dolphins 11.New England Patriots 12.New York Jets 13.Denver Broncos 14.Kansas City Chiefs 15.Oakland Raiders 16.San Diego Chargers CHOOSE BEST 5 TEAMS 17.Chicago Bears 18.Detroit Lions 19.Green Bay Packers 20.Minnesota Vikings 21.Atlanta Falcons 22.New Orleans Saints 23.Tampa Bay Buccaneers 24.Dallas Cowboys 25.New York Giants 26.Philadelphia Eagles 27.Washington Redskins 28.Arizona Cardinals 29.Seattle Seahawks 30.St. Louis Rams 31.Carolina Panthers 32.San Francisco 49ers
Myspace Sucks!!!
I was a true believer in myspace thinking that i could get all the friends i wanted and socialize. Hey and why not thats what it says "a place for friends," BULL! I've been on myspace too long and now i got FUBAR. Now all my love is to you, and the person that told me bout this place u rock! Well thankx for reading my first blog i hoped you enjoyed it if not i'll get better with time(i hope). Thankx Pudders:)
Just Blog
THE LONGER I LIVE, THE MORE I REALIZE THE IMPACT OF ATTITUDE ON LIFE. ATTITUDE TO ME IS MORE IMPORTANT ,than the Past-than Education-than Money-than Failure-than wat other ppl Think or Say or Do. It is more impotant than Appearance,Giftedness or Skill. It will make or brake a company...a church...a home. the Remarkable thing is WE have a CHOICe evEry day regarding the ATTITUDE we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our Past...We cannot change the Fact that Ppl will Act in a certain way.We cannot change the Inevitable. the only thing We can Do is Play on the one string we have,and that is OUR ATTITUDE. I Am Convinced That Life Is 10 Percent of wat Happens from 90 Percent of How WE react to it .
Found this somewhere and it's so true! 95% of females can't cum from sex UNLESS, they're on top..and they're on top why? so they can stimulate their doin' their lil snake charm grindin' grab on our pelvic bones..which..really does nothin' for the key pussy first..make her cum a few times...numb her up..then hammer away or soft and slow with alot of vaginal teasing with your magic stick to build it all up in the end, however u like...... now once ur in between her legs..don't just dive in there like a bum at a thanksgiving charity dinner...take your fuckin'time I know pussy is nearly irresistable...but don't act like it is.. lick her inner thighs, kiss them..kiss around her pussy lips..kiss the lips etc. etc..finally once u've got your tongue on her clit..this is what u do..(u can use ur hands to spread her lips here if u want..that's all's easier to make em cum w/their lips u have easier access to their clit) now...roll the tip and
Hey Friends and Fans, A friend of mine need your support and prayers. Please stop by and read her blogs. She needs all the prayers and help you can give her. Her son is diagnosed with a heart condition called supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). It is a condition which causes your heart to beat at a pace faster then normal. He really needs your prayers. © Sweetcheeks UR NEXT WET DREAM!Bitch to Greeneyed Texas girl!*NO FAN NO ADD SRY!*@ fubar Thanks in advance everyone
Ohio's Response To California
CALIFORNIA: (written by someone bragging!) - I can wear sandals all year long - I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore" -Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang. - I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and I say them often - I know what real cheese & avocados taste like -Everyone smokes weed and its no big deal -We'll roll up 40 deep when something goes down. -I live next door to Mexicans, but we call them American's! - I don't get snow days off because there’s only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear - I know 65 mph really means 100 - When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger and high speed chase cuz we don’t fuck around on the road - The drinking age is 21 but everyone starts at 14 (legally 18 if you live close enough to the border) - My governor can kick your governors ass - I can go out at midnight -You
To Love
To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down. ~ Woody Allen
Love Never Dies
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing. ~ Anais Nin
Pixi Dust
I Wish This Poem Were Pixie Dust I wish this poem were pixie dust To throw into your eyes And make you see the loveliness Beneath my sad disguise. And I would take you in my arms And weave a magic spell That I could utter anytime To make you love me well. But alas my simple words Are like summer rain That drums on hills and fields and hearts, Then vanishes again. And though my love might make you bloom, You turn with fragile grace To gaze in aching loneliness At someone else's face. We lust for what we cannot have, A long, unbroken chain Of lovers who remain unloved And loved who love in vain. While I'm near mad with wanting you As trees must have the sun, You cannot help but find a love Who loves another one. ~ Nicholas Gordon
Are Ya Ready For Some Football!?!!?
It's that time again. And I'm ready!! :-) (now I just hope the TEAM is! :-p ha) GO JAGS!!!
Stop The Abuse!
Gochief's Corner
Being this is my first blog...Dont expect to much...Im trying to get a feel of the readers out there then I can narrow down and filter thru my subjects on what I will blog on...Im new to blogging and hear about it all the time...So Im curious to find out what its about and to test my writing skills to see if I can capture a readers attention here to make it intresting enough for them to reach the end of this blog..So I think I will keep it short and test this and hope for some reviews..No matter how nasty they bring it on! Gochief
memory of anyone you know that has been struck down by cancer. A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle. Please Keep This Candle Going! This one I do ask that you send on. Thank you
Ok So if Anyone reads this. I haven't been on for a few weeks cuz a power surge fried my computer. So to all my friends, I am not Dead. I'll talk to you all as soon as i can get back on. Luv Ya All. L8r. -LEA
Amazing Truth~~
Dearest Friends The Most Selfish " 1 " letter word. " I " ---> Avoid It The Most Satisfying " 2 " letter words. " We " ---> Use It.. The Most Poisonous " 3 " letter word. " Ego" ---> Kill It.. The Most Used " 4 " letter word. " LOVE " --> Value It. The Pleasing " 5 " letter words. " SMILE " -->Keep It. The Fastest Spreading " 6 " letter word. " RUMOUR " --> Ignore it.. The Hardest working " 7 " Letter Word. "SUCCESS " --> Achieve it.. The Most enviable " 8 " letter word. " JEALOUSY " --> distance It.. The Most Powerful " 9 " word letter word. " KNOWLEDGE " --> Acquire It. The Most essential " 10 " letter word " CONFIDENCE " -- > "Trutst It.
Mistry Thing Called Love
The Mysterious Thing Called LOVE ... If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn't choose to rest in the other person's heart. If you find someone else in love with you and you don't love him/her, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return, do not take advantage, do not cause pain. How you deal with love is how you deal with you, and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different. If you fall in love with another, and he/she falls in love with you, and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame, let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know in time. Remember that you don't choose love. Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to ove
~the Lust For Blood~
" I OPEN MY EYES AND ONLY SEE DARKNESS of the earth. I smell the roses that decorate my new home. But I am cold here, And i hunger. So I leave this blackness for the eturnal Darkness of anouther Kind. The Pure moonlite spills over me. The lust for blood.Over comes me
Relationship Secret~~
RELATIONSHIP SECRETS ANNIVERSARIES A lways celebrate! Whether it's the 1st or the 50th, each year together is a triumph. APPRECIATION Let each other know how much you appreciate each other. You may already know but hearing it from each other is always better. BEST FRIENDS B e best friends preferably before being boyfriend-girlfrien d. Take time to know each other so the relationship will be a deep one. Tell each other about your crushes, dreams and problems. Make sure he/she is your best friend before getting engaged. The strong bond of friendship will help you both survive tough times. BOND Make it a point to spend time together often but leave room for each other. Also spend time alone w/ each other, so that at the end of the day you could both share your experiences. This way, you stay interesting with your partner. CHANGING EACH OTHER Don't marry an as...le, j.... or a bi.... (an unsuitable person) You'll never change each o
Help Her Out!
Help Out my girl please! She wants to be a pimp! Click the pic and add, fan, rate and leave some luv..:) ~*~IncrediblyBewitching~*~ Member of MHC~*~@ fubar
Urinally Speaking
I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying: "Hi, how are you?" I'm not the type to start a conversation in the men's restrooms at a rest stop but, I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassed, "Doin Just Fine!" And the other guy says: "So what are you up to?" What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say: "Uhhh I'm like you, just traveling east!" At this point I am just trying to get out as fast as I can when I hear another question. Can I come over to your place after while? Ok, this question is just wacky but I figured I could just be polite and end the conversation. I tell him, "Well, I have company over so today is a bad day for me!" Then I hear the guy say nervously... "LISTEN, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions!" Urinally Speaking EXC
Brew & Death Bbg Special Forces Rememberance For 9/11
Thanks For Your Time
1. At least two people in this world love you so much they would die for you. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 4. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 5. You mean the world to someone. 6. If not for you, someone may not be living. 7. You are special and unique. 8. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you trust God to do what's best, and wait on His time, sooner or later, you will get it or something better. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: most likely, you turned your back on the wor
Go Go Green Bay
add me =)
The Dirty South Crew
When I first started Dirty South Crew 6 months ago I didn't think it would catch on, but it did and I'm very glad it did! We are 151 members strong and growing daily. I have met some awesome people and have made some amazing friends. Without all of you, there would be no crew and I wanted to take a minute and thank each and every one of you! All of you are f%#kin awesome!! These are the people who make DSC what it is! Gary-Dirty South Crew Owner@ fubar MyZtErY~{Dirty South Crew}~I.B.I.C.@ fubar rumney pride - Dirty South Crew@ fubar DJ *Brenna* Extreme " X" ~*~{Dirty South Crew} & ~I.B.I.C~@ fubar ~ JADA ~ Loves Her D.S.C. and Is Away Dealing w/Life ~Miss You ALL ~{I.B.I.C}@ fubar smoggy£{dirty south crew}@ fubar ~*Sunshyne*~ SSV Crew *~ SSV ~*Angel Eyes's Fubar Wifey*~ {~Dirty South Crew~}@ fubar Tim ~SouthernOutlawBiker~DirtySouthCrew~Jamies Fubar Fiance~@ fubar ~TNK~ ~DSC.~IBIC~ÌñÐêþêñÐêñ† Fåmïlψ Recruiter©
Dirty South Crew
Gary-Dirty South Crew Owner@ fubar MyZtErY~{Dirty South Crew}~I.B.I.C.@ fubar rumney pride - Dirty South Crew@ fubar DJ *Brenna* Extreme " X" ~*~{Dirty South Crew} & ~I.B.I.C~@ fubar ~ JADA ~ Loves Her D.S.C. and Is Away Dealing w/Life ~Miss You ALL ~{I.B.I.C}@ fubar smoggy£{dirty south crew}@ fubar ~*Sunshyne*~ SSV Crew *~ SSV ~*Angel Eyes's Fubar Wifey*~ {~Dirty South Crew~}@ fubar Tim ~SouthernOutlawBiker~DirtySouthCrew~Jamies Fubar Fiance~@ fubar ~TNK~ ~DSC.~IBIC~ÌñÐêþêñÐêñ† Fåmïlψ Recruiter©@ fubar magicshark {~Dirty South Crew~}@ fubar Devilish_Angel ~member of~ S.B.A.B & D.S.C & I.B.I.C~@ fubar
Very Lonely
Life really sux. Your with someone for a long time and you just let the shit keep piling up. Been with her 6 years, married for 1. She hates my kids, won't let my daughter come here, NEVER goes to family functions, I have to go alone. As far as romance, I don't even get a kiss. Sex is non existant can't remember the last time. Can't figure why the hell I'm still here. This is her mother's house. She wants us to buy it, but do I truly live here? Why would I buy something that I have no say in? So why don't I leave? Who knows. I just wish there would be someone who really will love me
Grab a tissue. If you have a heart, you will shed some tears when you listen to the little girl talk. Turn up the volume!!!Turn On Your Volume.They'd go to the beach, hold hands, collect shells, and make sand castles. Even though they were young, this was the start of something new. One day after Mandy's 6th birthday, Billy came up to her and asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" and she said yes. They sat there by the pond and they promised forever.They hugged, they kissed, and their parents knew they were perfect.Every day as they grew older, their love kept growing stronger.They became teenagers, and they loved each other more than ever.They spent their summers together,they had sleepovers, they were the best of friends, and more than anything, they were lovers.They loved everywhere,even if they were miles apart.It was perfect. Years passed and passed and finally, they got married.One day, after Billy got home from work, Mandy had some breaking news:she was pregnant with a baby. On Jun
Akguy Blog
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? oh yes! 2. Is sex best in the morning, afternoon, or night? I like sex all the time. 3. What side of the bed do you sleep on? right side closest to the door 4. Pork, beef, or chicken??? beef 5. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? maybe when i was little 6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? no 7. Shower or bath? Shower 8. Do you pee in the shower? sometimes 9. Mexican or Chinese? Chinese 10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Aggressive 11. Do you love someone on your top friends? definitly 13. Love or money? Love 14. Cards or cash? cards with cash inside 15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? no 16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? I like both. 17.Vagina? i like it but don't have one 18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head)? Never 19. Have
Love Is Pain!
Love is true, Love is deap, LOve will always make you weak, When you love someone you shall know Because when love hits it hurts like hell!!
Pink Dog
> Hope you can send the pink dog back to ME! > > Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two > > 1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when >I am with you. > > 2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won\'t make >you cry. > > 3. Just because someone doesn\'t love you the way you want them to, >doesn\'t mean they don\'t love you with all they have. > > 4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your >heart. > > 5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them >knowing you can\'t have them. > > 6 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is >falling in love with your smile. > > 7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be >the world. > > 8. Don\'t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn\'t willing to waste >their time on you. > > 9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wro
Midnight Call
We all know what it's like to get that phone call in the middle of the night. This night's call was no different. Jerking up to the ringing summons, I focused on the red illuminated numbers of my clock. Midnight. Panicky thoughts filled my sleep-dazed mind as I grabbed the receiver. Hello?" My heart pounded; I gripped the phone tighter and eyed my husband, who was now turning to face my side of the bed. "Mama?" I could hardly hear the whisper over the static. But my thoughts immediately went to my daughter. When the desperate sound of a young crying voice became clearer on the line, I grabbed for my husband and squeezed his wrist. "Mama, I know it's late, but don't...don't say anything, until I finish. And before you ask, yes! I've been drinking. I nearly ran off the road a few miles back and..." I drew in a sharp shallow breath, released my husband and pressed my hand against my forehead. Sleep still fogged my mind and I attempted to fight back the panic. Something was
From Friends To Brew
My Skin
I just wanted to post this to give a shout to the guy who has put all the ink on me thus far. His name is Brian and his studio is in Endicott NY. We still have about 4 hours left to finish the sleeve then it will be onto the chest piece and the top of the shoulder. I will keep a photo journal of the process as it gets completed, eventually I will have full body probably by the time I am 60 years old. My opinion toward getting Ink'd is make sure it is something you want, make sure the work is by somebody who knows what they are doing, has a sanitary environment and that that you have checked there work and you like it. Look through their portfolio if they have one. Another thing to keep in mind is that the more original the work is the better it looks, if you can come up with ideas and put them on paper for the Tattooist or even give a rough sketch a little something for the artist to work with. these are just my opinions and its how I went about getting my tattoo's
Please come help me out in this best tag contest. thanks too all!!!
Life Sucks
u dont know what u have till u cannt do anything for yourself. i broke my foot a couple of days ago and it really sucks. i cannt do anything for myself and it sucks. i have to have everyone do everything for me. im used to being able to do everthing for myself and now depend on everyone. life really fuckin sucks. everything is takin away from me. i miss it so much i want to thank my family and friends and my best friend sally. she has been here everyday to help. i want to say thank u and luv u
I do not know about but it pisses me off when people rate my pictures or friends of mine pictures low. I rate everyone high because I do not want them to feel bad. I also do not want them to do the same to me. I do not care if I am playing the hot or not game. I still rate their pictures high. I do not think it is very nice to rate someones picture a 3 or 1. People do have feelings. I know I should probally not let this get to me but it does. I think it gets to me more because I have been made fun of my whole life. I do treat people with respect so they will treat me the same way.
There is a fire within us.. that only needs a touch to bring forth flame. Passion ignites... when I hear you whisper my name. My body shivers... oh... but not from cold... but from the sweet anticipation... of a desire that never seems to grow old. I lay my head upon your chest.. kiss your skin softly. I breathe in the manly scent of you... it intoxicates me like wine... making my senses whirl... or maybe it is the way your hands... are softly caressing my back... making me melt... yet every nerve is tingling... with the need of you. You gently lift me up and softly kiss my forehead Sending chills all down my spine Can't wait the anticipation... Softly kiss up your body gently caress our lips... My body fills with excitement and anticipation Hands roaming each others bodies Filling the silkiness of your skin My heart starts pounding from pleasure As your fingers run over my treasures Gently sliding the key in as you begin to turn Gently stroking my bo
Want To Know Me?
Finally Getting Used To Fubar
Hmmmmm sooo it's only 28 Nov 07 and it was already told to us that my unit's Miliary Ball is FEb 14th yea the same day as V-Day but I really havent found me a girl to go with even tho I been stationed here for a year now! Now I've been to a bunch of these back in NY! sooo it wouldn't be something I'd be missing out on but I enjoy going and the girls usually have a GREAT time (no point intended) but back to the reason why i'm asking is should I go even if its solo or go only if i have a date?
Sleep My Fallen Angel
Sleep my fallen angel Lay down next to me Hold my hand and close your eyes And fall into deep sleep Try to never wake up again Embrace your eternal dreams And they will hide you from reality So far away… To never let the pain to touch your soul Sleep my fallen angel Sleep, sleep forever Your silent cry that I hear every night , I have felt your loneliness And your soft tears you have weep and hide them inside your broken heart Let them fall, Let them drown inside my cold soul To taste your fears Feeling grace so deep inside you So deep that you are lost in the dark And yet again you surrender to shadows And you let yourself to fall in their embrace and you still let their cold touch to venom your soul Close your eyes and sleep my fallen angel Sleep, sleep forever in darkness To forget all memories that you always keep them in your pure heart Watching you how you burning them deep into aches I can still see into your eyes the sorrow, Sorrow you have never
Tazworlds Domain
Ok where do we start with this little blog now ? Could it be the Crappy Coverage ESPN provided with Sats Race at Richmond ? Nah thats normal for ESPN to drop the ball an show everything BUT THE RACE !!
The Damage Is Definitely Done!!!
God Bless everyone who is overseas risking their lives for US! Lord, please keep them all safe, please bring them all home safe and sound to their families, friends and loved ones. God bless the souls of those whom have already lost their lives, may they R.I.P. :( :( :(
Whats Your Fine?
This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, send it back to the person that sent it to you and your other friends. My fine is $390.50..not so bad lol "My fine is $........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed some one who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at
I went out with an old friend last night and met her new boyfriend. Since I’ve known her for over 9 years, she wanted my opinion, and basically my approval, since I’m pretty much the only one who really knows what she’s going through. From what I’ve heard of him, what I saw of how he treated her and how she reacted to him… I like him, I approve, but I did tell her to warn him as we left that if he hurt her, I’d kill him. After all she’s been through, she deserves to be happy more than any other person I know. If he hurts her, I swear on whatever god, devil, or spirit you may believe in that I will hunt his ass down like a rabid dog. So then in the car as I was heading home, I started thinking about the “threat”, and how they were with each other and I started thinking about my “relationships”. I haven’t dated a local guy in years. I’ve had friends, fuck-buddies, whatever, but no relationships. The guys I always seem to fall for, connect with, whateve
I am the reaper, I go and steal peoples hopes and dreams by bringing them death. I care for no one, nothing. I am death. I hurt people around me. I smile from their pain. I collect peoples souls. I tell them when their time’s up. People plead with me to stay. Tick-tock goes the clock on my wrist. “Oh my, sorry,” I reply as the clock stops…time’s up.
If We Had Sex.... GAME (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out) DONT BE SCARED. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO REALLY WANTS TO DO YOU ! > > > 1. Would you be in control? > > > 2. Would you let me pull your hair? > > > 3. Would you whisper in my ear? > > > 4. Would you talk dirty to me? > > 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? > > > 6. Would you say my name? > > 7. Would you go down on me? > > > 8. Would you let me give you a hickie? > > 9. How many rounds would we go? > > > 10. What would you wanna do afterwards? > > > 11. Would you take off all ur clothes then take mine off slowly? > > > 12. Would you lick and bite me all over? > > > 13. Would you like 2 play or get straight to the point? > > 14. Would you want me to take my time? > > > 15. Would u fall asleep when we were done? > > > 16. Would u want me to go fast or slow? > > 17. Where would u wanna "do it" at? > > >
If We Had Sex.... GAME (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out) DONT BE SCARED. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO REALLY WANTS TO DO YOU ! > > > 1. Would you be in control? > > > 2. Would you let me pull your hair? > > > 3. Would you whisper in my ear? > > > 4. Would you talk dirty to me? > > 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? > > > 6. Would you say my name? > > 7. Would you go down on me? > > > 8. Would you let me give you a hickie? > > 9. How many rounds would we go? > > > 10. What would you wanna do afterwards? > > > 11. Would you take off all ur clothes then take mine off slowly? > > > 12. Would you lick and bite me all over? > > > 13. Would you like 2 play or get straight to the point? > > 14. Would you want me to take my time? > > > 15. Would u fall asleep when we were done? > > > 16. Would u want me to go fast or slow? > > 17. Where would u wanna "do it" at? > > > 18 Would u be loud or quiet? > >
English Is Easy??
You Think English is Easy??? Read to the end . . . a new twist to an oldie Can you read these right the first time? 1) The bandage was wound around the wound. 2) The farm was used to produce produce. 3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4) We must polish the Polish furniture. 5) He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present . A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10) I did not object to the object. 11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row . 13) They were too close to the door to close it. 14) The buck does funny things when the does are present. 15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line. 16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his
~tired Of Being Alone Without Your Love~
I am so tired being alone Without hope Without happiness And without your touch Even you are far away from me Too long I slept in shadows Too long I was in loneliness embrace Too long I was shaded tears of love and became blinded Until you touch my broken heart Save me my love, cause I’m so tired to live with solitude Which is killing me inside wake me up ( my love) with your soft whisper to save me from nightmares set me free cause death won’t let me flee touch me with your love cause I’m so tired being alone without your love embrace me cause I want to be in your safety arms for eternity open your heart and let me in let me to be in your fantasy world share with me your happiness open your door of dreams to escape from the dead world stay with me my love to wake me up with your soft words which my heart desires to melt save me from the sorrow cause my heart is screaming for liberty touch me with your love cause I’m so tired of being alone without
Joined A Contest
I am participating in a contest that started this evening (sorry about the "notice") and which will last, I gather, until someone receives 7500 comments. I hope very much that people that have time and are interested will have a look at the folder - all the images are tags made by the same very creative lady, hosted in her profile - and rate and comment those that seem to warrant it according to your judgment! The link is (copy and paste to prevent this from opening in another window). (edited link, which moved to wrong folder when the folders were split up????) (And the rules for the contest are here.) Up with fun and down with stress, and to all a most pleasant, fortunate week!
Suicide Girls!
You can get more info by checking out the Miss Horrorfest Article at Good luck!! Hey guys, It's that time of year again - the Miss Horrorfest 2007 competition has begun. Help show your support by checking out the videos, leaving comments and rating them with stars. Win $50,000, fame, glory and a year of exotic travel as the reigning Miss Horrorfest! ENTER THE CONTEST 1) Film yourself explaning why you would be the next best Miss Horrorfest. Your submission can be only :90 seconds in length and should include the words "MISS HORRORFEST" and "HORRORFEST, NOVEMBER 9-18, 2007" somewhere in the video. 2) Create a Youtube profile and upload your video. 3) Join this group: MISS HORRORFEST 2007 and submit your video for approval. For Official Rules Click Here JUDGE VIDEOS YouTube users have the ability to influence the selection of Miss Horrorfest, merely view videos and rank them with stars. The more views and the more stars a submissio
Rants And Ramblings
Rant time: Who do people that are no longer on my friends list decide to view my profile and STALK me anyway? What the Fuck? Don't you have anyhing better to do with your time? I mean we were friends and YOU ditched me. If anyone that reads this that is NOT on my friends list has anything to say to me by all means email me on myspace or on FUBAR. Don't be a fucking chickenshit and stalk me on here. I have a tracker that shows me who views my profile and i check it everyday. Someone is stalking me and i know who SHE is. Grow up please. Either be an adult and say something to me or be a bitch and wish you had me back cause you lost a good friend. Your loss, fuck off. Go and fuck that ugly ass psycho ex of yours and leave me alone!! Or you can be a normal person and say something. Speaking of psycho exes, why is it that when i'm going to leave a comment on my girlfriends page i see fucking sappy as shit from an ex? What the fuck!! Stop leaving fucking "i miss you" and "you are forever
To All My Friends!
Just a rate, no bombing just rate the pic would ya?..LOL Can I get you to rate this pic please? Just a rate..:)
My Writings
The sun presses my back to make me feel warm I love you this way. The way the air feels at the break of dawn, I love you this way. The way the world looks when I see a stranger being kind, I love you this way. The way I feel every time you almost touch me, I love you this way.
Native American Poetry
A Sioux Prayer Translated by Chief Yellow Lark - 1887 Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds Whose breath gives life to the world, hear me I come to you as one of your many children I am small and weak I need your strength and wisdom May I walk in beauty Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made And my ears sharp to your voice. Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children. The lessons you have written in every leaf and rock Make me strong--------! Not to be superior to my brothers, but to fight my greatest enemy....myself Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes, So that when life fades as the fading sunset, May my spirit come to you without shame.
A Child's Dream
Better than a dream you You are... If we could peek into your dreams At the close of a crisp Fall day, We'd see the horses running free Around the new mown hay. Disney's puppies playing With Mickey and Winnie Pooh , You look so cute in the midst of it. We'd like to be there too. Yes, there is someone missing, Oh, Bugs Bunny came to view. He grabbed a pup and Mickey's hand And they came to look for you. They found you and you all went out, To the meadows where the horses run What better way to spend a dream Than with those who are full of fun. Better than a dream, you are Tis your loving heart and your eyes so blue, You are truly a breath of sunshine, We love you dearly and God blesses you too.
Pumpkins Anyone want one?
I Promise Not This Time
I just wanted to say I appreciate all my friends on here and what you do for me. I try and return all love, but if I overlook somone I am sorry...please remind me ok? Love you all..MUAH
I'm going to try and be nice in this one so I don't have to mark it "nsfw". Today my son calls me from his friend's house to ask me if he could go to the park and play basketball with his friend. It was 1800 and I knew how far this park was, so I said okay because the friend's mother was going to give them a ride and then pick them up. 1900 rolls begins to get dark close to about I asked if the mother was on her way and my son said "yes". 2000 rolls around and he text'd me "she's on her way"..Now I begin to worry cause my son takes his meds at night and something told me she wasn't going to be there so a few minutes later, I called my son on his cellphone and he ended up at another friend's house along with the friend he went to the park with. So I figure, okay, at least they are inside somewhere and she'll pick them up there...wroonnng answer. Long story short, they ended up being brought back to my son's friend's house and the mother still wasn't home. Then the b
Ok, Apparently I Need To Explain Something...
I have given up on love. That basically means that I will NOT be having another boyfriend. Ever. Seriously, believe it or not, I don’t fucking care, but I’ve seriously been hurt way too much to ever love a person in that way again. Let me give you an example of what happens if people don’t read profiles... This guy I didn’t even know IMed me last night, saying that he found my screen name on All of a sudden, he “wanted to be close to me” (meaning he wanted me as his girlfriend) and started pretending to kiss me and shit. I’m not even kidding, this guy didn’t even bother to read my damn profile, my profile clearly says “single and not interested” under marital status. I guess he just saw the AIM screen name and that I’m single and started freaking hitting on me. I simply explained that I’ve given up on love but we could still be friends and he, like, got all mad me just because I didn’t fall in love with hime the instant he IMed
Good News
Well yes I know I have been a little distant with you guys in the past week,I didn't go out on friday or saturday night like usual...but well...I have something to let all of ya know. I am finally...absolutely head over heels in love with a guy that decided to scoop me up. He of course is obviously on the top of my list on here so yep,that would be him. A couple weeks ago he sent me a message on fubar( that I of course being my negative self,didn't believe. So I brushed it off and was my sarcastic self. Well...I met up with him finally,we hung out a couple times and I still wasn't quite sure about it all. It finally clicked earlier this week when we went to the movies. Everything just kind of snuck up on me and made me realize,this is it. This is what I have been wanting and it's right in front of me. He has been sweet,kind,considerate...just everything. So anyways,we made it official this week that we are together. You all will eventually meet him I just want to have my
Depressing Day And A Repost Of A Friends Blog
First off today has been just a blah day.As most know if they read past blog we have to move after ten yrs here.My son best friend moved today from next door so he was so very sad I felt so bad for him. Was the first real friend he had in a few years that accepted him for his self.This whole mess of moving has just got to me lately. Then it seemed like all I touched to day went wrong so I said hell with it and went back to bed for a bit.Put I give up BBL next to my name on here and left. Well to leave this person nameless I actually got messages from friends not knowing why who were very kind and one I found very rude...... this is it >> today has got to be the worst bombing day ever, everyone keeps leavign like kids. lol For clarification this isn't from my bomb squad.It's from someone I have been helping bomb in contest. I cut back on helping them cause a few of my friends told me they were getting pic to click of me and her asking for help to bomb.I have kept kewl over this all
Help Me Out
Search For A Singer And Lead Guitarist!!!!
New band hailing from the Bronx looking to put the finishing touches to this current 3 piece outfit. We have drums,bass and guitar we're looking for a second guitarist and vocalist. We're looking for someone who is dedicated and will not make excuses, someone who will be there for "all" practices, someone with their own equipment and means to travel, someone with a genuine passion for music. We are working on all original material and we have a rehearsal space. We're looking for someone with a similar sound to Howard Jones of Killswitch Engage and Burton C. Bell of Fear Factory someone with great range who can project clean vocals and screams as well as growls you must also have great presence. We have a very wide range of different styles that we're trying to project in our music from thrash to industrial to swedish melodic death metal to metalcore. If you think you have what it takes you can get in touch with me via my myspace page and we can arrange for an audition. ONLY SERIOUS INQ
To Night We Danced...
Tonight a driver didn't win the race.... and a nation suffers his loss............ The Jr. Nation. Thank you Dale jr. for givin it your all... all the time.
we go on in our life looking for love. we spend time in the abyss, looking for what we hope will be the one. willing to go to hell and back to find the which makes us complete. sometimes it takes us a lifetime, sometimes it is right in front of us, and some times we miss it altogether. sometimes we feel so lost that we do anything to make our selfs whole .i don't know if we will ever find what we are looking for, but i hope we will.
My Online Sweetheart
All I can see of her is a picture and I can't hear her voice I'm sure if I could it would be the most beautiful sound that I've ever heard I see her words on my screen night after night and somehow she manages to make me more crazy about her with every falling letter When our time each night is over and I try to fall asleep I just lay in bed and stare into the ceiling wondering if she's still thinking of me too I spend the next day at work wondering what the next conversation will bring and how she will find her way into my heart again that night I come to find that each and every conversation with her gets better than the one before and that I'd never had someone treat me the way that she does She is everything that I've ever wanted and the only thing more that I could ask is to hold her someday and to be everything that she's ever wanted She is my online sweetheart
Some People's Kids!
Recently, I had the singular misfortune to have the following conversation with user 953726. Her user name is "Sex Slave" and she had put a tag line of "Make love to me" up. I responded with a Shout that was kind of humorous, and she back-pedalled and was at a loss for words, at first. So, tell me what you think of this: HAVE YOU F...: i pretend at nothing... but you should go read my blog in "i am here, you may ceebrate" titled "submission" ->HAVE YOU F...: Very well and good, you have some understandign of what you say. But putting a tag line of "make love to me" to potentially over 1 million people is a bit reckless for someone who takes herself soo seriously, don't you think? ;) ->HAVE YOU F...: After all, it was your suggestion that spurred my comment, and at no time did I say anything about wan ting to slap your face or degrade you in any way. Someone who makes such an open comment to suc a large and diverse group I would expect to have some sense of humor about such an ob
Holy Crap
hey everybody back on after a long absence Ive been working for a long time and finally things started going my way Ive started a new job where the boss kicks and weekends off woooo hooo so I ll be on a little more often and to everybody that still showed me luv after Ive been gone for a while thanks it will be returned peace out nome sayin
Lets Show Sr White Knight Some Love
come help & show some fubar luv for one of the next fubar godfathers. gifts & prises for the ones who add/fan . then either 500 pic rates & those who add 500 rates/comments will get u more. ur also gonna see luv added back to your page as well. send private messages to let me know. ty for all the luv $r Whi+e Knigh+~Confederate Bombers(mod)~Git R Done Rebels
Jena 6
You don't have to comment on this but if like to it's welcome. JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT. (It could happen to YOU! or your childern. Jena, Louisiana: Nooses and White Supremacy By Alice Woodward On a late summer day in 2006, in Jena, Louisiana, a Black high school student asked permission to sit beneath the “white tree” in front of the town’s high school. It was unspoken law that this shady area was for whites only during school breaks. But a student asked, and the vice principal said nothing was stopping them. So Black students sat underneath the tree, challenging the established authority of segregation and racism. The next day, hanging from the tree, were three ropes, in school colors, each tied to make a noose. The events set in motion by those nooses led to a schoolyard fight. And that fight led to the conviction, on June 28, 2007, of a Black student at Jena High School for charges that can bring up to 22 years in prison. Mychal Bell, a 16-year-old sophomore football st
why is it that girls always just go by the looks? isnt there just one decent girl that doesnt anymore. i only know of one so far. wont someone show me differently?
Breast Cancer
What Breast Cancer Cannot Do Cancer is so limited... It cannot cripple Love It cannot shatter Hope It cannot corrode Faith It cannot destroy Peace It cannot kill Friendship It cannot suppress Memories It cannot silence Courage It cannot invade the Soul It cannot steal Eternal Life It cannot conquer the Spirit I have a new Breast Cancer graphic uploaded it to my Ribbons folder. Feel free to RIP
I'm Sorry!! :(
A Friend of mine posted this as another site...gawd and it is soooo sad...because sometimes it is true...Society and "SOME" men have a certain idea of what a woman should look like or what types of things "we" should be doing...Therefore us Plain women are more often than naught overlooked .... ahhh well, what a pity...(now I do not know if the song will come out but it is a good one...made me sad...:( ...) I'm sorry..I'm sorry..if I'm not skinny enough for you to see my ribs.I'm sorry..if I'm not pretty enough to be "your girl".I'm sorry..if I'm not tan enough for you.I'm sorry..if I'm not a playboy model so I don't act like a porn star for you.I'm sorry..If i don't have a dream body that turns you on.I'm sorry..if i won't drop down to my knees to get you to like meI'm sorry..if my hair is not long enough.I'm sorry..if I'm not the "hottest" girl you have ever seen.But most of all...I'm sorry that most guys can't accept a girl for who they really are.If you're a gir
Jesus the girl here are hot. Talking about butt-lovin, feet, fuckin, and all sorts of mess. Misty was right this place fucking RCOKS!!! On a side note, I am letting one and all know...That I, the great Kenoya, shall become the most uber thing fubar has yet to see. Mark my words ill be the first level 9trillion. Thats right, 9 trillion. How might you ask will I become level 9 trillion?! The ladies thats how. I shall vote on every picture i come across to boost my points, even if they are NSFW. I shall become uber-kenoya if its the last thing I do. My question is this though...anyone know any nice people who would let me go through all their picture and rate them? lol
Shit From My Mind
Why is it that people have the time to go on Fubar during work hours? Don't they have anything better to do than to go on here and look for pictures on every other person page, and flag it as NSFW. In my opinion, you shouldn't be on Fubar at that time anyways. Who are you to say that because my face isn't in the picture with my tits, that makes it NSFW? So you're telling me that it's okay for you to look at bikini photos with a full body shot is okay to stare and gawk at? But once you see just a pair of tits, it makes it not okay? Does that mean that I could post nude picture, with my face in them, and that would make it okay? I THINK NOT! The point in which I'm trying to get at, is...if you're afraid to go on a website because it's full of NSFW pictures, maybe you should be on myspace. At least on that site, if you post something nude, or close to that, it'll delete the whole profile. I'm not talking to everyone, who has the luxury of going online while at work. Just the st
sorry i haven't been on much guys i got new job and have been workin my ass off lately.hit me up and i'll get back to ya. miss ya guys.
Tuesday The 11th
Dedicated to all those involved in the search and rescue and to all those who lost their lives on 9-11-2001. FLY YOUR FLAG! James leahy found on feb 5 th This man was my best friend ,we run in a burning house to save a family on the way to school ...Never did I think he do it again without me . "Hero's till the end" Good-by my friends till we meet again Stay safe, always be aware of everything and everyone around you. ;)jcv
Never Forget 9/11
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
In Memory
This is to go out to all my fallen bretheren, friends , and family. Tommorrow is the day the earth stood still. I would like to send my hopes and prayers out to everyone who has lost someone on that day. We know they are in heaven looking down on us all.
Important!!! Parents Please Read!!!
Very important info..... Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person's name and address. If you then hit Map you will get a map to the person's house. Everyone should be aware of this! It's a nationwide reverse telephone book. If a child gives out his/her phone number, someone can now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming!!! Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. I tried my number and it came up along with the mapquest and directions straight to our house. I did fill out the removal form for myself, and encourage all of you to do the same. Quite scary! Please look up your own number!!!!!!! You may know someone who needs to know this -that would have little kids. It takes Sex Offenders right to your front door!! Please share this information with friends and family.
Children Are A Gift From God God sent me five packages That needed special care "Take care of these tiny gifts For they are very rare." "Watch over them with all your love And let them feel your touch Take care of their every need For you are needed very much." "These gifts will grow up very fast As you soon will see Love them with all your heart And let them be what they will be." "When these gifts have fully grown Look at Heaven up above Know they exist because of God And all his precious love."
What Love Is It is Love that gives me purpose to change and grow and learn. It is Love that guides me on this path and helps me choose each turn. It is Love that gives me courage to stand against my fears; to open up my heart to you, to let you see my tears. It is Love that gives me trust and hope when little thing go wrong. When distance stands between us, it is Love that keeps me strong. It is Love that offers harmony and a friendship that is true. How wonderful that I can share a Love like this with you!
I'm Here For You by Nancy I'm here for you, To make you smile. When you're feeling down, To walk that last mile. I'm here for you, To ease your pain. And dry your tears, When they fall like rain. I'm here for you, When you need me. To stand beside you, And I always will be. I'm here for you, When you need a friend, To tell your troubles to, And I'm here till the end
if yal aint signed my guess book please do ive been dealing with alot of bs lately im way behind
Fubar Playaz Cards
FUBAR Playaz Cards : Just to show off a few... Want One??? All you will need is : 1.) A Good Pik 2.) Favorite Drink 3.) To Buy Me A 1 day blast (only $7.50 u.s.) ** After card is approved ** **Please understand the fee is just to get something small for my time. -I have created alot of stuff for people on this site.. yet no-one bothers to send me some appreciation** **I do Graphix & Code skins & lounges for other members if you would like something done..please let me know.** Contact Me By Clicking the Link Below : OºTîK£îÑ Ú® G-§ÞØTºO
Life ..
A good message. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 glasses of wine... A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded
Should We Worry
What is wrong with America???? We are busy thinking only about the war (don't get me wrong, it is horrible). The President to-be debates are focused on the war mostly. What are these people running for this job going to do for us if the war ended tomorrow? Start another war because that is all they know? Someone needs to focus on China. They killed or made lots of our dogs sick, possible kill or make sick our children with lead based paint, produced recalled food products that we use everyday and they are big time lenders in all this sub-mortgage foreclosures. We need a NASA photo highlighted to show all the land that they own in our country along with a list of all the huge businesses they own or have a lot invested in them. Wake up America or we will someday be flying the Chinese flag on Sept 11th.................Thier armies are probably one of the largest in the world. Every cent we spend on Chinese products goes to enlarge their armies, not help the poor in those countries. We ar
About Me
hello there everyone i'm a female that 30 i have 4 wonderful children and a wonderful husband that i been with for 15 yrs and married 13 yrs i looking for some freind out there that i can chat with hopefully become good freind hope to hear from you all out there
Contest Question
Ok I have a very close and dear friend that is gonna run a contest. Its gonna be a pimping gift give away. He wants to know what does alot of people think about the amount of comments required. Was gonna do a mum. But I have seen people trashing mumms for contest questions. So thats why the blog. For those who have run contests or been in one what do you think is a good amount of comments to do the contest.
What I See Is What You Get
listening to: nothing..silence. eating/drinking: nothing and nothing. Omg! Its so hard. I'm raising her on my own and never thought it would be so difficult. No sleep..its great let me tell you lol. I have my mom and thats it for now, at least until next year anyways. I wish my mom would go back to work so me and Renee can get a break! I want to go out and buy some beer lol and I want a damn cig she won't let me do anything like that, but while she is at work she won't know about it lol. So I wish she would go. Today she was suppose to go in, but we had problems with plumbing and she took off today. Argh! it just sucks!
Silent Thought
Silent Thought This isn't intended for anyone specific to read. I was just silently thinking. I thought I'd post it for people to read. Maybe give an opinion on. Well, for most of you who know me, I'm sure I've told this story before. Every girl I have dated has cheated on me. No news really. Everyone cheats right? ... lol ... I'm not claiming to be perfect. I've cheated. I'm an ass, I'm stuburn, self-centered, greedy, needy, and several other derogative terms. Anyway ... Every time I get with a girl I tell her that I have trust issues. It's hard for me to trust someone because every girl I've dated has cheated on me. Their first response is usually to the effect of; "Well, I've never cheated on anyone. I never would because that's wrong." Or; "I know what it's like to be cheated on. I wouldn't do that to someone." I tell them that they all said that too. Of course, they follow that up with; "Well I'm not like every other girl." Haha, here's the humor. Every girl that I h
About Me
Good day! If you haven't guessed, my name is Jon. I moved to Redding on the 3rd of July (2006). Didn't take me long to get settled in. I'm working with HSF. Good company. $6.75. Not much, but it pays the bills ... lol ... well, below this is basically my life story. Enjoy. If you'd like to skip past it, Hold "Shift, and push "Page Down." It will put you at the bottom of this screen. I was born August 7th, 1983 in Pomona, California. I have one brother (Stanley) and one sister (Christina). While I was growing up, my family moved frequently, about every 4-6 months. I've lived in Pomona, Covina, West Covina, San Bernardino, El Monte, Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, and North Hollywood – to name a few. Growing up, I had many trials and tribulations. When I was 4, my sister (born deaf, blind, cerebral palsy, and a 3rd grade heart murmur) passed away. I don't have many memories of my past. In 1999, we moved to Covina. We lived here for some time. I have little memories so I can't give
Something Every Parent Needs To Know!!
Very important info..... Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person's name and address. If you then hit Map you will get a map to the person's house. Everyone should be aware of this! It's a nationwide reverse telephone book. If a child gives out his/her phone number, someone can now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming!!! Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. I tried my number and it came up along with the mapquest and directions straight to our house. I did fill out the removal form for myself, and encourage all of you to do the same. Quite scary! Please look up your own number!!!!!!! You may know someone who needs to know this -that would have little kids. It takes Sex Offenders right to your front door!! Please share this information with friends and family. PLEAS
Just wanted to let all know that my blogs are still arround they're just marked nsfw!! I found out the they dont put the urls on your main page to the nsfw blogs , And my are way to naughty to be on the page so I created a few blogs so that u will be able to find them easier!!! I am feeling under the weather today got a bad cold ! I will be making more blogs as well very soon !!!! Any suggestions would be great !!! I will be doing some more pictures out door theme! Getting some new toys as well LOL , Stay naughty all!!! Thanks for all the luvin for u all!! Redqueenbbw
What are true friends and how do you know if you really have any? Are they the ones that are there for you through good and bad, thick and thin? Or are they the ones that are just there? Are they the ones that tell you things that are going on in life? Or the ones that hide them and not say anything? Are they the ones that will do anything for you? Or are they the ones that will do anything when the time is right for them? Are they the ones that will talk to you all night long when something goes wrong? Or are they the ones thay will run and hide? What is a true friend and how do you know if you have any?
Does Anyone Know Why?
Why you are captured at the first hello? Why when they are not there your heart hurts so? Why everything seams so right? Why it is not easy to say goodnight? Why do you let them into your world? Why they seams to know what to say? Why they know how to make your day? Why they promise to be true to you? Why lie when you know your untrue? Why the old saying "OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND" Because it is so easy to do!
My Middle Name
what my middle names means... Body: What does your middle name mean? Delete the other person's MIDDLE name and repost this with the title "what does your middle name mean?" in 11 minutes and something wonderful will happen..... A : You like to drink. B : You like people. C : You are really silly. D: You like to drink E : Awesome in bed F : You are dead sexy. G : You never let people tell you what to do. H : You have very good personality and good looks. I : You Are Great in bed. J : People Adore you K : You're wild and crazy. L: Everyone loves you. M : Best kisser ever. N : You like to drink O: Awesome kisser. P : You are popular with all types of people. Q : You are a hypocrite. R : Easy to fall in love with. S : Fuckin crazy. T : You're loyal to those you love. U : You really like to chill. V : You are not judgemental. W : You are very broad minded. X : You never let people tell you what to do. Y: Best bf/gf anyone could ask for. Z : Always
Its Jus My Life Nothing Special
U Know how it feels to love someone so much that u cant loose them or u dont know wat u will do, and then them u dont know wat there thinking or anything. thats kinda like me and my fiance i love him so much and him he says he loves me but at times i ask myself if its the truth or jus another lie. he went to NC 2 weeks ago and was sopposed to come home yesterday he hasnt called me in several days and im worried that hes doing something thats gonna mess us up again. he was sopposed to come see me today but he hasnt called or shown up so i dont know wats going on. i wanna call him but im scared that im gonna find out soemthing i dont wanna so wat should i do, wait for him to call me would probably be the best.
Nickelback - Next Contestant Lyrics
I judge by what she's wearing, Just how many heads I'm tearing, Off of assholes coming on to her, (Each night seems like it's getting worse), And I wish she'd take the night off, So I don't have to fight off, Every asshole coming on to her, (It happens every night she works,) They'll go and ask the DJ, Find out just what would she say, If they all tried coming on to her, (Don't they know it's never going to work), They think they'll get inside her, With every drink they buy her, As they all try coming on to her, (This time somebody's getting hurt). Here comes the next contestant. [CHORUS] Is that your hand on my girlfriend? Is that your hand? I wish you'd do it again, (I'll watch you leave here limping), I wish you'd do it again, (I'll watch you leave here limping), There goes the next contestant. I even fear the ladies, They're cool but twice as crazy, Just as bad for coming on to her, (Don't they know it's never going to work), Each time she bats an
~!~september 11,2001~!~
September 11, 2001 September 11, 2001, marked yet another significant turning point in world history. Whatever innocence was left in the world was lost on that fateful day. On lesser numeric scales, equally heinous crimes are committed against humanity virtually every day of the year. What is happening in the world? It is difficult to explain. Somehow the perpetrators of the most evil and disgusting crimes have been stripped of the virtue of mercy. It would seem that their basic humanity is simply missing. The memory of those planes crashing into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the one that crashed into the Pennsylvanian field, will be etched into people's minds forever. For many of us it was like watching a Hollywood movie as it unfolded before us on television screens all around the world. We watched in stunned silence as we learned that the events were real and were happening in real time. In the blink of an eye, families can be thrown into turmoil when loved ones a
Fort Miner - Where`d You Go? Lyrics
Where`d you go? I miss you so Seems like its been forever that you`ve been gone She said somedays I feel like shit Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit I don`t understand why you always have to be gone I get along but your trips always feel so long And I find myself trying to stay by the phone Because your voice always helps me to not to feel so alone But I feel like an idiot, working my day around a call And when I pick up I don`t have much to say, so I want you to know its a little fucked up that I`m stuck here waiting, at times debating Telling you that I`ve had it with you and your career Me and the rest of the family here singing Where`d you go? I miss you so Seems like its been forever that you`ve been gone Where`d you go? I miss you so Seems like its been forever that you`ve been gone Please Come back home You know, the place you used to live Used to barbeque with burgers and ribs Used to have a little party every halloween with ca
this kid got in my gfs shoutox and this is how the conversation went: ->Godard: No sorry about it. Now fuck off. Godard: sorry ->Godard: I vomited a little in my mouth. Thanks :) Godard: I wanna taste your sweet pussy needless to say i wasn't gonna stay quiet being the enormous asshole that i am so here we go: ->Godard: glad you think so champ ->Godard: so what are you doing with your senior picture as your default when it says your 29 Godard: your not worth blocking ->Godard: oh snap i'm still in your shoutbox ->Godard: make me loser Godard: who cares, shut up!!!!! ->Godard: oh you scare me fuckwad, did you ever think it was the way you approached her that maybe got you that reaction queer bait Godard: not anymore, she has a stick up her ass, keep talkin and I will put one up yours. ->Godard: bellor motherfucker Godard: which one ->Godard: so you like my girl huh? then he blocked me even though i'm not worth blocking. people amaze me more and more
Prison gates won't open up for me On these hands and knees I'm crawlin' Oh, I reach for you Well I'm terrified of these four walls These iron bars can't hold my soul in All I need is you Come please I'm callin' And oh, I scream for you Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin' Show me what it's like To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right And I'll show you what I can be And say it for me Say it to me And I'll leave this life behind me Say it if it's worth savin' me Heaven's gates won't open up for me With these broken wings I'm fallin' And all I see is you These city walls ain't got no love for me I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story And oh, I scream for you Come please I'm callin' And all I need from you Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin' Show me what it's like [Savin' Me lyrics on] To be the last one standing And teach me wrong from right And I'll show you what I can be And say it for me Say it to me And I'll
Where do I start? I had dated a bisexual woman when I lived in Southern California. She used to work as a stripper at Cheetahs in Vegas. She was very kinky and into some wild sex. One day she called me at work and told me to meet her and Eileen for dinner at a local restaurant. They were already there when I arrived and I joined them at the table. Laura (my gf) leaned over and asked if I was ready for a wild night. Of course I replied yes. Laura told me she was taking Eileen into the bathroom where she was going to make her lick her clean. They got up and disappeared for about 20 minutes. I made a trip to the Men’s room and could hear muffled moans from the ladies room as I walked by. They came out a little flushed, and obviously satisfied. Laura had me lean close, reached into her purse, and pulled out her panties. They were a pair of light blue thongs. She instructed me to go into the bathroom and put them on. I noticed that the thongs were rather soaked and only gue
Im New
talk to me
All I can say is wow! I really can't wait to get out and try out this new toy more. :) I just got it in the mail from Adam and Eve and I'm already in love with it. Personally I love the idea of not knowing who is holding the remote and watching me as I get the sensation of the toy going off deep inside of me. It would be a lot of fun to try this out at a crowded party. Guys, if you have a woman that's even a tiny bit adventurous I seriously recomend getting this for when you go out to dinner or a party.
Ripping Pic's
I've been doing some checking and watching point changes, and it looks like no one is getting points on pics that have been ripped. No points for the person rating them, no points for the person being rated, and no points for the person they were ripped from. Bottom line... stop ripping pics... stop rating ripped pics!!!
Just A Monent On 9/11
TAKE JUST A MOMENT TOMORROW TO REMEMBER THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES ON THIS TRAGIC DAY SIX YEARS AGO! On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights on during daylight hours. Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by sending this bulletin on to others!
i need a good desk top it can be risky but not to risky it any noe can help i will rate some pic or pro or fan or add you
What Up ?
tell me why a mumm that ask me level up is need to be mark nsfw it not right so i desided do to that don't ask me to help other sorry but i don't get help i won't help other then . it luv for luv in my world !!!!!
Just wondering if anyone out there is nicely toasted? New Graphics Mermaids Images Top Comments
Tomorrow marks the 6th Anniversary of the Attack on the World Trade towers and the Pentagon. It marks the day when our freedom was attack by people who want to control aspect of your life. Convert or Die is the goal. Regardless, of your politics, lifestyle, creed, color, and religion, Take a few minutes, to reflect, pray or whatever thank God or whatever Supreme Being, Lifeforce you believe in, for the freedom that you have to be you. And Give thanks to those who defend that right. Miles
This once-peaceful city is under siege. In the space of six short months eleven people have been brutally murdered, their bodies drained of blood and dumped in different public places. Many more have vanished into the shadows of the night and might be lying beneath the streets of Santa Fe, their lifeless bodies decomposing in the lonely dark. Officials can't account for the gruesome killing spree. They do not believe the murders to be the work of one man, but nor have they been able to link the crimes to any known criminals. In the largest single police operation in New Mexico History, most local gangs have been broken up, religious cult leaders arrested, and the doors of secret orders, and brotherhoods smashed down.... to no effect at all!!! Chief Inspector Bruce of the whole police operation hates it when he is queried about the lack of results and responded with his own brand of bluntness," We've been working like silly clown," he snapped. "Everyone's on unpaid overtime. Nobod
Slender beams of illumination enter this darkened chamber as I kneel, always lost, always alone, frozen here, waiting. Tortured forms wrought in panes of glass loom as dust dances in the air, forming an image in my mind, penetrating my exposed soul. A reflection on a deathless face. I raise my head, now embracing this oblivious darkness. Alone in Darkness the night falls in a heavy, suffocating cloak, lost are we. the understanding for which you sacrifice yourself flares once, then dies, devoured by your obsession. all hope must fail. Untitled Around, all around, the dark memories gather. My dread grows as the stroke of death falls against my naked soul. It wounds me, and darkly my essence drips to the wicked earth that is my prison. In a strange and terrible glee I beg forgiveness while the end of life takes my hand. Now alone, my soul falls upon howling eyes. This is because of you what you have done what have you wrought?
Lyrics for "Torn"( by Latoya Lukett) a part of me wants to leave you alone. a part of me wants for you to come home. a part of me says i'm living a lie. (and i'm better off without you.) a part of me says to think it through. a part of me says i'm over you. a part of me wants to say goodbye. a part of me is asking why... (pre-chorus:) a part of me wants to leave. but a part of me wants to be here with you. and everytime i think we're over and done you do something to get me back loving you. and you got me just torn. (chorus:) torn in between the two. (oh yeah) cuz i really wanna be with you. but something's telling me i should leave you alone. (i really want to be with you) leave you alone. leave you alone. and you got me just torn in between the two. (in between the two) cuz i really wanna be with you. (be with you) but something's telling me i should leave you alone. (you alone) leave you alone. leave you alone. (verse 2:) there were no issues when
My First Tattoo
whats up people?...i have been thinking about getting my first tattoo...but i don't really know what i want to i'm looking for ideas and someone to help me design my if you have any drawing skills or ideas feel free to give me your advise..thanks
Straight Shooting
9-11-01 "Where were you when the world stopped turning, on that September day?" - Alan Jackson I remember, clear as a bell.......... I was working. Falcon Drilling, rig 4, we were drilling to run our 7 inch casing. Thought the truck drivers were full of shit, or it was just a random accident. Then we turned on the radio in my Explorer............ As a proud american, I was shocked, outraged, and really fuckin pissed. And admittedly scared. Not for me, I can handle myself. I was scared for my children. So shocked that something like this could happen in their lifetime. As an american, no, as a member of the human race, I grieved for the loss of everyone. Not just life, but those who would be forced to live on through this. Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, grand parents, grandchildren, who would have to live with this atrocity commited on those who were totally defensless. Shows what kind of cowards they are, doesn't it? Typical bullies picking o
Sweet Turtle
go rate all her pics she is a very wonderful person Sweet Turtle@ fubar
Lil Momma
Do you ever wonder why things happen that you nothing to do about, like who you have feelings for, or just why things in general happen if you do write back
Come And Be In My Juggalo World
You may think of a Juggalo as an Insane Clown Posse fan, or a follower of the Dark Carnival. In reality, a Juggalo is neither a fan, nor a follower. A Juggalo is someone who doesn't give a fuck what people think about them. They have entered the world of the Dark Carnival and Insane Clown Posse because they themselves have been considered clowns, buffoons, idiots, and freaks. Being a Juggalo reflects an entire lifestyle and state of mind... it is something that is impossible to define, even for a Juggalo. To understand what a Juggalo is, you must truly be a Juggalo.
Am I Hot Or Not
Click on me Click on me
She Has A New Profile
She has a new profile and is trying to get back to where she was before. She is one of the coolest people on fubar if not the coolest. So go show this awesome lady some love. Rate, add and fan her. You will be happy you did. She is a great friend. So what are you waiting for? Go check her out. The link to her profile is below. Thank you everyone and have a great day. ~Ashley~NewProSameBitch@ fubar
Xxchange In Perceptionxx
'Allo. If you're here reading this, you've actually decided to look beyond the hair. Congrats :] A few things first: WARNING I am allergic to: [x]bullshit [x]lewd comments/being hit on [x]stupidity For the saftey of the Shadow, please maintain a distance if you're plagued with these disorders. Still reading? Good. Cos here's the ♥ that's me. Search and Ye Shall Receive ...and repent.... ℘ About me ℘ I am... ♥ Shadow Dancer(Terra to Some) Maybe Jess to a few ♥ A bundle of contradictions If you try to unravel me... Beware the thorns in the knots ♥ Potentially cheerful. Equally easy to piss off. '*Stop rubbing me the wrong way, I'm not a genie fuckers!* ;D' [Augie] ♥ TOTALLY in love. ♥ MOM, and hella proud of it. -Every kid should have a mom who mohawks his hair, agreed?- ♥ Scorpio all the way. ♥ Endowed wit
Road Trip
Okay I leave Arizona tomorrow morning and will get in Tennessee Thursday night. I wont have access to a computer for the next three days. I dont know if I will be on the computer Thursday night, since I will probably crash as soon as I get in. I will have the cell, but it will be on and off to save the battery. So dont freak out if you dont here from me in a the next few days. I promise I will get back to ya...
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
The One & Only Original Babygirl
4/18/2009 @ Eastern Hall in GR, MI my bro's band is having their new CD
I Miss You Daddy
Lets Talk About Sex, Baby
Think about your typical dating profile. When done well, it covers a lot of bases. There, typed out, you have your general likes and dislikes (you love tofu burgers but can’t stand meat, say). Ideally, you make some mention of your hopes and dreams, the types of things you’ve already achieved, and what your life is currently about. Your profile would indicate whether you’re an active participant in life, or prefer the role of spectator, via the boob tube. You may be a die-hard armchair athlete or heavily involved in a variety of sports and activities. If you’re particularly religious, you’d be wise to say so. If you fall into the atheist or agnostic crowd, this too ought to be pointed out. Chances are you give the lowdown on what you consider a perfect date, what type of music you enjoy and where one might find you on a sunny Sunday afternoon. There, on this handy profile, you include your basic stats (income level, height, body type, hair and e
Im Back!
i am back! so everyone hit me up to yak, god i missed ya, i have borrowed internet, so connect could go squirrly, but at least i can actually get some internet work done now, and start getting the home front right, by catching up on bills and stuff, i am still working at 7-11, and have alot of managerial duties as usual, damn why do i get those things? oh yeah i forgot, because i know how to run a buisness, lol,but anyway, i am going to try to build this family again, little by litte, so spreade some love and the word ok? have a kick ass night and hit me up on my home page, i need to do some stuff there, ok guys, i love you and missed you all!
Question Of Love...........
Many of us have or will be in love with another person. We will desire to always have this person in our lives, we will think about them constantly, we will dream about them, and we will talk about them to anybody who will listen. So, I ask why is it that when we feel all of these beautiful emotions about someone that we find it difficult to express our feelings to the person we feel so strongly about? I have over time listen to my friend's dreamy eyes and giddy as they talk about the man or woman that they have fallen in love with. But, if you were to ask them of they have said the words "I Love you" they will say, "No, I want him or her to say it first". They fear that this person that they have these amazing feelings for won't feel the same way. Everyone wants to be in love, and to have those feeling returned. Many people miss out on that, that they desire because of fear. We cannot control what someone else thinks or feels, but we can without being aware of it let our fear
Warning!!! .................V .IMPT!! If any-one sends you a bulletin titled..."Mom made me delete"....DON'T open it or forward has a key logger code within the HTML designed to access both yr MS and e-mail passwords. Plz re-post.
Ok guys....tell me something...why is it that you can be honest and upfront with a dude....but they can't seem to do you the same favor...i mean really....WTF....we're adults right...i mean if you meet somebody and they're not what you expected....then damn...just freakin tell saves alot of time, effort, text messeges and phone're not gonna break their heart or leave them crying for days....there are toooooooo many damn fish in the sea for that'm just venting....having my usual BITCH moment...lmao
Take A Moment
TAKE JUST A MOMENT TOMORROW TO REMEMBER THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES ON THIS TRAGIC DAY SIX YEARS AGO! On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights on during daylight hours. Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by sending this bulletin on to others!
~get To Know Me~
Be what you say and say what you mean..don't come at me with "you're hot" or "mmmmm sexy" or "wanna have skype sex"...the answer is NO...take the time...say hello.....get to know ME...the things I like/dislike...what I believe in...what I value in life...find out what makes a a door for me...tell me how you feel....don't be afraid to let your friends know how much you care about me...if you like me, don't talk to a hundred other girls...make me feel like I'm one in a million....push the hair back from my face...gently touch my face...look into my eyes when you talk to me...cuddle with me without expecting anything else to happen....tell me I'm beautiful even when my hair is a mess and I have no make up on...don't just say a bunch of words that I want to hear...tell me the truth ALWAYS even if you know it will hurt me...always have my back...make me little things for me because the little things mean so much more.
Labor Day!!
Check them out!
Ok so here I sit with so much on my mind. So here I am again. My mind is so unstable right now, its just crazy I still stir crazy. reition repeats its self over and over and over and over. Nothing ever changes. I swear one day I will leave, But Im still here. I just want out. I cant take it any longer. Since before when I was just random with no job and everything was the same. Its gotten worse, now I have had a job for 9 months and counting. 6 months were good, Now they cut me off from the world, placed me in a little cube attached to this head set monitored every second im there. This happens daily, repition repeats its self getting worse over and over again. I hope to find that one and only perfect guy.. I do this over and over. and over and over I fall get crushed. Getting worse everytime over and over and over. So Im deciding Im going to leave. This repition is not goin to win me over. Im going to break this ball and chain that hold me forever stuck in this hell I
QUESTION: If two people really love each other but can't seem to get things smooth. When do you give up because enough is enough? DO YOU know the answer? Hit "REPLY" and give it a shot...
Do U Kno Where U Were ?
im going to put toget a decent blog and maybe front page links when i get enough names and statements... if you would like to be a part of showing america we still love her....plz send ur pge link. subject,,,where were you on 911...? what was you doing . .... and ur thoughts then and now.. this is under construction will build as i go. /" target="_blank">MishNumber1 ~ Co-Owner Of The G-Spot Crew ~ of S*U*P & Club FAR@ fubar n 9/10/2007, wrote: Where was I on Sept 11th....I was sitting on my couch pregnant with my son, watching television when it all started coming on, I couldnt believe my eyes...I was just dumbfounded...I think I cried that whole day not only for the people that this has all affected but the fact that I was bringing a child into this world...and wondering what his future would be like.... Here's a story for ya. Me and my ex hubby got married june 19th 2001, he
How Real Are You?
You Are 73% Real You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself. Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great... But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults. As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real. How Real Are You?
Play Games Win Money
I Don't Know I Want To Do
ok so i live with my man right no but my mom wants me to come home n live with her ...but thing is they live 6 hours away from each other n i will only be able to see him every other weekend
The Real Hero's
The people I admire most are those that are everyday heroes. The people that put their very lives at risk everyday not because they have to but because its just the type of person they are. People like those in the military forces,(whether they're fighting in Iraq and/or Afghanstan, or on a base overseas, or a ship at sea, or here in the United States of America, or Retired Vets) they truly deserve our thanks and admiration for all of the things they do, will do, or have done not only for us and our country but for the countless others they have helped through they're bravery and courage. Those in fields such as law enforcement, emt, fire protection, etc... deserve our thanks as well.
Remember 911
Today The world Remembers 911 reguardless of weather it was an inside job or a act of terrorism the fact still remainds that thousands of innocent liv lives where lost , the world from that day has never been the same , at the blink of an eye lives where destroyed , freedoms were lost and our way of living would never be the same. please pause and think about not only the lives lost but of the families effected by the events of this horrific day. I would also like you to remember the brave men and woman of the police , fire and emergency departments that risked and in most cases lost their lives in the line of duty to save others . God bless you all , Your all in our hearts and memories and will never be forgotten.
In Memory Of Those Lost
I wrote this all those years ago, that fateful day after September 11, 2001. I want to post it in memory of those that we lost, to those that still suffer today, and for those that WILL NEVER FORGET!
Natural Highs
1. Falling in love. 2. Laughing so hard your face hurts. 3. A hot shower. 4. No lines at the supermarket. 5. A special glance. 6. Getting mail. 7. Taking a drive on a pretty road. 8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio. 9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside. 10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer. 11. Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry). 12. A bubble bath. 13. Giggling. 14. A good conversation. 15 The beach 16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter. 17. Laughing at yourself. 18. Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you 19 Midnight phone calls that last for hours. 20. Running through sprinklers. 21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all. 22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful. 23. Laughing at an inside joke with FRIENDS 25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you. 26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep. 27. Your first kiss (either the very first or wit
I Love Small Conerts!!
Yep yep I'll be jammin with the boys Oct 6th @ The Marquee. I first saw them along with Fall Out Boy at this small venue back in Jan it was just .... AWESOME! I'm stoked!!!
W.t.c Family
Please Bomb This Pic
tha contest is on one a my other profiles. please come by rate and comment it. thank you! all you have to do is click on tha pic and it will take you there. i will by you a drink if you leave atleast 10 comments.
Help Need Advice On Bet Terms/stakes
ok so my best friend and i have a bet going who can go longest with out sex of any kind no bjs no eaten outs fingers or anything no forplay or anythi8ng well we have the bet dopwn now we nees the stakes on who lossses and what nots please help out and let me know what u think thaey should be thankx love u all shelly
Washington Rules
Body: Somebody from California apparently wrote the top part, but somebody from Washington came back and put them on their asses at the bottom. just read all of it! lol CALIFORNIA: - I can wear sandals all year long - I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore" -Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang. - I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and I say them often - I know what real cheese & avocados taste like -Everyone smokes weed and its no big deal -We'll roll up 40 deep when something goes down. -I live next door to Mexicans, but we call them American's! -All the porn you watch is made here, cause we're better and thats how it is - I don't get snowdays off because theres only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear - I know 65 mph really means 100 - When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger and high speed chase cuz we do
What Do Ya Do When Someone Tells U Ur The Reason They Are Going To Kill Them Self???
what do you do when you tell some one ur not in love with them and they threatned to kill them self ? he even uploaded a pic with a gun under his chin and told me to go look .. i feel bad for him but not sure what to do about it
Buy Me A Drank
buy me a drank u know u want to
Thank You
In memory To all the Men and Women that have fought for America. Thank you
Pillsbury Dough Boy Dead At 71
Veteran Pillsbury spokesman, Pop N. Fresh, died yesterday of a severe yeast infection. He was 71. Fresh was buried in one of the largest funeral ceremonies in recent years. Dozens of celebrities turned out, including Mrs. Butterworth, The California Raisins, Hungry Jack, Betty Crocker, and The Hostess Twinkies. The graveside was piled high with flours as longtime friend Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy, describing Fresh as a man who "never knew how much he was kneaded." Fresh rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with many turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Still, even as a crusty old man, he was a roll model for millions. Fresh is survived by his second wife. They have two children and one in the oven. The funeral was held at 4:50 for about 20 minutes.
Peoples Stupidity
ok i have a fuckin question for you people. why is it that you can not stop saying or doing stupid bullshit?!?!?!?!?! why is it that once you tell everyone that you are done with this shit and don't want nor need the damn drama, it gets started right back up again. isn't life hard enough on us without adding stupidity over bullshit to it??????? isn't this just children's games that you are playing by doing that?????? now i ask you this, are we children or grown adults?!?!?!?!? cuz i know im a damn adult not a child. i do not tolerate the stupidity of these little games that you people like to play nor will i tolerate the stupid rude remarks from anyone. if you want to play your damn games and start a bunch of stupid bullshit over fucking nothing or a simple word or anything you can turn right around and walk on out of here. i do not need this nor does anyone else i know. thank you for your time in reading this and have a nice night/day whatever it may be for you.
Remebering 9/11/01
Just A Thought
E/everyone says i love Y/you these days. do T/they even stop too think of what these words truely mean? The caring and emotion Y/you must have ? Or has love just taken the place of the word lust? M/many say i love you but then try to change you. I always felt that to love S/someone you had to accept T/them as T/they are faults and all. So why do P/people try to change Y/you into S/some one else when to love Y/you is to accept all of Y/you not who T/they wish Y/you to be? Or Y/you love them as T/they are and still tis Y/you who should change why because Y/you truely know how to care and love ?? So i guess what i am saying is does A/anyone truely know what love is anymore? Yes there are many types of love: the love you have for friends the love you have for family the love you have for animals the love you have for the things in nature the love
Judgemently People
Why do you judge me when I do not judge you? I don't judge people and would expect the same from others. It is only fair is it not? When you judge a person you are offering yourself to be judge right back. Which will lead right back up to the stupidity of some people. I am not judgmental on people and would like it very much if you did not judge me. My actions and choices are mine to make, not yours!!!! My decisions are also mine to make not yours!!!!
9-11-2001 I Remember
I remember that 9-11-2001 began as a normal workday. I remember the radio announcer saying that a plane had just hit one of the twin towers. I remember traffic coming to a complete standstill on highway 70 that morning as my fellow drivers looked around at one another totally dumbstruck. I remember standing in the lobby of the bank making the deposit for work and watching a tower collapse. I remember standing there not moving. My mind unable to accept the horror I was witnessing. I remember listening to radio at work as the tragedy unfolded. I remember the White Sox were supposed to play in New York that day. I remember being at work but I don't remember working. I remember driving home still in shock from the horrific events of the day. Dad was still alive and I remember sitting next to him on couch watching the attack on our beloved country on the news. I remember crying. I remember dad holding my hand as I cried and I asked why. And I remember dad's words to me, "You ca
Funkone's Blog
Funkyone@ fubar
A friend of mine asked why i haven't posted any 9/11 pics or anything else thats related. Well my answer is this...i remember those poor souls every single day! Not a day goes by that they don't enter my mind. I don't need to dwell on it on 9/11. I think its cool if everyone else does and goes about their business like it never happened the other 364 days a in closing, don't blow me shit cause i haven't posted anything. You remember your one day and ill cover the rest.
Never Forget9-11-01
ref="" target="_blank"> On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights on during daylight hours. Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by sending this bulletin on to others! WE SHOULD ALL REMEMBER ALL OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES AND THOSE WHO'S LIVES WERE LOST SAVING OTHERS.
Rest In Peace Veezy
Im Getting Tired
I can't sleep, I barely eat, My knuckles are split open I've a headache on and off for over 2 weeks. All of these people, Putting on this big show This is such a fucking joke Though these sheep are to blind to see. Why am I struggling with this Why can't I decide if I want to stay or just let go There are a handful of you, yes From which I do not want to drift But for the majority of this I wont fucking miss it one bit. And even so,they few whom come to mind Those that made the impression That they would be around for quite some time. A couple of you Im not even sure If I should waste my time. My head is fucking pounding I can't breath through my nose. Oh yeah,and another one of my friends just died That's something no one knows, I tried to talk about it Though no one had the time. So much for being there at a very crucial time. It's nice to chat with my friends, Too bad it's only when it is convenient for them Why can't anyone just
9/11 - Our Rights
Please read. We aren't safer.. We are the same as we were, the only difference is now we have less rights. Rights taken away from us in the name of safety... built on lies that our government wants us to believe in order to control us. The patriot act was the first step in making martial law without bringing military force. Think about it... patriot act 2 ****Further expands the reach of an already over broad definition of terrorism so that organizations engaged in civil disobedience are at risk of government wiretapping (secs. 120, 121) asset seizure (secs. 428, 428), and their supporters could even risk losing their citizenship (sec. 501); or being charged with "Domestic Terrorism", then they can do whatever they want to you. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ---Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.
Excuses !
"I was abducted by aliens..." When asked to share the most unusual excuses workers gave for missing work, recruiting managers shared some of their favourite examples: "I'm too drunk to drive to work." "I accidentally flushed my keys down the toilet." "I had to help deliver a baby on my way to work." The employee was not in the medical profession. "I accidentally drove through the automatic garage door before it opened." "My boyfriend's snake escaped from its cage and I'm afraid to leave the bedroom until he gets home." "I'm too fat to get into my work outfit." "God didn't wake me." (Employee didn't believe in alarm clocks and thought a higher power would wake her when she was ready.) "I cut my fingernails too short, they're bleeding and I have to go to the doctor." "The ghosts in my house kept me up all night." "I forgot I was getting married today." "My cow bit me." "My son accidentally fell asleep next to wet cement in our ga
Alvaro - Pickup Artist
Alvaro - Pickup Artist The VH1 series, THE PICK-UP ARTIST, is a tale of transformation. For these eight lovable losers, "socially awkward" is the understatement of the year. And when it comes to this lonely hearts club, desperate times call for desperate measures. Enter Mystery, best-selling author and ultimate pick-up artist--a former nerd from the Great White North who has discovered the secret to wooing women. Under his expert tutelage, he'll guide this group of hapless horndogs through the rough waters of romance and help them find the courage to overcome their biggest fear--talking to women. In each episode, one contestant will be declared the winner of a challenge and granted immunity from elimination, while one sad sack will be sent packing. At the end of the eight weeks, one winner will be named "Master Pick-Up Artist" and awarded $50,000.
What were you doing that tragic day? I don't think I'll ever forget that day, September 11, 2001. It's forever etched in my mind. It was a Tuesday that will always be, for my generation, my December 7, 1941. I was a young 26 year old, living in El Cajon, California (just outside San Diego). I was in my seventh year of my enlistment in the United States Navy. I worked second shift at that time. I was the work center night shift (navy talk for second shift) Production Supervisor, as well as the work center Collateral Duty Inspector (basically Quality Assurance). At that time I was becoming a seasoned Aviation Electronics Technician Second Class (AT2 / E-5 rank) and close to being the LPO (Leading Petty Officer) of the shop. This, in retrospect, was not too common at NASNI AIMD (Naval Air Station North Island Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Detachment). I was fortunate to be where I was, considering two years prior I was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan. I was very content
In Memory Of 9/11
On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights on during daylight hours Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by sending this e-mail on to others! REMEMBER! LIGHTS ON.....9/11 %3
holla fubarians how you all doing on this fine day I was thincking to my self as people do theres not enough britsh on this site and more to the point me fellow welsh people I havent met one yet any way never mind who you are come n add me become a fan and a friend and I'll return tha favour laters come n rate my ugly ass hahahhaah
I don't understand how people can "get tired of hearing about it all the time." To everyone who thinks it should be left in the past I ask them this: How can you ask someone to forget their daughter who was in that building? How can you ask someone to forget their son who was on that plane? How can you ask someone to forget that their wife is never coming home? How can you ask someone to forget that the last thing they ever heard from their husband was that they loved them and to be strong for them? How can you ask someone to forget that they'll never get tucked in by their daddy ever again? How can you ask someone to forget that their mommy isn't there to make it better any more? How can you ask someone to forget that they'll never play ball with their brother any more? How can you ask someone to forget that their sister will never get that perfect wedding? How can you ask someone to forget their friend who ran in to help and never
May God Bless 9-11-07
Don't get mad at me because I didn't rate the pic a 10. I'm not against 9-11 or anything, but I rate for quality and content. I'm not going to be overly fond of "god" references because I am not christian, and god is not a name. If the pic is small, I'm not going to rate it as high because I can't see it very well. I HAVE rated some 10's on here, because they were big enough I could see them clearly and they were well done. I just think it's really silly to get mad at me and even block me, for not getting a 10. Geez. Get over my ratings, people. :P I'm not the least bit patriotic, but I'm not against people who are.
How Many People Remember
Dsc One Of Our Own...
I am sorry that I have not been on lately and I hate to bring more sadness to a day that is already filled with bad memories, but I have not been on much due to the fact that my wife had surgery in July to remove a tumor from her spine and is now wheelchair bound due to paralysis. It has been a job taking care of her, due to the fact that our house is not handicap accessible. I will try to keep in touch as much as I can. This is a great guy that is having a rough time right now.. I rarely ask for much and have never asked for you to go to another profile for me. But this hits close to home for me, and i know the Hell he and his family are going through! Everyone drop by and show him some love and support. One loving word can lift his spirits.. And he will pass the love to his wife.. He is a really sweet guy and is struggling with a hardship right now.
Got To Love Em ... Thanks">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent">
This is something I wrote and a graphic I made for my hubby...We met 10 yrs ago today and have been together since then...So yes I do believe in love at first sight and soul mates...I love this man so and dont know what I would do without him...He completes me fully and I him...I wish that everyone could feel the love we share in their own lives 10 years ago today the sun started to shine... 10 years ago today the birds began to sing... 10 years ago today the meaning of true love became clear... 10 yrs ago today my life truly began... 10 years ago today my dreams came true because... 10 years ago today I met my soulmate... 10 years ago today I fell in love with a wonderful man... Because 10 years ago today you came into my life and brought me to life!
Their music is on the guitarist's page here on fubar... Sick of Hate@ fubar Check them out
god, continue to bless america as you have and keep away anything that has to do with evil!! amen. want to give a shout out to the families of 911; may peace be unto you!! Music Video: Put A Little Umph In It by (Jagged Edge) | Music Video Code by Video Code Zone
so i could be at the house right now curled up with a hot lookin lady and drinkin a cold beer on the porch. but no i got to go back to war and fight these dumbasses who could not get there shit togather. i hope and pray to god i get the chance to have my life back but i would give every thing to meet him in a dark cave with a pair of tweezer and some rope. BIN LADEN I HATE YOU, YOU STUPID ASS FUCK STICK I COULD BE HOME RIGHT NOW I BETTER GET A BAD ASS CHICK FOR THIS ONE THIS IS A YEAR OF NO ASS THANKS ALOT DIE FUCKER
11 Lessons From 9/11
It has been six years since we sat, horrified and stunned, watching the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, unfold at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, in a field in Pennsylvania and on television screens across America. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday. Sometimes it seems like an eternity ago. Nightmares are like that. They are timeless terrors that know no boundaries; they never leave us and yet they catch us unawares. Certainly, we will never forget the events that unfolded that tragic September morning. But what have we learned from this constant reminder of our loss and our vulnerability? Have we become stronger or smarter as a country or as individuals? Have we taken up the responsibility to honor the dead with new understanding and new resolve? I believe we've learned a lot. Today, as we replay all the graphic footage, try to ponder the positive points and the lessons learned from this atrocity. Here are 11 lessons that come to mind. 1. Heroes are eve
Echos' Opinions
Hey there all I'm kinda new here so hello to everyone, hows it going? Recently I answerd someones mumm with an honest answer trying to be helpful and got shouted at. Which in itself is no big deal, I really could care less everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However those of you out there posting mumms shouldn't get offended when someone tells you how they feel on the subject. If you didn't want to hear what other people had to say you shouldn't have asked. Lots of love to everyone, I'm looking foward to meeting lots of new friends.
Funny Stuff
so farmer john calls the local sheriff and says sheriff you gotta do something about these speeders they are killing my chickens so sheriff syas ok ad gets the towns folk to put up a sign drive slow school crossing well the ext day farmer john calls the sheriff hey man it is not working so the sheriff tried again this time he put out the sign slow down children out to play well the next day farmer john calls the sheriff and says sheriff this is not working either can i build my own sign sheriff says ok so three days later sheriff calls farmer john says how is the sign working he says just fine nobody has killed a chicken in three days so the sheriff thiinks for a bit then the shriff goes and sees this sign thinking it might work in town the sign read nudeist colony slow down and look for chicks
I remember exactly what I did that day. I was still a college student at that time. That morning I was watching my friends two children. We had just finished breakfast when my friend called and asked me if I had turned the tv on. I hadn't but as I did that is when the report of the second plane hitting the other tower. I just remember being in disbelief all day long. I went to my night class that night only for the professor to say now that we are here and with what has happened today I wish everyone a safe trip home and we will meet again next time. I then left and went home.
First One...important
Keep this Going! If I get this 100 times, I will continue to forward it to others in the hopes that they will do the same. We must never forget who gets the credit for the freedoms we have, of which we should be eternally grateful. KEEP THIS GOING PLEASE I watched the flag pass by one day, It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it, And then he stood at ease.. I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud, With hair cut square and eyes alert He'd stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him Had fallen through the years. How many died on foreign soil How many mothers' tears? How many pilots' planes shot down? How many died at sea How many foxholes were soldiers' graves? No, freedom isn't free. I heard the sound of Taps one night, When everything was still, I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That Taps had meant "Amen," When a flag! had draped a coffin. O
Music Videos
Enough Is Enough!
Well today is sept 11th like anyone could forget. every damn channel is showing all the video of the horrble tragity. And everyone one has a sep 11th pic up and stuff all over school. Now some of you my think I am being mean but not trying to be. To back myself up I did lose a friend in the two towers and I do have family over seas. But enough is enough. why to every damn year have to show all the tragic videos over and over? To me its like someone comeing up to me on the day my brother tragicly died, here is the photos and documents from the accedent and here remember the funeral. of course I will never for the that horrible day but why put it in my face and make me cry and have to see it all again. We dont show videos of vetnam, okalahoma city bombing or other tragitys. if we are going to drag this out then we need to show stuff about other things that have happend in the country. How about the kids that die everyday because of parents that dont give a shit and eather neglect
Well, I am starting to feel a bit abandoned, I entered this contest just knowing, all the people I have helped with thier contests and leveling would surely come to my side when I tried to do a contest. So far nada, I have been steady bombing all night I had it to a steady third for a while but by myself I can't possibly go against the competion. They have bombing families and thier friends to help them and I have had very little help. I read, rate and comment everyones stuff and I have sent out several messages, blogs and bulletins, only a few have responded ( smooches you know who you are. When ever anyone had asked for help I always give it but where is the love in return. Oh well back to the solitude.....>
Light A Candle Click on the link and please, light a candle. You can get the code and pass it on. Even tho i live in Canada it still effected me, it alway's will.
F.d.n.y. 9-11-01
This memorial Is Dedicated To My Good Firefighters Friends And Brothers Firefighter/EMT Hector Tirado, Firefighter/EMT Sean Tallon, Firefighter/EMT Michael Vernon Kiefer May You Rest In Peace You Shall Never Be Forgotten, We All Love You And Miss Very Much God Bless All Of You ! Firefighter Hector Tirado, Jr. Engine 23 Firefighter and Model Of his three jobs, Hector Tirado Jr. liked firefighting work the best. A former emergency medical technician, he was lured to the New York Fire Department less than two years ago by the excitement and the opportunity to help people, said his uncle, Robert Tirado. The divorced father of five children, Mr. Tirado, 30, also worked as a waiter and, occasionally, as a model. His latest shoot was posing in casual clothes for a Latino firefighters calendar that was due out sometime this year. His uncle said, "I'd walk on the street with him in the summer and the girls would give him their number." Mr. Tirado, who lived in the Bronx and wa
My Vacation At Autumn War
Getting ready for battleTrebuchet!!!!Battling in front of Blath an Or's CastleThe traditional game of Spear the Beer! Yes, I rock!Hell yeah!!Yes, it is a little messy, but it is a blast!The slain have been removed from the battlefield.
Online Gaming
Games have come along way since Twister and Monopoly...Thx to technology we can game with others from far far away....Im a online gamer...I play just about any game there is..I personally prefer FPS or RTS...Im glad online gaming exist cause if it dindt I wouldnt have much of life...sad to say I know but fact!...Anyone who reads this and is a online gamer contact me and lets hash out what games you play...Im looking for some gaming buddies...I also play online chess for those of you who play...I hope to hear from someone soon...Thx for reading GAME ON!!!!! Gochief
Tribute To 9-11-01
Remenber 9.11
I am not American but the WORLD will never forget
it suddenly let the sky open up and started to pour here in Rochester NY....the angels are weeping our loss. i will never forget!
Remembering 9/11
please see this page in rememberance.
Addictive You Say
Yeah I see you looking at me loving and hating me your mind is racing your heart is pounding jus so worked up from my sexual energy kissing and licking my smooth chocolate skin tasting my sweet spot over and over and over again addictive you say, highly I say you ain't believe me though its not only my juices that got ya going its my confidence the mystery in my eyes got you mesmerized not to mention my monotonous moans from your sexual gratification that got you hypnotized and stimulated trying to keep it going whispering commands making me recite what you wanna hear bringing you closer and closer to the intergalactic orgasm that leaves you light headed and wanting more yeah I see you looking at me loving how I make you feel hating that the feeling has to end replaying images of bodies intertwined getting excited all over again thinking of what more we can do addictive you say, highly I say
As I sit here on the 6 year anniversary getting ready to send my husband off to the desert to play in the sand as it were I can't help but wonder what will become of this. We have been there for 6 years trying to get the ones responsible for what took them only one day to commit. What is the deal? I say level the whole damn place build a glass factory on it and be done with it!!! But then I stop and remember there are innocents there just as there were here so we can't do that! I am confused and scared. I am bitter about what has happened to my beloved country and outraged that my loved ones have to be gone so long. I am torn between loyalty to country and love of friends and family! I support our troops 100% all of them!!! And I pray for those we lost when I pray for those fighting. And I hope and pray that this will all be over soon not just for those fighting but for those trying to RIP. Every year we put out messages to remember the fallen. Has anyone stopped to think that those le
For Angie
that i cant answer but...if you can all he needs is a bombing...this ends today at 6pm est
Please Help Me
Tootsie Roll Pops
They make 20 million Tootsie Roll Pops a day Now that's alot of tootsies' LOL
well im new and this is cool...later
9/11 Six Years Later
Catchin Up
Ok guys this has been a long contest I know but right now its a very close contest we need sum help so we can take 1st place!!! So just click on the pic and throw me sum comments the love is appreciated!!!!!!!
u know sometimes it may be hard for some people to express themselves when it comes to our nations finest, but i am not one of those. 6 yrs ago i was not able to be with my family when the worst day of our history happened yet, but today i am. i want to give a great big salute to all the soldiers and their families who have or is still serving to protect our country, yes i wish u could all come home but i also understand there is a job to do out there, so from my family to urs, thank you and god bless to all of you. u r in the prayers of the "redneck Mafia Family" love odinsmomma
9-11 (written By Me For Our Troops)
as i look up at our flag, I remember those with the right to brag, the ones who put thier lives in harms way, stepping up to defend us everyday, all gave some, some gave all, never forget, united we stand divded we fall, even when weak they still stand strong, the make right all that is wrong, they travel to lands of the unknown, just so our countrys freedom can be shown, this is to thank you all for your love and dedication, for holding up our right to stand as a nation Dear Troops, I want to thank you all.
"Don't live your life waiting for me to die" "You have the right to live your own life." " I love you and will miss you" these were your words to help me get through. Now. mom here's my words to you. You are my rock, my confidant, my best friend. You were the person I ran to. who always helped my heart to mend. I always knew you'd always be there, no matter what troubled my mind. I'd find you sitting in your favorite chair. I need that now, just one more time. I'm coming to realize that you are still here. I see your face when I see my own, it's made me strong to overcome my fears. I know now I will never be alone. You were the one I've always turned to, in all my times of need, but mom your job here is through. I've become the woman you knew I could be.
My Hate Speech
i hate the mass media and the corporations that control it.i hate the propoganda and lies that are always forgiven while young americans die everyday in iraq.i hate that we supported saddam in killing people who wanted to overthrow him and we told him to kill them cause we wanted him in power.i hate we gave him the weapons to do it.i hate that over a half a million iraqis are dead in a war thats a crime.i hate that the american people had the fear of god instilled in them over weapons of mass destruction that we knew the weapons inspecters said he got rid of after we bombed them in 91.i hate that the president made jokes about him not having the weapons.i hate the fact if americans protest the war they can be locked up for domestic terrorism.i hate the fact we are lied to about fighting for democracy in iraq when we are supposed to be a constitutional republic.i hate that a democracy is what the founding fathers didnt want cause they knew that was 2 wolves and a sheep deciding whats fo
Remembering 9-11
Remembering 9/11???
First of all, Id like to send my condolences to those who have lost friends and family in such a tragedy that never should have happened. Now, that thats out of the way, 9/11 is such a crock. It was all bush's fault that it happened. The Bush family and the Bin Laden family were oil company partners back when Regan was president, and thats where it all started. The reason 9/11 happened is because the cia trained al qaeda to defend themselves when russia was at war with them, so Bush Sr. and Reagan gave them the skills and the weapons to fight for what the believed in, then they turned around and used them on us. Bush should never have been president the first time after Regan, but the american public only knows what the government tells us to know. Why did we go to war with Iraq? Because the government maybe wanted us to forget about his partners? C'mon people wake up! 9/11 didnt happen because of terrorists, it happened cuz bush is a greedy oil comapny man and a fucking idiot... Ple
Please Have Patience
I appreciate all the love I have been getting, but please have a little patience with me. I f I don't get back to you right away I will, as soon as I can. I have had to turn off my shoutbox, so if you want to reach me please reach me in email. Again I love my fubar friends and family, but for some reason I have had more traffic than normal, and once again...I'm getting overwhelmed..LOL sorry...Hugs and Kisses
What kind of witch are you? You are a Fire Witch! The Material Element of Fire is at your command. Your soul burns as bright as the fire you can conjure. Many look to you as the leader, and you accept the burden. Though a good person at heart, you can get lost in the moment and your fiery passion, or sometimes anger can get the best of you, but its ok. Its not like they really NEEDED eyebrows....Common Powers: Pyrokinesis-the ability to light and control fire with one's mindEmpathy- the ability to feel what other people are feelingUnburnable-the ability to not get burned even by the hottest fireDragonspeak-the ability to speak and control dragons.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Editing Friends
To all of u that r on my friends list....u need to earn ur spot, or u will be deleted. i'm not here 4 popularity. i'm here 2 make friends. the people i've deleted haven't even sent me a drink,rated my pics, left me a profile comment...or even said a simple hello 2 me. i'm not here just to help u level up & if that's why u added me 2 ur friends....then u can delete me 4 all i care. if u want someone who will buy u drinks when u need a buzz....rate ur new pics...& help u when u need it...i'm that person. i've helped many of you out in these ways..and some of u haven't even returned the favor. the way i see it is..."u pat my back, i'll pat urs"...that is my new motto. i'm fine w/ helping people out but i expect the same thing in return...cuz that's what a real friend would do. If u wanna delete me after reading this go ahead...but u'll be losing a good friend. thanx 4 taking the time to read this. :)
Never Forget!
1 Moment A Ya Time
do you all know what today is? sit down and think about it. today is a day for the history books. six years ago today the history of the united states was changed. families changed, loved ones lost, friends lost, heros lost. we lost alot of people today, yester-year. i can remember what i was doing when i found out about what happened here on the east coast. i was stationed in bremerton washington, onboard the USS Rainier. we had just pulled in from our west pac. it was my first pac. we finally got live real television, and not our ships cindicated tv. we were getting televison stations everyone else was getting. i was in the galley cooking and a few of my shipmates came running down the pway to the messdeck where most of the ship stood. those who werent in the berthings or offices or in their spaces. but every eye was on tv. we had just gotten the news more than 3 hours later, being that we are at a 3 hr difference. so lets not forget this day ..........ever. its special to me becaus