I just got back from a whirlwind trip to NYC with a good friend of mine. It was the first time I'd been there, and it's one of the few cities I've never visited so it was about damn time. I was uber-excited about seeing him, he and I go back about 15 years or so, and there's this matter of me saving his life back then... (I'm calling in that debt one day) We went so he could audition for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (missed it by 2 questions, but what the hell, right?). Everyone told me, "oh, it's a great city to visit but you wouldn't want to live there.." BULLSHIT! I would move right into the middle of that madness and love every second of it. I think it fits my ADD.
So the hotel was 6 blocks from Times Square, and I spent most of my time staring at everything except what was in front of me. Needless to say, I nearly got cabbed more than a few times. Topped the Empire State Building, played the keyboard from the movie Big in FAO Schwarz, saw Carnegie Hall, MoMA, Carnegie deli, Broadway, Central Park.. went into all the couture stores as if I wouldn't have to sell everything I own and my neice in order to shop there.
highlight: stopped off in a random bar, tucked out of sight and fairly nondescript. (it was dark, that was my requirement) Walked in and what do you know? an honest to god Irish pub. Everyone who worked there was Irish. Between that and all of the English businessmen crowded in the place, I'm pretty sure we were the only Americans. Best beer I've ever had, and every fourth round was on the house.