do you all know what today is? sit down and think about it. today is a day for the history books. six years ago today the history of the united states was changed. families changed, loved ones lost, friends lost, heros lost. we lost alot of people today, yester-year. i can remember what i was doing when i found out about what happened here on the east coast. i was stationed in bremerton washington, onboard the USS Rainier. we had just pulled in from our west pac. it was my first pac. we finally got live real television, and not our ships cindicated tv. we were getting televison stations everyone else was getting. i was in the galley cooking and a few of my shipmates came running down the pway to the messdeck where most of the ship stood. those who werent in the berthings or offices or in their spaces. but every eye was on tv. we had just gotten the news more than 3 hours later, being that we are at a 3 hr difference. so lets not forget this day ..........ever. its special to me because of the ppl involved, be it i knew them or no, they were people. one of the souls that left this earth was a family member of one of my real close friend from the ship. lets keep her family in mind and other families, should they had lost someone or no. take a moment or more than one.........a few moments of silence, for our heros........and yes even the zeros. though we've lost you, we still love you, and we miss.

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