This page is ALWAYS Under Construction!!!
Fan and friend me (if we aren't already) and
chat with me so I know you're ready to get your fam adds!!!
I will send you the trick to using the blog to level quickly!!
These people that have volunteered to help with Fam adds. Be sure to Like/Rate/Fan/Friend request them - they are an awesome group of people to have as friends!! (BTW - if you msg them and ask for an add and you aren't friends - they can't help you!!! Besides - it's courteous to make sure you Like/Rate/Fan/Friend before asking for help!!)
Please do not ask for fam adds until you are all ready to level. That means you have your points and all other requirements completed first because the people on this list are sometimes helping a lot of people and they don't have room to keep you in their fam for days while you finish up your leveling requirements. Once all you need are the adds, then you can contact them for a temp fam add! But PLEASE chat me up first - I can give you some pointers and talk about how to get you leveled quickly!! Oh and start at the top and work through, I’ve tried to put people at the top that are more active and willing to help often!! If you pick and choose who to ask it will just take you longer in the long run!