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I Could Kill You

Outside of the endless sea of the mediocre, faceless nobodies, there are only two different types of motherfuckers in the world. People who start shit and think they are tough. And people who have trained and KNOW they are strong.

You see this shit every day. On the street, in bars, in workplaces... The "tough-guy" pretenders. They talk loud, they wear flashy clothing and jewelry, they drive souped-up cars. All this flashy garbage that is supposed to say "Don't fuck with me."

They walk with a swagger. They stomp and strut with a mean face on. They hang out with their equally-obnoxious friends. They are SO QUICK to start shit. SO QUICK to try to prove how fucking tough they are. They say things like "Yeah, motherfucker, keep walking, pussy! I'll fuck you up, bitch!" and so on and so forth.

They may go to the gym, even YOUR gym... But they don't train. They just go to do a few curls and bench presses and try to be intimidating to other people. They only do exercises that won't compromise their carefully-manicured image of toughness.

Then there are the people who DO train. Who earned their respect and their scars through months and years of training. Who have poured out gallons of sweat and oozed their blood on the mats and canvas floors. This is a completely different animal.

They are calm and relaxed. They walk with an ease of intention. They rarely look irritated or angry in public for no reason. They wear whatever they feel like wearing, whatever is comfortable.


Because they don't need a flashy car, or clothes or jewelry. They don't need to stand around places and try to intimidate others. They don't need a crew of their friends to parrot everything they say and "back them up". Because underneath the calm demeanor you can see, there is a terrifying power ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice....

... It is the calm coiled power of 1,000,000 punches thrown in practice against a bag or another person. The speed and force of 500,000 kicks, each of them improving on the one before it. The thunderous impact of the 250,000 knees and elbows smashed into the target with murderous intent.

It all screams one thing impossibly louder than all of the fake posturing and shit-talking of the phony-tough...



...It screams "I could kill you".

So, I was in a rotten mood for most of the day (don't ask!) and I decided to have a little fun at someone's expense.


I went jogging and ran by the park along the bike path. It was about 100 degrees today, so I went in to the public bathroom to clean up from the sweat.


I saw a man's feet sticking out from underneath the door of the farthest stall in the restroom and there was an atrocious smell. So, I naturally I assumed he was taking a really vicious shit. Then my evil mind is already at work.... I got really quiet and let everything die down. Other than the occasional "plop" and a little grunting from behind the stall door, it was dead silent. You could have heard a pin drop in this restroom.


Then I let out this insanely loud and savage war cry and flung myself against the door as hard as possible, causing a thunderous "BANG" to resonate through the restroom! I bet that guy has not ever been so scared in his life since he screamed "WHAT THE FUCK?!" and I heard him slam into the back of the wall. Then I heard him try to stand up and fumbling with his pants because his belt buckle was making noise.


I was already long gone before he made it out of the stall.

STOP!! ...Are YOU a Sheep?


Yes, you. Stop.


Are you a sheep? 

Do you follow your friends’ trends, listen to their music and agree with everything they like?

If the answer is yes, then you are a sheep! If you are happy like this, stop reading here and move along with your shallow, self-absorbed life.....


....If you are still reading, either you are not a sheep or you are a sheep that wants help. In that case, listen up, I will only say this once....

My name is "Wolf", and I eat sheep.

What does that mean, you ask? That means, I enjoy breaking down other’s perceptions. I really like hurting feelings and offending people. Because if you are offended by something someone says, then you look at it harder.  And in turn, you look at yourself in the process.


I will not sugar-coat this message, it needs to be said in as raw and emotional a way as I can....





Herd mentality is what has made you this way. But your subconscious mind says, "If we think alike and act alike and look alike, there is safety in numbers." Yes, if you are destined to be the prey.

And the herd will turn on you if you are even a little different. Look at nature, the predators pick off the slow and the weak from the herd. While the herd run away, those deemed lesser are preyed upon.


What if you walked away from the rest of the sheep? What if you walked away from the herd to find out that there is no predator, there is only you?


And then, you are alone in the darkness. Only without the outside influence of the media, or fashion or television, does the truth become clear.

Then you are the predator. You are the one who stands and looks down upon the rest of the world. You are the one who is different and rightly so, for predators obey only their own hearts, and not those of the group.


Then, you also, are the "Wolf". Welcome to the pack.

Here, we do not think alike, dress alike or look alike. We may not always agree on many topics, and that is good, for we are not the sheep.

But, there is respect among the predators and that is what binds us together. A bond, forged by knowledge and faith in ourselves that is stronger than anything the sheep can offer you.


You are the "Wolf". Welcome to our pack.

Welcome home.

If you are a friend of mine, you would do well to read this....

I usually avoid this topic like the plague, since no matter who I wanted to explain it to, I doubted that they would "get it". But since someone had enough balls to ask me about it and I am tired of dodging the issue, here is my first and only explanation.

The topic is "Who is Wolf and why does he exist?" Ok here it goes....

A long time ago, I was weak. I was always smaller than people my age and got bullied. I was angry with life in general. One day, as I was being picked on and pushed around, I reached my boiling point. Something in my mind fractured and someone else was controlling me. And as I sat on top of this kid’s chest pounding his face into mush with my fists, all I can remember is someone was laughing. Later, with fear in their eyes, my friends told me that I was the one laughing.

No one understood, they all thought I was just "going through a phase." They were only half-right, John was the phase.

Wolf is quite simply, the other side of me. The Mr. Hyde to my Dr. Jekyll. My own personal Tyler Durden. The best definition of my situation is this: John is Clark Kent. Like Clark Kent; John is clumsy, he smiled and waves when you cut him off in traffic, and he is good-natured and forgiving....  Wolf is Superman; he is fearless, if you cut him off in traffic, you had better not stop. Wolf never forgives and has an temper that borders on homicidal.

But most importantly, John is a disguise. A mask that I wear when I have to go out in public.

Superman uses the persona of Clark Kent to "blend in" with everyone else. He did not become Superman, he was born Superman. He became Clark Kent to hide who he really was to the world. You see, I am not John. I never was. John is simply the name my disguise uses. I am, and always have been, Wolf.

So, keep smiling and saying "how civilized and nice" I have become. John will smile back and be gracious. Just realize, underneath the mask, I am baring my fangs.

This is the first and only explanation I ever intend to give concerning myself. I hope this provides all of you with some insight into me.

- Wolf

It is rare that I allow anyone to see a human emotion from me. Most of the time, what you get out of me is either sarcastic, contempt, rage or indifference. However, very rarely, I show that I am capable of more than simple disgust toward the rest of humanity... This is a one-time deal. Do NOT ever expect to see such a thing from me again.

Anyone who has studied psychology will tell you that anger is never a primary emotion, it is a secondary feeling. A defense mechanism created either to mask the first emotion or to inspire action instead of inaction. One never gets angry without having first experienced some form of loss, pain or injustice against them. Knowing this, now you will begin to understand more clearly why I react the way I do and behave in the manner that you see.

Many times I am seen as the worst kind of person. There are people in my past and my present who honestly believe me to be devoid of any compassion, kindness or decency. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, I am very capable of nobility and acts of selflessness. These are the things that I keep hidden deep inside of me. I don't want anyone to ever see what I truly am....

I am not a monster.
I am not a sociopath.
I am not a self-centered, ruthless and sadistic demon.

...I am just tired of being hurt by people. I am tired of feeling alone.

I don't think before I act. Never think. Never EVER fucking think about things! Because when I think, I realize just how screwed up my life really is. I realize that I don't know how I got where I am, I don't know where I'm headed and I don't know what to do to fix that.

I want you, the reader, to close your eyes and do this exercise immediately after you read this paragraph: Imagine the darkest, blackest place you can. A literal void where no light can penetrate. There is nothing in this place but you. You have no light. You have no doors or windows to leave. It stretches on for eternity. No matter where you go or how far you walk, it does not end. You are trapped here with only your thoughts and memories as your company for the rest of your life....

...Maddening, isn't it? This is what it feels like to be me most days. That no matter what I do or say, that there is no escape.

This is the reason I am so angry and malicious to people on the outside. Because I have learned to accept my isolation. I learned how to use my loneliness to give me strength. That is why I no longer show anyone how I feel. If someone tried to care for me or love me, they would strip me of my shield. I would no longer have my strength and I could be could hurt again.

As the "hated monster", I am invulnerable. I have an absolute defense against everything and anyone that the world could ever throw at me. But if I ever let anyone in again, I would be just another human with the same weaknesses as everyone else. Simply put, I feed off of everyone's hatred... Love? Well, to use an analogy; love shown to me would be like Kryptonite against Superman.

The fact of the matter is this: I wish I hated the world half as much as I hate myself. It would be easier to walk around completely indifferent to everyone. But I can't hate everyone, I have tried. I still have some shred of humanity left and it is slowly eating away at me. I want to love, and I want to be loved.... I just don't know how to.

I am struggling. A lot. And sometimes when I say that "I am okay.", I just want someone to look me in the eyes and tell me, "No. I know you aren't."

This is the first, and the last, time you will ever read anything like this from me again. It just needed to be said, and I don't think I can go through saying it again.

But now you know.


- Wolf

Recollection Of A Fight

This was something I had written once when asked "What does it feel like to be a fighter?" Since I am (for the most part), retired from actively fighting, I thought I would publish it here. I hope you enjoy the read as you gain a rare look through my eyes inside a fight.

Critics have called it a “blood-sport” and “human cock-fighting”. However, Mixed Martial Arts remains not only a test of skill and endurance, but an essential part of human character-building and quest for the ultimate in physical excellence. The mixture of intense pain and pleasure felt through pushing yourself cannot be duplicated or rationalized, it can only be lived. Further, the emotions and feelings experienced during an MMA fight far exceed any other form of competition I have ever known.

As my fatigued body slumped backwards against the cage wall, the cold rubber-coated fencing only gives slightly against my weight. The cold and clammy steel is a welcome feeling. Every fiber of my body is on fire with exhaustion and the sweat is pouring down my limbs in streams of lava. My trainers try to fan my body and pour ice-cold water over my back. It is no use, I am rapidly overheating. My eyes are burning, no doubt from the sweat that has flowed into them for the last 5 minutes of furious combat. Every ragged breath I take causes my lungs to be scorched in a burning heat. There is no escape from the oppressive heat within this cage. This must be what Hell itself feels like to the damned.

Everything hurts now, my trainer’s voice is a sledgehammer of sound pounding against my ears. I have no idea what he is saying or of his instructions to me. The waves of noise enveloping everything from the crowd in attendance drown out any possibility of comprehending him. I taste an overwhelming sensation of warm copper and salt. As he squirts water into my mouth, I realize that the coppery taste is my own blood streaming from my nose. I exhale sharply, trying desperately to shed some of the heat from my core and a fine crimson mist sprays over my chest. It is then that my skull begins to lodge its own protest. It reminds me that the jaw’s hinge was not designed for traumatic impact and my skull’s dull constant throbbing is doing its absolute best to convince me of this.

I am finished, the exhaustion has overcome me when I see it. Across twenty feet of sweat and blood-stained canvas, my eyes see my opponent. He is slumped against the cage, his trainers are feverishly trying to cool his body down as well. I watch his chest heaving for precious air, he is gasping in a combination of agony, overwhelming heat and fatigue. Our eyes meet and he looks down, refusing to meet my gaze. I know now that he is feeling every single thing that I have, plus one another that I have not experienced…. He is scared. My adversary’s confidence is shaken and we both realize that he cannot defeat me. He has used the hardest and most savage strikes in his arsenal and I still remain standing and unbroken.

The pain, heat and exhaustion are gone now. I may still have them, but I no longer notice them. My adrenaline has taken over, my eyes dilate and my fists clench within their leather-wrapped shells. Without conscious effort, my lips curl into a sneer, a low and primal growl escaped from somewhere deep within my chest. The predator inside my heart has just woken, and he feels none of the physical limits that I had. A savage grin draws over my face and I step forward, no longer leaning on the cold chain-link fencing behind me.

My trainer is still screaming instructions to me and I still do not hear him, but now it is for a different reason. The beast inside of me roars back to life and I know that within the next two minutes, my opponent’s bloodied and battered form will be laying at my feet. This victory is already mine. As the horn sounds to signal the release of the predator, I meet his eyes once more and flash a grin towards him. My God, how I love this! It’s time for the beast to claim his prey. It’s time to show everyone in attendance why I am a fighter.

Ugh! I usually HATE this topic. There are too many ideas and thoughts running through people's minds to have an intelligent, non-biased discussion about religion or faith. But, I have had several friends of mine wanting to discuss this very topic with me as of late. That fact combined with the constant onslaught of religious signs and media have seemed to forced my hand.

So, without further ado, I bring you my viewpoint. As always, you are free to to read, comment and (unlike MOST religions) even call into question my own beliefs. Please drop a quick comment in if you do choose to read this, even if you have no feedback. I am always curious to see who actually reads the things I write!

Okay, first and foremost, let's get one thing perfectly clear from the start: I am an Atheist. Period.... This viewpoint is from the sight of a skeptic. I will attempt to make it as unbiased and logic-based as I can, but in NO way do I claim that this is completely objective.

There have been numerous signs as of late that I have noticed in my life. Many people have chosen to speak, whether for or against, about religion to me. My personally held thought is that religion of ANY kind is a plague upon the sensibility and reasoning of an otherwise intelligent species. This is a bold statement, I realize. However, the reasons for it are incontrovertible.

The very idea of "Intelligent Design" in the context of the Earth is not only illogical, it has been scientifically shown to be patently absurd! We have proof, not theories but actual proof, that the Earth is over several billion years old. Fossils and dinosaur remains, oil deposits, carbon-14 testing, the list goes on and on to show that this planet has existed for FAR longer than 5,000 to 10,000 years.

Nevertheless, we are told that we are all descendants of two people who lived in an area known as the "Garden of Eden". If your mind can somehow swallow this story as factual, I will ask you to ponder this question. In the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first two people. They had two sons, Cain and Abel. According to the story, Cain killed Abel and was cast out from this place. Now, the Bible does not mention any other people being born of the original two, nor does it state that God made anymore people. So, where the Hell did everyone else come from?!

Bearing this in mind, we are also made to believe that Eve was created from Adam's rib. Anyone with a basic knowledge of genetics and medical knowledge is aware that, should tissue from one donor be used as a DNA template for another, they will end up being extremely close genetically. This concept is how Dolly the sheep was cloned in laboratories in recent years. (...Kind of throws a monkey wrench into the religious debate against cloning, but that is a topic for another time!)

Back to the topic, if you clone one being from another, the clone would be a nearly-exact replica of the original. So there would have been Adam and another MALE, considering that DNA carries the chromosomes that determine gender! Last time I checked, human males cannot produce offspring asexually, either.

The next thing I call attention to is the concept of "Noah and the Great Flood". Knowing what we do now about migration patterns, species diversification, and habitat requirements of the world's current animal population; it would be a physical impossibility using the technology of the time to construct a vessel capable of sustaining the lives of arctic, jungle, desert and mountain animals simultaneously! A polar bear accustomed to the frigid tundra would surely die in the heat required to sustain camels or scorpions in a desert climate.

Never mind the concept of that many predatory animals on the same vessel with other docile creatures that are ill-equipped to face a new threat to their existence! ...Don't take MY word for it! Go watch the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet and see real-world studies of what happens when you introduce a new predator species to an ecosystem. Usually, things get REAL bad for the animal population not on top of the food pyramid!

Next? The entire concept of "Divine Inspiration" and the Bible as a whole. This is a text written by men, NOT God, but handwritten by men who claim that God told them these stories. The Holy Bible as accepted today was written by over 40 different authors over the time span of roughly 500 years.... All jokes about schizophrenia and "hearing voices" aside, if we are to believe that God is infallible and His word is truth, then we can STILL call into question the validity and accuracy of the Bible as it was men, and not God, by whom it was authored!

Also let us not forget that, even IF men wrote down exactly what God intended without any mistranslation or confusion, what the Christian Doctrine has now is NOT an original manuscript from their supposed Creator! This is a book that has been translated, at a minimum, five times over. It was originally written in Aramaic, then translated to Hebrew, then from Hebrew to Latin, from Latin to Middle English, and finally from Middle English into the current incarnation most widely accepted known as the King James Version....

Anyone who has studied languages besides their own native tongue understands that their are not always direct translations and certain words do not have an equivalent in other languages. Therefore, to believe that the Bible is "The literal Word of God" is delusional. Even if you accept the idea that God does not make mistakes, humans do often!

The basic summary is as follows: The ideas promoted and believed by the majority of all major religions are good and sound philosophies to live by: Don't kill. Don't steal. Don't lie to people. Respect your parents, etc.... But we as a species do not need the fear of an invisible and all-powerful wizard in the sky to tell us to be decent to others. For the most part, it is basic common sense.

We don't need "Jesus" to tell us that we should "Do unto others as you would have done to you".... If you stop and think that "I would be really pissed off if someone stole my car, slept with my spouse or killed one of my family", then chances are that no one else will appreciate that kind of anti-social behavior, either!

I'm not disputing in any way that many of the lessons of the New Testament are great morals and ideas to live by. (Although some of the craziness in the Old Testament is inexcusable! See "The Book of Leviticus" for details!) Compassion, patience, holding your temper in check and kindness to others are all excellent ways to live.

But let's take a look at the reality of the situation. More wars, suffering, torture and murder have been committed in the name of God/Allah/Jehovah/(insert deity's name here) than all other reasons on this planet combined! If you doubt this, then you need a history lesson....

The Spanish Inquisition
The Crusades
The Salem Witch Trials
The Holocaust (yes, because Hitler killed Jews!)
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip over the supposed "Holy Land"

These and many more far too numerous to mention here were ALL committed by men in the name and/or service of their God!

So, in closing, I leave you with this: When faced with a moral or ethical dilemma, instead of asking yourself "What Would Jesus Do?", ask yourself this instead.... "What would a sane, rational and decent human being do?" Usually they will be the same answer, but at least you aren't just doing it to get into a mythical "Afterlife". You're simply doing it because it's the RIGHT thing to do!

Take care and thank you for reading.


P.S.: Please leave a comment if you read this, even if it amounts to a simple "I was here". I like to know who on here pays attention to my writing. As always, any thoughts, comments, questions or statements are welcome as well!

Gentlemen, I invite you to follow in my footsteps and reclaim your backbone. (Ladies are welcome to read along and laugh, of course!) This is a true story from the life of Wolf.



One evening several years ago, my (now EX) wife and I were getting into bed. Well, as the passion starts to heat up, she stops and abruptly says, "I don't feel like it. I just want you to hold me." Naturally, my response was "WHAT?!? What the Hell was THAT about?"

So the ex says the words that EVERY man on the planet dreads to hear, "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."

She responded to my puzzled and confused look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"

Realizing that, once again, Wolf was NOT getting any action, I went to sleep.

The very next day I decided to take the entire day off of work to spend time with my ( now EX) wife. We went out to a very nice lunch and then went shopping at one of her favorite stores. I walked around with her very patiently as she tried on several different and very expensive outfits.

She couldn't decide which one she liked better, so I told her we'd  "just get them all." Then she wanted new shoes to match the new clothes and I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit."

We next went to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. The woman was ecstatic, she must have thought Wolf finally lost his mind and she was going to take full advantage of the opportunity! I think she may have been testing me because she asked for a diamond tennis bracelet and she doesn't even know how to play tennis.

I think it really threw her off when I said, "Whatever you want, dear." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Grinning from ear to ear, she finally said, "I thnk this is all. Let's go check out."


...I could hardly contain my joy when I responded with "No. I don't feel like it." Her face went blank as her jaw dropped and she shrieked "WHAT?!?"

I then pulled the trigger and said it, "I just wanted you to hold this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."

And just then, as the realization of what I had done hit her and I watched the rage building in her eyes, I added "Why can't you love me for who I am and not the things I buy you?"


Well, we never had sex again and we ended up getting divorced later.... but at least that bitch knows that I'm smarter than her!

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