64 Year Old
From Pink Hill, NC·
Owned by Pinky LaRoUe and is worth 1 coin.
Invited by: ThOnGiNsPcTr·
Joined on January 7, 2010
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on March 15th
·36 referrals joined!
93 different people have a crush on me!
Click on my Profile pic to get to my pics to rate them, bomb them, etc ...
I am always sending out friend requests. They are friend requests, nothing more, nothing less. If you are so insecure and imagine all these scenarios of me trying to talk to your man or your woman and you just don't get what a friend is, then don't accept the damn thing. Don't get in my shoutbox trying to intimidate me cuz it won't friggin work. Accept it or don't accept it, and move along. I promise my feelings will not be hurt either way.
COMMENT 'REPLIES' -- Whatever excuse you give for only sending comment replies will be met with a deaf ear. If I can come to your page to like and rate you, then please come to my page to rate and like me. I will be ignoring all comment replies from now on unless you have already been to my page and commented. I thank you for that. Profile views happen when you actually go to a person's page. It helps improve rank.
I will not be accepting your friend requests unless you fan me also. I will fan you when I go to accept the friend request as long as I have been fanned. -------- My name is Wanda Sue.
If you get in my shoutbox or my private message box talking your rude crap, you will be blocked, then I will post a copy of your bs so anyone visiting my page can see for themselves. You will be placed in my Dumbass folder on my photos page
64 Year Old
From Pink Hill, NC·
Owned by Pinky LaRoUe and is worth 1 coin.
Invited by: ThOnGiNsPcTr·
Joined on January 7, 2010
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on March 15th
·36 referrals joined!
93 different people have a crush on me!
Latest Status
ThunderWoman US... In order to actuvate the SUPERLIKE button, we have to LIKE each other. Don't expect me to like you if you dont like me.. Thank you to those that do :)
ALEX Actually I noticed that you have to like and rate to be able to activate the SUPERLIKE.. ppl that only like me I haven’t able to super like, have a wonderful day hugs 🤗