70 Year Old
From New York·
Owned by DNO SaUcEy LIL ... and is worth 1 coin.
Joined on April 7, 2011
Born on September 1st
Things about me, first I like women. Sorry guys , I am flatter but I am not gay or bi. Second I walk 4 miles a day and workout with weights 3 to 4 times a week.
70 Year Old
From New York·
Owned by DNO SaUcEy LIL ... and is worth 1 coin.
Joined on April 7, 2011
Born on September 1st
I love sci fi movies
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Oblivion Hunger Games
Latest Status
lex19542003 What is the best spring flower to kiss obviously perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes, why because it has Tu-lips.
I hope you are big on the little things, because spring is chock-full of simple pleasures. Wishing you all the joy & beauty this season holds Happy midweek HUGS!
I enjoyed the blessing you left for me on St Patrick's Day, thank you When I gave up snarky for lent, I had no clue how tough it would be I hope your attitude is doing better than mine & that all your sacrifices bring joy Tuesday hugs!