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68 Year Old · Female · From Alexandria, VA · fuMarried to: LF Daniel McHop · Owned by LF Daniel McHop and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on September 13, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 19th · 19 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 70 different people have a crush on me!
68 Year Old · Female · From Alexandria, VA · fuMarried to: LF Daniel McHop · Owned by LF Daniel McHop and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on September 13, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 19th · 19 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 70 different people have a crush on me!

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I am here because I am interested in the virtual mirror that is the internet. As we move increasing more through the electronic reality that we have now, people respond in some surprising ways ~ ways that sometimes even surprise them. I find looking at all this fascinating and so vast that I do not see myself losing interest in it anytime soon. This particular internet game presents facets that are often more than just a little thought-provoking to me.

I am an only child. In my early years, which was prior to ten years old, I grew up as a Air Force brat and lived in Japan, Nebraska, and briefly, in Seattle, where I actually met the man who would eventually be my first husband and the father of my son. From age ten until almost 14, I lived on Long Island, after which I moved to Northern Virginia, where I still live. I was graduated from St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, where I received a classical education. My majors were Philosophy and the History of Mathematics and Science and my minors were in Classical Studies and Comparative Literature. I had internships just out of college at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, where I worked in public affairs for the National Air & Space Museum and for the Office of International Activities/Office of Service & Protocol. I also was offered an internship at the Folger Shakespeare Library as a book and paper conservator, but opted to marry and move to Indiana instead.

I have worked in a variety of capacities ~ as a model, an administrator in churches and various institutions and companies, a professional freelance calligrapher and conceptual artist, a research and regulatory manager, a teacher, and as an indexer and indexing editor for an electronic publishing company, to name a few. I am currently trying to start up my own online business based on research and indexing. My mother is ancient and unwell, so I am camping out at her house looking after her 24/7/365, which makes an online business the only feasible one.

However, I am also interested in a great many other things about which I blog occasionally in certain forums online. One of these interests is astrology, which I consider to be a proto-science rather than a pseudo-science due to its antiquity. For those who may be familiar with this subject, I am Leo with Sun combust Pluto in the 12th House and a 12th House Virgo Jupiter conjunct Ascendant with a Virgo Mercury in the 1st. My chart ruler is Mercury, and my guiding planet is Uranus, which is in Leo in the 11th House. I have an Aquarius Moon conjunct Chiron in the 5th. I also have spent a couple of decades reading and re-reading the works of Carl Jung. For those who are familiar with the Myers Briggs personality typology that is based on Jung's work in that area, I am an INFJ. Because my interests are so broad, it is prohibitive to give an exhaustive list of them here, but I think it is fair to say that I can discuss almost anything, including baseball and world religions, both ancient and modern.

I also think it is fair to say that people rarely feel ambivalent about me, and their reactions can be rather extreme. While I am fond of people who turn the other cheek, I do not suffer fools gladly, so I don't always do that myself. I have the temperament of a Celt, since I am in large part Scottish, and of the Douglas clan, which was not known for pacifist tendencies. I have advocate leanings that encompass other people as well as myself, so being an "avenger" is apt for me. In spite of my analytical tone, I am actually a very passionate and firey person. My ethnic background also includes Lebanese (Levantine), English, French, and Native American (Blackfoot), which are all I know about at the present time. This makes me very much the usual mutt American most of us are.

As for the requisite remarks about "cybering" and such that people seem to have to make here, for my part, I usually find it extremely boring to downright annoying when I find this to be about all a person has to offer in a conversation. It is a sad thing that the art of seduction has fallen on such sparse times that so many people seem to think that the overly obvious is more appealing and engaging than the subtle and rare. I am sure that there are many people who actually prefer fast food to a gourmet meal, but I am not one of them. So much for that.

I hope this has given you a sense of who I am, or, at least, a sense of how I perceive myself. But, of course, for me, the real question is who are you?


*People inviting themselves in my "shout box" to ask sexual questions and make sexual remarks. The same applies to private messages. I don't know why people seem to think that things you wouldn't say to a stranger at the counter of a grocery store are somehow just peachy to say to them online.

*10 RATES! I fail to understand why people automatically do this since FUBAR USES AN 11 POINT SYSTEM, NOT A 10 POINT ONE ~ 10s DOWNRATE! So you ran out of 11s or don't have a VIP ~ just don't rate profiles or pics. 10's don't show up on stats, so you aren't doing anyone any favor giving them, but you sure can bust their ranking and lower their stats. It also takes more 11s to recover from one 10 than it takes one 10 to lower a rate from an 11 to like a 10.5. This is how fubar (aka "the house") stacks the deck, folks. THINK ABOUT IT ~ IF 10s ARE COOL, WHY EVEN HAVE 11's????

Some people, granted, don't care, but ASK FIRST. The same is true for people who go around rating others a 1 because it is a "leveling requirement." Don't be a dweeb and generically apologize for doing it in your status. Give people the option. For all you know, a crowd of people and freaking Fluffy have already hit them a lot lately. If you can take the time to apologize to them, you can take the time to ask them if it is a problem for them FIRST.

*People I have never even talked to blocking me. Come on, now ~ If you are going to be hostile, at least have the guts to make the reason clear. Passive aggression is the height of cowardice and not clever at all. It just brands you a snake in the grass.

*Posting comments to my profile page when your profile is private so that I cannot access it and leave a comment of my own. Please, if I have to be your friend to post to your page, at least send me a friend invitation to do so.

*Along those lines ~ people who keep weeding out their friends list so that -- and this HAS HAPPENED -- I have to send a friend request every day. First of all, it doesn't make sense to cull that list since at some point you shoot yourself in the foot when you are required to have 800,000,000 friends to level. Simply "not having had conversations" with someone on your friends list is a silly reason to drop them since who has the time to talk to 2,000 people on even an irregular basis? THE FAMILY LIST IS FOR PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY TALK WITH OR WISH TO HELP. THAT LIST MAKES SENSE TO UPDATE.

*Lounge staff who get nasty and hostile because they want to start their own lounge or who have some beef they don't just privately and politely discuss with the owner. Again, this is just craven behavior. Grow a pair of something, act like and adult, and take it up with the owner. Sheesh.

*Other lounge owners asking for help who then repay the favor by banning and blocking you. I don't care if that is because you don't like some staff member they have in their own lounge or what. It is a cheap shot.

*Ridiculous lounge rules. A really dumb one is NO PARKING. What, you don't want to seem active even when you may not be? O.o You like paying a maintenance fee? o.O

*Opening new lounges when you have little to no lounge experience. Some people go ahead and do this without lining up a coder or any staff and do a Hail Mary hoping it will all work out. Result = Lounge glut and owners turning into beggars wanting help out of the jam they created for themselves. Work in lounges for a year in various capacities to find out what you need to know before you try to have one of your own. For all you know, you will find it is NOT what you have the time or desire to do after all. If you really have that many friends who want to have a chat room to themselves, then make a private one & see how it goes, but do the homework beforehand and don't go around inviting other lounge owners there to take time away from their own places.

*Staff who just want a title and who never even show up to chat. Hello. Being staff is not a prize for anything. If you don't show up for a month, don't be surprised if you find you are no longer staff. If you had something crazy happen, like no net for a month, politely explain that to the owner when you come back & find yourself no longer staff instead of acting like a two-year-old because you were fired. Believe it or not, a lot of people sneak off and make their own lounges without telling the lounge owner and siphon off their membership behind their backs with no intention of working at all in the lounge they left. Why should lounge owners keep you as staff? Would you? If you can't be around for a while, have the decency to discuss it honestly with the owner. It is NOT the owner's job to track you down to talk with you. It is a staff job to go to the owner & say, "Sorry ~ I have some things that will keep me out of the lounge for a while. I will be back when I can. If you need to fire me temporarily while I deal with things, that's fine." OR "I think I want to start my own lounge and can't work for you anymore. Thanks so much for including me as staff & best of luck to you!" See? That really doesn't hurt, does it?

68 Year Old · Female · From Alexandria, VA · fuMarried to: LF Daniel McHop · Owned by LF Daniel McHop and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on September 13, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 19th · 19 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 70 different people have a crush on me!
Off the Cuff Poem

It is not that I am otherwise interested
in anything other than the scent of mown clover
and milkweed seed blown along the stream.
I am not interested in the dead telephones
nor the bad dreams that you had that make you jealous
of my former lovers. I hate you
for invading my private life with your jealousy.
I hate anyone coming into my disastrous home
that feels just right to me. I don't want you here.
This is mine. It is not, and never will be, about you.
You adore me for that, and I don't care.

I love it that we saved some of the redbud tree
after the brutal winter. I love it that the magnolia survived.
I love you even when I hate you. Very little is important.

I find myself not at all easy.
Some people want me to argue myself into their affections,
and I won't. I will tell them that I am not interested.
I may also tell them that I don't like them,
but that I am open to reconsidering that in the unlikely event
they ever give me a reason to reconsider. But I am not holding my breath.
It happens, more by my grace than anything else,
but that is rare enough.

I think that people who think that talking about a raw and awful reality
is somehow unseemly lack heart. I don't lack heart. And when
it comes to pass, season after season of acorns,
that there is to you me to talk to, don't be surprised
if i say that you truly will never know
and I don't really want you to
because I would rather leave me to myself
who better knows, loves, and just lets go like
that milkweed seed blown along this stream.

Or the owl at twilight that graced me by just being there
in the nonevent that was unforgettable.

July 28, 2010

Daughter on the Mountaintop

and now the rain.
The dense gray gathers up,
weighing like stones of winter;
snows, already a burden,
rise up like barricades of a prison of ice and water.
So cold.

Betrayal comes slowly,
a gradual awakening
to a lost dawn and raw wind
that stings, then numbs,
The drifts circle and enclose
in a blanket lie

Perpetual circling
of stranded rooks
lend witness
from the thermals.
Wasted landscapes,
words, time,

Glad enough for solitude
and the hope of silence.
Snow like sanded salt,
rain like livid blood
surround it.
In the midst,
No thaw.

Comes the rumbling
of avalanche, like the thunder.
Echoes follow the warnings.
No waiting for a warming.
The streams swell
and escape is fading.

February 23, 2003

Middle Sea, wind, Sun

I settle into the shadows under the eaves
and there, with the rain, make my song.
Sand powder clings to my feet like dust to leaves
and remembrance begins of the sea, and of what floated there.

You are between my shoulders, drifting
with your eyes closed, your fingers sifting
through the waves of my solitude reading
each bubble and current like braile, meeting
all foam with a calm, silent touch.
Ashes of palm leaves, spinters from a crutch,
oil and glass and a thousand crustaceans' remains
dusty, brittle, slick and sharp tumbling in silk refrains.
In motion, I am space sliding still below
while you press and brush the messages you know
are wrapped in tortured delicate unconsciousness;
knit with threads of awkward tenderness;
You are wood, I am water
and we together
are sea and ship:
liquid, like living,
knotted like lovers
in melody of many calls ~ some, wind-ravaged
and some laced with unintended salt.
Vulcan, the coral light is only a lamp
that gives me shadow since the sun has gone.
I turn alone to the endless thoughts
and raindrops on the window while you anchor between
the blades of two piers ~ duty and devotion.
Writing through the hour of tears, you remember
how i am always singing to myself,
but the ocean beneath your pen is the ink shadow of my hull,
a reflection, and image, an echo of my voice, my song
through darkness to the unseen sun.

December 26. 1976


Peeling back layers of time
like the Empress her lotus gowns,
millions of sidereal leaves blown in a flare,
my skin sees and seizes you, now, here,
as in a balm of a thousand flowers,
sunk in crimes and charities,
awash in the sweat of impossibilities vanquished.
Be. Just be.

The bitter light, the waking sleep, the faint knell
coming from the House of God,
the horror, the voice of the oboe,
the bent and ochre sound-shrouded shrines,
all that rings on the wind and brings earth to Earth,
searching past the past to that silence
that to silence rhymes,
it is the unseen, hearing the unheard, knowing the now nothing
that is as well
our world without end.

January 29, 2013

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