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59 Year Old · Male · From Hell, MI · Owned by KYBLUEEYES and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on September 12, 2010 · Born on January 19th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Most on here call me Kills. I do not post any personal info on here so if you know more than this you must have made an impression of some type on me.If you hit my shout box and I do not answer then I am busy or not there.Please do not hit me wanting credits or to make a deal for nsfw pics.I do not make those deals and I give to who I want to.Other than that I will probably say HiMilitary Image
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R.I.P. Janet my sweet friendtn_518421955.jpg

59 Year Old · Male · From Hell, MI · Owned by KYBLUEEYES and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on September 12, 2010 · Born on January 19th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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