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Stats for Jul 26

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55 Year Old · Female · From Eastpointe, MI · Owned by Mildly Used and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on November 25, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 29th · 4 different people have a crush on me!

I've been through alot over the last few years from being a very independent woman to needing help with doing things I took for granted so in a way it has changed the person I once was, I am trying to get back to the free spirited and cheerful person I once was just taking a little bit longer than I ever thought it would so please be patient with me

55 Year Old · Female · From Eastpointe, MI · Owned by Mildly Used and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on November 25, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 29th · 4 different people have a crush on me!
I love the outdoors although since I've had my hips replaced and need back surgery it's very difficult for me to sit for very long periods of time I would fish for hours there's nothing more relaxing and peaceful than being on a boat or even sitting on the bank
I like all types of music honestly but Rock would have to be my favorite
Horror is my favorite genre although I yet to see one that can make me scared to fall asleep in a very long time
My idol is my father even tho he passed away when I was only 6 he was the best person I've ever known and will always be my number 1 person to look up to
Video Games
Call of duty is my all time favorite but also like Dead Island 2, what can I say I love video games

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