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56 Year Old · Female · From New York, NY · Owned by Diamond Dave and is worth 3 coins. · Joined on August 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 25th · 25 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!

I recently battled with Breast Cancer and i WON. IM SURE PICS OF MY BALD HEAD WONT GET ME TO THE TOP TEN...but the friends i have here will make me feel like I am. I love you guys. **My hair is growing back but its still short and i hate it. lol


Just Be Fukn Kind.... you never know what someone is going through, be kind, that might make the biggest difference in someone's life!!! Click the banner for more!

I am going for 100, 500 & 1,000 PROFILE PIC RATES in a day! Please click on my pic below to RATE my pic, leave a comment, and help with this achievement! Thank you!



I have a 20 year old daughter with a rare neurological disorder called Rett Syndrome:

a lil bout rett syndrome: Rett syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder. My daughter cannot control any of her muscles in her body..including her eyes or tongue or mouth. She DOES walk but with a very unsteady gait. She has to wear a helmet when she walks when she's not in her wheelchair. She cannot feed herself, bathe herself..and just stopped drinking from a baby bottle a few years ago...even tho shes 18yrs old..and will be in diapers all her life. She has a seizure disorder, scoliosis, and hypothyroidism. Every day is is a challenge..and a blessing. She does not talk but expresses herself with her eyes and is the happiest child you'll ever want to meet.
My son is 21 and has a VERY SEVERE case of autism. Google "AUTISTIC CATATONIA" ...my son is not diagnosed yet but Im 98 % sure this is what my son is suffering from.

Yes, God gave em to me cuz i can handle... yea yea there's alot on my plate... blah blah hero...yes they are MINE and i didnt adopt them. no they dont talk. its like having 3 yr olds.

~ i try my hardest to give back the love to each of you ..but many times my real life beckons me - so I am limited on time.. so if i missed you, it wasnt intentional. Just lemme know Manic.gif ~

Please visit my blog called "My Life" and stash to learn more about Rett Syndrome and Autism. These are the disorders that stole my children. I'm not asking for anything other than to educate yourself..simply so you can understand ME better.
I dont need pity - i need friends. -thanks


I got this acct cuz i couldnt be myself on my facebook acct cuz...well... my family and husband are over there..i wanted to play in the playground for a while LOL Smile2.gif LOL

I dont feel the need to put glittery things on my profile to get people to know me. I find words to be just as good.
Also , and this is just MY opinion, but I think that its crazy that so many women on here represent themselves in such a slutty way in order to get attention or rated. Hey, i understand..if ya got it, flaunt it, thats fine and dandy but when your pictures scream 'slutty ho', thats where I roll my eyes.
I also hate people who DONT READ PROFILES.
Facts bout me:
I am married
I'm Italian
We own a deli/pizzaria
I can type 90wpm
I have very low self esteem.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite movie is fight club.
I have an older and younger brother.
My favorite meal is pasta.
I'm addicted to coffee.
My husband makes me laff so hard I could pee!
Water is my choice of cold beverage.
I love beer but only drink a few times a year.
I'm a midnite toker.
Thunderstorms scare me.
I dont wear socks at all in the summer.
I'm a black card member of Planet Fitness.
I do have a facebook.
I get migraines alot.
I love listening to music.
I know sign language.
I like to make up words.
My favorite cookie is an oreo.
I graduated in 1987.
I'm best friends with my mom.
My husband sumtimes drives me nutz Slurp.gif.
I'm fascinated with the mako shark.
I'm learning wicca.
I love candles.
I'm a lil depressed at times. (thats a lie..its all the time lol)
I HATE todays hip hop/rap/pop music.
My eyes are a honey brown color.
I'm an artist.
I fart and burp alot.
I'm a sinner.
I dont drink enough milk.
There's more to me than my hooters.
I love making people smile.
I've been chatting online since 1997.
I'm bisexual.
I love crossword puzzles.
I'm left handed.
(i'll add more later..this is taking forever) lol

My online life is the only social life that I have due to the fact that I dont have many friends here..being a parent takes up most of my time.

I Love meeting friends *specially funny ones that know how to put a smile on yer face* so hit me up. LOL I cant believe i just said 'hit me up'.. gawd i'm a goob.

56 Year Old · Female · From New York, NY · Owned by Diamond Dave and is worth 3 coins. · Joined on August 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on January 25th · 25 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!

I enjoy spending time with the kids and making them laugh, not being told what to do, being online, doodling, 420fourtwenty420, smilin, great rock n roll, and not thinking too much.


I LOVE rock N roll.. classic rock, hair bands etc etc. I love everything from Ozzy to Nickelback, Eagles, Foreigner, Led Zeppelin, Green Day, Theory of a Deadman, Staind, Pink Floyd, My chemical Romance, KoRN, Judas Priest, Blue October, Breaking Benjamin, Dishwalla, Metallica, Seether, Altar Bridge, Slipknot, Soundgarden, etc etc
I only listen to dance type music when I am at the gym and on the treadmill or the elliptical.. it helps to keep the pace faster. I cant stand alot of todays pop music. It all sounds the same and they play them every freaking 20 minutes. Rock N Roll all the way!! m/ rock on!

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  • NorthernAngelju... Having major surgery in a few days. Could use the prayers. Ps I was also diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and may need a transplant. Prayers please
      18 hrs ago · Reply
    • Dave Oh no! Prayers for you
      19 hrs ago · Reply

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