I hope that in 2025, you pursue happiness. Address all responsibilities, release expectations of others, ignore those who would criticize without being helpful and focus on your goals. Happy ALMOST Friday
Work sucked all my brains out today, so I've got nothing witty or wise to share this evening I'm visiting my smart friend to try to regain some sense via osmosis Enjoy your evening!
I delight in Friday almost as much as I delight in seeing you in my feed Am I laying it on a little thick? Quite possibly, but that doesn't negate the fact that you made me smile. Have a fantastic day
Have you ever noticed that something you do well when alone gets completely botched when someone is watching? Yeah, me, too Happy Friday! May you perform like the rockstar you are when you need to the most
Happy Hump Day hugs Remember, not everyone is meant to cook. Some of us are meant to drink a glass of wine & converse with the person cooking Enjoy today!
I hope your new week is off to a pleasant start. We have control over two things: how we spend our time and the choices we make. Let us be wise with both! Hugs
Happy sweet Friday! I think we should be able to ccall off work for being healthy. I feel amazing today and just don't want to waste it on work Put on some tunes & sway to the music today.
What did Beethoven become after death? A decomposer A friend asked if I had a book about Pavlov's dog & Schrodinger's cat he could borrow. I told him it rings a bell, but I'm not sure if it's here or not Have a funny day!
Happy Wednesday, you lovely little bright spot in the funiverse I am becoming convinced that the most difficult language for most people to speak is truth. Thanks for being an oddball