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50 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on April 17th · 2 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!
50 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on April 17th · 2 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!

i am rather random. sometimes i'm very mellow...sometimes i feel like i could be snoopy and be jumping around with nothing to do.

i guess i'm just a simple person who likes to be entertained...or entertain others until they wake up!

I'm here for entertainment....Sarcastic/Fun/perverted conversation. I am not looking for a hookup irl. My local changes every once in awhile since I cannot say just in USA. *These are not the droids you are looking for*

Now if you want to talk about rubberband flinging or pranks where you do not get caught...I am sure to find something amusing. I need a good laugh every day.

People are not giving me a chance. If I do not respond it does not mean I am ignoring you. However if you insult me I may ignore you but I am relatively not offended.

I do not always see shoutbox messages so do not have a meltdown in it. Better yet if you want me to respond send me a message. If you send me a gift without a msg from the drink list, I am sorry I may not respond because you need to add words first.

I keep learning why I cannot be on here while drinking alcoholic beverages.

Kinky Individual Needing Indulgence

Get Your Sexy Name

50 Year Old · Female · Joined on July 27, 2007 · Born on April 17th · 2 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!
i like doing crafty things. Whether it is proving that yes i can make a duct tape wallet or flowers from duct tape (the newest tool of supplies lately is duct tape...not just for making it impossible to open things!) or finding a way to become macguyver...well...that sounds pretty cool to me. It's fun to take small things that may seem insignificant and prove that they are something to be worried about Smile2.gif

I tend to click on primary pictures with animals and nature...things that make me laugh....nice smile/eyes.

Of course sometimes my finger just gets tired when it's lingering over a picture and shit happens as well....so no need to send out the wedding invites.

I like being a smartass...sometimes I'm sure it appears more ass than smart...but alas. This is an adult site and if you cannot handle it...why the f are you on an adult site to start with?

Weird question what can you not say here that you can only say on fb or kik? I do not use kik and do not understand why you cannot chat here.
I like all different kinds of music...whether it be Clannad, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Metallica, Allison Krauss, Weird Al Yankovic, Depeche Mode, Blue October, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Erasure, Red, Skillet...i pretty much listen to mostly anything. There are some albums I can listen to straight...like Chantel Kreviauk's possible first album which has music from the movie Lucky 7, Soundtrack of Queen of the Damned and Metallica's black album. Without music, I think I'd go insane.
Like many kinds of movies. Thought Avatar was quite interesting and I am in awe how they can come with a 3rd Toy story that is just as cool as the first movie. I'm working my way through some horror movies....I've seen all the alien movies but none of the predator movies so AVP was confusing for me.

I like all things Phantom. Not sure what I think about the Robert Eugland version - but loved the Burt Lancaster version. The music is great to listen to if you want to be swept away to perhaps pleasant dreams.

Movies that I like are varied also like TV. I find myself watching a lot of competitive food shows. I find them quite interesting and often entertaining strangely enough.
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Video Games
I like the Wii Lego games. Possibly the best part is you can break up things and it doesn't go against you....they give you points for doing so!

My nephew got me way too interested in Hungry Shark Evolution.

I also like normal games like Cards Against Humanity, Phase 10, etc. My family has always played different games as we grew up and we do it now with the younger generation or just us oldbies. It's a great way to share time with those you love.

I don't play fumafia so killing me is fruitless.

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  • kini I’d rather be dreaming
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