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72 Year Old · Male · Owned by DNO SaUcEy LIL ... and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on April 12, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 10th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Moderately well preserved baby boomer, single (again), in Canada, Wry sense of humour, gainfully employed, with all my own teeth, toes and hair.

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Under the authority of the International Court of The Hague, I hereby expressly and forever reserve my privacy rights as granted under the Declaration of Independence, Candian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Magna Carta, Hammurabi Code and any and all other applicable law whether foreign or domestic. By posting on Fubar, I do not waive any and all such rights which are hereby expressly reserved unto me, my heirs, successors, agents, legatees, grantees, lessees, designees, devisees, divorcees, my dog and/or assigns. Nothing contained herein or therein shall be construed as such a waiver and any and all persons whomsoever, whether living or dead (but especially dead), reading this disclaimer are hereby forever estopped from so claiming. Should any such person or entity attempt to violate any or all such rights, those persons or entities shall be subject to garnishment of their wages, seizure of their chattels, and forefeiture of their first born (assuming aforementioned first born is not occupying a couch in their basement in perpetuity). I furthermore claim copyright, trademark, service mark, moral rights, and any and all other intellectual property rights in and to any and all posts on Fubar, regardless of origin, authorship or preexisting claims to ownership. Fubar and its Fubarian minions are hereby strictly forbidden from challenging or taking exception to any of the statements made in this disclaimer.

With apologies to the Coal Troll.

72 Year Old · Male · Owned by DNO SaUcEy LIL ... and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on April 12, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 10th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Interested in life (including biology!), the world, history, and the future! I enjoy photography (but am not great at it), gardening, cooking, music, nature, culture, long bike rides, interesting conversation, excellent wine, and a good book!
Just about anything. My son got me into the Misfits, went to see the Raconteurs, Alice in Chains and Rise Against in the last couple of years. That said, I also like jazz, world music (whatever that is lol) and even some country and classical. Whatever the genre, I'm more a fan of slightly edgy music than run of the mill.
hmmm well I have to think about this too--I'll just add some that spring to mind:

Night of the Hunter
Les Miserables (the original)
Cape Fear (with Robert Mitchum)
Sixth Sense (in honor of Trina)
Clockwork Orange
Leningrad Cowboys Go America
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Why doesn't it ask about books? My latest read is the Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov--fantastic book!
I would have to think about this one:

Scientists--C. Darwin, E.O. Wilson, Sewall Wright

Musicians-- Frank Zappa, Herbie Mann, Janice Joplin

Sportsmen--Bobby Orr, Harmon Killebrew, Eric Heiden

Political Figures-- Teddy Roosevelt, Leon Trotsky, Che Guevara, Emiliano Zapata, SubComandante Marcos

Authors: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ken Kesey, Annie Proulx, Bertrand Russell, Chuck Darwin (again)

Regular People-- My Dad, My Daughter
Video Games
I play bubble burst on my cell phone on my train ride home--does that count? (At least it's a step up from Pong!) lol

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