Hi all, I am just totally frustrated and pissed off at my hubby's company. We just found out that they changed the way they do vacation, per diem, and hubby's dedicated route. The first being vacation, instead of from jan to jan of each year, they are doing it by hire date, so if u take a vacation after your hire date, it goes on the next year as a vacation. Now that's cool that they want to do it that way, but they didn't let anyone know until now and we have been with the company for 3 YEARS THIS SEPT. Does that make any sense to you? You would wait for 3 years to let an employee know how you do vacation. They told him that they sent a notice out to all their employees, yet i don't remember seeing anything like that, i look at all the notices that come from the company! The next being per diem, a trucker is intitled to per diem, which is money for showers, food and time away from their families. It is required by the IRS and the Federal Government, yet the company has told us that the Boss doesn't have to, he is just doing it as a bonus to his drivers, YEAH RIGHT! The next being his dedicated route, they took his dedicated route away from him just because he was late picking it up. Now mind you as long as you deliver it on time, there should be no problem. Yet this company took it away for being late when he picked it up on a Sunday. He was NEVER late delivering the load!!!! Does that make any sense, NO NOT TO ME!!! Good grief and also the vacation time is always 2 weeks per year after the second year, no matter how long you have been there. Which totally sucks!