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Jilly's blog: "Frustrated!!!"

created on 05/07/2007  |  http://fubar.com/frustrated/b80599

My Weekend!

Hi all, I hope you all had a great weekend, start of the week! UGH it's monday again! I had a pretty good weekend, We celebrated my youngest son's birthday! He turned 5 on Nov. 7th! Man I can't believe that he is 5 already, where does the time go! Darryl was supposed to leave Sunday, but no they told him that the load got cancelled. So he called Hobby Lobby to find out if it really was cancelled, and he got some shocking news, IT WASN'T CANCELLED!!! SO wtf is that all about. Last wednesday Darryl had a talk with his boss about getting paid for the two days that he sat, and now they are taking miles away from him for asking! GOOD GRIEF! I can't believe it, they had told him last weekend that the load was cancelled. He has a friend that told him, No it wasn't cancelled last weekend or this weekend! Darryl called in this morning to see where he was going, and he is doing Local work! So he gets loaded and they tell him it delivers in Ardmore, but he got to the 54 yard stick, and they called him and told him it was supposed to deliver in Edmond! He just wasted a half morning doing this one load, so I know for sure now that they are just screwing with him, and giving him lower miles because he said something to them. Also we were supposed to get our tools from Darryl's brother, like freaking 3 weeks ago, and they still haven't come! He keeps saying that he sent them, but he won't give us the tracking or even try to talk to us about it. So I really don't think that he sent them, otherwise we would have them already. He sent them October 19th or so, and it should have taken only 7-10 days to get here. Yet on the 2nd of November he tells us they were delayed in Tenn. somewhere. Darryl talked to a DHL driver, and they are supposed to alert the shipper if they are going to be late. They are supposed to call you and tell you where they are, and when they are to arrive at their destination. Whenever we ask him where they are, he tells us somewhere in Tenn. So I don't know......... I really think he is lying to us about sending them to us, because this is day 19 or 20!!!!!!!!! What does he think we are STUPID! I don't think so. If he had sent them we should have gotten them by now, come on! So that has been my weekend! Not a fun one, but we had fun at the party! My mom cooked dinner for us, I brought the cake, and we had a nice time! So I hope you all have a great week! Take care, Hugs ~ Jilly


Hi all....... man this company is really going down the drain. Well Darryl calls last night to tell me that he won't be in til late tonight. He was getting unloaded in Waterloo, Iowa and he was supposed to be in Effingham, IL by 3pm...... well he didn't get unloaded til 1:45 or so and it's an hour and a half - two hour drive there, so he gets to sit all night....... oh what fun! NOT! So then this morning he gets up around 5am or so, kinda overslept, got to the place to get reloaded and no one is there! They don't show up til 8am and there is one truck on the dock, and one in front of him. So he ended up sitting about 15 hours or so......... Well with most trucking companies they pay you for sitting, well NOT this company! They consider you sitting as part of the job! NOT!!!! So when he talked to Warren today and asked him to be paid for the sitting, cause he ended up sitting last night, and he will sit tonight, Warren said " What, I consider that part of the job, and we don't have to pay you for that!" Needless to say Darryl was quite pissed off............ He has to sit tonight, because AWG wants the load delivered tomorrow morning at 5am so Darryl gets to sit over night yet again, and will they pay him, NO! He should get about $210.00 just for sitting! He is supposed to get paid $10.00 an hour that he sits, after 2 hours........ well that's about $130 or so.......... then sitting tonight depending on when he is gonna get to the yard and then over to AWG! So yeah I would be a little pissed off as well........ that is $210 that are not getting paid for him sitting and doing the job that he was hired to do. In the past they used to pay all the stuff that they don't anymore, yet they can take trips to Las Vegas anytime they feel like it, but they can't pay their drivers what they are supposed to be getting paid, and cut their per diem down to minimal, and not pay lay over, and I bet they won't be able to do Christmas Bonus, or even any of the other Holiday's that they should be getting! So along with them not being able to for parts for the trucks, or keeping up on the trailors or just the maintance on the trucks, much less a ticket, they have the driver's pay for their mistakes, and IT'S NOT RIGHT!!!!!!!!! I guess I am still frustrated at this company more then I thought, LOL.............. I have a reason to be, they are screwing us out of money that we should be getting, and we aren't! Well I hope that you have a great rest of the night, and a good Friday! Take care, Hugs

What A Monday!

Hey there all...... Today was an ok day. I got up a lil after 10 or so....... I was up with Kyle til after 4am or so. I am exhausted today........ Darryl left yesterday afternoon, he really didn't want to go, but you know how it is, gotta have money to live in this world. We have ended up talking quite a few times today, but a little after 10:30 he calls and tells me that he is getting a ticket! Supposedly they have passed a law that states that any truck driver, or personal car that is parked on the get off, or on ramps are illegally parked so they get a ticket. WTF!!!! I mean where else are these truck drivers supposed to park when they keep shutting down all the rest areas, and ALL the truck stops are practically full and it's a fifteen minute wait just to park! He just stopped to go to the bathroom because the ONLY truck stop was full and he couldn't wait, and as soon as he was getting back in the truck, the cop popped him and gave him an $85.00 ticket!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR this is getting to be old, first they slow down on the miles, then they shut half the rest areas/restrooms down, and now they are gonna give the truckers tickets for stopping to go to the bathroom off the highway.............. It is just getting too hard to be a truck driver, before people would help you out, nowadays if someone is on the shoulder, and someone tries to help you, you have to wonder if they are carrying a gun, or knife or whatever. One night he was telling me that someone pulled off to help a truck driver out, and he ended up killing the guy......... GOODNESS what a world we live in huh? Can't even help people out that are stranded. All the truck drivers nowadays don't care if you are in trouble or not, they just keep on trucking. So he is seriously thinking about getting off and getting a job at Walmart here, they just opened the new Walmart SuperCenter here in Guthrie. It is pretty cool! I am thinking about getting a job there as well working nights or whatever........... not too sure. I do know that Darryl is getting pretty sick of truck driving, and if you can't pull over just to go pee, then why be out there? Well I am gonna finish watching my show and get to bed............. So I hope that you all have a great night, take care, and Hugs ~ Jilly Oh yeah by the way I almost forgot, I should be hearing something really soon on all the clicks and email earnings that I have so far. I will be posting a blog about it when I get it.(I hope that it is very soon!!!!) I have a website that has all my links on it, if you would like to know more let me know and I will message you the link.

Monday ~ Oh what a monday!

Hi all, I hope your weekend went well. Mine was ok. Had some things that we needed to get done, but of course it rained so didn't get anything done that we needed too. I just found out that it looks like I am not going to be able to make it to my sister's ceremony. My sister and her family were going to be driving, but it turns out that her husband is on mandatory overtime that weekend, and their car won't make it there and back, so my sister is just flying, the kids are going to stay home. So I don't have the money to fly, according to my sister, my mom would pay for my flight, but I would have to find a babysitter for the days that I am gone. Not sure about that yet, have to think about who Kyle would go to willingly. So kinda upset about that. Also we are desperately needing money, for whatever reason, no matter how I figure things, or right them all down we have been overdraft in the bank since forever. I pay just the basic bills, and we still end up overdrawn it gets frustrating! I woke up this morning, to find the water off. OMG I thought they had shut off my water, yet I just paid the bill. So I call the water company at 11am and they told me that there is no reason my water should be shut off, so they called me right back and said that they would be sending someone to turn it back on. Well around 1 or so I went to check the mail and I see all the water men working two houses down from me. I guess a water line broke or something, not too sure. So they finally got our water back on, and it is brownish, looks like dirt got into the line, so I am hoping that it isn't in there for a long time. Luckily the fridge we bought has a water dispenser, so it filters all the water, and I usually cook with the fridge water as well. So my Monday hasn't been the best day, and I am hoping that the rest of the week goes smoothly. Take care, and Hugs ~ Jilly


Hi all right now just a little frustrated at Darryl's company! They need to get their act together and learn some people skills. I was chatting with a friend on yahoo, and it got me all worked up again. Not sure what to think about things happening lately. They are losing drivers, I wonder why????? Hmmmm maybe it's the way they treat their employees. For example : Tuesday, Darryl went to pick up paychecks, since the Omega's battery finally died. He got back, we ate breakfast, and then I went to the bank, and ran to the grocery store. When he got back from getting paychecks, he got a call from a dispatcher at work telling him he was going to Chicago, IL. Now he gets down to the yard to pick up his load, and another dispatcher tells him, "Oh no you aren't going to Chicago, you are going to Joliet, IL." Darryl's like ok, well which is it. I got him telling me one thing, and you telling me another. So he gets his packet for Joliet, IL. and goes to Hobby Lobby to get loaded. Well they have been without power practically all night due to the strong storms we had here, so he gets to sit and wait. So he finally gets loaded at 7:30 pm about 5 hours later then what he was supposed to be, and then has to drive a 13 hour drive, not counting fueling, eating, weigh stations, and traffic along the way. Well he stops to take a 1 hour nap, and ends up sleeping 3 & 1/2. His original appointment time was set for 7am, well he doesn't get there til noon time. The manager is mad, the dispatchers are mad, but the thing is instead of telling the manager of the place that he didn't get loaded til after 7pm, they were all expecting him up there at 8am!!! How can he make a 13 hour drive in 12 &1/2???? Can someone please explain how he is supposed to be up there at 8am? Is he supposed to pass the weigh stations, not fuel up, or anything, just drive all the way through?? Come on people, he is human, and things happen. It's not like he can help traffic, or having to stop and fuel, or being pulled in by a weigh station, that is the laws of truck driving. These people need to wake up & smell the coffee because obviously they have no clue what goes into being a truck driver, if they did they would be more understanding when something happens. They wanted him to sleep all day, so he could make it on time to the appointment, but he had just slept all night long, you can't make yourself go to sleep. He rested while they loaded him and everything, what more can you expect?? He is working his butt off on the road, and this is how this company treats him. They get mad if the weather is bad and the highway gets shut down, but see most people would like OK, take it slow, don't worry if you are late, we will call the company and let them know. Not these people, they want him there and on time, despite traffic, weather, anything. How is that possible if the highway is shut down for 1 or 2 days! Like the time that he was going to Colorado, and they had that huge blizzard, they got mad at HIM for the highways being shut down. And all of the highways were shut down for a good part of a day at least. What the heck can he do about it. They told him that he should've found another way there. Ummmm Hello the highways are shut down, what kind of condition do you think the back roads are going to be in????????? It makes no sense to me that a company can say to you, " Please be safe out there, if you get tired pull over, but you have to get there in this amount of time!" Does that make any sense to anyone? If it does, could you explain it to me!!! Also they tell him well since you didn't get there on time, due to weather, traffic whatever, we are going to pull you from your dedicated route, or we are gonna cut your miles. It's almost like they are playing mind games with you. They tell you one thing, and then when you do it, they get mad, then they cut your miles, or take you off a dedicated route! I mean come on, WTF do you expect from them Miracles every time they get in their trucks and start driving, that there will be no traffic, weather, weigh stations, trucks full of diesel no matter how many miles they have driven! COME ON!!!!! Just totally ridiculous if you ask me. Ok that is all the venting for now on this, I hope you have a great Friday, and weekend, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly

Car frustrations!

Hi all I hope your week has been a good one. Mine hasn't been that great, this past weekend the only really reliable car broke down, so hubby fixed it and started it up after charging the battery, went to start it yesterday and it was DEAD again!!!!! GRRRRRRR I was sooooo frustrated and mad I just couldn't believe that it died. So we are gonna have to get a battery for it. I am trying to get some blogs approved so that I can write more blogs. Right now we need all the extra money we can get. I just hope that things will get a little better with the car situation. Darryl was just as mad as I was yesterday! He is coming home tonight, don't know what time or anything but at some point he will be home, then he will get paychecks tomorrow morning. I hope they are good ones! In July my older sister is having a ceremony~ She is going to be an ordained minister or something along those lines, so we are going to try and drive up there. We don't have a car that will make it there, but my sister and her family are driving so maybe we can caravan or something!!! We will have to see, haven't gotten a chance to talk to her yet. I am kinda concerned and wondering what is going on with me lately. I have been having some really bad insomnia. I can't sleep until 4-6 in the mornings. I don't get it!!! I am not stressing about anything, my mind isn't racing, or trying to keep me up, even if I do or don't take a nap, and am exhausted I am still up! I don't like being up that late, then back up with the kids in the mornings, ya know? So I am hoping that this spell will pass, and I can get some good sleep at night. It seems even if I try to go to bed early, and if for any reason I wake up and try to go back to sleep, I can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really sucks though, so I am hoping that this will pass! I hope you all have a great week, take care and Hugs ~ Jilly

Old Run Down Cars

Hi all, I just wanted to let you all know what has been happening with our old, falling apart, run down cars. Well it seems that the only car able to make it to the city and back, besides the truck, is falling apart. The brakes locked up on Darryl tonight when he went to get a few things at the store. So he took it all apart and it seems that the rotor is gone, that if we get new brake pads on it, they will be wasted in a short period of time, so can't drive that car, cause we don't have a replacement rotor for it! UGH! So now we have to fix the Plymouth, which is gonna be my car. Well it needs the radiator and water pump changed out on it, so Darryl gets to do that tomorrow morning, so i can at least drive it. We did a couple things to test the radiator and water pump, both are gone, but luckily we have another car here that is so much like the Plymouth, that we can swap parts and they will fit. Which in a way is a good thing, so Darryl is going to change out both radiator and water pump in the morning before he heads down to the yard. The truck is turning out to be more work then what we planned on, or knew about, so kinda frustrating on that. The only thing the lady told us was that the arm that controls the wheels on the drive shaft. We immediately changed that out so that he could drive it, and then she was supposed to mail us the title. Well every time we see her, she forgets to mail it to us, and we have to have the title on it, to get the tag renewed. IT was due the last day in APRIL!!! GRRRRRRRR! Come on lady either find it or request a new one it's not that hard! So still waiting on that but officially he is driving illegal until he gets the title on it. I might just have to call and remind her that we have to have it before the end of may, or he can't drive the truck until we get it. We have insurance on it, but we have to get the title done on it. It's frustrating when you take someone's word that they are gonna do something, but then you seem to have to wait, and you suffer the consequences for their actions!!!!! We hope that once we fix the radiator and the water pump that my car will be able to make it down to the yard and back, we get paid on the 21st, which is a monday, and Darryl will be in Chicago! So I have to have a car that will make it down and back, or we won't get the paychecks til Darryl gets home on Thursday night, Friday morning, and that will not due! Got bills to pay and all. So I am praying that everything works out good with that! Well can hardly keep my eyes open, so going to bed now. Will write more and let you know how things go tomorrow, Mother's Day, and also keep you up to date on everything else that's going on! I just can't believe that the kids only have a couple weeks left of school. I will write more on that tomorrow. You all have a great night, take care, sweet dreams, and i will catch tomorrow sometime! Hugs ~ Jilly 10:22 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Good news....

Hey all i FINALLY got ahold of my hubby. His phone was on the charger, and for some reason it wouldn't let him answer the phone! Stupid thing, well anyways thought i would let u all know that he is ok and i feel better now, so have a good one, Hugs

How i feel.............

Hi all, I just wanted to say that right now i am totally frustrated and a lil concerned as well. I am trying to get ahold of my hubby on his cell phone, and usually he answers it pretty quickly after it rings, well i have been trying to get ahold of him since 8pm (cst) and his phone keeps hanging up on me, like it's either dead or it's charging. We also have the PTT feature, where u can push to talk and that doesn't seem to be working either, so i don't know what to think! Just frustrated at it, the dang phone! He is supposed to deliver in Oklahoma City,Ok in the morning, well he isn't gonna make it. He was supposed to be driving since 8 and i haven't even gotten a chance to talk to him or wake him up! Well i guess i will keep trying to call him, so u all have an awesome night, take care, Hugs and all my lovin u beasts and vixens Jilly
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