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More Thoughts
Thinking , Feeling , Rethinking Thinking of you my sweet day dream wondering if I'm going to extreme Why are you in my thoughts so much ? Why do I hunger for your touch ? I think too much and act too slow I want to be there more than you'll ever know I've been told to take it slow for there is always tomorrow I've taken it slow and in my hesitation felt the sorrow Not willing to pass on what may be real Not wanting to let go of how I feel Unsure of my thoughts and what they mean Unsure of an out come that remains to be seen Fear that you are too good to be true Fear that I may not be any good for you Tied to a past unresolved Tied to the present still uninvolved Wondering if I deserve the best Thinking it's time to give thinking a rest ! By R. Thomas Dinsmore
My Quiz
go take my quiz on my page. see how well you know me. the top person will get a gift
Thought For The Day
Thought For The Day "Good looks catch the eye but a GOOD personality catches the heart. You're blessed with both!" Don't be flattered, this message was sent to ME!! I just wanted YOU to read it,,
Degrees Of Blonde
> >> >FIRST DEGREE >> >A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the >> >morning The wife (undoubtedly blond), picked up the phone, >> >listened a moment and said "How should I know, that's 200 >> >miles from here!" and hung up. >> >The husband said, "Who was that?" The wife said, "I don't >> >know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear." >> > >> >`´*:-,_,.-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:-.,_,-:*´`´*:-.,_,-:*´`´* >> > >> >SECOND DEGREE >> > >> >Two blonds are walking down the street. One notices a compact on >> >the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She opens it, looks in the >> >mirror and says, "Hmm, this person looks familiar." The second >> >blond says, "Here, let me see!" So the first blond hands her the >> >compact. The second one looks in the mirror and says, " >> >You dummy, it's me!" >> >`´*:-,_,-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:-,_,-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´* >> > >> >THIRD DEGR EE >> >A blond suspects her boyfriend of chea
Did I Tell You I Wasn't Pregnant After All?
Ok for all of my dearest friends, family and fans who love me as only friends could,I just hope everyone can understand the frustrations and pain I feel right now. It's bad when your own sister has to remind you that your possibly going through early menopause because your 35 and getting up there in age. What she doesn't also seem to realize is that not everyone can be so against other people being happy to think they could possibly be pregnant and yes it does happen to the best of us. We tend to think that if a woman is unable to get pregnant at the drop of a hat, then there is something physically wrong with her. But sometimes it's something as little as lack of concern on most parts. I know this doesn't make any sense and I probably should have a drink now that I know I am not pregnant and shouldn't be as disappointed in this but in all honesty and reality I am disappointed. I guess that is why I am in such a sour mood tonight. Nothing like getting your hopes dashed over something o
I Want To Know Why???
please tell me why people be posting the stupid ass shit they do in the bullitens????I mean are they not sposed to be for important stuff????I am tired of going to read a post and it says...MAIL THIS TOO 200 PEOPLE OR YOULL BE DEAD BY MORNING...OR IF YOU ARE MY FRIEND YOULL DO THIS....I am NOT able to post for every single 1 of my friends so from now on if you realy need me find my fucking mailbox and leave me a note and I will do something for you if it is in my power to do so...STOP POSTING STUPID SHIT PLEASE!!!!Oh if you think this is stupid now you know how I feel ....Anyyyyyhow I got that off my chest see you soon I am sure you all got something to say bout this blog huh?...Tammy
Just About Two Of My Dear Friends!!
Nessa you have been in the shadows of my mind,but I always feel you. You told me one to get centered you must accept all of yourself. I thank you from my dark heart,for even if you and I don't chat anymore, I've always feel you and Your 360 message always brighting my nights . I thank you for that as well. I know that I haven't said thank you for all them 360 messages you send,but i do get them and they do make my nights a little less empty. Elf,my dear Elf you have made my night brighter. Your always there when I need you. Through these hellish months you have been my steady shadow,always there even when your throat was raw and your doctor told you to rest you were there for me. I don't know how to thank you for making my hell brighter. All I can do is thank you with my dark heart and hope it's enough. Nessa and Elf ,you guys and a few others that i'll thank in time,have made my hellish path easyer to handle. When I was lonely you were there,when I was hurt you were there,when d
In The Navy;-)
Chapter 4: Prime Suspect
The day after the boys’ bodies were discovered, Lieutenant James Sudbury, of the West Memphis Police Department, contacted Steve Jones, a Juvenile Officer for Crittenden County, Arkansas. During their conversation, Sudbury and Jones expressed their shared belief that the murders had strong overtones of a cultic sacrifice. Jones then informed Sudbury that there was one person he knew of that was involved in cult activities who could be capable of committing such a crime. He named Damien Echols. They agreed to meet at Damien Echols’s residence to interview Damien. At 12:00 p.m. on Friday 7 May 1993, Sudbury and Jones arrived at 2706 South Grove in Broadway Trailer Park in West Memphis, Arkansas, where Echols lived. They talked briefly with Damien’s mother, Pamela Hutcheson, and father, Eddie Hutcheson and gained their permission to interview Damien. They conducted this initial interview in Damien’s bedroom. At that time, Lieutenant Sudbury took a Polaroid photograph of Damien Echols a
Goin Back To Cali
Upcoming Shows
My band 13 Winters upcoming shows May 12, Pub 33- Lewsiton, Maine June 9, Paganstock @ the Paganstock Fairgrounds- Bangor, Michigan June 21, The Compound, Fitchburg, Massachusettes Oct 13, Gothicfest @ the Excalibur- Chicago, Illinois Many more shows to be added shortly.
Bungee Jumpin Or Hookers ??
What does bungee jumping and hookers have in common ??? They both cause a hundred bucks and if the rubber breaks......YOU are screwed...
Apple, Cease And Desists, And Non-disclosure Agreements..
So... The other day, Erica Sadun of The Unofficial Apple Weblog was shown an Apple desktop screenshot I posted on Flickr back in September when I worked there... Well, I Dugg it just to see what'd happen, got 253 Diggs, and over 17,000 views on Flickr from it... And today, this Ira guy from Apple calls me at home and basically threatens me to take it down. yeah, yeah, technically i violated an NDA I signed when i was employed there, but it was so a technicality it's pathetic... Kinda' crazy though... So I ended up editing the photo, blurring out anything that could be construed as "Apple internal systems", even the Norton AV icon got blurred out haha.. So that's what's up right now. a big blurred desktop with a few sharp areas. It's been an exciting past few days, for sure. Digg article here Read the TUAW article here from Erica.. They still have the unedited screenshot up... looks like Apple's suits haven't gotten to TUAW yet.
How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 91% Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Very High You go beyond being a "people person." Connecting with people is the most important thing in your life. You're empathetic, friendly, and outgoing. You are the kind of friend people dream of having. Your interpersonal intelligence is a gift. And you use it well. How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate? Not trying to toot my own horn, but this seems so like me, to be honest.
Down With Bush
Help Her!!!
this is my friend kiana and she is in here first contest, the link is in the pic. shes got no clue how to promote herself on here so im helping her any way i can, please vote for her and leave a comment or two and tell your friends too please, she means a lot to me :)
♥ Happy Mother's Day ♥
Just Sayin Hello And Thanks
I am Sassy i live in Mississippi, I am new to Cherry Tap. how do you guys get all those cool looking things on your blogs? I think this can really be some fun if I knew just what I was to do *LOL*
Earnhardt Jr
earnhardt jr will drive his own car next year sponsored by EXLAX SO HE CAN PASS EVERYTHING
A Very Special Mother's Day!
Today is mother's day & my first born's birthday too! Today Tyler is 5 and he is getting so big, too!! Today being Mother's Day reminds me of the day he was born. I was hoping to give birth on Mother's Day that year; but, unfortunately, he came a day later. I had been in labor since late the Friday evening before that Monday ..and wouldn't dialate so they kept stopping my labor. My water hadn't broken but my contractions were right on top of each other and they broke it ..still wouldn't dialate. Then my blood pressure kept going up and up and they feared I was going to have a stroke or something and my son's heartrate decreased as my blood preasure increased. This went on the entire time for more than two days, straight. Finally when my son's heartrate had dramatically dropped and gone below 70 they decided to call a surgeon and I had to have a c-section. Again they stopped my labor and they prepped me for it, then ...there he was. My little miracle. Less
To My Friends
since i have alot of friends on here and i know theres no way i could go and say happy mothers day to everyone seperately i shall do it this way Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
La De Da
Some days, weeks, months or even years,are hard to get through and sometimes its hard to find a reason to smile. But everyone makes mistakes and you have to ignore the people that think less of you because of things you've done.The past is the past, and it can't be changed. But it can be learned from. Find people that can accept who you are and forget about the ones who can't. No ones perfect so don't try to be especially for other people. Sometimes taking chances is scary; but remember, boundaries don't keep other people out, they fence you in. You've just got to be strong and keep holding your head up high. They'll be so suprised when you prove them all wrong.
Mothers Day Sucked
My Mothers Day sucked. My 17 yr old daughter ran away, and the cop that found her told her she was of age and didnt have to come home. 3 weeks left of her SR. yr and she fucken wants to run away to live with her boyfriend That treats her like shit.!!!!!!!! Omg I need a hug. I am sooooooo mad!
The 2 Most Powerful Truths To Understand And Live By
There once was a beloved king whose castle was on a high hill, overlooking his shire. He was so popular that the nearby townspeople sent him gifts daily, and his birthday celebration was enjoyed throughout the kingdom. The people loved him for his renowned wisdom and fair judgment. One day, tragedy struck the town. The water supply was polluted, and every man, woman and child went insane. Only the king, who had a private spring, was spared. Soon after the tragedy, the mad townspeople began speaking of how the king was acting "strangely" and how his judgment and wisdom was a sham. Many even went so far as to say that the king had gone crazy. His popularity soon vanished. No longer did the people bring him gifts or celebrate his birthday. The lonely king, high on the hill, had no company at all. One day he decided to leave the hill and pay a visit to the town. It was a warm day, and so he drank from the village water fountain. That night there was a great
My Dirty Wow Wow!
If you go to the following link and scroll down a bit - you'll find my dirty wow wow! It's not something naughty - I promise! [LINK] Would I ever show something like that where my family could find it?  I think not! My dirty wow wow is in a contest this week. If you don't want to bother scrolling on that page to see my dirty wow wow - I'll show you here. Are you ready? Are you sure? Are you really really sure? Ok!  Here she is! That is a photo of my almost 30-year old, very loved, no-necked HuggyBear aka "Huggy No-Neck". She was given to me the day I was born by myfather. She came to the hospital with me when both of my children wereborn. She has been through several "surgeries" - patched holes, nosere-attachment, head-in-body removal (thanks to a cousin of mine). Thereis little to no stuffing left in her head - which makes it flop over -which is how she got her nickname.
My Search
I use this search engine. You can win prizes and stuff. Yeah. Join. I won a movie ticket my first week of using it. So yeah, check it out for me please. Love Me....
Uss New York Built With World Trade Center Steel
With a year to go before it even touches the water, the Navy's amphibious assault ship USS New York has already made history. It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center. USS New York is about 45 percent complete and should be ready for launch in mid-2007 . Katrina disrupted construction when it pounded the Gulf Coast last summer, but the 684-foot vessel escaped serious damage, and workers were back at the yard near New Orleans two weeks after the storm. It is the fifth in a new class of warship designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. "It would be fitting if the first mission this ship would go on is to make sure that bin Laden is taken out, his terrorist organization is taken out," said Glenn Clement, a paint foreman. "He came in through the back door and knocked our towers down and (the New York)
Takin Care Of Business
Just so EVERYONE my NSFW photos are not as revealing as you all think its basically what i had up before except i made them private because i was getting some comments that i didn't like and thank actually kinda freaked me out if you have a problem with the fact that it is only open to people on my family list i apologize but do not come off rude to me because you can't have your way and say oh well take me off your friends list because some one said no to you if you don't like delete me but really people get off my dick because if you have an issue its not mine to every one else who is on my family list feel free to rate and comment as you will much love to you all Meg
A Good Relationship
A good relationship Has a pattern Like a dance And is built On some Of the same Rules. The partners Do not need To hold on tightly, Because they move Confidently In the same pattern, Intricate But gay And swift And free, Like a country dance Of Mozart’s… There is no place here For the possessive clutch, The clinging arm, The heavy hand; Only the barest touch in passing. Now arm in arm, Now face to face, Now back to back- It does not matter which. Because they know they are partners Moving to the same rhythm, Creating a pattern together, And being invisibly nourished by it.
Schulf mine faygele Mach tzu dine aygele Eye lu lu lu Schulf geshmak mine kind Schulf und zai-gezund. Eye lu lu lu Close tight your eyes my love Hush now my little dove. Sleep deep my wondrous child Sleep stiff still and blind.
Quote Of The Day
I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from. William Faulkner
Two Steps Behind
Walk away if you want to. Its ok, if you need to. Well, you can run, but you can never hide From the shadow thats creepin up beside you. And, theres a magic runnin through your soul, But you cant have it all. (whatever you do) Well, Ill be two steps behind you (wherever you go) And Ill be there to remind you That it only takes a minute of your precious time To turn around and Ill be two steps behind. Yeah, yeah. Take the time to think about it. Just walk the line, you know you just cant fight it And take a look around, youll see what you cant find, Like the fire thats burnin up inside me. Yeah, baby. Two steps behind -Def Leppard
Body, Remember…
Body, remember not only how much you were loved, Not only the beds you lay on, But also those desires that glowed openly In eyes that looked at you, Trembled for you in the voices- Only some chance obstacle frustrated them. Now that it’s all finally in the past, It seems almost as if you gave yourself To those desires too-how they glowed, Remember, in those eyes that looked at you, Remember, body, how they trembled for you in those voices.
One Question?!?!?
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN OUR LATEST CONTEST Family/Friends/Fans I have but 1 question?!?!? Our you going to let this man beat me and my Sweet wife COME COMMENT BOMB US DO IT FOR THE RED WHITE AND BLUE
The Things You Go Thru In Life.
O.k. this is the thing my husband an I have been talking about him leaving his job fer sometime now,, he is sick of the bullshit in which goes on out there, I mean his boss is such an ass and well I dunno if you all know what pigging is however it's very hot and he gets burnt damn near everyday, he was to get out of the runner and into the crane operator position but as always he's got fucked over. Don't get me wrong the money is awesome but with him gettin hurt an all that shit it's not worth it to me,, plus we have a business of our own in which we can fall back on,, just thought I'd get this off of my chest it's been bothering me fer sometime now. Note: Pigging is cleaning the molted iron which gets to be 2000 + degrees.
Arched Across The Sky
Rainbows created my imagination As it arched across the sky On one end there sat you At the other end, there sat I Imagining I could slide across Over the rainbow to the end There would be my pot of gold The sweet love of my dear friend The rainbow is a connection Like a bridge from me to you It appears joined by sunlight Then the grey skies turn to blue Arriving after the rainstorms It became so evident to me Thoughts of love follow rainbows They arched right across the sea A colourful arching rainbow It has no gate, it has no door It reaches from friend to friend It arches from shore to shore I smiled up today at the sky How far would my loving smile go It slid right over to the other side The other end of the coloured rainbow
Power Of Kindness
Storm clouds forming in the sky Kids begin to go play inside Rain drops falling to the ground Thunder heard all around Lighting strikes once, twice, three times four Kids are scared, parents a bore Day fades to night, all signs of life are gone Families sit in darkness all alone The wind is howling all night long The rain is falling much more strong The house's are dark no shadows, no light The kids are crying as their parents fight There's evil everywhere no kindness in sight A gun shot is heard, all the women in fright The killer runs and the cops begin the search With darkness upon us evil starts to learch Nobody is safe as evil controls everyone The moon begins to dive as begins the sun Light takes over the darkness and all seems well The power of kindness raise ass evil will fail
I'm In A Poetry Contest On
please go and vote for my poem Rate my poem, Click here
Life's Missed Chances
Your standing at the edge life behind you and little left in front. Your mind wonders towards those missed opportunities, what if the most dreaded phase life has to offer has arrived. You reflect to days of youth and ideals of what will be, but you know that the window is closed and nailed shut and to try to open it is to look to deep into your mind, the dreams have faded but the reality becomes so painful. What would have happened if we would have slide through that window, the people we would have met, the jobs we would be doing and the love we would be loving. I have always been told that Nothing ever stays the same, everything has to change, why? Why is it that for most of us the change has to be fondling through life, searching for the ever escaping prize, not being able to hold on long enough until help arrives. I personally have nothing to complain about, life has been tough but good, each day has been spent working or trying to find work paying bills and feeding the kids. M
Sports Contest
I have entered a fav sports conest please come and bomb my pic and help me out thank you
A Kiss
They kiss. A strange mixture of desire and love. He roams his hands across her body. Lightly at first. Getting stronger with every inch covered. She moans. He quiets her in his own special way. She is lifted off the ground. Slowly she feels herself hitting the softness of her bed. A hard body is suddenly on top of her. ON HER. IN HER. She screams in pleasure. He becomes more frenzied with his actions. Their bodies are thrusting against each other. Grinding. Moving like they never have before. Then all of a sudden something happens. SHE WAKES UP........ Dawn F 1993
What Do Your Eyes Reveal About You?
You scored as Diamond Eyes. You are full of confidence, just don't let it go to your head. Its great to know your worth it! Isn't it:D Just remember those of us down here. You are probably quite popular.Diamond Eyes67%Eyes full of Pain33%Mysterious17%Passion17%What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)created with
ok,i'm tired of beating a dead horse!i guess im just going to play it by ear anymore.i mean i like getting out and having a drink,even if my other half doesnt like it.well i be dam if im going to do as she tells me!im tired of being at home or work and doing laundry and cooking without sum enjoyment! hell,im even going to look for a girlfriend that doesnt mind me being married!go for a ride on the bike with me,go to the bar after work wit me.maybe help me pierce myself more.just as a friendship or with sex doesnt matter to me!i love woman,just talking too or them using my tongue with no recipracating is good!if any are willing let me know!
All Your Maidens Are Belong To Us
Im Not Leavin
i want2 thank everyone 4 the comments.and with that being said im stayin on. i shouldnt let anything stupid make me leave here, so yall convinced me 2 stay, i am glad i have frieds out there that care. actually i know all my friends care and i am thankful 4 everyone of u. so i will go now but again i thank yall.
Stop being so lazy and go vote in my mums, geesh!!!! lol comment to while you are at it. lol thank you ladies!!!
Whats The Point?
So I've really been thinking alot about my life lately... and I have deffinately come to a conclusion.... WHO CARES..... I'm not going out of my way to help people anymore... I get nothing out of it except heartache and drama.. I helped out a friend and at the first sign of feeling he bounced. I'm not going to love anyone anymore either because it seems all the people that i love... or thought i loved bounced on me too. there are a few things in life that I will not take for granted and those are my family... Maax, dino, mom and dad... thank you. My friends... I won't name names but those of you whom i care about know who you are. for the rest of you.. if you arent sure then ask and if i don't answer you also know where i stand. I hate being taken advantage of and from now on I won't be. People don't really know me... even the people in my life that thought they did realize now that I can be wicked harsh and if you don't respect me and my family then you will know it too. thats it I'm
A Word About Respect: With a modest and unassuming attitude, offer respect where it is due. o "Respect" does not mean "submission." Granting others the place they have chosen for themselves does not make you indebted to them, nor does it indicate your full agreement with their ways. o Don't use respect as a "gift." Simply offer it. o Don't use respect as a "weapon." Those who don't deserve your respect will lose it, but it shouldn't be dangled like a carrot. The idea that everyone must work to "earn" your respect is disrespectful in itself. Everyone deserves respect unless they prove themselves unworthy of it. o Always use the proper form of address in BDSM spaces. No one but your Master needs to be addressed as "Master." However, all Masters and Dominants should be addressed as "Ma'am" or "Sir" regardless of their age, their experience or how you personally feel about them. If they
Not Feeling Well
Nothing seems to be going my way. My relationship ended, the friend Ive been aching to see here has been MIA and Ill be damned but I drank too much tonight and feel like crap. Things just havent been going the way I want them too. Some days, its not worth getting out of bed for this crap. Yes Im rambling and feeling sorry for myself. Im entitled. I just want some happiness and a warm pair of arms around me at night to reassure me and soothe me.
Into The Light
As the sun breaks over the horizon it begins to light the dark world that I have become accustomed to. Slowly the breaks through the dark and bring me back from where I had lost my self. Very dim at first slowly growing in intensity I watch the fragile beams of light dance as they filter in over me. Lighting all the littlest and darkest places until all my fear has been chased away. Once there was no hope no peace now there is light every where and I find myself daring to dream again… How long have I lived without you, why did I never see tell I saw through your eyes? You will never really know what you have done for me……
Hmmmm do you think my Jilly maybe altered this a little? he he he he According to studies, the first letter of your first name reveals your sexual identity ... What do you think? Repost this with the letter of your first name. -A- You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested inaction. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure,and subtly enticing. You are an up front person. When it comes to sex, its action that counts not obscure hints.Your mate's physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the "hunt" invigorating. You are passionate and sexual as well as being much more adventurous than you appear; however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern. -B- You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are ver
Frozen Crabs
A man boarded an airplane in St. John's with a box of frozen crabs. A female crew member took it and promised to put it in the crew's Refrigerator, which she did. Shortly before landing, try as she might, she couldn't remember Who gave her the package, so she announced to the entire cabin ... "Would the gentleman who gave me the crabs in St. John's please Raise your hand?" Not one hand went up. So she took them home and ate them herself. he he he !! Tc n peace..Boo
So Sad I Cried
I am warning you, this is very, very, VERY sad! You may need a tissue... She was only five, This is what happened When she was alive... Her dad was a drunk, Her mom was an addict, Her parents kept her, Locked in an attic. Her only friend was a little toy bear, It was old and worn out, And had patches of hair. She always talked to it, When no one was around. She lays there and hugs it, Not a peep of sound. Until her parents Unlock the door, She'll have to endore A bruise on her leg, A scar on her face, Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear, And softly cries. She loves her parents, But they want her to die. She sits in the corner, Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is My life always sinking?" Such a bad life, For a sad little kid. She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did. Then one night, Her mom came home high, And the poor child was beaten As hours went by. Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade, It
Seems Like May Long Weekend
Hi. My name is Leah and I'm nobody major. I am a mom and a fiance. I live in a small ass town in the middle of Canada, which kind of sucks but I have friends with people everywhere. Just enjoying my daughter today. It's going to be a beautiful weekend here. Hope you guys don't mind that I'm a mom. My fiance tells me I'm a MILF every day... lol...
Saw the pilot (series begins May 30). I like this and where this is going, the use of time, pacing, along with the usual... I look forward to the show :)
Help!! Im In This Contest!!
Im winning but i need help keeping the lead!! Please rate and comment bomb! Thanks!!
Just Feelings 6
What can I say about you sweetie, all I can say is that if it wasn't for you I would have gone crazy a long time ago. You truely are a good friend and i'm lucky to have you,:)
Date Night
date night oh i love date night date night is a wonderful night for me lol if you guys can't tell i'm in a really really good mood i had a date tonight and he's a honey and i likes him and yeah thats it for now cause i don't feel like sharing any more Meg
It's almost mental breakdown time again. I can feel it. Definately need an escape. But I know I can't do it alone. But I guess this time I'm going to have to.
Eating Out 2 Encore
Eating Out 2 EncoreHochgeladen von Muchstrongerthanyou
Simon Dreht Auf (german)
Simon dreht aufHochgeladen von Muchstrongerthanyou
Y&t - Lipstick And Leather
For My Friends & Fans Plz Read
The Harshness Of Reality
They say that love can fill an ocean sail a ship across the sea Fly a kite above the clouds or solve Life's mysteries. They say mere words of love bring hope mending broken fences everyday It's known to heal a tarnished heart or chase the blues away They say that love is the answer to questions we may have through time and it's the only thing that matters to give it up would be a crime That is what they say to me as I travel through my life They never bothered telling me how love could cut you like a knife They never said my heart could die that trust and faith would both be gone or cause me to scream in pain when I was treated wrong They never said to me it crushes mortals agonized and broken because they too believed the lie when those three words were spoken The harshness of reality that love has brought to me Is bittersweet and locked away and needs no company
You used me and abused me. You fucked me and threw me away. Everyone sees the bruises you left behind, you didn't even try to hide them. You held me down and stole my soul. You laughed as you left me bleeding on the floor. You violated me and I still want more.
Something For My Lord Syn
Music Video Codes By Music I cannot promise you a life of sunshine; I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold; I cannot promise you an easy pathway That leads away from change or growing old. But I can promise all my heart's devotion; A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow; A love that's ever true and ever growing; A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow. I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keep our relationsh
International Wolf Center Lots of great info. as well as a wolf cam. I watched Shadow and Malik, two arctic wolves grow up on the cam.
Share My Skin (lyrics)
You're but a victim without a name Without a care, you feel the same Human foul, you cannot escape Feed my lust and leave no trace Vanish thin into the night Experience horror and feel your fright Somehow unusual, unconcerned of harm Slowly unfolding, revealing your interior so warm Whisper softly and taste my neck Demanding bone with no regret Share My Skin Share My Skin Penetrating Exhilirating Expanding Demanding Share My Skin Share My Skin Taste your kitty, expose it wide Nimble fingers on me and slip inside Quest to nourish, there's time to wait Leg surrounds me, I penetrate My wicked essence all frayed inside Appears your itch is my only guide Perhaps a ruse to embezzle my life Your eyes wide shut, unwilling to fight Share My Skin Share My Skin Penetrating Exhilirating Expanding Demanding Share My Skin Share My Skin I tug your hair, you clench your teeth Bodies thumping, fabricating heat Amid your thighs, flesh devoured Upon your breas
WOMEN Women have strengths that amaze men. They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens ... but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. Women wait by the phone for a "safe at home call" from a friend after a snowy drive home. Woman friends keep secrets you told them years ago and never bring it up again. Women have special qualities about them. They volunteer for good causes. They are pink ladies in hospitals, they bring food to shut ins. They are childcare workers, executives, attorneys, stay at-home moms, biker babes and your neighbors. They wear suits, they wear jeans, they wear uniforms. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up against injustice. They are in the front row at PTA meetings. They vote for the person that will do the best job for family issues. They walk and talk the extra mile to get their children in t
May 21, 2007
"In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge." ~Aristotle
Please Come Help My Friend
rates and comments plzzz
Let's Say I Break Into Your House
Let's say I break into your house A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV Her point: Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests. Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors. I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house). According to the protesters: You are Required to let me stay in your house You are Required to a
Subject: Translations for speaking 'Women' > > > For the guys, this is a reminder of the vocabulary of our > wives/girlfriends etc. It HAS been a long time. > > > > > > 1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are > right and you need to shut up. > > 2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. > Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more > minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. (My favorite > one). > > 3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and > you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually > last for at least 5 minutes and end in 'Fine.' (Refer back to #1) > > 4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! > > 5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement > often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an > idiot and wonders why she is wast
What Do You Think His Sentence Should Be
GALVESTON, Texas -- A baby girl was released from a hospital 11 days after police say she was burned in a motel microwave oven. The infant's mother blamed the devil for what happened, saying Satan compelled her husband to put the baby in the microwave. The devil "saw my husband as a threat" because of his efforts to become a preacher, Eva Marie Mauldin, 20, told Houston television station KHOU. "He would never do anything to hurt her," she said. "Satan was working through his weaknesses." Mauldin said her husband had a mental disability and her efforts to get him help have failed. Doctors at the Shriners Burn Hospital performed at least two skin grafts on 2-month-old Ana Marie Mauldin, who suffered burns on her face and hand May 10. She was released Monday and placed in foster care, and a custody hearing was scheduled later this week. The baby's father, Joshua Mauldin, 19, was charged with felony injury to a child and was jailed on $250,000 bond. If found guilty, he coul
Code 4!
Today, I had a harrowing 911 call. The caller advised that a man he didn't know pulled up at the local farm supply center, got out of his truck and began to vomit blood. Within seconds of answering the call, I knew it was going to be one those calls that become etched in memory. I knew I was going to have to calm this man down, as he was rather hysterical. Not that I blame him, mind you. Initially, the patient was conscious and breathing, though with the vomiting, he was having a bit of difficulty. In a situation such as that, we're to instruct the caller to have the patient roll onto their side, so as to prevent asphyxiation. So, we had the patient on his side, his airway was clear, and the ambulance was en route. I thought we were doing okay. The caller was still frantic, but I convinced him to stay on the line and monitor the situation. He even started to calm down a bit. As the call progressed, however, the situation began to worsen. The caller again became hyster
Big Pimpin Gift... Not A Contest
ok here's the deal i need 7500 votes to get a big pimpin gift from a friend ..... i know all my friends love me.... so can i get everyone to leave 10 comments here's the link:
My Angel
My Angel by Boardman There was a short time in my life When my problems were more than my ex-wife When all of a sudden this angel popped in It was love at first site you could tell by my grin Her hair was as golden as the brightest summer sun For a while there, I was actually having fun Her eyes were as blue as the purest blue ocean And comfortable I was even without any motion My Angel, I wanted to keep her When we were together I had no more pain Her beauty was breathtaking please let me explain With her in my arms I melted like ice She was gorgeous and smart and incredibly nice Well now that you know the way that I felt Let me tell you about the hand I was dealt She came with her friend who was not even dating And then she flew home to her boyfriend who was waiting My Angel, I wanted to keep her
Nba Or Nfl???
NBA OR NFL? 36 have been accused of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad checks 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shoplifting 21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet? . . . Scroll down, Neither, it's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line. Yo
Lady Beware,,
Well ladies just thought that i would let u on a little bit of news from my experience that i had for this month and man did i learn my lesson....Well if u ever get some one that says he lives in the states but he is on business in africa(nigeria)or some other foreign land and that they got robbed and need help to get home and if u can send them money to help them get home and that u will get it back as soon as he gets home(don't do it),or if a man says that he can double your money if u send so much and than 2 or 3 wks wants more cause he has doubled your money and he wants to triple it and he keeps asking or even if it is a woman(don't do it)trust me i learned the hard way and never again..I am not saying that all men or women are like that but becareful ok...
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks....
I want to say a big "THANKS" to everyone who sent me wishes for my birthday today. I got so many great comments, alot of birthday cards, waaaaaaaaay too much alot of pretty balloons to decorate with! It's was great to see all the friends I've made on CT, drop by and think of me! Bunches of love... Lev
Finally!!! We Have Take Off!
I put out a mum a while back about potty training my son. Well Everybody that remembers (lol) He's doing it! I stayed the night somewhere else on sunday night, (where is not important) and on Monday I walked by the bathroom and my boy was doing his biz. All by himself! I asked his Daddy how he did it, and he said " I took off his potty seat off the toilet lifted the seat and told him to go when he wants" OMG I have been trying for what two years now and all he needed was his Daddy's permission. Oh my stubborn lil guy. But I thought I would share that bit of info with you. Thanx for reading.
Hugg War
HUGG WAR YOU BETTER HUG ME NOW! Pass this hug to all of your friends and back to me, see how many you get back! 1-5 HUGS....Your on someones mind! 5-10 HUGS...Someone likes you! 10-15 HUGS..Someone wants to be with you! 15-20 HUGS..WOW! you are really loved by alot!
Hot Man On Ct Contest! Ends Tommorrow At 2 Pm Central Time!
Hot Man On CT Contest! I'm doing a Hot Man On CT Contest and i need men! Comment bombing allowed and self comment bombing also! 1st Man is...... with 3487 comments! 2nd Man is...... with 2938 comments! 3rd Man is...... with 2130 comments! 4th Man is...... with 196 comments! 5th Man is...... with 104 comments! 6th Man is...... with 54 comments! 7th Man is...... with 3 comments! Comments + rates = total Winners will get 2 Gifts each 1 V.I.P. And 1 V.I.C.! Contest will start on 5/18 thur 5/25 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~ ~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~@ CherryTAP
Have A Great Weekend
i am so sorry i didnt get around to everyone at this moment but i will be back on tonight to finish wishing you all aBetter Graphics Hottest CodesTop Graphics Tweaksand i hope you all can forgive me for taking so long to show some love peace out
A Man Get's A Peanut Stuck In His Nose Lol
One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating peanuts. He'd toss them in the air, then catch them in his mouth. In the middle of catching one, his wife asked him a question - and as he turned to answer her, a peanut fell in his ear. He tried and tried to dig it out but succeeded in only pushing it in deeper. He called his wife for assistance, and after hours of trying They became worried and decided to go to the hospital. As they were ready to go out the door, their daughter came home with Her date. After being informed of the problem, their daughter's date said He could get the peanut out. The young man told the father to sit down, Then proceeded to shove two Fingers up the father's nose and told him to blowhard. When the father blew, the peanut flew out of his ear. The mother and daughter jumped and yelled for joy. The young man insisted that it was nothing. Once he was gone, the mother turned to the father and said, "That's so wonderful! Isn't he smart? Wh
Blogging (how To)
the following is the way bloggs should hold up in court: See the problem with blogs are the fact that any dope current company excluded can write one. Punctuation optional... Now the funny thing is is probably not 4 people will read this blog and to those who dont your really not missing much.. but believe you me, i love the old saying like "heavens to Betsy" and "the fact of the matter is". If you are patient enough to read thru the bullshit please leave a comment of an old saying.. like the kind of sayings your gparents used to use.. thanks H..M..
Plzzzzzzzz Go Show Boone Some Love
PLEASE GO SHOW BOONE SOME LUV.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOONE...LUV YA HUN....HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Boone-It's My 50th Birthday Woo Hoo@ CherryTAP
Please Vote For Angel
The Fighter
i actually had to cut the hell out of this when i entered it in a contest but it got published i am a man i am a man, i am the fighter,warrior who not known love. i am the suvivor who has lost his heart. i am a man, a man that has no fight left in him.a man tha longs for the touch of a loveing woman. i am a man, that can fight no longer with out a soul to fight with. i am a man that can not fight a warriors right with out the love of a woman's loveing touch. i am a man , a man who longs for something out of his grasp. i am a man , a man that need's, desires and wants the love of a woman. so i may fight on. i am a man , a man who is tired of fighting for a love and a life. i am a man, someone who must fight on until thee is no tomorrow. John.s 12.18.2000
The Meanest Mother In The World- Read Before You Get Offended
I had the meanest mother in the whole world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs or toast. When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different than the other kids' also. But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did. My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were on a chain gang. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, that we be gone one hour or less--not one hour and one minute. I am nearly ashamed to admit it, but she actually struck us. Not once, but each time we had a mind of our own and did as we pleased. That poor belt was used more on our seats than it was to hold up Daddy's pants. Can you imagine someone actually hitting a child just because he disobeyed? Now you can begin to see how mean she really was. We had to we
Current mood: contemplative Category: Life Every one of us, whether we actually want to admit it or not, is guilty of indulging occasionally in escapism. Some hike, some fish, some play violent bloody video games in order to take out their agression or forget the problems that sometimes pile upon our shoulders in our everyday lives. Me? I take long, luxurious, lavender scented baths, with the water almost too hot to stand, (and once in a blue moon I'll pour a cold glass of crisp red wine. I love the feel of the condensation on the cold glass against my water-heated fingertips), and let myself forget, for awhile, the things that keep me up at night. What about you? What is your escape from this world?
Whitesnake- Here I Go Again
Whitesnake - Here I go again, What can I say, as a gypsy in life, this has always been my heart song. The road alone is a loners way of life, will be til I die, but man this song has been there for me through heart breaks determination and truckin. Here I Go Again Lyrics » Whitesnake I don't know where I'm going But I sure know where I've been Hanging on the promises In songs of yesterday An' I've made up my mind I ain't wasting no more time But here I go again Here I go again Tho' I keep searching for an answer I never seem to find what I'm looking for, Oh Lord, I pray You give me strength to carry on Cos I know what it means To walk along the lonely street of dreams An' here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known Like a drifter I was born to walk alone An' I've made up my mind I ain't wasting no more time I'm just another heart in need of rescue Waiting on love's sweet charity An' I'm gonna hold on For the rest of my d
What If"s
The paper in which I write my thoughts upon has felt the pain of my pen. The words I take from my heart to say could never messure up to the meaning they hold. Give me just a few minutes and read what I have locked inside, I know pride will not allow an extra day nor a life time to live it in. So, I shall begin.... As the days pass one by one I take a deep breath to carry on. There are oh so many times I regret deeply and wish to turn back the hands of time, back when things did not matter so much. But if I did I would only walk to darkness regreting even more. I wish for no WAR nor is this word a disguise, for the hurt and pain we all go through. In the years that must face me I shall hold my head up high, underneith my heart will drag my soul fly no more. Memories are a gift to all, but they too will walk you to darkness as they are the past in which we must not dwell. Each tomorrow brings a new sun that gives each day a meaning to go on. Our sorrows
You Dont Know
You don't know That I'm forever a mystery Ever a crying soul Ever a hungry heart You don't know That I am living my world in solitude While you're with your family While you're with your friends You don't know That my grip to your heart is so strong Yet yours seems to loose Yet yours seem to be untied You don't know That every time I want a sweet moment You are so far to reach You are nowhere to be felt You don't know That I lingered for this journey to be endless But I have reached this far And I am very tired You don't know That I am here waiting like a ghost Just for a simple hug Just for a real love. You don't know... You will never probably know.
Body Parts
Body Parts........... Most of you have read the scare-mail about the person whose Kidneys were stolen while he was passed out. Well, read on. While the Kidney story was an urban legend, this one is not. It's happening every Day. My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. It was Just that quick. I went to sleep in my body and woke up with someone else's thighs. The new ones had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Who Would have done such a cruel thing to legs that had been mine for Years? Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the Entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I Resigned myself to living out my life in jeans and Sheer Energy Pantyhose. Then, just when my guard was down, the thieves struck again. My ass was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains To match my new rear end to the thighs they stuck me with earlier. I Couldn't believe that my new ass was attached at least three inches Lower
Iwas Buried In Boobies
  This is the first photo I have seen from the recent video shoot for Julie Simone's "House on Horny Hill" from Abigail Productions... whoo hoo!!!  There I am peaking out from the bottom of the pile, literally buried up to My neck in boobies. I must say... I like kissing pretty girls, and boobies... Sometimes, I like to call girls "squishies" and boys "pokies".  I am getting ready for the next video project with Julie Simone... this one is actually a series I am to star in called "Duality". I just read the script and outline the other day, and I'm really excited.  So excited I sent off for a new rubber hood to shoot in. Click to join mistressgenevievesslaves
A Refreshing Sunset..
After a long day of work and long hours of stress, it's feels so good to lay down a nice big comfy blanket and lie down with you. A field cleared of weeds and a babbling brooke near by. Hills to the left and to the right of us filled with trees swaying from the wind. Clouds floating over head. In the distance are two rabbits searching for some clover to eat. The sun is slowly going out of sight. With the colors of red, blue, yellow, and orange swirrled into one. Mixing with the clouds so perfectly, an artist would be astonished. The sounds of nature all around. We hear in the forests around us the sounds of deer as they walk among the broken branches and twigs. The sky magnifies the land, glowing in a red and orange tint. The sun is going down, the stars are glistening. We lay back and watch as the stars come into view. Your head on my shoulder, my hand in your hair. Your hand laying over my chest, your leg upon mine. A gentle sigh heard from your lips, as you exhale you
Snoots Release
Her Favorite Expression
They thought her favorite expression was, "I feel like I am standing on the edge of a cliff." It wasn't an expression at all, it was her warning. They found her laying on the ground, broken, bleeding, lifeless. Her once pretty face was covered in blood smeared tears. They never saw it coming. She was the happy one. She always had a smile on her face, and laughter in her voice. She was there when she was needed most. She was wearing a phony mask. She was not allowed to be the person she really was. She had to hide her real life. She was expected to be the innocent, when she was anything but. She felt she was left with no choice, but to finally step over the edge.
I Let You Go
I watched you walk away and I never said a word. I knew your end had come, and I still let you go. I told myself for such a long time that you would be fine. I hoped you would find a way to be fine. I sat there and kissed the tears out of your beautiful green eyes and thought I could make it all better. You held me with a strength that has yet to be matched... I doubt it ever will. You were the glue that held us together and you were the one that fell apart. Do you have any idea what it did to us to see you lying there covered in your life's blood and know there was nothing any of us could do? You made sure there was no turning back. Did you think about us? Did you think the pain of living would be harder on us than the pain of placing you in the cold ground? Did you know we all have a piece of your blood covered clothes, just to remind us that it can be carried too far? You taught me that sometimes there is just no more relief to be f
Your Choice (the Freedom Of Speech)
The Eagle will fly, when tempers are raised By words of a foreigner and a country they hazed. They came to our land, where they could live free Then they put together cells, to kill you and me. They learned how to fly, then they hijacked our planes Leaving hearts broken, and just too many remains. They thought we would cower and hide behind skirts While knowing they hit us, yes right where it hurts. I guess they had thought, we would just sit back and cry Over family and friends, who had no reason to die. Now most people knew nothing, of Iran and Iraq, Till that day like a coward, they shot into the back. Now years have gone by, and we're still on their land And yet they still think, they have the upper hand. We think of how long, that our troops must stay To make these hidden cowards, see that we don't play. We'll continue to defend, what all that is ours, Our love, our glory, our freedom, and our powers, Be it land, air, or sea, and yes now, even the internet A san
I'm Back!!!!!!!
For People Who Actually Think. . .
*What was the best thing before sliced bread? *If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea, does that mean one enjoys it? *Why do we call them asteroids when they come from the hemisphere, and hemmerhoids when they come from the ass? *If all is not lost, then where is it? *Why do you need a drivers license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive? *You know how most packages say "Open here" right? Well, what is the protocol when it says "Open somewhere else? *How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign? *You know that little indestructible black box used on airplanes? Why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance? *Does fuzzy logic tickle? *If you are cross eyed and have dyslexia, can you read alright? *If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? *Why do you press harder on the remote control when you know the battery is dead? *If flying is so safe, why is
Something To Think About
if i ever have children, i will not read them fairy tales with happy endings. i will read them stories with impossible dilemmas. cliff-hangers that leave them thinking, not smiling. books with covers that will never close. I will tell them there is a god but who knows if he's good or bad or what he wants from us? because i don't know either. life is a riddle that takes a hundred years to solve. and not even the smartest person in the world knows for sure what the meaning of life is. God can do whatever he wants whenever he wants so just keep on living. And if they are upset, i will tell them: Why should you be happy? That is not your task in life. Who said you were put on earth to be happy? - Federico Fellini 8 1/2
Just Some Thoughts
I just posted some of the poems that Ive written over the past few years and it has brought back some memories for me...some good and some not so good but either way, I have learned that everything happens for a reason. You live and you learn and everything that happens to you, makes you who you are. I never regret the choices that I make in my life! Ive learned that when God takes someone out of your life, He always puts someone else in their place. Why? I dont know and to be perfectly honest, I dont want to know! I have been through alot in my 22 years on this earth, alot more than most will experience, and it has made me a very strong person. I dont open up very easily to people, for the fear of rejection. When I fall, I fall hard! Anyways...Im done for now.
Fathers Contest 7 Day Blast
Chicken Paprikash
Ingredients Serves 4 * 1/4 cup vegetable oil, plus 1 tablespoon * 1 large onion, finely chopped * 1 clove garlic, finely chopped * 1 1/2 teaspoons sweet Hungarian paprika * 2 whole chickens (3 to 4 pounds each), quartered * 1 teaspoon coarse salt * Hot Hungarian paprika * 1 medium tomato, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/2-inch pieces * 2 green bell peppers, cored, seeded, and diced * Egg Dumplings * 1 yellow bell pepper, cored, seeded, and diced * 1 cup sour cream Directions 1. In a Dutch oven, heat the 1/4 cup vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the onions, and sauté until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in garlic, sweet paprika, and 2 cups water. 2. Add chicken, and season with salt and hot paprika. Cover, and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Add tomato, and simmer until the chicken is tender and cooked through, about 20 minutes. Remove chicken; set aside. 3. Return Dutch oven to
Chicken Tacos
Ingredients * Nonstick cooking spray * 1/2 cup chopped onion (1 medium) * 1 clove garlic, minced * 2 cups chopped cooked chicken * 1 8-ounce can tomato sauce * 1 4-ounce can diced green chile peppers, drained * 12 taco shells * 2 cups shredded lettuce * 1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped * 1/2 cup finely shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese and/or Monterey Jack cheese (2 ounces) Directions 1. Lightly coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic; cook until onion is tender. 2. Stir in the chicken, tomato sauce, and chile peppers. Heat through. 3. Divide chicken mixture among taco shells. Top with lettuce, tomato, and cheese. Makes 6 servings.
Going Further
I do not know the outcome of my actions Sometimes before I even know what I plan to do But of anything I can let myself do within the future Loving you is something I will always want to keep No matter where you may travel in your life Giving what matters most for your survival is key. Promise me that you shall never go away To keep everything I taught you close to heart Memories of my kind and gentle feelings Courage has been given for you to make it on your own And if you ever need me to hold or to love I shall always be closer to you than what you think. Times have changed and our world is slowly developing We must make the ultimate sacrifice now But do not worry about what will happen to me I will be stronger than before I knew the way you loved me Together we will pull through the darkness Going further into our dreams and our destiny.
Everything Thats On My Mind Right Now
here is everything thats on my mind right now that keeps stressing me out : #1 being used by so called friends they always asked for rides and money but never returns the favor i feel like im getting stepped on #2 wherre are the real friends i cant seem to find friends around here all people around here does now is drugs and bugularies it seems all the nice people are gone a lot of people around here are rude make fun a of the way i look the way i talk #3 i keep problems botrtled up i cant find a good person to talk to i tried to talk my so called friends and they laugh at me and call me names how can i ignore them when everyones saying stuff all at one time# 4 wishing to find the special someone in my life im very shy and bashful afraid to talk to females i can talk over the internet but face to face i blank out (well at least i completed my online course and now just waiting for my diploma) #5 i cant seem to save money im in debt for the rest of my life because of some bullshit 15
Movie Of My Life
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few. But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky. Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
If Tomorrow Starts Without Me
TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS. I HOPE IT TOUCHES YOUR HEART AND MAKES YOU >THINK ABOUT WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT IN LIFE. > >A few weeks ago a woman was killed in an auto accident. She was very well >liked, so the office shut down for her funeral and it was on the news and >so on. On the day the workers came back to work, they found this poem in >their e-mail that the deceased woman had sent on Friday before she left for >home. > >IF TOMORROW STARTS WITHOUT ME. > >"If tomorrow starts without me, >And I'm not there to see, >If the sun should rise and find your eyes >All filled with tears for me; >I wish so much you wouldn't cry >The way you did today, >While thinking of the many things, >We didn't get to say. > >I know how much you love me, >As much as I love you, >And each time that you think of me, >I know you'll miss me too. >But when tomorrow starts without me, >Please try to understand, >That an angel came and called my name, >And took me by the hand, >
Andrew Jackson And America's Shameful Indian Policies
Andrew Jackson and America's Shameful Indian Policies Early in the 19th century, while the rapidly-growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced what they considered an obstacle. This area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicasaw and Seminole nations. These Indian nations, in the view of the settlers and many other white Americans, were standing in the way of progress. Eager for land to raise cotton, the settlers pressured the federal government to acquire Indian territory. Andrew Jackson, from Tennessee, was a forceful proponent of Indian removal. In 1814 he commanded the U.S. military forces that defeated a faction of the Creek nation. In their defeat, the Creeks lost 22 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama. The U.S. acquired more land in 1818 when, spurred in part by the motivation to punish the Seminoles for their practice of harboring fugitive slaves, Jackson's troops invaded Spanish Florida. From
Deceitful Lover
There was a time I saw you pure; I thought you were the one. No longer, do I feel so sure, Not after what you've done. I gave to you my very heart, My loyalty, my trust... Then watched you rip my soul apart With selfish, greedy lust. Once, I thought you felt for me, But I was merely used. You Brought me much atrocity; I hope you were amused You called it "love" and I believed, But now I see the lie. No longer, will I be deceived. No longer, will I cry. So leave me to my emptiness; It's all I've ever known. I'll never feel a lover's bliss Instead, I'll die alone. My whole life has begun to break. I'm dying from within. Loving you was my mistake. I'll never trust again
From: Green Eyed Beauty
A chocolate said to a lollipop, you are damn sweet. And the lollipop said : Not as sweet as the person reading this! Ur smile makes me smile... ur talks make me glad.. But ur absence makes me sad... Be always with me my dear friend!!! send this 2 all ur friends in ur list n also back 2 me if i am ur friend.... If u get more than 7 u r lovable" ^H E , -^_^-, .. _, .-'^ R S , .-^_______..| _.. H E , .-^____________k __..,Y.-^________________i ________________________ss ________________________kis _______________________skiss _______________________kissk ______________________isskiss ____________________kisskisskis __________________skisskisskisski ________________sskisskisskisskissk ______________isskisskisskisskisskiss ____________kisskisskisskisskisskisskis _________skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss _______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskissk ______isskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss ______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis _______skisskisskisskisskisskis
Like An Eagle I'll Watch Over You!!!
Like an eagle protects its nest so for you I'll do my best I know you have my interest indeed you're a gift thats bless Like a down pour of rain you wash away my aches and pain when I am feeling hurt me you've not desert for you I've grown to love and care daily you help me conquer for fear with your politeness and kindness I have been so impressed to you i'll always be sweet from you I shall not retreat having you in my life makes me complete indeed you know how this man to treat..
Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri Punch
2 (12 oz.) cans frozen orange juice 4 (12 oz.) cans water 1/2 (24 oz.) can powdered lemonade mix 1/2 (30 oz.) can powdered strawberry mix 1 c. sugar 3 pkgs. powdered daiquiri mix 9 qt. water 3 tbsp. lime juice 3 c. rum 3 c. fresh or frozen strawberries Mix orange juice and water. Add lemonade mix, strawberry mix, sugar, daiquiri mix and lime juice. Stir until dissolved. Divide into 3 parts and put in 3 ice cream containers. Then add to each container 1 cup strawberries, blended in blender, 3 quarts water, 1 tablespoon lime juice and 1 cup rum (to your taste). Mix. Freeze. Partially thaw before serving.
5-31-07 31st Entry
So I am sitting here, extremely sick and jamming to the VampireFreaks Music Player (If I lay in bed much longer, I'll be as flat as the stupid thing, I've already got the shape starting lol). I missed work today I was so sick. Its been a rough week emotionally on me. Lets see, it got so bad I nearly gave up. I won't go into details on it exactly but lets just say I was wacked in the head with stress and run down and just plain nowhere near my normal self. I'd taken notice of the fact that most of my journal entries have been low level, not cheery like I like. Tooooo many things added up and created a different me that few will ever see. Luckily I have total trust is MrPeteyTypeDude and he got me holding on by a thread. I'm still down in spirits for the most part but I'm beginning to think that this week has been so bad due to the fact I was getting sick as well as I ran outta my meds again the other day and can't get them til Friday (didn't think of that until a littl
thought i'd be like the rest of the girls i've seen on here...and ask if anyone would buy me a blast? lol sorry >.
Seeds Of Change
A light morning breeze brushes an open seed digging in like children’s feet in summer sand embraced in mothers natural warm hands time to stand still, end, and begin anew a bountiful view, to fulfill then left with a few singing with the wind, comforts in many shades children laughing in dance of songs of the brave memories may come but most will always fade human hands can not contain an oceans waves to be near, close enough to hear, the things we hold dear and face the unpredictability of the oncoming years
I Wish I Had Never Met You
I Wish I Had Never Met You Not A Day Goes By Where Im Not Thinking; I Love Him. I Hate Him. I Miss Him So Much. Not A Day Goes By That I Dont Wish; Wish That I Could Be There With You In Your Arms, Yet I Know That Would Never Happen. Not A Day Goes By, Not One Single Day, Where I Dont Wish I Was Dead; The Only Thing Keeping Me Alive Is My Beating Yet Broken Heart. Not A Day Goes By... Where I Dont Think, I Wish I Had Never Met You. ..3
How Well Do You Know Me?
Create your own Friend Quiz here
3 Classes Of Friends
I'm from the South ,and darn proud of it . In my book there r just 3 classes of friends...see if u agree Social -those who u only see at work ,or ocassionally. True- those who u can call at 3 am ,and tell them u gotta move ,and they'll be there ,no questions ask. Best- those who u can call at 3 am ,and tell them u gotta move a body ,and they'll be there no questions ask . Now how do u rank with ur friends...and where do ur friends rank with u
6-1-07 Astrology!
A new twist makes this game a lot more fun than you thought it would be. Now that there are intriguing players and more complicated situations, you can throw yourself into this wholeheartedly. Enjoy
Check This Out Its So Kool!!!
this is where ive been hanging out alot its so kool come sit it my hottub with me and have a chat...
How Mean
I am 100% Mean!!More Fun Quizzes at
Days Go By
Days go by - Dirty Vegas (Smith/Horn) You are still a whisper on my lips A feeling at my fingertips That's pulling at my skin You leave me when I'm at my worst Like a feeling as if I've been cursed From the bitter cold within Days go by And still I think of you Days when I couldn't live my life without you Without you You are still a whisper on my lips A feeling at my fingertips That's pulling at my skin Days go by And still I think of you Days when I couldn't live my life without you Without you
Help Me Laugh...
Yesterday, I was having a delightful conversation with Cliche. During the course of the conversation, I was reminded of a long, drawn out joke about a guy who knows everyone. Unfortunately, I can't remember much of the little tale except for the premise and the punchline. Hopefully, with the little clue that I am about to give, one of my spectacular CT friends will help me out and either find the joke online or jot it down, so that I can post it in my stash. The person who is kind enough to do this for me will be rewarded with my never ending adoration...or I'll do buttsechs with them. Whichever. Winner's choice. :P So, yeah, the punchline goes something like this: "Everything was cool until the guy next to me says, 'Hey, who is that guy with Bob?'"
Not So Stupid Blonde
Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double pane energy efficient kind. But this week I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them. Helloooo???!!!!! Now, just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told ME last year. Namely, that in just ONE YEAR, these windows would pay for themselves! Hellooooo? "It's been a year," I told him!! There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up.... He didn't call back. Guess I won that stupid argument.
Blink 182- I Miss You
well, Blink 182 is one of my favorite bands of all times. I actually met them in ProV, RI back when Travis has a broke leg etc. But well on to this song in particular, I think the lyrics really say enough, I'm the type of person I don't call people ever. I don't know why- I just don't. I wait and wait and wait for them to call me. Right now- I'm totally feelin this song. Nuff Said. I Miss You Lyrics Written by Blink 182 (I miss you, I miss you) Hello there, the angel from my nightmare The shadow in the background of the morgue The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley We can live like Jack and Sally if we want Where you can always find me We'll have Halloween on Christmas And in the night we'll wish this never ends We'll wish this never ends (I miss you, I miss you) (I miss you, I miss you) Where are you and I'm so sorry I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight I need somebody and always This sick strange darkness Comes creeping on so h
Rja - Your Guardian Angel (dedicated To The One Who Makes Me Smile)
I pretty much want to dedicate this to one of the few guys on here that hasn't treated me like a peice of meat, the one who makes me smile almost regularly now... He knows who he is.
Sexiest Lesbian/bisexual On Ct Contest
Alright Everyone I Am Having A Sexiest Lesbian/Bisexual On Ct Contest If Any Women Would Like To Enter My Contest Contact Me Fuccky ¢¾ Dj Sinisters Ct Wifey¢¾ Club F.A.R.@ CherryTAP Rules Are Anyone Under A 5 Can Not Vote I Do Mean That U Can Comment Yourself Comment Bombing Is Allowed Rates In Case Of A Tie Will Count The Contest Will Be On The 6/11 through 6/25 At 3pm(est) Good Luck All Who Enter Prizes Are As Followed 1st Place- Rolex 2nd Place- Diamond Ring 3rd Place- Diamond Earrings All Of The Gifts Will Be Awarded On A Happy Hour Tryst Lesbian Comments | Lesbian Personals Lesbian/Bi Myspace Comments Comments for Friends -
My Porn Star Name
More Fun Quizzes at
Soap Operas....i Don't Get It
What is this obsession that people have with Soap Operas? Why is it that the world seems to stop when their favorite one comes on? All is put on the back burner at the time of showing? Maybe someone can shed some light on this subject and make me a little bit more informed of this..... I am so deprived at this time...sniff....sniff
I Am Mad!!!!!!!
OK, first off I want to say that I have done some bad things in my life. I am a convicted felon, I am doing my sentence, which is home confinement, and I regret the things I have done to get here. Anyway, I found out today that I am being screwed by the court. Now, I haven't complained about this so far. But now I am PISSED!!!! The damn court system is charging me double for the home confinement fee. That damn fee is $6 a day and I have been on it for 16 months now. I have never been late with a payment. But making me pay double for it is bullshit. I think the court is just making an example out of me. I know of people that have been let off of home confinement that have served less time than me and have committed worse crimes than me. Does anyone else think this it total bullshit or is it just me?
Bad Mood!
DON'T READ THIS...I am having a pity party and it isn't pretty. I am gonna wallow in self pity for just a bit and if you don’t like it don’t read this. I am pissy about so many things. I hate that the few men I feel such an incredible connection to are either married or too far way…or BOTH! I hate the saying “if it isn’t one thing it is another” fuck that…I hate it… why does it have to be???? Why can’t something just go smoothly for a change? I hate always having to be the rational one. I HATE BEING LONELY! I hate that my dad is dead and that my brother is too. I hate that there isn’t anyone to hug me just cause. I hate that I am 38 fucking years old and wasted 18 (June 16th) god damn years on his ass and what do I have to show for it. NOTHING! I am ALONE! Cause doing meth was more important than the life we built together. I hate that I tell myself life is too short to wait, to put things off or to live unhappily but I find myself doin
Emo My Ass!!!!
The Everything Test There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all. Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down - all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy :-) Personality You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about self than concerned about others, more atheist than religious, more dependent than loner, more lazy than workaholic, more rebel than traditional, more engineering mind than artistic mind, more cynical than idealist, more leader than follower, and more extroverted than introverted.As for specific personality traits, you are romantic (86%), innovative (86%), slutty (68%), horny (64%).
I'd Strike Too.
A scenario: Your black and live in South Africa. There probably isn't a lot of employment options. Do you work a shitty job that ruins your life -- like major league ruins your life to the point where you're too tired to even have sex or do you quit and live off the earth -- "like Kane in Kung Fu"? I guess you could strike like these assholes, but that never works out well.
Goddamn George Bush.
Great reading here from The Onion, who once again prove they actually are America's finest news source. This article which could have been written today, not in jest, was written as humor three days before Duh-bya's 2001 inaguration.
Words Of A Master
As it is often important and often even necessary for one human being to have certainty and a clear understanding of the intentions, desires, motivations, and needs of another, I offer this testimony in trust and sincerity. I am a dominant man. I am just that. I am not dominant because of any superiority on my part. Not because I feel I am more intelligent, or wiser. I am not dominant because of the strength or mass of my body. I am not, nor would I want to be dominant with all women. Yet to you, I am Master. I am your Master only after earning your trust and I embrace your submissiveness. I have looked into your heart and mind and clearly see your desires and passions. You have thrown away your fears and inhibitions. You tell me of the needs of your heart and body. You have given me total access to your soul, and I accept the responsibility and honor. You are a woman. You are not weak or inferior because of it. You are a treasure to be cherished. We are not equal. I have t
The Real Bbg
Iowa Girls
Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had set their new wives straight on their duties. The first man had married a woman from South Dakota, and bragged that he had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house cleaning that needed done at their house. He said that it took a couple days but on the third day he came home to a clean house and the dishes were all washed and put away. The second man had married a woman from Illinois. He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. He told them that the first day he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table. The third man had married an Iowa girl. He boasted that he told her that her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He
My Video I Mad About My Miscarriage
Always Smile
When walking down the street, smile, When hangin with your friends, smile, When with the one you love, smile, when around family, always smile, when out playin ball with your boys, smile, When your at the club hangin out, smile, When you lose that game of pool, always smile, Nothing is that serious to frown, Because tears and grief only weigh on your soul and can take years off your life.
A Research Paper On The Motivations, Subculture And Methodology Of Surfers. Interesting!
"Good to the last Drop": Understanding surfers' motivations. Dr. Steven L. Butts, Senior Lecturer University of Plymouth Seale-Hayne Faculty Department of Land Use and Rural Management Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6NQ UK Telephone (01626) 325640 Fax (01626) 325657 e-mail - Key Words: Surfing, motivation, ethnography Abstract This paper considers the motivations and requirements for obtaining membership into the surfing subculture, and demonstrates the added value an ethnographic and participatory approach can provide to the improved understanding of the sociology of sport and sport-related subcultures. In this paper it is suggested that if surfing is to be understood as a sociological phenomenon not only must the subculture and its motivations be understood, but the activity itself. A discussion and analysis of the determinants involved in becoming part of the surfing subculture is
I Am Sensing A Trend....
You scored as Goth, Goth88% Nerdy Girl69% Slut63% Hippy63% Loser44% Athletic Tomboy25% Popular Bitch25% Preppy Girl6% What type of girl are you?!!created with
Church Gossip Mildred, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose in to other people's business. Several members did not approve of her extra curricular activities, but feared her en ough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon. She emphatically told George (and several others) that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn't explain, defend, or deny... he said nothing. Later that evening, George quietly parked his pickup in front of Mildred's house... walked home... and left it there all night. You gotta love George.
The Gender Of Objects
You may not know this, but many non-living things have a gender. 1) Ziploc Bags are Male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. 2) Copiers are Female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed. 3) A Tire is Male, because it goes bald and it's often over-inflated. 4) A Hot Air Balloon is Male, because, to get it to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under it, and of course, there's the hot air part . 5) Sponges are Female, because they're soft, squeezable and retain water. 6) A Web Page is Female, because it's always getting hit on. 7) A Subway is Male, because it uses the same old lines to pick people up. 8) An Hourglass is Female, because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom. 9) A Hammer is Male, because it hasn't changed much over the last 5,000 years,
Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz †
I Miss You Baby!!!!! The Cold Heart Truth About My Sons Death!!
Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz † This is the only way i have to pay my respects to my baby boy- i cant get the graveside to talk to him- but he knows i love him. Keith Allen mommy has thought of you alot today, and i wish i could hold you one more time. But i know that is impossible, so here mommy is again- feeling down because i need you baby. I just want to feel my baby one more time in my arms - while i sing the same songs here to you as you fall asleep. theres doors to heaven i know- but until god brings mommy home- they will be closed for me. I cant see inside the window to your soul, but i feel the love from your heart everyday. i watch my kids play and i often wonder how they would feel if i were pass on and not be here- now i know- hurt- the same i do for you. my heart will never be whole. as long as i walk this earth and not ever see your precious face- i will be left in half- I MISS YOU SO MUCH BABY. cHANTEL ASK ME TONIGHT AT THE DINNER TABL
°°°rachies Wednesday Night Show°°°
°°°°°°Klick the dungeon to join°°°°°°°° DungeonRadio °°°°So watch out upcoming bulletin to remind you when iam on air °°°°°
Life And Crap
marked NSFW just so i could say fuckitgoddamit! well hey. probably should have put this entry in the depression blog, cuz i'm feelin down today. i have been thinking about life lately, and it just sux. i am turning 30 in January, and quite frankly am a bit freaked out by it. it's had me thinking lately...what the hell have i done with 30 years? sadly the answer is probably not a dam thing...unless you count getting drunk or horny as a life accomplishment. here i am with a job thats okay, but will never make me rich; with no steady girlfriend, let alone wife....with no kids, no investments, no company car...hell, nothing to show for anything. i'm wondering if this is a major crossroad or just turning 30 that i'm facing. should i change careers while i'm young enough to go back to college? should i try to settle down? be looking for a woman i might want to marry, not just fuck? shouldn't i have a retirement portfolio or some other crap by now? dam. i'm headed nowhere fast
Just Ranting
hello all. ever have one of those days where you just want to enlighten everyone? well, some don't like me for some reason. could it be that i am a bold person who really doesn't care what others think? could it be i have way too much fun and they think that is bad? well, i like me and if you don't it's not my loss. i used to try to please everyone and make everybody happy. so who got left out? me! everyone else got what they wanted and moved on. me, still searching. well, guess what? i can't help it i am still like i can't change who i am. now, those of you who are my very close friends, please don't think this is about you or directed directly at you, ok? it's for all those others who i thought were my friends who just wanted to use me and lose me. i just want a little payback for all the stuff i do for others ya know? i aim to please, so when is it my turn? any takers?
Clothing colors I noticed something today while looking through my closet. A majority of my summers shirts are pink or pinkish at least and most of my winter shirts are black. I never wear shortsleeved black shirts, it shows how pale I am, but I like to wear it in the winter, it shows off my hair, I think. It's funny, I can wear black pretty well but other dark colors look terrible on me. So, for as far as shirts go in the winter, it's either black or light colors.
And For Once I Know Where I Am Happier.
Ok, tonight, I have been having fun. I have talked to two of my best girlfriends (Best Friends if you will) on the phone. Catching up with Kris, who I hadn't seen in a month, then my friend Dawn who I have talked to every night since she moved to my area. Dawn is one that I have worked with as well as Kris, and so they are both like my sisters in a sense. Then of course, I get online and I talk with my best buddy Bill, and he got his friend Charles to say hi while we were instant messaging me. SO, I am a very friendly person tonight. Leave it to Bill though because he can make me laugh over things that are so funny. Charles just doesn't know me too well yet. But I saw my mom today (dad was at work) and that is the norm since I was out in their area today when we had to go pay auto insurance. (I want to be so rich that I don't have to worry about money anymore) and wondering what can be paid when. I just needed to have my friends around me tonight so that when I think things cou
Master Of The Game
Your words are hollow, your actions are trivial. Everytime you speak it carries the scent of lies. You say you're the master of the game but you've yet to play mine. I can see right through you to your ulterior motives, to all your shady logic. So you play your game and I'll play mine and when it's all over we'll see who the Master is this time.
I Need To Play More
Ok so i havent had much of a chance to play as much as i would like, i just moved to a new server and all and its pretty cool, i missed pvp not so sure that i really like the horde over the allaince and all but oh well...but my hunter so needs to get some lvling in...oh well find me on exectus leeoric.....tauren hunter
Thou shalt flirt ferociously each day with thy spouse that thy marriage shall be blessed with strength, joy and longevity. In everyday life its important to take a moment to keep the romance kindled. Have a ROMANTIC day :) Peace & LOVE Hopeless Romantic
Hi everyone im new to this so be patient with me...If im a little slow at getting back to u,It s not that i dont want too....
The Jimmy Situation!!!!
Ok everyone, know I have been gone for a while, and not sure when I will be back... My hubby, which most of you know, Jimmy Sway, is waiting trial rightnow back home in KY!!!! He got arrestted by the feds last thursday and I am not sure how long he will be gone for... anyways, just wanted to tell everyone what was up....
The wall comes too soon But I'm truly ready you should know A single tear escapes the wipe Logic seeps in far too slow Maybe caring is for nothing When all I gave is lost Collided worlds now seperate Yes it was worth it's cost
Turbonegro @ Islington...
Probably the best gig Ive ever seen. The venue was just the right size, there where loads of jugend in attendance, which made for quite a sight in the pub over the road, where there were about 50 of us, displaying our team jackets. The band themselves were amazing. The new songs were recived just as well as the old, making me even more desperate to get the album, and I spent mos the set hanging out with the singer from Thor Strike... Big thanx to turbojugend Birmingham for adopting me for he night,and to Dee Liscious and Hammer Head for the beers, my turn next time the boys are back in town.
well my dog(he is in my pics)just had a 750.00 dollar operation! he twisted his stomach and flip it!cuz he was horny and after my girl dog mega moose(also in my pics)and he panted 4 days straight and filled his tummy with air.there was a 50/50% chance he culd of died but since i caught it the day he bloated up he has a 70% so he is ok now (2 days later) lots of staples!!nad he got his nuts cut also that day and the sewed his stomach to a muscle in his rib cage so it cant happen a again!!and thank god the vet is letting me make monthly payments!!!!
Hated By All
i know i am hate by all and loved by no one oh well i will suffer in pain that you gave me i will shead a tear for thouse who know me and i shead a tear for your lonley ass in the end love by all is to much to ask for its like asking for air if you cant breath being in love will be so magicle for me but no one seams to care what i want so who cares if some trys to love me i give up now one love and you and me
Pissed Off
The thing that really pissed me off today was not getting a low rate on one of my pictures, or even people that try their hardest to be rude and piss me off, what really pisses me off is when I go to a web site supposedly deticated to my goddess Brigid, only to find out some lame is calling her a myth. News people, Pagan beliefs (and my goddess) was around long before Cristianity!
It's Been A While!
Time just moves too swiftly for me these days! Good afternoon/good evening, everyone! Guess grandson Tim is moving back in for good! He has cheerfully driven his big bro crazy with his behavior, lol! Welcome to my world, Damian dear. Daughter Jenn continues to live in LaCrosse County Jail. Seems a deal has been worked out - she will stay in jail until an opening comes up in a certain prison-based drug rehab. That program is 14 to 16 weeks long! We'll see how this flies - I'm not so sure about it! Tomorrow is THE DAY - my belly dancing debut with the class, lmao! I'm a nervous wreck! But it will be fun, I guess! We are dancing at Butterfest, lol! Yeah, this is the Midwest. By 5:30 p.m. lots of people will have spent much time in the beer tent. This should be good, lol!! If the wind is blowing (and when isn't the wind blowing), dancing with the veils will be like dancing with saran wrap - too funny!! A big thank you to Illusion for helping me level up! I did a little "shame
I want your love to rain down on me...... Like a spring thunderstorm that lasts for days..... A few drops at a time here and there at first, and then steady and strong..... Drench me with your love, I thurst for it...... With occasional bursts of thunder and lightening, exciting the sky and my soul........ Leaving nothing untouched, every part of my mind, body, and soul wet from your love......... As i sit here, i will the sky and your heart to open and rain down on me..... Patrice
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 319 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 147 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 2 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 5th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
I'll Always Be A Daddy's Girl
So this is what I had to deal with this afternoon. What many of you remember is when I said that my father suffered a "silent" heart attack back in March, and how we were pretty sure he was ok. Well, right now, I am still waiting on news on whether my dad has suffered yet another heart attack today or what. I am not sure if he has gone home yet or if he is being admitted, which the reason I am not up there now is because my mom is pretty sure he's ok, and that they will be going home soon. The last update was at 8:30 when they were taking my dad for his CT scan on his carotid artery (too bad I am learning WAY too much about cardiovascular stuff again.) to see what is going on and with what little tests they ran I am not even sure if he's suffered another heart attack or not. So, as I wait (Good thing I am off on Saturday after all since this is going on) I know sleeping may not be an option tonight. As usual I am worrying more than I should which at this point is probably normal. Who
He Godfather
A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, who is deaf, has screwed him out of ten million bucks. He got the job because it was assumed that a deaf bookkeeper would not be able to hear anything that he'd ever have to testify about in court. When the Godfather goes to shakedown the bookkeeper about his missing $10 million bucks, he brings along his attorney, who knows sign language. Through his interpreter, he asks the bookkeeper: "Where is the 10 million bucks you embezzled from me?" The bookkeeper signs back: "I don't know what you are talking about." The attorney tells the Godfather: "He says he doesn't know what you're talking about. "That's when the Godfather pulls out a 9 mm pistol, puts it to the bookkeepers temple, cocks it, and says: "Ask him again!" The attorney signs to the underling: "He'll kill you for sure if you don't tell him! "The bookkeeper signs back: "OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase,
>I M P O R T A N T >> W A R N I NG ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! >> >> Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. >> >> This information arrived this morning, Direct from both >> Microsoft and Norton. >> >> Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. >> >> You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail with a Power Point >> presentation " Life is Beautiful" >> If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, >> and delete it immediately. >> >> If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying: >> >> "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful." >> >> Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, >> And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, >> e-mail and password. >> >> This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. >> AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus >> software's are not capable of destroying it. >> >> The vir Funny
FINALLY, THE 5 ANSWERS WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR: Q: WHAT ARE THE SMALL BUMPS AROUND A WOMAN'S NIPPLES FOR? A: It's Braille for "suck here". Q: WHAT IS AN AUSTRALIAN KISS? A: It's the same as a French kiss, but "down under." Q: WHAT DO YOU DO WITH 365 USED CONDOMS? A: Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear. Q: WHY WERE HURRICANES NORMALLY NAMED AFTER WOME! N? A: Because when they come, they're wild and wet. But when they go, they take your house and car with them. Q: WHY DO GIRLS RUB THEIR EYES WHEN THEY GET UP IN THE MORNING? A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch...
New Pics
Come See them......please
La Grange
The Pain Of Not Telling! (by Me Tasha)
This heart is sore this is true It has a feeling just for you. An emptyness is deep inside. Makes me want to run and hide. I have a mask that I wear. I care for you and theres my fear.. You'll never know how i feel. Cause it can never be revealed.
I Am...
I am the sex I am the taste I am the touch caressed Around your waist I am the skin I am the sweat I'm unlike anything You've ever met I am control I am seduction I am insation I am production I am the push When you are the pull I read, "the tank's on empty" When you are full I am the bliss I am the hold I am the lips, just kiss me When you are cold I am the tongue I am the seed I am the one that fixed you When you had needs I am the crush I am the friend You say good-bye to me But you'll be back again I am the pain I am the cure I am the memory That you adore
What Is Forever?
How can we tell when forever is written in the stars? Promises can be made, set to every twinkle. What happens when people want to start over..a new direction in life. When their reason for promising forever is gone... An emptyness is all that is left behind. They leave and want you to know that its not forever after all. In this day promises of forever were mean to be broken. This is why ask you..please dont make promises to me. If you want to share forever its not possible. Just say the night is ours... To see you with the promise of the night, means more to me than the promise of forever. Just hold me throughout the length of darkness... I will be in Heaven if you allow me to lay in your arms. To feel your chest rise with every breath. To hear your heart beat. The warmth of your body against mine. Don't promise me forever... When the night is what I want.
Adult Hardcore Survey
This is for everyone to copy, paste, fill out , and send to whomever. Anyone who is sick of the vanilla surveys out there everywhere. Simple Section: 1. would you fuck me? 2. would you be my fuck buddy? 3. would you eat me? 4. would you let me eat you? 5. would you stay all night, or bolt before dawn? 6. what positions would you fuck me in? Little Harder 7. would you fuck me in the ass? 8. would you let me fuck you in the ass? 9. would you tie me up? 10.can i tie you up? 11. will you wear makeup for me? 12. wear a skirt for me? 13. be my bitch? 14. make me your bitch? Fetish time 15. would you suck my toes? 16. let me suck yours? 17. ask me to suck mine while you watch? 18. let me jack you off with my feet? 19. cum all over my feet? 20. lick said cum off my feet? 21. watch me lick it off? 22. help me lick it off? More fetish 23. Would you cut me? 24. let me cut you? 25. drink my blood? 26. let me drink yours? 27. 3-way mmf with me? 28. 3-way mff
At Peace With Myself.
As the blood slowly drains my face turns pale white, your body leaning over me drinking with delight. I've dreamt of shear joy of being outta my mind, this is pleasure so dark I fear I might lose my mind. I drift in and out of reality praying the pain doesn't stop, loving how I'm feeling when dealing with meeting my death. Life has just become to start its a meeting of new friends, life eternal darkness let the spirts rise again. This graceful night that you brought me too is something romantic I never knew. If life was sweet before this I never realized, because with you in the darkness I can finally close my eyes.
Sex Iq
You have a sexual IQ of 133 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
Womens Ass Size Study
Women's Ass Size Study There is a new study just released by the American Psychiatric Association about women and how they feel about their asses. The results are pretty interesting: 1. 5% of women surveyed feel their ass is too big. 2. 10% of women surveyed feel their ass is too small. 3. The remaining 85% say they don't care; they love him; he's a good man and they would have married him anyway.
Odds And Ends. Mostly Just Odds. Lol
Not much happened over the weekend. Friday was my little brother's birthday. We played poker and stuff. It was interesting.   I spent most of saturday lieing in bed thinking saturday. The time just kknida dissapeared into nothingness. I've been stressed out and upset with school lately.    I went to see my grandma today in idaho. That was fun. We had a little barbaque, and then went fishing. It was ok. No one caught fish, but it's still nice to get out and do stuff.  I watched an old movie with my parents when we got back to their house. Then I went home. People were watching heroes, so I watched some of that. It was interesting.      I made links to other parts of my page below. Just incase people are bored and haven't been to those pages before. They might be mildly amusing or whatever.QuizesPicturesBooze, drugs, and big girls.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
I totally forgot I had a CherryTap account. I've been very distracted these past few weeks. Been going through a lot of personal issues, and won't really have them resolved for about a week. Sorry to those who sent me mail and friend requests, and hopefully I'll be back on a more regular basis pretty soon.
Sexxy Lady On Ct Contest!
Sexxy Lady On CT Contest! I Need Sexxy Ladies for this contest! 1st Lady is...... with 1 comments! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/12 thur 6/19 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP
What's For Dessert Kidd-o's
White Chocolate Clusters with Fruit & Nuts Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups assorted dried fruits and toasted nuts (choose among raisins, cherries, cranberries, chopped apricots, almonds, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and macadamia nuts) 1 package (12 ounces) white-chocolate chips Directions: 1. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. In a small bowl, combine dried fruits and nuts. 2. Heat white-chocolate chips in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring until smooth. 3. Drop level tablespoons of melted chocolate onto prepared sheet, 2 inches apart. Mound fruit-nut mixture on top, pressing in gently. Refrigerate until set, 15 to 20 minutes. Makes about 20 Yumm-o
Another Mafia Birthday
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Raven Queen is our next Birthday whore...her birthday is the 13th of June......Please go to her page and show her lots of Mafia Love.... Zodiac Images from
Looking For My Angel...
Here I sit staring at this screen. Wondering, hoping, dreaming... My dream is a simple one, but also hard to find. I dream of finding the "One", I know, alot of people don't believe that there is just one. However I do. There are many that come into our lives, and help us through things, and teach us about who we really are, but then there is the one, that loves you completely, no matter what. The one that knows even though the cup may be half empty, it's also half full! The one that just knows!! He is the one that can make you think, and challenge you to be more, while loving you just as you are. Where is my "One"?
Sexxy Lady On Ct Contest!
Sexxy Lady On CT Contest! I Need Sexxy Ladies for this contest! 1st Lady is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Lady is....... with 1 comments! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/12 thur 6/19 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP
Best Beach Pic On Ct Contest! Now Open To Vote
Best Beach Pic On CT Contest! Am looking for pics taking on the beach! 1st Pic is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Pic is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Pic is...... with 1 comments! 4th Pic is...... with 1 comments! Adults or kids any pic that shows you enjoying Yourself at the beach! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 5/26 thur 6/1 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP
The Reaper And The Flowers ~ Hw Longfellow
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Voices of the Night THE REAPER AND THE FLOWERS There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. "Shall I have naught that is fair?" saith he; "Have naught but the bearded grain? Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me, I will give them all back again." He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes, He kissed their drooping leaves; It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them in his sheaves. "My Lord has need of these flowerets gay," The Reaper said, and smiled; "Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where he was once a child. "They shall all bloom in fields of light, Transplanted by my care, And saints, upon their garments white, These sacred blossoms wear." And the mother gave, in tears and pain, The flowers she most did love; She knew she should find them all again In the fields of l
Kissing Purity
Your Kissing Purity Score: 51% Pure For you, kissing isn't a casual thing Lip to lip action makes your heart sing Kissing Purity Test
Some Items For Sale. Porch Swing, Archway And Entertainment Stand
I have the following items for sale. Items are located in Seymour and can be viewed/picked up from there. If you are interested please drop me a message on here or on yahoo messenger as Sunshynevideo, Outdoor Swing. About 3 months old. I will take $100.00 - Perfect condition Archway. About 5 Months Old - I will take $100.00 Entertainment Stand I want $50.00 for it. Originally sold for $80.00 @ Walmart
From: Aby
Oh, what joy it is to have friends like you For giving me strength the way you do For lifting me up when I'm feeling down And putting a smile on my face when I'm wearing a frown Thanks for being there and helping me grow Your friendship means a lot this I'd like you to know
Sad Day Lol
I lost my VIC....I am all bummed out...
Do This
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Whats your sign? 5. Phone Number: 6. Location: 7. Height: 8. Hair (color and style): 9. Piercings/tattoos: HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. Would you enjoy it? 5. Would you ever ask me out? 6. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 7. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 8. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? 9.Would you walk on the beach with me? 10. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 11. Do you/have you talked about me? 12. Do you think I'm a good person? 13. Would u take a nap with me? 14.Do you think I'm cute? 15. If you could change anything about me -would you? 16.Would you dance with me? 17.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? What Do You Think Of My? 1.Personality: 2.Eyes: 3.Face: 4.Hair: W0UL
Stand In The Rain
Stand in the rain-Superchick She never slows down She doesn’t know why But she knows that when she’s all alone It feels like it’s all coming down She won’t turn around The shadows are long And she fears if she cries that first tear The tears will not stop raining down So stand in the rain Stand your ground Stand up when it’s all crashing down You stand through the pain You won’t drown And one day what’s lost can be found You stand in the rain She won’t make a sound Alone in this fight with herself And the fear’s whispering If she stands, she’ll fall down She wants to be found The only way out is through everything She’s running from Wants to give up and lie down So stand in the rain Stand your ground Stand up when it’s all crashing down You stand through the pain You won’t drown And one day what’s lost can be found You stand in the rain So stand in the rain Stand your ground Stand up when it’s all crashing down
Whacko Alert
Testicular Cancer
A FRIEND SENT ME THIS...IM THANKFUL FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE IN MY LIFE THAT HELPED GET THROUGH THIS ROUGHT TIME....NANCY YOU WERE A BIG PART OF THIS AND I LOVE YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME WITH THIS.... If you are diagnosed with testicular cancer, your health professional will explain what type of cancer you have, whether it has spread beyond the testicle (metastasized), and the potential for curing it. You and your health professional will discuss your treatment options and possible outcomes of those treatments. Testicular cancer is considered a highly curable disease, especially if diagnosed at an early stage.3 Initial treatment Treatment for testicular cancer begins with a radical inguinal orchiectomy, which is surgery to remove the affected testicle(s). Depending on the type of cancer cells present and whether your cancer has spread to other areas of your body (stage), this procedure may be followed by one or more of the following treatments: Watchful waiting. This is a period
Best Arm And Leg Tattoo On Ct Contest!
Best Arm And Leg Tattoo On CT Contest! I Need Tattoos of Arms And Legs for this! 1st Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 5th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 6th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 7th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 8th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/12 thur 6/19 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeL
Going Out Of Town!!
Hey yall IM going out of town for two weeks ill be back on July 2nd! Those of you that have my cell number can reach me on there. take care and love yall xoxoxo
Banned Is The Biggest L,oser
Best Arm And Leg Tattoo On Ct Contest! Scores Updated
Best Arm And Leg Tattoo On CT Contest! I Need Tattoos of Arms And Legs for this! 1st Tattoo is...... with 1121 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1070 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 5th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 6th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 7th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 8th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/12 thur 6/19 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter conte
Im Having A Contest For The Most Comments On A Picture Of Your Choice.
im having a contest for the most comments on a picture of your choice. it will run for 5 days as of the 16th to 21st of june. i need at least 5 ppl. just send me the link to the picture you want to enter and i'll add it. the person with the most amount of comments will win...... a rolex watch if (male) or the ring and earrings if (female) from the gift shop. click here if you wish to enter and leave details please AUSSIE GUY TEAM LEADER OF A.O.M BOMBER #1@ CherryTAP hurry times runnig out thanks richard (repost of original by 'AUSSIE GUY TEAM LEADER OF A.O.M BOMBER #1' on '2007-06-15 15:06:21')
2007 Field Day 24 Hr Training Event ( Greenville,il)
Training will be at Patriots Park in Greenville,IL June 23 & 24. Field Day June 23rd & 24th I will have a cooling station available for the K9's, Make sure you have enough water and food available. Meat and water will be provided to our members and your guest, we ask that you contact Alicen Ragsdale as soon as possible to let us know or ask what we need for side dish and head count of how many you have coming. If you want soda, Tea or other drinks I suggest you bring a small cooler tagged with your name. As always no alcohol beverages are allowed at this event, I may have a coffee maker for coffee available, No promised but will try. Electric will be available for phone chargers etc via 5,700 watt generator. Set up will begin at 8 Sharp Saturday Morning, I would appreciate the help even from Support members that may or may not be able to stay, It would be appreciated. Tear down will begin at 8 am sharp Sunday Morning Curriculum will i
Who Is Andrew Thomas Mills? (written By Someone Who Knows Me The Best Friend!)
Who is Andrew Thomas Mills? Well if you would of asked me when I was a kid I would of honestly said he was someone I really did't care for. But now that I'm 25 going on 26 I would tell you something alot more meaningful. Andy to me is the brother I never had... He is the king of the crop to me. He is the best friend I've ever had... I know without a shadow of a doubt he'd be there for me no matter what kind of problem I have. If any girl in the world would give this man a chance.. I SWEAR TO GOD he'd make you feel like a princess from a fucking fairly tale. When I curse when I speak of him I know that's what he'd want because he knows the true me more than anyone else on earth. I honestly don't know what I'd do without this guy. Right now he's just as important to me as my own mother and father. I'd chose him over any girl no matter how in love or what-not. He is my un-blood related brother and I would die a thousand suffering deaths just to see him smile and be happy with himself and
Dedication To An Angel, I'll Never Be With Again.... :-(
Before i let you go Give me just one more night to show you Just how i feel I lost all my control If it takes my whole damnned life i'll Make this up to you Im kinda like the waves that roll their whole life Towards somewhere crashing it on the shore Thats blown in by the wind that carries the clouds To hide my wish on a fallen star A differnt kind of pain, is someone there to hold you Is someone there to take you away from me I tried to let you go I wish i could turn back time and show You just how i feel I needed you to know If it takes my whole damned life i'll Make this up to you Before you let me go, i needed you to know
I Am Air Force, I Still Am A Soldier...
here I am again... I've made mistakes in my past, but within the past 48 hrs, I've really screwed my life up beyond control... I can't retake my position on what I want... I did something I didn't know would backfire. But due to the fact, I have just signed up to be contacted by another Air Force recruiter and I AM going back, I am going to fight the wars for my country... what best way to show those I love and care for them than that? I'm going to be getting contacted by a recruiter and the first chance I get, I am going.... I made a bad judgement and due to the fact that the person I care about doesn't believe me, I have to show everyone, I'm not that bad of a guy... I HAVE TO JOIN OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS OVER THERE!!!! I am sorry to those who are against this, and I hope certain ppl don't know my intentiosn, but I can't sit here and be alone and be screwed, I'd rather be over there fighting for a reason than be stuck here and get screwed over by someone who doesn't know what being
Ignorant Ass Females
Why on Earth do this idiots on cherrytap have screen names like im a whore, and super slut? How dumb are these stupid females that str8 up advertise their a nasty ass ho? How can people think that lowly of themselves or even think that shit is cute. Then they get mad cause dudes askin to see nude pics... WTF u dumb broads gettin mad for when your advertisin yourself as a ho.... Fuc'n Dummies
Everyone Took...
I had 4 crushes yesterday and now I only have one what the hell....Who needs spanked?
Photocube Of Me And My Ct Hubby ;)
They Watch From Their Windows
Is it my fault you never took advantage of the opportunities that were handed, directly to You? Is it my problem you fall apart, every time you say the words, I, love, You? Is it my fault all the things you didn't do, and all the times you got caught? Fuck no it's not. I'd tried to call and get my mother's advice, but she'd stayed up all night, so all she had was her slurred voice, and another pint. It's been awhile since I heard from my mother. Maybe one day I'll wake up early enough to get out with the sun and find another. I'm not sure I've lost the path I was on before, the monsters crawling up through door cracks, and windows not thick enough to paint my reflection, is it my fault, I don't know what I've been missing? I'd tried getting your attention, but you were too busy with affliction. The sun is on it's way up, and I'm hoping to get caught up in process. Get locked down, sucked in, to a burning ball of fire. Lost all cares, eaten desire. Is it my fault you hung me up, ou
every once in a while, i get mystic and moody.... today is one of those days. so, fear not my denizens of the dark- it's just another aspect of my womanhood....
Great Summer Day.
My day starte out great. I got the numbers for the family mimbers I lost tuch with. Even one to a stp dad the only dad I ever knew. It was great. My day jsut keep geting better. Now I have got in tuch with somoin I have not talked to online for about six mouths. It felt so good to talk to him and here his accent. My rl bf took a step back from our rationship. I think it nee to happen though. I think we both felt it was moving too fast. So we both deced to be freinds with benifts for now. And if down the road it is ment to be great And if not That will be ok to. We both have jsut been hurt by one we love too much. So I think this wounderufl for both of us. My past came back to upset me again. All the bs from wen I was a kid jsut snuck up on me and I got to talk it out with a fried of min. And I had a good cry. Them are good once in a while. I have been abble to read some of you bios. And I have red some great ones. I like to here about good things in peoples lives and what make th
"always In My Thoughts"
"Always In My Thoughts" Without you here, life's little moments has no color in them. I miss not being able to hold you so close than I can hear your heart beating next to mine. I miss not being able to kiss your lips and whisper in your ear "I love you." I miss not being able to hold your hand and feel your soft touch upon mine. I miss not being able to wake up and find you by my side. I miss not being able to see your laugh or comfort you when your sad. I miss you so much, that I would give up heaven, just to spend a minute with you. Most of all, I miss everyday your not here to look upon my eyes. The windows of the soul, and see in them and understand How much I really miss you and love you with all my heart
My Heart Cries For You
My Heart Cries For You I silently gazed out my window as daylight faded into darkness, and still, I thought of you. I envisioned images of you gazing in the distance while slowly tears ran down my cheeks, my body could no longer contain, the multitude of emotions flowing in and out of me. "Please don't cry" U uttered into the wind No matter, the many miles between us our hearts will be together again, this U promised Me.
Night Shift This Week * 11:00 Until U Sleep* Come in * Tune in * and enjoy the show *
I'm Doing A Best Pet On Ct! Score Updates
I'm doing a Best Pet On CT! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 1st Pet is...... with 163 comments! 2nd Pet is...... with 102 comments! 3rd Pet is...... with 37 comments! 4th Pet is...... with 28 comments! 5th Pet is...... with 8 comments! 6th Pet is...... with 6 comments! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/14 thur 6/21 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP
Best Morph On Ct Contest! Score Updates
Best Morph On CT Contest! I'm doing a Morph contest and i need morph pics! 1st Morph is...... with 3530 comments! 2nd Morph is...... with 2156 comments! 3rd Morph is...... with 1125 comments! 4th Morph is...... with 116 comments! Comment bombing allowed and Self bombing allowed! 2 Gifts from gift shop per winner! If u want to enter the contest plz send me link to ur pic in my messages or tell me and i will rip it for u ! Contest will start on 6/18 thur 6/25 Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~~ Plz Sign My Guess Book Plz...LOL@ CherryTAP
Icon Week: Bruce Springsteen
Just wanted to do something different this week. This week my page will be donated to Icons we may know. Each day I will donate time, energy, blogs, stash and reviews to Icons. Today will be spent on the "Boss," Bruce Springsteen. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this American Icon or experience you may have had.
Mexican Eggs
Some of the internet stuff I wonder if it is true. I didn't check snops but this is surely true. Since one must send on the important stuff, I'm sending this. DAB : Subject: Highway Assistance  Two Mexicans are riding along Pacific Coast Highway on a motorbike. They break down and start hitching a lift. A friendly trucker stops to see if he can help.  The two Mexicans ask him for a lift, but he tells them he has no room in the wagon as he is carrying 20,000 bowling balls.  The Mexicans put it to the driver that if they can manage to fit in the back with their bike will he take them and he agrees.  They manage to squeeze themselves and their motorbike into the back of the wagon so the driver shuts the doors and gets off on his way.  By this time he is really late and so puts his foot down.  Sure enough the Highway Patrol pulled him over for speeding. The officer asks the driver what he is carrying to which he replies Mexican eggs.  The policem
Stuck here in Mankato with no movie date. Mad about it. Nobody likes scary movies anymore? The newest scary flick (1408)looks like it's gonna be a winner. If anybody has a sneak inside look, let me know.
Land Of The Plastic People
You're from the Land Of The Plastic People Not even your hollow soul is real You hide in your fear induced denial It's so obvious with your painted on smile But your eyes tell a different story Voices from the past say you aren't worthy You don't even know who you are Battleing your internal war I opened you up to see what was inside Just a shallow grave where your sense of self lies The real you begs to be resurrected Near fatal wounds scream to be mended A heart scarred by acid tears Emotions numbed over the years You've become a fragile vessal Living in the Land Of The Plastic People
Falling Through The Cracks
Dirty man asking for change "Get a job!" they keep saying Just another voice to add to the ones in his brain Somehow I don't think sanity is on his resume Falling through the cracks "Leave him, if it's that bad" But she is convinced he is the best she can have Warped sense of perception The ones who leave aren't the rule, but the exception Falling through the cracks His best friend is a blade Cuts himself just to stay sane Atleast he can control this pain And when he is gone, no one will remember his name Falling through the cracks
Death Becomes Her
I have not been inspired to write a poem since 2000 when I wrote my other posted poem “The Princess Warrior and The King” for a friend. This poem is for my girl, Something Diabolical@ CherryTAP, who's name on her last two profiles that she had to delete was Death Becomes Her........ Malinda, this is a magical, spiritual and symbolic story of the circumstances in your life when you found my blogs, learned to love yourself and feel alive again. I remember on your first profile you had pics for Tripp, and I assumed that he was a big part of your life and I know you have a special girl in your life too. You have overwhelmed me with your love and respect. Your comments, your salute to me that I had to find impressed me so much and the appreciation of who I am is all I could ever ask for. The fact that you love what I do to help others and that you want to be a part of it and that you want your girlfriend to be a part of it is something that inspires me to do it even more. I really
Confused about what to feel, not understanding if my lonely heart will ever heal. Trusting you opened my eyes, blinded from living so many lies. Do I trust you now or break it off, If I turn and walk away now will all hope be lost? Do I try to make things better? do I trust in my heart? Do I let my UN-trusting self drag us apart? It's a decision I must make Do I give of do I take? Another old Poem
Tuskegee Airmen Receive Congressional Honors
Tuskegee Airmen receive congressional honors First all-black aviation unit in WWII awarded Congressional Gold Medal President Bush greets Tuskegee Airmen Dr. Roscoe Brown, center, and Lt. Col. Alexander Jefferson, left, on Thursday in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, during the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for the Tuskegee Airmen. WASHINGTON - President Bush saluted the Tuskegee Airmen on Thursday, six decades after they completed their World War II mission and returned home to a country that discriminated against them because they were black. “Even the Nazis asked why African American men would fight for a country that treated them so unfairly,” President Bush told the group of legendary black aviators, who received a Congressional Gold Medal — the most prestigious Congress has to offer. “These men in our presence felt a special sense of urgency. They were fighting two wars. One was in Europe and the other took place in the hearts and minds of our citizens.”
Dj_the_ Bounterhunter Made This For Me, Thanks Hun :)
We Live Together
Stand Back
Stash Update
Hiya I hope your week is going well. I have added some cool stuff to my stash - the pics, dunno and jokes section. Please stop by and show some love. Thanks lots and lots ((hugs)) Take care of you and have a great rest of week. Love Lin xx
Deer Hunting
Kidsand How They Can Get Under Your Skin
let me tell you i think they should have kids in school everyday and give them no brakes then they would have time to get into trouble or get under your skin my 2 oldest kids are so goood at gettting to someone that its not funny and they get into trouble threwout the community.and they seem to never be able to go to sleep either when its bed time they always think of something and they never know how to do as they are told too and they wonder why they get grounded and punished well der der der we didnt do anything they did so they get the consiquences
Just Another Day
hi — Wednesday, June 20, 2007 I been busy with school. Mostly stressing out over school. I had to give a speach today. I started shaking while I was standing there trying to give my speach in front of classy. It was weird. I eventually stopped, and thenwent on with my speach. My talking is kinda choppy because I may not do well in the class if I talk how I natually do. So iit sounds rather slow, like it's hard to say or think of the words. It sounds unnatural. BECAUSE IT FUCKING IS!!! It's bullshit. For some reason it's ok ot discriminate against how I talk. It's "ok " to arbritrarily teach hate towards certain words. It's somehow socially acceptable to not have respect for certain cultures and not socially acceptable to have respect for them. That's just the world we live in today, and probably have for an awefully long time. The last few days have been busy and stressfull. I don't see the whole speach thing getting much better. It's mostly hard becaause it
Little Kisses
Little kisses nibbling thier love into my heart Eyes of a passionate Lady seeks my dreams Ardent love she gives from the soul of her heartt Little kisses of love coyious and flirtatious Flaming the heart of my desires Tickling each others lust in joyious union Be it by flowing river, sitting togther on a couch or a park bench Strolling on a beach arm in arm Little kisses ardent in love always there in our hearts In the bedroom, What the scandle right in front of parents or childern What ok kids you can have your kisses also How about a quick kiss at the kitchen sink Little kisses over champange or wine Little kisses under a moon lite night Fireworks flaring Yes even then little kisses Little kisses for a short good-bye or a quick hello But they are all sharing one big thing and that is love Mwauh Mwauh just to keep this going Little kisses to all thoose I love friends , family and everyone else But most of all little kisses of joy to To God and Jesus, for they are a
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover. [great Read!]
Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for? Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B. He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Which of these candidates would be our choice? Decide first... no peeking
Sex Is Good For You!!
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth. ============= 2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow. ============= 3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner. ============= 4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers! ============= 5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being. ============= 6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals
Infatuation It's like the rush of sweet flavor you get from a treat It's like butterflies dancing inside me so sweet It's like a fog of warm pleasure drifting all around It's like every silent moment screams the same sound It's like a blanket of peacefullness wrapped comfortably snug It's like the strings of my heart have been given a tug It's like floating through the clouds no destination to find It's like searching for something with nothing in mind It's like every breath inhales the sweetest sensation It's like thoughts of you an irresistable temptation It's like I'm an addict, I'm hooked on this feeling It's like a sweet torture, my heart it's just reeling It's like there is nothing,nothing but you It's like flowers covered in soft morning dew It's like in my mind I'm on a vacation This feeling I think is just infatuation. Nikki L. 7-10-05
Idle Thoughts
IDLE THOUGHTS OF A WANDERING MIND I had amnesia once -- or twice. ***** Protons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic. ***** All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy. ***** If the world were a logical place, men would be the ones who ride horses sidesaddle. ***** What is a "free" gift? Aren't all gifts free? ***** They told me I was gullible and I believed them. ***** Teach a child to be polite and courteous in the home, and when he grows up, he'll never be able to merge his car onto the freeway. ****** Experience is the one thing you have left when everything else is gone. ***** One nice thing about egotists ... they don't talk about other people. ***** My weight is perfect for my height ... which varies. ***** I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not sure. ***** The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity. ***** How can there be self-help *groups*? ***** If swimming is s
Things That Are Difficult To Say When Drunk
1.Innovative 2.preliminary 3.proliferation 4.cinmon Things that are vey difficult to say when drunk 1.specificity 2.Anticonstintlistically 3.Passive, aggressive disoder 4.transufstantiate Things that are downm right impossible to say when drunk 1.Thanks, but I don't want to have sex. 2.Nope, no more booze for me! 3.Sorry,butyour're not my type 4.Taco bell? no thanks,I'm not hungry 5.Good evening,Officer,I'sntlovely out tonight. 6.Oh,Icould'nt!no wants to hear me sing koraioke. 7I'm not intrestedin fighting you 8.Thank you , but i won't attempt to dance.I have no cordation,and I'd hate to look like a fool. 9.where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee on the side of the road I refuse to pee in this parking lot 10.I must be going now as i have tro work in the morning
While Perhaps Not "erotic" Maybe Just Wierd
Be prepared for the Merkin Parade By the by, if you don't know what a merkin is, you may be put off by this, so don't blame me, I didn't make you push play: You know you love the Merkin!
Me On Vid Before Bed
Have You Hugged Your Child Today
Men Are Just Happier People --
Men Are Just Happier People -- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress-$5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about t
Ok I Need Help
---------------- Just Could Love You---------
Me And My War On Philly
I hate Philly. I hate it so much. It takes away your desire to do anything and makes me dead inside. I was emailing one of my best friends at work yesterday and our exchange went like this: Me- Hey, want to do something this weekend? Mike- I tire of doing things ... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT?!?! You've got to be kidding me. If you're only 23 and you're tired of doing things during the summer... you may as well hang yourself now and stop consuming the resources. Thats bullshit right there. I'm really getting tired of no one around here wanting to do stuff or if they do it involves the same bar or the same person's house. We're in our 20s and have disposable income... what the fuck is the hold up? So what I'm saying is that anyone nearby or wherever, if you want to do anything this weekend please let me know. Apparently the "best friend" title is up for grabs... could it be you?
Sometimes I wonder if you actually care. Sometimes I wonder if you actually love me... Sometimes I wonder if this is goin' to work out. So for now, I'm restin' this relationship on your hands. You can stay with me or you can leave me. Either way, you'll always be apart of me. I have scars to remind me of you. Your memory is engrave into my mind and especially my heart. So for now, I'm back on wonderin'.. I don't know how else to describe the love I have for you. Because it seems like you don't care anymore. I think you gave up way before that I even thought about givin' up. You left me out in the cold, where my heart will turn back into a darkened heart. -Linsey June 23, 2007
Santini Featured In Chill Magazine!
To any who may be interested, On Steve Santini's official website at there is a new link off the main page to a brand new feature article about Santini and his extreme escapology career that ran in this month's CHILL magazine. CHILL is a magazine published and distributed by the Canadian retail chain known as "The Beer Store". Specializing in features and interviews with high profile Canadian sports and entertainment figures, previous issues of CHILL have profiled the likes of Will Farrell, Jim Carey, Mike Myers, and numerous other famous Canadian personalities. Enjoy the read!
Ground Beef Stroganoff
1 pound ground beef, lean 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 10 3/4 ounces cream of mushroom soup, condensed 4 ounces mushroom stems and pieces, drained 3/4 cup sour cream, or yogurt In medium skillet, brown ground beef and onion; drain excess fat. Stir in garlic salt, pepper, soup and mushrooms. Simmer covered, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in sour cream; heat through, but do not boil. Serve over rice, noodles or chow mein noodles. Serving Size: 4
Ok, went to wal-mart to do my shopping, pick up cigs, and they freakin CARD me!! I mean, I'm wearing NO make-up and have my hair stuffed in a black pageboy cap- so, all I could do is smile when they saw my ID and saw their expression upon realizing my age. Hee-hee! Anyhoo it is HOOOOOOOOOOT and HUUUUUUUMID so even after that short trip, I am getting in the bath and putting on my new Tinkerbell jammies and doin my nails while watching Pulp Fiction for the millionth time! Found some REALLY cool nail art that will be purrrrrrrfect with my black polish :) What's for dinner you ask? Purrrrrhaps a Royale avec fromage!! :p
A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter. "Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you are still going to need Sisters. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them." "Remember that 'Sisters' means ALL the women... your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other women relatives too. "You'll need other women. Women always do." What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought. Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness s
Gov't Struggles To Cope With Wounded Gis
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer More than 800 of them have lost an arm, a leg, fingers or toes. More than 100 are blind. Dozens need tubes and machines to keep them alive. Hundreds are disfigured by burns, and thousands have brain injuries and mangled minds. These are America's war wounded, a toll that has received less attention than the 3,500 troops killed in Iraq. Depending on how you count them, they number between 35,000 and 53,000. More of them are coming home, with injuries of a scope and magnitude the government did not predict and is now struggling to treat. "If we left Iraq tomorrow, we would have the legacy of all these people for many years to come," said Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and an adviser to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "The military simply wasn't prepared for its own success" at keeping severely wounded soldiers alive, he said. Survival rates today are even higher than the rec
Dirty QuestionsTAKE THIS SURVEY!Take this surveyEver been to a strip club?YesEver been to a bar?YesEver been kicked out of a bar or a club?NoEver been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?NoKissed someone of the same sex?Yes, Lots of times :)Thrown up from drinking too much?Yes onceHad sex in a car?YesHad sex in a park?NoHad sex in a cinema?KindaHad sex in a bathroom?YesHad sex at work?NoHave you ever been to an adult store?YesBought something from an "adult" store?YesIs there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?Yes, My hubby lolHave you ever had a threesome?YesAre your breasts real?Very Much so!Have you ever kissed a stranger?NoDoes anyone have naughty pics of you?My hubby :)Ever had oral sex in a nightclub?NoEver had sex with someone you met through Myspace?NoWho, on your friends list, will complete this survey?Hopefully lots of my friends :)CLICK HERE TO TAKE THIS SURVEY!More surveys @
I'm The Girl
***i'm the girl who laughs at your jokes... **i'm the girl who will brag about you to all of my friends... *i'm the girl who will listen to you talk... *i'm the girl who loves it when you hug me for no apparent reason... *i'm the girl who loves it when you hug me from behind or kiss me on the cheek... *i'm the girl who loves it when you introduce me to your friends as your GIRLFRIEND... *i'm the girl who loves the feeling when you take me by the hand without saying a word... ***i'm the girl who loves you for you, and doesn't care what other people say about us.. GIRLS : If you are this girl repost this saying " I'm This Girl " DUDES: If you want this girl repost " I Need This Girl " LUCKY GUYS: repost " I Have This Girl "
Heroes Or Decide
A hero is defined in Webster's as: A man admired for his achievements and noble qualities. A hero to me is a person who saves another life, a person who will walk thru fire to help someone, a person who passes knowledge and life experiences on to others. Someone who can fix the zipper on my coat when I get locked in it. All these are done without a request and hopefully without some kind of monetary reward. Growing up, didn't we all have heroes? Someone who we put up on that idolatry pedestal? I know I had a hero, but it wasn't a real life person. It was Nancy Drew, the teen who solved mysteries by finding a slip of paper in the hidden staircase. As we grow older, different types of heroes emerge. I never gave this much thought until I read the news on line this afternoon. It caused me to wonder what has happened to our idols. Is there no one for kids to look up to? I'm not even going to travel down the celebrity "idols" A handful or less are even worth idol a
Keep Them In Your Thoughts Please.....
I dont talk wrestling on here much, but I felt a need to do this Some of you may know who Chris Benoit is. Chris Benoit is a wrestler. And a very damn good wrestler who has been in the biz for over 20 years. This afternoon Chris Benoit, His Wife, and His SOn were all found dead in their Georgia home. Police are currently investigating the deaths as homicide and will release autposy results tomorrow. I know some of you may be thinking, "Didn't Vince McMahon just "die"? That was a story line. In a move that never happens, Raw opened with Vince McMahon in the ring, explaining that the death of his charachter "Mr.McMahon" was a story and that Raw was cancelled. The whole night was spent playing highlights of his career. For those of you that know wrestling, live shows are never cancelled, and wrestlers never comes on live TV and admit something is a story. I have included the news report below for everyone. My thoughts are with the Benoit family, may justice be brought down swift and
Pollo Curruscante Al Horno (crispy Oven-baked Chicken)
This same preparation technique can be used to make chicken nuggets for children. Just cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, and reduce the cooking time by about half. Ingredients: 3 2/3 cups cornflakes 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 1/2 tsp. dried thyme 1 1/2 tsp. dried oregano 1 tsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1 1/2 tsp. onion powder 1 1/2 tsp. chili powder 5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 egg whites, lightly beaten Cooking spray Preparation: Preheat oven to 350°F. Place cornflakes in plastic food-storage bag. Seal bag and gently crush cornflakes with hands. Pour cornflakes onto plate; reserve. Place flour; thyme; oregano; salt; and garlic, onion, and chili powders in bag. Seal and shake, thoroughly mixing ingredients. Add chicken breasts to bag, seal, and shake until chicken is well coated with flour mixture. Next, in small bowl lightly beat egg whites, and dip each piece of chicken in whites. Roll pieces in cornflakes. Arrange chicken on baking sheet lightly
On Bloody Sunday Premier
One of the still photographers made a slide show for us... Click here
Southern Women
Southern Women Southern Women: Southern women appreciate their natural assets: Clean skin. A winning smile. That unforgettable Southern drawl. Southern women know their manners: "Yes, ma'am." "Yes, sir." "Why, no, Billy!" Southern women have a distinct way with fond expressions : "Y'all come back!" "Well, bless your heart." "Drop by when you can." "How's your Momma?" Southern women know their summer weather report: Humidity Humidity Humidity Southern women know their vacation spots: The beach The rivuh The crick Southern women know the joys of June, July, and August: Colorful hi-heel sandals or flip flops. Strapless sun dresses Iced sweet tea with mint Southern women know everybody's first name: Honey Darlin' Shugah Southern women know the movies that speak to their hearts: Fried Green Tomatoes Driving Miss Daisy Steel Magnolias Gone With The Wind Southern women know their religions: Baptist Methodist Football South
good morning to all my awsome friends i hope you have an awsome day and remeber to lrrp smileing love you all
Trivia About Me
Odd Facts about MEDO YOU SNORE?:Yes, when I'm am over tired LOVER OR A FIGHTER?:Both, I wil fight for love. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?:being alone for the rest of my life. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO BUILDER?:BIG TIME WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?:Avoid it like the plague! DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?:sometimes WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?:yes HOW IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU?:it has been a good learning oppertunity. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD?:black with red/blue/purple backlit keys DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?:Always HAVE YOU EVER BUNGEE JUMPED?:once ANY SECRET TALENTS?:not really WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT?:A quiet mountain cabin. HAVE YOU EATEN SUSHI?:yes, I love it. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "DONNIE DARKO"?:nope DO YOU GIVE A DARN ABOUT THE OZONE?:yes HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A TOOTSIE POP?:1...2...3...crunch...3! CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS?:uh yeah when I'm drunk and standing on my head. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE?:many times, I LOVE flying.
Computer Issues
my computer is sick. i have tried very unsuccessfully to fix it and as much as I want to come visit all of the pages of my friends...i have a 10 minute window it allows me before it boots me and then i cannot get back in. so it is very frustrating to say the least. online capabilities extend as far as yahoo...and even that is tempermental. If you don't have my yahoo you may send a request in the mail here when i sign in i will be able to retrieve the messages. and i won't just give it out because way too many people have shown me I am only interesting to them in a sexual nature. I am not interested! for everyone on my family list...I fuckin love you all!!!! and i miss all of you!! that is extended to the people i fan as well...and some of my friends...i dont honestly know the rest of you so theres that! ok i am almost out of my alloted time so i will say bye for now...kisses to everyone i know! Alana
Naughty Poll
Take the Naughty poll Quiz ......... "Click here" 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?5-10 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Regular Panties 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Sort of tried to 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, just as a gag 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not that far, just kissing 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watc
Morning Bomber Crew
Veal Scallopini
2 lbs. veal scallops 1 lb. mushrooms 2 cans (14 1/2 oz.) tomatoes 1 med. onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 stick butter 1/2 tsp. oregano or tarragon if you prefer 1 c. Parmesan cheese, freshly grated 1 tsp. salt Freshly ground black pepper 2/3 c. white wine 1/2 c. flour Wipe the scallops of veal clean and place between sheets of waxed paper. Pound with a mallet or the flat side of a cleaver until they are 1/4 inch thick. Shake the cutlets in a paper bag containing flour, 1 teaspoon salt and fresh ground pepper. Heat 1/2 of the butter in a skillet and saute the mushrooms gently until they are golden. Then add onion and garlic (either finely chopped or put through a garlic press.) Continue cooking until the onion is soft and golden. Add tomatoes, white wine, salt to taste and oregano; simmer, covered for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Heat the rest of the butter and cook the scallops rapidly until they are lightly browned on both sides. Return all veal to t
Fillet Provencal
2 sm. onions, sliced 2 tbsp. butter 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 1 (16 oz.) can stewed tomatoes, chopped 1 (4 1/2 oz.) jar sliced mushrooms, drained 1/4 c. white wine 1/8 tsp. basil 6 flounder fillets (about 1/4 lb. each) Salt TO COOK BY MICROWAVE: In 8x12 inch dish, combine onion, butter and garlic. Cover with plastic wrap. Cook at high 3 to 3 1/2 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, mushrooms, wine and basil. Cover. Cook at high 3 minutes, and at medium 3 to 4 minutes; stir once. Meanwhile, season fish with salt, skin side only. Roll up (skin side in) and arrange seam-side down in sauce; spoon sauce over fish. Cover. Cook at high 5 to 7 minutes, or until fish is done. Let stand, covered, 5 minutes before serving.
More Stuff
Another day full of stuff on my mind. I applied for another job which I hope I get. The only bad thing is the job will move me farther away from my family and friends. I am pretty sure the job is worth it though. The good thing is it is a permenant position so I might be able to get a pet, which would be really nice. The other bad thing is moving again all by myself. My birthday is in exactly 32 days which is making me feel kind of old. Unlike my sisters I don't have kids or a man to lean on. On the other hand I have decided I work to damn much. Speaking of work time to go back, so I guess thats enough shit for today.
Dont Bitch If U Voted For Him.
Some facts about president bush • First president in U.S. history to enter office with a criminal record. • In his first two years in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs. • Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history. • Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market. • Cut the taxes of the wealthiest people in America (those making over $200,000 a year). • Members of Bush Administration are the richest administration in history. • First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in U.S. history. • Cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any president in U.S. history. • Dissolved more international treaties than any president in U.S. history. • Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases. • First president in U.S. history to attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community. • Took the biggest world sy
Cultural Trends
Cyanide & Happiness @
Ok I have been on tap for 3 hours or so. I have tried to talk to people. No one will talk to me. Fuck i am on tap because I am board as hell. But I bet if I were female I would be so fucken shocked by the amount of people that want to talk to me. (try to get on me or send them pixs) If I where to get some pixs of some chick and create an account then I would have so one to talk to. (till they figured out I am male) But then both of me would get blocked from this site so. I am sick of the bull shit. If you read this and you are pissed I DO NOT CARE. Not like you where going to talk to me anyway. IF I WANTED TO BE IN A POPULARITY CONTEST I'D GO BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL! FUCK!!!! anyway if you feel the same leave a comment IF NOT JUST GO AWAY BYE. One more topic. Why get pissed if someone down rates you. If you do not want honest rates why put yourself out there. I am sorry but we are not all tens. It makes know scents to me but it is just dumb not to give honest rates. Go ahead down rate m
Can you face each gate? and travel through to learn the truth? She is behind each open door - as child and mother as wife and lover as sister and self. She is you and She is me and I am you and We are one on the deepest level. On the Journey to meet Her You will see Her many times; behind each Gate, She is changed. The last is a mirror. 25 July 2006
Woo Hooo Body Shotz
Last Paper
Atonement Lost What if someone committed a near unforgivable sin and tried to make up for their error but no one was left to apologize to? In the novel Atonement, Ian McEwan tries to answer this question. Set in 1930’s Britain, Atonement has many plot lines to follow. It is a story about puppy dog infatuation and true love. It is a story about rising from humble beginnings and being trapped in an antiquated legal system. Finally, it is a story about being able to make things right again but never getting the chance. The basic outline of the story is that a thirteen year old Briony accuses an innocent man, and her older sister’s lover, of a crime that he couldn’t have committed and he goes to jail and then the army as a result of this. Though Briony’s sister, Cecilia, and her lover, Robbie, continue to communicate even after he is sent to France they are never able to reunite and continue their romance. The fact that Briony caused their romantic potential to never be realize
Deer Tracks
Deer Tracks Three blondes were taking a walk in the country when they came upon a line of tracks.The first blonde said, "Those must be deer tracks!" The second blonde said,"No,stupid,anyone can tell those are rabbit tracks!" The third blonde said,"No,you idiots,those are horse tracks!" They where still arguing ten minutes later when the train hit them.
Dreaded Monday
So Monday I have surgery...not too big a deal but enough to make me nervous. I went for all the pre-test today so now I am really nervous. I will be in the hospital for 3-4 days, but after that I am home for 6-8 weeks....and hopefully get to take a special vacation towards the end of that time off. If I am not here for awhile you all know why. Take care of yourselves as know one else will...
I Could Use A Push Right Now!
I only have 102,740 to go! Can I Plz Plz get sum help level to Godmother! I want to thank everyone who has helped along the way! People on CT are great! Thanks Maria
If You Give Me Ur Heart I'll Give U My Soul Dorothy Moore
Having A Rough Week...
I think this week has been one of those times where I'm getting tested to see how strong I am...I have had a lot of BS going on this week and it looks like it will be continuing for a while...I won't let it get me down though, I'm a lot stronger than people think I am... Anyways, I took my first test for this quarter in school, and I am proud to say I aced it!!! I'm glad, but the next test is next Monday and that one I'm a little worried about...I want to be on the dean's list this quarter, and I hope I can do it... I am trying to get inspired again, I love to write poetry, but found I have lost my inspiration...kind of funny, I have to be depressed in order to write anything good....I might put a few of my works on here to let everyone read them, but I'm nervous because I don't think they are really all that good... I seem to be picking fights with a certain someone on here, but I haven't figured out why I am doing it...I guess I'm kind of testing the water to see how long i
Poetry I Wasted On My Wife...
A low sweet kiss Like petals of flowers opened in the new fallen rain your flesh was as sweet as the anticipation of this moment. the whispers of dew on the leaves of a willow tree were never sweeter to me as your gentle feminine petals. I breathe them in now, and am intoxicated. To tenderly touch you just so, easing your Beautiful feminine flower open, fingertips Quivering, gently probing the sweet hot recesses That live and pulse behind that gentle sweet covering. I wanted to place my mouth there then, and pry the lovely shroud open with my tongue. You resisted, I persisted; and moaning gently, You succumbed to the touch of fingers lips teethe and tongue. Oh how you enjoyed the waves of passion coursing through your amazing tight little body. More forcefully now, I attack the tender folds, private little hot moist places within you, until you came thunderously, endlessly. Further and further I probed with firm tongue, whipping lips and sucked your mons
Missing You…
Missing you… I fell into the depths of your eyes but I didn't know the fall would land me on this rocky shore so far from your gaze. My only escape is to sail the stormy sea of a love so far from me and hope I will be breathing when I reach again the land... beckoned by your touch.
Sex Ed 101
im in a dream stae of mind, and fantasizing about a good looking guy, touching and squeezing me, piching and grabbing meand i get hotter and hotter, i throw him on the down on the bed, and i tie him down with nylons.then i also blindfold him, to tease him ever more and more, as i grab a couple toys to tease him , he is moveing sensually to every touch i give him. then i grab his balls tenderly and give a slight squeeze to them.he moans softly, i gently nibble the head of his cock, now and hercires out for me to nice , i nibble harder when he says that. know i take oneof my smaller toys out and poke his ass gently, he goes wild and tries to excape me/tighten the nylons now, so he has no chance of getting lose, as i am probing his ass with my toy i move up and bite his nipples, he cries out even louderthis time i dig my nails into his ass, and tell him to shoosh, or it will get worse. he stops for a second and i stick the toy into his ass hard this time,but he remains silent as per my in
Animal Totem
whats your animal totem?? (with pictures) EAGLEur animal totem is the eagle.ur vary on freedom adn happiness.ur pet is the marvouleous phoniex and u base on america.u love the skieas and ur favourite colour is purple ur music the call of natureTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code ~~Spanky~~ :)
I'm 665 Votes Ahead!!! You Guys Rock!!!!
I'M IN FIRST PLACE!!!!! Currently 665 votes ahead!!!!!!!! Ok Friends,Family and Fans!! The Gimptastic One needs your help!!! I need you to click this link and comment the hell out of this pic!! Help me win this 3-day blast!!! You can vote as many times as you like. Comments count as votes!! The more comments the more votes!!! Thanks in advance to all you that vote for me!!! Porcelain has added a challenge to all that read this to match her 750 votes!!She will also buy the person with the most verified votes a gift worth up to 4,000 Cherry bucks!! Can you do it??? I dare ya!! And as an added bonus, the person who sends me the most votes well get the most "exspensive" cherry gift I can "afford" with cherry bucks. (Right now thats the Corvette but if I level up and get more by the time this is over, I''l buy you the most exspensive one I can afford with Cherry Bucks). I'll also rate everything on your p
Another Lonely Night Without You
Lying quietly in my lonely room, there is no sounds, but the sound of the quiet hum of the ceiling fan breaks the silent with a soothing rythmn. It begins to rain outside, the drops create a soothing rythmn on the metal roof. As I lay there, listening to the off beat rythmns of both the fan above and the rain outside, I close my eyes and think of my love laying next to me. I can feel her warm breath on my bare chest as she sleeps, the softness of her body against my skin as she lays sleeping, her breathing slow and rythmic, almost in tempo with the rain outside. As the lightning brightens up the room in a soft, blue white glow, I catch a glimpse of the curves of her body, sexy and sweet as a freshly picked cherry. Our love making hours before has filled my heart with anticipation of another round, I smell her sweet perfume that fills my head with satisfaction, knowing that nothing will disturb this perfect moment. Her hair lays softly on the pillow, her face full of content as sh
Eh Boredom From Sometime Last Year .
Same old sh*t just a differnt day , It always seems to end the same Trudge on blindly , feel the strain , While fitful sleep just dulls the pains Fighting off demons deep within, Reliving the memories again and again Each moment's another eternity, Confusion driven by curiosity Only to find with wild eye's , One more sick daydream to despise Just a marionette in some twisted play , This can't be real , what a f**king day.
Enuff Is Enuff
I have had enuff internet time today, SEND ME SUM LOVE MUAHSSSSSSS OR TEXT ME
I Want To Know
it is annoying now that everyone and their mother is bi. I mean some girls have on their profile hi...and I am fucking what! I do not say hi my name is angela and I am straight...why do you need to state your sexual orientation??? It is kinda annoying most girls only do it for attention anyways. I have nothing wrong with bi woman. But I think it is highlty fucking annoying how they have to state right off the bat that they are bi. I have the right to say what I fucking want. I am not saying there is anything wrong with bi people so calm down. I just think some girls take it too far and should get a megaphone and a banner and state it. I mean come on most of the bi chicks do it cause they think it is hott cause it gets a guys attention...have more respect for your body. When in reality they could care less about having a sexual urge for woman, and just do it to be a sleeze and see what a guy will do seeing them mouth to mouth with another female. My personal view about the whole
Young Roscoe-we Ridaz
Sometimes I'm wrapped ito my tough suit 'cuz there's a lot of things to get out off my chest. I feel like i'm drowning in a pool of stress and I’m feeling like I ain't got that much time left. Sometimes I dream about death but doesn't everybody? That's what I tell myself at night so I can fall asleep. It's like I dug another ditch but this one's too deep and the rope's dangling from the top but I’m too lazy to reach. It might be easier for me to see the rights from the wrongs if it wasn't fuked up enough to open my eyes. My thoughts creepin' thru the window. At sunrise a bullet flies thru the air with no name on it. The same bullet took my homeboy's life. I prayed to god that my friend will live that night but he died and since then I ain't be living right. Waking up in a cold sweat filled my body with subs. Nightmare's of shootouts keeping me awake. Don't be amazed when you see me with a 38. I'm all alone with a dozen's heat. It's all loaded-in war all i see is guns exploding. I've
First Morning On The Niagra Falls Road Trip!
The scene is in a warm cozy tent. The time is morning . The story is about how you wake up on the Niagra falls road trip. I hope you like it.Thinking about waking you up in the morning with a warm tongue licking your sweet little pussy lips. Sucking each lip in one at a time and running my tongue over it, your hips shifting and turning to meet my tongue. You want more, your hips turning trying to get my tongue deeper into your twat. But i hold back, teasing. run my tongue all around, everywhere but in your now soaking wet slit. your clit is swollen and peeking out from those beautiful delicate folds of skin that normally hide it. I know you want me on it, but i hold out. i lick that sensitive skin below your twat, circling your ass. then back up, this time your hips win the battle and i stick my tongue deep into you. sliding it up onto your rock hard clit, your whole body jerks at the first contact and you let out a loud moan. i roll it side to side and stick one finger in your twat as
Cc - Bloodletting In The Woods NEW FULL LENGTH REVIEWS: LATEST MINI CAPSULE REVIEWS: NEW DVD RELEASES THIS WEEK (if you click on the covers on our main page it will show you all of this week's genre releases!) Mark CULTCUTS MAGAZINE This Newsletter brought to you by our parent company DIGITAL CONQUEST! BUY 3 GET THE 4th DVD FREE SALE!
Could Use Some Right Now !!!!
Happy 4th To All
I would Like to wish each and everyone here on cherry tap A very Safe and Happy 4th Of July from my family to yours.. Please Remember Out Troops That cant Be at Home with there family's and children this 4th of July because there out there fighting For our freedom
4th July
I'm still not sure on how I use this, but I wanted to wish all the Americans on here a Happy 4th July.
~ Extreme (photoshop) Makeover Man These Guys Are Good :)
A Small Thought To All My Friends
The hand that wrote the Declaration of Independence has long ago palsied in death. For more than sixty years Charles Carroll,the last member of that immortal company who appended their names to that famous document, has been slumbering in his grave, but the Declaration is yet a living fact, and to-day the instrument has as much force and meaning as it had one hundred and ----- years ago. The Fourth of July marks an epoch in the world's history. It marks the birth of a free nation, with all that implies--a nation in the existence of which the oppressed of all lands rejoice, and of which every true American is justly proud. TO EACH ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND THEIR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES SMALL WISH TO HAVE A WONDERFUL AND SAFE 4TH OF JULY HUGS AND KISSES ۞WÌLÐÇÄŦ۞
My Personal Reflection
Independence Day brings alot back for me personally. A day off, BBQ, fireworks yada yada yada. But deeper than that It brings alot of memories forward that I try to keep in the back. Some more than others. I remember my friends, men who were braver than me, stronger than me, alot less lucky than me that day. I also think of those who have gone before me in previous wars. What they went through. No, I cant say for sure what exactly went through their minds. But I do know the fears, no the terrors they felt. The pain of the loss of friends. The confusion of coming home. The feelings of guilt of coming home. The frustration of becoming a civilian again. And most of all, the pride of serving my country. I still cant decide if this is a happy or sad day for me. I to this day cant go see fireworks. I just cant take the loud bangs and explosions. I still dont hear it the same way. Maybe I never will. Small price to pay right? Either way I remember with a deeper insight.
The Meeting
“Get down on your knees now bitch” I did as I was commanded and knelt before you staring up at you with amazement. I still couldn’t believe that I was here, it was all very surreal. I just stared up with eyes wide awaiting your next command for me. I sat perfectly still never once thinking to move from my stance until you released me. You ran your hands through my hair tugging gently as you walked around me in circles over and over. You were inspecting every inch of me that you could. You never said a word, just ran your hands through my hair and wrapped it around your fingers once in a while as you watched me sit there. I could see the stirring in your jeans the longer you watched; you must have been pleased that I was obeying you. That was all I wanted, to make you happy. “Put your hands down and keep them at your side. Use your mouth and take my jeans down. Once they are down I want you to worship my cock until I tell you to stop.” I did as I was told and put my han
Love Is Everything!
when you love somebody no natter what, never sleep with anyone else until you are over that person. Because you can loose the one who truly loves you and regret it. so make sure you are really over her/him. I LOVE you Nicholas and until I'm over you I'll be waiting for you to come home to mommy
Barbecued Jerk Chicken With Tropical Salsa
Serves: 4 Hands-OnTime: 25 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes What you need: 1 (16 ounce) package boneless skinless chicken breast halves 1/2 cup Market Pantry™ Caribbean jerk marinade 1 cup refrigerated mango peach salsa 2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped 1/2 small banana, diced What you do: 1 Combine chicken and marinade; cover. Refrigerate until ready to grill. 2 Heat grill. 3 In a medium bowl combine salsa, cilantro and banana. Refrigerate until serving time. 4 When ready to grill, place the chicken over medium heat; cover. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, turning once, until chicken is no longer pink. Brush frequently with marinade during the first 10 minutes of cooking. Serve with salsa. Submitted by: SuperTarget Nutrition Info (per serving) Calories 219 (6% from fat) | Protein 26.3g | Fat 1.5g (sat 0.4g) | Carbohydrate 19.5g | Fiber 0.3g | Cholesterol 66mg | Sodium 1148mg
My Favorite Qoute!!
"it's what you learn after you think you know it all that counts"
Im Bored :((
talk ot me!!!
That’s Cronyism, Hillary!
Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton are absolutely outraged that President Bush granted executive clemency to Scooter Libby, recently convicted of making false statements under oath. They obviously believe that Libby should serve his thirty month sentence. Does that mean that they now think that perjurers should go to jail? Or have they simply forgotten about Bill Clinton’s own plea agreement in the last hours of his presidency — for making false statements under oath? Some people would call that perjury. One would have thought that Hillary and Bill Clinton wouldn’t touch the Libby executive clemency issue with a ten-foot pole — for lots of reasons. After all, Bill Clinton has a well-earned reputation as the king of pardons — granting 140 of them during his last minutes in office — with many going to terrorists, people who had paid Hillary’s brothers to arrange for pardons, contributed money or key support to Hillary’s Senate campaign, given the Clintons
Fun Stuff!!!!
I just occurred to me, in less than a week Persia and I get to go harrass Jordan again!!! More likely though, he'll harrass us, lol! The boy is just too quick, even when he's drunk. Every Time I Die is one truely awesome band! Great music and a fun, cool bunch of guys!
The Curse Of The Hopeless Romantic
My entire life I have been what everyone calls a hopeless romantic. I want the dream. I want my 'Prince Charming'. I used to think that was a good thing. High standards ya know, figured eventually I'd meet that one perfect guy. LOL Believe me there's no such thing! The guy I'm with now is close, the closest I have ever come. He tries to be romantic and he is very sweet. I love him but he's not perfect. It has taken me a long time to come to the realization that no one is perfect. No one can be that 'Prince Charming' that I imagined growing up. I made up this false hope of something that can only come true in the movies. I cannot have a perfect life, whose life is perfect? Things come up, happen, and no one can prevent them. It's life. Life is a neverending turn of events. No one can predict them therefore no one can plan their reaction to an incident. You cannot plan an argument. You can not plan to live forever. Reality bites! But I have learned that that's alright
For Serena
A Web Indeed
A well-organized site lets one find what one wants, and what one didn't know one might be interested in... all those "category" links on Wiki sites like Wikipedia but also IMSLP also, in my case... Also, finding items related to items one already has, owns, what have can be a particular treat (I have a recording of some pieces but wasn't at all expecting to find scores of them at IMSLP; it's nice to "read along" sometimes, if sometimes difficult still. And some of the books they have at Wikisource are rare enough.) Surprise can - sometimes - be particularly pleasant :)
A little boost to the ego is undeniably exhilarating, but ask yourself if the initial excitement is worth the spiritual hangover. Remind yourself that real self-esteem is built on more substantial activities. yes yes yes... feel free to leave that shallow love on my page!!
Frozen Sea
Thought On Being Single -y It Sucks
1- eating out by yourself 2- going to a movie by yourself 3- going to sleep alone 4- not having that person to kiss hug and even hold their hand 5- no romantic walks 6- watching their face light up when ya do something funny sweet or exciting!!! 7- watching them eat food you have made and them liking it 8- having a bad day and them making it better 9-taking a shower with them 10-their smell 11-the sound of their voice 12-seeing their stuff around the house or your car 13-car ride that now seem longer than b-4 14-the lil things they do that annoy you you even miss them 15-watching a movie at home having them cuddle with you 16-play fighting even when you loose (lol) 17-having them rub on you when your sick 18-them making you smile even when you don't want to 19-people asking you why is a pretty young intelligent woman like you single??? (wtf am i suppose to say to that???) 20-sex becomes something of the past and that's ab
7-8-07 Astrology
Bringing out the best in yourself means knowing when to use your competitive nature. You love rising to the challenge, but are you a little too quick to see a confrontation in certain situations? Think about it.
Friends And Fans Alike....
Before I leave........ I forgot, if you want to contact me or for those who want me to contact them,leave me an e-mail via Cherry Tap and I will contact you or I will give you my contact info...... either way is Ok with me...Well I am out for the day, take care and thanks for those friends who have faith and have the best wishes for me and I return the same thoughts for you as well. Pete
How Many People On Cherry Tap Do You Love ?
How many people on Cherry tap do you love ? Merrian Webster's Collegiate Dictionary says Love (2): attraction based on on sexual desires: affection and tenderness felt by Lovers hmmmm Whatever happen to showing some ( Luv ) on Cherry Tap ? Are we sending the wrong signal out here? It maybe just me but I love my girl friend. I Love my Family (no sex there to clear that up) my son, my daughter and parents and such. I will stop by peoples pages and show them some Cherry luv. But this is the internet and kids do get on here, shouldn't we set an example. This are just my thoughts if I piss you off then our opinions differ. My love is earned , not just given.
Fathers Day
Another Sex Survey
if you wanna answer this feel free and just send it to my cherrymail and i will answer and send it back to you 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? 2. Do they know it? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend¡¯s list? 4. Do you like making love or having hot sex? 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? 6. What is your favorite position? 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? 8. Give or receive oral? 9. Kinky or sneaky? 10. Loud or quiet? 11. Ruff of soft? 12. Foreplay or not? 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? 14. Spank or be spanked? 15. Condoms or not? 16. Masturbate or not? 17. Role-playing or not? 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this?
Death Again..
Oh SHIT what a week... Sorry if I don't respond to you quickly... but I lost a girlfriend to Cancer Fri 7/6/07 and this a.m. 7/8/07 I lost my grandfather... Both of these people were at the end of their lives... I knew it ahead of time... Linda my girlfriend had been fighting cancer for 6 years.... She was 53. My grandfather has had Alzheimer's, he was 1/4th of the man that he used to be... frail... didn't know anyone... He was 86. I have a 'viewing' for Linda Monday night... her funeral Tues a.m.... my mom isn't doing a funeral for my grandpa which is leaving me a bit lost... I feel like I should be in CA giving her and the family support but if they're not converging for anything then how do I do it? Damn... what a week...
***bree's Update 07/08/07
I came to my moms here in Naples and wanted to give you all a update. Well there is nothing new to talk about today, she is still doing well but doesnt have much energy after her big day yesterday. The doctors are both off today so she has been a little moppy without her boyfriend (Dr Mitchellson)around but her said he is going to surprise her Monday, which she doesnt know about so it should be a good surprise. I have told Bree about all of your prayers, and she said to thank you all, she also asked where all of the prayers are coming from so I told her we would put a guestbook on my site and as people sign it I will show it to her. So if you get a chance please sign it if you dont I understand. As usual Thank You all again for your continued thoughts and prayers for her recovery. They mean more to me than I could ever express. I will be off for the rest of the day, I am going to stay the night tonight with Bree so I can be there first thing in the morning when Dr Milowacz shows u
My Month
New Dentures
New Dentures Our local minister had all of his remaining teeth pulled and new dentures made a few weeks ago. The first Sunday, his sermon lasted 10 minutes. The second Sunday, he preached only 20 minutes. But, on the third Sunday, he preached for an hour and a half. I asked him about this. He then told me "Well, John, that first Sunday, my gums were so sore it hurt to talk. The second Sunday, my dentures were still hurting a lot. Now the third Sunday, I accidentally grabbed my wife's dentures AND I COULDN'T STOP TALKING!"
Booty Call Agreement
This pre-booty call agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into on the _____day of __________, 2007, by_______________________, between ____________and______________. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL COVER THE FOLLOWING RULES AND PRINCIPLES: 1. No sleeping over - unless it is very good and we need to repeat it in the morning. 2. No meeting in public except for dinner or drinks before the events of the evening. 3. No calls before 9 PM - we don't have shit to talk about. 4. None of that "lovemaking" shit - only sex allowed. 5. No emotional discussions (i.e. Where are we heading with this? Do you love me?) The answer is no, so don't ask. 6. No plans made in advance - that is why you are called the "backup," unless you are from out-of-town, then it's only a one-time advanced arrangement. 7. All gifts accepted - money is always good. 8. No baby talk - however, dirty talk is encouraged. 9. No asking for comparisons with former lovers - it's
I Miss You!
I don’t know how I get through the nights without you I don’t know what kind of life I’d live without you. I need to be in your arms I need you to hold me You’re my everything, My heart, My world, My soul. If you left me along with you, All my life will drain away dedicated to: my papichulo!
You Know Who Ya Are ...
you told me something weeks ago and im not so sure if that was the reason you deleted ya profile .. but im pretty sure if ya did ya would have started up another one so finally my brain kicked in and i had the idea of writing this blog in the hopes thats ya might come back and visit .... if ya do and i am the reason ya went please come back and talk to me again .. i thought we was good friends and thats why ya told me !! but then ya just disapear it doesnt make sense ?? anyways if ya can just let me know your alright or get someone else too ... thanx xxxx take a care of you xxxx
Celldweller Feat. On Spike Tv Prog.
The debut Television airing of Mindhunters starring Val Kilmer, LL Cool J, Christian Slater and Jonny Lee Miller (Hackers), will be on SpikeTV tomorrow night - Tuesday 7-10-07 @ 9PM. Celldweller's "So Sorry To Say" is featuring in the film during a key action sequence/montage in the film. Visit SpikeTV.Com for more information.
Nsfw Again
thanks again to the penis head that tagged yet ANOTHER pic nsfw... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!! guess rather than having the balls to downrate it.. you just take away the ability to get points... suck more ass.. try harder to be a bouncer I guess.. and stay the freak of my yahoo!!
Misconceptions Of Love
Ok when did it become such a crime to be in love with one person and love someone else very deeply?? I have a friend on here that I care very deeply for, even though I screwed up, so in order for me to prove to him that I truely care, I put his link on my page with a message saying how I love him.... Its funny because I had shut people out for so long and refused to allow myslef to get close to anyone, when I do, it becomes a big problem... I am a manic bipolar and manic depressive person, who has been thru more than one person could handle in life, it has left me with a very good understanding on differences between concepts of love.. be it may that Im "in love" with a person or the fact I may love one deeply... So in short I think people have a very misconception about the power of love and what it can do and how it can affect someone.... My love for my friends and whomever falls on different levels.....
A New Beginning
Fear of Tomorrow A little anxious maybe? Pain or more sorrow? Or merely a new beginning for me Of what i made myself believe to be A cold insensitive nightmare Actually surrendered and opened up to me A shining bloom of a gem so rare I used to dream and cry Remember whom I once used to be I would look at my resemblance and wonder why God would create a creature such as me I knew not what i know now That this existence has shaped my being And i no longer wonder HOW Would my faith have been without my innocence diminishing? I never imagined tears so hard Wounds in my heart never to heal With my love imprisoned and barred And once nothing to live by but fear Tomorrow shines a new light Today is full of surprises I straddle forward with all my might With a new face of hope and kindness The hope of tomorrow Truly shines a light like no rest Where once existed only sorrow I think i just might now deserve the best I am scared to keep going I am anxio
The End Of 1 Jouney And The Beginning Of Another
Last Monday I lost my job and the ability to save money to pay for a surgery I need. Spent the rest of the week camping and trying not to think about the occurances going on. The weekend was stressful and it finally all came to a head when I got my foot tangled up in a sprinkler and ended up crying for the next 15 minutes. Today I rested and tomarrow I will start the new journey and go do the footwork to see the direction I need to go. I always trust that when I write the power is taken out of painful situations and I am given answers I need because I can get quiet and hear. This may be the an outlet where I can get a better view that I usually do. Thanks
Oyster Pie
1/4 cup oil 1/2 cup chopped green onion, tops and bottoms 1/2 cup all purpose flour 2 stalks celery, chopped 3/4 cup milk Salt, black and red pepper to taste 1 pint oysters Hot sauce to taste 1 small clove garlic, minced 8-inch unbaked pie shell, top and bottom 1/4 bell pepper, chopped 1/4 cup minced parsley Make a roux with oil and flour, stirring constantly until it reaches the hue of a brown paper bag. Add milk. Stir well. Drain juice from oysters and add only oysters to sauce. Cook for 15 minutes or until oysters have thrown off all their juice. If mixture is too thick, add oyster juice. Add chopped ingredients and salt, peppers and hot sauce to taste. (Salt must be added last to keep milk from curdling. Put oyster mixture in unbaked 8-inch pie shell and cover with top crust. Start pie at 450 degrees and cook 15 minutes to prevent inside crust from being soggy. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and continue cooking until nicely browned.
im not pink no more!! :(
If You Forgotten Me
I want you to know one thing. You know how this is: if I look at the crystal moon, at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, if I touch near the fire the impalpable ash or the wrinkled body of the log, everything carries me to you, as if everything that exists, aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me. Well, now, if little by little you stop loving me I shall stop loving you little by little. If suddenly you forget me do not look for me, for I shall already have forgotten you. If you think it long and mad, the wind of banners that passes through my life, and you decide to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots, remember that on that day, at that hour, I shall lift my arms and my roots will set off to seek another land. But if each day, each hour, you feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness, if each da
Best Things About Camping
* The way the sun reflected off the lake. * Watching the kids use their imaginations not their Nintendo DS, playstation II, etc.!!! * Teaching the kids(again) how to play Rummy, Uno, Phase 10, Yahtzee and all the other games I loved as a kid. * Using 50 degree nights as an excuse to build the biggest damn campfire I've ever seen! ( no trees were harmed in the process - unless you could the ones that we cut up and burnt..) * Toasting ( ok burning to a CRISP) enough marshmallows to feed a small country! * Watching Fireworks - reflected in the lake - while singing "I'm Proud to be an American" * Coming up with the "evil camper" story with my daughters during our hike. * Finally feeling like it was safe enough to let the kids run around like kids should! * Pancake Dinner - on the last night - Yummy!
Ambitious Projects
Creepy has a very inventive mind, and he puts it to frequent good use in coming up with new and innovative ways to remove DBs. When he gets a good idea, he never skimps on the funding, nor does he balk at putting in whatever time and effort are needed to see it through to realization. This was one of his more ambitious projects, but, as you can see, it was well worth the considerable investment that he made in it. Not only does it attract thousands of DBs to their deaths every week, there is nothing quite like it if you're in the mood for an evening of non-stop laughter. What could be more amusing than watching a dance floor full of dumb DBs as they dance perilously around. close to, and finally right into holes providing access to an ultra-modern, super-efficient DB-burner that takes up the entire lower floor? Many people who come to the Dance-A-Thons get a kick out of wagering money on which of two DBs will be the first to dance into a hole. You should hear them shriek with
Lonely And Bored
My husband has been gone for almost a month and it's only a few days until he gets back but I can't sleep I wish he was here to hold me I know if he was here I wouldn't be lonely... or bored lol
Don't Give Me Your Sympathy
Hours spent with you was Bliss Now their, Only wash-out heartache, I paid for every word you, Whispered Now their, Worn-out pieces of my life, Things I change if I know than, What I knew now, My every action, I regret, My judgment, All mistaken, I would take it all back, I give up, Before you would give in, I will not fight, But remember how you wronged me, Even now it's too late, Too far for, Mercy, Compassion, Pity, Pardoning, Forgiveness, I just don't need your, Sympathy &Understanding
Could You Be Here At Midnight ? :-)
Friend Requests!
I love recieving new ones so send them, i very rarely deny!!!
The Things That I Remember
The things that I remember, The things that make me bleed, The things that got me sipping brew, and smoking all this weed. The things that make me humble, The things that make me learn, The very things brewing in my pot, thats why I burn. Because yes its my freedom, Because I have no fear, Because I can't remember whats its like to shed a tear. Not because I am brave, Not because I'm insane, But because the Lord told me he will heal me of all my pain. Yes I will struggle, Yes I will strife, Yes I will hustle, Yes this is life. Still my children be brave, Keep your fears sealed, Because the Lord assures me, theres nothing that can't be healed. So you praise his name, So you bow and pray, But do you ever put your faith in him, as you sit and you say, Prayers told to thee, Prayers told to thieves, So thieves stole em', rearranged em' and told them to me. So sleep deep and breath, Heavenly thoughts of Eve And eventually heaven will take you into her heavenly dr
Child Killer Gets Only 10!
This came from a bulletin, I tried to repost it but kept getting an error message--"Failed to post bulletin of 'type 1' try again later." ============================================ It Only Takes One Minute ...To Hurt a Child ... To Destroy a Life ... AND -- It Only Takes One MinuteTo Make a Difference in a Child's Life!♥Pãt®ïc¡ã♥Date: 09 Jul 2007, 15:12This is what child neglect did to him....He was left outside with no adult supervision and he fell into a FIREPIT when he was just under 2 years old......It may have been an accident, but it left him PERMANENTLY scarred!Even though he endured such horrific pain, he was still the sweetest boy! Always Smiling!Until this monster decided to take that smile from him by commiting an unspeakable act of child abuse.....All he got was 10 years for the beating death of a child!Kyle left behind many......A father and step mother who grieves for him everyday....A big brother who misses him.....
This Beautiful Thing
Faint at first, almost pulse like. I could hear and feel the faint movement of your breathing. The rise and fall of your chest brought about this inadvertent tempo to us. Slowly, I felt you beneath my finger tips, Verification of this reality was almost unreal and so new. I took my time to remember the texture of your skin, The moister in your kisses, and even, the subtle change of pitch in your voice each time I kissed you. I did not want to forget this moment, I wanted it always. Your skin seemed to contract and relax with each gentle stroke of my palm. My lips instantly moved as my hands did everywhere and anywhere. both were tools of exploration. I could feel the slow and fast intervals of your breath against my chest. The warmth of your body, The pressure of your frame was all greatly welcomed, though I did not realize it then. As my mouth lay upon yours, The taste of your lips were of fresh strawberries. A subtle sweetness lingered on my tongue.
900 Foot Jesus
Sunday, June 11, 2006 900 foot Jesus in Tulsa, Oklahoma Current mood: accomplished A long time ago I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh...not on purpose I was held captive by a dittohead (by the way, I finally understand why they are called that). Anyway, I remember hearing a bit on there by some religous closer to god than I...he was talking about some vision of a 900 foot Jesus in Tulsa, Oklahoma. When I came across the sign stating that Tulsa was something like 80 miles, I couldn't help thinking about that moment in my past...immediately, I remember the place, what we were doing, and the events just flooded back to me. Strange how memories do that, isn't it? Well, besides several near-death experiences today, to include a very, very close exchange with a large piece of truck tire, I have decided that I am not quite ready to die...especially not in Oklahoma. For those of you who may be prepared to die there...hey, good luck to you! Anyway
Jasmine Of My Mind
The Jasmine of my Mind Current mood: chipper The verdant hills of the Mid West gave way to the stark beauty of Texas and New Mexico today. Well, yesterday really, but who is picking nits? Anyway, I was caught up in a terrific thrunderstorm in Oklahoma en route to Texas. Have I ever mentioned my slightr "discomfort" around lightening? Yes, as a young and stupid runner, I got caught in one too many electrical storms trying to get that one magical extra mile. So, while I enjoy a good storm from the inside of a nice secure building, I am not so happy being in one while driving through torndao alley. Such is life. Needless to say, I drove more than the recommended speed limit during that stint. Nothing could have surprised me more than seeing wind turbines in Texas! I thought that they were outlawed in that state as some kinda communist plot led by the godless democrats? Maybe there is hope for humanity? Nah. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Anyway, I drove thro
~~making Friends~~
Since I have joined cherry tap I really have made some friends,on the other hand there as well is some very nasty people on this site . Like when I post a mumm rather than act like we are more than 18 yrs. old, I find alot of people acting like 14 yr.old . I just wanted to say Thank You to all the nice people . And to the real mean and rude people be a little more kind it goes alot futher. Have a nice day! :) Lori
Crushed Petals
CRUSHED PETALS Outside, on the doorstep lay some snow filled boots, unused like the axe against the tree Of toil it was now free and a future you could not see left to rust and to rot and for nature to abuse no one strong enough to use Sullenly The Widow Gently Frowns Unaffected by the Knight Who Steals the Dreams her life is rendered by the seams and stiffels down her screams Remembering Long Dead laughter as it fades into the night which to her is only right The Knight picks a Flower That the Dawn will never see Turns His Head into the wise See the turmoil in his eyes Is it tears or is it lies crushed petals in his hand You will not Know but only see Is it you or is it me She Throws Incense in the Fire And it Glows Purple in the Flames Bringing Aromatic Smoke into the Room reminding her of church and tomb Both are Pernicious in the Gloom the candle goes out Only the Memory Remains With the darkness making claims A Nightingale, not in cour
Cozy Lime Chicken
1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1 tbsp. olive oil 4 broiler-fryer chicken parts 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 3-ozs. sliced mushrooms, sautéed in butter In small bowl, combine lime juice and olive oil. Dip each chicken part in mixture, covering completely. On foil-lined baking pan, arrange chicken in single layer; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange oven rack at least 6-inches from heat and set temperature to broil. Broil chicken about 15 minutes; turn and pour remaining lime-oil mixture over chicken. Broil about 15 minutes more, until fork can be inserted into chicken with ease. Pour mushrooms over chicken and return to oven for about 2 minutes, until mushrooms are hot. Makes 2 servings.
Im Not Insane Im Just A # 1 Bitch
IM NOT INSANE IM JUST A # 1 BITCH, all this time i thought i was the one loseing my mind i was the one that was in the wrong i was the one that wasnt understanding a damm thing...When the whole time it was some thing way differnt all together its a wonder i didnt lose it all but then again with things i deal with every singel dammm day i havent lost it because i have more self control then alot of people think i do. I HAVE BENT OVER BACKWORDS to help many of people and i have bit my damm tounge for alot others but at this point in time and day of age i dont give a rats ass no more who likes me and who dont...because if u dont like me then its ur lose and if u do then i guess i like you also. IM NOT INSANE IM JUST A # 1 BITCH and if u u can live with that also live that its my way or the damm highway and the highway is full of trucks and buses so watch out ur ass might get hit or jacked but then again i guess its ur problem not mine if u took the highway..... Deal with it because i d
Turn Around....
YAY!!!! something else came about and now I get to go!!!!!!!!!! I hate all the setbacks....but now there is no turning back...I'm going to irginia Saturday and pray that nothing else will happen between now and if you read this and you are my friend, wish me luck, this could be a life changing trip for me..... On another note, I took my second test today, and I have a really good feeling that I aced this one also.... I have a midterm Tuesday on Hamlet, that kind of scares me a bit, but thinking positive about it and studying is going to get me through it... Now I need to get better grades in Geology and everything will be good.... Greg, I can't wait to meet you this weekend...kl0wn and Twiztit(I know thats not your name anymore but that is how everyone knows you) I hope we get to meet as well.... I will be on here for a little bit Friday, got other things to do and plan to hit the sack early so i can get up early....If I don't talk to you all tomorrow, I wi
Fucking Bullshit
Pennsylvania employers are required to provide break periods of at least 30 minutes for minors ages 14 through 17 who work five or more consecutive hours. Employers are not required to give breaks for employees 18 and over. If your employer allows breaks, and they last less than 20 minutes, you must be paid for the break. If your employer allows meal periods, the employer is not required to pay you for your meal period if you do not work during your meal period and it lasts more than 20 minutes. A collective bargaining agreement may also govern this issue.Pennsylvania employers are required to provide break periods of at least 30 minutes for minors ages 14 through 17 who work five or more consecutive hours. Employers are not required to give breaks for employees 18 and over. If your employer allows breaks, and they last less than 20 minutes, you must be paid for the break. If your employer allows meal periods, the employer is not required to pay you for your meal period if you do not w
My 50 Confessions
My 50 Confessions 1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be? hmmm.... Most likely C. 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? I would say about 80% of the time (support the grocery workers if they strike! DO NOT CROSS THEIR PICKET LINES EVER!!!) 3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? That would be my wife, and of course! 4. Do you take compliments well? That would be a big no!! But I am working on it. 5. Do you play Sudoku? Only once or twice, I gotta say, the magic is lost on me. 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? Not more than for a few days probably. 7. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would save? Things? So not animals or people right?? My computer, my wedding album, my photo albums and my ipod. 8. Who was the last person you slept in the bed with? It better be my wife!!! lol. and it was. 9. Who do you text the most? C 10. Favorite child
My 50 Confessions
My 50 Confessions 1. The phone rings, who do you want it to be? At this time of night no one. 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Most of the time 3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? Not to sure about that. 4. Do you take compliments well? Most of the time yes. 5. Do you play Sudoku? No 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? Not more than for a few days probably. 7. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would save? Things? So not animals or people right?? My computer, my photo albums, Blanket(given to my by my father that has passed) 8. Who was the last person you slept in the bed with? My so called Bf. 9. Who do you text the most? Erika, Erica, Ramona 10. Favorite children's book? Wow dont remember that far back. 11. Eye color? Blue. 12. How tall are you? 5'7 13. If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you? Nah.
Pitbull Sodomizes Toddler
(Lockport, NY, July 10, 2007) - - We want to warn you that our top story is both bizarre and deeply disturbing. Police are investigating an apparent sexual attack by a family pit bull on a two-year-old boy in Lockport. The boy is at Women and Children's Hospital. News 4's Lorey Schultz reports. This two-year-old pit bull shows no signs of aggression, but it did on Sunday when it apparently sodomized a Lockport toddler. Residents who live in the neighborhood where it happened are still talking about it. One neighbor said, "You hear about dogs attacking children in horror films, but as far as in this community, it's never happened." Police say the boy was sexually assaulted in his Washburn Street home by his family's two-year-old pit bull, who had been with them since it was a puppy. Lockport Police Detective Captain Larry Eggert said, "A little boy was home with his family, and the family pit bull actually sodomized the boy." Eggert told us the boy's family members and
In Memory Of Teresa-the Rose
Cool Slideshows!
Not My Day!
Now I try to be a glass is half full kind of girl, but this day seems to be testing my patience. Up until about 5 minutes ago, the glass was still half full. It's amazing how a simple incident can really transgress your happy space. Backing things up a bit to the previous day: My best friend has just returned home from a two week visit with her son in Okinawa, Japan. We are two peas in a pod and cannot go very long without seeing one another, so we have had a lot of catching up to do. We went out last night to chat and have a few drinks and eventually ended up at her place where we sat and talked to the early morning hours. At approximately five in the morning, I decided that it was time to go home and get some sleep, because I was pushing the limits of exhaustion. Since my best friend and I are neighbors the walk home was only a few steps to my door. As I drew near to my house, I noticed a large puddle of water in the street that I had seen earlier the night before, had n
Bleeding Ulcers
Today I was just chillin drinkin some water and all of a sudden I felt really sick so I ran to the bathroom. I puked up some blood and it really sucked. I been dealing with bleeding ulcers for a bit now and they said if they get worse, I might have to get a gastrobypass and I been losing weight from it. I am down to 180 now. So yeah someone make me feel better or gimme a gun.
shit i know that im getting played like a fool , but i cant control hurts so bad that im in a depression stage not sure what to think i cant even get my head straight thats not me to let someone hurt me like hurts so bad that my heartaches every time i see him walk away....he's telling me what i want to hear just so that he can get what he wants......he tells me that he night he tells me that he loves me and but then the next its like were just friends...i cry myself to sleep at night wishing that he would just let me stop playing games with me to love me for me and not that other person that im not....i want him to know that i will always love him.....just one of these days im not going to be there any hurts so bad that i have to say good-bye...he is pushing me away i have no choice but turn my back and and walk the other sorry if i hurt sorry that i let you sorry that it didnt work out for u
This starts out on a beautiful spring morning. Temps are in the 70's, slight breeze but just an absolutely beautiful day. I am at my desk in my office, returning calls from the night before. I have on a black suit w/a purple pin stripe, it's a 2 piece (one of my favorites, love to wear when it's nice out). The suit is a dress with a jacket that is the same length as the dress. The dress is a basic a-line style, the straps are the thin spaghetti strap style, the top of the dress runs across the top of my breasts, leaving just the slightest little bit exposed but not much, it goes to about 3 inches above the knees, the jacket is a duster type, long sleeves, has the vent cut to the bottom, center of the back, there is simply one tie in the front with silver on the end if I choose to close it slightly. My shoes are black, open toed with about a 3 inch heel on it. I have my brief case (light brown/red Samsonite, lol, bought it when I was first promoted to manager), it's open on my d
scooterzxbox7@ CherryTAP 5
Ok, Maybe, Just Maybe, I Was Wrong
Ok, maybe I was wrong. MAYBE all guys arent the same. Maybe there are some good guys left, ones who dont lie or cheat who make you feel good about yourself. Ones that dont just assume they are going to get into your pants right away. That open the door for you, and all that good stuff. Maybe.
Lust Me ! (rant)
i am all used up! and i cant take it any more im sick of hurting im sick of haveing to settle ! im sick of hideing ! im done so fuck it ! i dont wnt to be lusted over i want to just be loved ! no more second in line no more back up girl !..........................why do i keep letting this happen ............. i guess attention is attention right ...........
Keepin It Real
I just want to say a few things with out offending anyone, but for those of you that know me and know that i keep it real always know that I'm not on here looking "TO GET LAID" i can do that right here in the comforts of Rhode Island. . . . I'm here to make new friends and keep in touch with old friends as well. There is nothing wrong with flirting as long as its done in good taste no need to get Explicit cause i really don't want to know what u like put or shoved up your ASS for real need for that all that gets you is deleted from my friends list. . . . so again i hope I'm not offending anyone but for real keep it to your self i don't want to know. . . .
HURT.... I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that`s real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything Refrein: What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar`s chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here Refrein: What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way JOHNNY CASH
Update On Contest (12 Now)
~racechickv.p~ ~CHAN812CREW~ +AGENT SMITH+ ~rebelbreed~ ~shadowlion69~ ~skyhawk691~ ~Labman911~ ~Karma~ ~Yoda~ ~Joeynv86~ ~Margie~ ~Whitedove~
Still Havent Gotten My Blast
thats right...still havent gotten my blast that you guys and gals helped me win....dont know what the deal is..the contest ended on the 8th and it is now the 15th...go to my update blogs from the contest and click the link to go to the profile of the person who held the contest and write her and let her know she owes me a blast...maybe i'll finally get it...thanks again y'all!! eric
Birthday Suprise
Birthday Suprise You're tired after your long road trip back from Alabama. The only thing you can think of is taking a shower and going to sleep. When you go inside the house you're suprised to see me sitting on your couch watching t.v. "Cory? Is that really you?" I stand up walk over to you and give you a big hug and kiss. "Did you really think that I'd let your birthday go bye without giving you your present?" "I need a shower you can't see me like this." As you start walking into the bathroom. As you enter the bedroom you start taking off your clothes getting ready to do just that. "I can't believe this he's really here." You tell yourself as you enter the bathroom and turn on the water. You get into the shower and for the first five minutes just let the water run over you. Then you start to get yourself ready, you shave your legs, armpits and trim up your pussy leaving only a thin strip of hair above it. While you've been in the shower I set up the be
Still Not Getting Some People
Sitting here reading the bulletins and once again I see crap about downraters. Now I ask you don't you get a point even if they rate you a 1? Are you that egotistical that you honestly think ALL your pictures are a 10? Give me a fucking break.I myself am honored to receive a 10 to any picture. I know I am far from the standard that many put to be rated a 10 in this day and age.This whole rating scale is nothing but bullshit anyway. It is not a TRUE rating at all. I rate EVERYONE a 10. Hell if I where to be honest about what I think of some....well I'll just leave it at that.If this so called downrating really makes you upset and ruins your day PLEASE turn off your computer and seek mental help right away.
Ashley called me yesterday morning and asked what I was doing last night. Of course I was doing nothing…….so , after much pleading and begging of the ol’ man, we took off for Shreveport, LA… see the Martina McBride concert!!! Oh my God, I was so excited! I hadn’t been to a concert since I was 17, and that was with my Gram. (we saw Clay Walker/ Gorge Strait) The concert started at 7, so we left at 5, even though it only takes like 30 - 45 minutes to make it from my house to Shreveport. And I’m so glad we did. Neither one of us knew where the hell we we’re going. After driving around and missing the street for what seemed like forever, we finally stopped at a gas station(for the third time) and asked directions. The guy giggled and points down the road, “its right over that bridge ma’am…gimme a sec and you girls can follow me” OMG….we were less than half a mile away. LMAO! Anyways, Little Big Town was the opening act, and they were so kewl. They did a really good show, but hone
Joe Theisman......ha Ha Ha...
"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." --Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback & sports analyst.
Food Banks
Did you know that there is a greater need for donations to Food Banks during the summer months. This due to the fact that a lot of children that would normaly receive free or assisted school lunches are at home. The next time you're out shopping pick something up for your local food bank. The thing that they need most is high protein items (peanut butter, beans and canned meat). Also feel free to repost this to your blog or post it as a bulletin.
Just Another Post
Well you all will notice that some pictures are going to be leaving my profile. And that's thanks to a certain person who hurt me today more then the could ever imagine. I dont know why people have to be so mean but I guess such is life. Sorry if you're a fan of them but maybe sometime in the future i'll bring them back.
Sheep Vs. Wife ;-))
One night a man barges into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and stands in front of his wife. "This is the pig I screw when you claim you have a headache," he says. The wife looks at him, half shocked and half confused, and replies, "That's a sheep under your arm." "I wasn't talking to you."
R.i.p. Honey
Tis a sad day here in my house....Angelica's gecko just died. We're not sure what happened! It ate fine and was acting normal and when I went to put her to bed, it had passed. She's ok....gonna focus on the Iguana!
She Needs Help!!
Please help out my friend Shell...she is a doll and has been stuck at thie level for forever! Please show her all the love she can handle!! ~ShellBBW~@ CherryTAP
Can Some One Please Awnswer This For Me
why do men allways go for the sluts , the bitches , the chicks that think there gods gift to men , the chicks that treat them like crap . the chicks that yell and scream , the ones that say they love them and then turn around and call them names , the girls that use the girls that abuse , and all the loonys , but yet they turn there nose up at the girls that actually care the girl that will be there till the end , the one who wont yell , the one that wont scream , or cheat ,or judge , the one that will have your back to the end even if it means she gets to take the lashing please can some one please awnswer this for me cuz i dont fucking get it
64-summer Rain
Summer rain...smell the air I taste your lips and feel your wet hair Your hands are cold as ice On my sun schorched neck they feel so nice A rain soaked kiss As i am captured by your eyes You hold me helpless as a broken child Captivated by your shining smile I've tried to hide my heart away But you pull it back with every word you say The dreams I thought had burnt to ashes Have risen like a pheonix with blazing flashes You black the sun with your brilliance Can you see that my words make no difference Swallowed by every moment you waste on me A picture perfect vision my mind can see You say hello and my day turns around Like my brain I wait for no other sound Empty my heart over and over again Its full the second your shine begins I'd write you words to slay your heart If I only knew the place to start But I'll continue my vague soul stirring And hope someday you will find my message during... A summer rain
What Crazy Thing Turns Me On?
As it turns out, angee is aroused by ... Jazz hands 'What crazy thing are you aroused by?' at OMG WTF!!! JAZZ HANDS LMAO
Welcome To My Fubar
I Don't Know
Unnecessary Nsfw Tag
Stop taggin shit as NSFW when it's not or if the person didn't give you what you want. Quit cryin and get over it.
Love Comes In All Sizes
Love comes in all sizes Your friends will support you... And respect your creativity For thinking outside the box... They'll be there when you need a Shoulder to lean on... Or a great big hug... A true friend takes interest in Understanding what you're all about... They see beyond the black and white To discover your true colors... And accept you just the way you are... Even when you just wake up in the morning So make your own kind of music... Follow your heart wherever it takes you... And when someone reaches out to you, Don't be afraid to love them back... They may just be a friend for life... Practice patience and tolerance... Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave... And impossible to forget!!! Share this with all your unforgettable friends today...
A Soldiers Reply
Man took a flight, he was finally coming home, Feeling more relieved than any man has known, He spent so long, in a place that most fear, And when that plane landed down came a tear, Plane door opens still in uniform he stands, Nervous and confused, about stepping back on home land, He follows the others, checking each face for grief, But all that he noticed was the faces had relief, He steps off the plane and people were there, The Soldier astonished could do nothing but stare, They greeted him with open arms, a hug, and a sign, That said thank you soldier, your life for mine, Soldier walks still in uniform, down the street, He passes a man walking, he looks down to his feet, The man looks to him and stops him in his place, Only the Soldier and him, the man spits in his face, Soldier again with a tear, he asks only why, The man returns with an answer, a brutal reply, I do not respect you for the things that you've done, Soldier just listens as the man cuts h
An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution for a client who was due to be hanged for murder at midnight. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed. As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, "What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been?" "Dinner is cold and I'm not reheating it." And on and on and on. Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he went and poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he drug himself up the stairs. While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband's client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight. Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go upsta
I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
Cyanide & Happiness @
Bats Sweet Side (fair Warning)
************ DISCLAIMER ************ Anything said in this blog if used against owner/creator the owner/creator has full right to hunt you down and cause more pain then you can imagine. ************ DISCLAIMER ************ Alright that being said I, Bats, in reasonable and sound mind, really does care for this one girl. Her name will remain nameless, but the importance of this is why I can flirt with people but when it starts seeming to serious I run off. Fuck I think I might acctually have fallen in love, holy shit fuck, woah.
Miles Between Us(june-2007)
Beyond my walls I have seen Gods grace. Not in the trees or flowers but in her face. A gentle smile that could soften hardened hearts. I look at her and wish we weren't apart. Soft sweet eyes skin gentle to the touch. Being apart from her I fear is just to much. My thoughts my words I hope make it through the air. Letting her know my only wish is I wish that I was there.
Im sitting here crying and wondering again. I thought it would be different, but it was all pretend. i thought i would be yours and we would be together. but i guess it wont ever happen again. I wanted to feel your kiss once more and hold u in my arms. I wanted to be with you and kiss you under the stars. its always been a dream to be with you... i thought u wanted me.. but i guess i believed your bullshit. I feel like im going through the same things all over again, like im playin a stupid game and can never win. im always gettin played or believing the words you say. "I love you" is bullshit "Baby" is bullshit "you can trust me" is bullshit YOU are bullshit. Im going to move on, and forget you and the past... forget everything from first to last. I wanted you, i really did.... but i guess it was another game i didnt win!
This Is Soooo True
Daily Horoscope: Sagittarius For July 22,2007 Your mouth is saying yes, but your heart is groaning, 'Oh no, not again?!' It's time to negotiate between the two. Discover what it is you really want to do. Then seek it our or agree to those terms and those terms only.
Oh So True!
You Are Lightning Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?
A Modern Parable
A Japanese company (Toyota) and an American company (General Motors) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River. Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race. On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile. The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action. Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing. Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion. They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing. Not sure of how to utilize that information, but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team's management stru
Help Level To Godfather
~i Like It Like That!~
The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.
Tired Of Having Others Telling You What You Should Be Listening To?
Part Two
....i am laying there chained to the bed for what seems like forever...i wonder to myself if anyone will ever come down, and where the Master is...i hear faint voices suddenly and turn my head a bit to hear them better...they seem to come closer and closer untill they are right beside me...i hear the familiar voice of the Master..."so everyone...(i wonder just how many people is 'everyone')this is my new lil one..." i feel hands of different shapes and sizes begin to caress me..touch me lightly all over...i try to turn towards all the different caresses but there are to many at once for me to keep up...i whimper softly and feel the sting of a whip across my chest.."silence lil one" the Master growled...i nod and bite my lower lip to remain quiet..."Now then.."He continues..."You all will have a chance if You want..she is well prepared for the evening"..the caressing stops and i hear footsteps walking away from me..i hear a chair scooted a bit closer..assuming the Master took His seat
7600 To Level
this handsome guy needs less than 7600 to level up...could you give him a hand? "Heart of Fire"C.T. Hubby to "XxPlaydirtyoO"~ Club F.A.R.~MAFIA NSFW BOMBERS!!!@ fubar
To My Ex, Jeff
I promise you my love I promise you my heart I promise you my life I promise we'll never be apart I promise not to hurt you I promise to never make you cry I promise to always trust you I promise not to lie I promise you forever I promise you tonight I promise you my respect I promise to do things right I promise to always be there I promise until the end I promise to always love you I promise to be your best friend I promise you my love I promise you my life I promise this forever I promise our friendship is my life you're the PEANUT to my BUTTER , you're the STAR to my BURST, you're the M to my M, you're the POP to my TART, you're the MILKY to my WAY, you're the FRUIT to my LOOP, you're the MILK to my DUDS, you're the LUCKY to my CHARMS, you're the ICE to my CREAM, you're the GHETTO to my BOOTY, but mostly.... you're the BEST to my FRIEND
My Mothers Wisdom
Why spend the last day of your life washing breakfast dishes, wait til after supper to wash. Always buy christmas dishtowels on sale, that way it adds some holiday sparkle to any chore. Nothing wrong with a load of whites washed with a red sock, now you can't tell where you dropped strawberry ice cream at. Now that the neighbors got a big screen, the universal remote finally comes in handy Never leave your windows down at a yard sale, people steal. Just because Goodwill won't accept all the junk doesnt mean it comes back into the house.

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