Hey all...
after a good 12 hours sleep or so, during which i think i only woke up once (thank god, i'd been sleeping in 2-3 hour intervals for two days) i figured i'd actually come say hi :p
again thanks to all of you that had the respect to stay out of my family shit :p and to ghost for the vip /hugs
for those that don't know, my birthday is coming up this friday YAY :p
i should have more pics up this week once i'm sure everything is truly set with albums and i can get my family ones reuploaded :p
anyhow, i'll be in and out most of the day so feel free to stop by and say hi ;) all of the friend albums that were up are still up and unlocked, so take a look if you're one of the ones that was afraid to do so yesterday (yes, i was on a rampage, lol)
i'm gonna be reorganizing soon to condense albums so there's not such a long string of them, things like the blue sin, body parts, et cetera that are mixed sfw and nsfw will be put together in a mixed album so i can create findable new ones when i get new pics...
ok i'll stop babbling now
love you all