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Lost Angel's blog: "new woohoo"

created on 09/30/2006  |  http://fubar.com/new-woohoo/b8732
wow its been a great few days...I found out yesterday that I got a house *happy happy dance* the place is not in Wichita but I think about an hour from there and I will be living close to my sissypoo...OMG poor Marion will never be the same now LOL...sissypoo stinkerpoo you ready for me to move there? Sis I think its just wonderful how we met our men here and they are both planning on moving to Marion with us...I think we need to plan bbq's etc...PLUS now we are in the same town its gonna be easier to start looking for dresses and all ;) Sis without ur help I would not have this house...thank you thank you thank you...ready to go to chinese for lunch while the kids are in school? LOL I am praying that I can get a truck the early part of the week and forget this town and all that associated with it...I am so happy that I wont have to worry about running into buttmunch again...A few days ago he parked his car in front for the house and was yelling at the top of his lungs that I was a slut etc...shoot if he didnt act the way he did I would most likely still be with him ...when u hear that ur ugly for so long you start to believe it...

Long Survey About Myself

Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?:4:00 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006
Name?:Lost Angel
Date of birth?:Aug 15, 1963
Sex?:Female I hope
Eye color?:Hazel but more brownish
Where were you born?:Seoul, South Korea
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?:43 (poor fire dept.)
Pets?:yeppers my cat...YipYap
Hair color?:dark brown almost black
Piercings?:only my ears
Town you live in?:Marion
Favorite foods?:Chinese and Korean
Ever been to Africa?:Yes I have
Been toilet papering?:LOL yep in high school
Love someone so much it made you cry?:What's Love?
Been in a car accident?:yes
Croutons or bacon bits?:bacon bits
Favorite day of the week?:hard to just get up now a days
Favorite resturant?:Korean
Favorite flower?:Roses
Favorite sport to watch?:high school basketball...go Lisa go!
Favorite drink?:Pepsi
Favorite ice cream flavor?:Rocky Road
Warner Bros. or Disney?:Warner Brothers
Favorite fast food restuarant?:NOT McDonalds that's for sure
Carpet color in your bedroom?:Cream
How many times did you fail your driver's test?:None
Whom did you get your last email from?:I dont remember it was junk mail
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?:I dont use credit cards
What do you do most often when you are bored?:Get on Lost Cherry
Most annoying thing to say to me?:I see
Bedtime?:When I am tired
Favorite TV show?:CSI or NCIS
Last person you went out to dinner with?::a jerk....lol
Been out of country?:yes
Believe in magick?:what's that?
Ford or Chevy?:Toyota
What are you listening to right now?:Freak Me by Silk
Have you ever failed a grade?:nope
If you have, what grade did you fail?:none
Do you have a crush on someone?:I'm in love
Do you have a bf/gf?: What's a bf?
If so, what is their name?:My Cats
How long have you been together?:Too Long...LOL joking sweetheart...I love you
What are you wearing right now?:black jeans and a lime green top
Would you have sex before marriage?:yep
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?:yes
Are you a virgin?:a reborned one LOL
Do you smoke?:yes
Do you drink?:occassionally
Are you ghetto?:nope
Are you a player?:nope
What are your favorite colors?:red and blue
What is your favorite animal?:cats
Do you have any birthmarks?:on my thigh
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?:yes
Who do you talk to most on the phone?:Forgot what a phone is
Have you ever been slapped?:yes
Do you get online a lot?:not as much now but yeah
Are you shy or outgoing?:shy
Do you shower?:yes
Do you hate school?:no I loved school when I went
Do you have a social life?:Right now if you call being on the puter a social life then yes I guess so
How easily do you trust people?:not very easy
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?:nope
Would you ever sky dive?:yes
Do you like to dance?:yes
Have you ever been out of state?:yes
Do you like to travel?:yes
Have you ever been expelled from school?:nope
Have you ever been suspended from school?:yes
Do you want to get out of your hometown?:hmmmmmmmm well I moved from Fort Scott (even though that isnt my home town) does that count?
Are you spoiled?:been told so
Are you a brat?:been told so
Have you ever been dumped?:yes *cries*
Have you ever gotten high?:yes
Do you like snapple?:yes
Do you drink a lot of water?:yes
What toothpaste do you use?:mentadent
Do you have a cell phone?:yes
Do you have a curfew?:what's that?
Who do you look up to?:
Are you a role model?:to my children
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?:Six Flags
What name brand do you wear the most?:lol anything cheap
What kind of jewelry do you wear?:ear rings
What do you want pierced?:scared to get anything else pierced...dont like needles
Do you like takin pictures?:yes, I was a photographer
Do you like gettin your picture taken?:nooooooooooo
Do you have a tan?:summer time I do
Do you get annoyed easily?:depends on the situation
Have you ever started a rumor?:no
Do you have your own phone or phone line?:yes
Do you have your own pool?:nope
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:boxers
Do you have any siblings?:yes two little (who are taller than me) brothers
Have you ever been played?:yes
Have you ever played anyone?:no I am faithful to the one I am with even in abusive relationships
Do you get along with your parents?:yes I do
How do you vent your anger?:chop onions
Have you ever ran away?:no
Have you ever been fired from a job?:twice cuz they said I was a workman's comp liability
Do you even have a job?:applied for disability
Do you daydream a lot?:sometimes
Do you have a lot of ex's?:unfortunally
Do you run your mouth?:no
What do you want a tattoo of?:teddy bear holding a rose
What do you have a tattoo of?:none
What does your ex bf/gf look like?:a sexy cowboy *yummies*
What does your most recent crush look like?:a sexy cowboy *yummies*
Whats her/his name?:
Have you ever been bitched out?:yes
Are you rude?:not unless someone is rude to me
What was the last compliment you recieved?:was called beautiful
Do you like getting dirty?:is a shower close?
Are you flexiable?:not with rods in my back
What is your heritage?:half korean, quarter french, rest is german, irish, english and american indian
What is your lucky number?:30
What does your hair look like right now?:straight and down (shoulder length)
Could you ever be a vegetarian?:yep
Describe your looks?:lets see...got some extra pounds and oriental looking
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?:light brown
Would you ever date someone younger than you?:yes am doing so now
Would you ever date someone older than you?:yes I have
When was the last time you were drunk?:October 29, 2006
How many rings until you answer the phone?:at least 2 so caller ID can pick up who is calling
Have you ever been skinny dipping?:yes
If yes, when was the last time?:1982
When was the last time you went on a date?:July 2006
Do you look more like your mother or father?:my mom
Do you cry a lot?:when frustrated
Do you ever cry to get your way?:only when I get pulled over for a ticket
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?:uh huh
Are you the romantic type?:yes
Have you ever been chased by cops?:not really
What do you like most about your body?:my eyes
What do you like least about your body?:over weight
When did you have your first crush?:12 years old
When was the last time you threw up?:2002
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?:brunettes
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?:nope
What about cleavage?:once in a while
Is your best friend a virgin?:hell no LOL sorry sis
Have you ever fucked someone up?:nope
Have you ever been fucked up?:yes
What theme does your room have?:none right now
What size show do you wear?:is that supposed to be shoe? if so an 8
What is your screen name on AIM?:dont have AIM anymore
How are you feeling right now?:very much loved
When was the last time you were at a party?:July 2006
Have you ever given a lapdance?:once in 1981
Have you ever recieved one?:yes
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?:yes
What is one of your bad qualilties?:nervous person
What is one of your good qualilties?:very caring...sometimes too much so
Would you marry for money?:nope cuz money cant buy happiness
What do you drive?:1990 Toyota Tercel
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?:daddy's little girl
So?:so what?
Well?:that's a deep subject
When was the last time you cried in school?:1981
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?:nope
What kind of music do you like?:all kinds but like country the best
Would you ever bungee jump?:cant cuz of the rods in my back
What is your worst fear?:leaving (dying) before my children are old enough to take care of themselves
Would you ever join the army?:almost did but found out I was preggers back in 1986
Do you like cows?:mooooooooooooooooo
If you were to die today, what would you do?:enjoy one night with my children
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?:I would want to let my family know that I love them very much
Do you like to party?:what's that?
Hearts or broken hearts?:broken hearts
Moons or stars?:stars
Coke or pepsi?:pepsi
Favorite scent?:stetson
Favorite band?:ty herndon
Would you ever dye your hair red?:did once
How many languages can you speak?:english and can understand korean some if spoken slowly
What time are you finishing this?:4:50 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006
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Bedroom Golf

Rules for Bedroom Golf 1. Each player shall furnish his own equipment for play - normally one club and two balls. 2. Play on a course must be approved by the owner of the hole. 3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole and keep the balls out. 4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. Course owners are permitted to check shaft stiffness before play begins. 5. Course owners reserve the right to restrict club length to avoid damage to the hole. 6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until the course owner is satisfied that play is complete. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play the course again. 7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the course. The experienced player will normally take time to admire the entire course with special attention to well formed bunkers. 8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played, or are currently playing, to the owner of the course being played. Upset course owners have been known to damage players equipment for this reason. 9. Players are encouraged to bring proper rain gear for their own protection. 10. Players should ensure themselves that their match has been properly scheduled, particularly when a new course is being played for the first time. Previous players have been known to become irate if they discover someone else playing on what they considered to be a private course. 11. Players should not assume a course is in shape for play at all times. Some players may be embarrassed if they find the course to be temporarily under repair. Players are advised to be extremely tactful in this situation. More advanced players will find alternative means of play when this is the case. 12. The course owner is responsible for manicuring and pruning any bush around the hole to allow for improved viewing of, alignment with, and approach to the hole. 13. Players are advised to obtain the course owners permission before attempting to play the back nine. 14. Slow play is encouraged. However, players should be prepared to proceed at a quicker pace, at least temporarily, at the course owners request (Course time is Four to Five Hours). 15. It is considered outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same hole several times in one match.

I love my sis! >:D

I had a pretty good weekend looking for apts in Wichita...it was a long drive but well worth it I think cuz I got to see my sissypoo stinkerpoo and my great niece and nephews...they are such beautfil kids and aunt allie even got hugs...I enjoyed my visit with my sis very much and cant wait to get moved to Wichita so we can start going to garage sales and start going out and painting the town lol Love ya sis and ty for a really fun time....I really enjoyed meeting you and the kids...give the kids my love and hugs and tell them to be good for you from aunt allie

LOL I am a leo

I couldnt resist...saw this in the bullitin and had to put it in here...if you read this pls put a comment in and tell us what sign u are...lol who knows maybe u can find ur match (LMAO) LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)-- If you fuck up just once with a Leo...That's IT. Don't be expecting them to take you back. They are not willing victims, after all, they CHOSE you...you screwed up? They can UN-Choose you just the same. They live for Menage a Trois...or Qua...or Cinco....anything in a group is okay as long as they are in the middle. Leos also like bubble baths. Once you start with a Leo...do not think you can just turn their emotions on or off like a switch...they demand satisfaction. NOW. All the stress in the world ends up in the Leo neck...They need neckrubs...they feel like they have the entire weight of the world on their head. If its kinky, a Leo has probably done it..You know Madonna's a LEO, right? She masters the Madonna/Whore/Goddess thing pretty well, huh? I wonder why? Could it be cause shes a fuckin' LEO? yep. Valmont was probably a Leo. They probably have the movie at home. Get out your furry gloves and faux mink whips for this kitten. they love soft floggers and there is a specific spot on their back right above their tailbone that is heaven to them where if touched right will actually make them purr...you think I'm bullshitting you? Try it, I dare ya. Leo likes doing doggystyle that's a given. As long as it feels good, but leos also like missionary if they are in love with there lover that is the most intimate position as you two look in each other eyes. Their underware is always..er..interesting to say the least, if they are wearing any. They LIVE for boudoir photography. They LOVE to be photographed. If they can afford a nude or semi nude photo of them..do it now. Leos are born and bred to be porn stars...even if they act prude about it..they have thought about it. The best sex partner is a Scorpio leos love them... Rubies jewels usually are their love. Love to have their hair brushed and played with. You had better be vocal in bed with them...they want to hear how well they are doing. If a Leo has chosen YOU as a mate. Just accept it and enjoy the ride. Be prepared for anything. They have no problem tying you down. They ARE the naughty school teacher, the pirate captain, the gypsy king and Cleopatra all rolled into one. Virgo This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will do naughty things to be caught so they can be punished. They are perfect for Aries who want to punish SOMEBODY. Anybody! Pretend rape scenes also turn on Virgos. As long as they know they are secretly safe. If you have ever seen the Carnival Rape scene in 'Henry & June' this is a Virgo wet dream. Also all Virgos like to see Camel Toes...what's up with that? Sherlock Holmes was probably a Virgo...or a repressed Gemini. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) --Don't tease them. It will only piss them off. Taureans are realists. If you say that you are horny: Prepare to be fucked. Taureans are heavy indulgers, though. All forms of indulgence: Sex-drugs-wine-food...whatever their vice may be: they simply cannot get enough. They do not believe in moderation. They will fuck until they are sore. Taurus likes to have sex just for the sake of having sex. What they lack in originality, they make up for in stamina and endurance. Okay...so they may not be into bondage, okay? But they WILL lick you until you have at least three orgasms or until you pass out...whichever comes first. Taurus uses their tongue for EVERYthing...and I mean that. They love to lick people in whipped cream, alcohol, chocolate, flesh and candy???Bring it on! Caution: They are looking for a relationship so be kind to them. They also have a BIG wet thing for scent. Sometimes they don't want a lover to bathe before sex. Or you may find them shaggin in a garden or a greenhouse...to smell the dirt: After all, they are Earth signs. aries (March 21- June-5) LIVES for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color. They live to tease and torture...HEY...Somebody's gotta do it, right? They like hair pulling. Beware of their 'toy' collections. Don't tease them...they will rape you. They love pony boys and girls...I cannot emphasize this enough! They like it doggie style especially if they are steering. Give an Aries 100 feet of rope and a 250 dollar flogger, they will follow. As long as they get to be the one holding the handle. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) -- Ever heard the saying "Been there. Done that?" chances are it came from a Gemini. They are always changing...they are the eternal Chameleon. You never who you are fucking that day. They have had sex. A lot of sex. Probably because they are in a constant state of flux...always looking for the new high. The biggest turn on for a Gemini is: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Here is just a smattering of places that I know Geminis have fucked: In the elevator of the moseleum of Forest Lawn Cemetary DURING A FUNERAL. Wine cellars in nightclubs. Vip Areas of Theatres. Public Parks. The 18th Hole of a private golf course. In the center of a race track just as the flag was going up. On various Gym equipment at numerous health spas. A football stadium during the SuperBowl. A Balcony railing at Mardis Gras in the French Quarter...just to name a few. If it's shiny...they will want it. They are big on DRAMA so be prepared for them to set the mood for sex no matter WHERE you might end up. They WILL take the initiative. They live off their charm. If they are male and gay they will still be the greatest fuck your female friend has ever had. Go figure. They are also Voyeurs but always willing to lend a hand ... or any other part of anatomy. If they are depressed, suck on their fingers, that always seems to cheer them up. Their goal is to fuck in the front row of the OSCARS when the cameras pans on them so that they can wave. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) -- 69 This is the sign that needs to be cuddled. They may believe that they were born in the wrong period or century. They DWELL in the past...Victorian...Roman...Medieval...You name it. They usually will only fuck at night...come to think of it...they fuck better at night anyway. Maybe its because they are ruled by the Moon. This is a sign that is looking for TRUE love...I mean REAL TRUE DEEP LOVE...that 'Romancing The Stone' Frikkin 'Wuthering Heights' kind of love. They probably cry at the end of any Jane Austen flick. They want to be swept off of their feet. They really do deserve it, too. They are constantly dumped on by previous past fucktard ex lovers that think they own them. Sometimes Cancers pick the wrong guy/girl and get beat up or emotionally hurt. Why? They think its what they deserve. Which is bullshit. They are wonderful people. They love water sports (jacuzzis/pools/showers/saunas/bathouses...) They want to be comfortable while fucking...oh sure the foreplay may have had you bent over a barstool...but when you get home they want comfy couches, beds, fluffy pillows, anything soft and fuzzy that is not a pet. Cancerians also have a horrible tendency to misplace their clothing. Highly Exhibitionistic. They live for Oral...as long as it tastes good. Karma Sutra honey dust is a good start...mints...ice cream..anything with sugar...fruit...Don't rush them they smolder. But when you get started, be ready for a long night. They like to play with ice cubes, too. Also nipples are a BIG thing for Crabs...they all secretly wish to get their nipples pierced. Can be submissive highly. Masturbation is where they get their bonus points at. Be warned: They like 'em YOUNG...so you better be ready to dress up like an Animation school boy/girl with a whip to keep 'em. haha... it's all true !! lol Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23)-- Let the games begin! Libra will try anything once. Twice to make sure they liked it. Three times to be absolutely sure. Do not touch a Libra's head during oral sex...that may work with an Aries, but not here. Libras LOVE giving oral - They LOVE getting it , too. But don't feel like they get enough...too bad, because they sure as hell are getting enough of everything else. They will buy toys to make YOU use it on THEM. Libras are mental creatures that believe in living and fulfilling fantasies that they haven't done in real life...which is rare because they have done almost EVERYTHING. They have no problem sploshing. To them, sitting in a pie COULD be fun. Porn? Bring it on! Sex, video AND food? ALRIGHT! They are heavily exhibitionistic by accident. They are accident prone, they lose bras, underware, condoms....they also accidentally end up in bed with people. Amazing how THAT works! They like to cross dress. Both sexes do this quite well, actually. Male Librans are mistaken for women all the time, and Female Libras are mistaken for men every now and again too...its because they are under the goddess Aphrodite. They are never just ONE sex. They can always feel what the opposite sex feels. Which is why they are rarely clingy, except in rare circumstances when they have been led on, then watch the manipulative side of the scales swing. They love to role play and play dress up. They like to dress like hookers or Queen Elizabeth (This is the men, too!) Who are they really? It depends on what day of the week it is. They believe that life is too short to date ugly people in more ways than one. So if you are being shagged by a Libra, there is a good reason. Whether you are attractive physically, emotionally, mentally or have a fantastic sense of humor, there is always a reason for a Libra to be fucking you. But they HATE vulgarity. They despise feeling like they are on a waiting list to get your attention...worse yet, feeling like they are your groupie. That won't last long, then. They have already figured out HOW to destroy you...now they are biding their time to see how long until they throw YOU away...with nothing. But, if you get past all that, expect long luxurious nights talking and playing Strip Tarot or Naked Chess. They are the Graceful Slut...but not slutty and yet accident prone. If you are going to fuck a Libra: Get mirrors. Lots of them. They have more vanity issues than a Gemini. Nothing is TOO kinky for them. They are the eternal Courtesan or Concubine. They are sex therapists, porn writers who knows? SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 21) -- HOLEE SHIT! here comes the masters and mistresses of FUCKing Sorry Leo, but Scorps ARE the leaders in the Kink O Rama factor (Leos are in second place, so don't worry that much leos) Scorpios KNOW how to seduce. They KNOW what is kinky. They are highly manipulative. They KNOW how to get you to do what THEY want. They KNOW how to fuck. And they are making room for modifications. All they have to do is walk into a room and look at you, and you WILL be on your back assuming the position. Anne Rice (During her 'Beauty' phase) wants to be a Scorpio. Leos and Scorpios make for a fabulous tryst.they are the BEST in bed together..but if the emotions are not there then that's a different story. Don't dare TRY to make a Scorpio jealous...they will duct tape you to a chair and make you watch them fuck your boss..or your sister/brother..or Mother...hell, that's their idea of a typical normal Thursday night. They love to use gag balls. They always have carpet burns on their knees and back...this is from their constant rutting like a wild weasel in heat. They are also very cunning and secretive. They have a fetish for riding crops and bridles. Most Scorpios have mastered the Binaca Blowjob for heightened and elongated pleasure. I hope you can go the distance and can make them come...otherwise gods help ya. Favorite Song: Master and Servant. Most female Scorpios have a horrible tendency of being Alcohol Lesbians...get them drunk enough they will kiss a girl...or two....or three...or five.... but beware their sting! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) -- Right out the chute I am going to tell you...THEY LOVE TO BE SHAVED. True love is being shaved. Sagittarius love is being shaved by someone they love. And they LOVE to travel. They are constantly moving. They are always packing and going somewhere. They are the outdoorsy type. Why fuck in a tent when you can be surrounded by Sequoias under a moonlit night and have sex? Sags will Fuck Everywhere! Most Sags flash body parts and are closet nudists. They will be the first to register for nude volleyball at the nudist resort. Don't get me wrong, they have a TON of provocative clothing at home, but they like to be naked. EVERYWHERE. They don't know why its against the law to drive naked in a convertable especially. It just doesn't seem right. Downright Anti-American to them. They are also bleeding heart causefighters. They believe that sex is a biological function amongst friends...why fight it when you can fuck it? A perfect night for them is to : Talk. Fuck. Talk. Fuck. Go out and look at sea otters..Pick some flowers...Talk. Fuck. Laugh. Have a drink. Talk. Fuck. Dinner. Fuck. Sleep. Fuck and Fuck some more! Male Sags have more fetishes than a female Sag. Foot fetishes...Lingerie...Female Sags are nature lovers: Do it in the bushes, Sex on the beach, in the ocean, hell behind the local laundrymat! Kinky? they Love Kinky. Wear that pirate getup for these girls, they'll be on their knees in a heartbeat. They'll dress kinky and skip the panties under a short skirt if you're going out on the town, just to get you going, and I do mean going~ these girls want it all night long! Whipped cream, body oils and bondage,Licking and sucking, whatever it takes to keep the party going! . They believe in doing it and doing it often! fucking before the movie starts..., fucking at the theatre during the previews and maybe a quick blowjob on the way home. Sag females love sexing up your whole body! Give them a chance, there won't be a body part they haven't sucked licked or fucked!You can touch them anywhere and they got hott cause they're freaky like that! They love leg rubs and jacuzzis, this is because their thighs are a hot spot...They'll be the ones holding you up fucking in the closet at your friends housewarming party at two in the morning. They are built for lot and lots of sex in any way shape or form, kinky or slow teasing, fast and hard or slow and easy~ if you want to get your freak on, Sagittarians are the way to go! None of the other signs love Sex as Much as a Sag! Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) -- Just as I was writing this one, my Capricorn friend proceeds to call me...Capricorns are psychic by accident. They have no idea the fates smile on them from time to time...they just accept it an move on. You can turn on a Cappie just by breathing on them. They are strong and responsible and have dignity. But they are too easy to turn on sometimes. And watch out when they are horny...whoever is in the room better have protection. They are natural screamers and leave bite marks. they like sex a lot as a favorite past time. Usually durinig commercial breaks is perfect. Its nothing for a Cappie to fuck seven or eight times during commercial breaks in an hour long T.V. Show. They like to do it in the shower...on the furniture...on other peoples furniture...on other peoples beds...Cars...Tents...boats....yep, if they are in the mood...it could be at the Presiden't inaugeration...get ready for some nookie! They love to bite. They might seem at first sight of them rather cold and insensitive. But when they warm up? There is no stopping them. They like to have the back of their knees licked. They live for tongue massages. They think porno is just SILLY...who thought THAT up? But they will watch it to see if they are missing anything. Give them dim lighting, a roaring fireplace and a nice bottle of wine...you might as well reconcile yourself to the fact that you better leave the phones off for the entire weekend and order food in. They like to play games...as long as they are in charge. This is a misunderstood sign...they can be very kinky. As long as it is with people they love. Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) -- MY favorite sluts are Aquarius. Why? Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. Sounds easy, huh? They will get under your skin though, so beware. It's easy to be hurt by an Aquarius because they don't want you to know what they are thinking. If they are silent but you are in the room with them...chances are they are in heavy thought. But don't worry, chances are they are thinking about you...and fifteen other things. Water bearers look at sex like it is a form of recess. They can turn you on by simply walking in the room. They are the Rain Man of the Zodiac. They give too much of themselves to others that don't give a shit...then get shy to those that care about them. Go figure. They like kinky. They are easy going. To them, it's a learning experience. Male Aquarians like to tease and live life in a fantasy world. Female Aquarians can't masturbate enough...Males never get the chance to masturbate because everybody wants a piece of them. They like their ankles nibbled. They love back massages. Their ultimate adventure is the "But we might get caught" game. They will fuck wherever they run the risk of being seen or found by another lover. Don't expect faithfulness from these creatures...it's just not in their DNA. They are open minded to the point that anything shiny will derail their train of thought. Fucking while standing or leaning is a plus here. Fuck with their mind and they will follow you anywhere. They enjoy being fucked in groups of three. Think being Jack Nicholson in bed with the three Witches of Eastwick? This is a Aquarian dream. They need you to make the first move. Not to be dominated. But to bring them back to earth now and again for a little physical funtime. They get lost in the clouds a lot. Don't derail from your personal pleasure course, however, otherwise you will be just talking to them all night. which can be stimulating just as well too. Beware! They are the flirts and teases from HELL! Never take one on a trip to a Home Depot when you are both horny. This can lead to nasty things. Pisces (Feb. 19- Mar. 20) -- Get out the boots - Stilletto heels - foot creams and panty hose...here come da fishies! They are the LEADERS in foot fetish. Masturbation in shoes? Okay. Toe masturbation...bring it on! They love using their feet. Suck on a Pisceans toes and SEE what happens! Fucking in the water and see them squirm. Pisces have probably done it in a sex swing. Or at least considered how strong the ceiling beams are on their house to put one in. Pisces men break furniture when they fuck...things get flung everywhere. Pisces can be turned on by the wierdest things...Trains...Water fountains...Jump rope...Whatever. They are the sirens calling you to the beach where you will end up on your back on a towel with water all over you and not wanting it to stop. I have heard it said that its the pisces that will cross the darker kinky side at least once...just to say "YEP. did that. Not that great" OR "What do you MEAN you never......" SAM from sex and the city should be a Pisces. These babes are perfectionists. You will have a perfect orgasm with them...so will they..in fact, they strive for perfection in everything they do...it's all in th details for them. There will not be ONE hair out of place with a Pisces. All of their fetish jewlery will match a specific whip or dress or shoes. EVERYTHING MUST MATCH! I have one Pisces friend that has nipple tassles that match for every pair of underware and whip that she owns! NO SHIT! You might think they are shy! HA! They are just planning something. I had a Pisces Friend (Same Pisces friend with the matching tassles by the way) who was at a nudist beach in Brazil (You will always find a Pisces at a beach...its inbred in them) A middle aged man in his early 50's or so came up to her and immediately saw her body and BABING! got a hard on! Not feeling shocked in any way, shape or form, she walked right up to him and put her hand on his cock for a moment , then with her same hand took her sunglasses off , looked him RIGHT in the eye and said "DAHLING, your erection is SUPERB!" and she walked off never to see him again. You never can tell what the hell a Pisces will do, but I guarantee that it will be SUPERB! SECRET: Pisces women fall for a man that can wear a high heel and garter. And look good


something tells me I was born under the wrong sign :-( Powerful, magnetic and self-assured, Leo is a force to be reckoned with. While their confidence is often mistaken as arrogance,one thing a Leo won’t be accused of is not being genuine and humane. A Leo is especially suited for a position in leadership or as an entertainer because of a natural flair for the dramatic. Whatever job they choose, it should pay well in order to keep up with the Leo’s insistence on only having the finest. Leo in a Nutshell Born: July 23 - August 22 Element: Fire - active and ardent Quality: Fixed, the quality that signifies a resistance to change Symbol: The Lion Lucky Day: Sunday Lucky Numbers: 8 and 9 Special Color: Gold and yellow, the color of the Sun Leo Traits: Powerful, creative, arrogant, intolerant, warm-hearted, opinionated

American, Made in Korea

lol ok been asked what mixture I am...so here it goes: I'm 1/2 Korean, 1/4 French, and the rest is German, Irish, English and American Indian (Simenole...yeppers I be a mutt lol certifiable and registered lol As for places I have lived overseas...geez... here I go: Korea Japan Greece Niger Nigeria Tanzania (East Africa) Madagascar Newfoundland Places I have visited overseas: Holland England France Egypt Belize Schychelles (hope I spelt that right) Austria States I have lived in: Florida Lousiana Texas Illinois Wyoming California Kansas I think I got it all :-S

my name

lol I keep getting asked how come I have the name I do so here goes: I came to Kansas because of an online relationship that went bad. You would think that you would know a person after talking to him for over 3 years and visiting back and forth but I was wrong...he was just as sweet as could be...a perfect gentleman if I may say so myself...well I moved to kansas from wyoming to be with him and we were planning on getting married on march 17th (thank God it didnt happen). I postponed the wedding so I could go back to school (you get more benifits being a single mom) and he couldnt understand it. I got all my paperwork in for school and then he became abusive and I had to get a protection order...I am alot happier now but I miss my family...mom is in wyoming, one brother in georgia and my youngest brother in korea right now...one day we will all be together again


ok this is a test so see how this thing works..I have to thank my friend Robert for bringing me here...its actually kind of fun and get to see goooooooooood looking men :P Sitting here thinking about the past and how much of a butthead my ex fiance has been...I mean he told me that I am ugly and would never find anyone...well hell if that is the case how come I been getting 10s...brent u buttmunch I wish you could see my rating LOL
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