well am gonna be leaving for wichita soon...and hopefully will find a place...not sure when I will be back...will be either friday or saturday depending on if I find a place and they give me the go ahead to move...if I am moving I am not be online for a few weeks but will let you all know before I leave this hell hole called Fort Scott...Its time to start my new life (lol well I already started but yanno what I mean)
found out this morning that buttmunch HAS moved to newton, ks which is approx 30 miles from witchita (but wichita is approx 300,000 people...so what are the chances of him and I running into eachother?)...the apt buildings I am checking into are secured and they have a security gaurd on duty so I dont think I have anything to worry about...its MY LIFE and he's NOT going to control it anymore...I AM going to be happy from here on out and make the most of mine and the children's lives...if I wanna run around the house naked shoot I'm gonna do it lol...there may be obsticals in the way but NOTHING will stop me from now on
I want to say thank you for those who have been friends to me and made sweet comments on some of my blogs...ur special friends to me and I lubs (lol yes I spelt it with a b...)*hugs* and to my sis Jen...you've been by me the whole time...lol laughed with me...cried with me...told me off when I need it...always showed me the love of a wonderful sis...ur very special to me sissypoo and I love you dearly * big hugs*...
I guess I better take off...its almost a 4 hour drive for me...hugs to all and have a great weekend