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ok... i'm gonna take his name out because i didn't block him but at the same time, i wanna know what other people think of this conversation.... personally i prefer convo's that start with hi, how are ya? and as anyone that's read my blogs and such know, i prefer to keep sexual conversation out of it. (that doesn't mean i don't answer questions from time to time, it just means i'm here to make friends and post pictures, not get laid and hear about your conquests) bottom up as always... and for those of you that know me well enough to know how i keep my SB... what do you think? lol ->KinkStar S...: ok well i'm in a shitty mood which you would have noticed had you bothered to ask, so i'm really done talking to you for now, take care. g: ive done fisting though to women g: ive seen it, doesnt bother me ->KinkStar S...: no and don't plan to, it's not anything that appeals to me on any level ->KinkStar S...: to each their own g: have u ever tried adog? g: also had an ex that was into her family ->KinkStar S...: i had a friend like that back on alt g: she was into her dog ->KinkStar S...: doubt it g: she may freak u out lol g: her own words lol g: my ex was a real kinky bitch ->KinkStar S...: most men do g: love kinky women like you Love, Sin
i don't even need to explain this one do i? it's kinda long, but bear with me, parts of it are funny... mind you he was ALREADY in my friends list. Bottom up, enjoy! today's new contestant: Batman Batman: ok fine good fucking bye! ->KinkStar S...: because out of my 5000 friends i won't add you to one of my 50 family spots, i guess we know where you stand. take care. Batman: fine! thanks fore showing your true colours goodbye! ->KinkStar S...: regardless, i have set rules on how people get into my family, and i'm sorry, but i'm not going to add you Batman: so again can we family up please? ((not for any other reason then i like you for you ok)) end of!! Batman: look i like you so deal with it ok! im not everyone else and i dont know what you've told 40 people today cause i was'nt there pok! so treat me as you also want to be treated ok! ->KinkStar S...: i'm going based on your actions. ->KinkStar S...: no, if you liked me for who i was you would have understood when i said where to find the information that i was pointing you to it, not being a bitch Batman: dont confuse me for who i am not and who you've not even been bothered to find out! Batman: how the hell am i not interested in you?? what do you think im talking to you for?? im not desparate! i like you for you not your pics! and i want to add you to my family cause i like you for exactly who you are ->KinkStar S...: take care. ->KinkStar S...: obviously you're more interested in my pictures than the real me anyway ->KinkStar S...: i'm sorry if not wanting to answer the same question 40 times a day pisses you off ->KinkStar S...: no, that's one of the questions everyone has been told time and again not to ask Batman: and i just spent all that time rating you to....thanks alot!! Batman: i thought as you commented me and we got on b4 that we were cool? and now it seems like your just turning on me cause your in a bad mood....? so i wont bother you no more ok take care Batman: sorry i was'nt trying to be rude. sorry if i offended you ok hav e a nice evening k bye ->KinkStar S...: the ways into my family are listed in the places posted on my profile, i'm not going to explain it, it's already been posted like 10 times Batman: nice to meet you sin and whats the rules? i will be very happy to follow them lol xo ->KinkStar S...: i don't open family to very many and there are strict rules set for it, as for my name, everyone just knows me as sin ->KinkStar S...: lol so would alot of people Batman: i would love to see you in your less tame situations lol xo Batman: do you want to family up with me huni lol and whats your name by the way? im carlo xoxo Batman: i think it and you looks so exiting and very pleasurable to lol i think i would love to have some fun with you lol xo ->KinkStar S...: i take quite a bit more of it than most chicks, what's posted is very tame compared to what i like to deal with ... the clothespins only hurt coming off which has to be done near or during orgasm or it can get to the point where i want to cry (that's the bad kinda pain, the crying kind lol) Batman: it looks so painful lol does it hurt to have them clips on your pussy? Batman: are you into pain then? and do you like to give it to someone to? Batman: im very sorry but i just had to say that k ((smiles)) xo ->KinkStar S...: lol Batman: i dont mean to sound rude or nothing....but its like if you was here now.....you would so be getting fucked so hard and so fast wow!! xoxo Batman: your pictures are turning me on so much i think im going to explode! Batman: well im sorry your not feeling goo... i wiswh i could come and make them stresses go away for a while lol winks xo ->KinkStar S...: i don't use any of the other messengers, and honestly there's usually so many of them I barely have time to tell them to fuck off lol Batman: ok no:1 do you want to talk on msn? and no:2 who's pissing you off? i'll go tell them to fuck right off.... ((sorry for swearing)) xo ->KinkStar S...: eh some real life shit i don't wanna go into right now and the guys on here being dicks as always lol Batman: why baby? something wrong?? ->KinkStar S...: tired and stressed i think lol Batman: thanks for the comment lol hows you today lol ->KinkStar S...: evenin Batman: hello baby xo so because i wouldn't add him to family i'm showing WHAT color exactly????? obviously he didn't care enough to find the info lol Sin
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17 years ago
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