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37 Year Old · Female · From Cedar Rapids, IA · Owned by ITCHY and is worth 5 coins. · Joined on July 6, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 8th · 498 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 76 different people have a crush on me!

.:*:.Mz Iowa.:*:.

My name is Ellen, but everyone calls me El.

Yes, I'm really from Iowa. Who would willingly claim Iowa if they didn't live there?

I'm 37 years old. I blow my candles out on March 8th. I'm a Pisces.

Im currently dating and LIVING with my #1 family. He moved all the way from Texas to Iowa for me, so lets just say its a true love story :D

I’m Irish and a redhead. So yes, I'm crazy in all the right ways ;)

I'm a CNA and OMT so I'm here and there a lot of the time depending on my schedule.

I'm a T1 diabetic with anxiety issues and a panic disorder. Life for me is really fun lol

I'm a big sports nut. Chicago owns my heart for everything. Chicago Cubs. Chicago Bears. Chicago Blackhawks. Chicago Bulls #ChitownBaby (Minus the White Sox booooo)

I'm a *HUGE* Iowa Hawkeye fan! #Hawkeye4Life don’t come at me with that ISU Cyclone shit either.

I'm a HUGE advocate for Autism and other mentally disabled adults as I spent over 10 years working with this population. They own my heart, and a piece of my skin as I have an autism butterfly tattoo.


37 Year Old · Female · From Cedar Rapids, IA · Owned by ITCHY and is worth 5 coins. · Joined on July 6, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 8th · 498 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 76 different people have a crush on me!
I'm a big country buff. Love country music. The new stuff, not the old, twang, stereotypical stuff everyone hates. And for me, Garth Brooks pushes that fine line. But, I'm very much into every and anything. Besides country, I'm a *HUGE* rock fan. Yeah, kind of funny I know. But I love everything. Country, rock, classic rock, oldies, R&B, rap/hiphop, pop, techno, whatever. I'm not picky. Music is my life. Check out my playlist to check out that variety Smile2.gif

Video Games
I don't care what anybody says, Super Nintendo and 64 rock my freaking socks and is better than the PS2, the PS3, Xbox, and Wii put together!! Nothing better than rockin it old school! I'm a huge Super Mario Brothers fan and a Donkey Kong fan Manic.gif It's what I grew up on, and spent countless hours with my family playing over and over and over. I also *LOVE* my Guitar Hero Slurp.gif I haven't kept up with it as much as I would've liked to, but Guitar Hero 2 is my favorite song wise, and yes, I am a badass and yes I play expert mode; and I don't get through it by just a margin, I'm that good Slurp.gif

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