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80 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, WY · Owned by rekt rissa and is worth 2 coins. · Joined on December 18, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 24th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
80 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, WY · Owned by rekt rissa and is worth 2 coins. · Joined on December 18, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 24th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hummm, guess I'm doing something right..one crush in seven years. Pretty good! ;) I sure do get poked a lot too! :)

May I suggest that you vote for politicians and candidates who are serious about doing something about climate change? SO IMPORTANT! We must elect OVERWHEMINGLY, politicians, candidates, judges, etc. in federal, state, and local elections to make meaningful progress in all the issues that are so important to us.

We voters now, are so very lucky and privileged for what we are going to do in future elections! We are going to save the Earth! We are going to save America! We are going to save our freedoms! What we do, will be written in future history books, if we do what is critically necessary. If we don't, history will be distorted to mention nothing, and history books that tell the truth will be banned.
We have to vote in overwhelming numbers!!! This is the only way now.

Well, WE can fix this! We can fix the Supreme Court too. It isn't going to be enough to just vote for the right presidential candidate. We have to remove the senators, house representatives, state and local representatives, judges, and governors that are going to end America as we have known it to be. We have to end the filibuster in the Senate to get Supreme Court reform. It takes one more than sixty Senators, and a large majority in the House to accomplish this. We will gain meaningful climate change legislation, overturn the abortion rulings, federally and in the states, common-sense gun legislation, childcare legislation, and all the other important needs that we care about. We will end the "D A R K money" in our politics which, actually rules over everything! Say this slowly..."D A R K money." This term can't be within a million miles of our political system! Haven't we waited long enough? An overwhelming majority of sane state legislators, judges, and local politicians need to be elected also. We can put an end to All of the crazy, once and for all! Yes, get the criminals and "weird" out of our lives! We will tell the control freaks that WE live by, "to each their own", "live and let live", and "mind your own business!" We are the boss! Talk to your family and friends, neighbors, everyone you know, and strangers too. We have to vote in huge overwhelming numbers to save America and our freedoms! This time, we must. It's the only way now.
We can vote for love, calm, simplicity, and joy... or hate, anger, chaos, cruelty, fear, weird and creepy. It's an easy choice.
A real man doesn't punch down. A real man lifts up.

I'm going to say something that is going to surprise you. I am pro-life. I will explain very soon. Some history is needed.

Can you believe it? Today, 7/27, he said, "If you vote for me Christians, you won't have to vote again in four years, or ever again". (I wonder what he meant by that?) Yikes! Often when a person has a near-death experience, it changes them for the good. Violent rhetoric and actions only creates and attracts more violence. Be careful what you wish for and remember...what goes around comes around. I find ALL violence abhorrent. Perhaps an understanding of what school children have been going through in their classrooms for too many years? I'm hopeful but doubtful.... Okay, forget hopeful, already. A VP candidate selected has stated that women should not be allowed to leave a violent and abusive marriage. They will end what is called a no-fault divorce. You have to have your husband's permission. Ending women's right to vote. Spread the word Ladies. Both are psycho misogynists. A promise of a nationwide ban on abortions with NO exceptions. Every woman will be second-class citizens...(subjects). Are they macho men? Naww..just pitiful weenies.
Definition-misogynist: A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women, manifesting in sex discrimination, hostility, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of, and violence against women. Sadly, fifty-three percent of white women voted for this. ???

Find online and read, "Project 2025". This IS their plan if elected. They are now trying to back away and deny that it isn't because they are learning how unpopular it is. They have stopped talking about these issues that they were proudly proclaiming just a short time ago. They are lying and trying to hide now. But don't be fooled! THIS IS THEIR PLAN!

NEWS FLASH! Convicted felons are NOT martyrs! Political elections are NOT entertainment!
Definition-martyr: one who sacrifices their life or something of great value for the sake of principle.
Being a criminal has no value. Self-aggrandized narcissists have no principles except for self-enrichment and taking power by any means.
Definition-narcissist: A person who has an excessive interest in and admiration of themselves, and one's own needs, often at the expense of others.
"If they can do this to me, then they WILL do it to you!" What?? Hummm..really? Did you commit a crime? Are you planning to commit a crime? What a bunch of crap! Don't be fooled!

This is a work in progress. Much of what I have written are drafts and will have revisions and additions made to them. Also, some of what I write here are snippets and rearranged works from my legally protected published materials. Should you be interested, (why?), view this page from time to time for those, and new stuff.
WARNING: Much of what you read on these pages, are just small baskets of pure nonsense. Some of what you read are facts.

How I play this game. You can find this at: Music & Games/Video Games
However, I need to say this again, right here at the beginning of my "About Me".
Fellas, I request that you don't sf over the ladies. I know you understand why.

When I joined, I decided that I would not talk about politics and religion. When I go to a bar it is to relax, have fun meeting friends, laugh, and in my case, flirt! Not to be a buzzkill. However, these are strange times, and I want to write about a few of my thoughts. I have been biting my tongue. I will stop when things get closer to "normal" again, and I will remove what I have written about them then.

To level, I have to xxxxx xxx and xxxxx. I don't ask for help here. It feels awkward to me because I'm just not a guy that asks for help, here or for real. This is me. I help others if I can. Never mind! I'm getting there on my own!

I don't like talking about myself, but I have been here for over six years, so..well..here goes...

I have dared to love you all...because I do. (results to be determined)

I like to consider myself as an enlightened man, (probably not), as I have traveled throughout the universe. It feels as though the universe is inside of me..it is. I am in the divine...8)

A fantasy
I am a fantasy
A fantasy man
Can I have a do-over?

I tease you! (or not) A symptom of my affection. Just kidding! maybe

Intelligence is sooo very sexxy! Don't ya think?

There are many that have a hard time with, or don't want to say, "I love You".
And there are many that have a hard time, or don't want to hear it.
Many have a problem with both, and many are just scared of the word "love".
Me? I love the word "love"! When I say it, and especially when I hear it!
It sends amazing tingles up and down my spine! 8)

I am always happy! I'm open-minded, and easy-going and I love adventure and having fun! I am honest, teasing aside. I just want to make you smile.

I am the 7th child in a family of 12 children! (I know! right?!) 8 sisters (5 older), 3 brothers (1 older).
All of us were born to the same very loving parents! 8) My dad says I inherited his genes. So much fun with a bit of chaos.

I'm a hopelessly romantic man to a fault! I'm talking..waaay faulty!
If you haven't figured that out by now, (message me darling). 8)

Ladies, don't assume that I am some guy sitting alone in my underwear, typing on my keyboard, in front of my computer screen. No. Usually, I'm naked and most often not alone. I have my rate girl, my like girl, and my poke girl next to me! 8)

I AM HETEROSEXUAL, but I don't have any hang-ups. I celebrate love and congratulate everyone who finds it. It is hard to find, and even harder to keep...isn't it? Why anyone would deny someone to love another, is bizarre and evil, led by ignorance, hate, fear, and superstition.
My choice to love is unconditionally. Unconditional love is so very rare, and the most difficult to find and share. It is incredibly pure and true, so it's misunderstood and almost impossible to possess, give, and receive. Moment to moment, giving, with no expectation to receive in kind...no return, no burden, no obligations, no complications and always free. When you find it together with your partner, your loving feels just so easy..so right. Don't lose it!
Sex should ALWAYS be a celebration! (Not a routine..booo!)

I am single and I am happy being single, at the moment. I have many sweet close friends. 8) ima bad boy..teehee. Turns out, it's a double dose of my father's genes! I am very healthy, as I do everything needed to take care of myself properly. I haven't had a cold or the flu for well over ten years. Perhaps twenty...can't remember. No Covid. Never an STI or STD. I don't smoke cigarettes and I only drink occasionally..socially. It is not part of my lifestyle. I don't have any tattoos or piercings. I don't have any problem with them, (they can be attractive and sexy), but they just never interested me for myself.

I care about ALL people. I CARE, unless and until they prove themselves unworthy. Almost everyone on earth is worthy of caring about.

I strongly believe in kindness and goodness. I rarely get angry, I can't remember the last time, and it has to be an extremely serious and wrong event to make me angry. I forgive and never hold a grudge. Hard and painful feelings and emotions like anger, fear, hate, jealousy, and all the others, are not a part of my life.
They hurt, are a waste of time and energy, and are useless. I choose love because it's easy and feels just so damn good! To all those who love their pain, and love to inflict it on others, (you know...misery loves company), I suggest that every morning after you wake up, get your favorite hammer, go to your kitchen table, lay your hand flat upon it and give it a good whack! I promise that all the other pains you love (sic), will quickly become insignificant. Enjoy!! If not, give it two whacks. Yeah..that'll do it!

I wear my heart on my sleeve, for women..8), children, animals (all living creatures), and the Earth (the environment). Also, to honorable men of integrity and good character. For women, I could be your friend, lover, or nothing at all. (You can call me daddy 16_winksmile.gif ). For everyone, I could be your brother..perhaps your father, and always your friend, or also, nothing at all. However, I will give my all to protect all.

I skipped high school and moved ahead to accelerated higher learning.

I have my own business and have worked from an office in my home for many years, long before remote working was necessary and cool. I do architectural and structural detail and design work on office towers, football stadiums, universities, hospitals, bridges, and many other types of structures all over the nation. You know them. I also write professionally. I am very good at what I do.

I detest and have contempt for self-aggrandizing, egomaniacal, psychopaths that harm others!!!

Otherwise...It's all very good! 8)

Okay! Enough already! All through the day..I..me..my....I..me..my....I..me..my! ugh.

80 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, WY · Owned by rekt rissa and is worth 2 coins. · Joined on December 18, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 24th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I have dared to love you all...because I do..
(results to be determined)

I love music! I do hope that you enjoy the songs that I share with you here.

Outdoor fun!

you and me....
When I'm with her...for me, it's all about her..
..so simple and so easy.

I love helping others feel special and important because you are..yeah I do...yes you are!

You are banning books that WE CHOOSE to read for ourselves and our children? That is Nazi shit! Good luck with that dumbass.
Music is next...then art. Then beware when they go after the press and journalists.

I know right from wrong. I know the difference between good and evil. My convictions, principles, and values will not be given up to popular, (especially dark), trends, and they are not for sale at any price.

I don't idolize liars, fraudsters, sexual assaulters, con men, non-repentant felons, racists, terrorists, and those of evil character and behavior.

The four steps used throughout history to gain control over the population. It's evil. More about this later.
FEAR. Once they make you afraid, they own you. This is the first and most important step. The beginning.
ANGER. With you afraid they easily make you angry. They play the blame game. There is always a "them" to blame.
HATE. Easily instilled in you after they have made you angry. A necessary step to gain the power they seek.
VIOLENCE. After the first three steps have been achieved, they easily convince you that this is acceptable.
Ex Machina

Very strange days indeed! I mentioned before in my About Me, that when I go to a bar I don't like to talk about politics, religion, and other serious subjects. I just like to have fun. I have to say some things now. I don't want to, but I must. My thoughts......
What is happening now in real life is very serious. I have many great family, friends, and fans here that I care very much about. I care about everyone here. I care about everyone in real life, (almost).
Real life for quite a while has been growing dark in America. Unusually dark. Yesterday 7/1/24, America broke. The Supreme Court made the President a King.

America Broken -rmc
Hail to the King!
Oh, the songs now, we used to sing.
six supreme, "imperial" judges ruling...
an invented and made-up thing.
Oh, say can you see...?
our new "imperial" presidency?
Hail Hail to the King!
Revolutionary war,
no man above the law,
democracy, the constitution...
of the people, for the people, by the people,
now no longer means anything.
Let freedom ring?
What a very real,
Fourth of July BuzzKill.
Hail to the King!

Why is this Supreme Court ruling terrifying for ALL of us?
Read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, if you haven't already. They are throwing the Constitution in the trash.
Then read a document provided by one of the major political parties called "Project 2025". You can find it easily online. You can switch the order of what you read first if you wish but do read them all.
Because of what is happening now in your lifetime, it is the most important thing you will do. Look into the eyes of the children. They may not ever have a chance to read the Constitution.

"Well, if the president does it, then it is not a crime." - Richard Nixon 1974 (He'd be so fucking happy right now!)

So, I am going to make my discussion about Monday's ruling simple. Who's the boss? The Revolutionary War was fought by the colonists to break away from British rule, specifically, the King of England, to form a government where the people would be the boss. The British King was imposing oppressive laws and taxes on the colonists, (think the Boston Tea Party). The King was an unaccountable boss with unchecked power..a tyrant!
The ruling Monday made the president a king. Now, the current president, and all future presidents can do whatever they want to do, including criminal acts, without fear of being held to account for anything they do while in office. Do we want a dictator on day one seeking revenge on his opponents and anyone who isn't loyal to him? (You know what they say..once a dictator, always a dictator), just ask Putin.
If you are harmed by any of their official acts, good luck in taking them to court. They just claim the act was an official act of the president, and any evidence to the contrary can't even be presented in court, not even their motive. The president is now a king. Think hard about what this means. From now on when we vote, we must be absolutely certain that who we are voting for is a good and decent person, who is wise and compassionate and will conduct themselves in the best interest of all of us. The burden is ours now. The justice system can no longer help us. Congress can no longer help us.

Now if that isn't bad enough, other rulings made by the Court last week will show everyone just how much trouble we are in.

In the first one, the Court made political bribery legal. (Humm..I wonder why they did that?) Simply, if the payoff is paid AFTER what the bribe is for, and is called a gratuity, it is now legal. WTF!? This ruling was made in a state case, but it cracked the door open to rule in a federal case in the future.

This next ruling is truly frightening! This Supreme Court is on an uncontrollable power grab. They have overturned one precedent after another, like no other in the history of all the Court's years combined. The most recent is a shift of power from the executive branch to the judiciary, and stands to transform how the federal government works. I am very concerned about the environment, so before I discuss the other precedent they just overturned, another ruling they made earlier in June strikes down the Environmental Protection Agency's authority in regulating greenhouse gases from power plants. The ruling has significant implications for the current administration's climate agenda and the future of environmental regulation in the United States. The Court stated that the EPA lacked the authority to implement measures that effectively forced a nationwide transition from coal to renewable energy sources. This ruling will severely hinder the ability to achieve climate goals, particularly the target of a net-zero power sector by 2035. There already is hardly enough time! The Court has appointed itself as the primary decision maker on climate policy. (Humm..I wonder why they did that?) This decision marks a pivotal shift in energy policy, one that revitalizes the fossil fuel industry.
The second precedent they overturned last Friday is a major change that will affect everyone.

In a six to three decision by the "imperialist" Supreme Court justices, they overturned yet another precedent, the Chevron Doctrine. The Chevron Doctrine told courts to defer to an agency's interpretation of a statute in circumstances in which the law in question is vaguely written. All of the agencies are staffed by seasoned, credentialed scientists and experts in the disciplines which each agency writes regulations for. The courts in every state are staffed by judges, that are experts in what? There is no substantive area that this doctrine did not touch. They have been chipping away at it for several years, for example, what I wrote in the paragraph above. A few of the current actions by the executive branch that are jeopardized include a plan to put Wi-Fi on school buses, a new ban on noncompete clauses, health care coverage rules being implemented through ACA, and the latest plan to forgive student loan debt. Also, the Environmental Protection Agency's rules, limiting planet-warming pollution from vehicles, oil and gas wells and pipelines, and power plants. This has made countless regulations vulnerable to legal challenges. Just who will be claiming the law is vaguely written and has the means to file legal challenges? Large corporations, state governments, organized corporate religion, and the elite ultra-wealthy, of course.
The ruling has injected uncertainty into many highly complex scientific policy decisions, and regulations of all types, including those on technology, labor, the environment, and health care.
I will repeat, all of the agencies are staffed by credentialed scientists and experts in the disciplines which each agency uses, with their specific expertise, will write the regulations that protect all of us. Now, the judicial branch will. Should we have high confidence in the Supreme Court and state judge's expertise that will now hand down rulings affecting all of us? Well, because they overturned the precedent, Roe v Wade, for example, that affects every woman's reproductive health care, it is clear that they slept through or skipped their biology classes. This is a very dangerous situation.

Heard from a pregnant woman bleeding out and going into shock in a hospital emergency room, in a state that banned abortion, "Am I close enough to dying to get some help?" This is disgusting and immoral! Much more about this soon.

It seems that there are many, that are competing for and participating in, "The Great, Grand, and Spectacular Beauty Pageant of The Most Righteous!" It is harmful. It is judgmental. It is vain. It is for show and is empty of anything divine. The First Commandment of the Ten Commandments...He is talking about you! We are here to love one another and help each other. It is that simple. Many politicians and judges are unable to put themselves into another's, (anyone and everyone's), shoes and walk a mile. shame shame Who did you vote for?

Heads up to all of the gentlemen here. What I am going to say now about the repeal of Roe v Wade, will be of great interest to you. This is about the health and safety of the girls and women in our lives...wives, partners, daughters, sisters, and others. How worried and nervous do you think this is for them? And men too. We care about them..we love them. The next step is to ban other reproductive methods and contraception. Good luck in the bedroom fellas. Think about this when you vote!

I listed some of the agencies and the regulations that provided protections for all of us but have removed that information to make room for other important discussions. Everyone can Google the rogue Supreme Court decisions overturning the Chevron Doctrine and the many other long-standing precedents that protected all of us. You need to understand how this will affect us all personally, in very troubling ways. One of my greatest concerns is what this means for the environment.

The least democratic part of the government now will determine what kind of protections the American people have ... that Congress has entrusted to agencies.

But now, I am going to skip ahead to provide more information for you to see the full picture.

While our attention has been on the election and which candidate is worse, now we learn what the real scary monster hiding under the bed is...the Supreme Court! But wait! Not so fast! That scary monster hiding under the bed is just a puppet...a scary monster puppet. Who is the puppet master? Large corporations and the elite ultra-wealthy. (President Elon Musk). I will explain more very soon.... a little history is needed. Remember "trickle down?" It is now a slowing drip. Money. It's always about the money. The corruption equation: Money=Power + Power=Money divided by Greed = Corruption

Ahhh, democracy. It enables the uninformed, and misinformed oppressed to vote for continued and even greater oppression, until one day...they can't vote anymore at all.
And very soon now, our period of "the great big regret" will begin. Autocratic Kleptocracy.
Now Billionaires own the government..the real genuine inflation creators. Many are corrupt, immoral, and criminal. They own all of the social media, newspapers, television, and cable networks. They have nothing in common with you, and they know you have nothing in common with them. They don't care about you! All they needed was your vote to get them what they needed..control! Sadly, most of those who voted for them, and listened to and believed their misinformation, will suffer the greatest oppression. Don't you understand? They controlled the information and still do. Are you a Billionaire? You were played. You've been punked. Now just watch where the money goes. Say goodbye to citizen rights, services, benefits, and protections. We are subjects now. Say hello to continued and greater Corporate and Billionaire control over everything, including tax cuts, avoidance, deregulation, and exploitation for them. It's all about the money. Let the looting begin!

The losers from this past election: Earth. Citizens... Men, especially Women, Children, anyone whose skin isn't white, and all taxpayers...... unless you are part of the elite ultra-wealthy loyal to the Autocratic Billionaire Class.
Just watch now. DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) Oh yeah, Project 2025.
If you are not VERY VERY wealthy...forget about you.

Fact: 2+2=4 Alternative fact: 2+2=Thursday
I have found the best way to get real facts is to use AI now. When you get "facts" from people, there is ALWAYS a personal bias motive involved. Misinformation, rumors, conspiracy theories, ignorance, lies, etc. With AI, ChatGPT, MS Copilot, now you can get real facts. It's available to everyone, and there is no excuse not to know the truth about anything anymore. Use it and filter out all the crap. Just ask a question. For example: What were the major accomplishments of the first term of President Trump? Then ask, what are/were the major accomplishments of the term of President Biden? Ask about unemployment, debt, jobs, tax breaks, the deficit, etc. from each of the president's terms. Get the real facts. There will no longer be any misunderstanding.

Do you know that there are over 68,000 projects scheduled in the three major legislative acts that were passed in the Biden term? Some have started and most are going to start in this new year. The Hudson River tunnel project, between Manhattan and New Jersey for example. A huge ten-year project that has already started. Give credit where credit is due. Do the research and learn the facts! Liars will try to claim credit for all of the good things that are going to begin to happen. (Unless the new administration kills them.) Just ask AI and get the truth. These projects are for us, the people. The billionaires will try to kill them to pay for their tax cuts. Don't be fooled!

me! Although I do admire Alan Parsons greatly lately.

I will have more to say over the next few months, about many very serious past and current developments. For example, the election, women's reproductive health care, world events, religion, and what the future might hold for all of us. Everything that I don't want to talk about here. Less poems, more thoughts. However, I am going to stop soon and remove much of this.

There is still some hope..I hope. No matter how you voted, here are the hotline phone numbers to contact the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. Call with your concerns. It matters.
The Capitol switchboard for the Senate and the House of Representatives: (202) 224-3121 Your Congressmen.
The White House: (202) 456-1111 The President. // The White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414 Vice President, Chief of Staff, Cabinet members, Ambassador to the United Nations, U.S. Trade Representative, other officials.

The change that needs to happen, begins at the top and goes all the way down to the town sheriff. It has to be complete, so we can fix the Supreme Court and remove the monied corruption that controls our political system now. We must get money out of our politics! I will explain more very soon.
Video Games
Uhh...I have never played a video game, other than fubar, except for a few quick looky loos. Too busy in the real.

I will use this space to share other "about me" and "interests" stuff.

How I play this game. I will add more soon.

First, I agree with most members here, that it is not polite to sf and own over others unless you have permission. As for me, any lady has my permission to sf over a guy! 8) I will not sf or own over another unless you want me to. I won't ask you for your phone number or to communicate on other platforms, but if you would like to, please ask and I will consider it.

I don't play this game much really, although lately, I am working harder to level and do better at all the other stuff. I don't have time to be here as much as I would like. Usually, I will be here from 8pm to 12am pacific time. After 12am it is her time. Sometimes my light will be on, but I will be away. I usually don't know what my rank is, as I don't pay much attention to it. I don't often buy and run powerups or buy bling for myself, nor do I HH, but I might in the future. I am a bit shy. I just give..not for myself. I am here for the fun! 8)

After being here for seven years, December 18 is my anniversary, I still consider myself to be a newbie, an amateur. There is still so much I don't know about and understand because I am not able to spend enough time here to learn as fast as I would like. I work and I am rarely able to be here during the day. Occasionally, I will slip in on my lunch break. I also have a very busy real life. I see some members at level 72 after just a few months and wonder, how do you do that? It has taken me seven years to reach level 73, and it will probably take me another seven to reach level 74!
I really do enjoy fubar though, and I have a lot of fun when I am here.

Whenever I interact with you, like getting you sf, sending bling, etc., and there is a box to send a message, I ALWAYS do! I have found that with a few exceptions, most of you don't. I look, but most of you don't. I think these are opportunities missed. It's like receiving a drink from the bartender, and the giver wants to remain anonymous. Most everyone in this bar that gives you a drink, remains silent and leaves. I don't mind, but I think it's odd. This is rare in a real bar. Ha! I love to communicate.

Speaking of bars, I really would like to lounge some, but how can you do that, and return all your likes and rates and thank everyone that does something nice for you, etc.? Also, I am beginning to receive so many likes, rates, comments, etc, that it is getting really difficult to do even that. Daily, if you aren't on my likes page, I probably won't send you a like..even family. I am determined to do better at this. I always feel guilty when I don't return and reply. I always start interacting first with members that have interacted with me..like sf, pimp, boost, poke and message me. I will usually scroll down to my first like of the day and work my way up to the most current, but not always. I do my best, and if I missed liking you back, it is not intentional. I somehow missed you, or I ran out of time to be here. Please like me again and give me another chance. Perhaps I'm too soft-hearted? If anyone can advise me about these things, please PM me.

Chat Box-Shout Box(SB): I have mine turned off right now. I was receiving so many chats, that it was hard to keep up, and the chaos occasionally had my chats and replies going to a member that was meant for another. This was trouble and dangerous! Yikes! If you want to use this with me for a particular reason, let me know in other available communication ways, like a PM, and I will turn it on. You can always PM me, and I try very hard to reply that same day, or in a few.

Bling: I know you girls love bright, colorful, sparkly blingy things with action and lots of it, (the bigger the better!), and there is nothing wrong with that at all dears! It's just another thing that makes you all just so very special! Bless your hearts. However, for me, I prefer to surprise you occasionally, and more meaningfully, with perhaps something more, simple and elegant, that truly expresses how I feel about you. Not to say, that I won't ever surprise you with some loud, big bangy, flashing, whirly-giggy type of bling someday! That will be a BIG surprise, that will let you know that my intentions are about something, that you absolutely don't want anything to do with at all! We'll see. Anyway, the way I like to give you bling, allows me to keep my self-respect and lets me feel like I'm not throwing myself at you..I hope you understand. I know this is important to you too. Most of you. Listen to this song, I think it will help you understand what I'm saying: The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love. Fellas, you probably won't see any, (unless you get injured in a construction accident or something like that), and I don't expect any from you either. It's a guy thing that we all understand, I think. I'm not saying that what others do is wrong, as everyone is different and does things differently. It's fine. This is me.
Also, and very importantly, these are my thoughts about gifting bling. This is me. (small baskets of pure nonsense) Fellas, you should give the ladies here lots and lots of bling very often! Especially the big, flashy, and expensive ones. They just love Love LOVE receiving it, no matter how they feel about your intentions!

When someone likes me, I ALWAYS look to see if we are friends, and if not, I ALWAYS send a request. If you are liking me and we are not friends, it's because either you missed it, or you don't wish to be...which seems odd to me..why keep liking me? I don't mind..just seems odd. If we aren't friends yet and you would like to be, you need to send me a request, because I already have sent you a request, and fubar only lets you do it once. I love friends!

Something else that I don't understand, is all the fuss over salutes. Why? I mean, if there is a fear about something bad that someone can do to you without a salute, I would think someone with a salute could do that too, and possibly worse. What's the point? Anyone can fake a salute, yes? Wouldn't it be better, if everyone here and those who join, just take a vow to love one another? I think it would take away the suspicion, confusion, and all of the..well..darkness around this issue. Just a thought.

I have only been blocked once when I first arrived here..sadly. I think I was misunderstood. I wish they would unblock me because I really like them. Yaay, they unblocked me today, 7/24/24, and we are friends! Sadly still, I had to block someone for the first time just two weeks ago, 11/24/21. I didn't know them...out of the blue, not a friend, a stranger, and we never had any shared activity ever, they were rude. But I am sad about it.

silly ditty, (poem):
Love Angel (hey you..why you?)-rmc
Hey you..why you make my eyes bleed fire?
Hey you..why you make my eyes bleed love? Love Angel
Hey you..why you make my eyes bleed desire?
Hey you..why you come from heaven above? Love Angel

I wanna be your plastic toy. What!?! It's the name of a song! 8)

Exclusively Hoping -rmc
Why honey, when I look deeply into your eyes they say, "exclusive permanent possession"? This is my confession. It's not a mystery, for when you look deeply into my eyes you see, the same need deep within, inside of me. And now together, our eyes wide open, so hard we try, you and I, faithfully hoping, to never blink.

Oh ladies, all you sweet, wonderful, and beautiful girls and women...do you really know how so very, very special you are? I do. But what should I say? Some girls prefer woman. Some women prefer girl. And some don't prefer either, one over the other. I prefer to refer all of you..a lady, and often both, one and the other. If you have strong feelings about which one or the other you prefer, which I should use to refer you to be, please private message me, as I never ever want to offend a lady. (babycakes) 16_winksmile.gif

Yes girls, of course, I know you compare notes, and all of it is true! Every little bit of it. I love you, and you, and you, and you, and...hey sweet precious girl all alone in the corner over there..I love you too. I love you grandma! (more about this soon) I have a secret...and my secret is.....tell you soon.

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