Well the week started good, the weather was nice, and we really had some good days to get alot accomplished, then after a few days it turned cold, and couldn't finish what we wanted to. Hubby worked on my car and got the back shocks, transmission boot, and the front disc brakes done. The only things he has to work on now is my water pump, radiator, and head. He also got his new truck!!! We had that towed to our house and he got the part it needed, which was the control arm that hooks to the I-Beam and the tire. That took one whole day to get done, taking the old one off was the hardest cause it was bent really bad, but putting the new one on was easy! We had a good week together, got a lot of the things done that needed to be done, still have so much more. He had to call in on Friday to see when he was leaving and where he was going, unfortunately he had to leave Easter Sunday at 5 am :( ! Last night we had a date, something we haven't done in awhile, hehe. It was fun, we ate a good dinner at a mexican restuarant here, and went to see Ghostrider! My kids stayed at my mom's house, along with my younger sister's kids, and my older sister and her friend. So my mom's house was a crazy house last night! LOL!!! During the week we discovered termites again in our kitchen, so had to call the landlord about that and also had a leaking toilet and sink. Have the termite guy coming tomorrow and have to get my car aligned. Our landlord fixed the toilet, and couldn't find where the sink was leaking from, so have to keep an eye on that. Oh yeah almost forgot also our water heater is slowly going out, but i think we got it fixed for now. So a lot going on this week! It was a long and crazy week, but also nice to have hubby home every day to spend time with, help with the kids, and for me to get a break from the kids. So i hope you all had a great week and weekend! Hugs and Kissss to all :)