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Attention Hoars

It truly disturbs me to see statuses about deaths, suicide or attempts, cancer, or whatever where it would seem that your attention should be focused elsewhere...instead of using it to gain attention or sympathy while you play on fubar. I feel very sorry for people who are incapable of logging the fuck out of this site when there is a tragedy or life altering event. And I am far from perfect but you best believe a death in my family or any such tragedy would not be blasted out to fubar. My blog might inform you of such an event if only to let you know why I am away. But most likely I won't be online to tell you anyway. 



WTF is wrong with people?!

Humans fail

humans suck a lot.

I realize this entire site is one big research study. I assume someone somewhere has the odds generated for others to be kind without expecting anything in return. It happens rarely that others give unconditionally. To those souls I send many positive thoughts. You are truly awesome humans!

To the rest of you greed driven humans...see ya when I have something to offer you. ;)

You may be a moron

I am disturbed.

I am perturbed.

I am frustrated.

I am exhausted.

I am angry.

I am fed up.

I am definitely a FRAYED NOT!


If your first contact with me on this site is to ask me for nude photos, you will be blocked.

If you ask me repeatedly for more nude photos then I have posted, you will be blocked.

If you tell me I am the only woman you talk to like that and I see a similar comment to another woman like those you leave me, you will be blocked.

If you piss me off for any reason, you will be blocked.

If you are masturbating or looking to be masturbating and don't know what my sexual preferences are, I will copy and paste your text in your comment section and then you will be blocked.

If you know nothing about me, you won't be blocked. But  I may ignore you completely.

If you tell me you want my yahoo, and I am receiving mass messages from your yahoo account saying you are cleaning out your lists, you deserve to be blocked because you are stupid.


*Because I control the block option I am allowed to make the rules up as I go, and of course I am allowed to decide who or what the exceptions are.




Oh I get it!

So this is fantasy land! We all are escaping our daily lives to come be entertained and live that alternate life we don't have or can't have normally. Gee, I have been such an asshole to have forgotten that real life has no place here.


So when some guy starts talking to me and being flirty I should totally disregard the fact he has a girlfriend or wife and I should just forget that I have any morals whatsoever too! I apologize for not offering my webcam up for a free show to get your rocks off sir! My very bad! Perhaps you would like my number too so if you feel the need to cum while fantasizing about me or anyone with tits and use me as a voice or moan to aid in this fantasy of yours, here it is. 860-689-5427 feel free to dial it and waste my minutes because lord knows they don't get used otherwise. While I am at it why don't I take some nude photos for you so you can have these too, yes I know my belly fat makes you extremely aroused. Lets not discount my gorgeous tits. I think they are exquisite as well :D

I forgot to be playful and carefree for so long. No wonder I come off as uptight. Really I would love to have your dick up my ass! Absolutely! Let me just bend over and grab some lube from my top drawer. You always knew I was a dirty girl, didn't you? ;) Don't worry we aren't actually going to have sex, we won't have to worry about condoms. This is all a fantasy remember!!

By the way I am truly magnificent in black and white...so perhaps you should always think of me this way.


I have enjoyed typing this almost as much as I appreciated the laughter it brought with it. I live firmly in reality! I am not your fantasy girl. No matter what box you'd like to paint me in, I will never be anything but myself. So in my humble opinion, I think you should keep your fantasy out of my reality. There are plenty of people out there who'd enjoy it a bit more than I ever will.

P.S. If I want to play with you in reality..you are well aware of that fact by now!! hahaha


Photobucket I am absolutely disgusted with what has become prevalent in the one place I sought out for my sanctuary. I posted this comment in the NON-MUMM given here as an example. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frayed Knot ™ Online (dirty bird...flew the coop!) East Hartland, CT August 11, 2008 @ 10:18 am #128 of 135 How about not rewarding idiots with comments when they aren't capable of following the guidelines of the forum? How bout letting them starve for the attention they seek instead of rewarding them? How about rewarding those who do follow the guidelines and have something worth reading? Why must the stupidity win out in a place where intellect is the ruling force? I detest watching these NON-MUMMS become the popular spot for wasted intelligence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I find it completely ignorant to give these idiots anything. I feel that if they were ignored they would be less likely to continue posting such crap. And perhaps there would be more thinking to be done and actual opinions to be shared. Not just negativity breeding more negativity. I am surely not the only person who feels this way. But I'll be damned if I don't make my opinions known!

And this matters why?

I was asked why I deleted my original account on fubar... to be honest..I was mad. I was frustrated with some of the people I kept closest to me here for being oblivious to the fact that I was lonely. I was also trying to delete people on my friends lists because I accepted nearly every request from the day I joined..leaving me with over 6,000 people as friends. It became a daunting task to daily go through page after page after page to remove people I knew I never spoke to in the first place. I am prone to moodiness. Not that I should have to state this...as fact...but I am aware of it incase you aren't familiar with me enough to know this yourselves. I am HIGHLY opinionated, and some of my opinions tend to keep me on a tangent for long periods of time. I try to avoid drama, though it invariable finds me from time to time...I prefer never to deal with it. I am not confrontational, but I do not like twisting in the wind emotionally when I have something vested. My time is personal, so every interaction I have matters to me. Most could say I am selective with whom I converse...I would concur. I am random in my thoughts but completely predictable with my emotions. My philosophy in life is to not place much importance on stupid things. I don't care if you have money, cars, houses, nothing, or looks. None of that matters to me. Can you have a conversation? Can you hold one with me? Do you value what I have to say or what I might think? These things matter to me. I don't divulge a vast amount of personal information to people in general..but especially not about other people. I am not your gossip princess. I detest gossip in the first place as I grew up in a very small town, where everyone knew if you so much as farted. Like that would be of any import whatsoever, right?! Who I talk to, hang out with, meet, or feel extremely fond of rarely is mentioned to anyone but my very best friends. Anyhow my head is quiet and my temper is resuming mellow again...I said what I felt I needed to and I don't think it makes much sense....hahahaha...does anything I say make sense? So before I ramble on about nothing..I bid you a good night!!


After getting a salute marked NSFW that I made for a friend, I am typing this blog. It was in an album for family only and wasn't viewable or viewed by anyone that day even. It is a heart placed above my heart with that friends name written in there my face is in the picture and I am fully dressed even if my cleavage which is inevitable is exposed, and my face is slanted down.Someone's pettiness was the cause for its flagging and of course its not who you know but how hard you make their dick I suppose. Or how well you float their boat supposing they are without a dick that is. Point is in my opinion there are countless photos on this site that are peoples default photo that are more NSFW in nature and its perfectly ok for them to have them, right...because they are in red or support the site through various means, blasts, tickers, memberships, happy hours, you name it. Take todays spotlight winner for instance. her face isn't very clear but her ass in her panties is. How screwed up is that? It pisses me off and I am sure many others who don't display ourselves in our panties to draw in people to our pages yet are subject to censor regardless. Perhaps I am seeming to be petty in my rant but it merely is a very frustrated voice I am venting in via my keys tonight. Who is in charge of keeping up with these pictures...Scrapper? Thats cute as I have never seen him do anything, even upon requesting him to check out a suspected underage user on this site. I am not slinging an insult merely stating my opinion. I see very little done regarding the flagrant abuse of the NSFW photos in defaults. Top members are above censorship? It seems to me that these photos aren't just NSFW but are completely tacky as well! My opinion is my own, but I am sure I am not alone in my thoughts on this. Thank you my friends for taking time to read what I have to say. And yes I know the photo got flagged and it makes me giggle that it was the result of me posting this blog!

Men Online

I have been online for a couple years now, and I have encountered many a man. I was once very optimistic and fun..very naive and trusting in the extreme. Not to say some of those traits aren't still lingering, but they surely are not what they used to be. I don't intend to bash on men...I adore them. Tis' my weakness after all. MEN! (sigh) It is my opinion that men online are very easily categorized..maybe harshly..but if the truth hurts.. yea..you know! There is the sweet guy: always there to offer a hello. a very chipper type of man. most likely very depressed and only wanting to make you smile in a way to feel as if he accomplished his goal for the day. this man is one of the most under appreciated of all men online. he is also commonly mistaken as a stalker. there is nothing wrong with him except how he has been treated in this fantasy based land we call cyber space! There is the charmer: generally very persistant at first so as to charm you into submission. strong willed women have this type of man visiting their inboxes and pages on a regular basis. he is sweet and attentative until such a time as she submits and lets him have her full attention. he loses interest the game is over and he is off to the next woman. this man is the most common and the most obvious. There is the sincere man: *sarcastic title Very intelligent and witty. Often quiet or reserved with his affections. This doesn't bode well for most women...though it is very hard to spot..he is most often hard to contact...or have respond in a timely fashion. which is generally excused as job related. it isnt his job he is working on...but merely most often his marriage or the next facade. this man is sneaky..and will do whatever he wants to get what he wants without remorse. he is very selfish. There is the dreamer: He is in the clouds. The best he can ever offer a woman is a very pretty fantasy as his reality makes him miserable. He is a very nice chat on occasion but not safe for any sort of emotional attachment. Usually very attractive as well! There is the jackass: Now he is most wonderful in the onset of a romantic dealing. he intends to seduce a woman. she will be smart and beautiful and very loving. he isn't the dullest knife in the drawer..until discovered for the sneaky bastard he is. then his reasons (lies) are outlandishly ridiculous. and yes the woman will buy it generally the first if not the second or third time. we women always want to believe the best in every man we find ourselves attracted to. though once he is discovered he must find another woman as this one wont buy into his tale after a certain extent. he is my least favorite of all men online. this is not to say there isnt a category for women online as well...it wont be me writing it though It is exceptionally rare to find a man online that is right for you....ladies do keep in mind there is always a reason a man is in a chat room or on a site. just the same reason you are...he is lonely.

Married and Online

Welcome to my newest blog..it is based upon my opinion and I have chosen to share it with you all. Married and Online In my not so humble opinion I firmly believe married people in general have no place on a chat site geared toward promiscuity. This is of course my opinion and I am entitled to it as you are entitled to your own. I absolutely despise the use of the term "happily married" especially in conjunction with a page that contains less than proper photos. I think peoples ideas of happy are their own, but I do not believe a happily married person would be seeking out a playmate(s) online if they were so happy. I realize this blog will garner me no fans as most of the people online I do talk to are married. I am not here to air others laundry just merely state my opinion. I feel that married people should not complicate a bad situation with another bad situation. Some people prefer to have their fantasies and I do not. I won't criticize them for it...but I don't personally want it for myself. I don't like to play online with people as is..especially if those people have a spouse. I am estranged from my husband, he left and for reasons that seem ridiculous to me and others I am still officially married, however we don't reside together and he is currently in some sort of relationship. Its a technicality one that makes me seem hypocritical. I am okay with that. Single is a funny term. I think if you are not in a relationship you are single. If you don't live with someone you have sexual relations with, you are single. If you are not currently living with your spouse whether you have sex with them or not, you may be single. Therefore I am single. As open minded as I like to believe myself to be, I refuse to accept married people with the status "happily married" online. It isn't truthful, so I recommend they put "married" or "unhappily married" or even "happy with my marriage as it is" its obviously all based on the individuals perspectives. And I have vented enough. I welcome any comments you may have on this subject
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