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subject: ignorance post date: 2006-12-23 20:25:12 views: 13 comments: 3 ratings: 0 k here it is. I have tried to be nice here but there is a time to speak your mind and I am taking mine now. If anyone wants to remove me from their friends list please just do it. First of all I have enjoyed meeting all the wonderful people I have met here but unfortunately a few who have serious issues in life have to ruin it for everyone else. It is a proven fact you know that those who want to make everyone elses lives miserable have personal issues of their own and of course misery loves company. Last month it started with a few people with some serious control issues who felt it was necessary to try to create a group of gullible followers to support their falsehoods. I can deal with that if people want to follow people blindly then ok even though I personally seriously look into any and all accusations before making decisions. So what happens people who claim to be friends suddenly stop being friends without even having the courtesy to say why. Ok thats fine I would rather see in black and white who are real and who are players. Then there is the issue of being insulted if I hit the wrong button on this site. These insults are very childish but I can live with that from time to time as well. Then there are the racists and I have run into a lot here...... grow up people.... this is life yes the real thing not a trial run and we share our planet with lots of different people and that I feel is what makes life interesting. The real corker for me is the fact that bj and others throw out the word RETARD as a repeated insult. I have worked with people with developmental disabilities for most of my working life and yes some ignorant people use the above word as an insult to them then there are those who not only insult them with that word but throw it around like all the other slurs that are so freely thrown around by some here. If being less than perfect makes it right to call people a RETARD then someone has some serious issues because noone is perfect and noone deserves to be called names because they are not perfect in the eyes of ignorance. GET A GRIP BJ NORMAL IS THE SETTING ON A DRYER NO PERSON ON THIS PLANET QUALIFIES TO HOLD THE TITLE OF PERFECT AND YOU CLEARLY ARE NO EXCEPTION! I DO NOT CARE TO SIT BACK AND LISTEN TO OR READ ANYONE INSULTING ANYONE AND ESPECIALLY ANYONE WITH ANY KIND OF DISABILITY. I find it highly offensive to get on here to greet my good friends and have to deal with this. Know it, and this is a fact, that the people you are insulting by using the word retard have more manners than those of you using the word have in your little toes. They are also very caring and compassionate people which is more than I can say for some of the people here who want to do nothing but be rude and create more and more and more dram. To those I am referencing you know who you are get a damned life jeez!!!!!!! So BJ or whatever your name is read my lips You can keep your drama queens like a certain pagan on this site who has some serious honesty issues and way too much time on her hands. Keep your insults you think are so cute....and by the way they are not they show your level of intelligence and maturity in this life. STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES.AND ACT LIKE AN ADULT FOR ONCE. Go back to MySpace you say? I would be more than happy to do so with relish at least Tom has manners and I have never had to deal with pagan wars, racial attacks, or any of the nonsense that goes on here. and will be more than happy to contact the wonderful friends I have made here and let them know how they can contact me in a place that is much more friendly and peaceful. In a less hostile environment. I recently became a VIC and have put a lot of money into this site to help others. NO MORE....... I WILL NO LONGER PUT THE MONEY I MAKE FROM WORKING WITH THE PEOPLE YOU CALL RETARDS INTO A SITE THAT INSULTS THEM. BABY JESUS..... YES...... YOU RUDE OBNOXIOUS YOUNG MAN I WILL KEEP MY VIC STATUS for the month TO HELP OUT THE FRIENDS I HAVE HERE WHO WANT TO STAY BUT AFTER THAT CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT NOT CANCELLING IT. IF ONE MORE PENNY IS TAKEN FROM ME TO SUPPORT THIS SITE I PROMISE YOU WILL DEFINATELY REGRET IT! I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THIS TO THE TRUE FRIENDS I HAVE HERE BUT i COULD NO LONGER SIT BACK AND SAY NOTHING. For ANYONE OF YOU WHO ARE TRUE FRIENDS MY YAHOO ID IS ravnwolff2001;and my myspace page is http://www.myspace.com/ravnwolff. Feel free to contact me either place I want to keep in touch you all are great!!!!!!!!! Ravyn Wolff 12/23/2006 and you can quote me Report as NSFW (Not Safe For Work) [?] Comments on this posting: Heartsound-Tomarrow member is On TAP 2006-12-23 21:40:45 Amen!!! Have you read my blog about the fascist bitch statement that someone gets called when you try to leave a message on someone's page that blocks you? By the way...after I wrote that...Baby J blocked me. I consider it an honor that I made that punk speachless and that he blocked me.Shows me I am doing something right...Like using a Dictionary. You will hear from me. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. I will miss you here...but I have made a vow to stay on Cherry Tap until all of my Military friends and family are home and accounted for.I will not put any money into them though. Your Friend and Family member, Brenda Heartsound
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