I wanted to thank you for all that you have done to make this site better as far as being able to upload pictures directly to a file instead of to default first and for giving us the option of making pictures unrippable.I also noticed that if I accidentaly upload the same picture twice I get a notification...really cool.
We did have a two day period where we could not upload new pictures or rate on them...and that is what I would like to ask about.
I would like to know if there is a way for the people that paid for a VIP to get a two day extention and the people that paid for a Happy Hour to get another one?
That way they can get the benifits they paid for.
I know that you cannot do refunds,but maybe this would be a comprimise that will work for everyone?
Please add your screen name and or fubar id to this if you agree and keep this reposting.Thank you.