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So I was rating 10s and had a bouncer check come up.I don't know how to save whole pages...but I tried.I wanted to show you all what I saw.Anyway... it saved seprate pictures instead of the whole page...but here is the general idea!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Well,I thought it was funny! he he he
I asked a very logical...very educated question.I was having great conversations with both views. I asked... Do you think that a person that has a rebel flag on their page is racist? This is what I got... A mum you have posted has been removed by the 'fubar' admins. This mum was removed because it was either offensive or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) in nature. Please read the Terms Of Service. NSFW CONTENT IS NOT ALLOWED in the public areas of 'fubar'. This mum removal has been recorded and your account will be deleted if it happens again. Just so you all know...I have seen mums that ask if I would rather give head or have anal sex! Come on people!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I AM NOT RACIST!!! I am a proud Georgia Peach though! KISS MY GRITTS!
Ok...so we have all of these "new limits on comments" and "bouncer checks"...why can you add these and NOT take away shit like this! If I want to send the same pretty picture to all of my friends and family...that is OUR business!!! I sent this to many of our Military...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I got this... Error: you've triggered our anti-spam trap. please stop posting the same crap over and over. ps: if you ride the short-bus and don't understand what this means, please go back to myspace. thanks! Baby J...YOU are a FUCKING MORON...you don't treat people that are SUPPORTING your space like this!!! If my FRIENDS and FAMILY have a problem with the messages I send...it is up to THEM to tell me...Not YOU to treat US like SHIT. Fascist Bitch and Short Bus... I will remember that the next time your stupid fucking face shows up "begging" for money.YOU make enough money ASS...start treating us with some RESPECT!!!
subject: ignorance post date: 2006-12-23 20:25:12 views: 13 comments: 3 ratings: 0 k here it is. I have tried to be nice here but there is a time to speak your mind and I am taking mine now. If anyone wants to remove me from their friends list please just do it. First of all I have enjoyed meeting all the wonderful people I have met here but unfortunately a few who have serious issues in life have to ruin it for everyone else. It is a proven fact you know that those who want to make everyone elses lives miserable have personal issues of their own and of course misery loves company. Last month it started with a few people with some serious control issues who felt it was necessary to try to create a group of gullible followers to support their falsehoods. I can deal with that if people want to follow people blindly then ok even though I personally seriously look into any and all accusations before making decisions. So what happens people who claim to be friends suddenly stop being friends without even having the courtesy to say why. Ok thats fine I would rather see in black and white who are real and who are players. Then there is the issue of being insulted if I hit the wrong button on this site. These insults are very childish but I can live with that from time to time as well. Then there are the racists and I have run into a lot here...... grow up people.... this is life yes the real thing not a trial run and we share our planet with lots of different people and that I feel is what makes life interesting. The real corker for me is the fact that bj and others throw out the word RETARD as a repeated insult. I have worked with people with developmental disabilities for most of my working life and yes some ignorant people use the above word as an insult to them then there are those who not only insult them with that word but throw it around like all the other slurs that are so freely thrown around by some here. If being less than perfect makes it right to call people a RETARD then someone has some serious issues because noone is perfect and noone deserves to be called names because they are not perfect in the eyes of ignorance. GET A GRIP BJ NORMAL IS THE SETTING ON A DRYER NO PERSON ON THIS PLANET QUALIFIES TO HOLD THE TITLE OF PERFECT AND YOU CLEARLY ARE NO EXCEPTION! I DO NOT CARE TO SIT BACK AND LISTEN TO OR READ ANYONE INSULTING ANYONE AND ESPECIALLY ANYONE WITH ANY KIND OF DISABILITY. I find it highly offensive to get on here to greet my good friends and have to deal with this. Know it, and this is a fact, that the people you are insulting by using the word retard have more manners than those of you using the word have in your little toes. They are also very caring and compassionate people which is more than I can say for some of the people here who want to do nothing but be rude and create more and more and more dram. To those I am referencing you know who you are get a damned life jeez!!!!!!! So BJ or whatever your name is read my lips You can keep your drama queens like a certain pagan on this site who has some serious honesty issues and way too much time on her hands. Keep your insults you think are so cute....and by the way they are not they show your level of intelligence and maturity in this life. STOP INSULTING PEOPLE WHO CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES.AND ACT LIKE AN ADULT FOR ONCE. Go back to MySpace you say? I would be more than happy to do so with relish at least Tom has manners and I have never had to deal with pagan wars, racial attacks, or any of the nonsense that goes on here. and will be more than happy to contact the wonderful friends I have made here and let them know how they can contact me in a place that is much more friendly and peaceful. In a less hostile environment. I recently became a VIC and have put a lot of money into this site to help others. NO MORE....... I WILL NO LONGER PUT THE MONEY I MAKE FROM WORKING WITH THE PEOPLE YOU CALL RETARDS INTO A SITE THAT INSULTS THEM. BABY JESUS..... YES...... YOU RUDE OBNOXIOUS YOUNG MAN I WILL KEEP MY VIC STATUS for the month TO HELP OUT THE FRIENDS I HAVE HERE WHO WANT TO STAY BUT AFTER THAT CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT NOT CANCELLING IT. IF ONE MORE PENNY IS TAKEN FROM ME TO SUPPORT THIS SITE I PROMISE YOU WILL DEFINATELY REGRET IT! I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THIS TO THE TRUE FRIENDS I HAVE HERE BUT i COULD NO LONGER SIT BACK AND SAY NOTHING. For ANYONE OF YOU WHO ARE TRUE FRIENDS MY YAHOO ID IS ravnwolff2001;and my myspace page is http://www.myspace.com/ravnwolff. Feel free to contact me either place I want to keep in touch you all are great!!!!!!!!! Ravyn Wolff 12/23/2006 and you can quote me Report as NSFW (Not Safe For Work) [?] Comments on this posting: Heartsound-Tomarrow member is On TAP 2006-12-23 21:40:45 Amen!!! Have you read my blog about the fascist bitch statement that someone gets called when you try to leave a message on someone's page that blocks you? By the way...after I wrote that...Baby J blocked me. I consider it an honor that I made that punk speachless and that he blocked me.Shows me I am doing something right...Like using a Dictionary. You will hear from me. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. I will miss you here...but I have made a vow to stay on Cherry Tap until all of my Military friends and family are home and accounted for.I will not put any money into them though. Your Friend and Family member, Brenda Heartsound
Well,yesterday one of the bouncers(Phantom on my family list)was helping me to put up my salute. We were trying to do it so that only friends could see it...Didn't work.When I started to tell him about some of my frustrations with Cherry Tap and the fact that even if I block someone they can still be my fan.Still see any blogs or pics that I don't block...all of my stash items...they can even see my profile...he tested this.When he had me block a friend of his temporarily that friend could not see my profile! YAYE!!! I don't know when this happened...but Thank You Baby J. I may have my problems with you and this site...but I don't want to be too proud to point out when something is done right! Thank you so much to Baby J and the Cherry Tap staff that is helping to make this place a little more comfortable and safe. And thank you Phantom for all of the time you spent helping me...you are proof that some bouncers here do know what there job is.I didn't get the standered,"If you don't want it ripped or coppied don't upload it."I found someone that actually helped.You and the other bouncer(wish I could remember her name)have restored my faith in some of the bouncers here.Thank you! Sincerely, Brenda Heartsound
WTF has happened to this place!!!!!!!! This place USED to be fun. No pressures everyone knew everyone. We could joke around and have fun. NOW its like being on a NAZI website. YEA I SAID IT! You CANT do this, you CANT do that, you HAVE to have this, you HAVE to have that. JUST FOR A FUCKING WEBSITE! People having contest JUST TO GAIN POINTS. Ya'll think we're stupid? JUST to raise your levels and move up to the top 10. BUT when you get to the top 10 YOU BECOME THE TRASH TALK OF CHERRYTAP! I've seen this place evolve from 500 users to 555,000 in one year. BUT have anyone else noticed we ONLY gained 4000 in December? Hell back in January of 06 that was unbeleivable.... now IT SUCKS! Would you like to know why? People are bitching about CherryTAP because of the bullshit on here and it's getting worse and its coming from babyjesus. I stoped telling people to join theres too much horse shit on here now ... like YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR NOT SAFE FOR WORK PHOTOS IN A GALLERY LABLED NSFW. WTF is this shit about? I can see this to a degree ... BUT we are ADULTS this is an ADULT SITE. MUST BE 18 TO JOIN! Thats what i see everytime i log in. thats the first BS on here. NOW YOU GET NO POINTS FOR NSFW PICS. Why? Someone explain it to me WHY we get no points for that? I REFUSE TO UNMARK MY GRAPHICS AND HAVE SOME INCONCIDERATE ASSHOLE RIP THE SHIT I MAKE AND EVERY IMAGE I HAVE MADE IS 100% SAFE FOR WORK. BUT I GET SHIT FOR IT CUZ ASSHOLES CANT RESPECT ME. BECAUSE THEIR TOO FUCKIN LAZY TO READ! NOW we HAVE to have a SALUTE in order to raise our LEVEL? you know what i think FUCK YOU! Just change you name to Hittler Mike and be done with it. Who gives a fuck if there's a fake profile on here. As long as they are cool and not causeing a problem.... WTF is wrong with that? BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO DEMAND SHIT FROM US! The only reason i stay on here is because i made a FEW REAL FRIENDS. Those are the only ones i stay for. I watched the levels change 3 TIMES form 1 - 10 to 1 - 20 now its what 1 - 25? WTF is next 1 - 30? So mike what are ya going to do this time because you CANT STAND ANYONE WHO SPEAKS THERE MIND. READ the Constitution of the Unites States of America. AND Click that link on my profile called The Blue Ribbon Campainge. That place WILL help out spoken individuals. You cant even talk to anyone like an adult you have to just go and block them because SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOU! REAL MATURE! After all This place is for the 18 and older. Your going to block me cuz i speak out... WTF ever... But you have perversts harassing the women on here BUT THATS OK AND PEOPLE SENDING OUT DEATH THREATS TO OTHER MEMBERS .. AND THAT JUST FINE BY YOU TOO. ONE LAST THING WHERE IS YOUR SALUTE? I WANNA SEE YOUR ASS HOLD A STUPID PIECE OF PAPER SAYING BABYJESUS ON CHERRYTAP... Ya know i've seen you say to me SEVERAL times Hurricane Thanks for the help and great job with helping us get out there. But the second i speak my mind about an issue you NEED to address i get fuckin blocked. Yet you say i'm inmature? Why dont you try talking to me and you'll find out i'm a decent person and would like to see this place grow into something cool and not some place that DEMANDS this and that. I have other places like MS, and Tabu Lifestyles. That DONT demand anything. Whats next you have to change your salute every month to make sure someone didn't change users? Or to make sure its the same person. HERES A LITTLE CLUE... The winter months should be your biggest gain of users ... because more people spend time inside then any other time of the year. MORE TRAFIC! Before i get banned again .. heres the few things i thought where pretty cool ideas ... the VIC users .. cool idea .. helps you raise money to cover the bandwith you use .. and purchase needed servers to keep running and keep popups off here Kudos! The Cherry Bank .. another one ... you gain funds and keep the banners off there as well ... but make the ticker bigger so people can see it better .. to me its just a color line across the top. Make the deals MORE noticeable... How would i know ... i went to school for ADVETISING Graphic Design... The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Look it up its one one the most credable schools out there. The spotlight wasnt cuz the only people you see are the ones holding the contests and the ones in the top ten. you should have the cherry spotlight for new users to get more involved in the site and that alone would stop them from posting nude photos to gain points. or figure out a way to level the playing feild for it make it fare for everyone. lose the cherry buck bidding and make it a REAL CASH BID! That will keep the spamming and the contests down. The Sticky bulletins good idea... the useful network notices... keeping your users informed about why CT crashed and when it will be up and running smooth WAY COOL! The new way we can upload images and still be able to load old ones. the bad ideas... the begging popup for new users makes you look like your that pathetic for more people. Did you look, your at half a million users .. you dont need it any more. The Salutes .. BTW i HAVE seen fake salutes you have accepted. Photoshop is a wonderful tool, hell i can fake a salute for anyone and it will look real. infact ANY PROFESSIONAL graphic designer can do that. If their causing a problem DELETE THEM.. Fact i know of one who is and her account is still active. Changing the NAME from LostCherry to CherryTAP .. ummm the inuendos are sick ... EX: CherryTAP .. i wanna TAP that Cherry on CherryTAP.com.. vs LostCherry ... I Lost my Cherry @ LostCherry.com ... harmless compaired to a physical request and or The CherryTAP one being construde as a harmful act or even an intent to rape. Well you do what you wish about this BUT REMEMBER BLUE RIBBON CAMPAINE ON MY PROFILE READ WHAT THEY HAVE DONE SO FAR! (repost of original by 'Hurricane©' on '2007-01-02 01:25:01') (repost of original by 'S~E~X~Y **~THE LAIR~** *Pit Boss* *' on '2007-01-02 02:13:50') (repost of original by 'Hurricane©' on '2007-01-02 07:11:56') (repost of original by 'Sex Kitten' on '2007-01-02 07:21:22') (repost of original by '~~ DJ Vixen ~ CLR Mgr ~Juggalette~~' on '2007-01-02 07:26:19') (repost of original by '~Just Meee~™ ~X~Proud~ Rider~For~Life~X~/**K.O.T.**' on '2007-01-02 08:20:50') (repost of original by 'Hurricane©' on '2007-01-02 09:45:49') (repost of original by 'Jumpmaster82' on '2007-01-02 10:02:10')


CherryTAP Bulletin!MAKE STICKY! Heartsound-Toma... member is On TAP remove friend subject: BOYCOT BOYCOT BOYCOT BOYCOT!!! Please read and repost!! date: 2006-12-23 22:58:39 Picture this...Sad faced Baby J pops up and is begging you for money...again.CT needs money to run. Well,from what I can tell of how CT makes money they do it in three ways.Well,now four atleast. First...blast.I know how addicting they are!But... every time you pay to put your face there...you are supporting a place that refuses to listen and take down offensive language and rude comments.Fascist Bitch and retard are just two that I am thinking of right now.You are paying to be ignored.Why should Baby J do anything differant when CT is still making money. Second...the CT tshirt.Do we really want a tshirt that says...Hey I like to be called a retard!Hey if you block me you are a Fascist Bitch!Hey when I make a mistake on Cherry Tap I am insulted!Come and be insulted too! Third...VIC.This one is new.A monthly fee you pay. I don't know all of what you get.So far I have seen that gifts all of us used to be able to purchase with our Cherry Bucks are now just for VIC.Well...Pay for your VIC.You are supporting staff that have no respect for human feelings and honestly does not know how to use a dictionary.Is the language they use to insult us...SFW? Fouth...this one I am not clear on how it works and I will admit it.The Cherry Bank.I don't know if the companys pay for advertisment space here or if they pay per click.All I know is this...if they do not get a response from CT...they will see that their time is being wasted advertising here.If they do pay...it will not be cost effective.I wonder how many of these affiliates know what they are paying to support?Actually,they do know that they are here on the nets first online nightclub or bar or whatever you want to call it.It is popular.Well,maybe if they hear from us how unpopular CT is becomming...maybe they will be able to talk to Baby J...since we are to small for him to care about. Fifth...we keep inviting our friends here.We have links on website so that we get Nija referals.For what?We get points to invite our friends here to be treated like shit?Do you know how crappy they get treated when they are new?They can't even message anyone unless they upload a picture... Well,I didn't even have a picture to upload when I first got here!It took me a long time to be able to get that done.But...I was making friends while I was learning and waiting.So...here they are...new and they get treated like shit by CT. We are supposed to welcome them...what about Baby J? Didn't even answer my friend's questions when he was new.Automated shouts...great invention. I hate to say this...but the sixth thing we all do to support CT is stay here.I don't like Myspace because I am lost...I am new.But...I will learn.I have promised my military men and wemon that I will not leave CT until they are all home and accounted for.So...I have to keep that promise.But, I will never invite anyone here ever again.I will never pay for a blast.I will never rate someone an 11.I will never get a single Cherry Buck from the Cherry bank ever again...and I will never be a VIC. I have my pride and I refuse to support an ass that treats the people he makes a living by like shit. Oh...and just so you all know...When I posted a comment about blocked people still being able to be your fans on one of Baby J's bulliten...and when I used a dictionary to argue against the fascist bitch statement...Baby J...blocked me.So, I guess he only has a limited vocabulary and most of that is insults.When someone with brains trys to debate...he doesn't know how to handle it. And...I tried to nicely ask Baby J my questions in private before I ever went public...he ignored me. And...my first comment on his bulliten was respectful. So...I have tried to treat him as a man and give him a fair chance...I got blocked. And I have to remember something my Grandmother always says...A cuss word is just a word a stupid person uses when they can't think of a more intelegent word to put in it's place. So...this is my two cents on recent things happening on CT. Read my blog about the Fascist Bitch and the one about him chaising off all of the good people. Repost this if you agree.And no...I will not remove you from my friends list if you don't. And just because you may not be blocked from someone yet or may not have seen the fascist bitch statement does not mean it is not there...so let's keep the post calling me a liar to a minimum this time. Brenda Heartsound Waiting for Our Troops to all come home.
fascist 1.a member of the Fascisti; a member of some similar party: Nazi, Falangist,ect. 2.an advocate of fascism or fascist principles. fascist 1.pertaining to Fascists or Fascism 2.relating to fascism or fascists; also,adhereing to or supporting fascism. fascism a political group, an organization, a club, from Latin fscis,a bundle or packet. 1.the doctrines,methods,or movement of Fascisti. 2.a system of government characterized by rigin one-party dictatatorship,forcible suppression of the opposition(union, other, especially leftist, parties,minority groups,ect.),the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized governmental control,belligerent nationalism and rcism,glorification of war,ect.: first instituted in Italy in 1922. 3.the political philosophy and movement based on such doctrines and policies; fascist behavior. See also Nazism. ****** I don't have to tell anyone about the Nazi party and what a Nazi is. What I would like to know is this...Why the hell is someone that blocks me...or me for blocking someone a fascist bitch? Baby Jesus...You are fucking idiot if you think that this is apropriate to call someone. I hope that all of my friends,family and fans know that I am not one that cusses much.So you must know how pissed I am. You are constantly doing things to improve Cherry Tap Baby J...How about giving us a break and stop with the stupid name calling? Do you think that those words are safe for work?
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