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A Thank You To My Heroes!!!

This Thanksgiving I just wanted to take time to make sure that I thought about all of you...my heroes.Some of you are home for your first Thanksgiving since we became friends...an answer to many, many prayers. There are at least two military wives I know in Germany serving in a different capacity as silent heroes.There are Mothers and Fathers who are not home with their children right now...while I am home with mine. This year...we lost some of you.Brought home to be buried in a Country where it seems most of us take our freedom for granted. I wonder how many of us have watch the football games today...eaten the Turkey...spent the day with our families...and forgotten what Thanksgiving is all about? This Thanksgiving...for each and every one of you. My heroes. Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart Please,do not just have a Happy Thanksgiving...Please have a safe one. Sincerely, A Grateful American
Military being paid too much? You be the judge! This is an Airman's response to Cindy Williams' editorial piece in the Washington Times about MILITARY PAY, it should be printed in all newspapers across America . On Nov. 12, Ms Cindy Williams (from Laverne and Shirley TV show) wrote a piece for the Washington Times, denouncing the pay raise coming service members' way this year -- citing that the stated 13% wage was more than they deserve. A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her article below. He ought to get a bonus for this. "Ms Williams: I just had the pleasure of reading your column, "Our GIs earn enough" and I am a bit confused. Frankly, I'm wondering where this vaunted overpayment is going, because as far as I can tell, it disappears every month between DFAS (The Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and my bank account. Checking my latest earnings statement I see that I make $1,117.80 before taxes. After taxes, I take home $874.20. When I run that through the calculator, I come up with an annual salary of $13,413.60 before taxes, and $10,490.40, after. I work in the Air Force Network Control Center where I am part of the team responsible for a 5,000 host computer network. I am involved with infrastructure segments, specifically with Cisco Systems equipment. A quick check under jobs for Network Technicians in the Washington , D.C. area reveals a position in my career field, requiring three years experience with my job. Amazingly, this job does NOT pay $13,413.60 a year. No, this job is being offered at $70,000 to $80,000 per annum... I'm sure you can draw the obvious conclusions. Given the tenor of your column, I would assume that you NEVER had the pleasure of serving your country in our armed forces. Before you take it upon yourself to once more castigate congressional and DOD leadership for attempting to get the families in the military's lowest pay brackets off of WIC and food stamps, I suggest that you join a group of deploying soldiers headed for AFGHANISTAN ; I leave the choice of service branch up to you. Whatever choice you make, though, opt for the SIX month rotation: it will guarantee you the longest possible time away from your family and friends, thus giving you full "deployment experience." As your group prepares to board the plane, make sure to note the spouses and children who are saying good-bye to their loved ones. Also take care to note that several families are still unsure of how they'll be able to make ends meet while the primary breadwinner is gone -- obviously they've been squandering the "vast" piles of cash the government has been giving them. Try to deploy over a major holiday; Christmas and Thanksgiving are perennial favorites. And when you're actually over there, sitting in a foxhole, shivering against the cold desert night; and the flight sergeant tells you that there aren't enough people on shift to relieve you for chow, remember this: trade whatever MRE (meal-ready-to-eat) you manage to get for the tuna noodle casserole or cheese tortellini, and add Tabasco to everything. This gives some flavor. Talk to your loved ones as often as you are permitted; it won't nearly be long enough or often enough, but take what you can get and be thankful for it. You may have picked up on the fact that I disagree with most of the points you present in your opined piece. But, tomorrow from KABUL , I will defend to the death your right to say it. You see, I am an American fighting man, a guarantor of your First Amendment rights and every other right you cherish. On a daily basis, my brother and sister soldiers worldwide ensure that you and people like you can thumb your collective nose at us, all on a salary that is nothing short of pitiful and under conditions that would make most people cringe. We hemorrhage our best and brightest into the private sector because we can't offer the stability and pay of civilian companies. And you, Ms. Williams, have the gall to say that we make more than we deserve? Rubbish!

Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one right on the head..........

By Rush Limbaugh:

I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.
If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable.

Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt.

Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million on are complaining that it's not enough Their deaths were tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their families know the dangers.

We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are getting . In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well.

You see where this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low- rent housing, Make sense?

However, our own US Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being millionaires plus. They do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month.

I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting.

" When do we finally do something about this?" If this doesn't seem fair to you It is time to forward this to as many people as you can.

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send this to?

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I am reposting this from my friend's blog. Please take a moment and check him out when you get a chance.

Pimping My Husband! lol


@ fubar
Yesterday he posted a mum...people were being RUDE! Any mum he posted he was getting crap. Then someone tried to rate his entire folder of Buffy pictures NSFW (my husband is so sweet that before he posted the picture of Allison Hanigen (Willow)in her bra and panties he asked if I thought it was NSFW. lol Trust me...you see that picture you will get the reason I laughed. Well...we decided to put everything out in the open...Charlee is my real life husband.(Family will know why I was keeping who he was secret to anyone but them) Charlee knows how much I love fubar but doesn't know exactly why.He has 4000 points to go to the next level.Please,let's show him what this place is all about!Let's show him that there is more to this place than being harassed!

RIP Beautiful Lady!

I know she was not "human",but you ask almost any military person on fubar and they will know who Gidget is.She is Jersey Brat's beautiful dog...and she brought smiles to so many of us.It was not uncommon to see her commenting on pet contest or sending a patriotic picture of herself to Our Soldiers. My dog Payback had such a crush on her that he would run into the living room at the mention of her name so he could look on the screen.He would lick and lick and lick until I clicked onto another picture and then he would stop.He would ONLY do this on Gidget's picture...no other dog,animal or human. So,I had the idea of a Cherry Tap wedding for the two...and Jersey thought it would be great!It would be something fun for us to do on here to lift moral.We set a date for February 14,2007.I saved and saved and saved and was able to get her a ring. Well,then my life got kind of turned upside down and we didn't get to do as planned.We didn't get to do an official wedding on here for our dogs. But,I will always consider Gidget my doggie daughter in law. If any of you haven't had the wonderful privilage of meeting Jersey...please say hi.She is wonderful. She is one of the most genuine people here! Every time a soldier dies she knows them.She and I spend a LOT of time praying and crying for our men and women in uniform. Last week her friend acidous died in a motorcycle accident...now Gidget died Sunday. acidous and her were so close IN REAL LIFE that she was worried when he didn't call like he always did. I remember comment bombing Payback and Gidget one time when they were in two seprate contest and acidous and I were comment bombing Gidget's page...and then I saw that acidous was comment bombing Payback's page as well.He and I started to talk and he told me how much support and comfort he found from Jersey and Gidget.He loved logging on and finding comments with Gidget in a new costume...he love hearing about Gidget's day. acidous and I sent a bulliten and private message telling about Gidget being in the contest...you should have seen what she got.People were thanking her for sending love and prayers on their page. People actually didn't know who Jersey Girl was...but knew who Gidget was! lol One soldier talked about how he had come back from a long day all dusty and dirty...to find a picture of Gidget in his comments telling him that he was her hero. Gidget and Jersey are the type of friends that fubar is all about.I love them both. I will get to meet you in person some day Gidget...and all of the wonderful friends that I have lost on here. RIP Beautiful Lady. I miss you.
Iraqi baby’s new name: Georgia By Moni Basu | Thursday, December 29, 2005, 10:12 PM The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Baghdad, Iraq — The first time Georgia soldiers entered her house, Soad was scared. Americans had detained her eldest son for questioning once. She didn’t like gun-toting men in camouflage uniforms poking around the family home in Abu Ghraib. But out of that frightening moment came a gift of joy. Gainesville-based soldiers of the Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th Brigade Combat Team promised to help give new life to Soad’s granddaughter Noor al-Zahra, born three months ago with a severe spinal cord defect that was untreatable in Iraq. “I am so thankful for everything,” Soad said. “We will call the baby Noor al-Zahra Georgia.” “Georgia! Georgia!” she told her daughters when she called home from Baghdad’s Camp Liberty on Thursday. “We want to name her that because the people of Georgia are helping us,” Soad said. “It will be a nice name for her.” Just hours before an anticipated departure from Iraq, Soad sat in an Army trailer sorting out a host of emotions racing through her heart. She had never left her family behind or flown on a plane before; the only times she had left Iraq was by car to neighboring Syria and Iran. Now she was about to travel halfway around the world with a sick child in her arms. She had surrendered her granddaughter’s future to people she didn’t know in a foreign and faraway land. “I am amazed by the generosity of the Americans,” Soad said through an interpreter. “They came to my house so many times. They paid for everything.” Soad, 45, said she never dreamed that one day she would see the United States. She was excited, even though her trip was under such stressful circumstances. She knew that even with the best medical care, there were no guarantees for Noor. Military doctors who have examined Noor said she would probably be left with paralysis in both legs. No one knows with certainty whether potential fluid buildup has caused any significant brain damage. Soad knew, too, that she was putting her family at risk by accepting American help — insurgents often target Iraqi citizens who are seen as cooperating with U.S. soldiers. But she said she had to take the chance and accept the soldiers’ offer to fly Noor to Atlanta. She could not live with herself knowing that she had not done everything she could to give her granddaughter the possibility of a productive life. The full names of Noor’s family members have been withheld because of security reasons. Soad said she told friends and family that she was going to Georgia, not to America. “It can be dangerous for us to be associated with America,” she said, fixing the tan, crocheted scarf around her head. Noor, nicknamed “Baby Nora” by the soldiers, was born with spina bifida. Her spinal cord had not fully closed during her mother, Iman’s, pregnancy, leaving a tumorlike growth on her tiny back. Iraqi doctors told the family that they lacked the facilities to treat the baby and that she would not survive long. Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment’s Charlie Company discovered the little girl during a search of the family’s house. They were determined to save her. Noor’s father, Haider, 23, cradled the frail baby in his arms, thankful that the medical treatment she desperately needed was finally within reach. He’d spent a good chunk of the afternoon getting Noor’s name added to his passport. He poured hot tea for his mother and the interpreter and occasionally stuck his head out the door to smoke a cigarette. He said he had seen America in magazines and movies. He, like his mother, was incredulous that he would soon be there himself. Capt. Anthony Fournier, 38, commander of Charlie Company, was optimistic that, after weeks of negotiations and efforts to expedite travel arrangements, Noor and her guardians would arrive in Atlanta on Saturday afternoon. Late Thursday night, Fournier, a schoolteacher from Augusta, drove to central Baghdad’s heavily fortified International Zone and collected the visas that would enable the family to enter the United States. Soad, Haider and the baby are expected to leave Baghdad today for Kuwait, from where they will board a commercial jet that will fly them to Atlanta. Childspring International, an Atlanta-based charity that matches sick children from the developing world with U.S. hospitals, has made arrangements for Noor and her family to stay with an Arabic-speaking host family. Children’s Healthcare has offered to perform surgery to correct Noor’s spinal cord at no cost. The traditional Muslim family decided Noor’s mother, who is only 18, was too young and should not be traveling out of the country. “Iman has been crying a lot,” Soad said about her daughter-in-law. “She misses her baby but is happy that she is getting help. She is very young. She doesn’t leave the home.” Soad fired off a dozen questions about Georgia. “Where will we stay in America?” she asked. “How will I let my family know we are safe? How tall are the buildings there? What is the weather like?” She worried about leaving behind the small shop she runs with her sons at Abu Ghraib market. She worried, too, about one of her daughters, Niran, 24, who is eight months pregnant. “I didn’t have time to make any preparations for her,” Soad said. Charlie Company soldiers traveled to Soad’s house Tuesday night to fetch her, Haider and Noor. The family was given minutes to pack their belongings for the long journey ahead. Since then, the three have been housed in a trailer behind Charlie Company’s headquarters at Camp Liberty. Soldiers have been stopping by to make sure the family has everything it needs. Thursday evening, Staff Sgt. David Squires wished the family a safe trip. “I hated that it took so long to get administrative and logistical things taken care of,” said Squires, 47, who works for a hearing aid company in Gainesville. “We’re all hoping for the best possible outcome for this baby. It’s our little project here. It’s our mark on this country.” Soad sipped her tea and tried to placate her sobbing granddaughter. She held up a small stuffed animal, tickling Noor’s cheeks. “Georgia,” she said. “Look here, Georgia.” The baby stopped crying. She looked into her grandmother’s eyes — and smiled.image.php?u=45696&i=3905514242&tn=1
Fresno County Firefighter Loses Cancer Battle Sep 21, 2007 11:35 PM PDT by Norma Yuriar & Brian Morrow
A valley firefighter held on for as long as he could waiting for a bone marrow transplant. On Thursday, September 20th, Chris Johnson lost his battle with cancer. The flag at fire station #82 in Del Rey is now lowered at half-staff where Johnson spent the past few years of his life doing what he loved most. Johnson died in Los Angeles County waiting for a donor. Fire trucks from Los Angeles enroute to Sanger escorted his body back home "We were all very good friends with Chris. It's not only a terrible loss to the department, but to us personally" said Fresno County Firefighter Mike Bowman. At the age of 32, the veteran engineer with Fresno County Fire lost a heroic fight with Leukemia. "It's a really hard disease to get through, but if someone was going to get through, it would have been Chris" said retired dispatcher Rita Johnson.
Family and friends have set-up a memorial fund. Anyone wishing to donate to the "Chris Johnson" memorial fund may do so at Central Valley Community Bank. You can also make a donation at the Fresno County Fire Headquarters in Sanger. For more information call (559)485-7500 Ext. 100.
(repost of original by 'YOU GO, WE GO' on '2007-09-22 15:36:54')

@ fubar
Crash kills young firefighter by Michaelangelo Conte Friday September 14, 2007, 6:09 PM
A 25-year-old Jersey City firefighter left behind a 2-month-old daughter when he died from injuries suffered in a collision on his motorcycle in the Jersey City Heights yesterday near his home, officials said. Eduardo Pena, 25, of Sherman Place off Summit Avenue died as a result of injuries suffered in the collision at Kennedy Boulevard at Thorne Street, Fire Director Armando Roman said this morning. The firefighter was conscious and coherent when first brought to the hospital. "They were working feverishly to stabilize him and they rushed him into surgery but he had serious internal injuries and he took a turn for the worse,'' Roman said. "He was on full life support when he died around 2 a.m." "This was a stand up kid all around," Roman said this morning. "He was a very dedicated member of this department. It's a very big loss for not only the fire department's family but the citizens that would have benefited from his service." A witness said that at the time of the accident Pena was going north on Kennedy Boulevard and the Toyota Rav4 driven by 51-year-old Moti Patel of Thorne Street was heading south, reports said. The Toyota turned left, clipping the rear wheel of the rear wheel of Pena's motorcycle causing it to go into a spin, reports said. Pena was thrown from the bike and struck a parked car, officials said. Patel said he saw the motorcycle about a half block to a block away at the time he turned and said it was traveling at least 40 miles an hour, reports said, adding that Patel said the motorcycle struck his car as he turned. Pena served a one year tour in Iraq. A graduate of Hudson Catholic High School, he was a Jersey City native and lifelong resident. "We've lost an outstanding young man who was raised in Jersey City by a fine, loving family and who had just started his own family,'' Mayor Jerramiah Healy said. "He was well-respected and much loved by the firefighters he worked with and will be greatly missed by everyone." Healy said his son, Firefighter Patrick Healy, and Pena were childhood friends who played baseball together at Pershing Field in Little League and in the Babe Ruth league. "We are all grieving for the Pena family," Healy said.

@ fubar
The above person went to far. Yesterday one of the sweetest ladies on fubar burried her daugher.A R.I.P. picture was made and we have been trying very hard to help her through a difficult time.I saw that she had updated her status to upset and asked her what was wrong.She said that the above lady had downrated her Daughter's R.I.P. picture. She told the lady what she had done in case it was a mistake...and was called an ASS!!! ladymoose760 is anything but. She is a Mother...a foster Mother and a hero. When her daughter was no longer able to care for her children...this women stepped up and is now parenting her grandchildren.Her daughter JUST died and she burried her yesterday. Please...let's all ralley around this lady and show her what a wonderful place fubar can be. The person on top is the one that downrated...normally,I don't care...but this women went TO FAR!! My vote is that we all downrate her and block her...after telling her why we are. Then...let's rally around one of the best people you will ever get to know...
ladymoose760~President/recruiter of the Quiet~Angels

@ fubar
************************************* She reopened another account...instead of sending her hate messages and down rating her...this time....let's just try blocking her...that way we won't be giving her any points.

@ fubar
I want to thank all who have offered a kidney to my son..I have tryed to get all information out to all that ask but is very hard to keep up so if I missed you I am sorry...I am posting the information to the transplant unit here so please if you wish to donate use it as I need to be with my son...They will be better at answering all questions you may have as this is a first time for me also. Never dreamed when I had my children something may go wrong but it did and now all I can do is try my best to find my son a kidney...My son seen his doctor today and she is having him admitted back to the hospital tomorrow and then transfered to UCSF..Am not sure and wont know until tomorrow but I was told she is thinking about going ahead and having the doctors to start dialisis...He needs to have it started 1 month pryer to transplant...God bless all of youi that have tryed and to all of you that will find it in your heart to try and give my son the gift of life... Please if you are a possible match and can donate a kidney to my son call:They will provide you with all information.... University California San Fransisco Attention: Ms. Rosalia Gunty KIDNEY TRANSPLANT COORDINATOR 415-353-4543 Fax 415-353-8708 400 Parnassus Ave. Plaza Level Box 0116 Rm.A68 San Fransisco Calif, 94143 My Sons Name Is SHAWN DUNN He is 26 years old and the father to 3 Beautiful babies that need him very much.. Thank you and God Bless you all.... If you can make a sticky of this please do as I can't afford at this time..Thanks again....KNIGHTSKITTY
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