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Big Daddy's blog: "Blog"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/blog/b397

My Life (part 2)

My Life (part 2) Ok, lemme back up a bit here...... Finally managed to graduate High School without being killed, hooked on drugs, becoming a father at 16, or being beaten to badly by the gangs. Whew, was a bit close, but I made it, even managed to make the top ten percentile. There I was, fresh outta school, a free man, ready to take on the world. Biggest thing I remember was that very next day, waking up, staring at the ceiling and thinking to myself "Self, your now looking at a lifetime of work, paying bills, and responsibility"....I pulled the covers back up over my head !!! Actually, I enjoyed that summer, drank a bunch of beer, spent a lotta time at the lake, got me laid royally by a sweet little blonde (was my girlfriend), and then joined the US Navy.....yahoo !!! LOL...I remember being at the AFEES station in Dallas, there for my physical, standing in a huge room with about 50 other guys, all of us in our tighty whities. 25 on one side of the room, 25 on the other, all facing each other about 20 feet apart. The guy in charge told us all to turn around, face the wall, drop our skivies (Navy for underwear), bend over, grab our cheeks, and spread our legs. As I was spreading em, the guy in charge said, "I would suggest you NOT look between our legs cuz we probably wouldn't like what we saw", and of course....everyone did....including me.......learned a new respect for the black man that was opposite from on the other wall, in the same situation I was that day............sigh. Anyway, I made it to boot camp, thought I was being smart in my choice of camps. Went to Orlando Naval Training Center, the same place all the Waves (Navy for female sailor) went to for boot. Hehehe....figgered I might get me a little whilst I was there....oh hell was I WRONG.....The inter-mingling of the sexes was a big VERBOTEN there...you get caught, your out, no excuses...bye bye. Then you hadda deal with the fact that they were there, nearby, looking good, and all you could do was march around with a hard-on, and occasionally sneak off to the head (Navy for bathroom), and find a little "relief".....nuther sigh. Made it through boot, wasn't all that bad, 7 weeks of marching and learning Navy terms like Skivies, Waves, Head, Fore, Aft, Port, Starboard, and so on... Went to my "A" school in Meridian, Mississippi after two weeks of leave back home where I got pretty good and laid again. Oh, btw, forgot to mention, that girlfriend, she was my first love. Kathy or usually called her Kat. A little blonde with a sweet body on her, loved to do the bedsheet boogie with me...oh yeah. Well, a couple days before I left for boot, she all of a sudden, broke up with me, crushed me lemme tell you! Was my very first broken heart !!! Sure made those first few weeks at night in boot long. When I got home from boot, Kat called me, and we went out to the drive-in. That was where she told me that the reason she broke up with me, was that she had gotten pregnant by me, and while I was in boot, she had an abortion.........damn......! Not good. Well I made it to "A" school, did pretty good, and graduated in the top three, so I got my choice of duty stations, still can't figger out why I picked VQ-4 at Patuxant River Naval Air Station??? But I soon rolled out and headed up north to Maryland, where I found my first ever blizzard waiting. At 18, driving in unfamiliar territory, I was having a hard time seeing past the hood of my car. Let alone trying to figure out how to control the damned thing on icy roads !!! Ok, long story short, I was diagnosed with bone cancer up there, and spent about half of my first year in the Bethesda Naval Medical Facility, up in DC. Wohoooo!!! Whilst laying there in the ward, they rolled this gnarled ol' bastard in next to me after he came outta surgery, I asked the nurse what the hell happened to him??? All she said was "gunshot wounds". That man had more bandaged places on him than King Tuts mummy! Gunshot wound hell, he looked like swiss cheese !!! I won't say his name here outta respect, but he was the guy responsible for getting me to join the Navy Seals. Nuther long story, but, 9 years later........I couldn't take any more, saw all I could stomach, did more than I care to remember, did things that most men shiver at the thought of......I rang out, turned in my papers and never looked back. I'll just say this about what I did and saw in there.........I love my country, I still have nightmares, and there is one young man, who I hope will forgive me some day for being a soldier and doing my duty. Still here, still have that dark place, will never forget what I had to do..... To Be Continued

My Life

Ok, blog time........... Well, lets see, blogs are usually about life and lifes little ups and downs. So lets take a look at my lifes "ups and downs". Born in Fort Worth, Texas in 1957 (yeah, old, I know), to my parents Nell and JW. Dad is a good man, loves his kids, hates his mistakes, worked hard all his life, and never once broke his word to me. Mom...oh yeah...shes a hotty, a redhead, sweet, loving and mean as a snake (shhhh...don't tell her I said that). But the snake part only came out when I was being a little turd...which was most of the time...go figger. Have a sister, Donna, that I love with all my heart, just never was able to tell her that for some damned reason. Grew up trying to protect her, still have that tendency, but now she has a better man than me watching over, and taking care of her. That would Edderd....my favorite brother-in-law. Couldn't have picked a better man if I'd picked him myself. Thanks Ed for taking her off my hands (and back)...she's all yours buddy ... hehehe. Mom and Dad divorced when I was 5 and Donna was 3, Mom met a guy named Ernie, they left together one night. Sure do remember seeing Dad cry. Damn.........! Dad tried to take care of Donna and me, he tried hard. Worked overtime to make ends meet, came home beat and wore out from the day. But he still played with us, tickled us, and loved us. He even moved his mother in with us to help. Grandma P....oh yeah....what a woman, so full of class and grace, so beautiful, so sweet.....and even sexy. No, don't go ewwwww, that ain't what I mean. To any full grown man, she was, and still is a sexy woman, sexy thru her class, sexy thru her grace, sexy thru her strength, and sexy thru her ability to be a woman. Why the HELL can't more women be female, and proud of that fact, like her. Gawd, things would just be so much better if women would stop trying so damned hard to NOT be women. Ok, off the soap box now....... Anyway.....Dad decided that Donna and I would be better off living with my mom's parents, so we moved in there. And it was pretty cool living there, I mean, after all, GranMa and GranPa....oh yeah....I was 5 and that was WAY cool.....right !!! Pretty soon, we were sitting the court room, and I remember the judge sitting Donna and me up on the Judges bench. I clearly remember hearing him ask us if we wanted to be adopted by our grandparents? Well ... DUH ... YEAH .... OF COURSE ...... but, what does adopt mean??? To make a long story short, Donna and I were adopted, by our grandparents and they raised us until we were in our late teens. It took some time to find out that the age difference was gonna be a problem. I had long hair, wore funny clothes (to them anyway), Donna wanted to date at 15, and so on.....! They were just raised in a different world than we were. So after several runwaway attempts, and my sis getting pregnant, I moved in with Mom and Ernie. Ol' Ernie, he did a good job of getting this boy back on track. He got me through High School, into the Navy, and even helped me get my life started after the Navy. Thanks Ernie....I owe ya old man. Couple years later, I married a little gal, name was Mary Jo....sweet little thing.....I have to admit. Didn't last all that long...soon she was back in San Angelo, and I was still in LA. Goin to college, tryin to get laid...all that. Divorce didn't take long..... End of part 1...to be continued

My Life (part 6)

Well, here I am again, lots of things happened, lots of thing happening. The divorce was rough, the loneliness prevails, the hurt is still there..........but, I'm still alive, I'm still pushing, and mainly, I'm still happy! There were a couple of bad spots, some still needing to be fixed, some just plain absurb to have happened. My name was slandered, my honor put to the test, my patience and temper sorely tried. Most for naught, some for good reason. I find it interesting that there are people out there who take what they percieve as a slight to them, and blow it up into a thing so out of proportion and full of lies, that it's nothing NEAR what the truth is. I often shake my head in wonder at the extremes some will go to, merely because they decide to take one persons word as gospel without even attempting to talk to the other person involved. To date, I've been accused of many, many things, things that are so far outside of my personality, and mental traits, that anyone having the least bit of contact with me, would know that they were simply things I'm incapable of!!! So here and now, I'll set the record straight; I'm healthy I'm gentle I'm non-violent I'm honest I'm caring I'm hard working I've never stolen I don't lie I don't cheat I believe in a higher power I have dreams and aspirations I need physical contact I have a heart I have GREAT capacity for love I WANT to be loved I adore my son I still care for my ex-wife I appreciate my friends and I protect whats mine Now, all of the above basically equates to an average man, with average needs and desires. I have never said that I'm any better than that, nor do I want to be better than that. I embrace my humanity, my maleness, my abilities, and my inabilities. So why in the HELL would anyone say anything different about me??? It just baffles me to the core that there were a few who did..........it simply astounds me!!! Oh well, the hell with all that, life goes on, day by day, we just keep on moving. I did finally get to meet Kim, what a great lady she is.........we will be friends to the end, thats for certain. She is a tough lady for sure, had her back up against the wall more times than most, and she's still kicking. Damn, I admire her !!! Kimmy, your awesome, let NO ONE tell you different. Also, over the last few months, I've met and befriended several others as well, gracious, honest, intelligent people who I admire........Ron, Bear, Xena, John, Tommy, Annie, Rickanna, Dawn, Mike, Phoenix, Leslie, Kay (you'd be surprized who that one is), Mr, and Mrs. Cue, Juan, Chelsea and Joe, but most of all, there was one who proved as valuable a friend as any, and that one is Sherri. Now the guy who finally tames her, oh boy, he's gonna be a hell of a lucky guy !!! Good luck to you, whoever you are buddy, it ain't gonna be an easy ride, but I'll wager it'll be well worth the effort..........! Sherri proved to be a hell of a sounding board for me, she found all those little nooks and crannies that still needed dusting out, she brought them to light, and made me face them (or at least mull them over). She was unrelenting in pointing them out, and she never, not once, let me make excuses for any of them...............BRAVO Sher !!! Hmmmm, now this brings up another thought, why is it that women seem to be either the bane of me, or the salvation of me? Gonna have to rattle that one around in my head for a while too...........damnit !!! Ok, on with the life story..........I did it, I started a business, I got my license, I worked out the strategy, I screwed up my courage, and I stepped off into the abyss. Now I'm the proud owner of a small General Contracting firm that is beginning to see the light of day, money is easing up, business is moving, and my good reputation is increasing. Soon, I'll have things in damned good shape and I'll be able to, once again, come and go as I please. It hasn't been easy, thats a given, money got thin, a couple of clients forgot to pay up when the work was done, and I just got done working 21 days straight with no day off to rest. Whew, and the company is only a few months old ! But over all, it's moving ahead, we're booked up for the next month or so, and we have some good leads on some outstanding prospects. Not to mention an INCREDIBLE client who is connected beyond my wildest dreams, and so happy with the work we've done for her, she's telling everyone about us !!! As for my love life, well, I guess it's on hold for now, work and my personal goals are taking up so much of my time that I can't give enough focus to that part of my life right now..............but not for long.........hopefully. So there you have it, from the ashes arise a man, a man who is now becoming complete in himself, a man who is again happy to be a man, happy to be alive, and proud of what he is doing. So if any ask, all I can say is this; "One Day at a Time, One Step at a Time, One Solution at a Time" Stop, think about who and what you are, look in the mirror, be certain you like what you see, and if not, make the changes necessary. You won't regret it.

My Life (part 5)

Ok....here it is...the final part to all of this.............. I've FINALLY opened up and told my heart and mind to the world, a lot of people have said WTF??? Others have said BRAVO.....I have to say thank you to all for your input, both good and bad. It was suggested by a very dear and close friend of mine that I find a way to express myself in some manner, so that I could bare my core, showing the world around me that I have a heart and soul, and what it is I deal with from the inside. He told me that I keep way to much inside, and that it's eating away at me. For some strange reason, that brought immediate tears to my eyes, and a horrible feeling in my gut. I knew he was right, and I thought about it for days until I finally came to the decision that it needed to be done. So there is the reason I did all of this. Good, bad, or indifferent, it's all out there for anyone who cares to read it, and it's gonna stay out there. So now, here are a few of the lessons I've learned in life: Honor, such a powerful word, one a lot of people in this world know so little about. It's heart and soul are the beginnings of what a man should be. Integrity, another powerful word, one that is again, greatly missing in this world. We are all brought up to have it, then shown by the world around us that to have it means that you will lose in life....but God help you if you don't keep your integrity. Because if you don't what else do you TRUELY own? Honesty, the major portion of integrity, start with yourself, be honest there, then the rest comes easily. Without honesty, there is no trust, only lies. Discipline, now heres a kicker for you. You have to have discipline, without that, the rest can't work. Discipline in your actions, in your words, in your thoughts, in every aspect of your life. Without discipline, everything becomes chaos, everything you do turns to crap, nothing works, and people see that in you. I can clearly see how many things in my life brought me to this point, some I am ashamed of, some I'm proud of, many I'm surprised at when I look back on. My childhood..... not the greatest, but definately not the worst. I had parents that love me, cared for me, and did their best to raise me. A mom that fought for me against insurmountable odds, a dad that tried hard to raise me in impossible conditions. Grandparents that did the very best they could to protect me, love me, and teach me the right way to live. They took me and my sis in when things got bad, they simply did their best to raise us....God rest their souls. A brother and three sisters that were pretty basically pains in the ass...but I love them all dearly, I was the oldest, so I was the protector, the elder, the one to look up to...well....most of the time...hehehehe. A first wife who tried, well, pretty much, just wasn't in the cards I guess. A second wife, who really tried, put up with my crap for a lotta years. She was, and is, a GOOD woman, I don't want anyone to misunderstand me about that. I just wasn't the man she needed me to be....but I'll always love her, and that fact is undeniable. Two beautiful step children who taught me sooooo much about growing up, patience, laughter, and love. They will never believe you if you tell them how much I love them, but I do, and I know it. Thats my reward for being a father to them. I get to watch them use some of the lessons in life I managed to teach them, and that is a true delight. A son of my own that you probably know by now how I feel about him. Still do, always will, and nothing in this world will ever change that. Friends who have taught me the truest meaning of the word "friendship". My only hope with them is that someday, I can return the help and kindnesses they given me. Family who didn't turn their backs on me when, by some rights, they should have. But, then again, neither did I....I guess thats a little of how family works. So you see, I'm not complaining about lifes little twists and turns, I just wonder how it has affected me and my decisions of late? I seem to have taken a trip to this place in my mind that told me I needed to stop and look at me, see what I'm becoming, see what I've done with my life. When I did, I didn't like what I saw. I had a family that was held together by my own love for my son, nothing more. I had no real career to speak of, no real way of telling my worth as a man in sociaty, and no end to the struggle just to keep myself afloat. Add to the mix, a wife who had no respect for me, a son who was beginning to doubt me, and friends who were losing faith in me. Well, not a pretty picture. Then I looked back at my service to the country, so many things endured, so many scars inside. But through it all, I'm proud of my work, proud of my actions, proud of who I was and what I served. Yeah, it caused some damage, but I managed to make it through it and work things out. So lots of good lessons in there too. Nope, didn't like where the twists and turns I was letting my life lead me too.....not one bit. I knew that changes needed to be made, so one fine day, I decided to make them. Although the changes started at home with me, they soon took on a life of their own, and pretty soon, I was seeing a different man emerging. A man I liked !!! How different was THAT !!! He actually stood for things that meant something, things like Honor, Respect, Discipline, Honesty.....hmmm...I LIKE this guy.....and that was a novel feeling for me. I liked the fact that I regretted some of my past, I liked the fact that I wanted badly to do different. I liked that VERY much. Now all I had to do, was do everything accordingly.....oh boy....didn't like that part all that much. Oh well, if things were gonna change, thats what needed to happen. So I started trying to making them happen. I found it funny how things twisted and turned. One day everything was fine, the next, not so fine, then one day, I'd turn around, look back and see all the foot steps through my own flower bed lead to where I was standing. I looked back and saw how many things I've bulldozed my way through, and saw how many people I'd hurt in doing so All I can do now is let them all know that I regret hurting anyone, it was never my intention to do so. I just needed it understood that I was at a major juncture in my life that is still leading me down the path I've chosen. That path is already taking me on a wonderful journey of discovery of myself and my own destiny. So ok, I've made these changes, now I'm sitting here in a lonely little apartment, writing about my life, keeping my thoughts in order. I've worked hard to make things right for my family, still have a long way to go, but I'll get there. Working hard to do things right for my career, finding that part really difficult, it seems that keeping my thoughts and feelings out in view of those around me is a still a bit hard to do. Mostly......making sure my integrity is intact and not letting it slip back to my old patterns is the tough one. Still finding that eating my words is a bit bitter and usually not a pleasant thing to do. But, I'm learning to do it all right. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not a liar, I can't stand that in people, nope. I just seem to have the habit of telling the part of the truth that I think people need to hear......that seems to be my biggest problem. That has turned things in nighmares for the most part, so I'm really working hard on that. Never told anyone how I felt, or if I did, I held back, I worked my way around things so that if I did tell them anything, I held the core to myself. Never letting them see completely inside of me. Now I know that your thinking "Hey, thats not so bad", but I did that with EVERYBODY, hell, even myself sometimes....I just simply denied the feelings and thoughts to myself. Pain city there....a bomb just waiting to explode inside of me. So you see, not a good place to be, and it took an extraordinary man to see it in me and point it out.....so to him, I have many thanks to send. Hehe...and he doesn't even know i'm doing this yet....maybe I'll show him someday....just for spite !!! Ok, now I'm sure your all wondering where this has lead me, well thats easy. You see, I happy now, I see whats in front of me, I look more closely at whats around me, I feel the things that God placed here to be aware of. I notice the little things, the feelings, the touches, the emotions that they bring. And now, I'm not afraid of them, I don't deny them, I actually am embracing them for a change. And it's incredible how much I've missed !!! I know now what I need to do, and I'm striving for it. Even though I make plenty of blunders along the way, I pick myself up, dust off my butt, and keep on going. Learning whatever lesson I need to learn. And I still make plenty of blunders too......plenty of them....but, there is one think in my life now that isn't a blunder, someone out there that has made a world of difference to me. She helped me through, so here it is.....Thank you Kim.......Your a true friend indeed. More to come.......

My Life (part 4)

Ok, here we go again, so WAKE UP.....! Zach, my son, the only natural born heir to my throne (or recliner). 16 years old, 6'5" (no typo there), 185 lbs, dark hair and almond eyes like his momma, olive complexion, and empathetic like his momma, hard headed and stubborn like his daddy....... I finally figured out why he is as tall as he is, to make room for that huge heart of his. I've never known another kid that is as capable of love as that boy. He has this natural ability to bring out the heart in anyone, and I've seen it time and time again. Simply an amazing boy. He was born on Sept. 10th, 1989 at 11:58pm.....two minuites more and he would have been born one day late, and shared his birthday with the 9-11 victims......whew. The night we brought him home from the hospital, I woke up at around 2am, I got up and went to his basinette , there was a moon beam shining through the window, illuminating him. I reached down and picked him up, and at that very moment, I knew there was a God.......I held him up to the sky and swore right there that I would love and cherish him until the day I die.....damn....the tears were happy ones that time. Now he's almost grown, so mature for his age, his gentle soul, his easy ways, and his slow walk...It's like he's been on earth before and this is just a visit to check up on us. I guess you can figure that I'm pretty proud of that boy...huh. The worst part of all of these troubles with his Mom and I, is seeing the disappointment in his eyes, the hurt he's dealing with, the pain in his heart. God I just want to curl up and die when I see it............ I told him, he has his choice, he can live with me, or his mom, it was up to him. He wants to live with me, he always was daddies boy, but I watched his face as he made a tough decision and choose to stay with her. He knows that she'll need him, and he knows that he should be there with her. So thats where he is.........God I'm so damed PROUD of that boy, just wish I had the words to tell him that. Someday I'll find them. Now don't think I've forgotten about my other two, A and L.....A is now 26, married and has a son of his own, A Jr. A and I had a hard time together, I came into his life when he was 7, and his real father was pretty much not on the scene. So he attached to me pretty quickly, trying to replace his father with me, and that was fine by me, his real father is a complete ass.........and he's proved it time after time. L....such a beautiful young woman, such a wonderful mind, such a screwed up attitude....sigh. Someday, a good, strong man is gonna grab her, show her what it is to be loved by a real man. Both have kids of their own, a boy each, both born within two weeks of each other (You have ANY idea how EXPENSIVE that is for the GRANDPARENTS ???). Little A, and Isaiah...the Mook twins...PaPa's boys.....Love it !!! Spoil hell outta them, feed em fulla sugar, and send em home.........ROFL....vingance so sweet !!! Yep, definately a plus being GrandPa ! Lots of people now seem to have the impression that I don't like kids, boy are they wrong. I've raised my kids, I've been a father, and a grandfather....wouldn't trade it for the world. Don't have a problem helping raise more.....Just have to keep in mind that things will be different with me. In a LOT of ways. You know, sitting here in this apartment, alone, at night, sometimes the quiet is a bit deafening, not hearing any little noises, no thumps and bumps, giggles or yells....sometimes, the quiet is too quiet. Sometimes the quiet is just too loud. At those times, that is when I miss them most, that is when I think that maybe, just maybe......I need someone in my life, someone who will understand my needs as a man, as a Master, as a human being. And so far, I've only found one who does. More about that later though To Be Continued..............

My Life (part 3)

Ok, Navy is behind me, now I'm finding the healing for my mind and my soul. I know it will take a long time, but at least its started. Damn, been a lotta years now, still have the nightmares every so often....sigh. Got back to Texas and hooked up with a little cutey I met on my last leave home.....Mary Jo, damn she was cute, looked just like Goldie Hawn with dark hair !!! Ended up marrying her, boy was that a mistake....we just weren't ready, especially me, my mind was still screwed up. So we went our seperate ways, and ended that one. I hear she's married to a good man now, happy and doing well....that pleases me to no end.....wish I could find her and tell her. Met my second wife a couple years later, she impressed me. Taking care of two little ones, a house, bills, day to day life, all on her own. We married.....19 and a half years.....she was a good woman, I just wasn't the right man for her. In the end, she was angry all the time, it took me awhile, but I finally figured out that I was the reason for her anger. So I removed the reason. Yeah, I know, I hurt her, cried a lotta nights over that, still tear up over it.....damnit.....I hated hurting her, she didn't deserve that, but if I didn't, I would end up hurting her more and more over the years. Damn........I can't think were to go with this.......sigh. Back now, hadda clear the head a bit...... you know, cleaning house is therapuetic . She wanted a man who worked a 9 to 5'er, one that settles for the stability of the day to day job, so that she had the security of that little paycheck every week. Me...hell with that, I want to write my own paycheck, earn what I think I'm worth, not what someone else tells me I am. My grandfather was like that too, he worked for himself for over 50 years, and lived comfortable all his life. So why was I having so tough a time at things? Took me a few years to figure it out, but I did. All I wanted for my little wife, was to see her smile and be happy. Everytime I took a 9 to 5'er, she was happy, I was miserable, but I tried, damn I tried HARD too. Just couldn't understand the mentality of that, I mean I was working my ass off....just to make some asshole rich, breaking my ass to pay for HIS car, HIS house, HIS party. Pardon me, but fuck that. Not for me! When I'm left alone to do what I need to do, I can make a good living, a hell of a lot more than most men, hell, I only LOOK stupid....trust me, I'm definately NOT. Problem was, she was always there in the background....worrying about bills, worrying about money, worrying about all the little things that get in the way of making it work......that is, if you let em worry you. Well, that would get to me, I would press hard, and next thing ya know, what I was working toward would go to shit. My fault, I know, but still, if she'd just understood what I tried to tell her, backed me up instead of being a road block, I would have done so much better. Funny thing is, proof is in the pudding, we've been apart for about 6 months now, I'm working for myself again, making good money, better than when I working the corporate world !!! Go figger...... But with all of that, she lost her faith in me, lost respect for me, and thats something I need....respect. She tried to hide it from me, but I could see it in her eyes. All that started when I got laid off from one of those 9 to 5'ers. Was a corp executive, making the big bucks, one day I got a call, layed off 2500 employees, yers truly was one of em. We fought it for over a year, ended up filing bankruptcy, lost everything we'd worked for.......some security, huh. Nope, never again....pardon the french here....but fuck em...I'll do it my way. I fought with the loss of respect for 6 years, trying to gain it back, but without her support on the backside for my efforts, it was just impossible. And seeing her anger and tears all the time was killing me. I just wanted to see her smile....see her laugh, make her happy........... Depression set in, doctors put me on meds, tried to get me in therapy. Oh hell....I was walking around in a damned daze. All to fit the mold of the modern man. That damned sure ain't me!!! One day I dug out an old paperback I had, Tarnsman of Gor, was like a lightning strike in my head......I found all that I owned....the first four books, read em all, reading between the lines this time. I went to eBay, used book stores, you name it. I devoured the books. Read the whole series, all 26 books in four months....you have ANY idea how HARD it is to read John Normans writing??? Oh GAWD.....no pulitzer prize winner there. But....if you read the "other" story, the one between the lines, therein lies the truth for me. The honesty, the dignity, the truth and honor, the discipline. All things that I felt were lacking in my life. Now, a few months later, no more meds, no more doctors, clean and clear headed, making my life what it needed to be, and could be. Friggin qwacks! That was when I took a hard look at my life, what I was, what I had become, where it was going, and what I was doing to those that I loved. It HAD to change, and it had to change now..........period. It's kinda funny, there are those who berate me for being Gorean, tell me I'm living in a fantasy world, living my life based on a bunch of badly written scifi books. Just ain't so.....not in the least. I've learned to be myself, to accept who I am, what I am, and be that man well. And ya know? I'm happy with it..........finally. Still have other areas that are problems, always will have.....like my son Zach.....damn, the boy is the center of my world. Never knew I could love that much, never had a clue it was in me. I'll tell you more about him later. Rambled enough for one day To Be Continued

Blogging again

Ok, all I wanna know is..........who the FUCK came up with the word BLOG ???


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