64 Year Old
From Spring Hill, FL·
Joined on May 27, 2011
Born on November 25th
I have a crush on someone!
64 Year Old
From Spring Hill, FL·
Joined on May 27, 2011
Born on November 25th
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Pam Blais Just got back from Georgia last night...Spent a week with my honey..had a great time and got alot of his health issues seen too..Thanks for continued prayers
Please help me speak out about dog fighting, and the recent"sportsman of the year award" given to Micheal Vick by Subway, and BET. I still need donations to pay for information to be given away at the 100 Mile Pitbull Walk July 12th-17th in Denver. I am to be at the finish line where media, and the director will be. Donate here, and then join my page... Join the fight!!! http://pitbullsstopfightingstartsaving.chipin.com/build-shelter-and-help-end-dog-fighting http://www.teampitafull.org/100MileWalk.html
For a great time with great friends come check out THE CANDY SHOP... One of the best lounges with the best music on Fubarso stop by for a (b) (d)... I gaurentee you will not regret it... Click the pic to enter