About time I did This.....I love my friends and Family...Thank YOU all! I love to travel, but most of all I live to have FUN. I'm about 99.999% crazy (not sure where the .001% went to!). I love the water, AWWWW Boating is my life in the spring and summer. Love my life and what I do, great friends, cooking, a few (OMG....I mean a lot) drinks! Romance and living the LIFE!!!
If YOU can't GIVE LOVE.......don't EXPECT LOVE...!
BTW.....if YOU don't wear a THONG, Stockings, and HEELS...you will NOT like ME!
Actions Speak Louder then words, words are what they ARE, Pictures are a VIEW......Do I get a 30 day Blast on a womans money? I want to be a Kept MAN............(don't you love HUMOR?)
Lots of Fu LOVE........To All