58 Year Old
Joined on April 30, 2009
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on May 26th
·18 referrals joined!
11 different people have a crush on me!
58 Year Old
Joined on April 30, 2009
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on May 26th
·18 referrals joined!
11 different people have a crush on me!
Fierce Sex Style Straight to it! No time for kissing and touching here... Maybe the heat of the moment...But always great! Leaving them wanting MORE EACH TIME!!!!!!
Audrey Hepburn You are Audrey Hepburn! You are the epitome of class. You are elegant and regal. You love to express yourself in many ways, including dance. You also love helping people.
58 Year Old
Joined on April 30, 2009
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on May 26th
·18 referrals joined!
11 different people have a crush on me!
My Kids....My Grandson....Body Art....Music (all sorts)....Art (fantasy esp)
You can do almost anything your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak... Be a doctor or fly a plane... You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day... Happy Women's Day