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65 Year Old · Male · From Land O' Lakes, FL · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 31st · 4 referrals joined!

Please note all photos and information on my profile are copy write protected. If you are interested in any of my photos please ask me about using them. I am reasonable if shown a little respect. I don't bite... I might nibble but that's another topic.

Welcome to my page. It's been a while since I updated this so here we go.
Things most people don't know:

I'm a smart ass that has no tolerance for bull shit or stupidity.
I'm a loner. There are few friends in my life. Those that are there mean the world to me and there is nothing I won't do for them. I have made a few friends on Fubar that I hope I get to meet before I die. They know how to make me smile, laugh, chill or whatever might be appropriate at the time. I'm told I'm overly generous and too forgiving. Maybe so.
Father of one (Son born 1988)
Born and raised in Tampa Bay
Lived in Clarksville, Tn. for a few years
Joined Cherry Tap Dec. 6, 2006
Here for fun and friends (No Drama or BS)
Photography, fishing, Call of Duty, and web surfing
Buccaneers, Rays, and NHRA.
Music depends on my mood (If I can understand it, I'll probably listen to it)

Any questions? Ask me. I don't guarantee that you'll get an answer but if you do it will be an honest one. Keep that in mind before you ask.

Thanks for reading this far,

Pugmie (Eddy)

65 Year Old · Male · From Land O' Lakes, FL · Joined on December 6, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 31st · 4 referrals joined!
The Replacements, Silence of the Lambs, Independence Day
My parents. The best ever.
Video Games
I have started playing COD Warzone and Cold War lately. I'm not good at it but I need something to keep me busy.

Latest Status

  • Pugmie I'm still here just not active. Trying to build my portfolio for photography if anyone needs pictures in the Tampa Bay area. TFP
    5 years ago · Comment

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