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42 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 6, 2009 · Born on November 27th · 15 referrals joined! · 2 different people have a crush on me!

This is my studio.

Click the picture to hear my music on SoundCloud! :)


This is totally from like 12 years ago, but it's too funny and nostalgic to delete! Hahaha

I am a Manager at Papa John's. I like my job... I wish I could work more, but hey, that's how life is. You never know what will happen. I've had some bumps in the road, a couple cliffs I've fallen off, but at least I'm still alive... right? The way I see things... We are just specks of matter in a universe that is bigger than you can imagine. If you think that a few things that go wrong is the "end of the world" then you should know that, yes, it will go on without you. So your little "problem" is actually very small. so small that it really doesn't matter. So why fuss about something so insignificant. Life goes on so why don't you. Ok... I end up going on and on about things sometimes. but anyway. seeing as this is the about me section... I'm a cool cookie... I live life on the wild side. I enjoy the occasional homicide or two when i'm not robbing people. I hate cats. I like to chase them while i'm driving my car. Sometimes I like to steal my friend's cars and drive them into the river.Yeah you can probably tell I'm joking. hopefully. I'm actually the complete opposite of that and if you know me... you would know. But no really... I'm a good person and i like to hang out with my friends when i'm not at work. I LOVE FOOSEBALL!!!! never knew it but i do. I'm actually pretty good at it. I also like to play pool. hopefully this year I can buy a pool table. other than that, I have a Playstation 3, so you can guess I'm playing that alot, especially cuz I got a big TV. I have the coolest friends and the coolest family I could ask for. and I am really lucky to have them. and I try to keep in contact with them as much as I can. But sometimes I am really busy and it's difficult to get a hold of me. But thank you all for being there for me when I need you.

42 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 6, 2009 · Born on November 27th · 15 referrals joined! · 2 different people have a crush on me!

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