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Duke Boomington's blog: "the good, the bad, the ugly"

created on 11/07/2006  |  http://fubar.com/the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/b22178  |  1 followers

When you have a job you love, youre stuck there for life...... when youre stuck there for life, bad things happen...... when bad things happen, you get pissed off and want to take it out on someone...... when you get pissed off and want to take it out on someone , you come to fubar...... when you come to fubar your life becomes an emotional wreck...... DONT become an emotional wreck.


now go buy directTV

double standards

You upload "suggestive photos" including nudes in which you cover the "vital" areas with a hand or arm. Then you say you expect to get treated like a lady.


To that I say, I will make suggestive commments, and I expect you to treat me like a gentleman.


oh and for anyone that says its not the same thing, you are completely delusional.  It is EXACTLY the same message sent to each other, one with pics, one with words, but the same message.


Present yourself in the manner you wish to be treated, or shut your trap when someone says something offensive. got it,kiddos?

This actually kept me up a bit stewing last night........ and things on fubar NEVER do that to me. That's just to give you an idea of how serious I take this.

There is a candle light vigil picture that spread like wildfire (pun intended) with the incorrect spelling of the name of the town.

Now I understand there may be some ignorance out there if you dont live in th U S and maybe do not see this story every day since its happened BUT I see a growing trend of people attempting to show everyone in their peer group that they care.  It happens quite often on fubar, as well as other places, particularly online. Every time something tragic happens, I see a glut of candlelight vigil pics, ribbons pics.

Now DO NOT misunderstand, I am NOT suddenly calling everyone that posts a pic like that uncaring. However, there are pics that get it right and pics that do not get it right.  If you want to honor someone , ANYONE, the details matter. That also means putting thought into what pics you choose to spread or do not spread. When something tragic happens like what happened in Newtown, CT, I think its vitally important that the global community not only says they care, but shows they care.  In the grand scheme of life its a little thing, but its a little thing that counts to everyone that lives there.


I urge you all to do what you can, if you go to a local church, or even if you dont, you can find one nearby, donate at the very least some time to organizing and sending either money to help rebuild, or , if you can like I did in my case (mostly because i dont have a dime to my name at the moment) donate your time to send grief counsellors to help the families in this time of crisis. If there is another avenue in your community, (besides church, i know some of you hate those places) use it!

Don't let what happened in Newtown, or Auoroa, or any other place be "just another tragic event" to show everyone around you that you care. Show the people NOT around you that you care, by dong what you can to help and aid those who have been hurt.

*gavel sound*

*gloomy mysterious music, while a young couple is about to make out in central park*

3 seconds into making out, girl freaks out cuz he touched her boob and she wasn't ready....... in the process discovers a 14 year old boy face down inthe dirt with a corn on the cob shoved up his ass.

*gavel sound*

olivia & elliot show up "so what we got?"

"teenage male, found face down, with a vegatable where the sun dont shine"

olivia ponders who could do such a terrible thing with the existential dilemna of him being male and probably deserving it in some way.

elliot stands there in the most manly way possible showing his navy poppeye crackerjack froearm tattoo. (gets the women interested)

*gavel sound*

back at the station, the captail yells at them for something, everyone sees the ugly guy and wonders how he got an acting gig

ice T shows up "sup, I'm a gangsta cop........ w3rd"

*gavel sound*

oh look the uber hot DA that the men fap to and the women flick their bean to

at this poinmt no one cares about the episode, everyone is busy masturbating for the next 7 and a half minutes

*gavel/orgasm sounds*

hey they solved the case!


produced by dick wolf

178 statuses

These are just the statuses i saw and i have a lil over 1k friends.

the statuses that asked/begged for something monitary (that means cost money for those in the mumms lol) without offering something substantial in return.

the tally did not include those mocking the beggars. they did however , include those using nsfw pics as trade simply because i value nsfw as worthless. sorry thats just how it is, the 3 hottest women on the site dont show skin or offer it in trade for bling, and the rest of ya arent worth paying money to a website for, if ur offended, go for a run or get that plastic surgery ya need lol.


178 DIFFERENT statuses, a few by the same people, but a different status each time. all of them begging for bling packs or blings themselves and offereing NOTHING in return.


Let me tell you something about being nice, at least as most normal, sane people see it, we are nice when WE want to be nice, not when YOU ask for it. If that happens at the same time, i assure you it had nothing to do with your status outside of merely showing your existance. Which means if u hadn't begged you probably would have gotten something from me anyway.

all of you that posted those, wanted something for nothing. Some of you rely on your looks (and i dont just mean nsfw's). If you cant afford to trade something of value, (even a salute has limited value of aknowledgement), then you dont "need" this or "need" that. Get off your lazy butts, get a job, pay your bills, and then offer trades for blings if you are gonna do deals. 

Those of you guys feeding into the begging, start thinking with your wallet a bit more, do what politicians wont, think with your wallet.


THIS is why I dont spend another dime on here, sorry to my friends that i used to give stuff to and may want to give stuff to, I just cant afford it anymore. I will not spend a little money to get nothing, and I sure as HELL wont spend a lot of money to get a little. Your false popularity, and it is false, no one gives crap outside fubar, isnt worth my dollars, ever.


end day 6 of vacation, goodnight

1. everyone will now pay taxes on everything they consume, 10% not just eating, but using in general, you buy a car , 10 % tax, u buy a home 10 % tax, no exceptions. all other taxes, income, capital gains, death tax, property tax are now null and void.  Tax "loopholes" are now also null and void. If expendatures by the governemt exceed the tax money taken in, all areas, with no exception, of the government will be cut until the budget is balanced.  States may add 2% state consumption tax and counties and cities may each add a 1% consumption tax. Making no one's tax being more than 14 % addition to what they actually consume. Considering most tax payers now will keep 30-50 % more of what they make under this policy everyone should be able to afford this regardless of how much they make. Since food and water is the most essential thing to living it will be taxed at HALF the rate across the board, as all other items.

2. marriage will no longer be recognized by the state, religions will be free to marry whomever however they please and those marriages will only be recognized by the religion they are married within.

3. all guns will be legal, the death penalty will be legal in all states with an express lane for obvious offenders (see batman dude).

4. no forms of energy will be supsidized by the government, if your energy works, youll get paid for it, if it doesnt work, tough shit.

5. all unecessary programs to the function of government itself will be cut. goverment will exist to defend out borders, police our streets, and handle our emergencies, no more, no less.  States, counties, and cities will now handle all safety-net programs and will have to run them at max-efficieny. Charties will now be allowed to participate in the assistence of safetey net programs with no restrictions as they see fit.

6. there will be no minimum wage. Cost of living will dramticly drop due to policy 1.

7. foriegn policy will NOT be determined on the basis of domestic economics. If you pose a threat to us, we will give you 14 days to abandon the threat or abandon the country in which you live, we will then take all actions necessary to dispose of the threat in the most humane way possible, but make NO mistkake, the threat will be eliminated. The time of america fearing anyone is over.

8. No senator, congressman, mayor, governor, president, or any other elected postion can be held any longer than 2 terms in any one position. No term length will exceed 6 years, but term lengths will be allowed to be shorter if the congress/senate, or state congress/senate votes as such. (sorry all you good guys out there but in order to curb the majority of bad guys' power this must be done, this keeps corruption to a minimum)

9. voter ID will now be in efffect, you must present identification to vote. legal ID's must be given by the minimum of a legal birth certificate and social security card. ID's must be photo ID. and confirmed to be registered BEFORE being allowed to vote. Criminals will now be allowed to vote IF they have served their full time, paid their full restitution, and not be on restrictive list of any sort, for instance probation, paroll, or sex offender registry.

10. all government employees will act in a professional manner at all times including during campaigns, any campaigner caught in a flat out lie, will be disqualified from running for office for a minimum of ten years.

11. all offices are subject to recall,  the terms of recall will be set according to adhering of law, differing political opinion will no longer be an exceptable reason for racall in any position.

12. lawsuits will be limited for all types, direct damage plus up to $5,000. "potential" pain and suffering will no longer be considered. (again sorry for those of you who have truly been wronged, but its another case of the pendelum swinging too far the other way, this is a long term benefit)


Not a complicated plan, but well thought-out, not a plan that will get me elected either cuz it tells a lot of people no. Thats something people dont want to hear very much. Happy reading I'll respond as the comments come in.

first names

A guy and a gal met at a bar and hit it off. after several hours of drinking and just having a great time.

the guy asks the girl what her name was, she says "carmen". 

He replies, "wow , your parents did a great job of naming their daughter, carmen is a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!"

Carmen says, "thank you, but I named myself carmen."

the man asks, "how come?"

carmen replies, "I named myself after the two things i love most, cars and men"

carmen then asks, " hey, whats your name?"

the man replies. "B.J. Titzangolf"

Everyday we log into fubar we are confronted with all types of people. Many of us are here to have fun and hang out with friends and to meet new people. Some of us love to play the game, earn points and level. We also must mention the members who push the envelope and photo shop photos to display as much of their girl parts or man parts as possible. The reality is many of us do not want to see your borderline NSFW photos. Yes you might be riding the line of what is considered NSFW, but it is time to clean things up. Yes, you are going to disagree and bitch and moan about how mean we are because we want you to respect the public areas and clean up your main photos, but it is what it is. 

The reality is there are many members who DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR junk falling out of your clothes as your main photos. You are more than welcome to upload all those photos to your albums, but it's time to clean up your MAIN photo or avatar. This means exessive clevage, sexually suggestive photos or anything that looks borderline NSFW will be flagged. We are NOT an adult site. We are a site for adults. Please do not get upset with bouncers or admins if your photo is flagged. We are not asking you to delete photos. We are simply asking you to NOT put them as your MAIN photo or avatar. 

This also goes with BLASTS, TICKERS and HAPPY HOUR messages. If you see something that is out of line, please report to a bouncer. We do not need sexually suggestive messages flying in the public areas. Things like CUM, Check out my NSFW or NAUGHTY photos are not going to fly. 

Please be respectful to everyone on this site. We give you the liberty to do as you wish in 99% of the areas on the site, so plese be respectful in public areas. 

Also, please do not use the excuse, "There are worse photos blah blah blah." This is no conspiracy. Those individuals will be flagged soon.


For those of you who are getting flagged listen up. Many of you are carrying on like school children. Your photos are not being flagged NSFW. They are only being flagged to not be used as a main photo. There is a huge difference. You can photo shop size FFF boobs and make them blink or whatever it is you want to do but you have to keep those photos in your albums. Keep your main photo tasteful and you wont have any problems. 


This is all word for word from scrappers blog, for friends of mine he may have blocked. 

It is my personal opinion that site updates and rule changes should  NOT be put in a blog. They should be updating the official rules pages so that everyone has access to site rules, not just the people who stay nice to the fubar family (yellow names). That is just my two cents.

nsfw marking.....

ok people, this is not rocket science, youll be seeing default pics getting marked nsfw.

Fubar admins do this once in a blue moon, they get sick of the slutty pics on every other default picture scrolling across the top. The policy has been in place over 4 years, this is nothing new or unexpected. What happens is this policy merely gets enforced to what it should be. You have not seen it happen too much in the past because people get lazy in marking and unmarking pics. 

so here are some facts, and solutions to any complaints.

any pic can get marked by anyone on this site at any time for any reason. It is recorded by admins when you mark a pic so if you are abusing the priveledge you WILL lose it.

I see other people with pics up for defaults that are just as questionable as mine that are marked! solution: go mark those pics youself, make it an even playing field! orrrrrrrr you can do as I do just not give a crap.

admins play favorites! Its a he said/she said issue, most people think it happens, admins deny it. you'll get nowhere with it either way. Why? cuz they are admins DUHHHHHHHHHHH lol

my pics were never marked before, how come they are now? because admins bouncers and people in general were either lazy or passive marking pics that very well should be marked. 

This will likely blow over in a month or two as it did in previous times. People are lazy and will get lazy marking pics and things will go back to the way they used to be.


So basicly, you have 3 options on how to deal with this whole thing. Mark the pics you think should be marked. Wait it out and repost ur questionable stuff in a month or two, or post a safe pic and call it a day and not worry about it again. Like i said in the beginning, not rocket science.


Hi I'm a female, I don't like boys perving me. So I'm going to post sexy pictures of myself. Don't objectify me, I'm not about that. Did I mention I have a naughty folder?


Kids these days, wanna be whores without getting treated like whores.

Either you are a whore or you are not, but don't expect to behave like one and not get treated accordingly.

that is all......

Bombthere is no more justice in america
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