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Jasmine's blog: "Stuff!"

created on 03/12/2009  |  http://fubar.com/stuff/b284682  |  2 followers


Sometimes I wish my friends and family weren't so shallow.




Most of them are just so DURRRRRRRRRRN.

One of my cousin is just a frequent liar...she just lies about EVERYTHING, even stupid stuff like...how she doeesn't want anyone to know she went on a sunbed...WHO CARES!?

Another one is such a gossip, she's always telling me stuff about the first one (the frequent liar) and it's always 'omg we shouldn't know this but...blah blah blah'...and most of the time I already know because I was actually told by the person who it's about anyway. But I just have to pretend I don't know so as not to confirm anything.  Geeez I don't see how it's so difficult to NOT to gossip, it's like she physically can't contain herself...and it's not even to vent it's just to bitch about something that has nothing to do with her!!! I got so many of everyone's secret in my head it's ridiculous.

And then I have ANOTHER cousin who insists she's over her ex bf but she gets so angry at him, last time she went up to him in a club and slapped him round the face for no reason and then walked off. And before that she'd been talking about finding out where he parked his car to go key it, and all her friends at work were egging her on and having 'her back'...and then she rang me to tell me being all excited about it. I think she assumed I would be the same as her friends at work but all I said was 'well...don't you think that's a bit childish?'...and then she went quiet for a bit and then said 'yeaaa...it is but I'm gonna do it anyway'. (She never did it in the end...she got HER car keyed instead by some random...ironic).


I mean cmooooooooon they are all OLDER than me and wth...how childish are they!?!??!

I love them all but srsly what the heck man.

Stinky Mcstinky! (x2)

So when I went away with my friends anywhere they are always shocked when I don't pack deodorant or use it religiously like they do.

But I'm a simple girl...I'm not fussed about smelling like a bucket of flowers. My most common scent is prolly when I just smell of soap out of the shower. I don't see the need for deodorant myself cos if I get stinky then I just go shower...DUR!

Right but my friends, they don't get stinky like straight away either but it seems like they think that no smell=bad and that they have to smell of something flowery 24/7.


In my own lil world, deodorant and perfume doesn't really play much of a factor. I'll prolly spray it if I remember (which is pretty much never).

Is it normal for most other people to use it regularly? Like just another daily routine such as brushing your teeth or something?

Stinky Mcstinky!

So when I went away with my friends anywhere they are always shocked when I don't pack deodorant or use it religiously like they do.

But I'm a simple girl...I'm not fussed about smelling like a bucket of flowers. My most common scent is prolly when I just smell of soap out of the shower. I don't see the need for deodorant myself cos if I get stinky then I just go shower...DUR!

Right but my friends, they don't get stinky like straight away either but it seems like they think that no smell=bad and that they have to smell of something flowery 24/7.


In my own lil world, deodorant and perfume doesn't really play much of a factor. I'll prolly spray it if I remember (which is pretty much never).

Is it normal for most other people to use it regularly? Like just another daily routine such as brushing your teeth or something?

Oh for the love of GOD!

I had to rewrite this like 3 times when trying to mumm but I just give up now cos mumm making is retarded!

Anyways my topic for the mumm was 'Do we all wanna look caucasian?'


This pertains to women opting for surgeries to make themselves look prettier, smaller nose, lighter skin etc etc.

I was focusing on eyelid surgery, a procedure operated mostly on Asian (Chinese, Viet, Japs, Korean etc) women and men. (Jackie Chan had it done). And it just made me wonder why having a double eye-lid was prettier, I mean honestly I find it prettier too. It makes the eye look bigger and is 'cuter'...I think. HOWEVER double-lids within out ethnicities is not veyr common. Apparently: 'Approximately 75 percent of all Koreans and 50 percent of all other Asians are born without the double eyelid crease.'.

And yea natural double-lids are pretty but the operated ones are really obvious and do not look natural...but they are still regarded as prettier than the natural single lid and is something to aim for.



I mean it's disappointing really that we happen to think that is prettier because it's not exactly great for our cultural pride.

I mean it's not even young generation of insecure girls thinking they want it because of what the mass media is telling them, it's even a few generations back of elders who think that is how we SHOULD look. They always think the paler you are the prettier you are, the bigger your eyes are the prettier you are...There is an argument that the eyelid surgery is not to make the eye seem more caucasian but a nicer version of an oriental eye...but HELLOOOOO most orientals DON'T have that!!!

Does make me wonder...do we subconsciously all just want to look 'white'?

Has the looooong reign and dominance of Western culture made ethnic groups want to assimilate to look like them?????



I have no idea...

But here's the article I was reading.


And cos I remember Crazy Lips said she'd like to know more about me. :)


1. Do you like chinese food?

I hate the food of my countrymen! Neh only joking, of course I do. I like the REAL kind and sometimes the junk you get in takeaways too.

2. How big is your bed?

Single...but remember a British/European single is smaller than an American single.

3. Is your room clean?

It's messy...I have a lot of stuff.

4. Laptop or Desktop computer?


5. Favorite comedian?

Stephen Fry although technically I'm not sure if he's a comedian.

6. Do you smoke?

PURPLE HAZE  YO! (Amsterdam)

7. Does anyone like you?

I hope so!

8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?


10. Sleep with or without clothes on?

I haz nightie, can't wear shorts/bottoms though. Always wake up with a wedgie.

11. Who sleeps with you every night?


12. Do long distance relationships work?

Probably not

13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?


14. Pancakes or French Toast?

French Toast even though they aren't french.

15. Do you like coffee?

Yea but I prefer English tea.

16. How do you like your eggs?

Mmmm Eggs! I love eggs however which way.

17. Do you believe in astrology?

It's interesting but no.

18. Last person you talked to on the phone?


19. Last person on your missed call list?

Step mum

20. What was the last text message you received?

My cousin trying to make me go out

21. McDonalds or Burger King?

Hrmmm I just like the chicken burgers.

22. Number of pillows? 


23. Last thing you ate?

Macdonalds! (Made me need to poo)

24. Last thing you bought?

Clothes and shoes.

25. What are you hearing right now?

Pinafore dress.

26. Pick a lyric?

Ummmmm I can't think of one right now

27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?

I'm not American...I don't have jelly (jam) in my PB sammiches!

28. Can you play pool?

Kinda, I'm either really good or I really suck. Flukey really. Can't play Snooker though, the table is far too big and I can't reach anything.


29. Do you know how to swim?


30. Favorite ice cream?

We could be here all day...

Haagen Daaz Strawberry Cheesecake.

31. Do you like maps?

Er...they haven't done anything to offend me so I guess so? Not saying I can read one though. :)

32. Tell me a random fact:

It takes a lot of persuasion to get me to go out and party.

33. Ever had a hard on at work?

I haz no penis.

34. Ever attend a theme party?

I've been a Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Gangster, White party, Racing girl...Hrmmm that's all the costumes I could think of right now.

35. Ever do a keg stand?

No, dunno what that is.

36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking?

Woke up in some random dude's bed!!! Bad I know...but that was ages ago and hey I'm still a virgin so it's not that bad really. :)

37. What is your favorite season?


38. What is the first music video you ever saw?

Spice Girls-Wannabe!

39. Pick a movie quote:

(One that comes to mind straight away) Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 3 where he slaps the Chinese man cos he's speaking French. Not really a quote I guess but it sure made me lol.

40. Favorite quote:

I shouldn't be saying this - high treason, really - but I sometimes wonder if Americans aren't fooled by our accent into detecting brilliance that may not really be there. - Stephen Fry

41. What is your favorite hangout?

My room

42. Best friend's name?

I don't think I have one, not just one anyway.

43. How long have you known them?

Most of meh life.

44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?

My cousin who left the house this morning and had to turn back round cos she forgot to brush her teeth. lolz.

45. What time did you wake up this morning?


46. Wake up next to anyone?


47. Best thing about winter?

Wrapping up all warm and cosy!

48. Name a couple of favorite colors:

I like earthy colours.

49. How old are you?


50. What month is your birthday in? 


51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?

I wanna be a wench

52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?)

53. What are you doing this weekend?

Not working...and then going out.


So I was meant to take the stupid effing Clio into a car auction tomorrow, not going for a private sell because the electronics are MESSED up. But I have to DRIVE the stupid car to the auction place, well I was gonna get my mum to drive it then I follow in my Yaris to take her home. Anyway my mum just backed it out of the drive to put in the front (so I won't be blocked in by my brother's car when he comes home) and the car STINKS of burning...rubber/metal or burning car stuff smell. But it's only in REVERSE that it was doing that.


My mum says she isn't going to drive it to the auction house and I hate driving that car anyway. I can't do it in a private sell because it won't go for much. UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH and I dunno whether its worth fixing and then re-selling or just selling it as reduced price.



Anyone know WTF going in reverse would make the bonnet smoke and seem like it's gonna blow up???

Me so bored

Do you like to cuddle?
Hrmm only teddies and pillows, rarely actual people. Actually I dunno, I don't really get much of an opportunity to cuddle. Hugging as greeting is kinda weird though.

Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally?

Do you cry easily?
I cry like a baby.

Has the last person you kissed ever made you cry?

Ever cried while you were on the phone with that person?

Are you excited for anything?
Not right now no.

How are you feeling right now?
Kinda sleepy

What are you doing right now?
Doing this but I'm starting to lose my attention span, am I halfway yet?

What should you be doing right now?
It's 9.30pm so any of the following: sleeping/watching tv/picking my nose/scratching my butt

Are you worried about anything right now?
Not really, sometimes I worry about how I'm not worried. :-o

How do you think this day will be?
Well it's night time, so day is kinda over.

Ever gotten in a car accident?

Do you hate the last person you kissed?

Have you ever been used?
Not that I'm aware of.

Cheated on?

Who did you last ride in a car with?
My cousin

What will your next piercing be?

Who was the last person you spoke to on your cell?
My cousin

Do you have any drugs in your bedroom?
Flu tablets and girl stuff

Do you have any condoms in your room?

Did you have any unread messages when you woke up today?

Do you take walks often?

What's the last TV show/movie you watched?
Gilmore Girls!

What's the one thing you wish you could take back?
Buying the 1000 pairs of shoes/clothes that I never wear and end up in a charity bag with the tags still attached.

What's in front of you, besides your computer?

Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
No cos they're mostly kinda funny.

Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you?


Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
I think so

Are you still friends with that guy or girl who knows everything about you?

Have you ever felt replaced?

Has a guy/girl ever told you they love you?

Do you think they meant it?

Did it rain today?

Have you ever broken anything because you were mad?
I tried to but it just wouldn't break, fail. :(

Are you mad at anyone right now?

Is there someone you'd like to fix things with?

When was the last time something bothered you?
Can't remember

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?

How was last night?
I bought lotsa stuff

Have you ever intentionally made someone jealous?
Not that I can think of right now

Are you ticklish?

How many months until your birthday?

Just under 8

So here's a lil background.

I have 2 uncles on my mum's side of the family.

One has always lived here in England and whose family I am closer to.

My other uncle is the eldest and he used to live in America till his wife left him, took all their money and abandoned her children too. I have two cousins by this uncle but the eldest (girl) still lives in America and his younger son lives with my uncle, they live in England now too. So my uncle came back cos he needed money and shelter from my grandma even though he took a BIG chunk of my grandad's money when he died to move to the states. So anyways, he came back and he lived with my other uncle for a bit till they had a massive falling out (Oldest uncle is a bit of a jackass) and he moved out.

So my eldest uncle now relies on my mother for stuff now, even though way back when he used to just not even bother with her (my mummy's the youngest out of them all). And his son, who is around my age, is a bit strange...like he has no social skills...AT ALL (very rude and just strange).

Anyway, so the son, Raymond, went into hospital the other day and my mum went by to go see him and stuff because there was something wrong with his kidney and his foot had swollen up.

Today I got a text from my cousin (she like hates them both cos they were just idiots when they lived in my uncle's house) and apparently she heard from our grandma that he needs a kidney transplant...

So I was all like woah WTF, but she just didn't really care and it was just a bit of gossip to her.

She jokingly...(I think) said that she thinks it's time I donated a kidney and I texted her back saying 'you first!' and she was all like nah I'm saving my kidney for my mum! (My auntie has kidney problems too). I mean I don't think she was serious cos she doesn't even really care I don't think. I mean I don't really have much affection for my uncle and my cousin Raymond either but I still feel sorry for them and it's not REALLY Raymond's fault that he's a bit weird and rude, it's my uncle's fault for not taking care of him properly.

Anyway I dunno if it will come to this but they do say that being a match is more likely when it's IN the family. I mean I don't even know if I should offer to be tested to see if I am a match.

Honestly, I DON'T want to. But I dunno whether I could deal with not even offering to see if it's possible that I am a match, or if I do and it turns out I am. To know I AM a match and to NOT want to would be even worse.

I mean I know I don't have to do anything, but it's awkward when I could be in a position to help but I don't want to.

I dunno. I mean as far as my mum knows, she doesn't know that I know so it's not like she'd ever suggest I go get tested. But I think my uncle MIGHT want me to, I'm not sure. I think in the back of his mind he would want me to but even he would never have the audacity to ask.


Well I dunno where to start but lets just say we pretty much did everything there was to do in Amsterdam (in the Red light District) apart from magic mushrooms and whores.

Gawd I really need to poop.


Anyways our HOSTEL (I lost my hostel virginity) was SHOCKING. I mean it was so dark in there, everything was painted black! And it just felt icky. Not to mention we were on the 4th floor with no bloody elevators!!! (Had to drag my suitcase all the way up there, stupid hostels don't have bell boys). AND because we had changed rooms, I went to go see the room we eventually stayed in to see what it was like but when I went to see it hadn't been cleaned yet, and you can DEFINITELY tell that 4 boys had stayed in there previously. Gross. I mean I thought our room was bad but on the last day when we had checked out, I went to use the toilets and I realised that those toilets were for the use of people staying in the dormitories there. At least we had a private room and ensuite but those other people had to use the public toilet and showers everyday! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm never trying to be cool again and stay in a hostel.

Drugs: Yea okay we all smoked some, and I mean some as in everyday and whenever we got bored. :O We found a cafe that we liked (a lot of cafe's sold joints and stuff) and tried a space cake! It just tasted like normal cake. All the smoking did was give me the giggles and make me wanna go sleeeeeep. My cousin had the REALLY bad munchies, the woman would not stop eating. On the last day whilst we were waiting to leave for the hotel me and my cousin got REALLY bored so we'd decided to go back to the cafe for one last smoke, you always have to order a drink so I went for my usual (hot milk) and she had a hot chocolate, she asked if they put weed in hot chocolate and they do so she decided to try it! I tried to see if they would put some in my milk but they just laughed and said no. :( Anyways they put a gram of weed in the hot chocolate and it was gross! It was like munching on bits of grass that tasted like brussel sprouts. The last joint we smoked we just had the lightest one they had, but the cafe owner was trying trying to persuade us to try a pure one (it went weed, hash and then the pure one) and he said we could fly to the airport before actually flying lolz. We didn't think it was a good idea. Anyways we were smoking and chatting when we saw our friend come over from the hostel to get us cos it was nearly time to go, the cafe owner suggested we hide from her so we did! We hid behind the bar area next to him and could hear him telling her that he hadn't seen us. Was so hard to keep the giggles in. Anyways we left for the last time and I asked for the cafe owner to get the bill for our drinks and smoke but he said it was on the house, cos he knew we were leaving and told us to come back another time to pay for it. :p On the way home my cousin had the brain wave of trying to make our friend (who came looking for us) think that she was tripping out. We got back and told her we were sat in front of her waving the whole time but she just came in and ignored us...she still thinks that's what happened now...


Sex stuff!: We went to see a peepshow, it's like a thing where you go in a lil room and you put 2 euros in and you shut the door, the window clears and you just see a naked girl dancing. Even though you're not normally allowed in two people at a time the guy who worked there let us I think cos he knew we were just mucking around. And the girl was pretty/nice figure and stuff but I was just like ZOMG what do we do? Just stare at her? I was just like :o for most of it and she giggled at us a lil bit I think. I was all like OMG you can see her coochie! (She bent over). We left before the timer was up though cos it was just weird and I think we all just felt liek perverts.

On the 2nd or 3rd night (I can't remember) we went to a SEX SHOW! I can't believe we actually went to one. It cost me 30 Euro's (45 for drinks too but I didn't get that) My cousin gave me half her drinks vouchers, I had a vodka and orange juice, and I swear it was doubled...was so strong I couldn't even drink it. And then I didn't know what to do with my last voucher cos I didn't want anymore drinks but didn't want to waste it, and no one else was drinking. So my cousin told me to just ask for a shot with it, I did...and it was definitely NOT a shot. It was more like 3 shots, it took up a third of a normal glass. I nearly threw up.

Anyways, the sex show. After the intial shock of ZOMG they're having sex on stage and he's got a giant ween, it was kinda boring after. All the people in it were good looking and stuff as well but it was boring because it was such a routine. I mean the guy humped the girl in time to the music! I remember thinking, when this girl had her legs in the air, 'oooh I like her shoes'. There were a few strip teases too, one girl pulled multicoloured ribbon out of her foo foo and another smoked a cigar with hers. The only interesting show really was the one where the lady got the guys in the audience to participate, it was funneeeeeeey.

After the sex show I think we were all a bit drunk, I know I was. And we went into a sex shop next door to have a look around. I picked up a fluffy bunny cuddly toy and went 'awwwwwwwwh look!' and then realised it had a giant penis and hairy balls. Anyway one of our friend (Dana) was messing around and asked the guy what she had to do for a free vibrator and he said he'd give her one for free for a blowy! This guy was actually being serious, he said he has closed up the shop before to do stuff like that (they has a little room in the back). And then Dana pointed out that he'd actually had a boner and he did! Pervert.

Red Light Window girls: Basically all prossies are in a window with a red light around them, I saw a few blue light ones too! (Tranny). And they just try to entice men into their window basically but like jiggling their boobs at them or something. Apparently the going rate for a 'suck and f**k' is 50 euros (I read that in a tourist magazine). Dana and I were stood at the top of the stairs of our hotel (just outside the door) and some guy offered us 55 euros. We were both like 'hey that's more than a red light window girl and we didn't even need a red light!'...and then after I was like hmmm I think we should be offended not proud of this. :o And then a man tripped and stumbled and then said 'oopsy'...Dana told me he fell over cos he was staring at us (She was looking in his direction) but I was too busy laughing at his 'oopsy'.

Oh aaaaaaaaaand we saw a sign for a 'Thai Massage' and I've had proper thai massages and I really wanted one. It was a locked door where you had to ring a doorbell for someone to come over, and for aaaaaaages we couldn't figure out whether it was a proper massage place or whether it was a 'happy ending' massage place. So Dana rings the door bell and I see a lady walk over (has a huge window) in her underwear and I was like 'okay guys I'm pretty sure this isn't the kind of massage we were looking for!'. Dana ran away and the Thai lady saw me and I didn't know what to do so I just smiled and waved at her like a dork...then ran away.


Okay so I did do some proper stuff whilst in Amsterdam, we went to the Amsterdam dungeons (which was fun) and Anne Frank's house. Anne Frank's house did make me feel a lil bit emotional though. It's more than just a museum, hard to describe really.

Food: Ooooh they have this thing called a Febo place where it's like a vending machine place for hot food (snacks) it was sooo cute! I had a mini burger! I love mini stuff! We got completely ripped off at this one MacDonalds though, I paid 7 Euros for a filet o fish meal!!!

And the beer is cheaper than a drink of coke! WTF?


I think we only had one really big WTF moment though with the hotel's night time receptionist.

Right I honestly REALLY thought this guy was gay but apparently nobody else thought so...

Anyways after the Thai massage incident I asked the receptionist man for places nearby that does proper massages and he told me to go outside with him to show me directions so I was like okay, he started giving me directioons like pointing this way and that and then he said that at this time it was too late and that he'd give me one instead. All that time I was just like nodding along to his direction giving and then I was like WTF?! did I just hear that right??? And I was like 'ummmmmmmmm'...I didn't know what to say, I hate being rude even to people that are saying stuff like that! And thats not even the most creepy part, after a while we were all just talking to him and joking around trying to pimp out our other friend (Ellie) to him for a bit of jam and toast (we had the munchies) and anyways we were talking and he just casually asked what room we were staying in and I told him *Facepalm I know* At the time I didn't think much of it cos I figured he would find out anyway as he is the receptionist.

Anyhoo, we all went up to our room, got into our jammies and then someone knocked on the door and I opened it (the stupid doors don't have peepholes) and the receptionist guy was stood there! I was like what the hell???? And I just told Ellie it was for her and then hid in my bed. He actually came in and tried to give her a massage! And we all said we'd look away but then Dana sat up to see what they were doing, and apparently Ellie was getting comfy till Dana saw her and then she just went 'get oooooooooffff'. I just had the mad giggles until then he decided to come sit on MY bed. I was actually pooping myself, he was sat behind me and kept touching me!!!! I didn't know what to say cos I'm bad at being rude, even at times liek this! So I just kept hinting it was time for us all to go to bed (about 1000000 times) and then he decided to get the hint and left. I still can't believe he came up to our room. I was a bit worried too cos they all have keys to our rooms obviously.


Anyways as ickey as our room was, it did give like the best entertainment ever.

We had loads red window girls opposite us and we all just played pervert spotting and see which guys were going into the windows and which ones were considering it. It's funny to see a guy walk out, look around and then pretend nothing happened! I was looking out the window this one time and a pigeon flew at me and made me fall over. :(


And lastly, my dad rang me at the airport and was like what did you guys do? I was like ermmmmm museums and stuff (We went to a sex museum) and then he asked me if I smoked any weed, I was thinking about it and then by time I realised it was too late to lie so I was just like yeaaaaaaa and I had a spacecake too. My dad just laughed...I'm still in shock about how I didn't get my arse chewed off!


So yea that's that, most people in Amsterdam are just really nice and friendly, although the guys int he red light district assume that girls are up for it all the time, the people in the cafe bars are really friendly too.

Oh and I uploaded a pic of a red light window girl from our bedroom window, we took it from there cos we're not allowed to take pictures of them at all lol.



Seems fine to me?

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