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Love Letters Proposal

Now this is one way to get someone's undivided attention in a most unique way via the internet!! Hee hee....
This is another unique profile picture. It looks like something that was BBQ'd/seasoned and made to look like an irish shamrock. underooeater

@ CherryTAP I don't think it is something that I have eaten before....a clue might be the "Rams" seasoning to the left of the plate. Maybe it is a rack of lamb? I have never eaten lamb so I am uncertain.... however, if it is a chef dish, I would think that the plate could have been presented a little better, but that is only my humble opinion.... Perhaps, we will hear more from this newbie soon for a explanation. :D

Diamond Ring Expert???

I have to admit that someone who places this diamond ring in their profile picture gthyjjh

@ CherryTAP would certainly capture anyone's attention. It is an amazingly unique and captivating style! Perhaps this newbie to CT will offer an explanation soon. At any rate, this is certainly one way to romance on the net!! :D UPDATE: Now there are two newbies -- or, are they one and the same just setting up two different accounts??? Here is the other profile with the diamond ring image.... poiujhgs

@ CherryTAP Perhaps, we'll hear "the rest of the story" soon. :) Kat
In reading a posting of another member who was sharing his joys and concerns of his past decision to dissolve a marriage and move forward in a relationship that he found nearly a month later, I felt compelled to respond in the following manner: "My only word of advice is to walk carefully. You don't want to be falling for her just because you are dissolving your marriage. It is easy to rebound in another relationship -- sometimes they work; sometimes they don't. In a divorce recovery group I attended in San Antonio back nearly 8 years ago, they recommended that we didn't get involved in another relationship for another 2 years. It was recommended that we try to group date to help keep us to that word and we did just that, which was interesting in itself because we developed friendships that have lasted for a long time. I found someone 2 years later that was very good to me. Unfortunately, he died on me (having a heart attack) about 2 years after that. The blessing out of that was that I then got to know a real man that treated a woman very, very, very good. Now it is going on 5 years later - and I may have found the man that I would want to spend the rest of my life with; however, trying to take it slow to make sure. At any rate, just be careful to not to rush too fast into another relationship. Enjoy your time to heal from the past wounds so that those won't fester somehow into the new relationship. If this new woman is THE woman, she'll understand; and, it sounds like she already does so you might be on a good path. Best of luck to your paths taken and those you choose to leave behind." Although he didn't mention how he found this other woman that he was looking forward to gelling a relationship with, it would certainly apply as well (and, probably, especially) if the relationship was met through the internet. QUESTION: Would you have responded in a similar manner? Why or why not? Just curious...
You're on my friends list; I'd like to know 25 things about you. JUST HIT Reply to sender Thanks! You would be surprised how much u didn't know about your friends after this! 1. Ever punch someone in the face? 2. How old are you? When is your birthday? 3. Are you single or taken? 4. Eat with your hands or utensils? 5. Do you dream at night? 6. Ever seen a corpse? 7. Have you ever wished someone dead? 8. Do You Like Bush, the president? 9. Whats your philosophy on life? and death? 10. If you could do anything with me, and have no one know about it, what would it be? 11. Do you trust the police? 12. Do you like country music? 13. What is your fondest memory of me? 14. If you could change anything about yourself would you? 15. Would you date me? 16. What do you wear to sleep? 17. Have you ever peed in a pool? while you were still in it? 18. Would you hide evidence for me if I asked you to? 19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? 20. What is your favorite thing about me? 21. Do you think I'm attractive? 22. What's your favorite color? 23. If you could bring back anyone that has passed away, who would it be? 24. Tell me one interesting/odd fact about you? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you

@ CherryTAP makes another good point in his 2006-12-04 00:54:13 comment posted on my 20 Questions Amplified blog posting: "well i would think if this was a relationship you wanted to pursue you would be asking these questions on a daily basis as you make conversation, if I saw it in a form like this i would feel like i was gonna be on who wants to marry a millionare?......" This is true and dependent on how fast the series of chatting is going. In my particular instance, I had been chatting every day and bantering everyday for about 3-4 months with the guy I had sent the questionnaire to, eventhough I knew some of the answers to some of the questions already. He was going to buy an airline's ticket to come see me. I had all sorts of question in my mind and felt like I indeed had to be able to get to know him a little better somehow (and see if there was anything that I absolutely couldn't live with). He understood and was such a good sport about it. He had been divorced for a few years already from an 11 or 13 year marriage. It was foreign for him to jump on a plane to visit someone that he had only met on the internet -- especially from over 1,000 miles away. I do think it is very important that you get to know the person before you jump at the chance at meeting them in person; however, if you pass up an opportunity to meet that person, one may never know anything at all. So the question boils down to --- When is it an appropriate time to meet someone from the internet? Do you think it makes a difference whether you are meeting someone from your own town versus someone from out of town or even out of state???? Your thoughts please....

20 Questions Amplified

A girl can never be too safe these days -- especially when deciding to take the virtual relationship to to the next level. One time, before I met someone from AFF from out of state, I decided that I would send him a list of questions to answer. In the virtual world, I think that one has to be more inquisitive (hence, "20 Questions Amplified") than they would have to be in meeting someone at the local coffeeshop, especially when they are from out of town, and especially when they are from out of state! I am attaching those questions below so that you can see some of the degree of thoroughness I had done with him. (I have omitted some of the questions from the questions I actually sent him because they were more direct and personal in nature based upon what I had already known about him through blogging, bantering, chatting, etc., but I think you will get the general gist of the list. Question is--- if this were sent to you, how would have responded???? Would there be any other questions you would have wanted to know???? QUESTIONS ASKED: 1. What do you think it is about myself that is drawing you to me (or me to you)? 2. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 3. IF this relationship is as miraculous as it seems, what happens next? Will you be coming here often until we get settled into one place?? (Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping and praying that this is no surreal fantasy in motion!!) 4. When you mentioned that you were naughtier than me (in accordance with our profiles), just how naughty do you get??? 5. You mentioned that you have family in US STATE, how much family do you have there? Were you raised in US STATE? How many brothers and sisters do you have? 6. If you are working so much at the company with the programming, etc., will I ever see you if I am up there too??? 7. What is your fav color? 8. What is your fav movie? 9. What was your fav travelling adventure and why? 10. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 11. Exactly how many masks DO you have??? 12. What are you other hobby/interests do you have? (besides those already discussed) 13. You've mentioned that you have worked at PLACE-PS before? What other places have you worked at that isn't necessarily on your resume? 14. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 15. How's the weather in US STATE? (I'm not too sure that I can "hang" with too cold weather. ) 16. Before you met me, where were you seeing yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years from now? How do you think I will mesh into your 5 year? 10 year? or, even, 15 yr plan??? 17. Wo is your role model? 18. How did you start smoking cigarettes? 19. What other vices do I need to know about? 20. Ok -- so you're a meat & potatoes man. What are your fav foods? Any that you dislike? 21. Do you have any fav games you like to play? 22. Have you always lived in US STATE? 23. If there were to be any other fav places that you have traveled to, where would you move to if you weren't to live in US STATE? 24. What type of work did your ex-wife do? 25. If you were to ever get married again, would it be in a Church? 26. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 27. How many other spontaneous moments have you had in you lifetime? 28. What degrees do you possess? 29. Is your family actually living near US CITY? 30. How long did you live in ANOTHER US CITY? Do you regret moving away from there? 31. What is your fav drink? 32. Do you ever consider yourself an alcoholic? (Just asking ) 33. Do you realize how comforting and soothing your voice is to me? 34. You mentioned in your driving ranting Saturday that you know all the police officers along the Highway -- Just HOW do you know all of them???? 35. Is there any place in the US that you still desire to visit? 36. Have you ever traveled out of the US to another country? If so, where? For pleasure, or business? Any fav spots? 37. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 38. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 39. How did you get involved with teaching lectures? 40. Have you ever hit a woman? 41. Are you one of the most wanted men??? 42. How long were you an Adult FriendFinder member b/4 you started to blog? 43. Have you gotten involved with the BSDM or the dom-sub activities? If so, how far did you go??? 44. Do you consider your sex style more of the kinky style or more towards the more romantic side? 45. What is the most romantic thing you've done for anyone?? (your wife, your past g/fs, etc) 46. How is your typical weekday? What about your typical weekend? 47. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 48. QUESTION PURPOSELY LEFT OUT. 49. Do you have any more deep dark secrets? 50. Besides a Rose (you can't say that), what is your fav flower? 51. What is the fav pet you ever had? and, what was his/her name? 52. Coffee, tea, soda? What is your beverage of choice? 53. Do you pinch the toothpaste from top or from the bottom? 54. What do you feel about leftover foods? 55. What is your fav sport you watch? What about play? 56. What kinds of things are in your collections? 57. What are some of your fav commercials? 58. What is your fav actress? What about actor? 59. Do you enjoy entertaining at home? 60. Does your daughter come to visit you? 61. How would you feel about my daughter to come viist us? 62. If there was a place you would consider moving to when you retire, where would that be and why? 63. Shrimp, strawberries, and chocolates are all aphrodesiacs for me (among a few others), what are some that work for you? 64. Candles - fragrance or non-scented? 65. Oils v lotions? 66. Magic fingers or massage? 67. Would you let me put lotion on your feet? 68. How do you feel about taking showers together? 69. Would you trust me to shave you? 70. Did you have a fav teacher in school - and why? 71. How many cousins do you have? 72. hmmmmmmm... enough questions for you for today!!!

Listen, listen, listen!

It is so important to listen to those you are talking with and know your boundaries with them. For example, if someone writes you and tells you that they are just going through a divorce, it is no time to try to win him over and get him as a rebound. Rebound relationships might be fun for the short time but they never are good for the long run. Be his friend and listening to him is the better justice that you can do for him at that time. If things are meant to be to kick it up a notch later after he is out from the rebound danger, then you have already laid out the foundation for a great relationship. At the worst case scenario, you have gained yourself a very good friend. Now, too, if people like THE FREAK

@ CherryTAP tell you that they have foot fettishes and love to have their feet massaged, if you are trying to keep an open mind about things, it certainly isn't a good time to tell him that you can't stand to touch someone else's feet. Keep the openmindedness that, so long as he is willing to have his feet massaged, that it just might be fun to try. Albeit, if you certainly have an exteme adversity, it is probably best to tell him right up front so that he isn't envisioning the possibility of you massaging his feet someday if that indeed is not a possibility. After all, honesty is always a good policy when you are listening and communicating with someone. So many people forget that the communication and listening skills still transfer into the virtual world, as they do in real life. It is important to remember that, while you might not be able to touch and feel that person, it is a real person on the other side (even though some put up fake facades, but that is a whole 'nother story to be saved for another blog posting!).

Internet Mediums

Once someone has decided that they might give it a try to find Mr./Mrs. Right on the net, the first things that they must do... 1. Become familiar with the various mediums available -- matchmaking sites, blogging sites, survey sites, personal sites, etc. 2. Try several mediums until you find something that you are comfortable with. Not everyone enjoys writing blogs, for instance, so just going to a personals site, might be more appropriate for them, for example. 3. Don't go head strong that you are going to find Mr./Mrs. Right right off of that bat. I don't think I have heard of any instant finds. Remember the phrase from the prior blog posts -- "Don't seek and ye shall find!" It is oh so true. Just set out for exploration and the possibility of meeting some great friends along the way. 4. Explore many type of sites too. Sites like AFF and CT are much more open to seeing some sensualness coming across than other sites. If you are seeking someone that might have as much of a libido as you do, you might explore some of the more sensual sites; however, if that is not one of your priority goals, I would definitely shy away from those sites, or at least be very careful how you present yourself. You certainly don't want to send out the wrong message! 5. Keep several mediums going. Maybe a personal site and a blog site, for example. One never knows which site just might be the same site that Mr./Mrs. Right might be seeking you out!! :D If you have had a site that was particularily good for you, please do share.....

Defining Mr./Mrs. Right

PinkY & The TurnTable TeRRorisT

@ CherryTAP mentions in their 2006-12-03 23:07:00 commented upon my Just Friends blog posting that: "i find that the key words FINDING mr /mrs right is where ppl go wrong you wont find them when you are looking....they appear from no where When we are trying to fit the person to match what we like..we never find the right one..cause they are what we drew up...and the mask is on..until later we find they were what we didnt want the one we desire is most of the time...right there.....be it about this topic....the one u confide in most...and dont realize it...the one that we are fearing the contact cause of rejectin of simple conversation..or the one that doesnt even see it themself......." They are absolutely correct. If when you meet people and decide to take it to a new level, one has to have in their own minds, just what Mr./Mrs. Right might be defined to themselves. What characteristics that they can live with and those that that they can't live with. As we get older, sometimes, through our own experiences, our visions of Mr./Mrs. Right will be redefined in our minds over and over; additionally, in a sense, as we get older (while we know the things where we have definately drawn the line) we become a little less picky (for example concerning looks - that bit of a belly in a man, that bit of a hips on a woman, etc.) So, before you even consider possibly taking it to the next level, have you a vision of your Mr./Mrs. Right in your mind -- and, what might that vision be???? The question, too, lies in how committed are you to that vision? Are you really, truly open to possibilities that you might not have considered before???
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