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Shorty's blog: "2007 Blogs"

created on 12/31/2006  |  http://fubar.com/2007-blogs/b39586

Life sucks right now!!!!!!!!!

Today was just one of those REALLY BAD days! Woke up an all was good then went to work at 2pm an left work at 6pm cause my grandma (my moms mom) had surgery at 8pm tonight. She has Lung Cancer on one of her lungs. I was told she was going to have either half or the whole lung removed. I made it to the hospital 5 mins before she was brought down to surgery. She went down at 6:45pm. But before she was brought down an of course 5 mins before hand when i showed up I told her I loved her no matter what and I know she will make it through the surgery. She said I love you too an held on me tight an then tears ran down her face. I so wanted to cry but I held it in an still holding it in. Ill more likely cry my self to sleep. But the nurse called my mother an told her that they just opened her up an it looks like its gonna be more then 6 hours an to go do something an they will contact us every 30 mins to an hour to let us know the update that was at 9:05pm at 9:50pm they called us while we where at Butches pizza and here it was the dr. Telling us that he opened her up an explore to see how much he has to remove. Coming to find out that it spreaded futher then the lung, she also was not a good canidate for removing the whole lung so they had to stich her back up. She is now in ICU til tomorrow so far. She has tubes on her side going to her lung to make sure there is no blood clots an a breathing tube that is now breathing for her cause she is on alot of sadation meds. Tomorrow they are sending a lung dr in to see if they can do redeation or what they can do. But I have this feeling they cant do nothing or she just gonna say I dont want anything else done. Since my Grandfather passed away (my grandmas husband) 7 years ago she has wanted to be with him. For the last year in a half she has wanted to be with him more an more. Like I told my bf a couple of friends she has been suffering so much for the last 4 months now ever since she found out she had lung cancer an its just getting worse everyday of her life. (My bf, little sister an my close friends are the only ones that are keeping me happy right now!) I just wish god would take her since she is in so much pain. Her life would be better with my Grandfather, her father and my father. This life she has right now there is nothing left for her. I dont like seeing people suffering from cancer or other problems they are dieing from. Well she is in ICU right now an ill find out more tomorrow on whats going on. Im just sick of seeing the ones I love getting cancer an then finding out no one can do nothing when they find the crap at the last min. I lose one of my grandfathers 7 years ago an then another grandfather almost 2 years ago an then my dad an now im lossing my only grandmother i know! (I didnt know my dads mother cause she passed away when my dad was 13 of giving birth to my Uncle.. WTF!!!!!... I just wanna beat on someone for all the crap. Can life be easy an we can spend the rest of our lives with our close love ones?? GOD Y???... Well I'm gonna go try to get some sleep.

14 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 MORE DAYS TIL IM 21 cant wait! Going out da 14th after midnight an 15th going by one of my girls house for her sons first birthday an coming back to town an going out so cant wait! Things are going good for me. Well thats my update later
Everything is going good. I know i havent been on for a long time now but will soon get my own internet. My sister is turning 17 this week tuesday ya i know im fucken old lol.... ill be turning 21 in like a month CANT FUCKEN WAIT!!!!! Still working but dealing with a lot of shit from work of course lately... well i better go. Using my grandmas computer she isnt home an wont be home for a while she just had knee surgary an has to be in a nursing home for 6-8 weeks til she is fully recovered. Im going to go see here in a bit here. Talk to u all later, Leave some love.
This week Wensday or Thursday I'll be transfering to a different building an wont be able to get online due to the fact I'm a supervisor to other staff, getting a higher raise. Im happy that I'm getting put in a higher level of the the Bussness, its been almost 6 months since i have been with the company an I'm really excited. The boyfriend issuse is still the same. An thats about it for now I guess... ~Shorty~

ok so anyways

So the bf finally called tonight at 9:30pm, I was shocked cause he actaully called. He will more likely call me when i get done with work around 1am he said that we need to talk. So thats all good.... Now i cant wait for another week cause then i get transfered on my full time job away from this bitch that i work with grr.. i soo wish i can put her in the surgary room an cut her open an leave her lay there lol... YA RIGHT... anyways... Im at work time to watch a movie... Laters ~Shorty~

Guess what....

My life is going well.. Now working a full time an a part time job. Both that i like alot but its wearing me out but nothing i will do about it. I like how people talk shit about me. But hey My life is probably going alot better then urs. My boyfriend hmmm... he is great, better at everything then my ex's. An by the way there is one of my ex's that wants to see my bf. Well sorry to say an i hope that u do read this cause Pete dont want nothing to do with JAKE. He dont even wanna see or talk to u really sorry. He knows about everything that has been done to me in the past an dont wanna deal with the shit u have done to me. Well guess what im getting back to work. GOD I LOVE MY life... LATER ~Shorty~


Its been a year since my father has been gone. It just seems like he is still here. I had a bad weekend. I acted like i was happy an finally broke down crying all weekend. Im sick of acting like im totally happy when im not happy. Yes Im happy with my bf the part im not happy about is my father not being here. My bf an i have talked about having kids an getting married. My father aint going to be able to walk me down the aile when i get married or be there for me when I have his grand kids. Y did god have to take my father a year ago?? DAMN IT ALL THE HELL i hate this. But I know sooner or later either im old or get killed I will be with my father sooner or later. We all gotta go at some point in life! But anyways other then that life is going so so... Im going to Milwaukee for a weekend next month. ummm wat else is going on here hmmm... idk nothing else i guess. OH YA i forgot I LOVE MY TAN i have YES ITS A REAL TAN NOT NO FAKE SHIT EITHER LOL.. well time to go outside im sweating really bad here. I just worked out hehe.. Talk to u laters bye bye


Its been a year since my father has been gone. It just seems like he is still here. I had a bad weekend. I acted like i was happy an finally broke down crying all weekend. Im sick of acting like im totally happy when im not happy. Yes Im happy with my bf the part im not happy about is my father not being here. My bf an i have talked about having kids an getting married. My father aint going to be able to walk me down the aile when i get married or be there for me when I have his grand kids. Y did god have to take my father a year ago?? DAMN IT ALL THE HELL i hate this. But I know sooner or later either im old or get killed I will be with my father sooner or later. We all gotta go at some point in life! But anyways other then that life is going so so... Im going to Milwaukee for a weekend next month. ummm wat else is going on here hmmm... idk nothing else i guess. OH YA i forgot I LOVE MY TAN i have YES ITS A REAL TAN NOT NO FAKE SHIT EITHER LOL.. well time to go outside im sweating really bad here. I just worked out hehe.. Talk to u laters bye bye

My couple of days....

July 4th my man finally got out. We spent the rest of the day together after 2pm (when he got outta work) It was fun til we had to deal with 3 drunks ones. DAMN IM SICK OF BABYSITTING DRUNK PEOPLE! But anyways. After 1:20am It was more fun just him an I. WOW THATS ALL I CAN SAY. Lets just say I woke up my lil sister, her friend, my brother downstairs an my drunk mother lol... He spent the night of course an went to get things done today. Today Im kinda depressed an really dont wanna talk about it. There is only one person that I will talk to about it an thats my boyfriend. Everyone in my family keeps talking about my father an shit well I dont wanna hear it an i dont wanna talk about it. Its been almost a year. This sunday will be one year that he has been gone. I dont like it at all. Tuesday night I wish i could have took my car an drive it off the road an hit something an die. But there is 2 people that are stopping me from doing that in my life right now (my lil sister an my boyfriend.) I just have to be happy that those 2 people are there for me an im there for them. They are my life now. Some people maybe pissed at me but IM HAPPY, i mean REALLY HAPPY with my life right now an hopefully it dont end for a really long ass time hopefully when im dead! Well I am going to get going here. Have to get back to work. Take care... ~Shorty~
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