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Weekend Fun!!!

Hi all, I hope you are having a great Saturday!! Friday was a good day, nice and relaxed. Hubby and I watched tv, and I had printed out some cards for National Bingo Night, we both got 1 # away from bingo!! Grrrrrr I was hoping that we would at least get one bingo, that would have been nice to get the $50,000 or even a gift card for $10,000 hehe!! I will be printing out more cards for next friday, we had fun fun fun!!! Today was a hectic day, Darryl had to fix the Omega, which turned into an all day thing. The power steering pump bracket was rubbing the bolt in one area causing the belts to get knocked off their pulleys, so he had to take everything off to get to the power steering pump and fix the bolt. We got all that done, and he got it all back together, and the car's battery is totally DEAD!!! Goodness, if it's not one thing, it's another. Kyle was in a bad mood today, didn't want to eat dinner, or anything, and whiny. I guess he was still tired from last night's broken sleep. He didn't want to go to sleep last night, cause daddy was home, so he was up til almost 2 am. Then was back at 5:30, 6:30 and then finally ten or so this morning. So kinda a cranky butt, hehe! Hopefully tomorrow he will be in a better mood. He passed out shortly after we ate dinner, so I hope he stays asleep all night, and doesn't keep us up tonight. I am painting my toes tonight, and relaxing. I am gonna work on some of my badges, and then snuggle with hubby, and get a good night sleep, I hope, cause I am tired. Darryl has to leave at 9am tomorrow morning, so he won't be around for father's day, but we will get him something special for father's day on wednesday when we get paid! We are charging the car's battery and hopefully we can start the car tomorrow, cause I am gonna need it on Wed. to pick up paychecks and run my errands. Luckily we get W.I.C. until November of this year so that really helps out with the basics, like juice, eggs, milk, even 1 gallon of chocolate milk a month, and cheese and cereal. I am so glad that we get it that long, it will help until we are done for good on it. Hopefully by then I will be doing my schooling online, and will be able to get a part time job working from home by early next yr if not before. Well that is all that is going on around here, so I hope you all have a great Saturday night, and the rest of the weekend. Take care and Hugs ~ Jilly

Thursday Blah Day!

Hi there all, I hope that you are all doing good today. I am feeling much better today, then yesterday. I am still tired, but my back feels better tonight. It rained all day here, and we under a flood warning like all night, UGH!!!! It is prone to flood here, luckily on the other side of the viaduct and we are on the side that doesn't flood, but our streets get a lot of water on the side of the road. Darryl is coming home tomorrow morning sometime, he has to go to a safety meeting, ugh, then he gets to come home and work on the Omega, as it is the only car that will make it to the city and back. He has his truck, but it sucks about the same amount of gas as the Omega does, maybe a lil more. So he has to fix it. We have to figure out why the alternator belt keeps popping off of the pulley. I drove it down there to pick up the 5th paycheck and all the way there, it drove fine, then on the way back the charge light stayed on, and didn't go off til you turned off the car. Then when I went to run and pick up Andrew, and go run errands it completely died! Well now we know why, LOL!!! I think that is pretty much going on here this weekend. I printed some cards out for the Bingo Night!! First time I had done it, I am getting low on ink, both black & color, but at Dell it's $24.95 for black, and $39.95 for color! Goodness it's expensive. So we are thinking about buying a multi-pack with two of each, because Darryl's printer has no ink left, OOPS!!! I just found out tonight through a little research that the WWE event that took place on Monday Night Raw was all planned in advance, and everything that is going on now!! I kind of thought it was planned, but sometimes it just seemed real, ya know? So that's the end of that, and once people find out it was a stunt, then they are going to be upset/mad at Vince, hehe!! Well I guess I am gonna clean the kitchen up a little, waiting on the laundry to get done so I can switch it over, also Andrew is going to be spending the night at a friend's house tomorrow night, so we will only have Kyle to deal with!! Hopefully we will have a good, relaxing, not too stressful weekend. I gotta run some errands tomorrow, went to the bank today, but it was raining all day, so I didn't want to get out and wet. So I will go to Walmart, and Homeland, and the gas station to get my cigs. I hope that you all have a great Friday, and the weekend. Have a good one, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly


Hi all, I am just not feeling myself today, somehow last night I pulled my back, and it hurts to even breathe! I feel gripy, grouchy, and just not feeling good. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone's week is going....... I hope good. I have been waiting to receive another blogging job, and still waiting to get paid for my two blogs that I have already done. I also got another $2 for completing a survey online, Wooo Hooo! I am in this new league on pogo.com, since my last league shut down, and I swear those people don't seem to understand what a tourney means to some of us. I mean if it is a double elimination, you are in it until the TD states you are out. The other night was not a good night, I was ticked off that the TD left me to handle his mess with a double elimination. He didn't even know how to run it, HELLO??? WTF!!! If you don't know how to run it, then don't set it up, and now he is approved to do swissy's I wonder how long it will take him to get that, goodness. I agree it is easier for some, and it should be left to those people. Then this guy has a meeting in a yahoo chat group about how the head Admin isn't in any of his tours, yet her computer has been down for the past week. GOOD GRIEF!!! Come on dude, what the heck do you expect? A freaking Miracle! Some people. I am totally frustrated with the guys who come and mow my yard.............. they asked if they could come out and mow, and I said sure, but I can't pay u til the 20th, so their answer to that is not to come out at all!!!!! WTF, we only get paid twice a month, what the heck do they expect. They have already rose the price that we pay them, then they just don't come out??? After all this rain that we have gotten, man our yard is gonna be up to our heads by the time they come out! It's already up to our knees almost, and the last thing that we need is a fine for having our grass too high. That's a $200.00 fine, we can't afford that right now, just paying basics and having money for Darryl on the road is killing us. So I am hoping that something will come up that I can do from home to make some extra money, cause right now we REALLY need it!!!!!!!!!! Well I hope you all have a great night, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly
Hi there all, tonight was definitely an interesting night. Just found out that Mr. McMahon is still presumed dead after his limo blew up. Also just watched a video of the firefighters getting there, and ECW which aired tonight, went on as planned, and that the show was done in his honor. So I really don't know what to think. Goodness! I was playing in a league on pogo.com and my power just went out! It went pitch black, and the everything came back on, thanks to the secondary generator they put up about 2 or 3 blocks from our house, when we were out of power for 5 days one year!!!! Thank goodness. The kids got all scared, Kyle was crying, and it took forever to get my computer back up, everything else was on. I am getting frustrated, everytime I go to www.wwe.com my computer gets a virus............ GRRRRRRRRRR!!! We went and got the few things that we needed tonight, so at least got that out of the way. Got to go to Walmart at some point, and Darryl will be home tonight, sometime after 1am or so. YAY!!! :) Well I hope you all have a good one, take care, and Hugs ~ Jilly
Hi all, well so much for going to the store yesterday, that didn't happen. For whatever reason, I have not slept well in quite some time. I don't know what is going on with me, just not able to sleep til after 5 am or so. I have noticed that I sleep well with Darryl here, but when he isn't I just can't seem to sleep. I am wondering if maybe it has something to do with that, maybe being here by myself with the boys has finally gotten to me?? I don't know but I have tried everything to get to sleep earlier, might try taking a motrin or something before I lay down, see if that helps. I am still in shock as to what happened on WWE Raw last night. OMG I can't believe that possibly the creator, and Chairman of the board is possibly DEAD!!!! If you watch WWE, or know of someone who does, go to www.wwe.com to check out what happened! I still can't believe it all. He,Vince McMahon stated two weeks ago that on WWE Raw,Monday would be the night that they shake things up, and it would be a night that no one would forget! Well that is the case, cause I still can't believe it! Well I have some things to finish around here, and have to get to the store at some point today, almost out of milk and juice for the kids, so you all have a great day, take care, Hugs ~ Jilly

What a monday

Hi all, how are you all doing on this monday?? I am doing pretty well despite not getting to sleep til after 5 am. Kyle woke up at about 2 or so and was up til after 5 am, so kinda tired today, but still seemed to get most of my kitchen cleaned up and the den straightened. Still have some laundry to wash, got some to fold as well. I am fixing to head to Homeland and get the few things that we need, it was so hot today!!! Darryl called to let me know that he won't get unloaded/reloaded until 9 pm cst, so not sure when I am gonna talk to him, prolly after he gets loaded. I hope anyways. He sounded tired when I was on the phone with him. I wrote a blog on here about a friend of mine, and she has yet to answer it. So I am going to let it go for now, and see what happens. Obviously she has other things going on and hasn't had time to answer. If she never does that is cool too, just want to be told upfront, and honestly instead of through actions, and all. So am hoping that she will answer, cause I do care about her, and I do want to stay friends with her. Well going to go to the store, and get some dinner, so you all have a great Monday, and the rest of the week. Take care and Hugs ~ Jilly

Sunday~ relaxing

Hi all, it's Sunday and I am just here relaxing. I hope that all is having a good weekend. I woke up around 9 am, and am still tired, and I have a headache. I was taking a nap when hubby called to ask for directions to the place he is going to. I guess I have a headache because I didn't get too much sleep last night. We had to run to Walmart and the bank to get a few things, at some point today I have to run to Homeland and get W.I.C. and a few other things. Going to take it easy today, don't feel too good today. I hope you all have a great and relaxing Sunday. Take care, Hugs Jilly
Hi all, how are you doing? This weekend has been a relaxing weekend, not much going on here. Just went shopping at Walmart to get a few things and ran to the bank. Fixing to go to bed, Darryl has to leave tomorrow morning at about 9 am or so to be at the yard by 10 to finish his log sheets considering he is more then a month behind. Goodness!!! So he has to finish those tomorrow and then leave out by 1 pm cause he has to be at Decatur,Al on monday morning. So he has a long drive in front of him. I can't wait til he gets off the road, and we get a new bed, every morning we wake up sore and stiff. It is almost as old as me, hehe! So I think it is time for a new bed. That is about all that is going on here. Had a simple dinner of hamburgers, they were good!!! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend. Take care, Hugs


Hi all, I just looked at my blogvertise account, and was approved for the two blogs that I did on the same website!!!! Yes! I got $2.00 each, but hey that is 4 bux that I didn't have before. I took Andrew to his last day of bible study, ran to the bank to take out some money for the post office, ran to Walmart to get a few things, and then came home. I must say that being up since around 1am has definitely has taken its toll on me. I am getting tired now. Of course with about 2 hours worth of sleep last night, I am surprised that I am still up, LOL. Well I thought I would write about my blogs getting approved! Hope you all have a great day, & weekend. Take care, Hugs Jilly I think I might lay down for a an hour or two just to take off the edge, then have to get up and do some laundry and clean up a lil before Darryl gets home.

It's after 5 and still up

Hi all, well here it is after 5 am and I am still up! For whatever reason this week I haven't slept good. I am tired and I go to bed pretty early, but then after a few hours of sleep, if for any reason I wake up, I am UP the rest of the night. I have cut out naps during the day to help me get my sleep schedule back on track, so not sure what is wrong. I do now that we need a new bed ASAP! It is totally not comfortable, and I wake up with a backache in the morning, so not sure if that is the problem or what?!?! I have been doing ok this week, been busy taking Andrew to his bible study, which he enjoys, tried to get Kyle in but they were full, and I had to pre-register him, which I didn't know about. Darryl has had a hard week, the company is really pushing him this week, and some of it he can't do a thing about, because it is THEIR NEGLECT not his!!! For instance he has had a broken windshield for over a month now, and have they fixed it yet??? NO they haven't yet his truck is at the yard from Thursday - Sunday! Explain that to me, what more time do they need??? So he left for Alabama &M Mississippi on Monday and delivered on Tuesday, well they are doing the DOT checks at ALL weigh stations, so you are going to get checked, and sometimes it takes an hour or so to get through. His appointment at a Hobby Lobby in Tupelo,Ms was scheduled for 3, well he got stuck in a weigh station for about an hour, and wasn't able to make it, so he called them and told him,"Hey I just got out of the weigh station, so could you reschedule the appt. time for me? They said, "Sure, we will schedule it for 5pm." So he gets there at 5 after 5 and the people there are like, " Where have you been?? You are so late, that we are gonna work ya in, when we can!" ( rudely) So Darryl calls the yard and finds out they never called to reschedule, and that he was supposed to be there at 3pm, not 5pm!!! DUH!!!! You just told him that you would call and reschedule it, so WTF!!! Then they gripe at him for getting upset, yet he has to be back in OKC by a certain time, and he doesn't know how long it is going to be til he is loaded! Now had they called and rescheduled it, LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO, he could have gotten to OKC on time!!!! This is just basic people skills, yet you do something wrong with this company and they take/or threaten to take your miles/dedicated route. It's like they are punishing you for something that you can't control, or was their fault in the first place. Now had they fixed the windshield on time, he wouldn't have gotten a verbal warning for it, and wouldn't have been late to this appointment, etc, etc. Yet they don't seem to use their brains at all. They get mad at him, because he gets upset that he has to sit and wait on THEIR FREAKIN MISTAKE!!! Ok that is all the venting I am gonna do about that, I could go on, and on, and on, and on! LOL Well just went to the bathroom, and the toilet overflowed on me! Luckily I caught it early enough that it didn't go to carpet or anything, just have some towels to do! Well I guess I am up for the rest of the morning, can't seem to get back to sleep now. I got some errands to do this morning after taking Andrew to the church, got to run to the post office and send out my heavenly messenger envies, and got to run to Walmart and I think Homeland, can't remember what I need at Homeland. OOOOOOHHHH Almost forgot that I finally got a task from blogvertise! YAY!!!! The payout is $2 but hey it's 2 bux more then I had! So that's awesome just waiting to get it approved, and hopefully will get more tasks to do. I love blogging now, LOL! Thanks sis hehe. Well I guess I am up so I can get trash together and all, so you all have a great morning & day. Take care and Hugs to all :)
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