Did I like you, fan you, poke you or friend you and it brought you to my profile? I did it because I am playing the game. If I like enough people I level on it. I did not do it because I wanted you to DO ME, USE ME, or PLAY ME. so dont ask for my phone number, skype, a date, out for a drink or yahoo it is just not going to happen. Also, I am REALLY, REALLY old and not interested in young boys and no it is not just a number its the maturity level.
Here is something to hold you over until you find someone interested,
Its me in the shower....ENJOY!
14 Interesting Buttons For You.
 | - If I Am Here, I Always Try To Help. |
 | - It will be nice to unblock somebody. |
 | - Who Liked You Today. |
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 | - Family And Friends Bulletins. |
 | - New Members Online Now. |
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 | - Bling'ed Out Members Online. |
 | - My Statistic. |
 | - Battle of the Bands. |
 | - Bands List for Vote Songs. |
 | - Your Status and Status comments. |
Ask if you want copy. Made by: - TTibor -