58 Year Old
Invited by: 1356313·
Joined on March 31, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 10th
·5 referrals joined!
Currently looking for a new job.
Like my namesake - Athena, I have been liberated, sprung fully grown, clad in armor and ready to fight! Blessed with intelligence, wisdom, beauty and the grace of a goddess, I am about to embark on a new phase in my life!
I have two nearly adult children who make me realize that all the years of hard work and dedication to their upbringing was not in vain. One has left the nest and I miss him ever so much. The other keeps me busy with her activities - colorguard, cheering, gymnastics, dancing, acting, singing ........
58 Year Old
Invited by: 1356313·
Joined on March 31, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 10th
·5 referrals joined!
"The Barbie Song" Ever listen to the lyrics? Check out this Video!
Filmed, Acted & Directed by my daughter & 2 friends!
A friend posted a MuMM asking if Romance is Dead .... I answered by sharing this piece that I wrote about a year ago.
Like most people, I used to think that romance was what was described on the pages of the paperback novels with Fabio and a busty lusty woman on the cover. I read a couple when I was young and thought I knew what romance was.
I married a man who hadn’t read those books and didn’t know what romance was. After 20 years, he and I went our separate ways.
During the split, I met a man who had likewise not read the books that described romance. However, he could have written a book himself. I found out what romance truly is from this incredible man. Now, since not everyone out there can meet him and partake of the simple pleasures and romance he offered to me, I’ll do my best to describe it.
Romance is when you come out of your work place and walk across the parking lot wondering what is on your windshield tucked under the wiper blade. Upon inspection you find an envelope containing a card with the message “See the smile on my face? You put it there.” Then looking up to see his smiling face and beautiful eyes looking at you over a bouquet of pink roses. Just because he got out of work early and wanted to take the hour drive up to see you.
Romance is when neither of you has much money to spend, but he takes you by the hand and walks with you on a grassy green path through the woods on an early autumn afternoon. Along the way he stops at a bench and sits holding both your hands and looking into your eyes. After some tender kisses, he tells you that he would like nothing more than to make sweet passionate love to you right here and now, but he has too much respect for you to degrade your love making in that way.
Romance is when he buys you those beautiful cards, the ones that you know are too long for him to have actually read through completely. Then he signs it by saying that the words are exactly what he is feeling in his heart. AND, he gives you the card and stands beside you with his arm around your waist while you read it.
Romance is when he lights a candle – of your favorite scent – because he wants you to feel at home at his place.
Romance is when he reaches across the front seat of the car and takes your hand in his just because he wants to be touching you.
Romance is when he calls you early in the morning, on his way to work and tells you that he missed waking up with you this morning and just can’t start his day without hearing your voice.
Romance is when he looks into your eyes and you can see all the way to his soul in his eyes.
Romance is a sweet embrace, a gentle kiss and a smile, at the most unexpected moments.
Romance is when he goes out of his way to buy your favorite tea so that when you wake up at his place you can start your day your favorite way. When he makes you a cup of tea and brings it to you in bed. Then he climbs on the bed beside you and talks to you while you sip.
Romance is when he sends you adorable e-mails during the day.
Romance is when he makes you feel that you are the most beautiful, desirable, incredibly amazing woman in the world.
Romance is not sex. Making love may evolve from romance, which makes it so much more special.
Thank you, Michael, for teaching me these lessons.
I have an amazingly eclectic taste in music...... Big Band, Celtic, Classic Rock, Classical, Country, Jazz, Show Tunes, Swing ....... I appreciate just about anything - except Rap, HipHop, or anything with vulgar lyrics.
This song was sent to me:
Athena, I had no idea how much I'd need her In peaceful times I hold her close and I feed her My heart starts palpitating when I think my guess was wrong But I think I'll get along ...........
Athena, all I ever want to do is please her My life has been so settled and she's the reason Just one word from her and my troubles are long gone But I think I'll get along .......... bomb
My All Time Favorite Movie:
Romance - Action - Adventure - Music - History - Drama This movie has it all - and then some!
