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58 Year Old · Male · From Glen Allen, VA · Joined on January 20, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 7th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
58 Year Old · Male · From Glen Allen, VA · Joined on January 20, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 7th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hmmmm...About here when i rate or like i expect the same in return if your are too lazy to return any then i will remove you from friends list...I leave html comments on pages if you do not allow html comments on your page do not get butt hurt because i do not leave a comment...When i rate your photo's they will be your photo's and not random crap i can see on everyone else's page..if they are not of you then no rates.

As for me i am 55 year's old and single....if you want to know anything more than that just ask..

Aquarius Strength Keywords:
- Witty
- Clever
- Humanitarian
- Inventive
- Original
Aquarius Weakness Keywords:
- Stubborn
- Unemotional
- Sarcastic
- Rebellious
- Aloof
Aquarius and Independence:
Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. They need to be free to be on their own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.
Aquarius and Temperament:
Aquarius tend to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way. Their stubbornness sometimes causes their failure, they will continue to do something their way even though others have proved it is wrong, they are very smart people and know it is wrong but they will continue just because it is their way, they are very fixed in opinion and stubborn when confronted. Despite their stubbornness and fixed opinion, they will never impose their ideas on others, they have respect for everybody's differences.
Aquarius in a Nutshell:
Aquarius is the sign of visionaries, unconventionality and intellectual independence. Aquarius are the people who deviate from the crowd and go their own way. They are always after intellectual stimulation, constantly discovering something new, forming new opinions and stubbornly traveling their way regardless of what other people think. Aquarius are filled with paradoxes, they are interested in the opposite ends of the spectrum, they like to be alone yet are social butterflies, they like to experience both sides and see both opinions as they formulate new ideas with their forward thinking, active mind. Aquarius have a 'live and let live' policy where everyone is free to be themselves, an Aquarius never judges others because as human beings, we are all equal and entitled to our own opinions. They are verbally skilled and very witty, they observe people and learn how to interact with others through observation. They can be masters of manipulation justifying anything they do or think. As a result, they can deal with any type of personality and adapt to any situation. They welcome change because boredom is their enemy. Anything new is an opportunity to Aquarius. . Conventional people beware, Aquarius likes to shock and deviate from the norm, this is how they live. Aquarius is known to pick at anyone they find weak or dull-minded. It is simply an easy target for verbal exercise for them, no harm is meant but it might be taken from the other person. Deep inside, Aquarius would never intentionally hurt anyone, they have respect for every human, even thought this might not seem apparent to the more emotional types.

Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee. They need to be free to be on their own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.


58 Year Old · Male · From Glen Allen, VA · Joined on January 20, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on February 7th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!



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