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61 Year Old · Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on June 26, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 10th
61 Year Old · Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on June 26, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 10th

If you read further you will understand why, but let me make this clear:

I WILL NOT (cannot)spend money on here. I have no plans to go past Level 29! If you wish to Bling me due to level requirements, understand that I WILL NOT reciprocate. I simply cannot afford to. If circumstances change (which may happen if my knife-making starts to show profit) I may do so but not in the foreseeable near future. I am not on disability and do not see that changing either yet am unable to work outside the home.

What I will do is help in any other way possible such as temp Angel Family adds an Fam Boosts (and I will not charge for this). If you need an Angel Family add, include a message saying so in a Friend Request. I look thru my friends folder occasionally to see if anyone needs it but that doesn't guarantee I will see you at the proper time.

Thank you for reading and understanding.

First of all I am not asking for sympathy but a little understanding and hope to educate a little as I go. I have an "Invisible Disease" called Ankylosing Spondylitus (isn't that a mouthful?). It's an auto-imune disease that attacks primarily the spine but can (and usually does) affect other joints in the body. The nature of the disease can cause it to take 7 - 10 years to be properly diagnosed while the patient is in incredible amounts of pain. It usually presents itself between the ages of 17 - 40 years of age and THERE IS NO CURE! It affects almost 1% of the population yet there is almost nothing being done to find a cure. I have been suffering Lower Back Pain from it now since 1998 (with a short 2yr remission) and was not diagnosed properly until this year. It's a relief knowing that there is an actual cause for the pain but it's also a Life Long Sentence.

If you have a loved one (or yourself) that has constant Lower Back Pain and the Drs can't find the reason, request a blood test for the HLA-B27 genetic marker. If it comes back positive the need to give you a referral to a Rheumatologist who will know what to do. Believe it or not most Drs have know idea what Ankylosing Spondylitis is even though it is so prevalent.

I'll also add here that I was in the US Air Force for 12yrs stationed in Tacoma WA, Fulde Germany, Killeen TX, Vilseck Germany, Manhattan KS.

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61 Year Old · Male · From Topeka, KS · Joined on June 26, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 10th
Bladesmithing/knifemaking (hoping to start earning money at it soon)
Geocaching - Lately since I bought my Android tablet my wife and I have tried this a few times and it's been fun. Gets me out of the house without over-exerting my back.
Astronomy - I have an 8" Celestron Schmidt/Cassagrain Telescope
Photography (non-digital) Have a few Contax cameras with Zeist lenses. Personally I believe that digital is ruining the Art of photography and no matter what the salesmen will tell you, the resolution IS NOT equal to slow speed film!
Reading - Scifi/fantasy
Music - Almost anything except Country (Martina McBride is ok) Rap, or Death Metal. The last two don't really fit into the definition of music anyway.Coolgrin.gif

Kansas (of course)
Savatage (They are the group that was the foundation of Trans Siberian Orchestra)
Balance of Power
I enjoy most Classical music except Piano Concertos and Opera but can't tell you what each piece is.
Classic Rock but burnt out on what the radio stations play.
European Symphonic Metal i.e. Stratovarious, (old)Nightwish, Royal Hunt

Video Games
Early Resident Evil series (PS1)
Parasite Eve (PS1)
Angry Birds in Space (Android Tablet)
Not really much of a game player anymore

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