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43 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on June 11, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 22nd · 3 different people have a crush on me!
43 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on June 11, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 22nd · 3 different people have a crush on me!

I'm here for Me and my Friends.

If You have a problem with Me then bring it to Me.
Otherwise leave Me alone to get on with stuff.

I am a Submissive who has a whole bunch of Kinks and Fetishes (y)

I can't offer much other than daily likes, rates, random polishing, Ability stuff and Poking because who doesn't like a good poking lol

I adore my family. I have a few Best Friends who I call my close ones.

I'm a believer in Odin and I'm Viking/Norse/Pagan !!!

If Yer nice to Me, I will be nice to You back.

I will only give you my personal info's if I want to. Please don't bug me for it as you will be blocked.

I'm a comic book/movie lover.

I love Star Wars

My name is KORTY/KORTANA/WENCH Yes Wench as I totally answer to that :D

I fucking LOVE Dungeons and Dragons.

Have an awesome day and don't forget to keep it classy !!!

43 Year Old · Female · From England, UK, United Kingdom · Joined on June 11, 2014 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 22nd · 3 different people have a crush on me!

I'm into pretty much anything that perks my interest. I have an epic set of balls and I always say what I think.

I've always had a massive fantasy of being a REAL ships Wench. Being publicly stripped and chained to the main mast n serviced by all on board, only to be let down when they either need food or they get bored of me :)


What I'd LOVE to find on Fu .....
Soul Mate
WWE Lover
Kind hearted
Metal Fan
Also yeah age 24/45
Accepts that I'm broken
Makes time for Me as I will do for them
Someone to make Me laugh as I'm fucking hilarious Smile2.gif
Oh and just a thing, DOESN'T try to change my music tastes or my Religion.
Trust is a HUGE deal for Me. It takes Me a while to trust anyone.
Someone I can get to know SLOWLY !!!!!!


Jeff Goldblum/Daddy
John Cena
Kenny Omega
Jon Moxley
Pedro Pascal
Giancarlo Esposito
Jon Bernthal

Video Games

Halo, Dead Space, Soma, Alien Isolation, FEAR, Prey, The Sims, SCP Containment Breach, God of War, Half Life, Gears of War, Last of Us, Amnesia, Outlast,

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  • Kortana Valkyri... FUCK!!! I just popped a bloody rib.... Owwww laughs owwww bollocks 😣😣🤣
    3 months ago · Comment

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